Horse chestnut - medicinal properties and contraindications. How horse chestnut is used in folk and traditional medicine Medicinal properties of chestnut flowers

Horse chestnut, the use of which is common in folk medicine, is a plant that can strengthen the vascular walls of capillaries, normalize their tone, and dilute the blood. For treatment, fruits, leaves, flowers, tree bark are used. For medicinal purposes, chestnut flowers are harvested during flowering, leaves during the growing season, and for fruits and bark, the best time is autumn. Various medicinal preparations are prepared from them: infusions, decoctions, alcohol tinctures, extract, ointments, gels, and so on.

Originally native to regions of northern India, today this tree grows all over the world. This tall tree with a branching crown and large leaves reaches a height of up to 30 meters. It can be recognized in the spring by cone-shaped inflorescences that bloom in the month of May. Fruits-nuts of dark brown color and a gray spot ripen in early autumn.

Benefits of horse chestnut

Horse chestnut owes its healing properties to its chemical composition. He contains:





Fixed oils;

Of the vitamins, it contains the most vitamin K. Vitamin C and thiamine are present.

All these chemical compounds give it properties:







Horse chestnut leaves have pronounced sedative properties. A glass of tea brewed with leaves can provide deep restful sleep. However, it is often not worth taking it, as it still has tonic properties.

The presence of vitamin K makes it useful for people suffering from circulatory disorders, varicose veins, and frostbite.

Roasted nuts are traditionally used for diarrhea, prostate diseases. Fruit preparations can help with thrombosis, rheumatism, neuralgia, burns, strengthen veins and arteries.

Chestnut is used for bronchitis, gastritis, gastroenteritis. Tea with leaves is drunk with fever, colds, dysentery, malaria, as a poultices - with lupus and skin ulcers. Liquid extract helps with sunburn.

Although considered poisonous, the unripe fruit is used for rheumatic pains and toothaches.

It is useful for fatigue, all types of physical pain, quickly reduces swelling in the legs.

Its powerful astringent properties, along with anti-inflammatory properties, effectively improve the tone of the walls of the veins, which become weak over time, which leads to varicose veins. Chestnut is able to improve the permeability of capillaries.

The astringent effect effectively helps in the treatment of malaria, diarrhea, diseases of the spleen, uterine bleeding, normalizes the acidity of gastric juice and the secretory activity of the gallbladder

Horse chestnut use in folk medicine

With a therapeutic purpose in folk medicine, all parts of the plant are used: flowers, leaves, bark, fruits (the outer shell and the nuts themselves). It is used to treat many diseases, it relieves inflammation and swelling, relieves pain. Especially popular are alcohol tinctures prepared from the fruits and flowers of the plant.

In folk medicine, horse chestnut is used for:

Varicose veins;





Skin diseases: ulcers, burns, frostbite, eczema, etc.

From it prepare infusions, decoctions, ointments. It is best known for its use in the treatment of varicose veins. The compounds present in it inhibit the hyaluronidase enzyme and reduce vein permeability, resulting in reduced venous fragility.

horse chestnut leaves application

Horse chestnut leaves contain glycosides, pectins, tannins, vitamin K. As a remedy, decoctions and infusions are prepared from them, which are used for internal bleeding.

Leaves are harvested from May to September. Dry them in the shade in the attic or under a canopy, spreading them out in a thin layer. Properly dried leaves should be green and have a pleasant smell.

horse chestnut flowers

Chestnut flowers are used for many diseases. Decoctions, infusions, alcohol tinctures are prepared from them. Used to treat:



Ulcers on the feet;

prostate adenomas;



Tumors of the brain.

Use preparations on flowers for radiation therapy. They contain in their composition substances that are able to restore the amount of protein in the blood.

horse chestnut extract

Horse chestnut extract contains estin, which helps relieve leg fatigue in the treatment of varicose veins. In addition, it contains triterpensaponins, which give it anti-inflammatory properties, improve the tone of the veins. Take an extract to lower cholesterol, normalize blood pressure.

Horse chestnut recipes for use in traditional medicine

Horse chestnut preparations can be taken orally, used to treat external lesions. Based on it, you can make many home remedies.

Ointment and oil based on horse chestnut can be used for skin lesions, to strengthen the walls of blood vessels, maintain the tone of the veins. They are prepared on the basis of vegetable oils, fat. Sometimes homemade cream is used. In this case, the drugs must be stored in the refrigerator.

Ointment based on horse chestnut

To prepare an ointment from seeds, you should take 50 grams of peeled and crushed seeds, pour 250 grams of pre-melted lard and add 250 grams of badger fat. All this mixture must be put on the stove and brought to a boil. After simmer on low heat for 30 minutes. Cool, strain into a clean container. The ointment is ready.

Horse chestnut oil

To prepare horse chestnut oil, take 5 pieces of nuts (they can be crushed for better extraction of nutrients) or 5 tablespoons of dried flowers. Pour them with 500 ml of vegetable oil and put in a water bath. Simmer for approximately one hour. Then cool and strain.

Infusion based on horse chestnut bark

To prepare the infusion, brew 1 teaspoon of chopped bark with 400 ml of boiling water (preferably in a thermos) and insist overnight or at least 8 hours. Strain and drink 2 tablespoons four times a day.

bark decoction

To prepare a decoction, brew 50 grams of measles (grind) with 1 liter of boiling water and boil at a low boil for another 15 minutes. Leave overnight (at least 8 hours) and strain. Strained broth is used for baths and baths.

A decoction of chestnut branches

To prepare a decoction, take 50 grams of chopped twigs and brew with 1 liter of boiling water. Insist and strain. It is useful to add tincture of water pepper to the infusion.

