Universal preparations for cleansing the intestines. Preparations for cleansing the intestines: a review of funds, reviews

On the modern pharmaceutical market, there are various preparations for cleansing the intestines from toxins. They are used only as directed by a doctor.

Medical indications

Considered medications have a number of advantages:

  • ease of use;
  • affordability;
  • effective cleansing;
  • the ability to choose an individual dosage.

To cleanse the intestines of toxins, medicines from the group of laxatives are used. Each such tool has certain features:

  • special components;
  • unequal medicinal effect;
  • different way of using.

Laxatives have different mechanisms of action on the body. Depending on this, there are:

  1. Means that provoke mechanical irritation of the mucosa. They increase the amount of water by attracting it from surrounding tissues. In this way, feces are liquefied. We are talking about osmotic and saline laxatives: Fortrans, Moviprep. Representatives of salt medicines: magnesium sulfate, Karlovy Vary salt. Such drugs are able to act throughout the intestine, affecting all its departments. Prolonged, improper use can provoke a violation of water metabolism.

The power of the drug

Medications for ridding the intestines of toxins and toxins have different strengths. Depending on this, medicines are divided into laxatives, laxatives and carry-on. It is carrying medicines that are the most powerful medicines that provoke rapid emptying with loose stools.

They are used for a one-time bowel cleansing before surgery. They act quickly, involving all parts of the intestine. Increased water production washes out old fecal deposits well. Such remedies (often these are saline laxatives) can be used at home no more than 1 time per month. More gentle medicines can be taken in courses of several weeks twice a year.

When is a bowel cleansing performed? Cleansing procedures are indicated before surgical interventions or with constipation. But laxatives can be used in other cases. It has been proven that during the annual work of the intestine, more than 2 kg of heavy, toxic masses settle on its walls. They get stuck, turning into "old" slags. Because of them, the work of the body is disrupted (the liver, gallbladder and skin suffer).

Therefore, you need to cleanse the intestines:

  1. When trying to lose weight. The complete elimination of feces significantly reduces the size of the intestine itself, making the stomach flatter. In addition, such a procedure restores and accelerates metabolism in tissues.
  2. In the fight against acne and other skin problems. The skin reacts extremely quickly and painfully to problems in the digestive tract. Therefore, often inflammation on the face and body occurs due to a clogged digestive tract. A single disposal of feces significantly cleanses the face of acne, comedones or wen.
  3. With the normalization of the organs of the excretory system.
  4. When restoring the body after antibiotic therapy.
  5. To prepare the body for invasive or other medical events.

Names of medicines

Fortrans is the most common drug that cleanses the gastrointestinal tract from toxins and toxins. It is used for medical purposes in preparation for abdominal interventions or for examination of the intestine. As part of the drug - macrogol 4000. Fortrans contains salts that maintain electrolyte balance. This composition allows good retention of liquid.

To cleanse the intestines, it is enough to drink 3-4 sachets of medicine. For maximum effectiveness, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  • have lunch at 12.00 with light meals;
  • from 14.00 to use 2 liters of the drug;
  • after 2 hours take an hour break;
  • from 17.00 to use an additional 2 liters of the drug.

Organ cleaning will be completed by midnight. The analogue of the drug is Lavacol or Forlax. The composition of the last remedy includes a similar active substance, but in a different concentration. Therefore, it is used exclusively to combat chronic constipation.

To perform a colonoscopy, clean the intestines. For this, the patient is given an enema or medications are used. New laxatives include the drug Lavacol for bowel cleansing. The intestine does not absorb the drug, which does not affect the microflora and electrolyte balance.

The agent is dosed in sachets (for 1 sachet 250 ml of liquid). Take one sachet every 30 minutes. The composition of Lavacol does not include sugar and its substitutes, and its taste is neutral salty. It is recommended to finish taking it 3 hours before the study. Lavacol can be replaced with Endofalk or Endofalk with Bisacodyl. At the same time, slag-free nutrition is shown.

Magnesia sulfate is an effective time-tested medicine. It is called English (bitter) salt. The use of the drug is the simplest bowel cleansing. It is recommended that you stay at home during the procedure.

Principles of cleaning: it is recommended to use a solution of magnesia in the evening. For a patient weighing 70 kg, about 60 g of the drug will be required. Magnesia works in all parts of the intestine. The disadvantages of the drug include an unpleasant and bitter taste of the resulting solution.

Reception Duphalac

Duphalac is an osmotic laxative, available in 2 forms (syrup, powder). The main active ingredient of the drug is lactulose. It acts in the large intestine, splitting into non-toxic compounds. The advantage of the drug: it does not provoke dysbacteriosis, stimulating the growth of beneficial flora.

