Which increases blood clotting. What to do with poor blood clotting? Galega officinalis tincture will reduce blood viscosity

You will need:


Pay attention to how you eat and how much fluid you drink. You must drink at least 2 liters of fluid in 24 hours.

For example, grape juice will help reduce platelet activity by 75 percent. For the same purpose, it is recommended to drink cranberry tea, which can be prepared without special skills. For this you need:

  • Cranberries 100 g
  • Boiling water 200 g

Put the berries in a cup and pour boiling water over them. Cucumbers, which are 97 percent water, also perform the same function well.

Foods that have a good effect on blood clotting should be enriched with vitamin K. Among these: lettuce, cucumbers, cabbage - white and cauliflower, carrots, green peppers, broccoli, as well as apples and pears.

Try to eliminate black tea and drinks that contain caffeine from your diet. Green tea, which is rich in the essential vitamin, is a good substitute.

Foods that increase clotting include:

  • Animal fats;
  • Buckwheat;
  • Cabbage, red pepper, beet, radish, radish;
  • Currant, blackberry, mulberry, lingonberry;
  • Mango;
  • Banana;
  • Greens;
  • Grape and pomegranate juice and;
  • beans;
  • Walnuts.


  • Fish oil and fish;
  • Garlic and onion;
  • citruses;
  • Red wine;
  • Seeds;
  • Black chocolate;
  • Tomato juice;
  • Plum, raspberry, cherry, sweet cherry;
  • Green tea;
  • Ginger;
  • Plain water.

Pine nut shell decoction

Decoctions based on pine nuts are a good medicine for many diseases associated with blood. Another function is to accelerate blood clotting.

Required Ingredients:

  • Pine nut shell 1 tbsp.
  • Boiling water 0.5 l

Pour the pine nut shell with boiling water and put on low heat. Your task is to keep the infusion on the verge of boiling for 15 to 20 minutes, no more. Then let the solution cool completely.

You need to apply a tablespoon three times a day. Duration of treatment: two to three weeks.

Infusion on nettle leaves

Nettle contains enough essential vitamins- K and C, which, in turn, raise blood sugar and increase hemoglobin.

It should be remembered that such an infusion is forbidden to drink with increased blood clotting.

Infusion requires the following ingredients:

  • Dry nettle leaves 2 tsp
  • Boiling water 250 ml

In order to prepare the infusion, it is necessary to pour two teaspoons of dry nettle leaves with a cup of boiling water. Then you need to cover the liquid with something (lid, towel) and let it brew for one hour.

This medicine should be taken half an hour before meals, twice a day, three or four tablespoons.


In order to increase blood clotting, you can use yarrow. It has the following properties:

  • Expands blood vessels;
  • stops the blood;
  • prevent inflammation;
  • has anti-allergic properties;
  • increases blood clotting.

It is used for various bleeding, for example, with hemorrhoids, nasal, in the lungs.

Use the herb inside in the form of a decoction. For this you need:

  • Yarrow 1 tbsp
  • Boiling water 1 tbsp.

Fill the grass with water, send to water bath and boil for 15 min. Then insist 30 minutes, drain and wait until the broth has cooled. Usage: 100 ml. 2-3 times a day after eating.
Be sure to consult a doctor before treatment to exclude possible contraindications. The main ones are: pregnancy, thrombosis, allergies, chronic diseases.


You need to be extremely careful with medications that you take from time to time. Since some drugs can reduce blood clotting, which can harm you.

  • Experts recommend taking a drug such as Vikasol, which can replace vitamin K. You need to take this drug in the morning and in the evening, one tablet, no matter before or after meals. Without a doctor's prescription, the medicine is not recommended to be taken for more than three days.
    You can also use hemostatic powders, directly so that the blood coagulates better in the wound. The following are popular: Revul, Spongostan, Alvanes.
  • Instead of these powders, you can use a hemostatic sponge.

more serious and effective drugs can only be prescribed by your doctor after the necessary examination.

To the process of recovery and recovery normal composition blood was effective, you need to consult your doctor to draw up a menu that will include suitable products nutrition.

Low coagulation and its causes

When the human body becomes deficient a certain kind protein - fibrinogen, then the deterioration of the coagulation process develops. This state is obtained when pathological disorders human health.

Only examination and consultation of a specialist will help to establish the cause of the disease and choose suitable way treatment for each person, which will help improve blood composition and increase its coagulability.

Factors that affect the reduction of fibrinogen, as well as the deterioration of coagulability are:

  • heredity;
  • anticoagulant drugs;
  • tumors;
  • change in psycho-emotional state;
  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • decreased immunity and vitamin deficiency;
  • infectious diseases;
  • food;
  • anemia;
  • thrombocytopenia and thrombophilia.

When such changes in coagulability appear, bleeding from the nose and gums becomes more frequent. Sometimes bruises appear on the body, often for no apparent reason.

Yarrow, nettle and arnica also enhance these processes, so decoctions, lotions and compresses are used to improve the condition of blood vessels, their regeneration processes.

Therapeutic diet to increase blood clotting

But still important role in the treatment plays the selection of products that increase blood clotting. They will help people who have contraindications for medical treatment.

These food products, which increase blood clotting and are rich in vitamin K, should be included in the diet and adhere to their daily use:

  • Cabbage: broccoli, white cabbage, cauliflower, kohlrabi.
  • Dog-rose fruit.
  • Green vegetables and spinach leaves, dill, parsley, coriander, basil.
  • Green tomatoes.
  • Carrots, radishes, beets, red peppers and corn.
  • Mango and bananas.
  • Red and purple berries.
  • Whole grains: wheat, rye, oats, buckwheat.
  • White bread.
  • Soybeans and legumes.
  • Eggs.
  • Salt.
  • Juices: grape, pomegranate.
  • Animal fats and butter and sour cream.
  • Liver, fatty meat, kidneys and brain of an animal.
  • Walnuts.

