We make a protective collar for a cat with our own hands from a plastic bottle. Types of protective collars for cats

We make a protective Elizabethan collar for a cat with our own hands

When a veterinarian recommends barrier therapy, inexperienced owners are horrified: “Forbid a free-spirited cat to do what she wants. Forbid scratching? Lick your coat?" It's not scary if you know how to make a collar for a cat so that the pet experiences a minimum of inconvenience and quickly gets used to an incomprehensible contraption covering the neck.

A dense cone around the head will protect the seams and healing wounds from the teeth of the mustachioed fidget, and will not allow the cat to comb the ears or muzzle. After the toilet, the cat always licks intimacy: what will happen when the pet licks the surgical suture or an unhealed wound with the same tongue? The Elizabethan collar is indispensable when it becomes necessary to treat wool or skin with toxic agents - flea spray, hormonal creams, ointments from skin mites or bacteria.

The right collar for cats is, first of all, protection against self-harm during the recovery period, when even without a terrible thing there is a reason for stress, irritation and defiant disobedience. Therefore, it is extremely important that the collar is safe for the cat, reliable - does not come off, does not slip, comfortable - does not make breathing difficult, does not rub the neck. Unfortunately, finished products from pet stores (and in small cities this is a real problem) rarely meet all the requirements.

But making a collar, even for a cat with a character like a real queen, is not so difficult:

  • the pattern always has the shape of a half bagel. Depending on the size of the pet, the bagel can be thinner or thicker, longer or shorter, narrower or wider;
  • You only need to take two measurements. The girth of the neck is the length of the inner, small semicircle (i.e., the diameter of the cut of the cone, if the pattern is folded). The length from the neck (the place of the collar) to the tip of the nose plus 5 cm is the width of the future collar. Cut a half circle with a margin, fold, try on and cut where necessary.

Option 1, for gentle cougars

This veterinary collar is extremely comfortable - light, soft, even cozy. And it is comfortable to sleep in it - almost like on a pillow or bedding. In the photo, the finished model, but sewing it is simple:

two main parts made of chintz, linen, cotton, etc.;

a layer of thick cap material is sewn inside, which keeps its shape well. You can fold any fabric in several layers and stitch it with small rhombuses to make a whole canvas;

the piping along the outer perimeter should also be tight, it helps the collar keep its shape;

Velcro across the entire width of the edge of the "steering wheel" is reliable and strong. So that the cat does not definitely take off the collar, you can replace the Velcro with lacing. The cone will securely fit the neck if a wide, not too tight elastic band is sewn along the collar zone.

This cone has a significant disadvantage - an active cat will crush even dense tissue, and still get to the wound with its teeth. Therefore, the postoperative collar will have to be reinforced with a rigid layer, replacing the inner layer of matter with a piece of flexible plastic. If a suitable plastic is not at hand, buy a collar like this:

This infernal horror costs a penny, it is sold everywhere. Just cut off unnecessary straps, adjust the length and width of the “steering wheel” with scissors and hide it under a dense soft cloth. To sew fabric to plastic, make holes around the perimeter with a hot nail or awl. Don't forget the lacing holes.

Option 2, for tolerant cats

Again, you can buy a pre-made plastic cone or cut one from a suitable piece of plastic (bottle, seedling pot, baby bucket, etc.). It is desirable that the plastic is transparent - a limited view makes cats nervous.

Number 1 - straps that cover the collar, forming loops.

Number 3 - collar clasp. Instead of a collar, it is better to use a harness, it creates additional support and eases the load on the neck.

Number 2 - a sharp edge that rubs the skin and fur. To make the Elizabethan collar royally comfortable, you need to hide the four edges from the strap to the strap (in the photo of the collar in expanded form).

from dense soft fabric we cut out strips from strap to strap, 2-3 cm wide. The strip of fabric should not cover the slot for the strap;

fold the strips along, iron with an iron;

make holes in the edge of the collar;

Place strips of fabric on edge and sew.