These decoctions are used for bleeding hemorrhoids, to restore strength after a long intestinal upset, skin lesions. They take baths for bleeding at room temperature of water, for skin diseases - at 35-37 degrees for 5 to 15 minutes.

Broth on flowers

To prepare the infusion, brew 1 tablespoon of inflorescences (dried) with a glass of boiling water (200 ml). Put on low heat and bring to a boil. Remove and wrap, insist for 6-8 hours. Drink the resulting broth per day from 1 to 1.5 liters.

flower tincture

To prepare the tincture, flowers and vodka are taken in a ratio of 1:10 (i.e., 500 ml of vodka for 50 grams of raw materials). The flowers are poured with vodka and put the container in a dark place. Insist for 2-3 weeks, shaking occasionally.

The finished tincture is filtered through several layers of gauze or bandage. Drink 30-40 drops three to four times during the day.

Chestnut peel decoction

To prepare a decoction, take 5 grams of crushed seeds (or seed peel) and pour a glass of boiling water. The solution should be boiled for 15 minutes. It should be taken orally in a tablespoon, three times a day.

Infusion of chestnut fruit

Crush two fruits and brew 200 ml of boiling water in a thermos. Leave for two hours and filter. Take an infusion of 2 tablespoons up to 5 times a day.

This infusion helps with diarrhea, kidney disease, and colds of the upper respiratory tract.

Horse chestnut tincture

To prepare a tincture of horse chestnut and alcohol, the fruits should be cleaned of prickly shells and brown skins. Next, you need to cut the seeds and use a meat grinder (blender) to grind to a mushy state. The resulting mixture should be poured with a liter of vodka. Insist for a week in a dark and cool place, shaking occasionally. Ready tincture is taken diluted with water, in the amount of 15 drops, three times a day.

Decoction to improve potency

Brew a green skin from two chestnut fruits with a glass of hot water. Put on the stove and boil at a low boil for 10 minutes. Cool to room temperature and drink 100 ml in the morning and evening.

Horse chestnut for joint diseases

Preparations based on horse chestnut are used for gout, osteochondrosis, arthritis, rheumatism. All these diseases in the modern world are getting younger every year and affect not only people in old age, but also quite able-bodied. They bring pain and cause discomfort during movement, limiting the mobility of the joints. Basically, in the treatment of such diseases, alcohol or vodka tincture is used.

To prepare the tincture, take about 1 kg of chestnut fruit (you can have more). The fruits are crushed with a blender or meat grinder. You can use a coffee grinder, but not auger.

The prepared raw materials are placed in a jar and poured with 1 liter of vodka. The container is removed in a dark place and infused for 14 days, shaking occasionally.

The finished tincture is filtered through several layers of gauze and stored in a cool dark place.

You need to take it 40 drops, diluted with water, after each meal. The same tincture is rubbed on sore joints.

Help to get rid of the pain caused by inflammation of the joints, warm cakes with nut flour and clay. To make a cake, grind a few chestnuts and make a cake by adding clay. Clay can be taken any. As a rule, black clay or Dead Sea clay is used.

Horse chestnut use for hemorrhoids

With hemorrhoids, which is accompanied by cracks and bleeding, it is recommended to do sitz baths at room temperature with decoctions of bark or chestnut twigs. Folk healers also recommend chewing fresh nuts, removing the outer shell.

In addition, you can drink the following decoction. For its preparation, a collection is prepared by taking 5 parts of chestnut bark, 2 parts of sage grass, 3 parts of chamomile and 3 parts of chestnut fruits crushed together with the shell. This collection is brewed with 1 liter of boiling water and put on a slow fire. Incubated at a low boil for 10 minutes. Remove from stove and insist overnight. Then strain and use for sitz baths.

Such baths relieve irritation and itching in the anus, swelling caused by swelling of the veins, improve healing and tissue regeneration. The course of treatment is 10 days.

Horse chestnut for cancer treatment

In folk medicine, it is used to treat cancer. With this disease, an infusion is prepared by taking 1 tablespoon of chestnut flowers per 200 ml of water. Infusion requires 1.5 liters per day, which is drunk in small sips throughout the day.

It is prepared like this: raw materials are poured with boiling water and infused for 8 hours. Then they filter.

Official medicine does not recognize such treatment. Therefore, it can only be used as a concomitant treatment to the main course prescribed by the doctor. Take strictly after consulting your doctor.

Horse chestnut for weight loss

Horse chestnut promotes the removal of toxins and toxins from the body, speeds up metabolic processes. When losing weight, kvass is prepared from nuts. To prepare it, 25 pieces of fruit are cut into two parts and placed in a linen bag and placed in a three-liter jar.

Add 1 glass of sugar and 100 grams of whey. Pour 2.5 liters of boiled and chilled water.

The jar is placed in a warm dark place. You can just cover the jar with a cloth. Withstand 14 days.

Drink kvass 1 glass twice a day. The course of treatment is 1 month.

In the remaining wort, water and a tablespoon of sugar are again added. every 2 weeks add from 4 pieces of new chestnut fruits. In a day, a new kvass will be ready.

Horse chestnut in cosmetology

Horse chestnut has found wide use in home skin and hair care products. The rich beneficial composition relieves inflammation on the skin caused by various reasons, enriches it with useful minerals and vitamins, and prevents premature aging.

Homemade Skin Whitening Cream

To prepare it, take 5 tablespoons of the flowers of the plant and pour a small amount of vegetable oil (preferably olive oil). Warm up for half an hour in a water bath and leave until the oil has cooled. Filter and store in a container with a lid. Use instead of cream.

To rinse the hair, infusions and decoctions are made on the fruits and flowers of the chestnut. They help strengthen hair follicles, improve growth and give hair shine, help to cope with dandruff and relieve itching of the scalp.