Such pharmaceutical drugs are used individually: the dosage and method of application are selected depending on the patient's condition. Consume 1 time in the morning before a meal. At the same time, it is important to monitor the drinking regime - drink at least 6 glasses of liquid per day. The effect may occur several hours or days after the start of the drug.

For a single cleansing, syrup (about 200 ml) is used, which is diluted in warm water. The resulting solution is drunk within 6-7 hours. Contraindications to the use of Duphalac:

  • galactosemia;
  • lactase deficiency.

Rapid bowel cleansing is carried out with activated charcoal. This technique is considered the most affordable financially. It is used for various putrefactive processes of the intestine, toxic lesions of various nature, allergies. Such preparation for medical procedures is indispensable.

Such bowel cleansing has a number of contraindications:

  • damage to the gastrointestinal mucosa;
  • intestinal atony;
  • the use of other drugs.

The body will begin to cleanse itself immediately after the use of coal tablets. The calculation of the dosage is carried out on the weight of the patient: 1 tablet per 10 kg of weight one hour before the meal. Such treatment cannot be carried out often: the absorbent removes a significant part of vitamins and minerals from the body, causing microdamage to the intestinal villi.

Acceptance of other funds

Castor oil is used to cleanse the small intestine. Before using the medicine, it is important to refrain from eating for 5-6 hours. To prepare the product, you need castor oil and lemon (ratio 1: 2). The oil is washed down with lemon juice. The duration of exposure is 24 hours.

For high performance, senna leaves should be consumed for at least a week. It is recommended to use herbal infusion, tablet preparations with senna extract. Rules for preparing a decoction: pour dried grass with boiling water, cook over low heat. Insist for half an hour, filter. The decoction must be stored in the refrigerator.

Defecation should occur daily 1-2 times a day. The chair is moderately liquid. Experts advise the use of osmotic and saline preparations. With their help, you can conduct one-time cleansing, sparing courses.

It is easier to use pharmaceutical preparations. They own fast and high efficiency. Known bowel cleansers:

  • Bisacodyl is an inexpensive but effective drug that works by irritating colon prescriptions;
  • Bisacodyl Lactulose breaks down organic matter, increasing the amount of intestinal content, while there is a quick but mild effect;
  • Guttalax is used for severe constipation or other problems with emptying;
  • dry chestnut extract - a natural absorbent, which is used in combination with other laxatives;
  • Depuraflux is made from senna leaves;
  • Portalak - a drug used for children and pregnant women, helps to lose weight, because it removes excess moisture, toxins and carcinogens from the body;
  • Laktofiltrum is a vegetable sorbent that accelerates metabolism and restores microflora.

If it is necessary to cleanse the body before a planned operation, Bisacodyl, Dufalac, Senna, Fortrans are prescribed. Laxatives should be used at home as directed, without changing the dosage. Such drugs can significantly harm health. Before using the medicine, you must familiarize yourself with all contraindications for taking.

The body of an adult contains on average 1.5-2 kg of toxins, most of which is in the intestines. Accumulated deposits negatively affect metabolic processes, impair immunity and well-being. Cleansing the intestines from toxins and toxins is a useful procedure that preferably once or twice a year. You can do the cleaning yourself at home.

Where do waste products and toxins come from in the body?

Food, getting into the stomach, and then into the intestines, undergoes complex chemical processes. In order to assimilate useful substances and remove unnecessary ones, the body oxidizes all the products that enter it. As a result of oxidation, food elements break down into simple compounds. Those particles that have not passed the full stage of oxidation and have not been assimilated in the course of metabolic processes turn into slags.

Some of these unprocessed elements settle in the intestines, lymph, extracellular tissues and other organs, and produce a toxic effect. Cleansing from toxins allows you to free your body from unnecessary trash.

One of the main causes of constipation and diarrhea is use of various drugs. To improve bowel function after taking the drugs, you need every day drink a simple remedy ...

Symptoms of intestinal slagging

When a person leads a healthy lifestyle and follows proper nutrition, there is much less "garbage" in his intestines and body.

Such people can be gently cleansed for prevention.

Alas, not everyone adheres to a healthy diet, and you can determine that the intestines need a wellness procedure by the symptoms.

Signs of slagging and the need for bowel cleansing:

  • Frequent flatulence, bloating,
  • Colic, spasms in the intestines,
  • Irregular stool (constipation, diarrhea),
  • Heaviness in the intestines, nausea after fatty, fried foods,
  • Frequent burping
  • Increased fatigue, decreased concentration,
  • Irritability, nervousness,
  • Drowsiness,
  • Headache,
  • Deterioration of the skin, hair, nails,
  • Frequent colds,
  • Low resistance to other infectious diseases,
  • allergic reactions,
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (colitis, gastritis, stomach ulcers),
  • puffiness,
  • psychosomatic illnesses,
  • Hypertension.

