Usefulness of oatmeal in milk. Oatmeal in the morning benefit or harm. What's wrong with oatmeal

Hi all! People who care about their own health and figure start their morning meal with oatmeal. It can be prepared in different ways, for example, boiled in milk or water, add candied fruits or condensed milk to it.

Numerous laboratory studies prove that oatmeal is rich in fiber and nutrients that have a positive effect on the human body.

Oatmeal in the morning helps to stabilize weight, strengthen the immune system, and also get rid of diseases of the intestinal tract.

Ingredients of oatmeal:

  • Fiber, saturated with vegetable fibers;
  • Vitamins B6, PP, B2, E and many others;
  • biological acids;
  • , calcium, phosphorus and a number of other trace elements in large quantities.

Why is it good to eat oatmeal for breakfast?

The benefits of oatmeal are undeniable, but many do not know why it should be consumed during the morning meal. Here it makes sense to recall the famous saying that you need to eat breakfast yourself, share lunch with a friend, and give dinner to the enemy. During sleep, the body absorbs most of the nutrients, so in the morning you should eat foods rich in nutrients - oatmeal is exactly that.

This is interesting: "The oatmeal offered in many stores today contains much less nutrients than regular oatmeal, because they are processed by a method of evaporation, during which most of the nutrients evaporate."

Benefits of breakfast cereal

There are many foods that people have no doubt about the benefits of, one of these foods, in my opinion, is oatmeal. To notice improvements in the functioning of your body, it is enough to eat this dish prepared according to your favorite recipe at least 2 times a week.

  • Significantly reduce weight.
  • Cleanse the body of toxins and toxins.
  • Achieve the normalization of digestion and improve the functioning of the intestinal tract.
  • Reduce the level of pain in patients with gastritis and other diseases of the stomach.
  • Build muscle and get rid of excess body fat.
  • Normalize cholesterol levels.
  • Prevent the development of vascular diseases.


So, oatmeal is a healthy and nutritious dish that, when consumed in the morning, can saturate the body with the necessary vitamins and minerals until the next meal. It can be used by adults and children. Introduce oatmeal into your diet and you will be able to evaluate the changes in your body for the better in a couple of weeks!

Write in the comments how you make porridge tastier?

Sincerely, Vladimir Manerov

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Comments to the article: 21

  1. Vladimir 2015-10-16 at 13:04

    I always eat porridge in the morning. I do it this way: at first everything is as usual, and then I finely chop a banana and if there is still fruit. It turns out excellent) Thank you for the article, I also liked the recipes for a delicious breakfast, I took note of it. *THUMBS UP*


  2. Neon Rain 2015-10-17 at 23:51

    Finally, a detailed answer to a long-standing question! And then everywhere everything is somehow blurry and in general terms. And here everything is on the shelves and in simple words. Thank you very much for the clarification, now my motivation to eat porridge in the morning has definitely increased))


  3. Victor 2015-10-20 at 14:59

    I agree with the author of the article, but it is much more useful than Hercules cereal to eat porridge made from natural oatmeal. True, it is cooked for a long time, so it is better to soak the cereal overnight in cold water, and cook it in the morning. For even greater benefits, add not butter, but a tablespoon of olive oil to the porridge. The intestines will work "like a clock" =)


  4. Nastya 2015-10-21 at 14:43

    Since childhood, somehow I was not accustomed to cereals, at a more conscious age I realized that this needs to be corrected. Initially, it was hard to give up sausage sandwiches for breakfast in favor of oatmeal, addiction happened gradually)) Now I can’t imagine my morning without hot porridge, however, I cook it in milk. I know that it is recommended on the water, but in my opinion, milk is also a healthy product and it will not spoil the porridge))


  5. Hope 2015-10-22 at 09:43

    If you soak the hercules in kefir in the evening, then you won’t even need to cook and this is a very healthy dish! =)


  6. Vladimir 2015-10-22 at 13:43

    Oatmeal is a storehouse of what is scarce in many other products, namely fiber with plant fibers, and I’m not even talking about a set of trace elements and vitamins.
    Oatmeal, a product underestimated in the Russian Federation, it is simply unique.
    Remember the famous "oatmeal, sir."
    To the question of the author of the article, how I make it tastier - I will answer.
    I personally eat oatmeal with a few rings of good semi-smoked sausage.
    Not so useful, but tasty and not so harmful for me.