High clotting and products that reduce it

Blood density also has a negative effect on human health. To improve its composition, it is necessary to use certain medications, plants, and nutritional correction will also be required. This violation of the composition of the blood often causes life-threatening conditions: heart attacks and strokes.

The reasons for its viscosity may be:

  • deficiency of the vitamin-mineral complex;
  • fermentopathy;
  • drugs of coagulative properties;
  • high slagging;
  • smoking;
  • alcohol consumption;
  • dehydration;
  • elevated cholesterol levels;
  • hypoxia.

AT this case, a doctor's consultation is also necessary to identify the cause and select the necessary effective treatment this violation. It involves prescribing medications and folk remedies, as well as foods that can reduce blood clotting.

When thinning the blood, it is necessary for the effectiveness of the process to exclude foods rich in vitamin K from the diet.

You should also increase the intake of products that acidify the blood, these are table and apple vinegar, juices:

Grapefruits, lemons, mulberries, cherries, raspberries, melons and cucumbers are useful for bringing blood composition back to normal.

Fatty fish and chocolate, cocoa and coffee, as well as olive oil and sunflower seeds are good at thinning the blood.

They have anticoagulant properties and reduce the development of blood clots:

Knowing which foods reduce the process of blood clotting, you can prevent the development of vascular thrombosis and the development of serious diseases in the body.

Products that thin the blood and strengthen the walls of blood vessels

Thick blood is a problem for the modern civilized world. This result was predetermined malnutrition, the composition of consumed products, sedentary image life, leading to the appearance of blood clots. One more problem - weak walls vessels on which thick blood exerts a constant load.

The normal blood composition is 20% of erythrocytes, leukocytes, platelets and 80% of blood serum. With thick, these indicators change, and it consists of 20% whey and 80% of other elements.

This leads to organ failure. That entails a lot of serious diseases, primarily cardiovascular.

Many people are looking for an alternative to this - foods that will allow naturally reduce density to normal.

Water has a great influence on blood thinning, not liquid: tea, coffee, soda, etc., namely water. The exception is green tea, it well reduces coagulability. It is necessary to drink 1.5 - 2 liters per day clean water. Water must be filtered or melted. Water should be drunk half an hour before meals or one hour after.

In the list of the most effective products includes:

  1. Garlic. Most beneficial effect garlic has an effect on blood clotting, it can be used in different form: fresh, dried, make garlic oil.
  2. Ginger. The property of ginger to reduce cholesterol, has a positive effect on reducing blood viscosity.
  3. Red wine. It is from the time Ancient Greece used for purification, restoration of blood. A good antiseptic, contains vitamins, salicylates.
  4. Raspberry and blueberry. Raspberry juice and raspberry leaf tea reduces viscosity and density. blueberries destroy blood clots and prevents thrombosis, as it contains salicylates.
  5. Berries and fruits. They contain a lot of water and acids. Acidic foods break down fats and prevent blood clots and cholesterol plaques. Vitamin C content.
  6. Vegetables. Tomatoes and cucumbers contain a lot of water. Carrots are rich in vitamin E and help break down blood clots. beets, celery, White cabbage, paprika, chili peppers, zucchini and eggplant contain vitamins, reduce blood viscosity and strengthen the walls of blood vessels.
  7. Spices. Turmeric has a positive effect on blood flow, regulates the content of leukocytes and erythrocytes. Dill, oregano, mint, thyme improve the composition.
  8. Olive oil, flax, sunflower. Contain vitamin E, disrupt thrombosis.

How to reduce blood clotting during pregnancy. In this case, you should not do anything on your own, especially with medications.

If you have not found allergic reactions to products containing salicylates, then best solution will be their use. These include: tomatoes, red bell peppers, vegetable oils, berries and fruits.

Drugs and medicines to thin the thick blood

The list of drugs that prevent the formation of blood clots is not small. They should only be taken as directed by a doctor.

Long-term use of aspirin tablets should be carried out only under medical supervision.

popular and universal drug today it is considered aspirin, another name acetylsalicylic acid. Everyone knows its effect on the blood, but it is also an antipyretic, analgesic and anti-inflammatory drug.

Aspirin reduces blood clotting, prevents platelets from sticking together and forming blood clots. The tablet must be thoroughly chewed and washed down quickly. large quantity water. Cannot be swallowed whole.

Curantyl. Contains antithrombotic substances, improves blood circulation in the brain. Reduces blood density.

Cardiomagnyl. It is used against the formation of blood clots, for prevention. Take the drug only on prescription.

Aescusan. The drug is made on the basis of an extract from horse chestnut, shown at varicose veins veins, venous insufficiency, has a strengthening effect on the walls of blood vessels.

How to quickly thin the blood at home: folk remedies

Let's consider several options:

  1. Folk remedies and their preparation at home. The use of drugs that reduce blood clotting adversely affects the gastrointestinal tract. How to bring the state of the blood back to normal without aspirin? Here, non-traditional methods of treatment, tested for centuries, come to the rescue - folk remedies.

Combine 1⁄2 cup honey and 5 garlic cloves, grated. Stir, close and leave for 20 days in a dark place. Drink half an hour before meals, one spoonful.

Make it a rule to use bay leaf when preparing first courses.

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Diet for thick blood

Description current as of 09/12/2017

  • Efficiency: healing effect after 1 month
  • Terms: three months or more
  • Cost of groceries: rubles per week

General rules

All processes occurring in the cells of our body depend on the indicators of blood viscosity. After all main function it is to transport nutrients, respiratory gases, hormones and much more. When the properties of blood change (thickening, acidification, increased levels of cholesterol or sugar), its transport function is disturbed and the course of processes in all organs changes.

