What is planted next to strawberries. What plants are useful to plant next to strawberries? strawberries and flowers

You can find ideal neighbors for garden strawberries both on the ridges and in the orchard, and even in the flower garden. This non-conflict culture grows well on various types of soil, which means it will adapt to almost any conditions.

From vegetable crops, strawberries can be planted next to beans and peas, radishes, carrots and radishes. True, you need to orient tall plants in the garden so that they do not obscure the strawberry bushes.

Legumes loosen the soil and saturate it with nitrogen useful for strawberries, so you can plant berry bushes both after these crops and with them.

Planting garden strawberries next to onions or garlic always gives excellent results - the strong smell of these crops repels pests that encroach on fragrant berries. Planting sage or parsley in the aisle works the same way, scaring off even slugs, which are usually impossible to get through. Of the greens, sorrel, spinach, salads, and borage also go well with strawberries.

Garlic planted along strawberries reduces the likelihood of late blight damage to the berries and the risk of rotting bushes.

If you met ridges in the dachas, on which tulips or irises were planted in the middle of strawberries, then you probably thought that this was done for beauty. However, this is not the main reason for such a controversial neighborhood. In fact, these flowers stimulate the abundant fruiting of garden strawberries, and therefore become frequent neighbors for her. In addition to them, strawberries can be planted next to clematis, peonies, ferns, nasturtium, delphinium. And pink-colored varieties of strawberries will be a great addition to any flower bed.

Marigolds planted in the aisles of strawberries or along the edge of the ridges repel the onion fly, weevil, nematode and other pests, and are also a natural defense against Fusarium.

You can also plant strawberries in near-stem circles of trees and berry bushes, for example, sea buckthorn, grapes, pines, and spruces. The main thing at the same time is to make sure that the bushes receive a sufficient amount of light and are accessible to pollinating insects. When landing next to conifers, you can organize a real forest corner on your site.

Next to what you can not plant strawberries

It may seem to many that you can plant strawberries literally next to any crop, but this is a delusion, and a very dangerous one at that. The wrong neighborhood can not only deprive you of the harvest, but also mow down all your strawberry plantings in a couple of months.

To prevent this from happening, be on the lookout and never plant this berry next to the nightshade. It is tomatoes and potatoes that actively draw out from the soil the same substances that strawberries need, leaving it to live literally from hand to mouth, and they are also distributors of late blight, which is dangerous for this berry. By observing crop rotation, you can plant strawberries in a plot where nightshade grew at least three years ago. During this time (with timely fertilization), the balance of nutrients in the soil will be restored, and pathogens will disappear.

Harmful neighbors for garden strawberries are all plants of the Carnation family, sunflowers and Jerusalem artichoke. Moreover, the last two also obscure the plantings, depriving the berries of the most important thing - sunlight. Raspberries, which are often tried to be planted together with garden strawberries in the "berry corner", dry out the soil and do not leave a single sip of water for their miniature neighbor. But cabbage, on the contrary, needs such abundant watering that the strawberry bed next to it can simply drown.

Strawberries are a rather unpretentious culture in terms of neighborhood. You can "dilute" it with ridges in the garden, tree trunks or even flower beds. A variety of varieties will allow you to grow this fragrant berry almost all summer.

Often, vegetable growers try to plant as many crops as possible in a small garden plot, so they sow several varieties of vegetables in one garden at once. For example, take the most common garden berries - strawberries. Sowing the seeds of these juicy and tasty fruits, gardeners are wondering what can be planted next to strawberries, but only so as not to harm it? You can plant a lot of vegetables with this crop, but you need to know which ones are suitable and which ones will only harm its growth and reproduction.

In general, strawberries are completely non-capricious, therefore they tolerate the neighborhood of many cultures. For example, strawberries do very well next to flowers such as iris and tulips. It is these flowers that contribute to the good growth of strawberries, increasing its yield several times. In addition, tulips and irises help strawberries to endure cold winters more easily. Particularly fond of these flowers are varieties of remontant strawberries. To plant flowers next to a berry crop, no special knowledge is required and this is done very easily. Moreover, with strawberries on the same bed, you can plant other garden flowers - such as clematis, nasturtiums, marigolds, carnations, ferns, peonies, delphinium, mint, jasmine and many other flower crops that are no less useful for the development of strawberries.

Strawberries do well in close proximity to various trees and shrubs. These include a vineyard, spruce, pine, raspberry, sea buckthorn. All these plants have a beneficial effect on berries. But if you plant strawberries close to a birch, then the berry will die without giving any harvest.

You can enjoy the excellent results of the harvest by planting strawberry bushes on the same bed with beans and peas, tomatoes and radishes, onions and garlic, white cabbage and fodder beets. An excellent reinforcing effect is given by the neighborhood with some green crops, which include sorrel, parsley, lettuce, spinach and basil.

