Parmelia: methods of application and possible contraindications. Like cetraria, it is used for douching with. Contraindications and warnings

Parmelia (cetraria, Icelandic lobe, cut grass, reindeer moss, lopastyanka, reindeer moss, hazel grouse moss, lung moss, Icelandic moss) is a perennial low plant from the Parmeliaceae family. As a rule, cut grass has a gray-green color. Two types of lichen are widespread in our open spaces: parmelia furrowed and wandering.

Lichens show the ability to photosynthesis, are absolutely unpretentious, resistant to hard climatic conditions. To date, more than 700 plant species from the above family are known. Among themselves, they differ in shape, size, color, features of growth. Lichens can grow on different surfaces.

The greatest diversity of species is observed in the tropics. Within the territory of Russian Federation there are about 100 species of parmelia grass.

Botanical characteristic

Parmelia is characterized by a unique structure. This plant has no vegetative organs - it has no roots. Their functions are replaced by special outgrowths called rhizoids. These formations help the plant to fix on the bark of trees or on the ground.

In most cases, fungal mycelium for algae performs protective function. It protects it from drying out and provides unhindered access to photosynthesis, CO 2 and water. The fungus itself feeds on the products of algae assimilation, since it itself is not able to produce organic compounds.

The body of the plant (thallus, thallus) has a different color: greenish, yellowish, grayish, brown. Most often, the illuminated side of the thallus has a gray-green color. The color of the thallus correlates with the concentration of lichen acids in the plant. Carboxylic acids are deposited in the form of grains or crystals on the surface of the hyphae.

Parmelia wandering is a small lichen, the height of which does not exceed 5 cm. The thallus consists of rather narrow and branched lobes. Strong gusts of wind easily tear off lumps of lichen and carry them over a considerable distance, where in the future they take root quite well.

Parmelia sulcus forms abnormally shaped rosettes on the bark of any tree. However, most often such plants are found on living wood. different breeds trees (birch, spruce, aspen, pine). Sometimes this plant is found on old wooden houses, sheds, fences, dry branches. Reproduction of lichens is carried out by unicellular spores, which are formed in fruiting bodies (apotheciums), or vegetatively (soredia, isidia).

Harvesting of medicinal raw materials is carried out in the spring. The best time to do this is in late April and early May. The collected raw materials should dry in a well-ventilated area. The dried potion can be stored for 3-4 years without losing much biological activity. Properly prepared, the drug is odorless, tastes bitter and slightly pungent.

Biochemical composition of Parmelia

The medicinal properties of thorn berries have been known since ancient times. Complete laboratory research biochemical composition only started in the 1960s. The plant contains the following compounds:

Therapeutic properties of the plant

Parmelia lichen, the use and indications for which can be read in this article, exhibits the following effects:

Medicines based on parmelia are widely used both in folk and official medicine. Indications for the use of the above plant are:

Before using parmelia for the treatment of a particular pathology, it is necessary to consult a therapist, as the plant has some contraindications for use.

In order to save a child from coughing, it is not at all necessary to use lichen. There are many ways to help restore the health of the child. For example, in some cases it is enough to give a child a drink warm tea or compote and ventilate the room well.

When using parmelia, the following contraindications must be considered:

  • hypertension;
  • individual intolerance;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • age (phytotherapeutists do not recommend prescribing lichen to children under the age of six).

Parmelia lichen, or cut grass, grows in the desert-steppe zone, as well as in mountainous regions. This plant is resistant to environmental pollution, it is absolutely unpretentious. About 90 species of cut grass are found in Russia. This plant is widely used in traditional medicine. Today the reader will learn a lot interesting information regarding parmelia lichen: use and contraindications, properties, composition. We will also find out how to prepare a decoction of cut grass.

What does it consist of?

Parmelia belongs to both the group of green algae and mushrooms. The body of this lichen consists of branched, grooved, leathery-cartilaginous lobes of a greenish-gray color. Cut grass has the ability to photosynthesis, it is very resistant to harsh climatic conditions.

Parmelia lichen, the properties of which can be read below, has a unique and healing composition:

  1. Usnic acid is a strong natural antibiotic.
  2. Vitamin C is a natural antioxidant.
  3. Fiber and complex carbohydrates- very important for normal functioning digestive organs.
  4. Proteins, fats, ash.
  5. A large number of mineral elements, the main of which are potassium, calcium, phosphorus.

In what cases can it be used?

Parmelia lichen, the application and indications for which can be read in this article, has the following properties:

  1. Antiseptic.
  2. Bactericidal.
  3. Hemostatic.
  4. Wound healing.
  5. Immunostimulating.

Cut grass can be used in such cases:

When coughing. Lichen helps to quickly, gently and harmlessly rid a person of a protracted incessant cough.

For bleeding gums. It is enough to make a decoction of cut grass and rinse your mouth with it.

With diarrhea, acute colitis, duodenal ulcer and other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

With severely healing wounds resulting from trauma.

To fight bacteria that destroy the body, including Koch's wand.

To prevent the occurrence of acute respiratory viral infections.

To stop bleeding.

For the treatment of cardiovascular diseases.

Common types of parmelia

Where can you collect?

The branches and trunks of coniferous and deciduous trees are where parmelia lichens grow. Less often they can be found on stones and mossy soils. Lichen grows well where there is excellent access to the sun. Most often cut grass can be found in mountain forests. If you do not know where parmelia lichens grow, you can find out in the market from grandmothers selling various herbs. They will tell you where you can collect healing cut grass. And if you don't want to go looking for it, you can just buy it from the same lovely women in the bazaar.

