What to do with prolonged diarrhea. Diarrhea in an adult (diarrhea) - what to do, treatment. Treatment methods for chronic diarrhea

Many are wondering what to do with diarrhea, how to reduce the symptoms of the disease. Therapy of diarrhea, after identifying the disease, should be very delicate.

The restoration of the proper functioning of the intestines and stomach, but also the state of health of the patient, directly depends on the speed of the decision.

Severe diarrhea can provoke extremely Negative consequences, the most dangerous of them will be dehydration, often leading to death.

When in connection with various circumstances consultation with a doctor is not possible, and general well-being the patient is satisfactory, then you can try to get rid of diarrhea at home.

Severe diarrhea: causes and treatment

Diarrhea is not a disease, but only a symptom that indicates disorders of the intestines or stomach, or inside the body as a whole. Therefore, it is impossible to eliminate diarrhea without establishing the factors that provoked it.

Diarrhea is the discharge of liquid stools once or with an increased frequency of emptying.

When such a violation is carried out in 21 days, then in this situation we can talk about acute diarrhea, more than 3 weeks - chronic.

If it appears this symptomatology you need to contact a specialist without delay. He will tell you what to do with diarrhea, what means can eliminate this phenomenon.

The reasons

The main causes of diarrhea in adults are:

  • indigestion after abundant intake food with "heavy" dishes;
  • food intoxication;
  • susceptibility to certain products (allergy, hypolactasia);
  • use of certain medications(laxatives, antacids, anti-arrhythmia drugs, anticoagulants, sweeteners);
  • psycho-emotional shocks (anxiety, fear, during which diarrhea is the result of a hormonal surge);
  • diarrhea during travel (associated with changes in climate and nutrition). Such diarrhea usually disappears after 3-4 days, and the sick person associates the appearance of diarrhea with these events.

But the provoking factors of diarrhea in adults are much more serious:

  • infection with pathogenic microorganisms;
  • inflammation digestive organs(gastritis, hepatitis, colitis), ulcers;
  • functional insufficiency of organs (lack of enzymes);
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract of unknown origin (Crohn's disease);
  • intoxication (poisoning with lead, mercury).

In such situations, it will not be enough to simply stop the diarrhea: you need to carry out a diagnosis and then select the appropriate therapy, often in a hospital.

Relatively laboratory signs diarrhea, they are mild.

This applies to simple indigestion, when, in addition to loose stools, spastic pain inside the abdomen and dyspepsia (grunting, bloating, accumulation of gases inside the gastrointestinal tract).


Self-treatment of diarrhea at home is possible only in a situation where the patient is not found to have additional symptoms indicating the presence of complex pathological processes.

Treatment for diarrhea at home, after establishing the causes of the pathology, involves the following areas:

  • following a sparing daily routine;
  • diet food;
  • fluid replenishment;
  • therapy with folk remedies or medicines.

To know what to do with diarrhea, you need to consult a doctor.

Diet for diarrhea in adults

Nutrition directly affects defecation. Many foods have an irritating effect on motor skills, and with severe diarrhea, they should be forgotten until the final recovery. These are spices, raw vegetables, some fruits.

Certain products are characterized by a fixing effect, therefore, after establishing the pathology, in the first 3-6 days of dietary nutrition, the following dishes should be used for food:

  • wheat bread crackers;
  • vegetable puree;
  • mucous porridges;
  • lean meats and fish (steamed, boiled);
  • tea, blueberry jelly, decoction of bird cherry, rice.

It is optimal to start a diet from a “hungry” day: you only need to drink strong tea(8-10 cups throughout the day).

When diarrhea is provoked by lactose, gluten susceptibility, then dietary nutrition is the main factor in therapy.

After the detection of this pathology, medical nutrition, which fully excludes products that contain milk sugar and gluten.

Diet plays an important role: meals should be frequent (after 3 hours) and in small portions.

Dietary nutrition must be observed throughout the therapy and beyond, but after the first strict days it is permissible to remove restrictions and saturate the menu, observing the following principles:

  • Remove products that mechanically and chemically irritate the intestines (spicy, salty, sour, which contain coarse fiber).
  • It is forbidden to eat foods that stimulate the release of bile (tomatoes and carrots, grape juice).
  • Exclude foods from the menu fermenting and increased gas formation (apples, cabbage, black bread).

