How to get fat in a week? What to do to gain weight? Ideal products for weight gain. Folk recipes for weight gain products

Gaining weight in a short period of time is possible! To do this, you must strictly adhere to the correct diet, so as not to harm your body. Poor nutrition can cause upset, distension of the stomach, put excessive pressure on the kidneys, heart. Most often, rapid weight gain is needed to recover from a long, debilitating illness. Also for athletes who seek to build mass. People suffering from dystrophy, that is, excessive thinness.

How to gain weight in a week - protein

Products used for mass growth should be saturated with proteins. The most common options are animal and plant foods. Dishes prepared from such products will be healthier and juicier if they are boiled or steamed (for example, in a slow cooker).

Animal food rich in proteins

  • Dairy nutrition - fresh homemade milk, sour cream, cottage cheese, fermented baked milk, high-fat cream.
  • Meat - chicken (the most common in terms of price, in use), rabbit meat, turkey, their offal (liver, kidneys, heart, stomach), beef, fish.
  • Eggs are a fairly popular and fast-cooking food. Eggs are used as a separate dish (soft-boiled, hard boiled), and as an addition to soups, salads.

Plant foods rich in proteins

  • Mushrooms are a very good source of protein. Something between a plant and an animal. Widely used in cooking. A popular ingredient in soups, casseroles, salads.
  • Legume seeds - green soybeans, Turkish beans, black beans, green beans, lentils are additional ingredients in many interesting dishes. Bean seed proteins are not digested alone. To derive the maximum benefit, they must be prepared by pre-soaking, boiled.
  • Nuts - do not require additional preparation. It is convenient to use on hungry snacks along with a handful of dried fruits. High-calorie almonds are rich in protein. Peanuts are a delicious peanut butter, roasted peanuts are an excellent delicacy. Walnut - grows on the streets, suitable for fruit salads, boiled cereals.
  • Kashi - suitable for all times. The most common cereals are buckwheat, oatmeal, wheat, corn, barley. They are used as ingredients in soups and as the main component of the dish.

How to gain weight in a week - increase the number of healthy calories

Since the goal in itself is weight gain, expansion of product volumes is allowed. Calorie content increases, but the benefits remain. If milk is eaten, then high fat content. The meat is preferably boiled, baked in the oven, over a fire, than fried in a pan in sunflower oil.

Be sure to avoid empty calories, such as candy, cream cakes, chips, bars, carbonated sugary drinks. This is a useless, quickly digestible food that does not bring benefits to the body, most often it only harms. The main ingredients are sugar and salt. All over the world, fast food, semi-finished products are already called “junk food”. Nevertheless, such food is popular, but it is necessary to beware of it.

How to gain weight in a week - sports loads

It is not recommended to quit sports activities. Instead, you should change cardio workouts to strength exercises. Thus, the mass will increase, and the fat layer will be burned less. Strength training dictates an increase in protein intake, which is essential for muscle growth.

How to gain weight in a week - menu for the day

Each meal is high-calorie, healthy and does not require extra effort in cooking.

  • Breakfast - boiled oatmeal from whole grains of the first grade without salt and sugar. High-calorie and healthy dried fruits are added to the porridge, for example, raisins, dried apricots, prunes. Also soft-boiled or hard-boiled egg. White or gray bread, a glass of fresh homemade milk. The charge of vivacity is ready!

  • Snacks between main meals - nuts with dried fruits (washed and treated with boiling water). Bananas are great for snacking.
  • Lunch - cooked pasta with oven-baked fish and vegetables. Apricot juice.
  • Dinner - buckwheat porridge, roast chicken with mushrooms. Kefir or ryazhenka.

Despite the fact that most of humanity is concerned about the problem of excess weight, many people do not know how to get better in a week. Yes, yes, in a short time. Just like those who suffer from fullness, they also want to have a beautiful figure in a short time. Strong thinness does not paint a person. This article talks about several tricks and methods on how to get better in a week.

It should be noted right away that do not dream of gaining many kilograms at once. This is unrealistic and unnatural. In the body, everything should happen gradually so that there are no cardinal failures, especially in a system such as metabolism. But it is she who is more responsible for the state of weight.