Preparation of medicinal raw materials

If you decide that parmelia lichen must be in your home first aid kit, then you need to know not only where to collect it, but also how to harvest it for long-term storage. It is best to collect cut grass at the end of April and all of May. The collected raw materials must be dried in the wind and sun. Dried parmelia almost does not smell, it tastes bitter, slightly burning. You can save it for 4 years in a plastic bag or glass container away from dampness and moisture.

Restrictions on the use of parmelia lichen

Use and contraindications can be found at traditional healers. In general, cut grass has minimal amount restrictions on use. You can not use this plant with individual intolerance to the body. Also, with the appearance of urticaria, itching on the skin, it is also worth stopping being treated with this lichen. With caution and only after consultation with the doctor, cut grass can be used in such cases:

Pregnant and lactating women.

Prescription for tuberculosis

Parmelia herb is often used to treat such a serious infectious disease. Recipe for effective preparation:

  1. Grind dried parmelia (3 tablespoons) and pour 0.5 liters of milk.
  2. Put the mixture on the fire, bring to a boil, and then simmer over low heat for 15 minutes.
  3. Strain the medicine.
  4. Drink up to 1/3 cup three times a day.

Cough decoction recipe

If a person cannot get rid of it in any way unpleasant symptom viral infection, then parmelia will help him. The use and indications for the appointment of this remedy can be found in many medical publications. But how to properly prepare a decoction is not written everywhere. Below is the correct recipe healing drink From cough:

1. Take 1 tablespoon of lichen, pour 1 liter of water into it.

2. Put the pan with the contents on water bath(take water into a large container, and inside determine a pot with cut grass). Keep for about 2 hours.

Ready broth to drink 1/3 cup 3 times a day for 0.5 hours before meals. Be sure to keep the medicine in the refrigerator. Warm up a little before use.

Attention readers! On many sites it is written that to prepare a decoction, lichen can simply be boiled for an hour on fire. But you can't do that, because useful material at a temperature of 100 degrees, they will simply decompose, without bringing any further benefit. Therefore, cough medicine should be prepared only in a water bath.

Recipe for washing wounds, compresses

Five tablespoons of lichen pour 500 ml of water.

Boil, cook over medium heat for 20 minutes.

Remove from heat, insist at room temperature until the medicine has completely cooled.

Strain, squeeze raw materials into a healing broth.

Use externally on poorly healing wounds.

Ointment preparation

Take 200 g of visceral fat. Add 2 tbsp. l. parmelia (you can buy at a pharmacy or grind it yourself in a coffee grinder).

Mix all the ingredients, put them in a saucepan and put in a water bath for 5 hours.

The final medicine should be viscous.

An ointment based on parmelia and visceral fat can be used to treat ulcers, cuts, and wounds.

Where can you buy?

You can buy cut grass in the market from grandmothers, on the Internet, as well as in a pharmacy.

And there, by the way, you can find out important information regarding parmelia lichen: use and contraindications, storage conditions, expiration dates. If a person wants to save money, then it will be cheaper to buy cut grass from grandmothers.

The opinion of Dr. Komarovsky

Famous pediatrician Komarovsky E. O., the host of the program about the diseases that children suffer from, gave his assessment of the use of parmelia in relation to children. He notes that using this lichen in the fight against lingering cough boys and girls do not. He says that cut grass is best applied topically - to stop bleeding, disinfect wounds. And he categorically does not advise conducting various experiments on children. Komarovsky Evgeny Olegovich again repeats that in order to eliminate a cough in a child, one does not need to run to the market and buy parmelia lichen. Parents can save their son or daughter from this residual symptom viral infection simple methods: humidifying and ventilating the room, feeding a sick child with warm tea or compote. And if mom will comply with these simple rules, but she will not need any cough parmelia or other drugs from the pharmacy. And by the way, Dr. Komarovsky notes one interesting fact: Americans do not know and do not understand why children should be given expectorants. And in post-Soviet countries this practice is quite common. The pediatrician urges parents not to buy cough medicines and not to stuff the child with chemicals or dubious herbs.


Now you know a lot of interesting information about parmelia lichen: use and contraindications, appearance, places of growth. Cut grass has long been used in folk medicine for the treatment of tuberculosis, coughs, lingering wounds, etc. You can buy it on the market, in a pharmacy or order it online. You can also collect this lichen yourself, prepare healing raw materials and later use it to prepare various decoctions.

Parmelia striated, in Latin Parmelia sulcata, genus of lichens, family Parmeliaceae Parmeliaceae.

Parmelia- This is a perennial aboveground lichen, whose height is about 4-6 cm, with a leaf thallus grey-green color with strongly branched lobes, curly, tightly closed, slightly wrinkled. This is very interesting and complex organism, which is a symbiosis of lower fungi and green algae.

Parmelia grows on the trunks of coniferous and deciduous trees, sometimes on mossy soils and rocky slopes, but always in a well-lit place. Lichen is not picky about soils and is found in vast areas of the South and South-East of our country, especially in ecologically clean mountainous areas.