For men, you can make a homemade aftershave by infusing horse chestnut with triple cologne. This lotion relieves irritation after shaving, cleanses the pores well.

Side effects and contraindications

To avoid unpleasant side effects, all preparations based on horse chestnut should be taken strictly in the recommended doses.

Avoid use in people with liver or kidney disease.

It is contraindicated in pregnancy and lactation.

Do not treat people who suffer from bleeding. All parts of the plant contain coumarins, which thin the blood. For this reason, it is forbidden to take it simultaneously with taking blood-thinning drugs.

Occasionally, some people may experience an allergic skin reaction after topical application.

Any treatment based on horse chestnut must be agreed with the doctor, and in some cases carried out strictly under his supervision.

Video about the healing properties of horse chestnut

Chestnut fruits are found everywhere, but few people know what benefits they have in themselves. Horse chestnut is a storehouse of nutrients. It contains a large number of active ingredients that make chestnut-based products a valuable remedy. The use of chestnut in alternative medicine has long been known, but now more and more often you can find extracts, medicinal ointments and tinctures on chestnut in a pharmacy. Due to its rich composition, the plant has a wide spectrum of action, so its use in pharmacology is not surprising.

How to harvest chestnuts?

The ripening period for chestnuts is May-June. But fragrant flowers appear from the beginning of spring. Chestnut fruits can ripen until the end of summer, depending on weather conditions. To collect fruits, it is better to wait for the period when they fall out of the shell themselves, which means that the nut is filled with all the necessary substances and is ready for planting. In order for the fruits to be used for the preparation of medicines, they must be stored properly. To do this, cut the nut into 4 parts and dry in the oven for an hour. You can also dry it outdoors, but this may take 3 to 5 days. Properly dried fruits can be stored for up to 4 years, and they will not lose their properties.

The bark of the tree must be collected in the spring, while separating it from the tree must be done carefully so as not to damage the trunk. The bark also needs to be dried and stored in moisture-proof bags.

To harvest chestnuts, it is better to wait until they come out of the shell themselves.

Leaves are the easiest to collect. For the preparation of medicines, both young leaves and leaves before falling off are suitable. The leaves need to be crushed, dried and rubbed with your hands to the state of tea.

About barley coffee and its impact on health

Flowers can be dried with branches or cut off individually. In this case, be sure to keep the flowers intact. Chestnut flowers have a tart aroma and a sweet taste, so fresh leaves are often used to make decoctions and medicinal teas.

Composition of horse chestnut

The use of horse chestnut in folk medicine is due to its rich chemical composition. The fruits and flowers of the chestnut tree contain unique substances that have a beneficial effect on the entire body. The healing properties of the plant are endowed with unique complexes that connect together and have a deep penetration and a quick effect. The rich composition of chestnut tincture includes:

  • saponins;
  • tannins;
  • starch;
  • vitamins A, B, C, E, K, PP, N;
  • thiamines;
  • coumarin;
  • glycoside;
  • organic acids;
  • essential oils;
  • globulin;
  • esculin and escin;
  • trace elements.

The nut itself contains a large amount of iodine.

All these substances individually are very useful, and together they create an effective and universal remedy for many diseases. The fruits of horse chestnut are especially valued in folk medicine, because they contain all the nutrients in high concentration. The nut itself contains a large amount of iodine, which gives it a brown color. A spot on a gray nut is an accumulation of essential oils and organic acids. Often, for medicinal purposes, the shell of the plant is also used, which also contains a lot of iodine, but also a large number of trace elements. The juice of fresh flowers is very useful and rich in useful substances.

The juice is extracted from fresh flowers, which allows you to save all the benefits of flowers. Fresh juice is very useful, but has a short shelf life.

Medicinal properties of chestnut

Due to the large number of nutrients, horse chestnut has various beneficial properties. The plant gives healing properties in the preparation of infusions, decoctions, extracts and ointments, so the chestnut has found wide application in folk medicine. Chestnut easily gives up its beneficial properties, so various medicines are prepared from it. The plant has different properties:

  • hemostatic;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • astringent;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • diuretic;
  • soothing;
  • painkillers;
  • warming;
  • bactericidal.

Chestnut extract thins the blood

Such healing properties allow the use of chestnut-based medicines for internal and external use. In folk medicine, there are many recipes for the preparation of chestnut-based medicines. This is due to the versatile benefits of chestnut for the body:

  • relieves inflammation;
  • reduces blood viscosity;
  • strengthens the muscles of the heart;
  • improves metabolism;
  • improves the excretion of bile;
  • normalizes the work of the heart;
  • stimulates metabolic processes;
  • promotes digestion;
  • removes toxins from the body;
  • removes salt from the joints.

About buckwheat with kefir for the pancreas

Horse chestnut seed extract, which can be bought at a pharmacy, is prescribed for people with a viscous blood consistency. Making it thinner, chestnut not only prevents the appearance of blood clots, but also normalizes the work of the cardiovascular system. The beneficial properties of the plant have been used to treat various diseases, but most importantly, you can prepare a useful horse chestnut-based medicine yourself at home. The beneficial properties of the plant have found various uses in traditional medicine, but, like any plant, horse chestnut has contraindications.


Horse chestnut contains various useful substances, so there are contraindications for its use. The main contraindications are due to individual intolerance to the composition of the plant and allergies to its components. The plant has a strong effect, so there are contraindications for taking medicines based on it for children. Despite all the useful properties, there are contraindications for the use of the plant for:

  • pregnancy;
  • heart problems;
  • increased acidity of the stomach.

Chestnut is contraindicated in heart problems

There are also contraindications for taking chestnut for medicinal purposes with low hemoglobin.

