What are the complications of pneumonia? Pneumonia: signs, treatment and consequences of pneumonia. Depending on the severity of the course of pneumonia, they are divided into

Pneumonia is an inflammation lung tissue, accompanied by difficulty in oxygen exchange as a result of filling the airways with pus and other pathological fluids. There are several varieties of the disease: hospital (nosocomial), community-acquired and aspiration.

As a rule, inflammation occurs due to Streptococcus pneumoniae, which, accordingly, leads to pneumococcal disease. Cause of pneumonia in atypical form are viruses, fungi, a number of bacteria and chemicals (eg exhaled stomach contents).

With timely and adequate treatment, the disease recedes quickly enough. Difficulties in the course of pneumonia are observed in the elderly, as well as in the presence of chronic diseases.

Severe infections require surgical and radical treatment in a hospital setting. Infants, especially those with diabetes and chronic lung pathologies, also fall into the risk group. Pneumonia is often diagnosed in smoking men, especially in winter.

Complications of pneumonia require urgent hospitalization.

Recovery after illness

The condition of the patient, both an adult and a child, improves after 3-5 days from the start of antibiotic therapy. Symptoms of cough and fever should decrease. It is worth noting that coughing has been observed for another month, although many can return to their usual living conditions after a week.

A month or a half after the diagnosis, you need to visit the doctor again to confirm the recovery and exclude the presence of unpleasant consequences.

Pulmonary and other complications of pneumonia

Basically, this pathology is successfully eliminated and does not entail serious consequences, however, patients at risk should be extremely careful. Complications are usually related to the lungs or medication. Often, inflammation leads to an exacerbation of existing chronic pathologies, for example, obstructive lung disease(emphysema) or congestive heart failure.

Common complications after pneumonia in adults and children:

  1. Pleurisy;
  2. Septicemia and bacteremia (blood poisoning);
  3. lung abscess;
  4. Apnea or respiratory failure;
  5. Heart problems;
  6. Diarrhea, rash due to medications taken.

Pleurisy after pneumonia

The pleura are two thin balls between the chest and lungs. Inflammation of the pleura - pleurisy - often occurs in both children and adults. Slightly less common exudative pleurisy- the accumulation of fluid in this space. The fluid makes breathing difficult by putting pressure on the lungs. As a rule, the body independently copes with pleural effusion even during the course of the disease. Sometimes it happens that the exudate becomes infected with bacteria, resulting in suppuration (empyema of the pleura). The infected fluid is removed with a fine needle, but severe cases(damage to the pleura, lungs) resort to surgical intervention.

lung abscess

This pathology is rare and mainly in people suffering from severe forms of chronic diseases. The complication is characterized by the appearance of cavities in the lungs and the accumulation of pus in those.

The symptoms of an abscess include swelling of the fingers on the upper and lower limbs, as well as bad smell outgoing sputum.

Therapy consists of intravenous administration of antibiotics. In the future, for a month or a half, you will need to drink the appropriate pills.

The course should not be interrupted, even in the case of a significant improvement in the patient's condition.

Blood poisoning and bacteremia

Bacteremia is the infection of the blood by bacteria. If untreated, the toxins of the latter accumulate in the body. The immune system begins to produce cytokines that cause inflammation. As a result, septicemia develops.

The symptoms include:

  1. Temperature above 38°C;
  2. Rapid breathing and heartbeat;
  3. Hypotension, provoking dizziness;
  4. Disorientation;
  5. Decreased diuresis;
  6. Wetness and pallor of the skin;
  7. Loss of consciousness.

The infection can spread to other parts of the body, causing peritonitis, meningitis, endocarditis, or septic arthritis. Therapy involves intravenous administration of large doses of antibiotics.

The effect of pneumonia on the heart

As a rule, such conditions occur with community-acquired pneumonia. The risk of damage to the endocardium (the inner lining of the heart) is increased in people with sepsis and chronic pathology hearts.

Infective endocarditis often occurs with staphylococcal bacteremia in children who do not suffer from structural heart disease. Adults are more likely to get sick in the presence of degenerative heart disease. The principle of treatment for both groups of patients is the same - antibiotic therapy for 1-2 months.

Specify a common complication after pneumonia in premature babies.

In such babies, both pulmonary and extrapulmonary pulmonary pathologies caused by inflammation. The former include atelectasis, pneumothorax, the aforementioned pleurisy, the latter include otitis media, DIC, intestinal paresis, hemorrhagic syndrome, sclerema, malnutrition, adrenal insufficiency, hemodynamic disorders, and metabolic disorders.

As for the latter, the most common complications of pneumonia in children include: mixed acidosis, hyperbilirubinemia, hypoglycemia, hyponatremia, hypokalemia, hypocalcemia. Premature babies often have Kravets symptom - foamy discharge from mouth. This is due to the low resorption capacity of lung tissues, congestion in them. That is why patients premature babies crepitating rales are often heard during inflammation.

Much more often, complications after pneumonia in premature infants are accompanied by persistent fetal circulation syndrome, and later on by open heart disease syndrome. ductus arteriosus. Often there is a violation of peripheral circulation - puffiness, marble pattern of the skin, its grey colour, cold hands and feet.

It is worth noting that pneumonia can lead to the death of a newborn, especially a premature one.

Complications of focal and lobar pneumonia

In the acute period of the disease, vital organs can be affected by microbial toxins and decay products of lung tissue. These include acute heart and respiratory failure, infectious-toxic shock, myocarditis, pericarditis, pulmonary edema, psychosis, anemia, blood clotting disorders.

Complications of lobar pneumonia include purulent processes: lung abscess and gangrene, pleural empyema, pleurisy, sepsis, meningitis. With the same frequency, they are observed both in focal and lobar pneumonia. Often the disease negatively affects the gastrointestinal tract, provoking gastrointestinal bleeding, mesenteric vein thrombosis, acute cholecystitis.

Prevention of the development of complications of pneumonia

Patients with pneumonia and the heart must be protected, because the focus of infection is located too close to it. According to statistics, pneumonia often gives a complication to the “motor”, and this, in turn, provokes at least five of its pathologies. The attending physician can easily diagnose a new disease by symptoms and prescribe additional therapy if a person is in a hospital or seeks help in a timely manner.

The risk of sepsis of other sites associated with the area of ​​inflammation only with blood, lymph or secretions increases. Due to lung disease in the heart muscle, the first in the affected area is its inner shell of the endocardium.

It is important to start the prevention of pneumonia in a timely manner in the event of diseases of the upper respiratory tract (rhinitis, otitis media, bronchitis, tonsillitis), SARS, influenza. Its essence lies in the scrupulous elimination (therapy) of the causes of pathology in order to exclude the possibility of carrying bacteria and toxins (their metabolic products) further.

