Why does a newborn turn blue around the mouth. Why does the baby's nasolabial triangle turn blue

The first days of a baby's life, parents are worried about every occasion, the baby is frightened by defenselessness and responsibility. One of the reasons for experiencing is the blueness of the nasolabial triangle in the baby - in medicine it is denoted by the term cyanosis.

Such blueness can occur in both healthy and sick children.

Consider the first case, which is not dangerous and does not require drug treatment. At healthy baby blue nasolabial triangle is possible:

  • while crying;
  • after bathing;
  • after a walk;
  • due to thin skin.

During the crying of a child, the blood is not saturated with oxygen. That's why nasolabial triangle in which the interweaving of veins turns blue.

When bathing, the water temperature should be comfortable for the child, about 37 ° C. If, after water procedures, the baby turns blue, it means that he is cold, the blood supply is slowed down, so cyanosis occurs.

During a long walk, hypothermia of the baby is also possible, as evidenced by the reaction of the nasolabial triangle. The multi-layered cotton clothing of the child allows him not to overheat and not freeze.

If the baby has thin skin: the veins are clearly visible on the stomach, then the triangle will be blue. In this case, the baby should be calm and contented.

Exist the following reasons cyanosis, which parents cannot influence on their own; require medical intervention:

  • heart disease;
  • underdevelopment of the pulmonary system;
  • underdevelopment of the nervous system;
  • viral or bacterial infection.

How do you know if it's worth worrying or not? You need to carefully monitor the well-being of the child, his condition skin, breathing. Signs of the need for treatment of cyanosis are:

  • permanently blue triangle;
  • cough, shortness of breath;
  • weakness and lethargy of the child;
  • prematurity.

Types of cyanosis:

  • central - occurs when lung failure or mixing of arterial and venous blood, this is possible due to the presence oval window in the heart of a child;
  • peripheral - a consequence of slow blood flow due to hypothermia or heart disease.

If a child's nasolabial triangle turns blue, you must definitely tell the doctor about it, even if otherwise he is satisfied and calm. A pediatrician and a neuropathologist will determine with a professional look whether the child is healthy or not, they will prescribe additional research Ultrasound and EKG.

Possible consequences

Is cyanosis so dangerous, is it worth panicking? With cyanosis, the following consequences are possible:

  • development of hypoxia;
  • secondary erythrocytosis - thickening of the blood;
  • increased hemoglobin levels;
  • oxygen starvation;
  • headache.

All these backfire eliminated by long walks on fresh air. It's about about the usual blue color without bouts of shortness of breath.

This does not apply to cyanosis due to serious pathologies when the child is sorely lacking oxygen. In such cases, the condition of the child speaks for itself, you need to call an ambulance.

Cyanosis warning

Can cyanosis be prevented? The best time to think about this is when the baby is in the womb. A pregnant woman should eat well, move enough and not use harmful products. Unfortunately, even the observance of all these points cannot guarantee the birth of an absolutely healthy baby. If a child was born with pathologies, it’s not scary, modern medicine strong. Mom needs only love and care.

Prevention of cyanosis of the newborn is:

  • balanced nutrition of the mother of the baby;
  • compliance with sleep and wakefulness;
  • long walks;
  • daily wellness massage and gymnastics;
  • temperature compliance.

And the main point that cannot be left unmentioned is the calmness of the mother. A contented and rested mother always knows what the child wants. Her mind is clear and active. Many young mothers neglect this important point: tired and tortured, they cannot charge the child with their joy and love, they do not understand his needs.


There is no treatment for cyanosis itself, only prevention and control of symptoms.

Diseases-causes are treated:

  • inflammatory diseases - medicines;
  • pathology of the lungs and heart - surgically;
  • prematurity - medication and good care.

All newborns are prescribed ultrasound of the organs, due to which pathologies are detected on early stages. One of them is open oval window in the heart, seen in most infants. Because of it, the blood mixes and cyanosis occurs. Up to a year the child is not operated on, the window usually overgrows itself. Parents are advised to follow a cyanosis prevention regimen.

A newborn, sick or healthy, requires special attention and care. In the first year of a child's life, the laying and formation of personality takes place: he grows very quickly, requires classes for full development. Diseases and pathologies at this age are treated with virtually no consequences, you can even forget what it was.

