The human pain threshold. Who has the lowest pain threshold? III. "Sleeping Beauty"

pain threshold- this is the magnitude of the impact on the sense organ, at which pain occurs. According to another definition, this concept refers to the level of irritation caused to the nervous system, at which pain is felt. The pain threshold is individual for each person, because. Sensitivity to pain varies from person to person.

There is also such a thing as the level of pain tolerance, defined as the maximum amount of pain that a certain person is ready to endure in specific conditions. At the same time, neither the pain threshold nor the level of pain tolerance are determined by any parameters of the effects that cause pain.

High and low pain threshold

As already mentioned, everyone has their own pain threshold, i.e. People react differently to the same stimulus. For one person, the impact of a certain force can cause severe pain, and for someone - quite tolerable sensations. It is believed that the pain threshold of a person is laid down in the genes.

A low pain threshold is when, with minimal exposure, a person begins to experience pain, i.e. These people have a heightened perception of pain. And vice versa, if a person has a high threshold of pain sensitivity, then he experiences pain with a sufficiently strong impact.

Studies have shown that women have a higher pain threshold than men. The maximum pain threshold is reached during. This fact is explained by the fact that the pain threshold is associated not only with the nervous system, but also with the hormonal background. It is regulated by the endocrine system, due to the production of estrogen hormones. But at the same time, women have increased psychological sensitivity, which leads to the fact that even minimal pain can cause fear and tears.

How to find out and determine your pain threshold?

People who are attentive to their health will not hurt to have information about their personal pain threshold. Such information can be useful when a person needs to undergo a medical intervention that is accompanied by pain. Knowing how much pain the patient can endure, the doctor will be able to choose the right method of anesthesia.

You can determine your pain threshold using a special device - an algesimeter. The essence of his work is that a delicate area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin (usually between the fingers or toes) is exposed to electric current, pressure or high temperature. With a gradual increase in the intensity of exposure, minimum and maximum sensitivity indicators are set, which will be the pain tolerance interval. As a result, it is possible to establish what degree of pain sensitivity threshold a person has - very low, low, medium or high.

How to raise the pain threshold?

It is proved that at different times of the day, under the influence of different emotions and depending on the general physical condition of the body, the pain threshold of the same person can have different values. Therefore, the level of the pain threshold can be "managed" to a certain extent.

There are several ways to temporarily increase the pain threshold:

  1. "Distraction" therapy- inhibition of the work of pain receptors due to the use of "burning" foods - red pepper, horseradish, mustard, ginger, etc.
  2. Hormonal changes by following a diet with an abundance of foods such as eggs, milk, turkey, hazelnuts, bananas, etc., which increase the level (hormone of happiness) in the body.
  3. Methods of auto-training to mobilize the forces of the body- such a strong psycho-emotional excited state as anger helps to increase the pain threshold.
  4. Sex- during lovemaking, a large amount of endorphin hormones are released, which are also capable of muffling pain.
This visit to the dentist was very costly for me and my baby. Once in the dentist's chair, he suddenly tensed up, feeling a sudden pain. I asked to stop the session, but it was too late - the boy was in a state of pain shock.

