Methods for removing foreign bodies from the eye. Foreign body in the eye: what to do? Help for lower lashes

The sensation of a foreign body in the eye is well known to almost every person. It occurs when a small mote, small insect, etc. gets into the eye. foreign body in the eye - this is one of the main causes of damage to its structures (conjunctiva, sclera, cornea). It can be located superficially or penetrate inside eyeball. Any injury caused to the eye by a foreign body is potentially dangerous to the function of vision.

Symptoms of a foreign body in the eye:

  • Burning sensation in the injured eye, its soreness and redness;
  • Increased tearing;
  • Possibly blurred vision;
  • Increased sensitivity to bright light.

Even after removal of a foreign body from the eye, the listed symptoms persist for some time - until the irritation caused by it passes.

The reasons

Most often, getting into the eye of a foreign body is observed in workers of certain professions (stone cutters, lumberjacks, etc.). Therefore, they are advised to wear protective goggles to protect their eyes while working.

During strong wind, dust storm also exists high risk entry into the eyes of a foreign body. It is best to wait out the bad weather at home. If for some reason this is not possible, then goggles should also be used.

It is not uncommon for people who wear contact lenses to experience a foreign body sensation in the eye. If the rules for wearing them are not observed (sterility, careful removal etc.) there are minor injuries of the surface structures of the eyeball, which are manifested by sensations of a foreign body in the eye.

Diagnosis of a foreign body in the eye

The presence of a foreign body in the eye usually does not cause difficulties in diagnosis. In most cases, the doctor makes a diagnosis on the basis of the patient's characteristic complaints and ophthalmological examination data. If necessary, the doctor can gently pull back the lower eyelid or twist the upper eyelid to make sure there are no foreign bodies underneath.

With penetrating wounds of the eyeball, when a foreign body penetrates inside, the examination of patients becomes more complicated and includes:

  • Checking visual acuity;
  • Examination of the eye with an ophthalmoscope;
  • Inspection using a slit lamp;
  • X-ray;
  • Ultrasound diagnostics.


Treatment of patients begins with the removal of a foreign body from the eye. For pain relief, anesthetic drops, such as 0.25% dicaine, are instilled into the affected eye. Then the foreign body is removed directly using a sterile cotton swab dipped in sterile distilled water. In cases where the foreign body is very small in diameter and cannot be detected during normal examination, it is instilled into the damaged eye. eye drops containing a special dye - fluorescein. Thanks to him, the foreign body becomes visible, and the doctor can easily remove it.

With minor damage to the cornea, after removal of a foreign body from the eye, the patient is prescribed eye ointment with antibiotics. It should be applied within 2-3 days.

With significant damage to the cornea after removal of a foreign body from the eye, the patient is prescribed instillation of drops that dilate the pupil (1% solution of atropine sulfate). In addition, several times a day should be instilled eye drops with antibiotics. To protect an injured eye from irritant of light, a bandage is applied to him. Treatment is continued for 3 to 5 days.

With a deep foreign body in the eye, the patient may need surgery to remove it.

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A foreign body in the eye is a foreign particle that can get into any part of the visual organ. As a rule, a foreign body that has entered the eye cavity causes severe itching, discomfort, hyperemia, inflammation of the cavity, blepharospasm. Timely appeal allows you to see and remove a foreign body without additional examinations.

The degree of penetration of a foreign body into the eye cavity:

  • superficial;
  • intraocular.


  • conjunctiva;
  • visual organ;
  • eye socket.


  • magnetic, those that contain iron;
  • non-magnetic foreign bodies, for example, sand, glass, wood, etc.

Foreign body in the conjunctival region

Small objects get into the cavity of the conjunctiva. For example, eyelashes, hairs, grains of sand, parts of the earth, coal. If the penetration force of the particles is small, foreign objects remain on the surface of the mucous membrane of the eye, and do not penetrate deep into. With strong penetrations, the mucosa is damaged and a foreign object penetrates into the conjunctival cavity.