Abuse of plant-based products can cause side effects. Before taking them, it is necessary to undergo examinations for the absence of contraindications.

The use of horse chestnut

Traditional medicine appreciates the properties of horse chestnut and often uses it for medicinal purposes. It has found application not only in folk medicine. Today, pharmacology uses the plant for the preparation of medicines. If you do not trust pharmacy medicines, although on a natural basis, but still purchased, you can prepare the medicines yourself in order to preserve all the beneficial properties of the plant. Due to a wide range of actions, the plant is used to prepare various products in different forms.

  1. Tincture.

    Vodka tincture is a miracle remedy that you can buy at a pharmacy. The beneficial properties of the tincture are used to treat intestinal diseases, joint pain, hemorrhoids and the prevention of vascular diseases. To prepare the tincture at home, you will need 4 chestnut fruits or 20 grams of flowers. They need to be crushed well and pour 200 ml. alcohol or vodka and leave for a week in a dark place until the tincture acquires an amber color. Take 25-40 drops in a glass of water 1 time per day for a course of 2 weeks.

  2. Infusion.

    Pour boiling water over 100 grams of chopped bark and leave for 4-6 hours. It is better to insist the remedy in a thermos. The infusion is considered ready, which acquires a light brown color. Strain the finished product and drink 1 tbsp. spoon after meals for 2-3 weeks.

  3. Decoction.

    5 fruits, 3 tbsp. spoons of flowers and 1 teaspoon of bark are crushed and poured with a liter of water. Bring the contents to a boil and leave for an hour. Strain the remedy and drink 1 glass 2 times a day for a month.

  4. Flower juice.

    To squeeze the juice, you need to take 5 branches of chestnut flowers and grind in a meat grinder along with the stems. It is good to squeeze the juice, and place the cake in a deep bowl and pour 100 ml. boiling water. Infuse the cake for an hour, then squeeze and mix the infusion with juice. Take juice 20 drops per glass of water 1 time per day for no longer than a month.

  5. Ready extract can be bought at a pharmacy. It has a brown color and astringent taste because it contains escin and iodine. It is difficult to prepare the same extract at home, but you can prepare an analogue of the extract at home. To do this, you need to take fresh fruits (seeds) and chestnut flowers. 200 grams of flowers should be filled with 200 ml. water and cook for half an hour. Why squeeze and pour chestnuts. Place the contents in a meat grinder and pass through it 3 times. Then give the liquid, add 30 ml. vodka and pour into a closed container. It is better to let the extract brew. When the extract has acquired a dark color, drink 15-30 drops per glass of water.

  6. baths.

    Chestnut color and its bark can be used to prepare a bath. To do this, take a fresh color and pour 1 liter of boiling water. Bring to a boil and leave for an hour. The bark must be crushed and placed at the bottom of the bath. You can do full body baths or soak your feet in them. Pour the decoction to the bark and fill the tub with hot water. Then fish out the contents of the bath when it turns brown. You can do baths once a week. Baths are useful for the treatment of skin diseases, and you can also do separate baths for weak nails 2-3 times a week to strengthen them.

In May, chestnut flowers become the decoration of our cities, their red and white candles look beautiful and elegant. Chestnut is attractive not only for its beauty, but also for its medicinal properties. Official medicine uses the fruits of this tree for the preparation of drugs such as Aescusan, Anavenol and many others. These drugs are used in the treatment of hemorrhoids, varicose veins, thrombophelitis, and peripheral circulatory disorders. Traditional medicine uses not only fruits, but also chestnut flowers, its leaves, bark, in general, everything except the root.

The chestnut flower has a pyramidal inflorescence. The inflorescence is cut, the column is removed and dried. After that, an infusion of dried flowers is prepared, which must be infused for 12 hours. On the day you need to take from one to one and a half liters of infusion. Chestnut flowers help well with increased blood clotting, the infusion is used to strengthen blood vessels.

Flowers are used to make tea, which has a calming effect. To prepare such tea, it is enough to take some dried flowers and pour boiling water over them. After the composition has been infused for about 15 minutes, add a little more clean boiled water to it, and you can use it. It is better to do this at night, you can drink tea with honey.

Juice obtained from fresh chestnut flowers is also often used. It is mixed with vodka in a ratio of 1:3. This tincture is best taken in winter, when there is a lack of vitamins and minerals. In order for the infusion to be better absorbed, it must be taken with sweet jam or honey.

Chestnut flowers are used to make a decoction, which is used to treat blood diseases. As an additional remedy, the infusion is used in the treatment of brain tumors.

The use of chestnut flowers along with lilac flowers is practiced, this combination gives a very good result in the treatment of sciatica. In this case, a tincture of flowers is used, which is rubbed on sore spots. Also, this tincture is good for various rheumatic, arthritic and gouty pains.

The use of juice from chestnut flowers helps in the treatment of thrombosis and varicose veins. Long-term intake of this juice can significantly alleviate hemorrhoidal pain, and at the initial stage of the disease - and completely defeat it. Tincture from the juice of flowers is used for uterine bleeding that occurs during the onset of menopause or for other reasons, but not associated with the formation of malignant tumors. Also, this decoction successfully helps to fight radiation sickness.

Like other folk remedies, preparations made from chestnuts, including flowers, should not be used thoughtlessly and in unlimited quantities. Treatment must be carried out under the supervision of a specialist.

Chestnut, the flower of which is used in medicine, has other useful properties, the raw material of this tree has found its application in many other industries. Chestnut has a soft wood, which is very much appreciated for wood carving, it is well painted even with transparent paints and varnishes. Chestnut fruits are used for fattening animals, they are very fond of pigs and sheep. Since chestnut is a fairly shade-tolerant tree, it is widely used in the organization of park areas, as well as in garden and park construction.