Predisposing factors for an increase in blood viscosity development are:

  • an increase in the number of red blood cells, platelets and hemoglobin levels;
  • increased blood clotting;
  • not sufficient use fluids and dehydration;
  • blood loss;
  • violation of water absorption in the large intestine;
  • acidification of the body;
  • lack of vitamins and minerals involved in the synthesis of enzymes and hormones;

a large amount of sugar and carbohydrates in the diet.

The hyperviscosity syndrome leads to the fact that blood cells cannot perform their functions (for example, transport), and the organs receive less necessary substances and do not get rid of decay products. Thick blood is hardly pushed by the heart through the vessels, it is prone to the formation of blood clots and a person develops various pathological conditions and diseases.

by the most dangerous consequences is prone to thrombosis. More often thrombosed coronary vessels and cerebral vessels with the development of myocardial infarction and ischemic stroke. It is also possible to develop hypertension, atherosclerosis, intracerebral and subdural bleeding. Early detection increased blood viscosity ( general analysis blood, hematocrit, coagulogram) allows timely treatment and correct nutrition in order to avoid serious complications.

Insufficient amount of amino acids in the diet, proteins, trace elements and unsaturated fatty acids causes an increase in blood viscosity. Based on this, the main foods in this state will be: sea fish, lean meat, sea kale, eggs, olive, linseed oil, dairy. Anticoagulants include products containing salicylic acid, iodine, vitamin E, and omega-3 fatty acids.

A blood thinning diet should contain some important trace elements affecting platelet function.


The negative consequences of deficiency are increased platelet aggregation and excessive thrombus formation. Human nutrition is characterized by excessive salt intake and deficiency of potassium and magnesium, so magnesium deficiency is quite common. Because it is ingested through food and water, a magnesium-fortified diet is recommended ( sesame seed, pumpkin seeds, wheat bran, rice, oat groats, avocado, yogurt, seaweed, prunes).

When compiling a diet, it is necessary to take into account not only its quantity, but also bioavailability. Maximum amount magnesium contain fresh vegetables, fruits and nuts (new crop only). When preparing products (drying, canning, curing), the concentration of this element decreases slightly, but bioavailability is greatly reduced. There are natural mineral water rich in magnesium: "Batalinskaya", "Donat", Kislovodsk narzans, waters of Pyatigorsk (Lysogorskaya).


Plant foods rich in potassium: raisins, nuts, pumpkin, baked potatoes, seaweed, sardines, prunes, apricots, lean meats.


A low level of it increases the risk of thrombosis. It is found in many cereals, vegetables and herbs, meat products and offal (liver). Parallel consumption of foods rich in ascorbic acid(sweet and sour berries, citrus fruits, kiwi, Bell pepper, legumes), accelerate the absorption of iron.

Vitamin C

Strengthens the walls of blood vessels and reduces the risk of thrombosis. The most effective in thickening the blood is tomato and tomato juice. For prevention purposes, lemons, eggplants, onions, cucumbers, lettuce, zucchini, turnips, squash should be included in the diet. However, vitamin C should be supplied within the normal range, as an excess of it contributes to an increase in viscosity.

Omega-3 PUFA

They have anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and antithrombotic effects. Positive Effects associated with their ability to cause vasodilation, reduce platelet activity, rheological properties blood and a tendency to thrombosis. Them required amount in the diet ranges from 0.5-1 g / day.

Amino acid taurine

Promotes blood thinning. Most of all it is found in unrefined cold-pressed vegetable oil (linseed or olive), shrimp, squid, tuna, shellfish, flounder. It will be sufficient to consume 3 times a week, 200 g of seafood.


Possesses vasodilating action and reduces platelet aggregation. It is enough to eat 30 g of nuts daily to reduce blood clotting. Nuts (pine nuts, almonds, cashews) also contain a large amount of protein and trace elements.

Contained in sea fish, sea kale, shrimps, trepangs, mussels. This element not only normalizes blood viscosity, but also reduces the risk of atherosclerosis. Ready-made seaweed salads contain a lot of salt, vinegar and spices, it is better to buy dried and cook at your own discretion or add ground seasoning to all dishes.


Summing up the above, you can make a list of foods that thin the blood:

  • lemon;
  • garlic, onion;
  • tomatoes (tomato juice);
  • artichoke;
  • Jerusalem artichoke;
  • beet;
  • cucumbers;
  • ginger;
  • cinnamon;
  • fish (trout, mackerel, herring, sardine, salmon) and fish fat;
  • Apple vinegar;
  • olive, linseed, rapeseed, walnut, sesame oil;
  • almond;
  • hazelnut;
  • sunflower seeds;
  • oatmeal, oatmeal;
  • bitter chocolate;
  • cocoa;
  • cherries, raspberries, strawberries, pineapple, cranberries, gooseberries, lingonberries, dark grapes, currants, wild strawberries, blueberries, melons, citrus fruits, apricots, figs, peaches, apples.

Try not to abuse salt, include ginger tea, fresh fruits and vegetables in your diet. Particularly useful natural grape juice(from red grapes), juices from orange, lemon, tomatoes, cranberries.

Excess weight is considered as a factor predisposing to increased blood clotting. In this regard, it is important to reduce the calorie content of food (1700 kcal / day) by eliminating refined carbohydrates (sugar, confectionery, jam, sweets, etc.).