Regarding inflammation of the lungs and its effect on the heart: high body temperature increases blood viscosity, which makes it difficult for the muscle to move fluid through the vessels, the rhythm and frequency of contractions go astray, pain appears, and infection of the blood with microorganisms can cause bacterial or other diseases.

Complications of pneumonia

Having passed the diagnosis of pneumonia and started the treatment of the disease, the patient should regularly receive doctor's consultations, since the pathology is complex, and it can be catastrophic. All aggravations of the severity of the course are divided into pulmonary and extrapulmonary variants. Each type can occur in humans different ages, but the first at risk are those treated in the hospital, small children, the elderly and the disabled with limited physical mobility.

Pulmonary complications:

  • pleurisy;
  • lung abscess;
  • pyopneumothorax.

They are directly related to the pathological process in the respiratory tract and develop against its background rapidly, in an acute form. With the wrong tactics or untimely appeal the worst complications often occur with skilled medical care.

Extrapulmonary diseases due to pneumonia:

  • bacteremia - pathogens entered the bloodstream, causing sepsis;
  • heart damage - insufficiency, myocarditis, pericarditis, endocarditis;
  • DIC is an intravascular disease in which the supply of blood to the tissues is disrupted.

Due to inflammation of the lungs, the cardiovascular system stops functioning properly, worsening the prognosis of recovery. Intoxication can cause a decline in human strength. In connection with possible infection blood - all areas of the body, including the brain, will be involved, provoking a general collapse, and this is not compatible with life, and any delay in the treatment of pneumonia brings it closer to death.

Symptoms of heart complications

When pathogenic microflora enters the cardiovascular system, the process of blood infection begins. It has an acute course, causes general toxicosis of the body by the products of decay and vital activity of pathogens.

All this has a negative effect on human physiology, worsening his condition even more and causing a bunch of complications during / after pneumonia. Typical Symptoms: respiratory or heart failure, high body temperature does not go astray with medication, fainting, apathy are possible.

The doctor must certainly conduct a diagnosis in order to identify the causes of this form of manifestations, that is, the presence of sepsis, heart disease, and the like. The attending physician simultaneously monitors the patient's condition: control of the pulse and the rhythm of muscle contractions, measurement of pressure. Respiratory rate, blood oxygen saturation, regularity and nature of diuresis (urine volume) and so on are also monitored.

Signs of complications


  • fever;
  • heart failure;
  • temperature over 39 C;
  • infectious toxicosis;
  • arterial pressure(BP) often jumps up or down;
  • septic lesions of the mucous membranes, cartilage and thrombosis;
  • tachycardia;
  • murmurs are heard in the heart;
  • the patient complains of pain in his area, in the joints, chills, profuse sweating.



  • arrhythmia or tachycardia;
  • general weakness;
  • disturbed heart rate;
  • fever;
  • dyspnea;
  • dry cough;
  • pain in the region of the heart.

Heart failure:

  • the organ loses strength and its ability to contract decreases;
  • resulting in blood stasis.

Complaints partially include the above symptoms of myocarditis and pericarditis. The main features are fast fatiguability with absence physical activity, paroxysmal cough, shortness of breath.

Therapy is prescribed, often long-term. The patient is considered cured if during the year after the course of treatment there were no repeated or chronic relapses, indicators of analyzes corresponded to norms and other.

Prevention of heart complications

The main preventive measure is timely diagnosis followed by an immediate course of drug therapy. Cardiac surgeons, cardiologists, microbiologists, and other highly qualified specialists deal with complications of the cardiovascular system due to pneumonia.

The next step in prevention will be the restoration of the body by adjusting the life schedule (activity-rest), diet, giving up bad habits, etc. The final stage of protection is regular scheduled visits to the doctor for examination and consultations, because self-care is considered the key to health.


The disease is difficult to identify and treat. If a person ignores symptoms, self-medicates without an accurate diagnosis, or is irresponsible in following medical prescriptions, he automatically falls into the risk group. Mortality from complications of pneumonia occurs in 90% of cases due to negligence to one's own health or due to untimely or incomplete.

In many cases, pneumonia does not go away without a trace. The consequences of pneumonia in adults and children are due to the fact that the infection impairs the functioning of the respiratory organs, and this negatively affects the state of the body, in particular, the supply of oxygen to tissues. When the lungs are not able to get rid of bacteria and mucus on their own, quite serious complications arise.

Some people have back pain after pneumonia, others are worried about pain in chest. Sometimes it is found that a spot remains after pneumonia. Almost everyone has scars in the lungs after pneumonia. Sometimes they are quite small and will not affect the quality of life in any way, while in other cases they reach quite large sizes that affects work respiratory system. After curing pneumonia, you must be attentive to your health, discussing with your doctor all alarming manifestations.

Most often, the cause of the problem is that pneumonia is undertreated or transferred “on the legs”. Pain in the lungs can be manifested by slight tingling when inhaling or acute attacks. This sometimes causes palpitations and shortness of breath. expressiveness pain depends on how severe the disease was, as well as on the promptness and quality of treatment.

If a lung hurts after pneumonia, then most likely we are talking about adhesive process in the body. Spikes are called pathological fusion of organs. They form as a result of chronic infectious pathologies, mechanical injuries, internal bleeding.

As a result of pneumonia, adhesions between the pleura can occur. One of them lines the chest, the other - the lung. If the inflammation has flowed from the lung to the pleura, then due to the release of fibrin, the pleura sheets stick together with each other. A commissure is an area of ​​glued pleura sheets.

Adhesions on the lungs after pneumonia can be single or multiple. In a critical case, they envelop the pleura completely. At the same time, it shifts and deforms, breathing becomes difficult. Pathology can have an extremely severe course and be aggravated by acute respiratory failure.

Sometimes situations arise when all the symptoms of the disease regress, and shortness of breath does not stop. If it is difficult to breathe after pneumonia, it means that the inflammatory process has not resolved completely, that is, pathogens continue to have a destructive effect on the lung tissue.

Among the possible consequences are pleural empyema, adhesive pleurisy, lung abscess, sepsis, multiple organ failure. By the way, a fairly common question is whether tuberculosis can occur after pneumonia. There is no danger in this respect.

Pneumonia and tuberculosis are caused by different microorganisms. However, on x-rays these diseases are very similar. In practice, pneumonia is usually diagnosed first and treated appropriately. If there is no improvement after therapy, the patient is referred to a phthisiatrician. If tuberculosis is diagnosed after the examination, this does not mean that it has developed as a consequence of pneumonia. The person was simply sick from the very beginning with tuberculosis.