With the help of research, it was found that this tree cleans the air from exhaust gases very well, so it is planted in cities. Chestnut flowers are also excellent honey plants, providing a lot of pollen and nectar. Chestnut nectar contains about 70% sugar. Honey is transparent and crystallizes very quickly.

Horse chestnut medicinal properties and contraindications for use

Nature gives many plants that help maintain health and allow you to recover from various ailments, for example, horse chestnut, the healing properties and contraindications of this plant are known to a large number of people.

For many centuries, this plant has been used to treat the most complex ailments.

That is why there are dozens of ways to prepare healing decoctions and tinctures from this product. True, in order for a decoction or tincture to have truly medicinal properties, one should understand how to properly prepare, store and collect it, as well as what exactly should be feared in this process.

horse chestnut

Let's start with the fact that horse chestnut came to us from the distant Balkan Islands. Today, this plant can be found in almost any yard. In addition, it quite easily adapts to any climate, it is not afraid of either frost or extreme heat.

Important! The only thing you should always remember before picking the fruits of this tree is that it is absolutely impossible to use chestnuts that grow along the road. Otherwise, you can only harm your health.

It should be noted that horse chestnut has a very extensive effect, it can be used for the treatment of legs, as well as for other purposes. Although, this plant can also be used as a decorative element.

horse chestnut fruit

It is known that many companies in Germany and Bulgaria use this plant to create highly effective drugs. This is possible due to the fact that horse chestnut contains many useful elements.

Important! Let's start with the fact that for the preparation of medicinal tinctures, creams and balms, you can use not only the fruits of the tree, but also seeds, flowers and even bark. Each of these materials has its own separate group of flavonoids.

That is why, when creating a particular tool, you should know in advance what properties the components that make up its composition have.

Chestnut prevents blood clots

This plant is very effective in reducing blood viscosity, thereby preventing the possibility of blood clots.

That is why almost all drugs that help in the treatment of varicose veins, thrombosis or other vascular diseases are prepared on the basis of horse chestnut.

Varicose veins are treated with chestnut-based ointments

By the way, many are interested in the question of why the chestnut cannot be used as food. Here the answer is quite simple: the thing is that its seeds contain not only starch, but also bitter glycoside. They are considered poisonous to the human body. Based on this, it is easy to conclude why this plant has the name "horse chestnut", this suggests that it can be used by cattle or horses, but it is forbidden to humans.

There is no doubt that horse chestnut has certain medicinal properties, but in order for it to definitely help, you should know the technology for collecting the plant, as well as the mechanism for preparing healing decoctions and tinctures, then their use will be as useful as possible.

What are the contraindications for use?

Horse chestnut should not be used under reduced pressure

As mentioned above, horse chestnut has many useful properties, but there are also contraindications to the use of drugs prepared on its basis. Here are the main ones:

  1. Preparations made on the basis of horse chestnut are contraindicated in people with low blood pressure. This is due to the fact that horse chestnut itself helps to lower pressure. Therefore, after its use, there may be a deterioration in well-being in people who already have low blood pressure.
  2. It is undesirable to use drugs based on horse chestnut for people who have problems with blood clotting, especially if there are concomitant diseases such as diabetes or thrombocytopenia.
  3. And of course, you can not be treated with horse chestnut if any internal bleeding is found. Otherwise, the state of health may become even worse.

Diabetes mellitus - a contraindication to taking chestnut

Important! In addition to all the above contraindications, it should also be remembered that raw materials cannot be collected in environmentally hazardous areas. All materials that are used to prepare medicinal decoctions, tinctures, creams should be collected exclusively in a clean place, otherwise the medicine can harm the body even more.

If you follow all these rules, then horse chestnut will definitely help, because its medicinal properties are really very wide, and, of course, do not forget that there are contraindications to the use of medicines prepared on the basis of this plant.

What are the preparations based on horse chestnut?

There are many different preparations that are made on the basis of horse chestnut. They can easily be purchased at any pharmacy. But, in addition to this, you can also independently make such remedies. For example, horse chestnut oil. It is excellent for varicose veins.

Horse chestnut oil

You can also use the bark of young branches of this tree. Certain tinctures are also prepared from it, with which you can then wash sore spots on the body.

If we talk about fresh juice, which is prepared from tree flowers, then it helps to remove toxins and radionuclides from the body very well.

You can also use dried chestnut flowers, they make a tincture that is great for arthritis or rheumatism. She just needs to rub the sore spot.

Horse chestnut tincture is useful for the treatment of many diseases.

Many more experts claim that horse chestnut extract is also good for cleansing the blood.

Today, horse chestnut is actively used both in folk medicine and in traditional methods of treating various ailments. So, for example, freshly squeezed juice from the flowers of the plant will perfectly help in the treatment of varicose veins, as well as hemorrhoids. It should be taken orally with plain water. Hemorrhoids are also treated with baths with the addition of a decoction of tree bark. Enough regular procedures for 15 minutes, and you can permanently get rid of an unpleasant disease.

chestnut extract

The use of horse chestnut in medicine

Very often, horse chestnut is recommended for use in the treatment of leukemia. To do this, prepare a special infusion. It is easy to prepare: 1 tbsp. l. flowers are added to 1 liter of water, then all this must be boiled and infused for 8 hours. Every day the patient should drink at least 1 liter of this decoction. The treatment cycle consists of taking the drug regularly for 20 days, then a break for 10 days and again drinking the medicine for 20 days.

Chestnut flower tincture is used in the treatment of leukemia

This tincture is also prescribed for such a complex disease as a brain tumor.