This is what a cat looks like in a harness and collar, but only the edges of the cone will not cut into the neck. From the photo it is clear how to put a collar on a cat: we circle the “steering wheel” around the neck, thread the clasp through the slots, pass the ribbons under the collar, bend it and also pass it through the slots:

Option 3, in a hurry

This option is suitable for emergencies when there is no time to mess around with sewing. It turns out frankly inconvenient and not very reliable, but before something more decent appears, it will definitely last. And such a collar can also be used as protection during the processing of leather and / or wool: I used it and threw it away, it’s not a pity.

You will need cardboard - a shoe box or packaging from small household appliances. The thick cardboard from which the large boxes are made is suitable only for large dogs. So:

draw and cut out a semicircle, with a margin;

gently roll the cardboard into a tube so that the collar does not turn out to be too hard;

try on a cat, cut off the excess;

tape, in several layers, paste over the sections. You can cut strips from the fabric and stick them to the tape so that the edges of the Velcro remain uncovered. Now we simply apply adhesive tape thickened with a strip of fabric to the cut and glue it;

if the collar is needed for protection during processing, you can immediately put it on the cat and secure it with the same tape. If the pet will wear the collar for several hours, we make holes in the cardboard and lace up the edges.

And even such a collar for a cat can be made more convenient with your own hands by attaching loops at the edge. They can be cut from thick paper or fabric, thin elastic plastic and any other material that can withstand the onslaught of cat claws. The loops are attached simply - with adhesive tape or lacing. Now a collar can be passed through the loops, which will not allow a persistent cat to remove the collar over its head.

Do not forget that the collar needs to be removed from time to time so that the recovering pet can rest. Of course, you shouldn't leave your cat unattended. Many pets refuse to drink and eat while they are wearing a protective collar - in this case, the cone will have to be removed regularly so as not to violate the usual mode of the mustachioed stubbornness.

More information

It so happens that our pets need surgery or on the body due to a fight, there are wounds that cannot be licked in any way, or a lot of different situations. A protective collar aids in the proper treatment of the dog. In order not to buy it, you can make such a useful thing with your own hands. Our article is about just that.

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Protective design features

The protective collar for dogs is an element of restrictive or barrier therapy. This method allows you to prevent various injuries, scratches and bites from causing yourself, thereby increasing the effectiveness of wound healing. Such restrictive devices are prescribed by veterinarians in cases of dermatological diseases of dogs, in the postoperative period and in many other cases.

Pets do not always like clinical care, so in order to limit the number of visits to the doctor, owners acquire collars that prevent dogs from touching the wound. Wounds heal quickly, and the risk of poisoning dogs with external preparations that treat the skin is reduced.

The collar for dogs is a cone with a cut off top. Various materials are used for its manufacture: plastic, nylon, cardboard, etc. Another plus of this thing is that it does not prevent the animal from eating. If you accustom a quadruped to such a “collar”, then there will be no problems with its use at all. The pet will perceive it as a familiar thing and will not be nervous.

We do it ourselves

A protective collar for dogs can be built with your own hands and in various sizes, depending on the breed of dog, starting from the smallest (for Chihuahuas) and ending with voluminous ones (for shepherds and bulldogs). The choice of materials for this case is unlimited, so look around at home for various items that may be useful to you. So soft plastic buckets, x-rays, canisters, cardboard, thick tablecloths for the table are used, in general, everything that is visible to the eye. For small dogs, it is better to use softer material, and for large dogs, it is denser so that they do not get to the wound, especially since it will not be difficult to do it yourself.

Materials and tools

For the collar you will need:

  • plastic or cardboard (or other material that you have);
  • scissors;
  • tape or stapler;
  • soft material or your dog's collar.

Step-by-step instruction

Making a collar will not take very much time.