Slags in the intestines can also lead to early heart attacks and serious cardiovascular pathologies, as they thicken the blood and impair its circulation. Carrying out cleansing of the body is the prevention of many diseases.

How to prepare for a colon cleanse

Before you start cleansing your body at home, you need to consult a doctor. The presence of certain diseases is a strict contraindication to the bowel cleansing procedure. Treatment should be carried out, and only then cleansing should be done.

Sometimes self-detoxification by cleansing can harm the body and make you feel worse. If the doctor has not found reasons to ban bowel cleansing, it is necessary to properly prepare for the process.

Consider where to start recovery:

  1. Regardless of the method chosen, 2 weeks before the start of the procedures, it is necessary to refuse spicy, salty, fatty, fried foods. You also need to exclude alcohol, junk food (fast food, snacks, convenience foods).
  2. Throughout the entire period of cleansing the body, you should ensure yourself a good rest, sleep at least 7 hours a day.
  3. In advance, you should take care of all the necessary means (herbs, foods, medicines) that will be required to cleanse the intestines.
  4. You can not do a bowel cleansing if chronic diseases are exacerbated or you feel unwell.

Cleansing procedures for the intestines require regularity. Having started the process, it must be brought to the end, otherwise the effect of healing the body will not be achieved.

Bowel cleansing methods

There are different ways to cleanse the intestines. To understand which method is best for your body, you can consult a doctor or explore all the options and make your own decision.


Some medications help to quickly get rid of intoxication and toxins in the intestines. Please note that any medications have contraindications and before using them to cleanse the body, you must read the instructions.

activated carbon

An effective agent with a sorbing effect, proven over the years. Activated charcoal absorbs toxins, improves intestinal microflora, relieves flatulence, helps to improve stool.

It is carried out according to the following scheme: at night they drink tablets at the rate of 1 pc. per 1 kg of weight. That is, if a person weighs 60 kg, he will need to drink 6 tablets at a time. By morning, a bowel movement should occur. The feces will turn black, do not be afraid of this.

To clean the body well with coal, you need to take it for 2 weeks, with severe intoxication - for 1 month.

In addition to enterosorbents, this medicine contains lactobacilli, which are necessary for the intestines for normal microflora. Laktofiltrum cleanses and heals not only the intestines, but also the liver, pancreas, improves the functioning of the gallbladder and helps to lose weight.

To cleanse yourself with the drug, take 2 tablets for the first week. 3 times a day. For the second week, the dose is reduced to 1 tab. 3 times a day. The course of bowel cleansing is 2-3 weeks.

Fortrans - fast bowel cleansing

This is a very powerful laxative. It is suitable for quick cleansing of the body, as it is applied once. Fortrans helps to remove deposits of fecal stones from the intestines and literally flushes the entire gastrointestinal tract.

For the cleaning procedure, you will need 4 bags of Fortrans powder. They are bred and drunk for 4 hours (1 packet per hour). The drug is the best way to wash the intestines without an enema.

After the procedure, you must follow a diet for 2 weeks.

To cleanse the intestines quickly with medicines, medicines alone are not enough. Be sure to follow a dietary diet throughout the entire period, drink plenty of clean water, and it is also recommended to support the body with physical exercises.

Enema cleansing

A heavily slagged body can be cleansed using the old, simple and effective method - an enema.

For the procedure, it is advisable to use Esmarch's mug with a long tip so that the liquid penetrates as deep as possible into the intestines.

It will take 3 liters of clean, boiled water or herbal decoction (chamomile, calendula). It is also useful to use acidified water for cleaning (1 tablespoon of lemon juice or apple cider vinegar is added to 1 liter of water).

The most comfortable position for an enema is lying on your side with your knees bent. It is necessary to introduce the entire amount of fluid into the intestines and wait for the urge to empty.

To cleanse the body with enemas use the following scheme:

  • During the first 3 days - 1 enema per day.
  • After 3 days - 1 enema every other day for a week.
  • For the second week - 1 enema every 2 days for 7 days.

Usually this period is enough to remove slagging from the intestines, improve the functioning of the stomach and the general condition of the body.

Fasting bowel cleansing

Not everyone can cleanse the body by fasting. This is a radical method and it is suitable only for people who do not have chronic diseases and serious health disorders.

Choose 1 day per week, during which they refuse solid food. To effectively cleanse during this time, during the day they drink a lot of water, herbal decoctions, tea, it is allowed to drink 1 glass of kefir. The method helps to get rid of toxins and excess weight. Fasting can be introduced into the lifestyle and arrange such a day regularly once a week.

Folk methods

How to clean the intestines using folk recipes - consider the best ways. Folk methods are based on the use of natural herbal and affordable products, which is their main advantage.