Well, these are not all the medicinal properties that horse chestnut possesses. It can also be used in the treatment of prostatitis or adenoma. To do this, you need to take the peel of the seeds and grind it to a powder state. After that, the resulting mixture is mixed with alcohol in a ratio of 1:10. Further, the medicine is infused, in the case when 70% percent alcohol was used, it is necessary to infuse for 14 days, and when 40% alcohol is used, then it is necessary to infuse for 30 days. The medicine is taken strictly 15 minutes before meals and in the amount of 10 or 20 drops, respectively.

Chestnut is used in the treatment of prostatitis

Another infusion of dry chestnut leaves can be used in the treatment of mastopathy in women, and it is with fibrocystic. Enough 6 tbsp. l. raw materials pour 1 liter of water. It is used in small sips every hour.

The use of horse chestnut for medicinal purposes

Folk medicine has accumulated a very rich experience in the use of horse chestnut. The plant is also called acorn or aesculus. Many varieties grow massively in parks and squares everywhere.

Botanical description and range of horse chestnut

A tall deciduous tree or shrub plant, whose height in meters reaches 20-25 m. Even the wild look looks very attractive and has large, complex, palmate opposite leaves on elongated petioles, without stipules. The foliage forms a fairly dense and spectacular crown. The buds and buds are often whitish or pink in color.

The shape of the flowers is bell-shaped. The flowers are collected in large, pyramidal in shape, very erect racemose inflorescences. The plant blooms massively from May to June. Several forms are grown, some of which have a double flower. After flowering, fruits are formed, represented by a tricuspid spiny box with an opening sash part.

Under natural conditions, the plant is found in southern Europe, in the northern part of India and East Asia, as well as in North America. In our country, planting with horse chestnut grows very well, and about thirteen species have been cultivated. Any varieties are very good honey plants, which are highly decorative throughout the growing season.

Horse chestnut blooms massively from May to June

origin of name

Horse or horse chestnut has been known since ancient times. Currently, a large number of explanations for the name of this plant are known. Most often it is attributed to the petioles of fallen leaves. A falling leaf leaves a scar on the branches, which in their appearance resemble a horseshoe. In the second case, it is generally accepted that after overmaturation they acquire a very characteristic color of a bay horse. According to a third opinion, the name is associated with dark brown fruits with a light spot, reminiscent of a horse's hoof mark.

Many domestic experts also believe that the name was given to the plant solely in order to be able to distinguish inedible fruits from the harvest of edible plants.

Useful and medicinal properties of horse chestnut

Horse chestnut is very useful for many diseases. For therapeutic purposes, folk healers and the pharmaceutical industry harvest leaves, flowers, bark from branches, seed material, and seed rind. It is best to collect tree and branch bark in May-June, flowers - at the flowering stage, fruit-berries - in August-September. Leaves can be harvested throughout the season.

Medicinal properties of chestnut (video)

Fruits (seeds) of horse chestnut

Fruits are a real storehouse of useful components and trace elements. They contain a small amount of fat and a large amount of carbohydrates and proteins. The fruits also contain about 60% starch, fiber, about 15% sugar, B vitamins and minerals represented by iron, sodium, potassium, copper and phosphorus.

Chestnut fruits are a real storehouse of useful components and trace elements.

horse chestnut leaves

Like any medicinal herb, the foliage has a number of medicinal properties, which allows the use of preparations based on it in the treatment of various vascular diseases, including varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, increased capillary fragility and various inflammatory processes of the veins.

Horse chestnut leaves have a range of medicinal properties.

plant bark

Decoctions based on the bark are widely used in the presence of a history of chronic colitis and enterocolitis, as well as difficult-to-treat diarrhea and gastritis with increased acidity of gastric juice. Also, this tool allows you to get rid of diseases of the spleen, treats bronchitis and various bleeding.

Decoctions based on the bark of horse chestnut are widely used in the presence of a history of chronic colitis and enterocolitis

chestnut flowers

The flowers are used to make decoctions, infusions or alcoholic tinctures, which are great for treating heart disease, liver problems, pulmonary tuberculosis, shortness of breath, anemia and rheumatism. Alcohol tincture is great for treating arthrosis and getting rid of gouty pain.

Chestnut flowers are used to prepare decoctions, infusions or alcohol tinctures.

Industrial uses of horse chestnut

Durable and high-quality horse chestnut wood in its main characteristics is very similar to linden wood. The wood of this plant does not currently have a wide commercial use, but it is often used in the manufacture of door panels or various furniture elements of furniture.

Among other things, on an industrial scale, the culture is used in the conditions of modern cosmetology, which is explained by the presence of a large amount of tannins in the composition. In the cosmetic industry, vegetable raw materials are used to prepare products that have tonic, microcirculation-enhancing properties that strengthen the vascular walls. Such drugs allow you to fight cellulite and the natural aging of the skin.

On an industrial scale, horse chestnut is used in modern cosmetology.

Preparations in a pharmacy based on chestnut

Pharmaceutical products can be in the form of an extract, tincture or cream, and Aescusan tablets and drops are also available, which help to reduce capillary permeability and increase venous tone.

Such drugs have a very high, proven effectiveness in combating blood clots and reduce inflammation. The manufacturer's instructions recommend taking fifteen or twenty drops three times a day. A very popular tablet form is produced under the name "Esflazid" and is an effective analogue of the "Aescusan" drops.

How to make chestnut tincture (video)

Traditional medicine recipes with horse chestnut

It is not difficult to make your own products based on vegetable raw materials - it is enough to strictly observe the established proportions, as well as use a high-quality, properly assembled and prepared base.