  1. We measure the diameter of the pet's neck. This will be the starting point for further drawing.
  2. We draw a circle on the material of your choice, the radius of which should be slightly larger than the dog's neck. For a correct drawing, it is better to use a compass, but if there is no such thing in the house, you can take an ordinary plate, which will be larger in diameter than the neck.
  3. Draw the outer circle. The distance from the inner to the outer circle should be 5 centimeters less than the length of the dog's muzzle. This will provide a convenient overview and will not cause discomfort.
  4. Cut out the outer circle, then make an incision towards the center so that you can cut out the inner one.
  5. We fasten the sides of the collar with tape or a stapler, putting them a little on top of each other. This should make a cut cone.
  6. Then you should first try on the collar for your dog so that everything is comfortable.
  7. We make short vertical cuts along the rim of the middle hole.
  8. We put the bezel on the old collar and, wrapping these cuts, we fasten the whole structure together with a stapler or tape.
  9. It is imperative to ensure that there are no sharp corners and surfaces, otherwise the dog may get hurt.
  10. Between the collar and the neck, two fingers should fit freely so that the pet is comfortable wearing it.
  11. If you do not have a collar that is suitable for using this device, then various harnesses and fabrics can be applied instead.
  12. If you are thinking of making a cardboard collar with your own hands, then most likely it will not be durable. However, you can improve it by wrapping the entire surface with tape so that saliva and water do not soak it.

Video "Dog Collar"

This short video demonstrates a homemade cardboard collar.


In some situations, pet treatment involves barrier therapy, which is carried out with the help of special devices and accessories, including bandages (they must be worn after sterilization ), Elizabethan collars… It’s good if these products are sold in veterinary pharmacies in your city, but what if they don’t? What to do in this case? In our today's publication, we decided to tell you about how to make a protective Elizabethan collar yourself ...

What is an Elizabethan Collar

For barrier therapy, veterinarians suggest using an Elizabethan protective collar. It prevents licking, combing by animals of wounds on his body. If the collar is correctly selected (we are talking about size and material), then the animal experiences a minimum of discomfort and very quickly gets used to such a collar that tightly covers its neck. The Elizabethan collar looks like a cone around the head, and with it you can protect the seams, wounds from the teeth and claws of the pet in the muzzle and neck, or in the lower torso.

Why you need an Elizabethan collar

What should an Elizabethan collar look like?

Based on the purpose of the Elizabethan collar and its description, we can conclude that this thing should be reliable and safe for the pet, not cause him any inconvenience - do not make breathing difficult, do not rub his neck. Despite the fact that today in most cases you can purchase a similar collar at a veterinary pharmacy, it is not always possible to choose finished products to fit the size of your sick pet. As a result, a collar that is larger in size flies off and is of no use, and a collar that is smaller in size rubs the neck and literally suffocates the animal. That is why it will not be superfluous to master the technology of making an Elizabethan protective collar at home. This information can be useful for absolutely all pet owners. After all, you can wear an Elizabethan collar not only on cats and dogs, but also on rodents, if necessary ...

How to make your own Elizabethan collar

To make a protective collar for a sick pet, you will need a pattern - it will have the shape of half a donut. Depending on the size of the animal, the width of such a donut may be more or less, as well as the length. That is, to make a pattern, you need to take only 2 main measurements - this neck girth(this will form the length of the inner little semi-circle and represent the cut diameter of your cone if you fold the pattern), and neck length- measured from the collar line to the tip of the animal's nose + 5 centimeters (this is the optimal width of the Elizabethan collar). Cut out such a pattern from paper, and then, depending on what materials you have at hand, and for what purpose you want to put a protective collar on your pet, start making it ...