So, if it is difficult to breathe after pneumonia, you need to discuss with your doctor the methods of strengthening the lungs. good effect can give therapeutic exercises. In her arsenal, such tricks as deep breathing, diaphragmatic breathing, etc.

Sometimes after pneumonia, the temperature is 37 degrees. You should not be particularly worried - such a clinic is considered normal, but only if there are no infiltrative darkenings on the x-ray, and clinical analysis blood is normal. The main causes of temperature are:

  • incomplete elimination of foci of inflammation;
  • damage to organs by toxins;
  • accession of a new infection;
  • presence in the body pathogenic microorganisms, capable of actively multiplying during periods of weakened immunity and transforming into the L-form during periods of increased antibody production.

The consequences of pneumonia in children require special attention. For a child, the temperature tail is quite a rare event. It may indicate that the baby's immunity is weak or structural changes have occurred in the body from the respiratory system.

Bacteremia after pneumonia

This phenomenon is characterized by the fact that in the blood there is a huge number of pathogens. Bacteremia is one of the threatening consequences after pneumonia. It should be suspected with symptoms such as high fever, extreme weakness, cough with green, yellow sputum.

It is necessary to treat bacteremia as soon as possible, since the infection can spread throughout the body and affect the most important organs. Requires a course of potent antibiotics and hospitalization.

With such a serious illness as pneumonia, negative consequences for the body can be associated not only with the specifics of the disease, but also with the methods of treatment. Taking antibacterial drugs for pneumonia can later lead to intoxication.

It often happens that a doctor prescribes an effective antibiotic, but the patient's body simply does not accept it, for example, after the first dose, vomiting begins. Even if the patient responds well to the drug, antibiotics are applied serious harm intestinal microflora. To avoid this, the doctor prescribes a course of probiotics.

Of course, even if you have chest pain after pneumonia or the picture is not perfect, this does not necessarily indicate the presence of a threatening or irreversible process. You should not panic and look for answers in medical forums. It is much wiser to find a specialist whom you can really trust. He will appreciate how serious residual effects after pneumonia and tell you how to remove them.

Complications and other consequences of pneumonia in adults are not very common nowadays, but this is not a reason to take the disease lightly. Such a problem is a phenomenon, although quite rare, but so serious that it is necessary to accurately realize the significant danger of such a disease and strictly follow all the doctor's prescriptions. It is necessary to ensure that getting rid of the disease is final, to prevent “under-treatment”, since it is precisely this that can cause severe and dangerous consequences.

The very name "pneumonia" is the designation of a number of diseases accompanied by inflammatory processes in the lungs. That is, there are several various kinds of this disease, each of which is characterized by its own symptoms, features and variants of development. Causes these problems hit pathogenic microbes into the human body. And there are a great many such "enemies": pneumococci, staphylococci, streptococci, legionella, viruses. Most often, infection occurs through direct contact with the diseased ( airborne route infection), but a well-developed defense system of the body of healthy people is able to cope with the infection. If, however, a person falls ill, then at the beginning of the process, it is not the lungs themselves that are affected, but other parts of the respiratory system. Bronchitis or bronchiolitis may develop. If the disease is not stopped at this stage, then the infection penetrates deeper into the region of the lung tissue and causes the development of pneumonia.

adults, physically active people with a developed immune system, it is quite possible to resist the disease. But there are circumstances in which the body becomes much more vulnerable:

  1. The body is subjected to general hypothermia.
  2. The person suffers from chronic diseases.
  3. The state of immunodeficiency.
  4. The presence of heart failure, other cardiac problems.
  5. Diseases of the endocrine system.
  6. The state of the body after operations.
  7. Taking medications that have the ability to suppress the immune system.
  8. Bad habits.

The risk of developing the disease in children and the elderly is increased.

Whether the treatment will be successful, how quickly the recovery will come - it depends on many factors. This is the age of the sick person, and how timely he went to the doctor. Of course, an important circumstance is the general physical and even emotional condition organism, as well as available at that time accompanying illnesses. I must say that in most cases, with high-quality and timely treatment, doctors predict a favorable development of the situation. However, attention should be paid to the importance of the concepts of "quality" and "on time". Most of the complications and other problematic consequences of pneumonia are associated precisely with the fact that the patient turns to medical institution late, not following doctor's orders too carefully.

Causes of undesirable effects of pneumonia

The possibility of developing unwanted problems even in children depends on a number of factors that can be divided into subjective and objective.

The most common causes of complications are:

  1. Circumstances associated with the infection that caused the disease.
  2. Poor quality of treatment prescribed by the doctor.
  3. The general condition of the body of a sick person.

The type of microbes infecting the body often affects the accuracy of diagnosis and the quality of further treatment. Bacterioscopy or bacteriological method allows the doctor to determine which type of pathogens will have to fight. If this is established accurately, then it becomes possible to prescribe the appropriate drugs. But if the causative agent of the disease is unknown or there are several of them, it is not easy to choose a remedy.

Bacteria are the reason that the disease takes a form that is difficult to tolerate by patients. The patient's condition is very difficult. But it is this type of infection that is quite easy to identify, which means that you can pick it up proper treatment will be easy: it includes primarily antibiotics.

Viruses or fungal microorganisms are diagnosed with a greater degree of difficulty.

The symptoms of pneumonia are often vague, clinical picture smeared. And the disease is treated either incorrectly or rather late. Often this course of the disease has a protracted and undulating character. And this does not make it clear: the patient is still unwell or is already recovering.

If a medications are selected incorrectly, then complications of the disease are more than possible. But problems sometimes arise in the case of properly conducted therapy. The reason for this may be the state of the patient's body at the time of the onset of the disease, or careless adherence to the recommendations of physicians.

Correct diagnosis

In order to prevent the occurrence of undesirable conditions caused by complications of inflammatory processes in the lung tissue, it is important to contact a medical institution in a timely manner and identify the disease at an early stage.

Quite often, the doctor can determine the nature of the disease by listening with a phonendoscope: breathing patterns, the presence of characteristic "wheezing" make it possible to make a preliminary diagnosis. If there is a suspicion that the patient has pneumonia, after the examination and anamnesis, examinations will be prescribed, which include the following: complete blood count, blood biochemistry, chest x-rays. The analyzes make it possible to assess general state person, to confirm the development of the inflammatory process in the body. A spot, that is, the presence of darkening of the lung tissue, shown on an x-ray, is evidence of pathological processes, which confirms the doctor's conclusion.

Various consequences of pneumonia

Several types of severe or pathological conditions that act as complications after pneumonia. All of them can be divided into two large groups:

  1. Painful conditions that develop in the system of the bronchi and lungs.
  2. Conditions not associated with diseases of the respiratory system.