  7. Lyudmila 2015-10-25 at 23:52

    For me, oatmeal is a unique product, it contains many valuable nutrients, fiber, vitamins, and trace elements. People with gastrointestinal problems should definitely pay attention to oatmeal. Personally, I never get bored of it, every time you can come up with a new tasty filler for porridge. There are only your fantasies. =)


  8. ulealen 2015-10-27 at 11:25

    "Oatmeal sir" =) I'll show this article to my wife. And then she’s too lazy to cook porridge for me, she makes cereal all the time. And I told her that porridge is healthier! Maybe even believe you...

    I love oatmeal with fruit or dried fruit, depending on the season. I don’t eat milk and butter, so for goodness I throw a handful of raisins or dried apricots. Summer fresh fruits. A little more sugar and a delicious, fragrant and healthy breakfast is ready!


  9. uglion 2015-11-03 at 13:25

    I used to have a very negative attitude towards cereals, I recalled these terrible decoys with lumps from childhood. But recently I discovered modern cereals with all sorts of delicious additives. Of course, you can enjoy such cereals in the morning.


  10. Alexander Viktorovich 2015-11-04 at 17:56

    I have never tried oatmeal before. but recently decided. Cooked not much and ate in two days. You need to choose the amount at one time and some additional fillers. Now the choice is still large, there are fresh apples, and our own. Well, in the winter you have to switch to dried fruits.


  11. Stepan 2015-11-11 at 10:43

    I completely agree with you, about a year ago, because there is a chronic disease of pancreatitis, for several months I had breakfast only with oatmeal, and I felt improvements. For a long time I ate haphazardly, but after reading your article I wanted to eat right again.


  12. Volodya 2015-11-13 at 06:10

    I've been eating oatmeal for breakfast for ten years. I add raisins to it for a richer taste. It seems to me that only thanks to this food product I got rid of chronic pancreatitis and cholecystitis.


  13. Daria 2015-11-17 at 15:27

    I recently learned this recipe: at some stage of cooking, cocoa is added to oatmeal and chocolate porridge is obtained. I haven't tried it myself yet, there is no cocoa in the house))
    I also noticed that after oatmeal, for some reason, I quickly want to eat more) The feature is so, or what!?


  14. Ilona 2015-11-27 at 12:52

    I am a fan of oatmeal for breakfast. My husband and I have been eating breakfast this way for many years. Moreover, porridge is always boiled, that is, we do not use porridge from bags, which must be poured and that's it. Porridge is always boiled in water and a little honey is always added to it. We don't eat sugar. And I will tell you that a normal portion of porridge gives not only satiety until dinner, but also a charge of vivacity and energy.


  15. Tatyana 2015-11-30 at 16:01

    Oatmeal contains mucus. It envelops the walls of the stomach, so it will not only not harm, but heal it. The only bad thing is that they put us on oatmeal and the groats completely disappeared.


  16. Yana 2015-12-06 at 08:04

    In fact, it is one of the healthiest and most nutritious food plus diet! Almost all protein is digested in the body. In combination with raisins, the taste is much more pleasant and tastier.