Soft collar option

This version of the collar is of increased comfort, the animal can even sleep in it, the head will lie on a soft pillow. As a manufacturing material, you can take chintz, linen, cotton, any natural fabric, inside you put a layer of strong thick fabric that could hold its shape well, or you can fold any material in several layers and quilt it so that the fabric does not stray. Be sure to make the outer piping tight - this will help the collar to hold its shape. Sew secure Velcro across the entire width of the edge of the collar - this will prevent unauthorized removal of the collar by animals. If, in your opinion, Velcro is not very reliable, they can be replaced with lacing, but in practice it is not very convenient to quickly unlace and lace up the collar.

For a snug fit of the collar in the neck area, you can sew a not very tight elastic band into the collar area.

Despite a number of advantages, such a soft version of the Elizabethan collar has its drawbacks - active animals easily tear even the densest fabric, the material quickly gets dirty during eating and the collar looks untidy after the first feeding of your pet, if he did not care too much about following the rules etiquette. So, much more reliable, although less glamorous, will be a protective collar with a plastic insert.

Plastic version of the protective collar

Today, in stores, you can easily purchase ready-made plastic cones to cut a collar of the right size from them. If the size of the plastic bottle matches the size of your pet, you can also use plastic bottles. Some enterprising owners use plastic pots for seedlings, children's buckets ... It doesn't matter what you take, as long as the sizes match the sizes you need.

However, I would like to draw attention to one important point,

as practice shows, in a collar made of transparent plastic, animals behave more calmly than when their view is limited.

You will need to take care of the straps for the girth of the neck - they will be like loops, and the clasp for such a collar. Instead of the collar itself, it is better to take a harness - it will ease the load on the pet's neck area and create additional support. To prevent the edges of the collar from injuring the animal and others, sheathe them with a cloth.

In order to put on such a collar, it will be necessary to circle it around the neck of the animal, thread the clasp through the corresponding slots, pass the ribbons under the collars, bend and pass them through the slots. The plastic collar is ready. It is easy to clean, quite comfortable, practical and has virtually no flaws.

Quick protective collar

If for some reason you do not have the time and opportunity to make a plastic or fabric soft Elizabethan collar, but you need it yesterday, you can make it from cardboard. It is quite obvious that such a collar will look less neat, and will not be too reliable, but until you purchase or make another one, it will do its job.

So, you will need thick cardboard - a box from shoes or from small household appliances is also suitable. For large breed dogs, it is better to take a thicker cardboard. Attach a collar pattern to it or draw and cut a semicircle according to your size with a margin. Then, carefully roll the cardboard into a tube, making sure that the collar is not too rough and stiff. Try it on the animal and, if necessary, cut off the excess. Then, use adhesive tape - with its help, in several layers, so that they cease to be sharp, paste over the sections. Now you can cut strips from the fabric and stick to the tape so that the sticky edge remains uncovered. You will need to attach a strip of fabric to the cut and glue it by gluing the parts of the collar.

Using the same adhesive tape, you can adjust the size of such protection on the animal, and fix the collar itself, or make holes in the cardboard, insert a string into them and lace up the edges. In order to remove the veterinary barrier, you will need scissors.

As a temporary option, this is an ideal solution, but such a cardboard Elizabethan collar is not very suitable for permanent wear.

How to wear an Elizabethan collar

The veterinarian will tell you about how long you put an Elizabethan collar on your animal. However, do not forget that this means of barrier therapy will still need to be removed periodically in order to allow the pet to eat normally, drink water and rest. The main thing is to keep an eye on the animal at this time so that it does not negate all your efforts aimed at the speedy healing of the wound, the seam and does not lick off the medicine or ointment that is applied to its coat or skin ...

Video about the Elizabethan collar and its manufacture at home

Today we talked about such a convenient means of veterinary barrier therapy as the Elizabethan protective collar, what it is for, what it should be, how to wear it correctly. We also considered several options for making such a collar yourself at home. Well, we wish your pets good health, but now, if trouble happens to them, you can make a barrier protective collar for them yourself ...