In the first case, one can expect the development of chronic bronchitis, respiratory failure, fibrosis or lung abscess, pulmonary edema.

Problems not associated with diseased organs are: a manifestation of general weakness, fatigue a person, frequent dizziness, the development of anemia, endocarditis, meningitis can also be detected, an infectious-toxic shock occurs.

Possibilities to eliminate complications

In the case when, due to improper treatment or a decrease in the body's resistance, the disease takes chronic form, an abscess or other severe pulmonary pathology develops, there is an urgent need for a thorough and comprehensive examination, as well as correction of treatment. Sometimes it may be necessary surgical intervention in order to remove sclerosed tissues or pus.

If the penetration of the infection into other body systems is determined, then in a hospital (intensive care unit), the patient should be detoxified and antibiotic therapy.

Conditions associated with manifestations of fatigue, weakness, anemia are removed by careful observance of the regimen prescribed by the doctor, proper nutrition, and physical activity corresponding to the patient's capabilities.

It is possible to prevent or minimize the consequences of the disease only if one realizes that pneumonia is a disease that requires timely detection and effective treatment strictly under medical supervision. Otherwise, even an adult risks his health, and sometimes his life.

Complications after pneumonia and their consequences

Pneumonia refers to an infectious disease of the lungs. The causative agents of the disease are most often staphylococci, pneumococci, streptococci and various viruses. The result of pneumonia after an illness is often all sorts of complications after pneumonia, which can even threaten with death. How to identify and how to prevent them, read further in the article.

Possible complications after pneumonia and their consequences

Inflammation of the lungs in adults, most often, responds well to treatment. However, in order for the therapy to produce positive effect, it is necessary to strictly follow the recommendations of the doctor.

A common mistake patients make is to refuse to take medical preparations, at the onset of the first improvements in well-being. The disease, the treatment of which is not completed, almost always returns in a much more severe form and causes such complications of the disease as:

1. Chronic bronchitis. This disease is the most common complication of the disease. It is accompanied by constant irritation of the bronchi, dry, traumatic cough. Chronic bronchitis requires continuous antibiotics and emollients.

2. Bronchial asthma as a consequence of pneumonia. Over time Chronical bronchitis can flow into bronchial asthma. This is a more serious disease, characterized by attacks of suffocation. People suffering from this disease cannot do without inhalers.

3. Fibrosis of the lung. In severe forms of pneumonia, damage to the lung tissue, lung infarcts can occur, which, after scarring, form fibrosis. Fibrosis is an overgrowth connective tissue, which is much denser than the lung and cannot perform the functions of the latter. As a result, the patient constantly feels discomfort in this part of the lung and lack of oxygen.

4. At first glance, complications that are atypical for a disease such as pneumonia are a violation of the secretory functions of the liver and pancreas and dysbacteriosis. The cause of these diseases is the increased use of antibiotics, which, together with the infection, kill beneficial microflora in the intestine. For the treatment of dysbacteriosis, special preparations are prescribed that are able to restore the population of microflora in the intestine and recommend lactic acid products for consumption.

5. Weakened immunity as a complication after pneumonia. Often, having suffered pneumonia, people become more vulnerable and prone to various infections, more often than others get sick with acute respiratory infections. In order to restore the body's defenses, it is necessary to harden, observe the daily routine and adhere to a balanced diet.

6. Inflammation of the lungs can cause an abscess (abscess pneumonia). This is the formation of an accumulation of pus in the lung tissues. The causative agent is various microorganisms, often Staphylococcus aureus. When vomit enters the lungs, foreign bodies mucus is significantly reduced protective functions organism. lung abscess is a complication of the collapse of a cancerous tumor in the lung or lung infarction. Mostly the disease affects older men who consume large quantities of alcoholic beverages.

Today, about 20% of the elderly and children under one year die from the consequences of the disease. Complications are different in severity of development and severity.

Possible consequences of pulmonary inflammation in children

What are the consequences of pneumonia in newborns? Severe and difficult to correct consequences gives acute pneumonia. Toxicosis after pneumonia is treated only in a hospital. For the treatment of toxicosis, the following measures are used:

  • localization of centralization of blood circulation;
  • decrease in activity of the parts of the brain that are involved in pathological process- these measures are included for the normalization of circulatory disorders and blockade.

For detoxification therapy, it is necessary to carry out:

1. correction of water-electrolyte metabolism and acid-base balance;

2. collection and removal of toxins from the body;

3. improvement rheological properties blood;

4. Ensuring an energetic cellular regimen.

The consequences of inflammation in children can also include pneumonia with delayed diuresis. Urinary retention is often observed in children, and diuresis can be controlled with diuretics (Furosemide, Lasix). Forced diuresis is used, which has three options - this is the normalization of water salt metabolism, elimination of dehydration and elimination of causes high content fluid in the body.

Seizures are also among the consequences of pneumonia in children. For cupping convulsive syndrome use medical methods. The main remedies are aimed at eliminating the causes of seizures: cerebral edema, very low oxygen content in the blood. For cupping, the following drugs are prescribed: Phenobarbital, Seduxen, Magnesium sulfate, g-hydroxybutyric acid. It is possible to enhance the anticonvulsant effect with the simultaneous use of Droperidol. Only in case lung collapse prescribe surgery.

How to prevent the development of complications after pneumonia?

A common mistake of those with pneumonia is that many of them, not wanting to miss work and go on sick leave, try to "pass" the disease on their feet, drowning out its manifestations by taking symptomatic drugs. Naturally, they do not receive proper treatment and fall into the hands of specialists in an extremely serious condition. In many, fluid forms in the lungs, bleeding opens, and breathing stops. It is extremely difficult to help a sick person in this situation.

Symptoms of pneumonia in adults may not appear immediately, if you find signs of pneumonia, but do not observe the main symptoms, then be sure to see a doctor to determine the cause of the disease. Pneumonia is characterized by its rapid development, and you should not waste time while the doctor makes a diagnosis, you should take preventive measures.

Inflammation of the lungs is quite difficult, both in adults and children. The disease is very dangerous for people aged who have lowered immunity. At risk are people who have congenital defects of the respiratory organs, who have chronic diseases or ENT infections, and who work in hazardous industries. People who take immunosuppressants and lead a sedentary lifestyle can get pneumonia.

Inflammation of the lungs requires treatment with drugs prescribed by a doctor. The doctor prescribes antibiotics, but it is worth noting that with viral pneumonia antibiotics are ineffective and in such cases usually rely on the immunity of the patient. In addition to antibiotics, bronchodilators are used. When the acute symptoms of the disease are eliminated, physiotherapy is prescribed.