I will tell you how to get better by 5 kg maximum. For a thin person, this amount will be very noticeable. This article will be of interest to both genders. From excessive thinness, men suffer even more.
So, for starters, it does not hurt to consult a doctor. Thinness can be a cause or a consequence of a disease. Only by eliminating this possibility, you can proceed to further actions.

Next, you need to study your diet and, if necessary, radically change it. First, set yourself up that now you will eat regularly, at least three times a day. It is better if you set the meal time to be the same every day. But we are talking about a full three meals a day. Between these meals, you should arrange snacks for yourself. The amount of food should be gradually increased. There are certain foods that cause appetite. Before meals, you can drink apple juice or eat fruit.

Such a diet does not mean that you need to eat a large amount of food. Just do not force your body to starve and let's have a snack.

It is recommended to eat food rich in proteins. Therefore, eat meat, eggs, fish and especially chicken meat. are also helpful. Use potatoes, bread, pasta and cereals instead of a side dish or eat as a separate dish.

Sweets should not become the most popular food. Otherwise, there may be problems with the digestive system and, as a result, with the skin.

Any kind of oils, dairy products are also needed. You can use any fruit for a snack. Especially good in this case are bananas, which are very high in calories. You can eat any nuts.

And now specifically for each meal. For breakfast, you need to eat almost half of the calories for one day. It is better if it is pancakes, sandwiches and cocoa.

Lunch should be complete, consisting of the first and second courses. Be sure to drink liquids, such as compote.

Dinner should not be replaced with kefir or light cottage cheese. Prepare a meat dish to saturate the body with proteins. But eat no later than two hours before bedtime.
Such a diet, which includes afternoon snacks, will allow you to gain the necessary kilograms. And then you will not be tormented by the question of how to get better in a week.
After eating, do not immediately get to work. You can lie down a little. To make her feel better.

This mode does not mean at all that it is necessary to exclude physical exercises. On the contrary, to increase the volume of muscles and not swim fat, you need to choose swimming, dancing or yoga. If you are wondering, then along with fulfilling all the listed requirements, you can visit the gym. But all exercises must be performed at a moderate pace, without overstraining.

A very important point is the rejection of bad habits that adversely affect the entire body. A good healthy sleep and walks in the fresh air are also recommended.

How to get better in a week? Just balance your diet, get more rest and do not get into stressful situations.

Despite the fact that the problem of excess weight today is one of the most acute and relevant, there are also many women who are faced with a completely opposite task - how to gain this very weight.

And what is most interesting: lack of weight is such a serious deviation that sometimes even the most strong-willed people cannot cope with.

The problem of obesity, like a huge funnel, draws everything around into itself: fitness halls today are working hard for the benefit of losing weight, and a large army of nutritionists is also busy with the same. As a result, specialists dealing with the problem of underweight are extremely lacking, and many girls with excessive thinness have to get out of this situation on their own.

But it is often the problem of weight that has the greatest negative impact on the full development of pregnancy and its onset in general. In addition, people suffering from thinness constantly experience a real pressure of physical (an elementary lack of strength) and psychological ailments (lack of sleep, the feeling of an “ugly duckling” and other troubles).

As for the question of how to gain weight in a week, in this case, there are many different strategies and techniques that will allow you to achieve the desired result without any danger to your own body.

However, take note - sometimes it is very difficult for a girl of too thin texture to gain weight, and her patience and work become the main thing in this matter.

How to gain weight: work for the result

Rule number 1 - proper nutrition

Many "advisers" in order to achieve the goal can recommend that you increase the consumption of those products that are directly contraindicated for people with the problem of excess weight, that is, flour, sweet, fatty, etc. However, keep in mind that such a diet can only lead to the development of obesity and subsequently to serious health problems, but not to the growth of muscle mass, which in this case is vital for you.

Remember! Healthy weight is about extra muscle tissue, not body fat. This means that cakes, fast food and other delicacies cannot be the real key to a correct and beautiful physique.