  17. Igor 2016-03-26 at 13:41

    Usually, I’ll drink a cup of coffee in the morning and go for a run. But somehow I didn’t eat porridge.
    I need to try oatmeal in the morning, maybe it will be ok


  18. Nastya 2016-04-18 at 07:03

    I also start every morning with oatmeal. I fill the porridge with everything that is in the refrigerator. For several years I have already come up with dozens of delicious recipes and never stop experimenting with my favorite ingredients :)


  19. Sergey 2016-05-16 at 00:57

    I go to the gym 4 times a week. I try to follow the right diet. I can say that oatmeal is a great breakfast food. Slow carbohydrates will saturate the body for a long time after eating, and therefore interfere with the processes of catabolism. Oatmeal also has a fairly low GKI, which means a slight increase in blood sugar levels, therefore little insulin production by the pancreas and a minimal chance of sending excess to fat depots. Everyone boldly eat oatmeal in the morning!


  20. Anna 2017-10-17 at 04:56

    I cook cereals, then add a little honey, cottage cheese and fruits. Delicious, healthy and nutritious


Recently, more and more people start a new day with a plate of fragrant oatmeal with various additives (usually sweet and sour fruits and berries) and the reason for this is health benefits of oatmeal. Oatmeal is really very useful for our body, but, like any product, it has its pros and cons. Indeed, many medical studies support the benefits and harms of oatmeal. So let's take a look at the various pros and cons.

Oatmeal contains a large amount of antioxidants that improve the body's resistance to various infections and negative environmental influences. Oatmeal is rich in methionine and magnesium, which improve the activity of the central nervous system. Thanks to the vitamins contained in oatmeal, metabolic processes improve.

Scientists have come to this conclusion, if you regularly eat oatmeal in the morning, you can not only become calmer, but also smarter. It improves brain function, gives vitality and good mood. It improves mental capacity and good memory until old age. Another plus of oatmeal is that if you have a good appetite, you can eat a full breakfast of scrambled eggs, sandwiches or sausages, but before eating a little oatmeal so that it does not allow cholesterol to enter the bloodstream or deposited on the walls of blood vessels.

What is the benefit of oatmeal?

If you suffer from dermatitis or allergies, then oatmeal should be consumed as one of the main dishes. It contains a sufficient amount of vitamin B to normalize the process of digestion of food. It is also recommended for people suffering from diarrhea or bloating.

It also contains a large amount of vitamins and minerals that normalize a good metabolism. It is indispensable for those who suffer from excess weight or problems of the gastrointestinal tract.

Everyone knows that foods containing a low glycemic index normalize blood sugar levels. Therefore, oatmeal, due to its low glycemic index, is recommended as the healthiest food for people with high blood sugar levels.

There is a huge number of diseases in which oatmeal is recommended in the first place. Due to phosphorus and calcium, it helps to deal with problems of the musculoskeletal system, due to the large amount of iron in it, it is used to prevent blood diseases, vegetative-vascular dystonia and blood.
The harm of oatmeal is that it should not be eaten by people suffering from celiac disease (cereal intolerance).

The benefits and harms of oatmeal has been studied for many years and doctors have come to the conclusion that this product has practically no contraindications. So you can eat oatmeal in any quantity without harming your health.

Oatmeal harm

The harm of oatmeal is primarily obvious to those who suffer from celiac disease, that is, intolerance to cereals. Everyone knows that the use of any product should be in moderation, this rule also applies to oatmeal. When using an immoderate amount of oatmeal, harming oatmeal, it can exceed all its useful properties. Oatmeal contains phytic acid, which, when accumulated in the body, promotes the leaching of calcium from the bones of the tissue.

Oatmeal is a harmless product, after much research, doctors insist that it be present in the diet of every person. Just be sure that it was oatmeal, and not instant oatmeal. Since the harm of instant oatmeal is that it lends itself to special processing, after which vitamins decrease. It also loses the ability to regulate metabolism and is not able to provide the body with the right amount of energy.

Allergy to oatmeal

This problem can affect everyone, both children and adults. The culprit is gluten, which is present in oatmeal. Many try to live a healthy lifestyle by putting oatmeal on the table, unaware that an oatmeal allergy can occur. Gluten is found in wheat and rye, if you add water to them, then when gluten interacts with water, the cereals become sticky, and dough can be made from them.