Prohibited products:

  • fried meat;
  • offal;
  • saturated broths;
  • fatty varieties of fish, which is cooked in any way, and low-fat in fried, canned form;
  • whole milk, heavy cream;
  • hard-boiled and fried eggs;
  • cabbage, beets, radishes, cucumbers;
  • canned vegetables;
  • sour berries and fruits;
  • flour;
  • highly carbonated water, cold drinks.
  • steamed cutlets from meat puree, soufflé;
  • boiled fish, steam cutlets;
  • porridge on the water;
  • pasta;
  • dairy products;
  • cottage cheese;
  • scrambled eggs;
  • boiled vegetables;
  • baked fruits;
  • berry mousses;
  • white bread crackers;
  • tea, compote

Medical therapy

Medications in the treatment of diarrhea in adults, after the discovery of the disease:

  • Sorbents. They are an important component of pathology therapy. They contribute to the removal of toxic substances, infectious agents from the gastrointestinal tract, help to absorb gases, and reduce bloating. They recommend the use of these drugs during an intestinal infection, intoxication, but they must be taken separately from any other medicines (it is optimal to make a gap of 2 hours, otherwise the drugs will not be absorbed). With a strong absorption disorder inside the intestine, medications are not prescribed so as not to aggravate the shortage nutrients. The list of these funds is large, from standard activated carbon to the latest medicines based on salts of calcium, bismuth.
  • Medicines that reduce the production of mucus in the intestines. They are used 1 day after the onset of pathology. These are anti-inflammatory drugs like Diclofenac, Indomethacin. When Crohn's disease is detected, for this purpose they use hormonal agents(Metipred, Prednisolone), with the appropriate appointment of a specialist.
  • Phytopreparations. Contribute to a decrease in secretion and intestinal motility plants that have astringent properties. These include oak bark, bird cherry, alder cones, medicinal chamomile, cinquefoil. Decoctions and tinctures are made from this raw material for internal use throughout the day. Suitable for diarrhea various means traditional medicine with fixing action.
  • Enzymes. When diarrhea is associated with diseases of the digestive tract, enzymes make it possible to make up for the lack of digestive juices. Failures in absorption within the intestines also require auxiliary stimulation. For these purposes, drugs based on pancreatin (Creon, Festal, Mezim) will be effective.
  • Medications that eliminate diarrhea and reduce intestinal motility. The choice of remedy varies from the factors that provoked the disease. Loperamide is a well-known component, drugs based on it eliminate diarrhea as a phenomenon (Imodium, Lopedium). It is forbidden to use during an intestinal infection, since some pathogens remain inside the body and will not be brought out.
  • During the period of enteropathy are prescribed hormonal preparations, simultaneously paralyzing motor activity Gastrointestinal tract and enhancing its absorption (Somatostatin, Octreotide).
  • Antispasmodic drugs eliminate excessive motor skills (Papaverine, No-shpa).
  • Antibacterial agents are appointed by a specialist after receiving information from the tests carried out and establishing the factors that provoked diarrhea. Basically, in the presence of an intestinal infection, it is recommended antimicrobials broad action. In a situation with viral origin diseases, antiviral or immunoglobulins are used. However, such diarrhea can disappear on its own without medical intervention. Antibacterial agents that act directly in the gastrointestinal tract and do not penetrate into the bloodstream. They have a detrimental effect on staphylococcus, streptococcus, salmonella and other pathogenic microorganisms, but retain beneficial bacteria.
  • Probiotics. These drugs are indispensable during the treatment of diarrhea of ​​​​various origins, since diarrhea, no matter what factor it is provoked, contributes to an imbalance in the microflora in the intestine. For example, Acipol, Normobact, Lineks, Florok. Drugs reduce activity pathogenic microorganisms help to bring out toxic substances, helps to restore the intestinal mucosa and strengthen local immunity, and also stimulates the restoration of positive bacteria.
  • Intestinal immunomodulators. Specialists may include therapeutic regimen diarrhea remedy such as Galavit, recommended during any viral diarrhea. The drug eliminates the symptoms of poisoning and quickly improves well-being in adult patients (contraindicated in childhood).