Prevention of complications after pulmonary inflammation of the lungs

In order to prevent the occurrence of complications after pneumonia, you must carefully monitor your well-being, eat rationally, avoid hypothermia, and maintain immunity.

When treating a disease important role plays a correct and timely diagnosis. To prevent complications and consequences of the disease, it is recommended:

1. eat vitamin food,

2. give up bad habits (smoking, drugs, alcohol),

3. exercise (running, brisk walking),

4. do breathing exercises,

5. avoid polluted air,

6. avoid stressful situations and just enjoy life.

Causes of complications of pneumonia of the lungs and their consequences

Any microorganism can be the cause for the development of a disease such as pneumonia. It depends on a number of factors: first of all, on the age of the patient, where the disease appeared - at home or in the hospital. Also, in most cases, the symptoms of the disease depend on the immunity of the patient.

The disease is almost never primary, but is mainly a complication of other diseases. These diseases, which are complications of other diseases, are divided into two groups: acute viral infections and others. Their symptoms are:

1. cough;

2. shortness of breath at a low temperature;

3. pain with deep inspiration;

4. with fever, cough, runny nose, pallor of the skin appears;

5. colds lasts more than 7 days;

6. impossible to bring down elevated temperature over a long period.

Inflammation of the lungs is characterized by infection of the lung tissue, which mainly affects the alveoli and lung tissue. Patients often mistake the symptoms of the disease for colds, and incorrect treatment can only worsen the patient's condition. In patients, the pulse quickens, blood pressure drops, wheezing and pain appear with a deep breath, shortness of breath.

Inflammation of the lungs: symptoms in children, causes, treatment, consequences

Inflammation of the lungs in medicine is called pneumonia. It is an infection of one or both lungs at the same time, which is mainly caused by bacteria, viruses or fungi.

In our time, pneumonia is still a dangerous and serious disease. According to statistics, 5% of patients do not tolerate this disease. In Russia, pneumonia is in 6th place in the ranking fatal diseases. Babies are especially at risk for pneumonia. Symptoms in children appear much more inconspicuously than in adults, so the disease is always started to be eliminated later than necessary, and this complicates the treatment. This suggests that the treatment of this disease should be taken seriously, starting from the first stage.

The occurrence of the disease

There are cases when pneumonia is transmitted by viral droplets. This happens when the patient sneezes. Its secretions contain microorganisms and bacteria that contribute to the occurrence of an inflammatory process in the body of an absolutely healthy person. In other cases, pneumonia occurs due to increased activity bacteria that are constantly present in the throat and nose of a person. If the body decreases immune defense, he is not able to resist these viruses, so they begin to multiply at a high speed and, getting into the lungs, cause inflammation.

Signs of illness

The symptoms of pneumonia very often resemble those of the flu or a cold. If the pneumonia is bacterial, the symptoms may come on gradually or acutely. These include: fever heavy sweating, chest pain, trembling, coughing up phlegm, cyanosis (discoloration of the skin) of the nails and lips, rapid breathing, rapid pulse.

If pneumonia is viral, symptoms such as dry cough, fever, weakness, muscle pain, headache, severe shortness of breath and overwork.

If pneumonia is caused by mycoplasmas, the symptoms are much milder, but very similar to those of a viral and bacterial pneumonia. One of the main symptoms is chest pain, which appears when the patient tries to take a deep breath. Basically, such pain occurs at the location of the main focus of inflammation. Such a sign should definitely arouse suspicion of pneumonia. Symptoms in children are slightly different and do not manifest themselves.

Cough is not important symptom since the infection may be located far from the respiratory tract.

AT recent times Asymptomatic pneumonia is becoming more common. In this case, the person does not have a fever, there is no cough, and, therefore, sputum does not go away. This type of pneumonia is dangerous with great complications, since its treatment begins with a significant delay, since a person does not immediately notice pneumonia in himself. Symptoms in children are mostly practically not observed.

Symptoms in children

Often not observed in young patients characteristic symptoms pneumonia. The most noticeable signs are lethargy, fever, and loss of appetite. But attentive parents may suspect pneumonia in their child, noticing some changes.


There are few signs of pneumonia in children. But if the child has a body temperature of 37.5 to 38 degrees, does not go astray with any antipyretics, and at the same time there is sweating, weakness and no appetite, this may be the first reason to suspect pneumonia in the baby.


The baby's breathing is greatly accelerated. A baby up to 2 months takes 60 breaths per minute, up to 1 year - 50 breaths, after 1 year - 40 breaths. Very often, the child tries to lie on one side on his own. According to statistics, most often there is right-sided pneumonia in a child. In this case, the baby is increasingly trying to lie on the left, less painful side.

The rhythm of breathing may also be disturbed, a change in the frequency and depth of breathing is observed. In infants, shortness of breath is manifested by nodding the head to the beat of breathing, and the child sometimes stretches his lips or puffs out his cheeks.


In this case, the signs of pneumonia in children appear a little differently. If pneumonia is caused by chlamydia or mycoplasma, the disease initially resembles a cold. There is a runny nose, sore throat and dry cough. But there is shortness of breath and a consistently high temperature, which should alert parents.

The nature of the cough

A scratchy throat at first causes a slight cough, but over time, a dry cough becomes excruciating. You can also notice an increase in coughing while the baby is feeding or when he cries. Then the cough becomes wet.

Baby behavior

By the behavior of the child, pneumonia can also be suspected. The symptoms in children are basically the same. The kid becomes lethargic, whiny, capricious. He sleeps poorly and refuses to eat. In some cases, pneumonia can cause a child to vomit or have diarrhea. In infants, this is manifested by refusal of the breast and regurgitation of food.

Inflammation of the lungs without fever

With this type of pneumonia, the same symptoms are observed as in the normal course of the disease. Weakness and shortness of breath appear, sweating increases, a cough occurs, but there is no temperature reaction. Under what circumstances does this inflammation of the lungs occur? Symptoms without fever are usually observed if the activity of the immune system is reduced. This situation is also terrible in that the severity of the patient's condition can only be determined with additional diagnostics.

Pneumonia without fever most often occurs due to undercooked bronchitis, which then smoothly flows into pneumonia. This is due to the fact that the body is already saturated with a number of anti-inflammatory drugs, and it cannot adequately respond to a newly flared infection.

Causes of pneumonia

In children, this disease most often develops as a result of a viral infection, for example, respiratory or adenovirus. Also, pneumonia can provoke a banal flu.

In addition, pneumonia is caused by a bacterium. The main causative agents of pneumonia in a child are streptococcus pneumoniae, Haemophilus influenzae, and staphylococci.

You can infect the lungs by inhaling bacteria and viruses that are constantly present in the throat or nose of a child. These viruses and bacteria can also be spread by airborne droplets, for example, when sneezing or coughing.