Real stories

Mother Marina, Cheboksary: “Throughout my pregnancy, I followed the regimen and all the recommendations, but for some reason the body was against pregnancy and I was kept in storage all the time. The child was born at term, but small, as premature. There were a lot of pathologies and diseases: pneumonia, open foramen ovale, underdevelopment of one hemisphere of the brain. With such a bouquet, we were admitted to the neonatal pathology department. The child was pale, the nasolabial fold was blue. To maintain the temperature, they taught to put a bottle under their feet hot water wrapped in a diaper. It was warm in the room, but it is difficult for a sick child to maintain his temperature, it takes a lot of strength, blood circulation slows down. And of course we were cured, even though we were lying there whole month. Now the boy is big, a first-grader, he studies well. And do not say that such a test was. Thanks to modern medicine."

Mother of Light, Orel: “We had that the nasolabial triangle turned blue after a walk. Although walking on the contrary should help with cyanosis. I consulted with the doctor, she said that the child is absolutely healthy, and most likely he is freezing. Advised to dress in layers so that the heat does not go away. Then I added another layer of undershirt and sliders. And there was no problem. It’s good that we didn’t have time to catch a cold. ”

If the nasolabial triangle in the baby turns blue, you should not panic, especially when the child is calm. First you need to try to find the reason: maybe he was cold or he was crying and just calmed down. In that case, it's okay. It is also considered acceptable that the blue of the nasolabial fold of a newborn is up to three days old, his lungs have not yet tuned in to full-fledged work. But if the child often breathes, wheezes, he is lethargic and eats poorly, you should call a doctor or ambulance. Better an ambulance, the hospital will do everything right away necessary research and you can be calm for the health of the crumbs.

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Causes of blue lips in children

Baby lips should be natural Pink colour. Generally speaking, any bluing on the body should be cause for concern, as it may be a sign of cyanosis.

However, cyanosis is not always dangerous. In newborns and infants there may be natural acrocyanosis - cyanotic lips or a bluish tint to the skin on the arms and legs. In this case, blueing is peripheral cyanosis and resolves on its own with the development of the circulatory system.

Central cyanosis

Central cyanosis, in which the child's face or body takes on a bluish tint, may indicate more dangerous problem with health and require immediate diagnosis and treatment. Blue lips may be a symptom of central cyanosis, but may also be a benign temporary bluish discoloration of the skin around the mouth, especially during crying or eating. The same can happen when increased activity or an outburst of anger in a child. In this case, it is not the lips themselves that turn blue, but the skin around the mouth, the tongue and oral mucosa should remain pink.

Distinguish dangerous case cyanosis from harmless is possible if we consider the lips, tongue and nails of the child. If they are pink, then the child most likely has perioral cyanosis, not fearsome. If the lips, tongue and nails have acquired a blue tint, you should immediately seek medical help.

Normal or not?

Things to remember if your child has blue lips to identify a potentially dangerous disorder:

  • Is your child developing normally? weight loss or weak set may indicate a dangerous health problem.
  • Has your child been diagnosed with a heart murmur? If so, then you need to seek emergency help.
  • Does the child have any other symptoms, such as coughing or difficulty breathing when lips turn blue? This may be one of the symptoms of asthma.
  • Is the child active? Does he get tired quickly compared to his peers? If the child is quickly overtired, blue lips may indicate a more serious problem.
  • Does the child become lethargic and drowsy after blue lips? Perhaps his brain and organs lack oxygen.

Diagnosis and treatment

Regardless of whether the child's blue lips are accompanied by other symptoms, it is advisable to consult with his pediatrician as soon as possible. Only a doctor can determine whether this cyanosis is dangerous to the health of the child.

In the case when cyanosis causes doubts in the doctor, the child may be referred for additional diagnostics including pulse oximetry, blood test, x-ray chest or an ECG if there is a suspicion of abnormalities in the work of the heart. Treatment will depend on the cause of the blue lips.