Medicinal raw material parmelia is thallus, which is harvested in late April - early May. dried on outdoors. When dried, the raw material is practically odorless. The taste of dry lichen raw materials is bitter, slightly burning, with a certain feeling of sliminess. The decoction is brown-orange with a characteristic burning taste. Dried parmelia raw materials can be stored for 3-4 years without losing their biological activity.

The chemical composition of parmelia is unique. The lichen thallus contains usnic acid - the strongest natural antibiotic and a lot of vitamin C. The composition also contains a lot of tannins, carbohydrates, which in their own way chemical composition closest to fiber, it is they that ensure the swelling of raw materials in hot water. Parmelia polysaccharides contain lichen starch lichenin, evenin and isolichenin. There is also a content of a small amount of proteins, fats and ash, as well as potassium, calcium, phosphorus and pigments.

Medicinal properties of parmelia

Due to the combined presence of usnic acid, vitamin C and tannins in the thalli of parmelia, the plant has powerful bactericidal, emollient, antiseptic, hemostatic and excellent wound healing effect.

isolated from parmelia usnic acid- well studied the strongest antibiotic. The drug "Binan" (aka sodium salt usnic acid), obtained from lichen, even at a concentration of 1: 2000000 has excellent bacteriostatic properties, and in higher concentrations it is detrimental to tuberculosis bacteria (Koch's bacterium). The content of usnic acid in parmelia is higher than in Icelandic moss(cetraria). The antibiotic properties of lichen are well preserved for several years, it is very heat-resistant (not afraid of high temperature). This substance has a detrimental effect on gram-positive, gram-negative, as well as on some acid-fast bacteria and on certain types mushrooms.

In folk medicine, the plant finds wide application for treatment pulmonary tuberculosis and old cough , gastrointestinal diseases of an infectious nature, including acute colitis, gastric and duodenal ulcers (caused by Helicobacter pylori), toxic dyspepsia. Thanks to high content Vitamin C is used as an immunostimulant. On the mucous membrane respiratory tract and gastrointestinal tract also has a calming effect.

When applied externally, Parmelia decoction cleans well from pus wounds and ulcers. Stops bleeding. For wounds and cuts, a strong decoction of lichen is used, the cloth is moistened and bandages are applied. To treat the wounded during the Great Patriotic War made vaseline paste with parmelia powder. After all, it was not without reason that it was called “cut grass” in those distant years.

In Germany, Japan and France, parmelia is still eaten today: the powder of dried thalli is mixed with flour and other products. Lichen has the ability to swell in hot water, and when cooled, it turns into a jelly-like consistency (jelly). This property used in the preparation of therapeutic thick kissels, healthy marmalade and jelly with the addition of berry juices.

Parmelia Recipes

A decoction of parmelia in milk for the treatment of tuberculosis and chronic cough: 1 tablespoon of crushed thalli with a slide for 0.5 liters of milk. Simmer in a water bath for 1 hour. Insist 2 hours. Strain. Add 2 teaspoons of any honey or propolis syrup. Take half a glass of decoction (about 100 ml) 15-30 minutes before meals 4-5 times a day. The last dose is at bedtime.

The literature describes a unique case of rapid cure acute colitis when taking a decoction of lichen three times for only 2 days.

Broth parmelia on the water: lichen 1 tablespoon per 300 ml of water, boil for 1 hour in a water bath, leave for 2 hours and strain. Take before meals 3-4 times a day, 2 tablespoons. The course of treatment is exactly 30 days. Even if relief came much earlier. It is advisable to store the finished broth in the refrigerator for no more than 2 days.

This decoction should be used:

As a means of stimulating appetite and improving digestion;

With colitis accompanied by diarrhea, viral and infectious diarrhea, various gastrointestinal diseases(not even installed yet) accurate diagnosis), stomach ulcer and duodenal ulcer, toxic dyspepsia;

- with any cough(as a replacement for a decoction in milk or with contraindications and milk intake, it is possible with the addition of fennel or anise seeds);

Children from 6 to 14 years old the dose should be taken at the rate of 1 teaspoon of raw materials instead of a tablespoon.

Parmelia decoction for external use: chopped lichen 2 tablespoons per 300 ml of water, simmer for 10 minutes, insist for 30 minutes, strain. Use the prepared decoction externally for compresses or washings festering wounds and ulcers, including bleeding, the use of a decoction effectively relieves pus and promotes speedy healing.

Vaseline paste for the treatment of trophic ulcers, for a long time non-healing wounds, bedsores: Mix lamp oil (peeled petroleum jelly) with parmelia powder (very fine grinding) until a thick sour cream is obtained. Apply a thick layer on ulcers and wounds, bandage with a regular bandage or a thin cotton cloth overnight.

Parmelia is a perennial lichen from the Parmelia family. The plant is also referred to as cut grass. The second name is due to the structure of its leaves. The plant is unique in structure, it lacks vegetative organs.

Parmelia settles on any surface. Unassuming to external conditions, resistant to harmful effects environment. Lichen can be seen on tree trunks, fences, ground. The natural habitat is the territory of Europe, North and South America, Africa, Australasia.

Composition and properties

In Russia, two types of parmelia are common: furrowed and wandering. The first one has not been fully studied, so the wandering one is used more often.

Lichen contains a large number of useful elements:

  • antioxidants (vitamin C);
  • natural antibiotics (barbatic, usnic, squamatic and fumarprotocetraric acids);
  • fiber and complex carbohydrates (important elements for correct operation gastrointestinal tract);
  • proteins, fats, pigments, tannins;
  • mineral inclusions (including phosphorus and calcium);
  • micro and macro elements.