Washing with oatmeal reviews

Undoubtedly, every woman has a huge amount of cosmetics on her dressing table. Since each part of the body needs a certain amount of care. But if you think about it, have all these funds always helped you and is it not just advertising? Sometimes it is better to resort to folk remedies that really help fix the problem.

We are talking about oatmeal, with which you can give your skin smoothness and silkiness, eliminate irritation on the code, and oatmeal is also good for oily skin, acne and blackheads. Reviews about washing with oatmeal can be found completely different, but in most cases they are positive. But for you to be one of the people it helped, you should use the most common oatmeal, and not instant oatmeal.

oatmeal wash recipe

Take a handful of cereal in your hands, hold it tightly in your hands and bring it to a stream of warm water for a couple of seconds. After that, we begin to gently massage the face with soaked flakes, this procedure should not last long, because after a few seconds the oatmeal will begin to lather, thereby cleansing the skin of the face.

Do not be afraid if redness or small pimples appear after washing with oatmeal - this means that the skin is cleared. After a week of washing with this folk remedy, you will forget about acne and blackheads, acquiring smooth, delicate and velvety skin.

Benefits of oatmeal Video

Video about how you can get rid of many diseases by eating oatmeal. What vitamins are contained in it and how to cook it correctly.

Oatmeal is ideal for those who decide to get rid of extra pounds. It contains a lot of fiber and fat. Oatmeal is well absorbed by the body. In a nutritious dish there are various vitamins and nutrients (magnesium, potassium, sulfur, iron). Oatmeal is eaten with various foods: honey, sour milk drinks, fruit juice, jam, nuts, cinnamon, dried apricots, raisins. Many people put a small amount of butter or cheese in their oatmeal. There are more original recipes for making oatmeal: the dish is mixed with offal or vegetable puree.

The benefit of oatmeal is that it has a beneficial effect on various organs. The product is recommended for people who have increased acidity of gastric juice.

Oatmeal improves the functioning of the digestive tract.

Oatmeal contains a large amount of amino acids and vitamin PP, it helps to strengthen the vascular wall, helps to reduce cholesterol in the body. The dish also contains biotin, which eliminates pain in the muscles. Biotin helps to cope with anxiety and tension.

Oatmeal should be eaten by people who are engaged in hard physical labor. It quickly replenishes the expended supply of energy. The dish lowers the level of glucose in the blood, helps to remove excess fluid from the body.

For weight loss

Oatmeal is low in calories. The dish has an enveloping effect on the stomach. Oat grains quickly cleanse the intestines. The mucus that appears when boiling oatmeal in water can be used to treat various diseases of the digestive organs.

Oatmeal with bran quickly satisfies the feeling of hunger, it helps to cleanse the intestines. The composition of bran contains the following substances:

  • Chromium;
  • Zinc;
  • Selenium;
  • Copper;
  • Magnesium.

Bran contains a lot of potassium, which has a beneficial effect on the state of the heart muscle. Therefore, this product is useful for people suffering from various heart diseases. Potassium is also found in nuts and dried fruits. But these products are quite expensive: they are not available to everyone. Healthy people should cook bran oatmeal for breakfast.

Bran is rich in fiber. They quickly penetrate the stomach and gradually swell. As a result, a person has a pleasant feeling of satiety. Moreover, bran is endowed with pronounced absorbent properties. They remove harmful substances from the body that accumulate in the stomach. Bran prevents constipation. Therefore, oatmeal with bran can be considered a real salvation for the stomach. When eating this dish, intestinal peristalsis is noticeably improved.

With honey during pregnancy

The dish contains folic acid. It prevents the appearance of various congenital malformations in the unborn child. In addition, oatmeal contains other useful substances:

  • Niacin - improves the condition of the skin of the expectant mother;
  • Thiamine. He charges a pregnant woman with positive energy;
  • Vitamin B6. It helps to cope with nausea, which often occurs in early pregnancy.