  • Walnuts. A proven remedy that eliminates diarrhea. Usually, they contribute to the improvement of the functioning of the stomach and proper formation stool. It is permissible to make an infusion on vodka or on water.
  • Black bread. It is an extremely common folk remedy for diarrhea. Soaked in water, and then taken orally. It is recommended to use more crackers - they help to make feces more stable in composition.
  • Sagebrush. A popular remedy for diarrhea. It is recommended to make an infusion of wormwood at a dosage of 1 tsp. three times a day.
  • Every hour, until diarrhea stops, you need to drink 1 tsp. potato starch which is dissolved in warm water.
  • Oak bark. Effective remedy with diarrhea. The decoction of it is strong antibacterial drug. In addition, it is characterized by excellent astringent properties. 1 tsp crushed raw materials, which must be insisted on 2 cups cold water(not less than 6 hours), significantly alleviates, and often eliminates the pathology. Use this remedy follows three times a day for 100 g. The only condition is a contraindication for children with diarrhea.
  • Cranberries during pathology will suit everyone, regardless of age indicators. It must be done as follows: berries with leaves are brewed - for 2 tbsp. 2 cups boiling water, boil over low heat for 15 minutes. Use with diarrhea 4 times a day chilled. Dosage - 100 g at a time.
  • St. John's wort. 1 st. l. crushed grass is steamed with 1 cup of boiling water and infused. A single diarrhea passes quickly. However, with prolonged, 2-week diarrhea, the remedy will cope. It is only necessary to drink with diarrhea three times a day, 150 g of decoction. It will also be effective to make enemas out of it.


Preventing diarrhea is much easier than treating it. Preventive measures to eliminate pathology are as follows:

  • compliance with hygiene rules;
  • washing fruits and vegetables before eating;
  • heat treatment of products of animal origin;
  • use medications directly by prescription of doctors;
  • eating fresh and high-quality products;
  • drinking boiled water.

When Taken measures in order to improve well-being have not been crowned with a positive result or the patient's condition has deteriorated significantly, you should immediately seek help from doctors.

Diarrhea is an unpleasant symptom of many pathologies, indicating malfunctions of the intestines or stomach. Diarrhea is characterized by frequent emptying with changes in stool consistency.

A condition in adults that has not resolved in 3 days is a reason to go to a specialist.

Chronic diarrhea indicates the presence of dangerous diseases, and regular pain inside the abdomen is not the norm.

Black either green diarrhea, vomiting reflex With blood impurities, severe dehydration will be able to talk about the severity of the condition: doctors should be called without delay.

Useful video

An unpleasant condition - a disorder of the stool - can manifest itself for a long time and cause many diseases of the intestines of an adult and a child. Diarrhea can last for several days, even a month. First of all, with prolonged diarrhea, you should consult a doctor. What to do if diarrhea prevents you from leaving the house?

Before drinking a first aid kit, find out the reasons that caused the disease. In an adult, prolonged diarrhea can be the result of poisoning, diseases of the small and large intestines, stress, overwork, and other causes. In infants, the condition is sometimes due physiological reasons.

First of all, it is shown to compensate for the loss of fluid and electrolytes, to observe during treatment certain norms nutrition.

Drinking mode:

  • The patient needs to drink to prevent dehydration and remove accumulated toxins from the body. Permissible to use clean water or use decoctions and teas. The volume of replenished liquid is not less than 2 liters per day. You need to drink as much water as was lost.
  • With a pronounced disorder with every minute urge, we solder the patient with a water-salt solution, for example, Regidron.

If all else fails, diarrhea persists on the second or third day, despite following the doctor's instructions, you may not have changed your diet.

Allowed products:

  • We eat light mashed potatoes, soups, meat, fish (boiled, low-fat).
  • Porridges are prepared on water, mucous in consistency.
  • Products with high level pectin (apples, baked bananas).
  • Strong tea and berry kissels.
  • Food rich in potassium.

All products are served in a crushed, puree form.

Prohibited products:

  • Vegetables and fruits;
  • Canned food;
  • Smoked products;
  • seasonings;
  • Dairy;
  • Large grains so as not to injure the intestines;
  • Fast food;
  • Fat food.

Medical therapy

In addition to the diet, use drugs: Smecta, Activated carbon. If loose stools have been going on for three days, medication may not help.

Means based on loperamide

These remedies are used when diarrhea is severe and does not stop for a long time. The drugs are available without a prescription. They are prescribed for acute, chronic (if loose stools continue for the third week or more) diarrhea.


  • 1st trimester of pregnancy, childhood under 6 years old.
  • Allergic reactions.
  • 2-3 trimester - use in pregnant women if the benefit outweighs the risk.
  • Acute colitis.
  • Persistent diarrhea caused by long-term use antibacterial drugs.
  • Liver dysfunction.