The most valuable part of the plant is the thallus. There is concentrated the largest number useful substances.

Among medicinal properties cut grass emit:

  • antiseptic;
  • bactericidal;
  • emollient;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • regenerating;
  • sedative;
  • hemostatic;
  • immunostimulating.

Lichen is used in medicine and cooking. In traditional pharmacology, pomace and cut grass extract are included in the composition of modern medicines external and internal spectrum of action.

Benefits and contraindications

The plant is unique in its biochemical content. Reception of medicinal infusions and decoctions gives a noticeable result in the fight against diseases. Wherein side effect on the healthy organs minimum.

The plant is used to treat:

  • cough
  • flu;
  • bronchitis;
  • tuberculosis;
  • vascular and heart disease.

The presence in Parmelia of strong natural antibiotics does possible treatment drugs made on its basis, tuberculosis and any type of cough. Lichen compositions are used as additional remedy to basic chemicals.


  • Parmelia systematically relieves inflammation at any stage of bronchitis. From the first day of admission, significant improvements in health status are observed. A competent approach allows you to defeat the disease in 7-8 days.
  • With gastric and duodenal ulcers, parmelia effectively relieves inflammation. Thanks to the gel-like substance lichenin, fast healing mucous walls. The herb has a calming effect, destroys the harmful bacterial environment. At an early stage of the disease, cure occurs in short time. At running case- there is a clear relief.
  • Cardiac dysfunction is another indication to start cutting grass treatment. During its reception, the strengthening of the heart muscle occurs. The use of decoctions and infusions will prevent heart attacks and strokes, and help to regulate the heart rhythm.
  • The immunomodulating effect of parmelia is due to great content vitamin C. Infusions of plants treat external skin lesions: ulcers, purulent abscesses, cuts, burns, frostbite, lichen.
  • Recommend to drink herbal infusion for the sake of general improvement of the body, raising the tone. The tool helps to calm the nervous system, removes toxins and harmful substances.

The main contraindication to the use of cut grass is an allergy. Hypertension should be treated under medical supervision. This is explained by the property of the plant to increase blood pressure. It is not advisable to use grass: during pregnancy and lactation, children under 6 years of age.


Proper preparation medicinal formulations guarantees complete security healing properties. It is unacceptable to boil infusions for a long time. Because of this, most of the bioactive components break down. There will be no harm from such treatment, but no benefit either. For this reason, the drug is prepared only in a water bath. In the treatment of cough, honey is considered an important ingredient.

  • 100 g of herbal raw materials are poured into 1 liter of milk, set to heat up. Bring to a boil, keep on fire for 15-20 minutes. Filter. Take the remedy 3 times a day (1/3 cup before meals). The use of the composition is useful in chronic tuberculosis cough. Its use helps relieve inflammation, makes breathing easier.
  • The basis is milk or water. A tablespoon of dry grass is poured into 500 ml of liquid. Bring to a boil in a water bath. Insist at least 2 hours. Strain, put a teaspoon of honey. Store in refrigerator for storage. Drink the infusion every day before meals (1-2 tsp each). Preheat. The duration of treatment is 1 month.
  • At infectious pathologies with reflex cough it is better to use lichen tea. A small spoonful of grass is poured with water. Insist on a water bath for at least 30 minutes. Drink hot before going to bed, add honey.
  • 30 g of cut grass is poured into 300 ml cold water. Put in a water bath. Boil 5 min. They take it off the fire. Treatment courses are repeated every three months. Breaks between them are 3 days.
  • Connect 1-2 tbsp. l dry raw materials and 100 ml of alcohol (70% strength). Remove the liquid in a dark cool place for 1-2 weeks. Shake the container periodically. Take 10-15 drops for choking cough.

The result of treatment depends on the stage of the disease and the nature of its course. Positive effect more commonly seen with early forms ailments.

Cold, numbness of the extremities, even of the tongue, nausea, dry mouth, "lump" in the throat, pain in the neck, heart, dizziness, intolerance to movement, periodically darkness in the eyes, retardation of thoughts and speech, severe hair loss. Analyzes: TSH - 8.5, T4sv. - 1.13 (0.93-1.7), T3w - 3.08 (2.0-4.4).

Ultrasound: the thyroid gland is not enlarged, echogenicity is reduced, the structure is heterogeneous: hypo- and hyperechoic areas, multiple lymph nodes from 3 to 5 mm of inflammatory origin. The volume of the gland is 6.78 cm3, the right lobe is 3.31, the left lobe is 3.48.

From concomitant diseases: congenital additional large chord in the heart, chronic gastritis with high acidity, gastroptosis, reflux, cholangitis, chronic cystitis, cervical osteochondrosis, large, old lipoma on the thigh.

Hello Tamara!

Unfortunately, we have not received any of your letters. We respond to all incoming emails, without exception.

I sympathize with you, but I still don’t understand how, without iodine and thyroxine, TSH could decrease from 28 to 5? One is not enough. In the future, with your experiments with the Red Brush and the Coloring Gorse, you earned an overdose and entered a state of hyperthyroidism. A coma is basically a loss of consciousness. If you lost consciousness, then it was more likely a fainting due to anemia. Now you have again returned the state of subclinical hypothyroidism.