Of course, you should not completely exclude foods rich in fats, proteins and from your diet, since in reasonable quantities all of them are simply necessary for your body.

For example, in the daily menu of an adult, there must be meat (preferably lean), as well as legumes, mushrooms, dairy products, because they contain a sufficient amount of protein necessary for the construction and restoration of muscle fibers.

It is also mandatory to consume fresh vegetables and fruits:

  • Firstly, these wonderful gifts of nature contain a huge amount of useful vitamins.
  • Secondly, it is fresh vegetables and fruits that are the main assistants in the full absorption of products by our body.
  • Well, and thirdly, the lack of fiber or its complete absence is one of the problems of poor functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, which in turn leads to constipation and disorders.

Plus, in order to safely gain weight in a week or, for example, even in a month, it is important to change the frequency of meals during the day - instead of three main meals, eat 5 or 6 times with snacks based on dried fruits and.

Also learn to enjoy your food: do not snack on the run, but do it in a calm and comfortable environment. This is due to the fact that overexcitation can provoke depletion of the body and poor absorption of the food consumed. Also try to write down everything that you eat and the mass of food eaten (daily rate is not less than 700 gr.).

And another very helpful tip! Everyone knows that young children grow and develop very quickly, so a proven way to gain weight can be to eat baby food, which is based on milk and is a great source of healthy calories for you. You can also regularly cook milk porridge, for example, or.

Ideal products for weight gain:

Dairy products (sour cream, cream, butter, milk, cottage cheese, cheese, yogurt, ice cream), eggs, fish, flour products (bread, sandwiches, pies, cookies, waffles, buns, cakes). But only in acceptable quantities. Do not abuse!

Legumes, nuts, cereals (buckwheat, rice, millet, barley, barley), boiled in milk with the addition of butter. Fruits (bananas, apples, grapes, melons, peaches, mangoes, apricots, persimmons) plus fresh fruit juices with pulp. Meat (beef, pork, turkey, chicken, lamb).

Sweets (candy and chocolate). But the amount should be normalized so as not to harm your body even more. Sugary sodas, which are a great source of "quick and easy calories". But only after eating them is it necessary to brush your teeth, since the sugar and dyes contained in them have a detrimental effect on tooth enamel.

Of course, this list can be listed for a very long time. The main thing for you is to create a menu that will bring you not only taste pleasure, but also benefit your body.

Here is an example of a six-time meal for one day, which is enriched with all the necessary components. So:

  • Breakfast (7.00 - 8.00): milk buckwheat porridge, cocoa with milk and a sandwich with butter.
  • Second breakfast (10.00 - 11.00): 2.5% kefir and a bun.
  • Lunch (12.00): soup with meat broth, mashed potatoes with cutlet, sweet tea, for dessert curd casserole.
  • Snack (16.00): cottage cheese with sour cream and fruit.
  • Dinner (19.00): rice with butter, goulash, vegetable salad with sour cream, cheese sandwich, tea with sugar, compote.
  • Second dinner (21.00): yogurt (kefir) with cookies or a bun.

Rule number 2 - physical activity

Your weight will begin to increase only when the body has a sufficient amount of unused calories in stock. However, you should not give up sports, the best option for you will be exercises that will help increase muscle mass.

You can also cut down to two workouts per week and use a personal trainer to tailor your workouts to help you achieve the results you want.

Try to avoid aerobic exercise, but the dumbbells and barbells familiar to all athletes, as well as exercises such as bench press and - all this will be an excellent training option for you. Additionally, you can use protein shakes that will help you compensate for the energy spent, as well as restore the functionality of the body and give all the necessary materials for muscle growth.

In addition, do not forget that your sleep should be at least 8 hours a day or longer.

Rule number 3 - timely contact with a specialist

If you have a problem with weight suddenly, unexpectedly, for a reason that is not clear to you, then immediately seek help from a specialist (the endocrinologist deals with these issues). It will help you in a timely manner to identify possible deviations in the work of the thyroid or pancreas, provided, of course, that the cause of your weight loss was not banal malnutrition.