Means are well absorbed by patients, but can be accompanied by side effects:

  • Constipation, flatulence, the patient may have a stomach ache.
  • Fatigue, drowsiness.
  • Rash, itching, fever.

Imodium is available in the form of capsules or tablets. An adult or a child over 12 years of age should take 2 tablets once a day, i.e. at the same time. If the bowel disorder continues, take 1 tablet after going to the toilet, until the diarrhea stops completely. Child over 6 years old - 1 tab. funds at a time, then 1 after emptying, until the stool normalizes.

If the bowel disorder continues 12 hours after taking the medicine, it is necessary to stop treatment and urgently go to the hospital.

Loperamide - adults initially take 2 capsules, then 1 capsule after going to the toilet, until the stool normalizes ( maximum dose- 8 capsules). Children over 6 years old - 1 capsule (maximum dose - 3 capsules).

If the stool has formed, we stop the treatment.


Sorbents are required. Taking medication for poisoning infectious diseases and as a quick help to stop diarrhea. They are able to collect toxic substances on the surface and remove them from the body.

Activated carbon - there are tablet forms and powder. Often used for poisoning, intoxication different nature. Take up to 3 tablets 4 times a day, one hour before the main therapy, otherwise the effect of the main drug may decrease. Stop taking the drug when acute conditions permissible on the fifth day, usually occurs every other day. If the condition is chronic, we extend the reception to fourteen days. Repeated course by appointment of a specialist.

Side effects develop in the form of constipation, malabsorption of substances in the intestine, lowering temperature and pressure, coloring the stool black, and impaired liver function.

The medicine should not be taken if hypersensitivity to the composition of the drug ulcer defects in the digestive tract, bleeding from organs gastrointestinal tract.

Smecta - powder of white or slightly yellowish color licensed for use in children. It is used for acute, chronic indigestion of a different nature. It copes well when the baby has a stomach ache, there is bloating, heartburn is tortured.

If the condition is acute, adults are allowed to consume 6 sachets per day. Babies up to a year - the first 3 days, two sachets a day, then 1. Children older than a year up to 4 sachets per day for 3 days, then 2 sachets. It is advisable to lay the course in a week. The product is allowed to be mixed with porridge, baby food, compote. Approved for use in pregnant women. AT rare cases at the reception medicinal product there is constipation and small rash with itching.

Smecta can not be used in violation of the absorption of substances and allergies to the drug.


Bifidumbacterin - is available in the form of capsules and suppositories for adults and children. Can be used for:

  • Dysbacteriosis;
  • ulcers digestive tract;
  • pancreatitis;
  • allergies;
  • During intestinal infections;
  • Poisoning;
  • Persistent constipation;
  • Taking drugs of the antibiotic group, the group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory and hormones.

Take half an hour before meals or during breastfeeding.

Patients before surgical intervention three to five days before surgery and two weeks after.

In chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract 3 times a day, a course of two weeks.

There is a possibility of occurrence allergic reactions for the drug.

It is forbidden to use in children under 3 years of age (suppositories), with allergic reactions to the composition of the drug.


If the cause of prolonged diarrhea was poisoning with poor-quality products, for quick release from symptoms of dyspepsia and flushing out of the body toxic substances(until they are absorbed) it is recommended to conduct a small course of cleansing enemas.

The procedures are carried out in an adult, even in case of severe diarrhea. As a solution for washing, use warm, slightly salted water or a water-salt solution of Regidron. It is necessary to repeat the manipulations until the washing water is clear. Sometimes enemas are prescribed with enveloping preparations that allow you to speed up the process many times over, respectively, diarrhea goes away much faster.

One of the main symptoms of bowel dysfunction is diarrhea. Everyone has experienced this unpleasant illness, but he was embarrassed to discuss it with someone, the same applies to going to the doctor. Delay in seeking advice provokes the development of pathological processes. This is especially true in cases where the third day of diarrhea, increased symptoms and deterioration in general well-being.

Causes of prolonged diarrhea

If you have diarrhea for the third day, you must first figure out what caused similar situation, and then deal with the choice of drugs for therapy. Track the frequency of bowel movements, analyze your diet over the past few days. It is important to take into account and accompanying symptoms. It will allow the doctor to determine the direction for the examination and provide faster needed help. Among the reasons that can cause diarrhea on the third day, doctors note:

Diarrhea for three days may develop due to irritable bowel syndrome. As a result of this disease, the walls of the organ lose their elasticity and stretch, due to the accumulation of food. Accordingly, the over-etched food masses do not linger, but immediately go outside. Diarrhea for more than three days can be caused by the formation of tumors and polyps that prevent food from moving normally.