But, unfortunately, they drove their thyroid gland into a dead end. The volume has decreased, and the hormones are not very stable. Perhaps there are problems with the regulation at the level of the hypothalamus-pituitary gland - TSH does not always correspond to T4 and T3. And yet - you, of course, need iodine, but how much and what kind?

If you are categorically against thyroxine, try herbs again. They contain both iodides and diiodotyrosine. The reaction to Gorse was strong. If its dose was high, say, a tablespoon per glass, try it again - in a smaller one. In case of intolerance, it is necessary to replace it with Icelandic Cetraria or Parmelia - 1 tbsp. in collection.

1. Cyclodinone. Drink 30 drops in the morning with meals. The course is 1.5-2 months.

1 tsp chopped herbs pour 300.0 ml of boiling water, leave for 2 hours and strain. Drink 100.0 ml 3 times a day, half an hour before meals. After each month of admission, they take a break - 10 days, with hormone control.

Grind grass and fruits evenly up to 2-3 mm, roots up to 3-5 mm - at the beginning mechanically to small pieces, then on a coffee grinder; mix evenly.

Herbs without a dose should be taken in tablespoons.

1 tbsp mixture pour 300.0 ml of cold drinking water for an hour, then bring to a boil. Simmer over low heat or boiling water bath, covered, 15 minutes.

Cool, strain, squeeze and add to 300.0 ml.

Drink 100.0 ml three times a day, 30 minutes before meals. Course - 2 months. Control of TSH, free T4 and total T3 - after 3 weeks; UAC - in 2 weeks.

Iron (firritin was 13, raised to 40) Chaga (insisted in a thermos, drank on an empty stomach 1 glass 2-3 times a day)

Vanadium + chromium 1 mg and 200 mcg

Followed the autoimmune protocol for 3 weeks, then switched to a paleo diet. I excluded sugar, dairy, gluten, all cereals, spices (I haven’t eaten for a couple of years because of bloating). I haven't eaten red meat for 5-7 years. I eat chicken, turkey, lard in winter. Previously, I did not like bitter and there was swelling from black pepper. Now I eat with pleasure, but mostly bitter ground red pepper. I drink tea occasionally green, jasmine. I don't drink coffee or alcohol.

The history of development

In July-August, at the very beginning of the daub, I took a collection of Chamomile Mint Valerian, so menstruation began within 3-5 days with a decrease in pain and without delay. When urinating and defecation pain, chills, diarrhea stopped. Exhaustion and drowsiness disappeared after taking iron. I used to make candles with honey, now Sashera honey is for endometriosis, with Chaga, with chanterelle. 10 days immediately after the end of menstruation. The cycle has become regular - they come on the 1st.

Evening primrose oil 3900 mg (3 tablets per day with food)


You, Olya, mostly give preference to dietary supplements and are treated according to the schemes recommended by network doctors, apparently. Do not neglect the advice of herbalists, and you have improvements! But there are also misconceptions. One of them is avoiding red meat. But it is precisely such meat that contributes to an increase in hemoglobin, sometimes ferritin.

The second and main misconception is that adaptogens are impossible because of AIT.

I will not argue, you yourself must read the theory of the Russian scientist Lazarev about the non-specific resistance of the body. And do not confuse Echinacea purpurea, forbidden for rheumatic diseases, with adaptogens - Ginseng, Rhodiola rosea, Red brush, Eleutherococcus prickly, Maral root; etc.

In almost all systemic autoimmune diseases (glomerulonephritis, rheumatoid arthritis, lupus erythematosus, dermatomyositis, scleroderma), adaptogens prolong life for people. AIT has never been classified as a system autoimmune diseases. Moreover, the level of antibodies you have is low and is associated with pus in the throat. Treat your throat with gargles of Calendula, Sage; streptococcal bacteriophage.

Here is another misconception. You are afraid of mushrooms, but you drink Chaga. You can use the whole spectrum of mushrooms, especially Reishi Mushroom. Common cocklebur, Euphorbia pallas and dyed gorse are absolutely harmless if the recipe is followed exactly. Now you do not need them, in my opinion. You can go to the tincture of Euphorbia pallas, having finished taking Indole.

Or use a topical tincture now.

But the main factor of your recovery, after all, is nutrition and lifestyle.

You want to sleep because you are an owl; or your ferritin has dropped, or your TPO antibodies have risen.

We need to clarify this and continue to improve our health by choosing our main mentor.

Good luck, Olga, and all the best!

11/15/16 Alexander


Here I want to consult you about the recipes of some herbs.


I hope, Alexander, you will let me take care of you? Then, without further ado, I inform you that sinusitis is quite curable (not with the first herb, of course); that mitral valve prolapse is not dangerous to your health; that antibiotics are used ONLY when clearly indicated. Read a few words about - below. And I will also say that the universal and thoughtless use of antibiotics leads to their complete inefficiency. ALL microorganisms are endowed and protected by a resistance mechanism. And herbs, by the way, you mention them, do NOT activate these mechanisms, being as effective as antibiotics or surpassing them. And besides herbs, all natural remedies too. We won't go far. These are propolis, stone oil, mummy; Cetraria, Parmelia, Usnea. They can be used as much as you like, for a long time, without fear of suppressing your intestinal immunity. Which representatives of algae are stronger? Those in which the proportion of iodine is higher.

So, here is your scheme for the first 1-1.5 months with an emphasis on myocardial recovery.