Related material:

In the days of Queen Elizabeth, puffy starched collars made of stiff lace fabric were popular. The head lay in it, as if on a plate, and it was extremely difficult to rotate it. What is the connection between the collar and cats? Find out in the article.

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What is an Elizabethan collar?

Already in the time of Elizabeth, a smart owner of a cat, a great idea came. The idea was to limit the ability of pets to itch and lick. This structure was called the Elizabethan collar. However, later it was simply called the E-collar.

When does a cat need such protection?

Such a device may be needed when not the most pleasant events happen to your cat, these may be:

  • wound;
  • surgical sutures;
  • combed wounds;
  • castration;
  • other skin injury.

For example, you need to apply ointment to the damaged area and apply a bandage, and so that the cat does not lick it off, we put on the so-called Elizabethan collar. It provides your pet with a complete and safe recovery. You can buy it at any pet store or make your own.

Making an Elizabethan collar with your own hands

A collar for a fluffy and tender cat must be made of soft material. It will resemble a cushion or pillow. Your cat will love this one. It is comfortable to sleep on, it is cozy and light.

To make a collar for cats, you need to try a little. The first thing to do is to cut out and sew together a pair of identical parts. Cotton, linen, or other fabrics made from natural fibers are best for you. Next, you need to put a dense cap fabric inside so that it keeps the shape of this product. If you do not have such a fabric, then you can replace it, sew several blanks and form a solid cone.

Sew a piping along the outer edge of the product so that it does not lose its shape. If your cat doesn't like Velcro and keeps taking it off, you can replace the closure with laces. He can't handle her. Unfortunately, this protection also has a drawback. It is difficult to predict how long she will tolerate your cat's bullying. The collar may wrinkle, and then you will have to replace the same cap fabric with plastic.

For calm pets, we will make crafts using a plastic bucket, a seedling pot or a bottle, cutting out a cone. The craft should have straps to cover the collar and a clasp, and a harness would be the best option. It will reduce the load on the cat's neck and additionally support his head. All cuts must be smooth and even to avoid chafing and discomfort during use. Sew harnesses from a strong soft fabric, thanks to which the edges will not cut into the neck of the animal.

You can also make a craft "in haste". Take cardboard, draw and cut out a semicircle, roll it into a tube. Try on protection for a cat, cut off all unnecessary. Sections can be sealed with tape or fabric strips. To prevent the pet from pulling off the product you made, you can attach loops to it through which the collar is put on.

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What materials can such protection be made of?

Such protection can be made from a variety of materials. It can be a thick fabric, plastic, which we will take from a bottle or flower pot, or cardboard can also be used. We will show you this craft using a specific example, namely cardboard.

What you need:

  1. Scissors
  2. Lace
  3. Scotch
  4. Thick cardboard
  5. A little of your time


It is very easy to make such protection for your cat. The main thing is to have the right materials on hand. They are so simple that everyone in the house has them. Choose the size according to your pet.

The algorithm of actions is as follows:

  1. Draw a semi-circle on the cardboard and cut it out.
  2. Roll it into a tube so that it is not too hard.
  3. Try on the future collar on the cat. Everything that is superfluous - cut off.
  4. Tape all the cuts with tape so that they do not damage your cat's neck.
  5. Make holes in the cardboard and insert the cords.
  6. For convenience, you can make loops on the edges. They can be cut out like cardboard. Attach the loops to the collar with tape or string.
  7. Pull the collar through the loops and put it on the cat. That way he will stay strong.
  8. Keep protection on your pet until you visit the vet.

This craft prevents self-harm of the animal. Its conical shape does not interfere with your pet while sleeping and walking. This cat collar is easy to use. It can also be used on small kittens, choosing the right size.

Good luck with the craft!

Video "Do-it-yourself Elizabethan collar"

The video tells how to make an Elizabethan collar with your own hands from improvised materials.