Flax seeds for gentle cleansing

Flax seed acts on the small and large intestines like a broom. It cleans fecal stones, envelops the stomach and esophagus with a protective film, removes even the most stagnant slag. Also, the seed contains valuable substances and vitamins. This is the best and most safe way to improve the body.

The seeds are ground in a coffee grinder and consumed 1 tsp within a month. in the morning on an empty stomach, drinking water.

There is a second way - pour 1 tsp in the evening. ground seed with boiling water (100 ml), and in the morning drink this mass.

Cleansing the intestines with bran

You can buy ready-made bran in a pharmacy or market, in the healthy nutrition department. It is also a very effective remedy for removing toxins from the intestines, losing excess weight, improving the functioning of the digestive system - a real natural body cleanser.

It is best to use bran with kefir: take 2 tsp for 1 glass. bran, stir and let stand for about 20 minutes. During this time, the bran in kefir will swell. It is better to use kefir with bran in the evening, 3 hours before bedtime. Cleanse the body in this way for 1-2 months.

On a note! Bran and flax seed can be added to dishes: poured into salads, cereals, soups.

Buckwheat for bowel cleansing

The well-known and accessible to all cereals perfectly cleans the intestines, if you cook it this way: in the evening 4 tbsp. l. Rinse buckwheat and pour a glass of kefir. Place in refrigerator overnight. Warm up in the microwave a little in the morning and eat as breakfast.

If the body is heavily slagged and there is a lot of excess weight, then the course of purification should be at least 1 month. For minor health problems, 2 weeks is enough.

Castor oil

To help the intestines get rid of debris and heal the body, it is recommended to use castor oil. It has a mild laxative effect and is especially suitable for people suffering from constipation.

Oil is consumed in 1 tsp. before bedtime. It must be washed down with acidified water (1 tsp of lemon juice is diluted in half a glass of warm water).

Herbs for colon cleansing

Cleansing the body with herbs is a gentle way to improve your health. Medical fees help to remove puffiness, remove toxins, improve the functioning of the digestive organs, saturate the body with valuable substances.

Collection number 1

Take 1 tbsp. l. herbs immortelle, chamomile, senna, plantain. Pour everything with half a liter of boiling water, insist 3 hours. After, strain and take throughout the day. Bowel cleansing course - 2 weeks.

Collection number 2

Take 1 tbsp. l. plantain herbs, mint, marsh sushi, parsley. Herbs are placed in a 500 ml jar and poured with boiling water. Infuse for 3-4 hours, filter, divide into 4-5 doses and drink throughout the day. Cleansing the intestines with this collection is done for 2 weeks.

Colon Cleansing Products

Many products have cleansing properties and have a beneficial effect on the work of the digestive tract. If you introduce them into your diet on an ongoing basis, then you can forget about the signs of slagging. The intestines will not accumulate deposits of fecal stones, toxins and other rubbish.

Products that cleanse the body:

  • Beet,
  • Cabbage,
  • Prunes,
  • Apples,
  • Kefir,
  • citruses,
  • Carrot,
  • Celery,
  • Oatmeal,

Cleansing diet for 7 days

The note! The first row in the table is the first day, the second is the second, and so on.

Oatmeal porridge on the water, 1 apple.2-3 prunes, a handful of nuts.Cabbage meat soup, vegetable salad.200 g of low-fat cottage cheese.Boiled chicken breast, beetroot salad.
Buckwheat porridge, 1 egg.1 small apple and orange.Meat cutlet with rice for garnish, vegetable fat.A glass of kefir with bread.Steamed or oven fish, salad.
Cottage cheese 200 g, sprinkled with nuts, dried fruits.Cabbage and carrot salad.Any soup, salad with chicken and vegetables.Yogurt, some crackers.Meatballs, broccoli salad and any other vegetables.
Bran bread with cheese and a little butter.A glass of kefir.Boiled beef or chicken with barley for garnish, vegetable salad.Apple and 2-3 prunes.Cutlet with stewed vegetables for garnish.
Wheat porridge, any sweet fruit.Orange, a handful of nuts.Soup, vegetable salad.A glass of kefir, a few crackers or bread.Boiled beef, sauerkraut salad.
Oatmeal porridge, 1 egg.Salad of beets, carrots and apples.Boiled or oven-cooked meat (any low-fat), buckwheat, salad for garnish.200 g of cottage cheese.Stewed vegetables with meat or fish, salad.
Sandwich with bran bread.Yogurt and 1 apple.Meat soup and vegetable salad.Orange, chocolate slice.Fish with stewed beets for garnish, salad.

Throughout the week, you can drink black, green tea, some fruit juice, herbal teas, rosehip infusion. The diet perfectly cleanses the intestines, relieves extra pounds, gives a feeling of lightness and fills with energy.