To start, definitely, it is necessary with ATP injections. They will quickly bring the rhythm back to normal and help eliminate the "scars". It must be administered intramuscularly, 1.0 ml for 21 days. Simultaneously:

Drip 25 drops into each serving of herbal infusion. Monitor pressure.

2. Collection of herbs for drinking.

Grind grass evenly to about 3 mm, fruits - up to 4-5 mm, mix evenly.

1 tbsp mixture pour 300.0 ml of cold drinking water for an hour, then bring to a boil. Simmer over low heat or boiling water bath, covered, 15 minutes. Remove and insist hour. Strain, squeeze, top up to 300.0 ml. Drink 100.0 ml 3 times a day, before meals, in small sips. Course - 1.5 months.

3. Locally.

Start with nasal washes and rinses with a warm 2% baking soda solution.

And then I will give special recipes. Just follow the washing technique - a syringe with a nozzle, the volume of liquid is at least 10.0 ml in each nostril.

Dissolve solid propolis, no more than 3.0 grams per day, dividing the ball into 3 parts.

4. Here is the correct recipe for tincture of Greater Celandine. But I don't think you need it now.

2.0 g of dry grass pour 100.0 ml of 60% alcohol, leave for 7 days, strain and drink 10-12 drops 3 times a day, before meals, in 1 tbsp. water. The course is 1 month, a break of 14 days, and repeat if necessary. Celandine is moderately poisonous, strictly follow the recipe and method of use!

And after passing the tests in April 2013 (the result of TSH - 4.74 (N = up to 4); T4 St - 1.21 T3 St - 4.43), at 2 years and 5 months they began to take L thyroxine, a dose of 25 mcg. Accepted up to 4 years. neurological problems were not resolved on the background of taking the hormone. And for some reason they decided not to take the hormone until 5 years and 2 months. But during the time of non-reception, it became even worse: the existing ones became aggravated and problems in behavior appeared - grimaces, verbal aggression.

He has somatic diseases: hypermetropia of the left eye +6.5 - +7.5, right eye +3.5 - +4.5. sand in the kidneys, underdevelopment of the coccyx, partial underdevelopment of the medial spheres of the cerebellum, more on the left.

On the nootropic drugs answers well. Picamilon stops nocturnal enuresis. From Pantogam emotional condition and stuttering are greatly improved. From Glycine and Lecithin movement disorders are significantly reduced. But it is valid at the time of admission.

Prompt herbs, first of all, for subclinical hypothyroidism. Antibodies to thyroglobulin and Anti-TPO are normal.

I, too, have now revealed subclinical hypothyroidism T4 St - 1, TSH - 4.22 (N = up to 4). I started taking Endorm - extracts of herbs from Potentilla, Laminaria, and Licorice. T4 St increased to 1.13, TSH - 3.01. From herbs there is a result. But this medicine is from the age of 12.

What would you advise a child with hypothyroidism and neurology? Thanks in advance for your reply!

Hello Lena!

1 tsp mixture pour 100.0 ml of cold drinking water for an hour, then bring to a boil. Simmer over low heat or boiling water bath, covered, 15 minutes. Remove and insist hour. Strain, squeeze, top up to 100.0 ml. Drink 20.0 ml in the morning and 15.0 ml 3 times a day, before meals, in small sips. The collection is done for 2 days. Course - 1.5 months.

The default amounts are in tablespoons.

Please keep me posted, Lena. GOOD LUCK! See you!

09/05/16 Svetlana

Hello, dear Yulia Evgenievna!

I was overjoyed when I found your site quite by accident. I realized that you are just doing selfless work. A low bow to you and your helpers from all those who suffer different reasons could not find help from official medicine.

I'm 46 years old. Height - 170 cm, weight - 64 kg.

Examination in July 2016 showed: adenomyosis, decreased ovarian reserve, follicular cyst of the left ovary. Expert ultrasound on the 5th day of the cycle: the uterus is spherical, the contours are clear, even; dimensions: longitudinal - 68 mm, anteroposterior - 68 mm, transverse - 66 mm. The echostructure of the myometrium is diffusely heterogeneous, due to the alternation of areas of increased and reduced echogenicity. Asymmetry of the walls is noted: thickness rear wall- 13 mm, front - 40 mm. Endometrium (M-echo) - 6 mm, homogeneous structure. Neck: length - 40 mm, thickness - 30 mm, the shape is correct. Echostructure: multiple endocervix cysts. Right ovary: in a typical place, the shape is correct, dimensions - 41x29x33 mm, volume - 21 cm / 3. Echostructure: two antral follicles with a diameter of 22 and 20 mm. Left ovary: in a typical place, the shape is correct, dimensions - 39x23x26 ​​mm, volume - 14 cm / 3. Echostructure: presented liquid formation 30x25 mm, no follicular apparatus. Free fluid in the pelvis: no.

Conclusion: the follicular reserve in the ovaries (reference values ​​No. 6-20 follicles) is reduced (less than 6 pieces), signs of adenomyosis, a cyst of the left ovary (follicular).

I had a mammogram last October. On mammograms of the gland correct form, symmetrical. Skin and subcutaneous fat without features. Matrix pattern with a predominance of the glandular and fibrous components, density of about 50% - type 2. A moderate fibrocystic type of structure of both glands is noted. Shadows of altered lymph nodes, microcalcifications were not revealed.