If a vegetable grower wants very tasty and sweet strawberries to grow, then for the period of berry formation, he needs to carry out soil mulching with spruce and pine needles. There are a few more little secrets, knowing which, a vegetable grower can harvest a large crop of strawberries.

Professional gardeners know that onions and garlic have protective properties, and various slugs are afraid of parsley, therefore, by planting them next to strawberry bushes, you can absolutely not be afraid for the harvest of berries, as they will be completely safe. Also, the neighborhood of strawberries with onions gives the berries rapid growth and rapid reproduction. By planting strawberries and onions in one area, the gardener will forever get rid of the problems of rotting berry bushes.

In general, we can say that lovers of this delicious can experiment without any fear or doubt. Almost all vegetables get along next to the berry, just like strawberries can make friends with any crops.

Often, vegetable growers try to plant as many crops as possible in a small garden plot, so they sow several varieties of vegetables in one garden at once. For example, take the most common garden berries - strawberries. Sowing the seeds of these juicy and tasty fruits, gardeners are wondering what can be planted next to strawberries, but only so as not to harm it? You can plant a lot of vegetables with this crop, but you need to know which ones are suitable and which ones will only harm its growth and reproduction.

In general, strawberries are completely non-capricious, therefore they tolerate the neighborhood of many cultures. For example, strawberries do very well next to flowers such as iris and tulips. It is these flowers that contribute to the good growth of strawberries, increasing its yield several times. In addition, tulips and irises help strawberries to endure cold winters more easily. Particularly fond of these flowers are varieties of remontant strawberries. To plant flowers next to a berry crop, no special knowledge is required and this is done very easily. Moreover, with strawberries on the same bed, you can plant other garden flowers - such as clematis, nasturtiums, marigolds, carnations, ferns, peonies, delphinium, mint, jasmine and many other flower crops that are no less useful for the development of strawberries.

Strawberries do well in close proximity to various trees and shrubs. These include a vineyard, spruce, pine, raspberry, sea buckthorn. All these plants have a beneficial effect on berries. But if you plant strawberries close to a birch, then the berry will die without giving any harvest.

You can enjoy the excellent results of the harvest by planting strawberry bushes on the same bed with beans and peas, tomatoes and radishes, onions and garlic, white cabbage and fodder beets. An excellent reinforcing effect is given by the neighborhood with some green crops, which include sorrel, parsley, lettuce, spinach and basil.

If a vegetable grower wants very tasty and sweet strawberries to grow, then for the period of berry formation, he needs to carry out soil mulching with spruce and pine needles. There are a few more little secrets, knowing which, a vegetable grower can harvest a large crop of strawberries.

Professional gardeners know that onions and garlic have protective properties, and various slugs are afraid of parsley, therefore, by planting them next to strawberry bushes, you can absolutely not be afraid for the harvest of berries, as they will be completely safe. Also, the neighborhood of strawberries with onions gives the berries rapid growth and rapid reproduction. By planting strawberries and onions in one area, the gardener will forever get rid of the problems of rotting berry bushes.

In general, we can say that lovers of this delicious can experiment without any fear or doubt. Almost all vegetables get along next to the berry, just like strawberries can make friends with any crops.

When planting each crop, its compatibility with other plants should be taken into account. And strawberries, she is garden strawberries, are no exception. And you need to know not only what and then you can grow. It’s also worth knowing what you can plant strawberries with and what you can’t. Only in this case it will be possible to get a rich and plentiful harvest.

In order to understand what can be planted with strawberries, you need to find out in what conditions this berry grows best. For each garden crop, including strawberries, certain planting rules are valid. The first rule is that it is not recommended to plant nearby plants that require the same nutrients. They will not allow each other to grow and bear fruit normally. The second rule is not to plant in the neighborhood those crops that have different watering needs. Otherwise, one culture will lack water, and the second will die due to its excess.

The third rule of joint planting is that one crop should not obscure the other. This is allowed only if one of the plants is harmed by constant exposure to the sun. And the fourth rule is that the beds of those crops that have common diseases and pests are never planted next to each other. After all, then there will be no harvest either on one bed or on the other. Well, in the case of greenhouse cultivation, another factor is taken into account. For grown plants, the same conditions should be suitable - humidity, light and air temperature.

What do strawberries need to grow?

Strawberries need loose and soft soil rich in nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. At the same time, she needs abundant watering and sufficient illumination. But in the southern regions it is harmful for her to constantly be in the light, so a shadow is also required. This berry is vulnerable to late blight, so plants that tolerate this fungus should not be planted next to it. And of the pests, strawberries most of all do not like wireworms and slugs. Based on these factors, neighbors for a given culture are selected.