These were the best methods on how to cleanse the body of toxins at home. Such procedures help to preserve the beauty of the body, youth, excellent health, healthy immunity for many years.


You can turn to different means. Some methods require a stay in a medical facility, while others are carried out on their own at home. Today, the usual enema, which cleanses only the large intestine, has been supplemented with medical methods that are quite acceptable and low-risk.

The use of special preparations allows you to clean both the large intestine and the small intestine. Their use does not cause difficulties, allows you to build a procedure on an individual approach. Medicines that can cleanse the intestines are laxatives. They are presented in different variations. But what they have in common is the ability to remove everything superfluous from the body, including toxins and slags.

Cleansing the intestines is sometimes just necessary!

Depending on the mechanism of action, all bowel cleansing drugs can be divided into several groups.

Osmotic, saline laxatives

Their action is based on the ability to irritate the intestinal walls with the help of water accumulation. The fluid attracted from the body will make the accumulated feces softer, and mechanical irritation will provoke the urge to defecate. The effect comes in 3 - 6 hours.

Among the "minuses" of these funds is the inability to cover the entire intestine as a whole. There are also unpleasant consequences: the ability to bring down the water-salt metabolism. Among the drugs in this group are "", "", "Moviprep", "Lavakop", sorbitol. This group also includes saline laxatives: sodium sulfate, Karlovy Vary salt.

A group of drugs that increase the volume of intestinal contents

The next group provokes an increase in the contents of the intestine in volume and thus stimulates an irritating effect on the receptors. This is a great tool to help overcome. The effect is observed after 8-10 hours. This group includes bran, fiber, methylcellulose, seaweed, medicines Metamucil, Citrucel.

A group of agents that cause chemical irritation of intestinal receptors

In folk medicine, there are many recipes for cleansing the intestines.

This action effectively improves peristalsis. These funds affect the large intestine, the small one is not affected by them. Their action resembles the effect of an enema, only occurs after 6 hours. Side effects include possible pain.

If they are used too often, diarrhea can begin, which is not far from dehydration. Among the means of this group are senna leaves, rhubarb, buckthorn, "", "Bisacodyl". Of the drugs in this group, only castor oil cleanses the small intestine.

Stool softeners

These are stool softeners. The preparations of this group are based on oils, liquid paraffin. Their main area of ​​influence is the small intestine. The effect can be expected after 4 hours. These funds help those who can not strain the abdominal wall. "Minus" - failures in assimilation fat soluble vitamins. There are 3 levels of impact of these funds on the body:

  • laxative;
  • laxative;
  • carrying (saline laxatives are endowed with such an effect, as a result of their intake, very loose stools appear).

Fortrans - a preparation for cleansing the intestines

For a quick and complete cleansing of the intestines, drugs that have a carrying effect are taken. They qualitatively remove all unnecessary, provide cleaning of all parts of the intestine. However, saline laxatives are not recommended to be used more than once a month. If the product has a gentle effect, they can be used twice a year for 7 days.

In a hospital setting, a different frequency is possible. In particular, Fortrans is a standard means of preparing for surgical interventions, for manipulations to examine the intestines. This preparation contains 4000, this is the main active ingredient. For the effectiveness of use, its ability to retain water is important. "Fortrans"Contains salts that are responsible for electrolyte balance.

To cleanse the intestines, you need to drink the contents of 3-4 sachets. Since each sachet must be diluted in a liter of water, it means that a person will have to drink 3-4 liters of the solution. But you need to drink the remedy not immediately, but gradually. Doctors advise taking the remedy according to the scheme below.

  • Small lunch at 12 noon.
  • 14.00 - 16.00 - drink 2 liters of solution.
  • Until 17.00 break.
  • Until 19.00 - drink 1 - 2 liters of funds.
  • By 12 o'clock at night, a spectacular cleansing of the intestines is obtained.

"Fortrans" can be replaced with "Lavacol". But Forlax is not like it, because the concentration of Macrogol in it is different. Forlax is the best remedy for chronic constipation.


Colon cleanser: Duphalac

This remedy should be taken in the morning, once. The dosage depends on the characteristics of the body. During the day you need to drink about 6 - 8 glasses. After a few hours, the effect will appear. But if you drink 4 - 70 mo, then the laxative effect will be observed for 2 days.

If you take syrup, then drink 3 liters of water, in which 200 ml of syrup is dissolved. This volume of solution should be consumed within 6 hours. Take a break of at least 15 minutes between each drink. The use of this remedy is limited by a number of contraindications:

  1. galactosemia;
  2. intolerance to lactose, galactose;
  3. lack of lactase.