With different etiologies of venous problems, about 50 g of flowers should be poured into a clean glass container, and then pour half a liter of vodka. The tincture is infused for a couple of weeks, but the liquid needs to be shaken periodically. After two weeks, the resulting tincture is carefully filtered. It is required to take such a drug daily, thirty drops before meals. The standard course of treatment is four weeks, after which it is necessary to take a mandatory break.

The standard course of treatment for horse chestnut tincture is four weeks.

Decoctions and infusions

These types of drugs are most in demand for external use. Leaves, flowers, and crushed fruits are suitable for cooking. Half of an ordinary enameled bucket is filled with plant mass, after which boiling water is poured into the container. Under the lid, such a healing solution should be infused for about twelve hours, after which filtering is carried out. Infusion and decoction are great not only for lotions and irrigations, but are also widely used as a highly effective herbal bath.

Many people know such a plant as horse chestnut, medicinal properties and contraindications, which have been known since ancient times. This is a very useful and effective form that has been popular for hundreds of years. The tree is especially valued due to its ability to favorably influence the protein composition of the blood, which helps prevent the formation of blood clots. Knowing how to take the infusion and extract prepared from the fruit will give a quick, positive result of the treatment.

Horse chestnut - a plant from many diseases

Among the many trees that grow in our area, horse chestnut is one of the most beautiful and useful. It is often also called the stomach, aesculus. The tree belongs to a large family of sapindaceae. The homeland of the chestnut is considered to be the lands of Greece.

Chestnut-based products have medicinal properties:

  • bactericidal;
  • hemostatic;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • decongestant;
  • wound healing.

In nature, the tree can grow up to 25 meters tall. The uniqueness of the plant lies in its unusual inflorescences, which take the form of a candle. At the end of flowering, fruits form in their place.

An effective remedy for hemorrhoids and inflamed veins is chestnut flower juice.

The fruits are rich in:

  • esculin;
  • fraxin;
  • aescin;
  • starch;
  • tannins;
  • vitamin C;
  • thiamine.

Chestnut has been used for the treatment of many diseases since ancient times. For the preparation of tinctures, ointments are used not only fruits, but also leaves, bark, flowers. Despite all the medicinal properties of horse chestnut, it also has its contraindications. In order not to harm health, the product must be used very carefully.

The infusion should not be drunk by people who have:

  • too thin blood;
  • ulcer;
  • gastritis;
  • colitis;
  • constipation.

You should not use chestnut-based products for women with an unstable menstrual cycle.

It is strongly not recommended to drink such a liquid for pregnant women. This can lead to dangerous consequences.

Do not use tincture for breastfeeding mothers. It can change not only the taste of milk, but also its composition.

Feature of horse chestnut extract

Its main actions are aimed at strengthening the walls of blood vessels and veins. The extract is intended for the treatment of pathology of the esophagus, rectum, venous insufficiency.

It is also used for:

  • runny nose;
  • sinusitis;
  • bronchitis;
  • angina;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • arthritis.

This is one of the most effective remedies for the treatment of varicose veins.

The extract is often used in complex therapy. Esculin, which is part of the product, is able to accelerate blood flow, prevent thrombosis and reduce swelling.

The instructions for use of liquid horse chestnut extract indicate that adults can drink it from 5 to 10 milliliters per day. These figures are maximum. But in order not to aggravate the condition, you should first consult a doctor.

How to take horse chestnut tincture?

In order to achieve the desired result, you should know how to properly take horse chestnut tincture. Since the effect of seeds on children has not been fully studied, it is not recommended to give such a remedy to young people. This can lead to severe poisoning. And a large amount of funds for a child is fraught with a fatal outcome.

Instructions for use of horse chestnut tincture:

  1. With varicose veins, prostatitis, sciatica, 30 drops should be consumed 3 times a day.
  2. For the treatment of hemorrhoids and inflammation of the veins of the lower extremities, it is recommended to drink the liquid for the first two days, 1 tablespoon once a day. If the tolerability of the drug is good, then the amount should be increased up to 3 times a day. The minimum course of treatment is from 1 to 8 weeks.
  3. To get rid of the pathology of the kidneys, the remedy is taken two tablespoons four times a day.

Perfectly copes with puffiness, inflammation and venous disease ointment based on the fruits of this plant. It also has calming properties. It should be applied externally to problem areas up to 3 times a day.

Effective recipes for many diseases

In order to get rid of varicose veins once and for all, it is not necessary to go to the pharmacy and buy expensive medicines. There are various folk methods that can significantly alleviate the condition.

A simple recipe for horse chestnut tincture for varicose veins

To prepare the remedy, you will need to grind 20 grams of chestnut along with a brown shell. The resulting chips should be poured with 200 ml of vodka. In this state, the mixture will need to be infused for 20 days. It is better to keep the liquid in a glass container and in a dark place. At the same time, do not forget to shake it daily.

After the horse chestnut tincture on vodka is ready, it will need to be filtered using cheesecloth.

When using homemade tincture, it is necessary to monitor blood clotting throughout the course of treatment. To do this, it is recommended to periodically analyze.

If everything is cooked correctly, then homemade tincture will turn out no worse than store-bought.

Horse chestnut ointment for varicose veins

To prepare the mixture you will need:

  • chop flowers - 10 grams;
  • dry sage leaves - 10 grams;
  • chopped chestnut kernels - 50 grams;
  • potato starch.

Mix all components thoroughly. Add 200 ml of liquid chicken fat to them. In this state, simmer in a water bath for three hours. Then insist 12 hours at room temperature. At the end of this time, melt the product, and then strain.

Infusion for joint pain

You can alleviate the condition with the help of tincture. This liquid is used only externally.

You will need to place 50 grams of chopped chestnuts in 0.5 liters of vodka. In order to start rubbing sore spots, you just need to wait two hours.