Oatmeal contains iron. Therefore, this dish perfectly eliminates the main manifestations of iron deficiency anemia.

This disease is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • Irritability;
  • lethargy;
  • Depression.

Oatmeal helps with constipation, which often occurs during pregnancy. Oatmeal also contains beneficial fibers. It is important to know that the main cause of constipation during pregnancy is precisely the lack of natural fibers in the daily menu of the expectant mother.

In the absence of allergic reactions, it is allowed to add honey to oatmeal. It helps to strengthen the immune system, reduces the likelihood of infectious diseases. Honey improves blood circulation in the pelvic area, helps to relax the muscles of the bronchi and uterus. Moreover, the bee product helps to reduce pregnancy nausea.

With milk

To prepare the dish you will need the following ingredients:

  • 2/3 cup oatmeal;
  • 0.1 l of milk;
  • 0.1 l of water;
  • 10 grams of sugar;
  • A small amount of butter;
  • A pinch of salt.

Even a completely inexperienced hostess can cook porridge. First, water and milk are poured into a small saucepan. The container is placed on the stove, turn on a slow fire. After the dish boils, oatmeal is poured into it, salt and sugar are added. Porridge should be cooked until tender, it must be stirred occasionally. If the consistency of the finished dish is too thick, you can pour a little water into the oatmeal.

Then the pan with porridge is carefully removed from the stove, oil is added to it. This oatmeal is amazingly delicious. You can add fresh berries or frozen fruits to the dish.

With apples and cinnamon

You can please your children with such a tasty and nutritious dish. To prepare it, you will need the following ingredients:

  • 0.2 kg of oatmeal;
  • 5 grams of butter;
  • One small apple;
  • 10 grams of sugar;
  • A pinch of salt;
  • 2 grams of raisins;
  • 400 ml of cool water;
  • 5 grams of cinnamon.

The recipe for making oatmeal is quite simple: pour oatmeal into a small saucepan. Then they are poured with water and the mixture is brought to a boil. Sugar and salt are added to the dish. It must be boiled for 5 minutes. The porridge must be stirred periodically.

After that, you need to thoroughly wash the apple. The fruit is carefully peeled, the core is removed from it. Then the apple should be cut into neat pieces. Small slices of apple, cinnamon, butter, raisins are added to the porridge. The dish is thoroughly mixed, the pan is tightly closed with a lid. Oatmeal with cinnamon and apple has a delicate, pleasant taste. It doesn't take long to prepare!

Is there any harm?

Even a properly prepared dish can harm the body. Are there any contraindications? You need to follow these guidelines:

  • In the morning on an empty stomach, it is not recommended to eat only one oatmeal. The dish should be washed down with tea with toast or a light dessert.
  • The dish should be eaten no more than twice a week. The rest of the time, you need to cook cereals from other cereals: buckwheat or millet. With frequent consumption of oatmeal, calcium is excreted from the body - this can lead to osteoporosis, brittle bones.

Oatmeal should not be eaten by people who have been diagnosed with celiac disease. This genetic disorder is quite rare. People with celiac disease have an intolerance to cereals.

Your feedback on the article:

Today we decided to analyze the benefits and harms of oatmeal in the morning. Or rather, how exactly it is worth cooking and how often to use this favorite dish for everyone so that they bring only a positive effect.

However, before we analyze the recipes, let's get acquainted with the properties of this product and its effect on the body as a whole.

The benefits and harms of oatmeal in the morning

The fact that oatmeal is the leader among other contenders for breakfast and is very useful is insisted, perhaps, by most leading nutritionists. Studies have shown that the regular inclusion of porridge from oats in the diet can become a prevention for many intestinal diseases and prolong life! What is it connected with?

Oatmeal is very nutritious in its chemical composition, because it contains a lot of vegetable protein, complex carbohydrates, which act as a powerful source of energy for the human body. And although few people doubt the benefits of oatmeal, not everyone is in a hurry to include it in their daily diet.