Cyanosis or blueness of the nasolabial triangle in an infant is a symptom that indicates a deviation in the work of the child's cardiovascular activity, uncoordinated functioning of the kidneys, and, in general, an insufficient process of hematopoiesis. Ideally, the child should not have any blueness in the area of ​​​​the lips and nose. Often, parents observe how at the age of 2 months the baby appears and then disappears blue, in order to exclude the possibility of congenital heart disease, it is necessary to undergo an examination. If everything is in order with cardiology, you will have to undergo treatment with a neurologist, since cyanosis around the eyes, mouth and nose indicates vegetative-vascular dystonia. Are there any other reasons when the nasolabial triangle turns blue in a newborn?

Can blueing be in a healthy child?

Every disease in infant manifests itself rapidly, for example, pneumonia develops in one day, and a runny nose can appear immediately after a walk, where the baby is slightly blown by the breeze. In case of cyanosis, you should immediately consult a doctor. Your baby is probably perfectly healthy, and the disease is of a pulmonary nature, when the level of oxygen in the body drops sharply during crying. Perhaps his skin is so thin that the capillaries are translucent and turn blue and become more convex during tension. As soon as the child calms down, the blue disappears. The symptom should alert you if nasolabial fold remains blue throughout the day - this is a sign of a serious pathology.

Cyanosis is a symptom of ill health

The first thing to pay attention to is appearance baby while crying. If he gasps for air with his mouth, and the nasolabial triangle becomes much darker, then the air circulation in the lungs is disturbed. This may also be inflammatory processes and lung diseases, which are in the nature of seizures. A strong cough with a cold can cause blueness.

If the baby choked on food, a foreign body got into the respiratory tract, the child cannot deep breath He coughs and starts to choke. In this case, you need to put the baby on your knee with your stomach and tilt his head slightly to the ground: at this time, the lungs will be squeezed by the chest, and the foreign body will be able to come out unhindered.

Observations of children have shown that congenital heart disease, acute heart failure and underdevelopment pulmonary artery the child is accompanied by cyanosis around the eye sockets and in the nasolabial fold. If your baby is calm state"turns blue", you need to urgently go for help to a cardiologist. He will conduct an ultrasound diagnosis, make an x-ray and an electrocardiogram to exclude all accompanying external causes.

The blueness is temporary, if the birth was difficult or premature, then the blueness in the nasolabial fold will bother your baby for some time. But remember that cyanosis appears only during crying. When the lungs are fully functioning normally, the blueness will stop. It is necessary that the baby be calm during the day, take him out into the fresh air more often, try to let him sleep longer, in these cases the lungs are shown sedatives. Mom needs to do everything possible so that the child’s nervous system does not strain, the baby cries less, so that it is easy to “ripen”. Try to feed your baby breast milk, which creates immunity against external infections and perfectly strengthens nervous system. In any case, you can’t joke and hesitate with this symptom, after you have learned what cyanosis is, seek help from a pediatrician. Your child's health is in your hands!

In the photo, blueing is caused by bronchiolitis - inflammation of the smallest bronchi, which is accompanied by respiratory failure. The disease itself usually disappears in 2-3 weeks, but you need to monitor the child's breathing.

Parents of newborns, as well as children of the first year of life, can often observe a blue nasolabial fold or nasolabial triangle in their baby. Both absolutely healthy children and those suffering from certain diseases of organs and systems can face a similar phenomenon.

Normal performance blood oxygen saturation should be at least 95%. The crying and screaming of a child is a stressful situation for the child's body, as a result of which there may be a decrease in this indicator up to 90-92% (critical level). It is the drop in the oxygen saturation of the blood that causes the blue area of ​​the nasolabial triangle in children. different ages.

Below, the main causes of the physiological and pathological blue of the nasolabial region in children of different ages will be described in detail.

Physiological blue

From the moment of birth and in the first 2-3 weeks, a newborn baby may experience a blue nasolabial triangle, which occurs against the background of insolvency respiratory system. This condition is especially pronounced during the screaming and crying of the child, when there is a drop in the oxygen saturation of the body. In the process of growing up, this phenomenon passes on its own.

If the blue of the nasolabial triangle does not disappear on its own after 2-3 weeks from the moment the child is born, then this is good reason to seek medical advice. It should be borne in mind that such a condition can threaten not only the health, but also the life of the child, so postponing medical examination unacceptable.

Long and complicated childbirth can also provoke a blue nasolabial triangle in a newborn. The reason for this may be short-term hypoxia (oxygen starvation) of the child's body in the process of passing through birth canal.