In the second case, when the mucosal cover has been broken, an infiltrate is formed that resembles tuberculosis of the conjunctiva. If the object is not retrieved in a timely manner, it is encapsulated.

Clinical manifestations of foreign body encapsulation:

If the foreign body is not removed in time, the particles penetrate deeper, causing loss of vision.

  • blepharospasm;
  • pain in the conjunctiva;
  • photophobia;

How to determine?

To identify a foreign object, the doctor twists the eyelid and examines the eye. After that, tearing is increased with the help of reflex blinking movements.

How to remove a foreign body from the eye

Foreign bodies that are attached to the surface of the shell are removed using cotton swab. In this case, the swab must first be moistened with antiseptic solution. Also use jet washing of the conjunctival cavity.

Removal of a foreign body from the eye is carried out by removing the object with tweezers, and then instilling a 0.5% dicaine solution into the eye. Next, the embedded object is removed with a needle, tweezers. After removal, instillation of the eyes with sulfacetamide is indicated, and an ointment can also be used. The course of therapy is 3-4 days.

Foreign bodies of the cornea

Foreign objects that have fallen on the area, ways to linger on its surface or penetrate deep into the eye. The degree of damage depends on the structure and size of the foreign particle. Sometimes objects lie in middle cavity cornea. If deep sections are affected, metal is most often removed.

Particles that have penetrated the corneal epithelium cause the development and appearance of an infiltrate. Deeply penetrated objects are able to partially enter the anterior chamber. If the extraction of such an object does not occur immediately, suppuration or encapsulation of the affected area occurs.

Detection of a foreign body during eversion of the eyelid

Clinical manifestations: pain, "sand in the eyes", increased lacrimation, involuntary closing of the eyes, blurred vision.

For diagnosing foreign body of the cornea using diaphanoscopy, biomicroscopy, gonioscopy (in rare cases).

Treatment: instillation of an anesthetic, extraction of a foreign body by removing it with a wet swab or using a specialized spear, a grooved chisel. Next, a bandage is applied, preventive eye treatment is carried out. antibacterial drops or ointments.


Extraction of particles from the cornea should only be carried out by a highly qualified specialist, an ophthalmic surgeon. Since there is a high risk of pushing the extracted object into the anterior chamber of the eye. Subsequently, with deep damage to the eye, an incorrect one occurs.

Alien body eyes

Such damage occurs infrequently. Usually, a smaller part of foreign bodies does not penetrate deeply, but lingers in the anterior chamber of the eye, or iris, etc. Most of foreign bodies penetrate into back department eyes falling into vitreous body or choroid.

Clinical manifestations: on examination, entrance holes in the cornea are visible. There may also be hemorrhage in the anterior cavity.

Diagnostics: diaphnoscopy, ophthalmoscopy, gonioscopy, radiography, eye ultrasound, CT scan, electrolocation, magnetic test.

How to extract: surgical removal splinters, prevention of eye pathologies using antibacterial agents.

Alien body eye sockets

Often the introduction of bodies cause phlegm of the eye socket.

Clinical manifestations: there is a wound hole, the eyelids are swollen, the conjunctiva is inflamed, there is a loss of visual acuity. It may be temporary night blindness, neuroparalytic keratitis.

Diagnostics: radiography, consultation of an otolaryngologist, neurologist.

Treatment: primary surgical debridement, orbitotomy, harmorotomy, frontotomy, sphenoidotomy. Mandatory use of antibacterial agents.

Why do foreign bodies get into the eye cavity?

Removal of a foreign body by surgery

There are many reasons why foreign bodies get into the eyes. The most common are considered to be:

  1. Improper hygiene or lack of it.
  2. Eye injury.
  3. Strong gusts of wind.
  4. Wearing contact lenses.
  5. Wool clothes.

All these factors, to one degree or another, lead to the entry of small particles into the cavity of the eye.