Approved Products

The diet for thick blood provides:

  • replacement meat products fish and seafood and providing the body enough polyunsaturated fatty acids found in marine fish. basis weekly diet should be fish and seafood dishes. Give preference to fatty sea fish - salmon, trout, tuna, mackerel, herring, salmon, sardines, saury. It is enough to include fish in the diet 3 times a week. A useful addition would be seaweed, which can also be consumed dried.
  • Introduction to the diet of omega-3 fatty acids in the form of linseed, olive, rapeseed, mustard, walnut, sesame vegetable oils, which should be consumed in their natural form, and not heat-treated.
  • Inclusion of at least 200 g of fresh fruits and 400 g of vegetables daily. You can eat red grapes, cherries, raspberries, strawberries, citrus fruits, tomatoes, red peppers, cucumbers - they have a small amount of vitamin K.
  • Salicylates are rich in strawberries, gooseberries, cranberries, raspberries, cherries, beets, onions, garlic, citrus fruits (lemons come first), apples, prunes.
  • Prepare a side dish for meat and fish from carrots, zucchini, eggplant. If you eat potatoes, it is better in a peel and baked form.
  • To vegetable salads, add goutweed, bran, fenugreek, sesame and flax seeds, ground in a coffee grinder.
  • Vegetable soups, cabbage soup, beetroot, borscht. Eliminate meat broths and don't fry soups.
  • The use of meat and poultry of low-fat varieties - it is enough to include them in the diet 2 times a week.
  • Useful turkey meat (it contains very little fat).
  • Bread rye and with bran. In homemade baked goods, it is better to add flax seed, bran or sesame seeds.
  • milk and dairy products reduced fat content. Use sour cream and cream only in dishes. AT weekly menu You can include up to 4 eggs.
  • The use of oatmeal, corn, pearl barley, wheat groats and brown rice. Porridge can be cooked in water or milk.
  • The most important feature diet persons prone to thickening of the blood is the sufficient use of high-quality drinking water. With a limited intake of water in the body, thickening of the blood is noted.
  • Useful herbal teas(licorice, hawthorn, hazel leaves, sweet clover, sage) with lemon, ginger tea, citrus juices, any water without gas. The amount of liquid you drink should be 1.5-2 liters per day.

Table of allowed products

Vegetables and greens



Nuts and dried fruits

Cereals and cereals

Raw materials and seasonings


Cheese and cottage cheese

Meat products


Fish and seafood

Oils and fats

Soft drinks

Juices and compotes

Wholly or partially restricted products

With thick blood, limit or exclude:

  • consumption of saturated fats (cooking fats, lamb, pork, beef);
  • fatty varieties pork, duck, goose, smoked meats and sausages;
  • all kinds of broths, fried foods;
  • fatty cottage cheese, sour cream, cheese, butter, cream;
  • sweet pastries, sugar, puff and pastry products, cakes, cream cakes;
  • black tea, green tea, coffee;
  • salt;
  • buckwheat;
  • legumes (ripe legumes can be limited);
  • kidneys, liver (beef / pork), brains;
  • white bread;
  • all kinds of cabbage, radish, turnip, radish, watercress;
  • dill, basil, parsley, coriander (greens);
  • blueberry, chokeberry, mulberry, dogwood, cowberry, blackberry, viburnum;
  • pomegranate juice, light grape juice.

Remember that in the first place you should limit products with high content vitamin K: green leafy vegetables, green tea and black tea, kale, cilantro, beet greens, chard, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, pumpkin, asparagus, kiwi, green bean, cauliflower, soya beans, walnuts, eggs, pork liver.

From cereals - buckwheat grain and whole wheat bread. This vitamin is present in much lower amounts. green pea, beans, asparagus, cucumbers, soybeans, green onions, avocados, papaya, green tomatoes. Meat, eggs, dairy products, cereals, root crops (potatoes, beets) contain negligibly little.

Decoctions of nettle herbs, St. John's wort, yarrow, valerian, corn stigmas contribute to blood clots.

Table of prohibited products

Vegetables and greens




Cereals and cereals

Flour and pasta


Ice cream



Raw materials and seasonings


Cheese and cottage cheese

Meat products



Fish and seafood

Oils and fats

Soft drinks

* data are per 100 g of product

Menu (Power Mode)

Organize 4-5 meals a day. Refuse or significantly limit the food containing animal fats and preservatives (smoked meats, sausages, pates, ham, rolls). Use a double boiler or oven to cook meat, fish and poultry and minimize fat. Choose vegetables for a side dish. The diet involves the exclusion of "fast" carbohydrates (pastries, sweets, sugar, jam, cakes, pastries, etc.) will allow you to reduce weight and maintain it at a normal level.

Consume more vegetables, fruits, natural juices, dried fruit compotes without sugar. Breakfast can be cooked oatmeal with dried apricots, prunes or any fruit, then you do not need to use sugar.

Snacks can consist of cottage cheese, yogurt and fruit. Ideal option will be for lunch vegetable soups, salads dressed with vegetable oil and boiled fish (chicken breast or turkey). Dinner - light, consisting of vegetable salad and a protein dish (cottage cheese, egg, fish). At night - kefir, yogurt or fruit.

Pros and cons

  • Includes products with minor restrictions.
  • It is easy to carry and can be used for a long time.
  • It normalizes lipid metabolism, has a positive effect on blood properties, and has a general healing effect.
  • Due to the content of seafood, food costs increase.
  • Simple carbohydrates are limited, which is difficult for many patients to tolerate.

Reviews and results

This diet should be considered as healthy eating. It is especially useful in the presence of increased weight, lipid metabolism disorders (increased cholesterol), blood clots and problems with the of cardio-vascular system. The diet is balanced, and restrictions on saturated fats, simple carbohydrates, fried and smoked foods have a positive effect on general condition. Being on this diet, patients manage to reduce weight, normalize coagulogram, lipidogram and arterial pressure.