Another reason for such serious deviations can be an elementary indigestibility of food, therefore, with the slightest causeless pain in the abdomen and flatulence, it is necessary to seek help from a gastroenterologist. Because without the necessary treatment and medical intervention, all your attempts to gain weight will be useless.

And yet - try to avoid stressful situations, which in your case can play a very bad role.

As you probably already understood, gaining weight in a week or a month is not at all difficult. The main thing is to strictly adhere to the set strategy and confidently wait for the result!

The content of the article:

Very often, beginners misunderstand the whole process of muscle fiber growth, being sure that the most important thing here is the training itself. At the same time, they do not take into account other factors, which leads to a lack of clear progress in the classroom. If you focus only on intensive training, while forgetting, for example, about the right nutrition program, then the effect is almost impossible to achieve.

Athletes often devote several hours a day to training, but this can only give results with the support of sports pharmacology. At high loads, the body receives severe stress and requires a large amount of nutrients to restore it. Today we will try to answer in detail the question of how to gain 5 kg of muscle mass per month and whether this is possible in principle.

Nutrition program for weight gain

Nutrition is a very important aspect for an effective workout. Without a quality nutrition program, you will not be able to gain weight or lose weight. To do this, you should correctly calculate the calorie content of the diet, as well as the macronutrients needed by the body daily.

In the athlete's menu, the main share of nutrients should be carbohydrates from 40 to 50 percent. Approximately 30-40 percent should be protein compounds and 10% should be given to fats. Needless to say, the nutrition program should include only natural products and fast food from McDonald's does not belong here. To calculate the required amount of nutrients, it is best to use special calculators that can be found on a large number of web resources.

When the percentage of all macronutrients and the daily calorie content of the diet is known, it is necessary to choose the right foods.

Essential Foods for Muscle Growth

If you decide to do bodybuilding seriously, then you need to forget about fatty food, fast food, chips, etc. in addition, you should reduce consumption as much as possible, and it is better to completely abandon sweets and various lemonades. Eliminate from your nutrition program everything that negatively affects the body.

The basis of your diet should be cereals, pasta, boiled meat, fish, fruits and vegetables. With intensive training, the body should receive all the nutrients it needs. This will not only allow muscle tissues to recover faster, but also strengthen the joints and ligaments, which are heavily loaded during training.

Remember that water makes up about 80 percent of your total body weight. If you can live without food for a couple of months, then without water for no more than five days. Water takes part in various processes, including the need for the growth of muscle fibers.

Sports nutrition supplements and muscle growth

Sports nutrition is an integral part of effective training, and it is impossible to talk about how to gain 5 kg of muscle mass per month without taking this factor into account. If you have just started training and your training experience does not exceed one month, then you can not use nutritional supplements. But if you have been in the gym for more than three months, then your diet should have a place for protein and creatine. You can also use gainers, but this is not always required.

When gaining mass, it is very important to provide the body with all the necessary substances. Most often, protein compounds are insufficient. Protein mixtures help to replenish their supply. A very valuable property of protein is the convenience of its use. Just add powder and water to a sports shaker, stir well and drink.

In modern life, there are often moments when it is not possible to eat well. There can be many reasons for this. At the same time, you should always remember that nutritional supplements cannot completely replace regular nutrition, but are an addition to it. Thus, you will not achieve results with protein shakes alone. After completing the training, you should use a protein mixture, after which, when you come home, you should eat well.

There has been a lot of talk lately about creatine. It should be noted that this supplement is optional. The main task of creatine is to retain water in the body, to speed up recovery processes. As a result, in the 10 kilograms gained, half will be water, which will then leave the body. By and large, within a month, gaining more than five kilograms will not work. Creatine is enough to take once or twice a month. At the same time, water consumption should also be increased.

Training sessions for mass gain

Since each person has individual characteristics, then the preparation of a training program should be approached strictly individually. It is necessary to take into account the gender of the athlete, his age, level of physical fitness. Perhaps someone should first lose weight and only after that start working on gaining mass. There are a lot of methods and drawing up a training program is worthy of a separate article and not even one.