Implementation foreign object into the cavity of the eye can manifest itself as unbearable pain, as well as minor discomfort. It all depends on the degree of damage to the visual organ and the location of the object.

As a rule, bodies that have entered the eye cavity cause severe discomfort. This gives rise to severe burning, itching, lacrimation. The eye is very inflamed, it is impossible to look at the light, soft tissues swollen, blurred vision.

Absence of symptoms a rare event. If you are sure that a foreign body has entered the eye, but there are no symptoms, you need to consult an ophthalmologist.

Why are foreign bodies in the eye dangerous?

Foreign bodies introduced into the eye cavity cause mechanical and toxic injury organ. As a result, there are inflammatory reactions, development of blepharitis, keratitis, uveitis, hemorrhages, conjunctivitis.

The safest location for a foreign object is the conjunctival sac.

The introduction of iron or copper bodies entails the development of metallosis. The danger of the condition lies in the fact that visual acuity decreases, twilight blindness appears. In such situations, it is necessary to immediately remove the object from the eye cavity.

Emergency help - how to provide?

Getting an object into the eyes is not uncommon, and it is not always possible to immediately seek medical help. Therefore, if the foreign body is small and severe discomfort does not occur, try to increase tearing and get rid of the foreign body. For example, when an eyelash hits, we start to blink harder and wipe our eye to get rid of it. But if the discomfort is strong and without medical assistance not to be avoided, it is necessary to perform pre-medical measures.

  1. Do not touch or rub your eyes. Such movements can lead to deep damage eyes.
  2. Try not to open your eyes. Frequent blinking will lead to increased irritation.
  3. Put a bandage over your eye, make sure it doesn't put pressure on it.
  4. Be sure to consult your doctor.


Suspicion of the ingress of any foreign body requires consultation with an ophthalmologist. In such situations, an examination and questioning of the patient is carried out, under what conditions a foreign body has entered. Inspection consists in eversion upper eyelid examination of the inner membranes of the eye.

For diagnosis use:

  • ophthalmoscope;
  • radiography.


Medical intervention is necessary if the foreign body has penetrated deep into the eye cavity.

A foreign body is considered to be any foreign object that is in the organs of vision. The ICD-10 code includes internal, external and long-standing eye damage, respectively: T15.8, T15, H05.5. This item may be small (a speck of dust, a lint), or it may be large (a piece of metal, glass), the removal of which should be carried out by an experienced ophthalmologist. Sensations of a foreign body in the eye always cause severe discomfort to the victim.

This is due to the fact that in human eye there are many nerve endings: the presence of even a small irritant can cause profuse lacrimation, redness of the eye, blepharospasm (involuntary frequent blinking). Quite often, people in working specialties turn to an ophthalmologist to pull a splinter out of their eye. This is due to the peculiarities of their work, for example, at a sawmill, when working with a milling machine, welding metal structures, there is always a danger that a fragment of one or another solid material gets in the eye.

Such a hit is dangerous not so much because of the possible serious injury to the eye, but because of the high speed of movement of such fragments, as a result of which they can crash quite deeply. In this case, the removal of a foreign body from the eye will require surgical intervention.

The reason for the entry of a foreign object into the organs of vision is not always associated with labor activity person. Sometimes the cause of the appearance of a foreign body can be a dust storm, high-speed riding a motorcycle without the use of goggles or a closed helmet. In any case, ophthalmologists strongly recommend to avoid traumatic lesions eyes varying degrees severity, which can turn into the onset of blindness for the patient, wear protective glasses whenever your eyes may be endangered.

According to research, least danger represents a foreign body in the conjunctiva - it can be removed by simply washing the eye with water. But sharp fragments that have flown into the eye at high speed can cause serious injury to the cornea of ​​​​the eye, and may even end up inside the eyeball. The penetration of metal fragments inside cause metallosis - a reaction of eye tissues to metal, which can lead to such backfire like night blindness, a significant decrease in the field of view.