Risk factors

Four main factors can contribute to the occurrence of pneumonia:

1. Weakened immune system of the baby, which is observed due to improper or insufficient nutrition. Very often this applies to infants who do not receive mother's milk as the main type of feeding. In this case, imperceptible inflammation of the lungs can develop. Symptoms without fever often appear precisely because of this factor.

2. Previous diseases. They can be otitis, bronchitis, as well as frequent SARS.

3. Ecological environment. Such risk factors can be:

Polluted indoor air;

Overcrowded dwellings;

Smoky indoor air, etc.

4. Freezing. Very often, pneumonia in children occurs due to hypothermia. Most of all it concerns freezing of feet.

Bilateral pneumonia

Bilateral pneumonia is most common in children, the elderly, or in patients whose health has been weakened. chronic ailments. The disease develops most often during staphylococcal pneumonia, but also bilateral inflammation may occur due to the patient being in a state of immobility. Begins bilateral pneumonia usually in people who have had a viral infection. Symptoms this disease high body temperature and shortness of breath, wet cough, headache and confusion.


It should be remembered that pneumonia is a disease that cannot be treated on its own under any circumstances! To eliminate pneumonia, you will need the professionalism of a doctor, his experience, as well as the ability to competently apply modern antibacterial agents. Many patients who do not know how to treat pneumonia often rely on advertising media. It is absolutely impossible to do so! It must be remembered that such drugs do not affect the outcome of the disease, but only alleviate the symptoms.

It is very rare for pneumonia to go away on its own without treatment. But in most cases, pneumonia leads to such phenomena that can not only disrupt the patient's ability to work, but also put his life at risk. It should also be taken into account that in our time there are modern efficient and maximum safe antibiotics. This allows the doctor to prescribe to the patient successful treatment at home, but on the condition that the patient will be provided with appropriate care. But if it is pneumonia in children, treatment is carried out only in a hospital under constant supervision. an experienced specialist until full recovery. This is due to the fact that childhood pneumonia is more difficult to treat, and it is also not easy to calculate the symptoms of the disease.

What to be treated?

If pneumonia is mild, it is quite acceptable ambulatory treatment(at home). But at the same time, the patient must unquestioningly follow the doctor's instructions in order to avoid complications, since acute form diseases at improper treatment very quickly can develop into a chronic.

First of all, bed rest should be observed throughout the entire period of intoxication and fever. Concerning medications, the main role is assigned to antibacterial drugs. The important point is that, considering individual characteristics patient, the doctor prescribes exactly the antibiotic that is of low toxicity and the most active. The method and dose of drug administration into the body is also determined by the doctor, since he knows better how to treat pneumonia in a particular patient. For example, if pneumonia occurs in a mild form, the patient is prescribed a drug to oral administration. In the event that the form of the disease is severe, the drug is administered intravenously or intramuscularly.

In addition to drugs

In combination with drugs, other means can also be used, for example, mustard wraps, electrophoresis, ultraviolet irradiation, breathing exercises, etc. In addition, medical practice allows the use of phytotherapeutic agents. For example, an infusion of marshmallow root helps with a strong cough.

Diet plays an important role. The menu must contain fats, proteins and carbohydrates in sufficient volume. The patient should also drink plenty of fluids - up to 3 liters per day. Most useful are vegetable, fruit and berry juices, as well as vitamin teas and cranberry juice.

It should be borne in mind that when taking antibiotics, intestinal function is disrupted, so the patient should eat foods such as prunes, kefir, boiled beets, rhubarb compote.

Consequences of pneumonia in children

It can be said that timely treatment pneumonia in children does not leave any consequences. But there are situations when the disease begins to be treated when it is already progressing. Under such circumstances, stopping the process is much more difficult, so various kinds complications. For example, pleurisy, pulmonary edema, or lung tissue abscess.

Also, the inflammatory process in the lungs can affect neighboring organs. This threatens with the appearance of myocarditis (inflammation of the heart), and in the most severe cases can lead to meningitis.

It should be remembered that timely appeal to the doctor provides the patient with adequate therapy. If a child or adult is properly cared for, pneumonia will not lead to serious complications. This suggests that if there is even the slightest suspicion of this ailment, you should not delay going to the doctor. This will help not only cure the patient faster and more painlessly, but also save his life.

Bilateral pneumonia: symptoms, causes, treatment. Bilateral pneumonia in children

Bilateral pneumonia is an acute inflammatory process that takes place in the lungs of a person, and its cause is pathogenic microflora. It is she who breaks through the immune mechanisms of the body's defense and is accompanied by damage to the respiratory organs. Today we will find out what are the causes and consequences of this disease, and also find out how you can overcome this disease so that there are no complications.

Bilateral pneumonia: case history and dangers

The greatest threat is that the lungs, with improper treatment, are not able to cope with their main function - gas exchange, as a result of which oxygen starvation. And this, in turn, greatly increases the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases.

When a person is allegedly being treated for a cold, and expectorant and antipyretic drugs do not help him, but he does not go to the doctor for certain reasons, sometimes it is tempting to buy antibiotics on his own on the advice of pharmacists. However, such self-medication can lead to intestinal dysbacteriosis, since such strong drugs kill not only pathogens, but also beneficial microorganisms. And uncontrolled intake of antibiotics can dramatically reduce the protective functions of the body and lead to a chronic course of the disease.

Reasons for the appearance

Bilateral pneumonia often occurs in children under 15 years of age. In adults, this disease is diagnosed extremely rarely. Many factors lead to the appearance of this disease, such as:

bacterial infections;

Weakened protective functions against the background of viruses;

Complications after past illnesses;

Heart failure;

Persistent diseases of the respiratory system (sinusitis, bronchitis, asthma);

Bad ecology;

Hypothermia or, conversely, overheating.


Bilateral pneumonia has such characteristics, how:

An increase in body temperature above 38 degrees;

Dry cough or with phlegm;

The appearance of blue around the lips, on the fingertips;

Harsh heavy breathing;

Weakness, lack of appetite.

The first symptom - an increase in temperature - would seem to be suitable for a common viral infection. However, in order to recognize bilateral pneumonia, it is necessary to monitor not the thermometer reading, but the duration of the fever. Microbial inflammation of the lungs is characterized by a long stay of body temperature within 39 degrees.

The main sign to look out for is the presence of shortness of breath.

Cough in the first days of the disease may be dry, and as it resolves acute inflammation it will get wet.

Bilateral pneumonia, the symptoms of which are outlined above, is a dangerous disease. Therefore, if a child has such signs, it is urgent to call a doctor, and not self-medicate.