They also offer me several treatment options for refusing pregnancy: 1) special uterine spiral plus smear hormones into the skin of the shoulder, the result: the absence of menstruation, but the effect of their presence on the body; 2) hormone replacement therapy with phytoestrogens, result: unstable, but still available menstruation; 3) permanent hormone replacement therapy with pills, the result: a return of rejuvenation by 2-3 years ago with the restoration of a regular cycle.

I would like to point out that no other chronic diseases I don’t have, I had pneumonia in childhood and chickenpox in adulthood, skin and venereal diseases and abdominal operations did not have. Now I feel good overall. The lower abdomen is slightly enlarged, overall activity is slightly reduced.

Dear Yulia Evgenievna! Help, please, we know that everything is in the hands of God… With respect and gratitude.


There is a lot of work here, Sveta. And the main - with her husband. If he is your age, even more so. He needs to start with an andrologist. There are new, including hardware methods; I will give herbs; and you organize special rations for your husband)) And all this can give an increase in spermatozoa from zero to several individuals. In order to conceive in the usual way, spermatozoa must pour out in a stream! And a few, with difficulty, will have to be planted. You, Sveta, are quite well, and the follicles were dominant, not antral - 22 mm, although there was no ovulation. Let's get you started:

Pour 0.5 liters of vodka into 100.0 grams of root crushed to grits, leave for 14 days in a dark, cool place, shaking occasionally, strain, squeeze. Drink 25-30 drops 3 times a day, 30 minutes after meals. The course is 30 days, a break of 7 days, and the course is repeated. Complete at least 2 courses.

Grind orchid roots mechanically, mix with Fenugreek seeds 1:1, grind with a coffee grinder to a coarse powder.

1 tsp mix pour 200.0 ml of drinking water and insist, stirring, until thickened. Drink 100.0 ml twice a day, before or instead of meals. Course - 1.5 months.

Grind grass evenly up to 2-3 mm, roots and fruits - up to 3-5 mm, mix evenly.

1 tbsp mixture pour 300.0 ml of cold drinking water for an hour, then bring to a boil. Simmer over low heat or boiling water bath, covered, 15 minutes. 5 minutes before the end, throw 1 tsp. ginger root powder and 2 black peppercorns. Remove and insist hour. Strain, squeeze, top up to 300.0 ml. Drink 100.0 ml 3 times a day, before meals, in small sips. Course - 1.5 months.

The default amounts are in tablespoons.

3. Nutrition.

Red meat - a lot. In the literal sense, steaks with blood, grilled meat, shish kebab; tomatoes, sour cream, an abundance of spices: pepper, black cumin seeds, knotweed, mustard, horseradish; fish milk, caviar, seafood; walnuts and Pine nuts, honey, goat milk.

This is work for the first 1.5-2 months, Sveta, and summing up the intermediate results - control of testosterone, FSH, LH.

GOOD LUCK! Have a good mood to all project participants!

Goodbye, dear Sveta.

05.09.16 Ludmila

About me: 53 years old. Height - 164 cm, weight - 65 kg.

Subsequently, I formed right chest one small cyst, I began to be observed by a mammologist - I did an ultrasound and MMG, the diagnosis was this moment: fibrocystic mastopathy. The polyp was removed, but it is growing again.

I went to the endocrinologist, took tests (I don’t have them), the doctor said everything is fine, the thyroid gland is normal. She predicted by hormones, perhaps the onset of menopause in 2 years. But 5 years have passed, there is no menopause. My periods always went well, without much pain, according to the schedule, very rarely there were failures for 2-3 days, and now they go without problems (not plentiful).

AT recent months I noticed an increase in fibroids (to the touch), went to the gynecologist, did another ultrasound: the body of the uterus is 97 long, 120 wide, anterior-posterior size is 90 mm. The shape of the uterus is deformed, the myometrium is heterogeneous, myomatous nodes are determined on the anterior wall - 56x52 mm, on the back - 60x57 mm. The cavity is closed, M-echo is 6.7 mm, phase 1, cycle day 8, the shape is curved, the structure is homogeneous.

The cervix is ​​without features. The right ovary is located typically, dimensions - 20x21x23 mm, pathological formation - two anechoic inclusions, 15 mm and 12 mm.

The left ovary is displaced centrally, the pathological formation looks like an anechoic formation 64x70 mm, with partitions, without blood flow.

Hello Lyudmila!

The root of the problem is hormonal failure. Judging by the number of follicles, you are far from menopause, it is probably a progesterone deficiency, some kind of prolonged debilitating stress, possibly a violation of lipid metabolism. After all, sex hormones "come" from cholesterol. If you have already made a "purchase", let's give these herbs a turn, but take an interest in hormones (see below). I am sure that the uterus should remain in its native place. Especially if there were no tumors in your family in the female line.

1 tbsp crushed mushroom pour 700.0 ml of water, simmer for 60 minutes. Strain. Drink 200.0 ml 3 times a day, 30 minutes before meals. The course is 1.5-2 months.

Grind the whole Burdock plant completely in a meat grinder, pour vodka 1: 1, insist in a cold place for 5 days, drink 1 tsp. 4 times a day, before meals. The course is 1.5-2 months.

1 tbsp mixture pour 400.0 ml of water, bring to a boil, simmer over low heat for 15 minutes, leave for 30-40 minutes. Strain, squeeze, top up to 400.0 ml.