Castor oil

This is an excellent remedy for cleansing the small intestine. Do not eat for 6 hours before taking castor oil. After taking, exclude any food for 8 hours. To calculate your dose, you need to know the weight. A gram of castor oil is taken per kg of weight. If the weight is 70 kg, then castor oil needs 70 g

To achieve a good result, use the juice of 1 lemon (140 ml). It is drunk after oil. If severe nausea occurs after ingestion, then it can be reduced with a few raisins.

Castor oil begins to act quickly. The first effect appears after 2 hours. Since the chair will be multiple, you can not leave the house.

senna leaves

Colon cleansing can be done in a variety of ways. Some methods are performed only in a hospital, while others are carried out at home. To date, the enema known to many, used to cleanse the large intestine, is inferior to low-dangerous drug methods. They are preparations for cleansing the intestines, which differ from each other in the form of release, dosage and scheme of application. Despite this, drugs allow you to rid the body of everything superfluous, including toxins and toxins, which, with prolonged presence, can cause the development of many diseases.

Why cleanse your colon?

Daily human food intake is approximately 2 kg. In the process of digestion, from 200 g to 300 g of waste is formed. The slags formed in the body should be excreted twice during the day when emptying the intestines, but for many people the act of defecation can take place only once. The remaining feces accumulate, lead to the development of constipation and the reproduction of harmful pathogenic microbes, which, when spread throughout the body, can undermine immunity and lead to adverse consequences.
Complications of constipation:

  1. Haemorrhoids.
  2. Cracks in the anus.
  3. Polyposis formations.
  4. Tumors in the intestines.
  5. Colitis.
  6. Allergic reactions, skin rashes.

Causes of constipation:

  1. Lack of timely defecation.
  2. Eating high-calorie foods that do not contain fiber.
  3. Work in a sitting position.
  4. Pregnancy.

People suffering from constipation try to solve this problem by taking drugs to cleanse the intestines, as well as using other methods.

Cleansing methods

You can bring bowel function back to normal not only in medical institutions, but also at home using natural methods, such as:

  1. Balanced diet. The diet of each person should include plant foods, as well as enriched with legumes, cereals. It is recommended to definitely consume sour-milk products, fresh apples, figs, bran.
  2. Medicinal medicinal herbs. They can be used as tinctures, decoctions, teas.
  3. Enema. The procedure allows you to artificially rid the intestines of toxins and feces by washing with water. The method quickly cleanses the body of intestinal contents, therefore it is used before operations or with prolonged constipation.
  4. Laxatives.

Medicine for cleansing the intestines: the main types

Depending on the impact, cleansing preparations are divided into the following types:

  1. Annoying. The drugs excite the internal tissues of the intestine, causing them to contract and move the feces, followed by excretion. As a result of their use, intestinal motility improves. In their effect, the drugs are similar to a cleansing enema, so they can cause pain after use. Bisacodyl, Senadexin, Regulax, Senade are considered popular means of this group.
  2. Osmotic ("Magnesia"). The drugs cause an increase in pressure inside the intestines, increase the volume of feces and contribute to their removal from the body. Such funds in their composition have magnesium sulfate or sodium sulfate.
  3. Prebiotic ("Duphalac", "Esportal"). The components of the preparations, when interacting with the intestinal flora, lead to the retention of moisture in the feces, increase their volume and help accelerate the withdrawal.
  4. Filling. Each bowel cleanser from this group absorbs moisture, thereby softening the stool, and helps to remove accumulated toxins.
  5. Saline laxatives (Fortrans, Lavakop, Sorbitol). The disadvantage of these methods is the ability to disrupt the water-salt balance in the body.
  6. Means for increasing the volume of contents in the intestines ("Citrucel", "Metamucil"). The effectiveness of the use of drugs occurs within 10 hours.

Popular remedies

Most often, the following drugs are used to free the intestines from accumulated feces:

  1. "Fortrans". The drug has a carrying effect, therefore it is able to remove all unnecessary and cleanse the intestines. The tool should not be used more than once a month. "Fortrans" is used before various studies of the intestine and surgical interventions. To cleanse the intestines, it is enough to drink 3 or 4 sachets, each of which is previously diluted in a liter of water. The drug intake begins after lunch and is limited to a volume equal to a liter every hour. A complete bowel cleansing is achieved 6 hours after the completion of the drug.
  2. "Magnesia". Cleansing with this tool is the most affordable way. The disadvantage of using the drug is the inability to leave the house during the day due to the frequency of stools.
  3. "Duphalac". The drug is available in the form of powder or syrup. The use of this remedy does not contribute to constipation, but, on the contrary, leads to the growth of beneficial bacteria. Taking the drug is recommended in the morning before meals in a dosage that depends on the characteristics of the organism.
  4. Castor oil. It helps cleanse the small intestine. For 6 hours before taking and for 8 hours after taking the drug, it is forbidden to eat any food. The dosage of the oil depends on the weight of the person. On average, for every kg of body weight, 1 g of castor oil is required.
  5. Various tablets with a laxative effect. They are sold in all pharmacies, but should be used strictly according to the doctor's prescription.