The main reasons for the penetration of a foreign object into the eye are: non-compliance with safety regulations due to the refusal to wear special glasses, adverse weather conditions (dust storm). Penetration of foreign objects into the conjunctiva is considered among ophthalmologists the safest form of the disease. Nevertheless, ignoring the problem can provoke the penetration of the irritant into the mucous membrane, encapsulation, and cause conjunctivitis.

The main symptoms of the presence of a foreign body in the conjunctiva are as follows:

  • lacrimation;
  • sharp pain;
  • photophobia;
  • blepharospasm;
  • conjunctivitis.

The severity of symptoms of penetration of a foreign body into the cornea directly depends on the depth of penetration. The cause of discomfort may be located on the surface of the cornea, but it can also penetrate deeper. When the cornea is affected, you should immediately contact ophthalmologist for prompt removal foreign body from the eye, while an inflammatory infiltrate has not yet formed around it.

Typically, when the cornea is damaged, patients complain of:

  1. sharp pain.
  2. foreign body discomfort.
  3. lacrimation.
  4. photophobia.
  5. blepharospasm.

To remove a fragment from the cornea, the doctor may need a special removal spear. The penetration of foreign bodies into the eye cavity is quite rare, of the order 5% of cases. Nevertheless, this form of the disease is no less dangerous than the above. The risk lies in the depth of penetration of the fragment. As a rule, in this case, the chip / fragment affects the anterior and posterior sections of the eye.

The presence of foreign bodies in the eye cavity can lead to such unpleasant consequences as:

  • recurrent iridocyclitis;
  • cloudy vitreous body;
  • secondary glaucoma;
  • retinal detachment;
  • retinal dystrophy;
  • chalcosis;
  • siderosis.

Removal of foreign objects from the organs of vision involves emergency care experienced ophthalmologist.

The introduction of a foreign body into the orbit is one of the most common industrial injuries associated with a violation of safety regulations (wearing safety glasses).

A foreign body may end up in the eye socket if, for example, while working with the machine, a piece of metal flew off, glass got into the eye, etc. In this case, the patient may complain about:

  1. swelling of the eyelids and conjunctiva.
  2. exophthalmos.
  3. ophthalmoplegia.
  4. local loss of skin sensitivity.
  5. violation of the sensitivity of the cornea.

In the case of penetration of a foreign body into the orbit, it may be necessary not only to remove the cause of irritation, but also antibiotic therapy.


If the slightest discomfort occurs in the eyes due to injury or after exposure to the organs of vision of adverse weather conditions(for example, a dust storm), you should immediately contact an ophthalmologist.

Before Appointment diagnostic methods Your doctor may do a general eye exam, which usually includes:

  • examination of the outer shells of the eye;
  • examination of the area of ​​​​the eye located under the eyelids.

To determine the nature of the damage to the organs of vision and the depth of the location of the fragment, one can resort to the method of diaphanoscopy and biomicroscopy of the eye. For more informative research may be useful method gonioscopy (view of the organs of vision with a slit lamp). The following methods may also be useful:

  1. Eye ultrasound.
  2. tomography.
  3. radiography.


First aid can play a huge role in the subsequent treatment and successful rehabilitation of the organs of vision after removing a foreign object from the eye. It is important to try not to blink for some time, but by highlighting with a flashlight, be able to determine the cause of discomfort. If the irritant is in the conjunctiva, there is no reason to panic. You can remove a foreign object at home. For this you can use cotton swab or a damp cloth to clean the face. Then it is advisable to wash warm water without the use of soap.

It is known that human tears have natural disinfecting properties. That is why, when getting rid of a foreign object from the organs of vision, tear fluid can be useful. In order to cause its copious separation, one must forcibly keep the eye open within a couple of minutes. Then you need to rinse the eye with non-hot water.