Loose stools the third day is celebrated with food poisoning, as well as a violation of the microflora. Don't forget about infectious diseases intestines. In some people, diarrhea develops for 3 days as a reaction of the body to an irritant when the climate changes, to tasting a new dish or taking a drug.

Loose stools for three days are often noted by pregnant women. They have bowel dysfunction is considered, in some way, the norm. The enlarged uterus puts pressure on the intestines and disrupts normal process movement of food masses.

Modern studies have shown that three days of diarrhea can occur against the background of excessive emotional tension. Gastroenterologists say that the culprit of the disorder are hormones that relax smooth muscle intestines, and the organ cannot hold feces.

How to treat prolonged diarrhea?

What to do if diarrhea does not go away for 3 days, can tell qualified specialist by reviewing your test results. You can independently treat diarrhea if you know for sure that it is caused by dysbacteriosis or light food poisoning.

When the third day of diarrhea at home, this pathology can be eliminated by the following means:

  1. Having taken sorbents - Atoxil, Smektu, Polysorb and Sobrex,
  2. Antidiarrheal drugs such as Lorepamid, Nifuroxazide, Imodium are also used.
  3. The patient should drink plenty of fluids, you can prepare a rehydration solution (boiling water 0.5 l, 1 tsp salt and sugar) or buy Regidron, Humana Electrolyte at the pharmacy.
  4. Recovery normal flora in the intestines, the use of probiotics such as Linex, Enterogermina, Hilak forte, Bifidobacterin and Acipol is indicated.
  5. The third day diarrhea caused by intestinal infections should be treated with antibiotics. Their doctor writes out based on the strain of the microorganism that affected the organ. As a rule, Levomycetin, Erythromycin and Ceftriaxone are prescribed.

Inflammatory diseases of the stomach and intestines are treated comprehensively under the clear guidance of a gastroenterologist who chooses medications based on the intensity of symptoms, your age, weight and other features.

Diet therapy and alternative methods of treatment

If you have diarrhea for the third day, you can’t sit back. The disease exhausts a person, all organs begin to fail, because a large number of liquids. First of all, the patient must restore strength, but at the same time not worsen his situation. If an adult has diarrhea for 3 days, do not use fatty foods, alcoholic drinks, baked goods, gas-producing foods, as well as products with dyes and preservatives. You should refuse fresh vegetables and fruits. At this time, you need to focus your attention on food with astringent action. Particularly well tolerated by the body buckwheat, rice, lean meat and poultry. This food accelerates the hardening of feces and normalizes bowel function. If you have a stomach ache and diarrhea for 3 days caused by dysbacteriosis, then you can restore the flora fermented milk products. Of course, they should not be consumed immediately, but only after two days of therapy with synthetic drugs.

A properly composed menu will not only normalize the work of the gastrointestinal tract and speed up recovery, but also increase the strength of your body. A person with high protective properties is less likely to encounter intestinal infections, viral diseases, as well as a violation of the microflora.

What to do if you have diarrhea for three days in a row, alternative medicine will also tell. traditional healers in their arsenal they have recipes for many ailments. If diarrhea does not go away for 3 days, it is recommended to prepare teas from mint, motherwort, sage, as well as tinctures from oak bark. Decoctions of oats are widely used. To prepare them, you need to pour 100 grams oatmeal boiling water and cook for another 15 minutes. Then the product is filtered and the resulting jelly is drunk 1 cup 4 times a day. And rowan juice will also help normalize well-being. It is rich in vitamins and minerals that will restore energy costs, have an astringent, tonic effect, and also reduce the frequency of urges.

Important! If you have diarrhea for the third day and your stomach hurts, then be sure to consult a doctor, this symptomatology may indicate a dangerous pathological condition. Treatment at home is possible only after consultation with a specialist, high-quality diagnostics and the appointment of adequate drug therapy.

Diarrhea, with proper first aid and treatment, disappears after 4-5 days. If this does not happen, you should additional diagnostics bodies abdominal cavity. In order not to encounter diarrhea at all, constantly observe preventive measures. Wash your hands before eating and after using the toilet, properly handle food products, do not abuse drugs, and also go through a medical examination once a year.