If it is necessary to cleanse the intestines once, osmotic agents should be used, and if it is required to ensure a gentle release of the intestines from feces, then the preparations must be selected on an individual basis. Before the procedure, it is important to consume only fruits or vegetables in order to achieve the desired result as much as possible.

Laxatives, along with analgesics, are among the most popular medicines today. They cause defecation - the natural emptying of the large intestine.

Indications for the use of laxatives

Laxatives are drugs used for symptomatic treatment. They eliminate the symptoms, external manifestations of the disease, but do not remove the very cause of the disease. That's why, laxatives are not taken to treat constipation and obstruction of the large intestine, and with problematic defecation, when you need to quickly empty the large intestine, when a person has not had a “stool” for a long time. In other words, laxatives solve the "problem of one day."

Preparations for cleaning


Syrup "Duphalac" stimulates intestinal peristalsis, exerting a laxative effect. This drug removes ammonium ions from the body and improves the absorption of phosphates and Ca 2+ salts.

Note! As a rule, "Duphalac" is taken for constipation and to soften the "stool" for medical purposes, for example, if a person is to undergo surgery on the colon or in the anus. Also, "Duphalac" helps with dysbacteriosis of the large intestine caused by salmonella, enteritis.

This laxative has practically no contraindications. It is not only recommended to take it with hypersensitivity to fructose and lactose, with galactosemia and intestinal obstruction. There are no restrictions for pregnant and lactating women.

"Duphalac" is taken in the morning with food. If you need to cleanse the body once, then the person himself determines the dosage. If this laxative is taken to soften hardened feces or in the treatment of constipation, then Dufalac is drunk strictly according to the scheme. The initial dose for an adult is from 15 to 45 milliliters, the maintenance dose is 10-25.

Another effective laxative is Phytolax, chewable fruit tablets made from medicinal herbs and fruits. Also now there are bars, concentrate, filter bags.

"Phytolax" contains many plant components:

  • Apricot It has both a laxative and a tonic effect. It has a lot of vitamins and fiber, minerals, especially potassium.
  • (Alexandrian leaf) - an indispensable remedy for atony of the large intestine and chronic constipation. The leaves are rich in anthraglycosides - they stimulate the receptors of the large intestine.
  • The composition of "Fitolax" also includes plantain. It has both a laxative, anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic effect.
  • Thanks to dill seeds, the secretion of the digestive glands improves several times, they have a carminative and antispasmodic effect. As a result, the drug has a laxative, antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory effect.

medicinal product "Phytolax" helps to improve the peristalsis of the large intestine, perfectly softens fecal masses, promotes regular emptying of the large intestine.

This laxative works eight hours after ingestion.

medicinal product "" refers to the group of laxatives with a pronounced osmotic effect. It forms hydrogen bonds of polyethylene glycol (macrogol 4000) with water molecules, therefore, Fortrans retains water well in the large intestine. The contents of the Fortrans solution liquefies with a significant increase in volume, and, due to this, a powerful laxative effect develops.

The main active ingredient of the drug "Fortrans" is macrogol.

It's important to know! Pharmacological studies confirm that this drug is able to be completely excreted along with the "stool" from the large intestine. It does not enter the systemic circulation, is not absorbed or metabolized in the large intestine.

"Fortrans" acts one to one and a half hours after administration. His "work" continues for two to five hours. If, after three or four hours, "Fortrans" did not work, which happens very rarely, then you need to gently massage the stomach, move your hand clockwise over it. Move. With repeated use, the natural emptying of the large intestine will occur after 20-30 minutes.

For one cleaning, three or four bags of Fortrans are enough. One sachet dissolves in one liter of boiled water. Every 15-20 minutes you need to drink one glass of a laxative solution until it runs out. For an hour, on average, one liter of Fortrans solution is drunk. Graduality is important. This will soften the stool better and make the cleansing more complete, but painless.

The Fortrans solution does not have a very pleasant taste, therefore, to make it easier to drink this laxative, there was no vomiting, doctors recommend drinking it with one teaspoon of orange or lemon juice. You can, as an option, chew on a small slice of fresh orange or lemon.

When the entire solution is drunk, you need to drink ordinary drinking water. This will help flush out the remnants of this drug from the body and restore the lack of fluids.

With the help of (magnesia) you can cleanse not only the large intestine, but also the gallbladder, liver. It does not absorb toxins and does not remove them from the body, but it is able to increase the internal osmotic pressure. Once inside the large intestine, magnesium contributes to the accumulation of a large volume of fluid in it. It “liquefies” the hardened feces and exits the body under strong pressure. Under such a powerful “pressure” from the walls of the large intestine, like a brush, all unnecessary residues and “garbage” are “swept away”.