Another thing to remember is that strawberries need to be replanted every three or four years. Moreover, in the same place, it will agree to grow no earlier than in three years. It is also recommended to follow the rules of crop rotation, and do not plant this berry after, for example, potatoes or cabbage. Only then, having chosen suitable neighbors for her, will it be possible to grow a beautiful and healthy garden bed. And get a really decent harvest of sweet and juicy berries.

The compatibility of strawberries with various root crops

Among root vegetables, parsley is best combined with strawberries. It should be planted between bushes in order to get rid of slugs and snails. These pests eat and spoil the crop, and in order to avoid this, parsley is planted next to the strawberry beds. Carrots are also combined with this berry, but they cannot be planted with parsley - either one or the other. But parsley or carrots go well with onions or garlic.

Together with strawberries, you can also plant beets, radishes or radishes. Those varieties are selected that will bear fruit simultaneously with garden strawberries. Moreover, you can plant radishes between the beds, but it is advisable to place radishes or beets at some distance from strawberries. And it is not recommended to combine them with each other, many varieties of these plants do not get along with each other. And it is worth remembering that the distance between the rows of strawberries should be 50-70 centimeters. This is necessary in order to fit other plants between them.

The worst of all root crops with strawberries is potatoes. It consumes the same substances that strawberries need and suffers from the same diseases. It is the potato that is the carrier of late blight, which harms the roots, leaves, and fruits of strawberries. This nightshade culture should not grow near strawberries, because otherwise there will be no harvest. A strawberry garden can die from late blight and lack of nutrients. Moreover, this can happen in 1.5-2 months.

The compatibility of strawberries with bulbous plants

Among such crops, this berry gets along best with garlic or onions. And among these plants, it is worth highlighting garlic, which is worth planting for the prevention of late blight. After all, it is this culture that repels the fungus, which is the causative agent of this unpleasant disease. It is for this reason that garlic is recommended to be planted next to those varieties of strawberries that are vulnerable to late blight. Of the plants already mentioned, parsley is best combined with garlic.

Onions grow well next to strawberries, but only if the earth is not too depleted. Carrots go well with onions. These two plants repel each other's pests and have a beneficial effect on strawberry beds. But planting onions and garlic next to each other is strictly not recommended, these crops have the same pests and diseases. Therefore, they can not be called compatible plants.

The compatibility of strawberries with green crops

This berry goes well with sorrel, lettuce, spinach and other similar plants. Most of these crops do not impoverish the soil and are moderately unpretentious. And they also do not have pests in common with strawberries, which is why they are planted next to it. Depending on the planting scheme, these plants can also shade strawberries, which will not be out of place in the southern regions. Some gardeners write that green crops accelerate the growth of garden strawberries and increase yields. Here's what they say:

“If you plant lettuce or other similar greens next to the strawberry garden, then the strawberries grow faster. Her whiskers grow more actively, which is useful for vegetative propagation. And in remontant varieties, the yield increases. And at the same time, the bed does not require additional care, which is also nice.

Planting legumes next to strawberry beds

Some of the best neighbors for strawberries are various legumes. Beans, peas, lentils and their relatives favorably affect the soil and the resulting crop. Their roots make the soil loose and supply it with nitrogen, which strengthens the health of garden strawberries and allows you to collect more berries. At the same time, legumes can be grown in such a way that the strawberry beds are shaded. A weak and constant shadow will benefit the beds if strawberries are grown in the southern regions of the country.

Separately, it is worth mentioning such a plant as alkaloid lupine. It also belongs to legumes and is considered the most suitable green manure for strawberries. After all, it produces substances that are harmless to strawberries, but poisonous to the wireworm, and is the best remedy for this pest. At the same time, such a neighborhood does not affect the taste and edibility of the berries. But feeding animals with beveled alkaloid lupine is strictly not recommended, it is harmful to them.

With all the positive features of legumes, there are a number of restrictions on their planting. Due to the nitrogen produced, they increase the acidity of the soil, so it is recommended to use fertilizers that have an alkalizing effect. It is not difficult to check the acidity of the soil, for this there are simple kits with convenient and understandable instructions for use. Another feature of a number of leguminous plants is that some weeds grow more readily next to them. Therefore, it is necessary to clean the area from weeds carefully and carefully.

Crops with which strawberries do not go well

A number of gardeners claim that strawberries can be planted with almost any garden crop. To some extent, this is true - you can plant a strawberry garden next to a variety of plants. That's just not always she will be able to survive there, but to say nothing of giving a harvest. Therefore, you need to know those plants next to which this berry will not grow. Here is a list of these cultures:

  • nightshade crops
  • Plants from the clove family
  • Cabbage
  • Raspberries

Not only potatoes do not go well with strawberries and do not allow them to grow normally. All other cultivated plants from the nightshade family also do not combine with this berry. They deplete the soil, pulling out all the useful substances from it and draining the soil. And all these plants are vulnerable to late blight, which spreads from them to strawberries. As a result, the beds are dying, and the harvest cannot be obtained.