Amazing, intelligent, almost perfect system - the human body. It equalizes the internal balance, if for the functioning are created favorable conditions. Many bacteria and viruses coexist without conflict in human body until the guard the immune system carefully controls the balance of power. The protection mechanism is instantly triggered when an imbalance occurs within or aggressive intervention of negative external factors.

An unpleasant problem - frequent diarrhea

Frequent urge to empty the bowels with loose and watery stools is considered to be a symptom of diarrhea. Just like a runny nose or cough is a sign that the respiratory organs are trying to cleanse themselves and indicate a violation in the work of the respiratory system, diarrhea is an attempt by the body to get rid of activated microbes, poor quality food. Diarrhea is a well-founded response of the body to problems that have arisen in the digestive tract.

Functional diarrhea occurs as a response to stressful situation, excessive anxiety or fear. Due too active movement the ingested food is not able to be digested too quickly, useful material are not absorbed. To typical reasons can be attributed to the ingestion of poor-quality, rough food into the stomach. The body tries to get rid of such a harmful load as quickly as possible.

Acute form of diarrhea

In case when unpleasant symptoms diarrhea disturb at night, with acute pain in the abdomen, urge to vomit, fever, contact your doctor immediately. chronic course diarrhea, lasting about three months, is provoked by viruses, bacteria, abuse of laxatives. It can also be caused by chronic diseases such as diabetes, pancreatitis, ulcerative colitis.

Diarrhea provocateurs:

  • antibiotics;
  • lactose intolerance;
  • symptom of irritable bowel;
  • viruses and bacteria;
  • chronic diseases;
  • laxative abuse.

Prolonged diarrhea can signal a problem with the bowels. Diarrhea, lasting up to three months, in no case should be ignored - it is necessary to conduct an examination and identify the cause of the disease. You should not get involved in self-medication, especially if diarrhea is accompanied by pain, mucus or blood is excreted with feces.

If diarrhea is three days or more, what should I do? What causes chronic diarrhea?

A common cause is eating poor quality foods. In this case, the stool will return to normal quickly enough if you stick to the diet. If diarrhea was provoked by aggressive viral infection, settled in the body, the disorder of the stool will not disappear without eliminating the cause. In this case, only a diet will not help restore normal functioning organism.
Sometimes chronic diarrhea occurs due to active phase the course of a chronic disease, for example: colitis, dysbacteriosis, dysfunction of the stomach, improper diet, allergic reactions to food, medications.

How to get rid of diarrhea

If the symptoms of the disorder last for about 3 months, you need to get a diagnosis that includes complex analysis feces, urine, intestines with the help of X-ray examination, blood. These studies will help to identify the cause of the ailment. And the treatment will be aimed at eliminating the source of the problem.
Medical intervention will be prescribed depending on which organ has malfunctioned. Diarrhea contributes to excessive fluid loss, which further weakens the body. To compensate for the lack of moisture, a special drug is prescribed - Regidron or Citroglucosan. Don't forget to combine drug treatment with a diet.

Dehydration is not harmless

The result of prolonged diarrhea is likely to be significant dehydration, you will lose 3% of the weight. To check if there is enough fluid in the body, you can conduct a simple test: press on the nail and note how quickly the usual pink color. A time span of more than 2 seconds will indicate excessive moisture loss.
Another factor in determining moisture balance is the frequency and quantity of urination. When the urine becomes dark and concentrated, intervals between urination of 8 hours or more, this is an alarming symptom. Feeling dry oral cavity, nervousness, depression, dizziness, disorientation - factors that signal dehydration. If you do not start treatment, the consequences can be very deplorable up to the state of coma or death.

Most unsafe childhood diarrhea. When the urge to go to the toilet is accompanied by watery, gushing stools greenish tint, you need to hurry to the doctor. Treat the body as carefully as an expensive vase, and do not ignore even minor ailments, so as not to pay with your own health.

Diarrhea (medical name - diarrheal syndrome, diarrhea) is an acute or chronic disorder of the digestive tract, characterized by frequent and profuse bowel movements and liquefaction of the stool to a watery consistency. In children, diarrhea can be triggered by the introduction of complementary foods, intestinal infections, the use of low-quality foods and raw water. In adults, diarrhea usually occurs as a result of food poisoning, poisoning, the introduction of foods that are not typical for the region of residence (for example, while on vacation in southern countries). Acute diarrhea can last up to 2 weeks and is accompanied by painful spasms in the lower abdomen, fever, vomiting.