Bilateral pneumonia is characterized by certain symptoms that are already familiar to you. However, for setting correct diagnosis and the appointment of treatment the doctor will require to pass additional methods surveys and these are:

X-ray of the lungs - it is the basis of diagnosis.

Sputum analysis, which is collected when coughing. This study allows you to establish the causative agent of this disease.

General blood analysis.


As mentioned above, bilateral pneumonia can have the most sad consequences. Complications of this disease are as follows:

Inflammation of the membrane covering the organs in the chest (pleura).

Pulmonary edema.

Respiratory failure.

The appearance of an abscess in the lungs.

Adult Treatment

Sometimes it is necessary to place a sick person in a hospital. The basis of treatment is antibacterial drugs, which are selected by the doctor. In addition, the doctor prescribes expectorants, antipyretics, antihistamines.

Treatment features:

1. Strict compliance bed rest patients.

2. Human nutrition should be high in calories.

3. Plentiful drink necessarily.

4. To strengthen the immune system, vitamin therapy is carried out.

5. At the discretion of the doctor, oxygen inhalations may be prescribed to the patient.

6. When an adult is on the mend, he is credited with conducting a special breathing exercises and physiotherapy procedures.

7. After a complete recovery, the patient is registered at the polyclinic at the place of residence for a year, he takes blood and sputum tests from time to time, undergoes a fluorographic examination on time.

How to treat bilateral pneumonia in children?

Depending on the severity of the course of the disease, children can be treated both in the hospital and at home. However, the following categories of children need mandatory hospitalization:


Weakened kids who have chronic diseases;

Boys and girls with severe and complicated course of the disease;

Children who were prescribed treatment by a local doctor, but it did not bring any results;

Sick babies who cannot be adequately cared for at home.

If the doctor allows the child to be treated at home, then the parents must strictly follow the following rules:

1. Provide bed rest and care for the sick toddler. The baby should lie on the bed with his head raised, half-sitting so that he does not have congestion in his lungs.

2. The room in which the child is located should be ventilated 3-4 times a day, and if the weather allows, you can keep the window open. Also, do not forget about the daily wet cleaning of the apartment.

3. When the baby's temperature returns to normal, he will need to go out into the fresh air. If it is a cold time of the year, then you can organize walks in the room, that is, warmly dress the child and open the windows wide, just so that there is no draft.

4. It is necessary to organize an increased drinking regime for the crumbs. Mineral water, weak tea with lemon, fruit drinks, compotes are perfect for this.

5. From medicines it will be mandatory to prescribe antibiotics, the course of therapy should be at least 10 days.

6. Along with injections or tablets, it is necessary to give the crumbs drugs that can restore intestinal microflora, and these may be the means of "Linex", "Bififormula", "Hilak-forte" and others.

7. Vitamins, expectorants are prescribed, for example Bronchipret, Ascoril syrup.

8. An important method of therapy is inhalation.

9. When bilateral pneumonia in a child is practically cured, a specialist during the recovery period can prescribe physiotherapy, as well as drugs to increase immunity, such as Sodium Nucleinate capsules, Pentoxyl powder, vitamins A, B and others.

10. Massage is a must in the treatment of pneumonia. Movements contribute to the expansion of the lungs, the discharge of sputum. You need to turn the child over, make him cough, inflate balloons, blow air from a straw into water, blow soap bubbles.

Bilateral pneumonia, the treatment of which is carried out only in a complex manner, will pass without complications if the parents turn to the doctor in time and follow absolutely all of his prescriptions.

Folk ways

At the same time with drug therapy You can use home methods, which will be discussed below.

1. You need to take mustard, which should be applied on the back with a thin layer, then cover with a cloth for 1 minute, wipe it off, and then put on a warm sweater, drink a lime decoction and lie under the covers.

2. Honey cakes. It is necessary to take 1 tablespoon of sweet amber, the same amount of mustard and alcohol. Then add flour in such quantity that the mixture thickens a little. The prepared compress is placed on the back for several hours.

Both of these methods are applicable only in relation to adults. Bilateral pneumonia in a child can also be treated with home methods, and in this case, a decoction of birch buds and honey will be a good remedy, which is done as follows:

Sweet amber in the amount of 70–80 grams is determined in a small saucepan. Birch buds (100 grams), bought at the pharmacy, also throw in a bowl of honey and determine the saucepan for gas. Boil the mixture for 7 minutes, stirring constantly so that the contents do not burn, and then transfer everything to a sieve. Give the resulting decoction to the child once a day at bedtime, while the baby should drink this homemade medicine with plenty of water.


To ensure that bilateral pneumonia does not affect either the child or the parents, it is necessary to adhere to the following rules:

1. Vaccination. Since pneumonia often occurs after influenza, immunization against this disease is great way prevention.

2. Hand washing. This infection can also get through dirty fingers, so you need to wash them often with soap and water for 30 seconds to remove. harmful microorganisms that can cause pneumonia.

3. Maintain resistance child's body. This is achieved through healthy nutrition, rest, and regular exercise.

4. For children who are at risk (and these are, in particular, asthmatic patients), a special vaccine has been developed.

5. Immunization of the elderly. For pensioners, who, by the way, can also catch this disease (and who endure it quite hard), it is recommended to vaccinate against the main causative agent of the disease - pneumococcus.

6. Smoking - no. Tobacco smoke, entering the human body, reduces the natural resistance of the bronchi and lungs to respiratory infections. Therefore, quitting smoking will be a good prevention of the occurrence of this dangerous disease.

Now you know that bilateral pneumonia is a very serious disease that cannot be treated on its own, especially when it comes to children. After all, illiterate therapy can even lead to death. Therefore, the most important thing that parents should understand is that at the first signs of the disease, it is necessary to urgently call a doctor who can listen to the child, prescribe additional studies for an accurate diagnosis, and then prescribe the necessary drugs that can effectively deal with this disease.

Pneumonia is an acute infectious disease characterized by damage to the lung parenchyma. Complications after pneumonia in adults occur in case of untimely started bacterial therapy, heavy clinical course and a high degree of pathogenicity of the microbial agent. For their diagnosis in the Yusupov hospital they use modern devices leading European, American and Japanese manufacturers, innovative methods of laboratory diagnostics and evaluation functional state respiratory and cardiovascular systems.

Complications from pneumonia in adults can be prevented. Pulmonologists of the therapy clinic apply European standards treatment of pneumonia, use drugs registered in the Russian Federation, which have high efficiency and a minimum spectrum side effects. Physiotherapy, massage and physiotherapy improve the drainage function of the bronchi, thin the sputum, increase the general and local resistance.