If the cornea or eyeball is affected (the unwanted object has penetrated deeply), then the patient should be immediately taken to the ophthalmologist's office. Only an experienced ophthalmologist can entrust the extraction of such fragments.

Before the procedure, the ophthalmologist may use a local anesthetic. Usually dicaine-based drops are used for these purposes. To extract a foreign object, the doctor may use a special sterile spear or needle. You should not be afraid of this procedure, in the hands an experienced specialist the needle in the eye will not deliver pain. Sometimes a doctor may need the help of staining eye drops to isolate a small piece and completely remove it. If the eye hurts after removal of a foreign body, you should immediately contact an ophthalmologist for advice.

Usually after surgical intervention the patient is advised to follow the doctor's instructions for the care of the sore eye. For rehabilitation after surgery, the doctor may prescribe an eye ointment containing an antibiotic. Sometimes it is advisable to use drops that contribute to the expansion of the pupil. AT special occasions The ophthalmologist may put a bandage on the damaged eye at the time of rehabilitation.


With timely detection of an eye injury due to the penetration of a foreign body into it, the prognosis is mostly favorable.


Prevention of the disease involves strict adherence to safety rules when working with wood, glass, metal. During bad weather and when doing extreme sports, wearing safety goggles is also mandatory.

A foreign body in the eye is a foreign fragment that can be located in the orbit, on the cornea or the eyeball. This is a serious and health problem that needs to be addressed. Therefore, in this article we will reveal the reasons for the penetration of foreign bodies and answer the question of how to pull the mote out of the eye on your own and without consequences.

The reasons

    There are many reasons why foreign particles get into the eyes, but it is worth noting the main ones:
  • In case of non-compliance with the rules personal hygiene at risk are small children who do not always wash their hands after a walk. Often sand, dust, small particles of debris get into the eyes.
  • An injury received at work occurs when safety precautions are violated. Wood or metal particles may get into the eyes. Sometimes particles fly off at such a high speed that when they enter the eye, they penetrate quite deeply, and this can cause serious harm vision.
  • It is the eyes that suffer from the wind. Strong gusts raise dust, small particles of debris, grains of sand, wood chips and so on from the ground.
  • Wearing contact lenses improper care and operation, may cause foreign particles to enter the eye. Dirty undisinfected hands this case are dangerous.
  • When wearing woolen clothes, small hairs can catch on the eyelash and then get into the eye.

Symptoms of a foreign body

Depending on the size of foreign particles, the symptoms vary. Some people experience unbearable pain while others feel slight discomfort. It all depends on what place is affected and how much.
Often, an existing foreign body in the eye gives itself out as discomfort, interference, burning, pain, redness of the mucous membrane. Symptoms such as increased lacrimation, photosensitivity, swelling of the eyelids, "foggy vision" and even bleeding due to vascular damage are not excluded.
It also happens that a foreign particle gets inside the eye, and the person does not feel its presence, that is, there are no symptoms. If there is a suspicion that a foreign body has entered the eye, but there are no symptoms, then it is advisable to undergo an examination by an ophthalmologist in order to remove the foreign particle. If you let everything take its course, then there may be serious problems with vision, which are already difficult to solve on their own.


A foreign body must first be detected and determined which part of the eye it touched. You can independently examine the eye at home, it is enough to conduct an examination in a well-lit room with a mirror.
A professional examination consists in a thorough examination of the mucous membrane. For this purpose, ophthalmologists use slit lamp. If the specialist suspects that the foreign body is located inside the eye, then he twists upper eyelid and scans the space below him.
The patient's testimony may prompt the ophthalmologist to think about the need for ultrasound or radiography.
Symptoms and removal of a foreign fragment from the conjunctiva