A cat in the house is not only warmth, comfort and purring. The pet imposes responsibility on the owner, which often results in quite serious problems. Broken dishes, torn wallpaper or marked slippers do not count: to the best of their ability and ability, the owners are struggling with such manifestations of feline disposition. And with those features that they could not win, they put up and forgive. It is much worse if some kind of medical trouble has occurred with the pet. And some of them lead to the fact that you have to buy a collar for cats. Having encountered it for the first time, people look with distrust at a strange device, perceiving it almost as though the doctor prescribed it, so you need to wear it!

What is a veterinary collar for?

Of course, this design is not very convenient for your pet. But in some cases, you can't do without it. A protective collar for cats is essential when:

  1. The animal underwent abdominal surgery. The seam must heal, and to speed up the process, it must remain dry. Cats diligently lick it, especially after treatment with prescribed drugs - they consider themselves dirty. And if you remember the roughness of the cat's tongue, then you begin to realize that the animal can achieve a divergence of the seam by a purely mechanical action.
  2. The cat has bad ears. She begins to comb them, nullifying all your attempts to eliminate the disease.
  3. Treatment is carried out with poisonous or hormonal drugs. In particular, in the fight against fleas and ticks, the treatment of postpartum mastitis, smearing skin eczema, etc.

In all these cases, a cat collar will prevent much more intractable problems: poisoning, complications and reoperations.

How to choose

A veterinary device already seriously complicates the life of an animal, so the choice of a collar must be taken wisely so as not to make the cat's existence completely unbearable.

First, choose a collar for cats exactly the size of your pet. If you buy it, the volume of the neck is indicated on the finished one. Measure your cat before buying.

Secondly, try to buy a more transparent collar. It obscures the view of the cat, and if she does not see through the barrier, she will get nervous and try to remove it from herself. In the postoperative state, this is especially dangerous.

Third, pay attention to the design. Most often, the collar for cats is made in the form of a semicircle, which is fastened with tongues inserted into the slot. Putting such a design on a dissenting cat is a real torment. Over time, maybe she will get used to it, but at first you definitely can’t do it alone. Pay better attention to the "sticky" collar for cats. Its price, of course, will be higher (200-250 rubles versus 60-100), but it is attached to the anti-flea collar, and Velcro is simply glued on the back of the animal.

Terms of use

It is not enough just to buy a collar for cats and put it on, you need to remember that a hindrance is attached to the animal, and he will have to help him live with it. To begin with, the collar must be removed for each feeding - the cat simply will not reach the food in it. The same will have to be done when your pet is thirsty, so you need to keep an eye on her constantly.

If injections are given in the scruff of the cat, the collar must be put on so that its clasp (the roughest part) does not fall into this place.

Possible problems

Even the most expensive and high-quality collar for cats does not guarantee the absence of problems with it. Most often you will encounter these.

  1. The animal clings to everything. Most likely, the protective part is too long. The simplest way out is to cut off the edge by a centimeter and a half and see if this measure helped the cat.
  2. The same symptoms plus the inability of the cat to jump onto a chair and a constantly tilted head position. The collar is made of too heavy plastic - it will have to be changed.
  3. Rubbing the neck. Usually near the loops, but may be along the entire line of contact with the neck. Too sharp edge; Cover it with duct tape so it doesn't scratch.

Alternative Solutions

Cats are wayward animals. Some of them are simply not able to come to terms with an extra “toilet detail” worn against their will. If the animal does not calm down in any way and stubbornly tries to remove the collar for cats, while using improvised means like furniture legs, you will have to rid the pet of the annoying object. True, this may not be the case in all cases. For example, if the cat is after surgery, you can replace the collar with a bandage tied at the back. It is put on quite simply, and animals perceive the “shirt” much calmer. In this case, the licking of the seam will become impossible.

Some cats with sore ears agree to wear a cap made of soft fabric or even a bandage.

However, if poisonous treatment is underway, or it is impossible to cover the injured areas, you will have to patiently and persistently persuade the animal to wear a cat collar.

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