To clean with magnesia, you need to prepare a solution: 20-30 grams of magnesium sulfate should be diluted in 100 milliliters of water. The resulting liquid should be drunk. After an hour and a half, the first urge to defecate will appear.

The ancient Egyptians cleansed the large intestine with activated charcoal. In the writings of the ancient Greek historian Hippocrates, this remedy is also mentioned.

It is difficult to call activated charcoal a full-fledged laxative. It's a sorbent. It helps well with poisoning, allowing you to wash the stomach. Activated charcoal absorbs toxins from the digestive tract, bringing them out. In some cases, activated charcoal may even work to secure the "stool".

Folk remedies

Castor oil

In the last century, one of the most popular laxatives was. Even today, when there are many new ways and methods of quick cleansing of the body, castor oil remains one of the safest and most effective laxatives.

If earlier “castor oil” had to be drunk in its pure form, now the oil is available in convenient capsules, therefore, the unpleasant taste of “castor oil” is no longer so noticeable. An adult needs to drink from 15 to 30 grams of castor oil, children - five to ten grams.

Castor oil stimulates the smooth muscles of the large intestine, interacting with its enzymes, it forms glycerol and acid, which excite the nerve endings and improve the motor function of the large intestine.

Drunk castor oil works from two to six hours. There is a natural emptying of the large intestine.

Alexandria leaf or senna leaf is one of the most popular laxatives today. The laxative effect is achieved by anthraglycosides. That is why, among all herbal remedies, they are considered the strongest laxative.

To cleanse the large intestine, you need to make a herbal decoction from the leaves of senna. To do this, one teaspoon of dry leaves is poured with 250 milliliters of cold boiled water (this avoids pain in the stomach). The broth is infused for a day - from time to time it needs to be stirred. After that, you need to strain it and drink it before going to bed. After six to eight hours, the drink will work.

If you have trouble bowel movements, it is helpful to eat more fiber-rich foods. It accumulates water well - the fibers swell, increase in size, which contributes to faster emptying of the large intestine.

Food rich in fiber increases the number of beneficial bacteria in the body that are involved in the process of digestion. Due to this, fatty acids appear in the microflora, which play a direct role in the normalization of digestion.

  • Fiber-rich pumpkin. It is useful in any form - it can be cooked, baked. You can make mashed potatoes or cook porridge from it. Pumpkin is even good to eat raw.

Note! For problems with defecation, it is shown to eat prunes, beets, figs, dried apricots.

  • Cucumber pickle also has a laxative effect. To do this, it is enough to drink three or four glasses. It is important that the cucumbers stand in it for at least a month, and the brine itself is clean - without seasonings and spices.
  • With frequent constipation, it is useful to eat onions - in any form. It can be boiled, stewed, baked, fried, marinated, eaten raw with vegetable oil.
  • A good laxative effect is given by peaches, tangerines, apples.


  • Among cereals, nutritionists call the recognized leader buckwheat y. It gives the greatest laxative effect. Buckwheat contains a lot of fiber, which makes the large intestine work. It is most useful to eat buckwheat boiled in water. It needs to be slightly undercooked, removed from the stove, wrapped so that it steams out. Then porridge will give the maximum laxative effect.
  • Also good for constipation oatmeal. Only you need to cook it from whole grains. Flakes, on the contrary, can "fix". Oatmeal should be boiled in water - no milk. Barley porridge boiled in water also has a laxative effect. It should not resemble "slurry" but, on the contrary, be crumbly and hard.
  • Millet porridge known for its diuretic and laxative effects, especially when combined with pumpkin.
  • Most fiber in bran. For constipation, doctors often advise buying bran bread, which has a good laxative effect. But in large quantities it is not recommended to use it.

Porridges that do not have a laxative effect and are not recommended for constipation are rice, semolina porridge cooked in milk.


Kefir gives a laxative effect only if it is fresh. If he is a few days old, then, on the contrary, he will strengthen the stomach. You can add 10 grams of sunflower oil to a glass of kefir - this will have a greater laxative effect.


  • with bleeding of internal organs;
  • ulcerative lesions of the mucous membrane of the large intestine;
  • when taking broad-spectrum antibiotics;
  • with intestinal obstruction;
  • with Crohn's disease;
  • in acute surgical pathologies (“acute abdomen”);
  • with dehydration;
  • in acute inflammatory diseases of the colon;
  • with erosive lesions of the mucous membrane of the large intestine;
  • with ulcerative lesions of the duodenum;
  • with increased individual sensitivity to the components of the drug;
  • with chronic inflammatory diseases of the colon;
  • with inflammatory diseases of the large intestine at the stage of exacerbation;
  • with ulcerative lesions of the stomach.

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