  • “… Discovered high cholesterol, increased viscosity blood pressure and increased. True, all indicators were not very high. The doctor suggested trying to normalize all this with a diet, and if there are no results, then pills. Started eating on a diet without any concessions. At first it was difficult without sweets, sausages, smoked meats and with salt restriction. I switched to everything boiled or baked, a lot of vegetables and vegetable oil. second step healthy lifestyle life was exercise stress(started walking). A month later (I didn’t take tests, I think it’s too early), shifts began in better side: weight decreased, vivacity appeared, and pressure returned to normal. In a month I will check the tests ”;
  • “... During the next examination regarding pregnancy, a thickening of the blood was revealed. They prescribed droppers of Curantyl, Cardiomagnyl and a diet. The blood was thick, so Cardiomagnyl was prescribed. The doctor said that such a blood condition is very bad for the child. She chose the lesser of two evils and agreed to the drug. They said to exclude fatty and fried foods, sweets, tea, pastries, sugar, and, of course, smoked sausage. You also need to drink plenty of water. The doctor wrote what foods thin the blood, and I also tried to include them in my diet. The effect was already in 2 weeks and it became noticeable in the state of the child (began to behave calmly).

Diet price

The most expensive in the diet are seafood, fish and oils. To some extent, this affects the budget, so the cost of food is RUB. in Week.

Education: Graduated from the Sverdlovsk Medical School (1968-1971) with a degree in Paramedic. Graduated from Donetsk medical institute(1975 - 1981) with a degree in epidemiologist, hygienist. Passed postgraduate studies at the Central Research Institute of Epidemiology, Moscow (1986-1989). Academic degree- candidate medical sciences(degree awarded in 1989, defense - Central Research Institute of Epidemiology, Moscow). Completed numerous advanced training courses in epidemiology and infectious diseases.

Work experience: Work as the head of the department of disinfection and sterilization 1981 ‑ 1992. Working as a department head dangerous infections 1992 - 2010 Teaching activity at the Medical Institute 2010-2013

Important! There are conflicting data on the effect of red wine on the blood. Although the drink is alcoholic, its thinning properties are noticed. However, when using it, a balance is advisable. Important! Excessive blood thinning diet and use of herbs with simultaneous reception medication is fraught various bleeding. The first sign of excessive liquefaction is nosebleeds. Nuances of nutrition and application folk methods negotiate with the doctor.

Pohudet.Org: When vodka is steeped on something, the percentage of alcohol in it decreases, and it deteriorates greatly.

Vladimir: Personally, these pills help me, of course, on the first night, sleep is light, but as the sun gets darker.

Lera: I was convinced from my own experience: ingavirin works.

Diana: I agree with Nika. When stuffy, I also always use the aquamaster, excellent.

All materials presented on the site are for reference and informational purposes only and cannot be considered a method of treatment prescribed by a doctor or sufficient advice.

What foods reduce or increase blood clotting?

With thrombocytopenia, nettle helps me very well, but not just brewed, but infused with whey. I learned this recipe from the book of the Ukrainian scientist Bolotov Boris Vasilyevich. Prepare it like this: Wrap a glass of fresh or dried nettle grass in gauze with a weight (a glass of thick crystal, for example) and place it in a 3-liter jar of milk whey (milk does not have to be rustic, you can also buy cheap packaged milk). Add 1 glass of granulated sugar to the jar (in no case, not MD, namely white ordinary granulated sugar.). Cover the neck of the jar with gauze folded in a few words (from wine midges) and put in a dark, warm place (room temperature is enough) for 21 days. After 3 weeks, strain and drink 100 ml. * 3 times a day, 30 minutes before meals and the difference with other medications is 2 hours (it is also advisable to take liquid no earlier than an hour later). If you need it very urgently, then you can start taking it after 14 days. In the process, if the top is formed white coating- this is normal, but if it becomes covered with green mold, such a tincture is not suitable (I have never been covered with green mold). You can also store room temperature or in the refrigerator (I store in the refrigerator in plastic bottles about a year, maybe longer).

I take a blood test every 1-2 months. Prepared herbs in this way begin to act on the body already on the 3rd day (on my body). In a similar way, you can cook any herbs, even such poisonous ones as celandine, wormwood and others. In the process of fermentation, toxic substances are fermented into amino acids. That is why the effect of herbs on the body is so fast, unlike those prepared by conventional brewing.

In this case, the blood does not thicken (which eliminates the formation of blood clots and increased load on the heart), but clotting increases. My platelet counts increased from 80 to 200 (normal). The course of acceptance is approximately 7-10 days, that is, the volume of three liter jars. Indicators stably keep normal up to several months (it depends on side effects concomitant medications you are taking)

Why is it important to know whether blood is thick or not?

During pregnancy, she passed a coagulogram, the indicators were exceeded. For pregnancy, thickening of the blood is normal, but not so strong. I passed on the most accurate indicator of blood density - D-dimer, the indicator was exceeded by 3 times. Since thick blood is dangerous during pregnancy, because less nutrients are supplied to the baby, heparin had to be injected during the last 3 months of pregnancy. Heparin is not harmful, it is part of the blood, just someone lacks it. By the way, in most cases premature birth and miscarriages - the work of thick blood, a doctor told me about this at the Institute of Immunology and Reproduction in Moscow. She also controlled CTG in recent months pregnancy. But thick blood can create problems not only during pregnancy. It can lead to heart attacks and the like. Therefore, it is important to monitor blood counts and, if necessary, thin the blood with special preparations. Some foods contribute to thickening or thinning of the blood, this must be taken into account.