Another reason for the physiological blueness of the nasolabial triangle in children may be the increased transparency of the skin in this area, especially in newborns. Through thin skin, vascular (venous) plexuses can be seen, giving a blue tint.

Pathological blue

One of probable causes This condition may be a disease of the respiratory system of the child. As an example, one can single out acute bronchitis and inflammation of the lungs (pneumonia). How additional symptoms with these diseases, pallor of the skin of the child, shortness of breath and difficulty breathing, as well as coughing fits can be observed. The more pronounced such symptoms, the more intense the blueness of the nasolabial triangle in the baby. Appearance this feature in a child of 3 years old, it can be observed both with untimely diagnosed cardiac pathology and with diseases of the respiratory system.

A foreign body in the respiratory tract can also cause this condition.

Particular attention should also be paid to the temperature of the child's body, since hypothermia can provoke cyanosis (blue) in this area.

To more serious reasons appearance given symptom include congenital heart defects and large vessels(pulmonary artery), as well as the phenomenon of heart failure. Accurate diagnosis similar states is feasible only with the use of special medical equipment, and with the participation of qualified medical specialists.

many medical specialists it was noted that the blueness of the nasolabial triangle in a child associated with malformations of cardio-vascular system accompanied by the appearance of blue in the region of the orbital cavities, which is not observed with lung pathology.

Reason for urgent appeal to the doctor is the presence of blue for 3 weeks from the moment of birth, and at the moments of complete rest of the child.


The main methods for determining heart defects are ultrasound, electrocardiogram, and chest x-ray. Subject to the exclusion of pathologies from the cardiovascular system, the pediatrician may recommend an additional consultation of a pediatric neurologist. During this consultation and additional methods studies, the child can be diagnosed various violations from the respiratory system.

Prevention of the formation of deviations from the cardiovascular system in a child begins even in the period intrauterine development. A woman's compliance with the prescribed regimen during pregnancy (cessation of smoking and drinking alcohol, good nutrition) is a guarantee of reducing the risk of developing undesirable consequences.

Treatment of cyanosis (blue) of the nasolabial triangle in children is permissible only after exact definition true reason. In case of exclusion of heart defects, the child can be recommended only a general strengthening massage, walks in the fresh air, as well as water procedures.

The most common congenital defect of the heart is an "open oval window", a pathology in which arterial and venous blood mixes in the child's body. result this process is a persistent oxygen starvation of the whole organism. If the blueness of the nasolabial triangle arose against the background of this defect, then the child needs next mode:

  • daily long walks in the fresh air;
  • full restriction stressful situations;
  • complete and proper nutrition.

The appearance of cyanosis of the nasolabial triangle can be observed in children of 5 years old, when the defect was not diagnosed immediately after birth.
If this symptom is present in children 1-3 months of age, parents should adhere to the following tactics:

  1. Seek advice from your pediatrician regarding possible cause the appearance of blue, as well as get a referral for an examination.
  2. Get a consultation with a pediatric cardiologist in order to exclude congenital pathology of the heart and blood vessels.
  3. Get a consultation with a pediatric neurologist in case of exclusion of cardiac pathology.

Timely seeking medical attention and carrying out the necessary medical measures is a pledge positive outcome this process.

Nasolabial triangle they call an imaginary area on the face, limited by the nasolabial folds, lips in the lower part and the tip of the nose in the upper section. This area is good for diagnostic observations, as there is abundant blood circulation.

In newly born children, an indicator of normal well-being is the condition of the skin tone of the nasolabial triangle on the face. Most important rule for young parents less age baby, the more careful they need to be. In caring for the health of newborns, one should not be irresponsible, because it can turn into an irreparable misfortune. Painful conditions in children develop quickly, it is necessary not to delay the start of treatment and not to miss expensive time. Timely delivery necessary assistance specialist, helps to avoid many complications. It is necessary to know which symptoms to focus on closely so as not to overlook the development of a serious disease.

Causes of blue nasolabial triangle.

A bluish tint of the skin in the zone of the nasolabial triangle is present in the majority of babies and is not an alarming symptom if it disappears in a calm state. The appearance of this color is generated by a decrease in the percentage of oxygen in the blood, which is possible with various events. Children's doctors call this condition of the baby's body cyanosis.