Strawberries also do not get along with clove plants. Separately, it is worth mentioning such crops as sunflower and Jerusalem artichoke. These plants destroy all their neighbors, including strawberries, and deplete the soil for a long time. Jerusalem artichoke is generally not recommended for growing in the garden, as this invasive plant can do more serious harm than any weed. Planting it near strawberries is not recommended in principle.

Advising what can be planted next to strawberries, some site owners recommend raspberries. And they do it in vain, because it is this plant that does not allow strawberries to grow stronger than others. Raspberries shade strawberry beds and dry out the soil, which is why strawberries do not bear fruit at all. Therefore, it is not worth planting them side by side, because garden strawberries will not endure such a neighborhood.

You should not plant strawberries next to cabbages. After all, cabbage consumes the same substances as strawberries, and in large quantities. And she also needs abundant and constant watering, and in larger quantities than is needed for strawberry beds. These two cultures do not combine in any way, therefore, they should not be planted together in the same area.


When planting strawberries, it is desirable to take into account not only those plants with which it is adjacent. We must remember the peculiarities of the local climate, fertilizers and watering. Don't forget about crop rotation either. Only in this case, the gardener will be able to count on the fact that he will have a strawberry crop.

The society of certain plants helps strawberries bear fruit better and are less likely to be attacked by pests and diseases. Some vegetables and herbs grown with strawberries help avoid the use of chemical plant protection products. Others, in turn, improve the taste and aroma of strawberries.

Some can form decorative flower beds with strawberries.
What to plant near strawberries so that they grow and bear fruit better? Here are the best plants to plant next to strawberries!

What vegetables to plant next to strawberries?

Many vegetable plants emit volatile substances (so-called phytoncides), which limit the occurrence of diseases and pests. Such plants are, for example, vegetables and onions. Planting onions, garlic, leeks or green onions next to strawberries will protect her from gray mold (Botrytis cinerea) and other fungal diseases. Onions and garlic, in addition, favorably affect the taste of strawberries.

Strawberries will grow better if beans and peas are sown in its area, which enrich the soil with nitrogen. Other vegetables that benefit strawberries are: lettuce, spinach, field lettuce, carrots, radishes, radishes, and red beets.

Onions, garlic and leeks can be planted between rows of strawberries, as they are not hindered by the growth of strawberry leaves. The rest of the vegetables should be planted on the outskirts of strawberry beds.

Cabbage vegetables such as cabbage, cauliflower, collard greens, broccoli, kohlrabi, and Brussels sprouts should be avoided next to strawberries. Substances secreted by these vegetables inhibit the development of strawberries. Cucumbers planted in close proximity also negatively affect strawberries.

You should also not plant raspberries, blackberries and strawberries near strawberries, because they do not like such a neighborhood. In addition, they are attacked by the same pests and diseases. Therefore, their general planting, contributes to the development of these diseases and pests.

What greens and herbs to plant next to strawberries?

Many types of herbs are suitable for planting near strawberries. For strawberries, thyme, cumin, parsley, thyme and coriander work very well. Peppermint and medicinal sage are also good companions for strawberries.

Aromatic herbs improve the taste of fruits, their aroma, in addition, repels strawberry pests. Good choices for strawberries are also: borage (stimulates strawberries V period of violent flowering) and chamomile. In addition, their smell attracts insect pollinators.

Herbs should be planted along the edge of strawberry beds, or you can place them along with strawberries in aromatic flower beds. You can also place herb pots between strawberry bushes.

What flowers to plant next to strawberries?

Many types of flowers can be planted next to strawberries. These should be flowers whose flowering period coincides with the flowering period of strawberries. Otherwise, insect pollinators will choose flowers and ornamental plants over strawberries. To create a composition with strawberries, flowers that bloom in early spring or summer are suitable.

After the end of fruiting strawberries, the leaves should be mowed. Sections that look unaesthetically on the beds can be closed by planting annual flowers between strawberry bushes, for example, marigolds, nasturtiums. In flower beds, strawberries can be combined with aromatic herbs such as catnip and lavender. Both of these plants have a positive effect on the aroma of strawberries. A very good combination for strawberries are bulbous plants, for example, decorative garlic, which protects strawberries from fungal diseases. After the end of fruiting, unattractive strawberry bushes can cover the growing garden stonecrops.

Worth knowing!
Mulch from spruce and pine needles improves the aroma of strawberries.

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