If the athlete is not overweight, but on the contrary, there is a lack of it, then at first special attention should be paid to working on large muscle groups. For this, basic exercises are very well suited, on which it is necessary to focus. As an example, we can cite a simple and effective training program for athletes whose experience exceeds two months.

  • 1st day - training of pectoral muscles and triceps;
  • 2nd day - back muscles and biceps;
  • 3rd day - muscles of the shoulder girdle and legs.
At the same time, each workout should include from 2 to 4 basic exercises and 2 or 3 isolating ones. It is also important at first to focus on the technique of performing exercises. Do not chase the working weight, it will not leave you anywhere.

For beginners who do not have the experience of athletes, it can be recommended to perform no more than 5 basic movements and, again, focus all attention on technique. It should also be noted that each athlete should keep a diary of their activities, which will help track progress and, if necessary, promptly make adjustments to the training. By following these simple recommendations, you can gain 5 kg of muscle mass in a month.

On nutrition, fluid intake and training to gain muscle mass, see this video interview:

For some people, gaining weight is much more difficult than losing those extra pounds. You will need to adjust your calorie intake and exercise regimen. It can be easy to get confused when trying to figure out how many calories you need to eat each day to gradually gain weight in two months. In addition, you will need to adhere to proper nutrition so that weight gain does not harm your health. A few simple tips will help you change your diet so that you gradually gain weight over two months.


Part 1


    Increase your daily calorie intake. If you have 2 months to gain weight, then you need to increase the number of calories consumed by 250-500 units per day.

    Make a meal plan. Whenever you try a new diet, make a meal plan for the new eating pattern.

    Eat balanced meals. Whether you're trying to lose or gain weight, you need to eat a balanced diet. A balanced diet involves eating a variety of foods from each food group most days and throughout the week. Eat foods from the following groups:

    Add more calories to your meals. You can increase your total calories by about 100-200 units per meal to end up with an additional 300-500 calories per day.

    Use more fatty seasonings and sauces. Changing what you cook in or use as seasoning is another good way to add extra calories.

    • Cook meals with butter or olive oil instead of calorie-free cooking sprays. Add some olive oil to vegetables, cereals or protein foods while cooking.
    • Season dishes with sour cream or sprinkle with fatty grated cheese.
    • If you're making casseroles or mixed meals, also use whole, fatty ingredients. For mashed potatoes, for example, use regular whole milk or cream rather than the low-fat versions.
  1. Add another snack. A snack or another small meal is a great way to fuel up and get an extra 250-500 calories a day.

    Increase the calories in your drinks. An easy way to get extra calories is to drink high-calorie drinks throughout the day.

Part 2


    Keep doing aerobic exercise. Although such exercises burn calories and promote weight loss, they are still an important part of a healthy lifestyle.

    Do strength exercises regularly. When gaining weight, strength training helps to gain muscle mass, not fat.

    Increase your basic physical activity. If you're having trouble gaining or maintaining weight, focus on increasing your core activities instead of cardio and strength training.

Part 3

Progress Tracking
  1. Set reasonable goals for yourself. When striving to lose or gain weight, you need to set reasonable and realistic goals.

    • To increase weight without harming your health, aim to gain between 250 and 500 grams every week. This figure may not be too impressive, but in two months you can gain from 2.5 to 5 kg.
    • It's also worth setting smaller, more frequent tasks so you know how well you're progressing. For example, if you want to gain 500 grams per week, and as a result gain only half of this figure, then you clearly need to make some adjustments to your nutrition plan.
    • If you need to gain more weight, then you will most likely need to adjust your goal time to allow for further weight gain.
  2. Get on the scale 1-2 times a week. Weight gain is slower than weight loss, so more frequent weighing will not be helpful.
  3. For the most accurate result, try to weigh yourself on the same day of the week and at the same time of day.
  4. Track your weight and progress in a food diary.
  • Before you try to increase weight, change your diet or exercise plan, be sure to check with your doctor.
  • Try to limit your intake of processed foods, fried foods, and fast food when you're trying to gain weight. Although they are high in calories, they do not provide any nutritional value and may be harmful to your health.
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