Complications of pneumonia in adults

Most often, pneumonia develops intrapulmonary destructive processes and pleural complications. Purulent complications pneumonia in adults occurs if pneumonia is caused by staphylococci, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, certain types streptococci, Haemophilus influenzae, Klebsiella. In place of cellular infiltrates, bullae (formations in the form of air bubbles) and abscesses can form. Suppuration of the lung tissue is accompanied by high fever, signs of intoxication, neutrophilic leukocytosis. Emptying of the abscess occurs or in the bronchus, causing coughing with discharge purulent sputum or into the pleural cavity.

Quite often, the following pleural complications develop after pneumonia:

  • synpneumonic pleurisy;
  • metapneumonic pleurisy;
  • pyopneumothorax.

Synpneumonic pleurisy occurs with pneumonia caused by pneumococcus, Haemophilus influenzae type β, staphylococcus, Pseudomonas. In most cases, the effusion is determined only in the oblique diaphragmatic sinus, but sometimes it occupies the entire pleural cavity. With pneumococcal pleurisy, the exudate is liquid, with fibrin flakes. If inflammation of the pleura causes Haemophilus influenzae, a hemorrhagic effusion is formed. With staphylococcal pleurisy, creamy pus.

Metapneumonic pleurisy develops with pneumococcal infection. Pleural effusion appears after 1-2 days normal temperature. Patients complain of general weakness, lack of appetite, their body temperature rises to 40-41 ° C.

Pyopneumothorax develops when an abscess or bulla ruptures into the pleural cavity. Patients appear sharp pain in the chest, breathing is disturbed, respiratory failure develops. With the accumulation of air in the pleural cavity, the mediastinum shifts to the healthy side.

Respiratory failure is a formidable complication of pneumonia. There are the following classic signs of respiratory failure:

  • manifestations of hypoxemia (insufficient oxygen content in the blood);
  • symptoms of hypercapnia low content carbon dioxide in arterial blood);
  • dyspnea;
  • syndrome of weakness and fatigue of the respiratory muscles.

Complications after pneumonia

The most common complication of pneumonia is chronic bronchitis. It is accompanied by constant irritation of the bronchi, dry, traumatic cough. Over time, chronic bronchitis can develop into bronchial asthma. This is a disease characterized by attacks of suffocation. At severe forms pneumonia can lead to pulmonary infarction. After its resolution, fibrosis of the lung tissue is formed. It is an overgrown connective tissue. It is much denser than the parenchyma of the lung and cannot perform a respiratory function.

Dysbacteriosis develops as a result of antibiotic suppression normal microflora intestines and increased growth of pathogenic microorganisms. When taking large doses of antibacterial drugs, a violation may develop secretory function liver and pancreas. When prescribing antibiotics, doctors at the Yusupov Hospital do not exceed the permissible doses and recommended periods of treatment; they prescribe non-toxic antibiotics to patients with pneumonia.

After inflammation of the lungs, a weakening of the immune system is always noted. Recovery defensive forces organism, doctors prescribe immunomodulatory drugs, vitamins, microelements. After full recovery, patients are advised to spend more time on fresh air, avoid contact with patients with influenza and acute respiratory viral diseases, do not overcool.

Treatment of complications of pneumonia

Patients with complications of pneumonia are hospitalized in the therapy clinic or intensive care unit and intensive care. If necessary surgical treatment they are transferred to the departments of thoracic surgery of partner clinics. Conservative therapy for a lung abscess includes bed rest, giving the patient a draining position several times a day for 10-30 minutes to improve sputum outflow.

Immediately after the diagnosis is established, the patient is prescribed antibacterial and immunomodulatory drugs, and detoxification therapy is carried out. For detoxification in the Yusupov hospital, plasmapheresis is used. If natural drainage is not enough, bronchoscopy is performed with active aspiration of the cavities and washing them with antiseptic solutions. Antibiotics are injected into the abscess cavity. If the purulent cavity is located on the periphery of the lung, they resort to transthoracic puncture. With a low efficiency of conservative therapy, a lung resection is performed (part of it is removed).

Treatment of pyopneumothorax is carried out in the conditions of thoracic surgery departments of partner clinics. Patients with an acute and complicated form of the disease urgently undergo a pleural puncture to evacuate air and relieve tension pneumothorax, after which the pleural cavity is drained and pus is actively aspirated. With small closed purulent cavities, repeated washings of the pleural cavity with solutions of antibacterial drugs are combined with active aspiration drainage.

Patients are prescribed infusion therapy, extracorporeal detoxification (plasmapheresis), oxygen therapy, cardiac glycosides and corticosteroids are administered. At the same time, passive and active immunization is used, immunocorrection is carried out. In the presence of an open bronchopleural communication, iodolipol and iodinol are administered intrapleurally, and the bronchus is temporarily closed with a foam rubber sponge during bronchoscopy. In case of ineffective drainage within a few days, they resort to surgical intervention.

To treat respiratory failure in pneumonia, doctors at the Yusupov Hospital prescribe complex therapy aimed at restoring bronchial patency. Patients are prescribed bronchodilators, mucolytics and expectorants, oxygen therapy is carried out. If there are indications in the intensive care unit and intensive care, artificial ventilation lungs with the help of stationary and portable expert-class ventilators.

Important components complex therapy dysbacteriosis after pneumonia are:

  • adherence to a diet (the diet includes fermented milk products enriched with live bifidobacteria);
  • suppression of pathogenic microflora with antibiotics or bacteriophages;
  • the use of drugs that normalize the composition of the intestinal microflora (bifiform, bifidumbacterin, bifikol, hilak, linex).

You can make an appointment with a pulmonologist by phone. Doctors of the Yusupov hospital apply individual schemes for the treatment of pneumonia, differentiated approach to the tactics of managing patients with complications of pneumonia. All complex cases are discussed at a meeting of the Expert Council with the participation of professors and doctors the highest category.


  • ICD-10 ( International classification diseases)
  • Yusupov hospital
  • "Diseases of the Respiratory Organs". Guide ed. acad. RAMN, prof. N.R. Paleeva. M., Medicine, 2000
  • Respiratory failure and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Ed. V.A. Ignatieva and A.N. Kokosova, 2006, 248s.
  • Ilkovich M.M. etc. Diagnosis of diseases and conditions complicated by the development of spontaneous pneumothorax, 2004.

Prices for the treatment of complications after pneumonia in adults

*The information on the site is for informational purposes only. All materials and prices posted on the site are not public offer determined by the provisions of Art. 437 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. For exact information, please contact the clinic staff or visit our clinic. List of rendered paid services listed in the price list of the Yusupov hospital.

*The information on the site is for informational purposes only. All materials and prices posted on the site are not a public offer, determined by the provisions of Art. 437 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. For exact information, please contact the clinic staff or visit our clinic.

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