But in vain, eating porridge at least once a week can prevent the formation of blood clots, lower the level of bad cholesterol and improve brain function. In addition, even one serving of oatmeal has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart and the entire cardiovascular system.

Here is just a small list of essential trace elements contained in porridge.:

  • Biotin: improves general well-being and strengthens the body's immune forces;
  • Vitamin K: able to prevent osteoporosis, contributes to the normalization of the urinary-genital system and improves blood clotting;
  • Thiamine, tocopherol, riboflavin, carotene and many others: fill the body with energy, restore the body's protective shield against bacteria, etc.

The benefits and harms of oatmeal in the morning are of particular interest to athletes, because this dish is almost the main one in their diet, as it helps build muscle by controlling body weight.

It is not for us to talk about environmental degradation. But just one serving of porridge can naturally cleanse the body of toxins and heavy metal salts that accumulate in it.

Well, where else can you find such a tasty and healthy product?

How it works

Nutritionists advise starting the morning with healthy oatmeal, because it is this cooking option that is considered the most useful for cleansing the intestines and normalizing the digestive tract. How does it work?

Digesting, porridge envelops the walls of the stomach, facilitating digestion. At the same time, even oat grains ground into flour act like a “brush”, removing the “garbage” accumulating there.

The mucus formed when oats are boiled in water is an excellent tool for the prevention and treatment of duodenal ulcer and stomach ulcers.

In addition, oatmeal contains a lot of fiber, which is so necessary for the body after surgery or illness. It is for this reason that it is given to patients after surgery. Remember - one bowl of porridge gives the body a quarter of the necessary fiber per day! Dry oatmeal in the amount of a glass - completely restore this stock!

water oatmeal recipe

To prepare this healthy porridge, we need two full glasses of purified water and a glass of oatmeal.

Bring the water to a boil over medium heat, and then carefully pour in the grits and reduce the heat. Cook the mass, stirring occasionally until tender, adding three teaspoons of butter and a little salt at the end. However, if you decide to lose a couple of kilograms, then you can do without the last two points.

Frozen or fresh fruit slices, which you add before serving, will make it not only more beautiful, but also more healthy. It certainly won't do any harm!

Most of us do not want to load the stomach with food in the morning, but the body simply needs to get energy for the next day. That's why oatmeal is the best start to the day for everyone.

Being a light food, oatmeal porridge contains the protein and a portion of energy necessary for the body. Agree - a great alternative to heavy and unhealthy sandwiches.

In addition, even if after such a breakfast you want to eat something else, then the food taken after porridge will be absorbed much faster, which is very helpful when losing weight. By the way, this dish in the morning will help you quickly and effectively restore and normalize metabolic processes, which will help you lose weight much faster!

Also, do not forget that for proper digestion and weight loss, oatmeal should be washed down with milk.(fat-free or soy) or delicious tea, which we talked about in a wonderful article! Be sure to read it after this one!

And here are three more reasons that may even more approve you of the need to include oatmeal in your morning diet:

  1. unobtrusive taste that can be decorated and diversified even with one berry or a spoonful of honey;
  2. ease of preparation, which even a schoolboy can handle;
  3. availability and cheapness, unlike any kind of muesli, bread and food additives.

milk oatmeal recipe

Let's now look at another popular oatmeal recipe. A dish cooked in milk, according to many, has a greater range of taste than one cooked in water.

Oatmeal has long been popular, but this product received particular demand at the end of the 20th century. Thanks to its properties, oatmeal has taken one of the important positions in the diet of people who seek to maintain their health and enrich the body with valuable nutrients.


It is difficult to find any other product that has the same diverse range of useful properties. Oatmeal contains the optimal amount of protein, carbohydrates and fats. Thanks to complex carbohydrates, the body gradually receives energy for an active life. Therefore, oatmeal for breakfast is one of the healthiest foods.