Persistent diarrhea lasting more than 14 days or occurring intermittently over a long period of time, is almost always a symptom various violations in work digestive system. Chronic diarrhea is not very common: according to WHO, prolonged diarrhea no more than 14% of people suffer, while more than half of them are men. Persistent diarrhea in an adult male that lasts for a long time, – danger sign, which may indicate surgical pathologies requiring emergency hospitalization, such as Crohn's disease. If the stool cannot be normalized within 5-7 days, it is necessary to consult a doctor, even if nothing else bothers the patient.

Chronic diarrhea is diagnosed if the patient's stool has a watery consistency for 14 days or more. All patients who come to the doctor with such complaints, in without fail sent to the study of feces for worm eggs, coprogram and analysis for enterobiasis. The coprogram is universal chemical method stool examination, which allows you to identify signs of inflammatory and infectious processes, as well as symptoms of impaired absorption various substances. The following are the main causes that can lead to prolonged diarrhea in adult men, but you cannot rely on these data and make a diagnosis yourself - this should be done by a specialist after studying the results of the initial diagnosis.

Infection with worms

irritable bowel syndrome

IBS, according to most experts, is psychosomatic in nature, although exact reasons pathology has not yet been established. Great importance have the social and living conditions of a man, the degree of his social activity, the state of the central and vegetative nervous system. Irritable bowel syndrome can be manifested by both chronic constipation and prolonged diarrhea, so it is important to know the symptoms of the pathology and the basics of treatment.

In addition to a violation of the stool, the following signs may indicate IBS:

  • painful cramps in the lower abdomen;
  • flatulence, increased gas formation, "rumbling" in the stomach "
  • false urge to empty the bowels;
  • lack of relief after defecation.

For the treatment of IBS, a man will have to follow a diet that limits the use of foods containing a large amount of purines or purine acid. These are various nuts, seeds, raw vegetables(especially cabbage and sorrel), legumes, some types of cereals (oatmeal, barley). Alcoholic drinks, lemonades and carbonated mineral water should be completely excluded from the diet.

From medicines shows the intake of prebiotic cultures and probiotics. Capsules and powder " Enterol". The drug restores the intestinal microflora, stimulates the growth of its own beneficial flora, destroys pathogenic bacteria normalizes stool. The dosage for an adult male is 2 capsules per day. Duration of admission - from 10 to 30 days.

Exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis

Pancreatitis is an inflammation of the parenchymal tissue of the pancreas involving the mucosal and submucosal layers. Chronic pancreatitis occurs in about 20% of men. The main risk group includes men who make errors in nutrition, abusing fatty and spicy food, alcoholic beverages. Heavy smokers, people with chronic diseases, forced to constantly take potent drugs, also have increased risk inflammation of the pancreas and other digestive organs.

Exacerbation of pathology leads to the emergence severe symptoms, among which:

  • spicy pain syndrome in the area of ​​the right hypochondrium;
  • prolonged diarrhea with watery or frothy stools;
  • profuse vomiting (may contain impurities of bile acids and lumps of undigested food);
  • temperature rise.

One of the most serious consequences pancreatitis is pancreatic fibrosis - the growth of the connective fibers of the organ with the formation of scar elements. Diarrhea with fibrosis of the pancreas in men can last more than 20 days in a row.

Important! Outside of an exacerbation of pancreatitis, the patient also often suffers from prolonged diarrhea, which in some cases may be the only clinical sign pathology.

Can diarrhea last more than 10 days with infectious diseases?

Infectious bowel diseases are predominantly acute lesions of various segments of the large or small intestine provoked active growth and reproduction pathogenic flora in the intestinal lumen. The main causes of acute intestinal infections are eating expired and low-quality products, poor heat treatment and viral diseases caused by viruses from the group of rotaviruses and enteroviruses.

Intestinal infections have severe symptoms and are manifested elevated temperature, profuse vomiting, abdominal pain, intestinal cramps, acute diarrhea. It is diarrhea that is considered one of the main manifestations of AII: the patient's stool becomes watery, mucus, foam appear in it, and a sharp putrid smell. The number of bowel movements in bitches can reach up to 10-12 times, the process itself is painful, does not bring relief after completion.

In most cases, diarrhea completely resolves within 5-7 days from the onset of the first signs, but in some cases, recovery can take up to 2 weeks or more (for example, with enterovirus infection). It's clinical serious condition requiring specialized care in a hospital setting.