For irrigation, 150.0 ml of a warm solution is needed. Douche according to all the rules, filling a syringe or a rubber bulb with a volume of 200.0 ml with a solution. Lie down in the bath, throwing your legs on the side (in the position of the woman in labor), and inject the solution in portions, holding each for 2-3 minutes. At the end of the procedure, abundantly soak a cotton-gauze swab with the same composition. Put a tampon on at night.

Irrigation is done from the first day after menstruation, 12-14 times in a row.

Your hormones and other tests:

1. On any day of the cycle (d.ts.) - blood is donated for TSH and T4 free.

2. 3-5 d.c. - donated blood for prolactin, estradiol.

3. From 21-23 d.c. look at progesterone and testosterone.

4. Blood lipids, ultrasound of the liver and biliary tract; blood, biochemistry.

5. Ca 125, Ca 19-9.

Until I say goodbye, Lyudmila. Until communication on the results of the survey. GOOD LUCK!

09/05/16 Valentina

Hello Yulia Evgenievna!

63 years old. Height - 163 cm, weight - 56 kg.

I'm standing on the edge again, like 30 years ago. Then the oncologist from Primorye Reguzov V.A. saved me. He operated on the lymph nodes of the mediastinum lymphogranulomatosis). But then they still didn’t know about hepatitis C, which is transmitted with blood, and in 2012 I was diagnosed with viral hepatitis C.

Now antiviral therapy is not shown to me, fatty hepatosis has already been diagnosed, the spleen is enlarged - 153 * 54 mm (March 2016). The echo structure is homogeneous, echogenicity is average. According to ultrasound (August 2016), the spleen is normal, S = 42, the contour is even, with normal echogenicity.

I drank mullein and other herbs.

Blood: reduced leukocytes - 2.8 (4.4-11.3), platelets - 123 (150-400), lymphocytes - 0.9 (1.2-3.0), ESR - 9 (0-30) , hemoglobin - 138 (117-160), erythrocytes - 4.66 (4.1-5.1), hematocrit - 39.5 (35-47).

Biochemistry: total protein- 73 (64-83), total bilirubin - 20 (0-20), urea - 4.1 (2.2-8.3), creatine - 86 (53-106), glucose - 4.85 (4, 15-6.10), cholesterol - 5.16 (4.45-7.69), ALT - 78.7 (0-40), AST - 100.8 (0-40), ALP - 239 (0-40 240), alpha-amylase - 105 (0-100).

Hormones and tumor markers. Thyrotropic - 12.42 (0.3-4.0), T4 free - 6.27 (10-25), AT-TPO - 306.08 (0-30).

In 2003, all female organs were removed.

Since 2015, hypothyroidism and a lymph node have been diagnosed along the anterior wall of the deltoid muscle on the left, the nodes in the gland are 15 and 17 mm. A small knot in right lobe. Ultrasound for 2015: the contours are clear, even, the echogenicity of the thyroid tissue is normal, the echostructure is not changed, in the right lobe there is an isoechoic node with a hypoechoic rim 8 * 6 mm. Dimensions: isthmus - 1.5 mm, volume of the right lobe - 2.8 mm, left - 1.9 mm, total volume - 4.7.

Conclusion: an echographically small node in the right lobe, along the anterior edge of the sphenoid muscle, a lymph node up to 15 mm in size on the left.

I drank El thyroxine, canceled the last three months, since the heart rate is more than 100 units. There is no endocrinologist for 2 years.

Hepatitis registered with an infectious disease specialist. I drink periodically Essentiale, Phosphogliv, Ursosan. The infectious disease specialist prescribed tumor markers, AFP and ferritin (no results yet).

Ultrasound for 2015. The liver is not enlarged; Echogenicity: medium, homogeneous structure, portal vein 9, lymph nodes 14*9 and 14*8 are enlarged in the hilum of the liver. Focal changes no.

Ultrasound for 2016. The thickness of the right lobe of the CVR is 137, the left is 50, the contour is even, the echostructure is diffusely heterogeneous, the echogenicity is increased, the portal vein is 6, the intrahepatic bile ducts are not dilated. Choledoch is located poorly, in the region of the gate there is a hypoechoic formation 36 * 15, with even contours. Pancreas: the visualization is satisfactory, not enlarged, the contour is even, the structure is homogeneous, the parenchyma is of normal echogenicity.

Conclusion: unsharply pronounced diffuse changes in the liver parenchyma, inflection of the bile. gallbladder- 60*24, homogeneous content, a small amount of fluid in the left pleural cavity. Diagnosed 2 years ago, but then not confirmed. More data for the lymph nodes in the region of the porta of the liver.

There is hypertension, I keep the pressure with beta-blockers. Acquired heart disease, left ventricular hypertrophy, tachycardia, heart failure of the 2nd degree.

Concomitant: arthritis 1-2 times a year hip joint(exacerbation), osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine 2 p. Acquired partial deafness due to the fact that hearing loss of the 2nd degree drowned in childhood). rheumatic heart disease, tonsillitis, tonsils removed at the age of 17. I periodically remove polyps in the stomach and sometimes ulcers are diagnosed (after the case in August 2015), catarrhal gastritis with three erosions in the upper third of the body, the histology is normal.

Since the beginning of 2016 I have been drinking herbs: cudweed, nettle, Fitosedan 2-3, sophora, Yarrow, marigold, Hops, Flax seed, Milk thistle seed, clover, Goldenrod,

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