When preparing the tincture, it is important to ensure that the chestnuts are completely covered with vodka.

Joints that are affected by arthrosis will not be disturbed if they are rubbed with a concentrated liquid. The grains are cut in half or into four parts, tightly folded into a transparent glass jar and poured with vodka and alcohol.

Infusion of chestnut flowers

A similar remedy is effective in the treatment of inflamed veins and hemorrhoidal cones. It is taken orally 30 drops in the morning and in the afternoon.

To prepare the tincture you need:

  • 20 grams of freshly picked flowers;
  • glass jar;
  • 100 ml of vodka (alcohol is possible).

Place the flowers in vodka and insist for 7 days. Keep the mixture at room temperature. The first results will be observed in 3 weeks.

Anyone who is contraindicated in alcoholic beverages can prepare a decoction of the bark or twigs.

To do this, pour a liter of water into a saucepan and bring it to a boil. Then put 3 tablespoons of chopped wood into it and simmer on a small fire for 10 minutes. Drink in the morning and evening for 0.5 cups (100 milliliters).

Horse chestnut extract is the best way to improve your health. In order for the effect of the treatment to be noticed in a short time, all the rules for taking the remedy should be followed.

Horse chestnut flowers in folk medicine are widely distributed and used. Its beneficial properties have been known to man since ancient times. Chestnut is distributed almost all over the world. It is grown in America and throughout Eurasia. At first, the chestnut was used as an ornamental woody plant that served as a decoration for every park and garden. Then the beneficial properties of its fruits were revealed, containing many vitamins and chemical compounds necessary for the human body.

Horse chestnut - description

Horse chestnut is a woody plant with an actively developed wide crown. In height, it can reach twenty or more meters. The color of the bark varies from light to dark brown. The chestnut has large green leaves in the form of an oval in the amount of five to seven pieces. Its flowers are large, snow-white, sometimes with a pinkish tinge. Yellow or red spots can be seen at the base of the petals. At the tips of the branches are fluffy stamens, resembling a panicle in appearance.

Its fruits are shaped like a rounded box covered with thorns. The inside has a fleshy texture. Flowering occurs in May. This plant begins to bear fruit in early to mid-autumn. Despite the wide distribution of the chestnut, Greece is considered to be its homeland.

The use of horse chestnut in medicine

All parts of the chestnut contain bioactive components that help accelerate blood clotting and strengthen the walls of blood vessels. This plant is often used as a thrombolytic agent. Chestnut is an indispensable tool for the treatment and prevention of diseases such as:

  • Varicose veins;
  • Haemorrhoids;
  • Rheumatism;
  • Whooping cough;
  • Asthma;
  • Bronchitis.

It also has anti-inflammatory properties in the treatment of diseases such as:

  • Angina;
  • Pharyngitis;
  • Stomatitis.

Chestnut leaves and flowers can be used as compresses for various injuries, whether it be burns or cuts.

In folk medicine, chestnut is widely used as:

Horse chestnut flower tincture can be great for both internal and external use.

Drops of this tincture will become your assistant in the fight against varicose veins. To prepare it, you will need horse chestnut flowers (about 50 grams) and half a liter of vodka. These components must be mixed and left to infuse for 2 weeks. It is advisable to choose a dark warm place for this.

In the fight against rheumatism or other joint problems, horse chestnut flowers are also used. For its preparation use: dry flowers (about 20 grams) and half a liter of pure alcohol. It should also be infused in dark rooms for about two weeks.

Recommendations for use: use to rub problem areas, massage until you feel warm. Then wrap with a warm scarf or woolen cloth. Do not remove the bandage for at least an hour.

Infusion of birch bark and horse chestnut seed

An infusion of horse chestnut birch bark is considered an indispensable remedy for digestive problems, gastritis and other diseases of the intestinal tract.

To get this miracle infusion, you will need: chopped, preferably to the state of flour, chestnut bark (1 teaspoon) and two glasses of water. Mix the components and leave for 8-10 hours. After the expiration of this time, the resulting product must be poured into a ladle or pan and put on the burner. Bring to a boil over low heat. After - strain and cool to room temperature.

An infusion of horse chestnut seed is used at elevated temperatures. Wonderful natural antipyretic.

To prepare an infusion of horse chestnut seed, you need to pour boiling water over its seeds, in the proportion: 2 teaspoons of seed per liter of water. Insist for 2.5 hours. The finished product must be filtered (you can use gauze for this) and cool to room temperature.

Instructions for use: drink 150 milliliters before meals, up to 4 times a day.

Interesting facts about the use of horse chestnut

Healers of ancient peoples believed that horse chestnut, especially its fruits, are able to charge the human body with healing energy. Also, the chestnut was considered a kind of amulet of the negative impact of the environment, so many people carried the fruits of this tree with them, hoping for its magical properties.

If a woman had problems with breastfeeding a child, for example, milk stagnated, then she was recommended to use the chestnut fruit. With its help, massage circular movements on the chest, natural processes were established and feeding became possible again.

Chestnut can be used not only in medicine, but also for economic purposes. From its parts get the basis for glue, ink, paints. It was also an organic pet food supplement.

The beneficial properties and positive effects of this plant cannot be overestimated. Horse chestnut flowers in folk medicine are only one of the sources of its medicinal substances. Do not forget about such parts of it as the bark and leaves, which are no less widespread and contain a huge amount of substances that are constructive for our body. With the use of chestnut for medicinal purposes, one should be careful, because its excessive use can cause constipation. Horse chestnut is a real natural healer that helps us stay healthy.

Video: making a tincture of chestnut flowers

In this video you will learn about the treatment of blood vessels and veins with a tincture of chestnut flowers:

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