Diarrhea in a man does not go away for more than 1 month

There are a lot of reasons that can cause stable liquefaction of feces in an adult male. They may be associated with malnutrition, and with severe diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, less often - the organs of the vascular and hematopoietic systems. The most common pathologies similar symptoms listed in the table below.

DiseaseImageWhat it is?
Inflammation of the mucous layer small intestine with signs of dystrophic and atrophic changes, in which the absorption and assimilation of nutrients is impaired
Obstruction bile ducts, found in 3-5% of men (mainly under the age of 30)
Intolerance to a complex protein that is part of chemical composition most cereals (gluten)
Chronic bowel disease with symptoms inflammatory process, developing under the influence of external and genetic factors
Disease of the stomach, in which there is a gradual atrophy of the mucous and submucosal layer of the gastric walls. It is more often diagnosed in men older than 45-50 years and is considered a precancerous condition.
Intolerance milk sugar against the background of congenital or acquired lactase deficiency - digestive enzyme that breaks down lactose
Inflammation of blood vessels, arteries and veins of various segments of the intestine
Circulatory disorders in the intestinal vessels associated with blockage or narrowing of their lumen, as well as the formation of blood clots (intestinal thrombosis)
The tumor process in mucous layer small intestine, large intestine, and rectum

Important! Diarrhea that does not go away for more than 1 month may be one of the manifestations colorectal cancer therefore, do not self-medicate if specialized therapy with antidiarrheal and antimicrobial drugs does not positive results in a week.

Diagnosis for chronic diarrhea

The treatment of intestinal diseases is carried out by a coloproctologist (a narrower specialist is a proctologist - a doctor who treats pathologies of the rectum). If you suspect inflammation of the stomach or damage to the initial segments of the large intestine, a consultation with a gastroenterologist is indicated. If a man has chronic diseases endocrine system, for example, diabetes, treatment is prescribed in conjunction with an endocrinologist.

Turning to the hospital, a man should understand that he may have to undergo an examination by a proctologist or rectal examination using hardware methods, for example, irrigoscopy, colonoscopy, sigmoidoscopy. When performed correctly, these procedures do not cause pain, but to facilitate the introduction of the endoscope, the patient must completely relax the muscles of the anus. At strong fear or psychological stiffness, you should consult your doctor about possible application sedatives and sedatives before the study.

Note! In some cases, to set accurate diagnosis may be required additional examinations, for example, tests of the functionality of the pancreas or the hepatic system.

What to do if diarrhea persists for a long time?

Therapy chronic diarrhea requires integrated approach, so the use of one drug to get rid of the problem will not be enough. The basis of treatment in all cases are symptomatic drugs from the group of opioid receptor agonists. The drugs in this group are listed in the table below.

Name of the drugImageIn what form is it produced?approximate cost
Capsules245 rubles
Capsules and tablets10 rubles
chewable tablets88 rubles
Tablets and capsules32 rubles

These drugs can be used to treat functional diarrhea in allergic and alimentary gastroenteritis, malabsorption in the intestine, infectious pathologies intestines, in metabolic diseases. Short courses can be used for stable dietary disorders, as well as digestive disorders caused by a change in the usual diet. If a man has undergone small bowel surgery and an ileostomy is placed, loperamide-based drugs may be prescribed for permanent use to correct stool consistency.

Good therapeutic effect gives the use of bifidopreparations. They normalize the composition of the intestinal microflora and restore all its functions. Adult men can use one of the following drugs (before use, read the instructions):

  • "Acipol";
  • "Lineks";
  • "Normaze";
  • "Bifidumbacterin";
  • "Bifiform".

To prevent dehydration frequent diarrhea recommended plentiful drink and use of saline concentrated solutions, for example, "Gidrovita" or "Regidron".

Nutrition for prolonged diarrhea

Correction diet is one of the most important tasks in complex treatment prolonged diarrhea. For men with similar symptoms, fractional meals and reduced portion sizes are recommended. From the menu it is necessary to exclude any irritating products and substances: vinegar, spices, flavorings. It is advisable to cook food in gentle ways (stewing, baking, boiling). With unspecified frequent diarrhea it is recommended to limit the consumption of whole milk, spices, fatty sauces, fresh fruits. From vegetables, it is necessary to minimize the consumption of cucumbers, zucchini, radishes. Coffee and alcoholic drinks are allowed in a small amount and strictly outside the period of exacerbation.

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