Blood-thinning foods: strawberries, rose hips, ginger, lemon, grapes, cinnamon, fish oil.

Products that thicken the blood: buckwheat, walnut, yarrow, nettle.

Foods that increase blood clotting, making it thicker, include foods rich in vitamin K.

In particular, rosehip, beloved by many grandmothers, contrary to popular belief, thickens the blood, therefore, with a tendency to varicose veins, hypertension, heart attacks, it is better to refuse rosehip tea.

Vitamin K is rich in all types of cabbage from white cabbage to kohlrabi and cauliflower.

Favorite by fans of various health systems soy, oats, wheat, spinach, green tea also contain a lot of this vitamin. Bananas, walnuts, pomegranate juice (it increases hemoglobin) also thicken the blood.

Pork liver is very rich in vitamin K. A lot of it and in veal, pork and lamb.

Thickening of the blood is also facilitated by a large amount of sweets and diuretic drinks (for example, coffee).

Therefore, when thickening the blood, it is better to limit these products.

To thin the blood, you must follow drinking regimen- you need a clean one drinking water(not juices, not teas, not chlorinated).

Blood thinning is promoted by foods rich in salicylic acid(including good old aspirin), vitamin E and omega-3 fatty acids.

These are citrus fruits, strawberries, raspberries, beets, onions, garlic, ginger, cranberries, sea buckthorn, fish oil, currants (black and red), tomatoes.

Flaxseed and olive oil are a little doubtful among the blood-thinning products. On the one hand, these oils are rich in fatty polyunsaturated acids, on the other - vitamin K. Therefore, their consumption, in my opinion, should be reasonable, everything is good in moderation.

In general, before you lean on certain products, you need to know for sure whether you need to thin or thicken it.

1. Coagulants (agents that stimulate the formation of fibrin thrombi):

a) direct action(thrombin, fibrinogen);

b) indirect action(vikasol, phytomenadione).

2. Fibrinolysis inhibitors:

a) synthetic origin (aminocaproic and tranexamic acids, amben);

b) animal origin (aprotinin, contrykal, pantrypin, Gordox "Gedeon

Richter, Hungary);

3. Stimulants of platelet aggregation (serotonin adipate, calcium chloride).

4. Means that reduce vascular permeability:

a) synthetic (adroxon, etamsylate, iprazochrome); b) vitamin preparations (ascorbic acid, rutin, quercetin).

c) herbal preparations (nettle, yarrow, viburnum, water pepper, arnica, etc.)

II. Anti-clotting agents or antithrombotic agents:

1. Anticoagulants:

a) direct action (heparin and its preparations, hirudin, sodium citrate, antithrombin III);

b) indirect action (neodicoumarin, syncumar, phenylin, fepromarone).

2. Fibrinolytics:

a) direct action (fibrinolysin or plasmin);

b) indirect (plasminogen activators) action (streptolyase, streptokinase, urokinase, actilyse).

3. Antiplatelet agents:

a) platelets (acetylsalicylic acid, dipyridamole, pentoxifylline, ticlopidine, indobufen);

b) erythrocyte (pentoxifylline, reopoliglyukin, reogluman, Rondex).

Means that increase blood clotting (hemostatics) coagulants

According to the classification, this group of drugs is divided into direct and indirect coagulants, but sometimes they are divided according to a different principle:

1) for local use (thrombin, hemostatic sponge, fibrin film, etc.)

2) for systemic use (fibrinogen, vikasol).

THROMBIN (Trombinum; dry powder in amp. o, 1, which corresponds to 125 units of activity; in vials of 10 ml) is a direct-acting coagulant for topical use. Being a natural component of the blood coagulation system, it causes an effect in vitro and in vivo.

Before use, the powder is dissolved in saline. Usually the powder in the ampoule is a mixture of thromboplastin, calcium and prothrombin.

Apply only locally. Administered to patients with bleeding small vessels and parenchymal organs (surgery on the liver, kidneys, lungs, brain), bleeding from the gums. It is used topically in the form of a hemostatic sponge soaked in thrombin solution, a hemostatic collagen sponge, or simply by applying a swab soaked in thrombin solution.

Sometimes, especially in pediatrics, thrombin is used orally (the contents of the ampoule are dissolved in 50 ml of sodium chloride or 50 ml of 5% amben solution, 1 tablespoon is prescribed 2-3 times a day) for gastric bleeding or by inhalation for bleeding from the respiratory tract.

FIBRINOGEN (Fibrinogenum; in vials of 1.0 and 2.0 dry porous mass) - used for systemic exposure. It is also obtained from the blood plasma of donors. Under the influence of thrombin, fibrinogen is converted into fibrin, which forms blood clots.

Fibrinogen is used as an ambulance. It is especially effective when there is a deficiency in massive bleeding (placental abruption, hypo and afibrinogenemia, in surgical, obstetric, gynecological and oncological practice).

Assign usually in a vein, sometimes locally in the form of a film applied to the bleeding surface.

Before use, the drug is dissolved in 250 or 500 ml of warm water for injection. Intravenously administered drip or slowly jet.

VIKASOL (Vicasolum; in tabs, 0.015 and in amp. 1 ml of 1% solution) is an indirect coagulant, a synthetic water-soluble analogue of vitamin K, which activates the formation of fibrin thrombi. Referred to as vitamin K3. The pharmacological effect is caused not by vikasol itself, but by the vitamins K1 and K2 formed from it, so the effect develops after 12-24 hours, with intravenous administration- after 30 minutes, with intramuscular injection - after 2-3 hours.

These vitamins are necessary for the synthesis in the liver of prothrombin (factor II), proconvertin (factor VII), as well as factors IX and X.