A foreign body can be located on the surface of the conjunctiva, or it can penetrate much deeper, it all depends on the degree of penetration into the eye. From the penetration of particles such as a grain of sand, shavings, hairs or dust, a person develops unpleasant feeling or cut. Harder materials such as stone, wood, coal or metal cause pain. The easiest way at home is to detect and remove an eyelash or a small piece located near the conjunctiva from the eye.
It is possible to diagnose the presence of a foreign particle of the conjunctiva with a thorough external examination of the mucous membrane of the eyes using the eversion of the eyelid. Due to the reflex twitching of the eyes and profuse lacrimation, the foreign body moves freely through the conjunctival space; often small particles get stuck in the groove, from where they can be easily removed.
In order to painlessly remove a foreign body, experts instill dikain in the eyes. You can get a foreign particle with medical tweezers or a needle.
Cornea and foreign body removal

Often, chips or scale can be found on the surface of the cornea or a little deeper. The depth of penetration depends on the size of the particle and the speed at which the particle enters the eye. There are three types of occurrence of foreign particles: surface, middle and deep. Deep-lying bodies include metal pieces, stone or wood fragments.
A foreign body dispersed in the cornea can damage the epithelium, which leads to the development of a disease called keratitis. According to the patient, discomfort is felt, sharp pain, burning sensation, interference, photosensitivity and lacrimation. With such symptoms, a thorough examination should be carried out, the results of which can be checked using x-rays. Then you need to make an immediate decision on how to get the mote out of the eye.
The ophthalmologist may remove the foreign lump after disinfecting the eyes with an anesthetic. A medical chisel or a special spear is used as a tool for removal.

Removal of intraocular foreign bodies

Situations with an intraocular foreign fragment are less common than others. Most often, foreign materials enter the posterior ocular region.
When examining a patient for the presence of a foreign fragment inside the eye, a specialist may find a small hole in the cornea or pupil. The wound may be gaping.
The patient has blurred vision, pain and burning. In this case, you should not make rash decisions about the independent removal of the particle. Even with great desire, you can not do this, here you need qualified help specialist.
Foreign body of eye socket

Most often, the passage to the orbit, for a foreign body, is the conjunctiva or eyelid. It is a non-magnetic or magnetic particle, with different form and a size that can penetrate into any part of the orbit. Due to the double perforation of the eyeball, scale or a piece of metal can be detected.
The consequences of damage from exposure to various metals can be as follows:

  • Iron, cast iron, steel, aluminum metal particles, as well as shavings from stone or glass, minimally damage the orbit. A person has a feeling that an eyelash has got into the eye.
  • Due to the penetration of a large copper fragment, an aseptic purulent process develops.
  • Due to the introduction of a particle of a tree, a septic purulent process of the eye orbit develops.

IMPORTANT! The diagnosis is based on the patient's medical examination and eye x-rays. The examination is carried out with the help of ultrasound.
After the diagnosis, surgical treatment of the damaged area is performed. If the particle is near the wound, then it can be removed without additional manipulations. If an unactive state is established during the diagnostic process, then it is impossible to remove the shard. In this case, the patient is prescribed antibiotic drugs and sulfonamides.
Important Tips

  1. Workers in carpentry and locksmith workshops, as well as agricultural facilities, must wear safety goggles during work.
  2. In the presence of a foreign particle, you should not rub your eyes - such manipulations will aggravate the problem.
  3. Minimize the number of blinks (blinking irritates the damaged eye).
  4. Do not try to get the shard on your own.
  5. For help, it is better to contact a specialist, in this case an ophthalmologist, who needs to explain his actions in detail.

If you find a mote in the eye, then you need to do the following:

  • you can remove the speck with the help of running water, which is used to wash the eye;
  • you can close your eyes with all your might so that protruding tears push through the mote;
  • using a clean napkin or handkerchief, we remove the mote, in this case, you can make eye movements “Clock”, that is, from side to side;
  • if shavings from metal, wood get into the eye, or you find scale, then you should immediately seek help from an ophthalmologist.

It should be remembered that the absence of symptoms, but the suspicion of a foreign body in the eye should suggest the need for a check. You can’t let everything take its course.

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