Oatmeal porridge in the morning helps reduce the likelihood of blood clots, helps lower blood cholesterol levels, optimizes the functioning of brain cells, and strengthens memory. Also, oatmeal is an effective means of preventing stress, improves mood, normalizes kidney function, and has a general strengthening effect on the body.

Oatmeal is often introduced into the diet of athletes: this product promotes muscle building and helps maintain normal weight, removes toxins, salts of heavy metals. Thanks to oatmeal, the functioning of the liver, pancreas, and thyroid gland improves. It also improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, strengthens hair and nails, and helps restore nervous tissue.

A high level of fiber lowers cholesterol, lowers the risk of heart and vascular disease (but only in combination with a diet). Eating oatmeal for breakfast is considered one of the best ways to start the day. This product is very useful for the intestines and stomach.

Oatmeal cooked with water is of particular value: it contains a minimum of calories and fat, which is important for people who are on a diet.

Another valuable feature of porridge is that it envelops the stomach, which greatly facilitates digestion. And the grains themselves or oatmeal help to cleanse the intestines, quickly removing toxins from the body. It is also useful to use oatmeal for peptic ulcers in the duodenum and stomach: the mucus that forms during the cooking of porridge helps to get rid of gastrointestinal problems.

With moderate consumption of this product, oatmeal is a dietary food.


When eating oatmeal, you need to remember that the diet should be varied. Despite the usefulness of oatmeal in the morning, it is better not to use it every day, but to alternate it with other healthy breakfasts.

If you eat a lot of oatmeal, you may experience a loss of beneficial enzymes. And all because of the accumulation of phytic acid, which prevents calcium from being absorbed normally.

When choosing oatmeal, it is worth stopping at a whole grain product. Despite the fact that it will take more time to cook it, such oatmeal contains much more useful properties. Also, we must not forget that not all oatmeal can be healthy: this applies to instant cereals. Such products often contain artificial components that can harm health.

Oatmeal contains a lot of saturated fatty acids and a sufficient amount of carbohydrates. But, given that carbohydrates are complex, they are not stored as fat, but are burned throughout the day, providing the body with energy.

Oatmeal does not contain carcinogens.


There are 349 kcal of oatmeal per 100 grams (19.45% of the daily requirement). Oatmeal cooked with water contains 88 kcal (3.7% of the daily requirement). Oatmeal with milk contains 103 kcal (4.8% of the daily requirement).

The nutritional value


Oatmeal may not be for everyone. So, this product is contraindicated for people with celiac disease (gluten enteropathy). Also, you should not get carried away with oatmeal for heart disease and kidney failure.

Oatmeal porridge can (and even should) be consumed during pregnancy and while breastfeeding. And babies can be given this product at 6-8 months of age.

Vitamins and minerals

Vitamin name Quantity (per 100 g) % DV
Vitamin B4 (choline) 0.82 mg 0,5
Vitamin B1 (Thiamin) 0.063 mg 4
Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin) 0.19 mg 0,82
Vitamin B3 (Niacin) 0.961 mg 6,4
Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine) 0.04 mg 2,2
Vitamin B5 (Pantothenic Acid) 0.4 mg 9
Vitamin B9 (Folacin) 35 mcg 8,75

Oatmeal also contains valuable minerals that improve the functioning of the stomach, have a beneficial effect on the intestines, nervous system, brain and optimize metabolism.

Mineral name Quantity (per 100 g) % DV
Calcium 18 mg 1,8
Magnesium 24.9 mg 6,2
Sodium 2 mg 0,15
Potassium 58 mg 2,3
Phosphorus 58 mg 7,3
Iron 0.64 mg 3,6
Zinc 0.55 mg 4,6
Sulfur 81 mg 8,1
Manganese 0.68 mg 20

Thanks to the diversity of the diet, oatmeal will have a positive effect on health, help cleanse the intestines and strengthen the body's defense functions, providing the body with energy in the morning.

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