Indications for use: with an excessive decrease in the prothrombin index, with severe K-vitamin deficiency due to:

1) bleeding from parenchymal organs;

2) exchange transfusion procedure, if canned blood was transfused (to the child);

and also when:

3) long-term use of vitamin K antagonists - aspirin and NSAIDs (which disrupt platelet aggregation);

4) long-term use of antibiotics a wide range actions (levomycetin, ampicillin, tetracycline, aminoglycosides, fluoroquinolones);

5) the use of sulfonamides;

6) prevention hemorrhagic disease newborns;

7) prolonged diarrhea in children;

8) cystic fibrosis;

9) in pregnant women, especially those suffering from tuberculosis and epilepsy and receiving appropriate treatment;

10) overdose of indirect anticoagulants;

11) jaundice, hepatitis, as well as after injuries, bleeding (hemorrhoids, ulcers, radiation sickness);

12) preparation for surgery and in the postoperative period.

The effects can be weakened by the simultaneous administration of vikasol antagonists: aspirin, NSAIDs, PASK, indirect anticoagulants of the neodicoumarin group.

Side effects: hemolysis of erythrocytes when administered intravenously.

PHYTOMENADION (Phytomenadinum; 1 ml for intravenous administration, as well as capsules containing 0.1 ml of 10% oil solution, which corresponds to 0.01 drug). Unlike natural vitamin K1 (trans compounds) is a synthetic drug. It represents a racemic form (a mixture of trans- and cis-isomers), and in terms of biological activity it retains all the properties of vitamin K1. It is rapidly absorbed and maintains a peak concentration of up to eight hours.

Indications for use: hemorrhagic syndrome with hypoprothrombinemia caused by a decrease in liver function (hepatitis, liver cirrhosis), with ulcerative colitis, with an overdose of anticoagulants, with prolonged use of high doses of broad-spectrum antibiotics and sulfonamides; before major operations to reduce bleeding.

Side effects: phenomena of hypercoagulability in case of non-compliance with the dosing regimen.

Of the drugs related to direct-acting coagulants, the following drugs are also used in the clinic:

1) prothrombin complex (VI, VII, IX, X factors);

2) antihemophilic globulin (VIII factor).

Thick blood can cause various diseases and also increases the risk of heart attack and stroke. High blood clotting is serious problem so it is important to take necessary medicines and also use traditional medicine. How to reduce blood clotting, read further in the article.

Why is there high blood clotting?

First you need to determine the reason why the blood is so thick and only after that begin treatment and other targeted actions to reduce blood clotting. Most often, the cause is an insufficient amount of vitamins, minerals in the body; fermentopathy, that is, acidification of the blood occurs (decay products are not sufficiently broken down), as well as an insufficient amount of fluid in the body.

How to reduce blood clotting - tips

  • Take necessary medications. It is important to remember that drugs help to reduce blood clotting only when the cause of this problem is of a medical nature. Take only the medicines prescribed by your doctor. Preferably before starting treatment full examination body, as drugs can harm and cause new problems.
  • Change your diet. What we eat greatly affects the state of our blood. It is necessary to include in the diet such foods that will help reduce blood clotting. These include: apple cider vinegar, olive oil, fatty fish, seeds, garlic, onion, fish oil, tomato juice, orange and grape juice, cinnamon, ginger, foods that contain a lot of iodine, dark chocolate, cranberry tea, cocoa, coffee, raspberry jam, Kalanchoe juice and aloe and others.

If you don’t want to, or for some other reason you can’t, eat garlic, you can buy it at a pharmacy - dietary supplements with garlic. If you are interested in the question: how to reduce blood clotting, then we advise you to follow the advice below.

How to reduce blood clotting with tinctures?

You can make tinctures to reduce blood clotting:

From ginger, cinnamon, green tea, honey and lemon. Mix ginger root (fresh), a little cinnamon (a pinch is enough), one teaspoon of green tea, pour half a liter of boiling water and let it brew. Later, strain and add honey and lemon to taste. To reduce blood clotting, drink throughout the day.

From the flowers of the turn, dry dandelions (during the treatment with tincture, meat and eggs should be excluded from the diet). To reduce blood clotting, eat sprouted wheat.

To reduce blood clotting, you can not use herbs such as: yarrow, motherwort, St. John's wort, valerian, tansy, shepherd's purse, horsetail, Japanese Sophora, sparkling cuff, corn silk, needles, oak bark, burdock, agrimony.

How to reduce blood clotting diet?

To reduce blood clotting, you need products that contain a substance such as taurine, thanks to which it normalizes blood pressure. Contained in marine fish, all seafood, as well as in walnuts and almond nuts. To reduce blood clotting, eat sea kale, you can use it in the form of salt in cooking, after grinding dry sea kale in a coffee grinder. It reduces blood clotting and well increases vascular tone.

  • Of the vegetables, they thin the blood well: tomatoes, bell peppers, beets, cucumbers.
  • From fruits: melon, grapefruit, lemon, sweet cherry, cherry, raspberry, mulberry.
  • From herbs: ginkgo biloba, sweet clover grass, medicinal sweet clover, Caucasian Dioscorea, meadowsweet flowers. Chestnut tincture, galega officinalis, tincture of mushrooms (porcini), from mulberry roots perfectly thins the blood.

To reduce blood clotting, you should abandon foods such as bananas, grapes, buckwheat, nettles, parsley, dill, spinach, coriander, white cabbage, rose hips, mountain ash, smoked, fatty and alcohol.

Dry red wine lowers blood clotting well, you can take one glass a day with meals. Drink plenty of fluids, preferably at least ten glasses a day, if there are no problems with kidney function. Do not self-medicate, seek help from specialists. Be healthy!