  • Owners of white and delicate skin may also have a blue tint in the area upper lip. This is due to the presence of a dense network in this zone. venous vessels. AT infancy they are simply visible through the delicate skin of the baby. When the child begins to gain required weight get enough portion sunlight, while walking, this phenomenon should disappear on its own.
  • When the baby is actively breastfeeding. The efforts made by the baby are serious work for the child's body. The heart rate and blood supply to working muscles increase. Vessels expand and become visually noticeable.
  • This may be a physiological reaction of the child's body to the temperature of the air around him. During a diaper or diaper change, the baby may simply freeze if the temperature in the room is not comfortable for him, which will lead to the triangle zone turning blue. The skin acquires a normal shade as soon as the baby warms up after changing clothes.

Types of childhood cyanosis.

Painful manifestations cyanosis is divided into three main types:

  • Prolonged - manifests itself as complications that develop after injuries received during birth. There is an increased intracranial pressure, weakening sucking reflexes and protrusion of the fontanel on the head.
  • When symptoms develop oxygen starvation organism. The signs of cyanosis of the area of ​​the triangle that have appeared are supplemented by developing darkening around the orbits and in gray skin covers. This state develops with disease bilateral pneumonia, severe course bronchitis, in case of foreign bodies entering the trachea, may be a reaction of the child's body to the presence of aerosols in the surrounding air household chemicals, cigarette smoke, with congestion of the nasal passages.
  • With violations in the implementation of the functions of the children's heart. Due to the specific features inherent in the contractions of the growing heart of children, it is difficult to diagnose infantile heart defects.

Change in color of the nasolabial triangle during the development of the disease.

Pediatricians advise to give Special attention the appearance of a group of symptoms in which you need to immediately seek help pediatrician:

  • If cyanosis in the facial area persists, after the end of feeding or changing the child, for a long time. Additionally, it begins to appear on the tongue, fingers and other parts of the body.
  • A bluish tint of the skin appeared after a change in the rhythm of breathing, wheezing appeared. These may be symptoms of the onset of a cold or a viral illness.

When you notice the appearance of cyanosis in a baby, you need to establish at what moments, Everyday life, this happens and after what time everything returns to normal. During your visit to the district pediatrician, share your observations: he will carefully study the situation and, if necessary, give direction for additional research:

Based on the results of examinations, the pediatrician may need the conclusions of narrow specialists:

Due to the constantly changing physical development the child must attend routine examinations in the first year of the baby's life. In order not to miss the beginning of development possible violations in children's body.

Rules for emergency care in case of penetration of foreign objects into the respiratory tract of the baby.

In a situation where it is necessary to eliminate the threat to the life and health of the child in a matter of minutes, uncontrolled feelings prevent right action. All relatives should memorize the procedure for the necessary actions to help in such cases.
The child is able to choke on food or try to swallow any small object of the environment that has fallen into the mouth. The symptoms that occur in such cases are indicative: infant begins to frantically move the limbs, tries to inhale air with the mouth, and all this happens along with seizures severe cough.
The actions of the next of kin of the child, with such signs, should be quick. Turn the child upside down so that you can see his face. Holding it with one hand, on weight, by the soles of the feet, gently tap between the shoulder blades with the palm of the other. During these actions, you need to be extremely collected and careful so as not to drop the baby.
If there is no improvement, immediately move on to other ways to improve the situation. It is necessary to sit in such a way that your left knee is located well below your pelvic area. Lay the child with the tummy down on the thigh, head to the knee. Holding the shoulders with your left hand, with the palm of your right, make several strong pushes in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe shoulder blades. Even with the successful completion of a crisis situation, it is necessary to call medical care and do all the examinations that will be recommended medical workers.

Caring for the future health of the child should begin at a short time in the pregnancy of the mother. Following dietary recommendations bad habits, we give a chance, the future person will be born and grow up healthy. It is possible to eliminate the manifestations of cyanosis by adhering to simple rules:

  • Take regular walks in nearby parks with your baby;
  • Maintain optimal temperature and humidity in the house;
  • Stick to the daily routine, observing the ratio of the time of sleep and wakefulness of the child.
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