Blood clotting is a rather complex, multi-stage process in which enzymes play the main role. With a lack of a specific protein, clotting performance deteriorates. This may indicate the presence of pathology and a deterioration in the functioning of the whole organism. In order to first of all it is necessary to undergo an examination and establish the cause of the disease. After that, the specialist will select best method treatment.

possible reasons

Specific proteins, fibrinogens, which are involved in the formation of fibrin thrombi, are responsible for normal. The level of this substance can be affected various factors. The main reasons for this pathological condition, experts call the following deviations:

  • violations in the functioning of the liver (tumors, infectious pathologies);
  • malfunction of the immune system;
  • DIC syndrome (pathology of hemostasis);
  • thrombophilia;
  • Iron-deficiency anemia;
  • thrombocytopenia;
  • vitamin deficiency;
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • long-term use of drugs from the group of anticoagulants, angiogenesis inhibitors.

In case of violation of such a process as blood clotting, there are frequent nosebleeds, unreasonable bruising on the body. One of the symptoms is also gum bleeding. With the help of drugs of systemic and local effects, blood clotting can be increased. The doctor should prescribe such medications after the diagnosis. It is mandatory for the patient to submit laboratory tests and pass ultrasound procedure liver to rule out cirrhosis.

What to do with poor blood clotting?

Patients who have a history of such a diagnosis should know how to protect themselves from developing various kinds complications. Take any medication or try prescriptions traditional medicine highly undesirable. Only after finding out the reasons for the deviation and having received the doctor's recommendations regarding treatment, one should start therapy.

In addition to drug exposure, attention must be paid to the nutrition system. Use certain products will help increase blood clotting. negative psycho-emotional state and violation proper nutrition lead to changes in the production of fibrinogen protein.

Treatment with drugs

Depending on the etiology of the pathological condition, the specialist prescribes to the patient certain drugs that increase blood clotting. These medicines include:

  • coagulants - directly affect the production of fibrinogen ("Vikasol", "Thrombin");
  • synthetic drugs that improve blood clotting (aminocaproic acid);
  • means that stimulate the formation of blood clots;
  • preparations of animal origin ("Aprotinin", "Pantripin");
  • drugs of synthetic origin that reduce the permeability of the walls of blood vessels ("Rutin", "Androxon");
  • herbal preparations that reduce vascular permeability (nettle, arnica).

Before taking any medicine, you must carefully study the annotation and make sure that there are no contraindications.

The drug "Vikasol"

Antihemorrhagic agents that increase blood clotting are able to establish the production of prothrombin in the liver and enhance the production of hemocoagulation factors. The doctor should prescribe such medications, determining the appropriate dosage and duration of therapy for a particular patient.

The hemostatic drug "Vikasol" refers to indirect coagulants and is prescribed to enhance blood clotting. it vitamin preparation, which is an analogue (synthetic, water-soluble) of vitamin K. Active ingredient The composition is menadione sodium bisulfite (15 mg). The drug is available in the form injection solution and tablets.


The drug can be used as part of complex treatment with uterine bleeding, hemorrhagic disease (including in newborns), menorrhagia.

Indications for the appointment of "Vikasol" are also the following conditions:

  • frequent nosebleeds;
  • hypovitaminosis of vitamin K;
  • hepatitis;
  • bleeding on the background of surgery;
  • cirrhosis of the liver.

To prevent bleeding, the drug is prescribed for long-term treatment anticoagulants and pregnant women in the last trimester.

The drug "Rutin"

Medicines that increase blood clotting from the flavonoid group have therapeutic effect by reducing capillary fragility. One of these drugs is Rutin. Active substance- rutozid - replenishes the lack strengthens vascular walls relieves inflammation and puffiness. The drug is available in the form of tablets and powder, which contain 20 mg of rutoside.

The drug will be effective in various pathological conditions: hemorrhoids, lack of vitamin P, lymphostasis, superficial thrombophlebitis, chronic venous insufficiency, It is shown to take Rutin three times a day, 20-50 mg at a time.

Contraindications and side effects

The drug is forbidden to prescribe to pregnant women in the first trimester, as well as to patients with hypersensitivity to the components in the composition. Side effects in the form of a headache, skin allergic reaction, heartburn, diarrhea, belching develop in rare cases.

Traditional medicine recipes

Prevent bleeding from injury skin plants will help. Medicinal herbs that increase blood clotting are used to prepare decoctions, lotions and compresses.

Yarrow has the necessary property. The plant renders positive influence on the state of blood vessels, stops inflammatory process, accelerates tissue regeneration. Dry grass (15 g) is poured warm water(200 ml) and boil for 15 minutes. After that, the broth should be insisted, filtered and taken 1 tbsp. spoon before meals three times a day.

For any bleeding, it is useful to take a decoction of nettle. To prepare it, you need to take 10 g of dry grass and pour a glass of boiling water. The drink is steamed for 20 minutes, after which it is filtered and taken 3 times a day for a tablespoon.

Arnica will help increase blood clotting. The preparation based on the flowers of the plant can be purchased in the form of drops or you can prepare an infusion at home. For a glass of boiling water (200 ml), you need to take 2 tbsp. spoons of dried flowers and steam for 40 minutes. Take 1 tbsp. spoon 2-3 times a day.


Experts recommend including foods that increase blood clotting in your diet. These include spinach, cabbage (normal and cauliflower), corn, carrots, red berries, bananas, walnuts. Benefits will bring the use of buckwheat, legumes, animal fats, white bread, liver.

In order to increase blood clotting, these foods must be present in daily menu. The diet should be varied. The listed products should only complement it. Diet food and traditional medicine recipes for problems with blood clotting will help people who have contraindications to drug therapy. This method of maintenance treatment is completely safe for children.

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