The puzzled doctor recommended to see a neurologist. And he explained that this, although very rarely, really happens. The reaction of the body is very individual and, perhaps, caused by nervous tension, which exacerbated the discomfort.
I nevertheless decided to find out what is the true reason for such inadequacy. As an infant, my child barely reacted to pain during vaccinations. Only later, already at the age of three, they caused a sea of ​​​​tears. In search of an answer, I came to an exhibition in Moscow's Gostiny Dvor dedicated to dentistry. And got some interesting information. It turns out that the human pain threshold is laid down in the genes. Knowing what type of pain you belong to is no less important than, for example, blood type. And to diagnose it or him it is necessary at the neuropathologist.
Why is this needed? Let's say your child needs medical intervention for pain. How will the baby react? Will he be able to transfer it and to what extent? Knowing the capabilities of a small patient, the doctor will choose the right method of anesthesia. In dentistry, for example, injections are used. If the child does not tolerate pain well, the doctor may apply local anesthesia in the form of an aerosol. And the introduction of the drug is not even felt.
To determine the pain threshold, there is a special device. The essence of his work is to gradually increase the current strength, pressure or heating on a certain area of ​​the skin. At the same time, minimum and maximum sensitivity indicators are set - this will be the tolerance interval.
After analyzing the results of many years of research, experts came to the conclusion that it is impossible to change it on their own, "by force of will".
According to the level of tolerance, modern medicine divides us into four types.
The first - people with the lowest threshold of sensitivity. Both physical pain and psychological experiences are categorically contraindicated for such. They are acutely aware of any unpleasant sensations. For children with such a threshold, for example, filling of teeth should be carried out only under local anesthesia, and extraction - under anesthesia.
The second type is a low threshold, but with a wide tolerance interval. These people also have a hard time accepting pain, but they have one advantage: the ability to courageously endure suffering.
Accordingly, the third type includes people with a high threshold and a small interval of sensitivity: at first glance, they are very hardy, but as soon as the pain becomes a little sharper, they no longer have reserves of patience.
Finally, the fourth type includes those who have a high pain threshold and tolerance interval. They have a large margin of patience and a weak susceptibility to pain. They are not afraid of any medical procedures. But the attention of such children should be more often focused on the sufferings of others in order to cultivate a sense of empathy... Indeed, by virtue of their constitution, they are initially indifferent to the pain of others, do not feel pity. In other words, the pain type of a person is closely connected with his inner world, personal properties. And using the data obtained by science, we will be able to protect our children from possible mental shocks, which in the future will have a positive effect on personality development.
So if your child is afraid of vaccinations or a visit to the doctor, do not rush to set him as an example of those who patiently endure any procedures. After all, the perception of pain has absolutely nothing to do with such concepts as "courage" or "courage".

pain threshold

pain threshold- this is the level of irritation caused to the nervous system at which a person feels pain. The pain threshold is individual for everyone, the same level of irritation can be expressed in both minor and severe pain for different people. If, with minimal exposure, a person is already in pain, then he has a low pain threshold, but if the impact that causes pain should be strong enough, then the pain threshold is high. The pain threshold of a person can decrease with general fatigue and a lack of B vitamins.

In psychophysics, the threshold of pain is taken as the minimum power of the stimulus, which causes pain in 50% of presentations.

However, it should be borne in mind that repeated stimulation leads to a change in the pain threshold, in addition, physical units characterizing irritation, strictly speaking, are not adequate for measuring subjective pain sensations.

The concept of the level (threshold) of pain tolerance is defined as the greatest amount of pain that the subject is willing to endure under given specific conditions.

Neither the threshold of pain nor the level of its tolerance can be determined by the parameters of external influences that cause pain. However, in practice it is precisely in these parameters that they are determined.

In addition, differences in pain thresholds are due to the characteristics of the actual pathological process. Pain sensitivity is the most important parameter that determines the basic personality traits and psychosomatic relationships of a person, serves as an informative indicator of the adequacy and effectiveness of his biological and social adaptation, health status and illness. For example, a survey of individuals who attempted suicide showed that they had an increased level of pain tolerance.

Pain sensitivity is closely related to the individual psychological characteristics of each person as a single person.

Sthenic emotions associated with aggressive motivation are accompanied by an increase in the pain threshold. Asthenic emotions (fear, defenselessness), accompanying the strategy of passive adaptation and cessation of current activity, develop against the background of a decrease in the pain threshold.

Depending on the characteristics of the perception of pain, nature has divided people into 4 so-called nociceptive, or pain types. To find out which of them a particular person belongs to, doctors are helped by a special pain meter - an algesimeter.

It is interesting to note that according to the results of the research, it turned out that the pain threshold of men is higher than women, in addition, the threshold of pain tolerance is also much higher in men.


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See what "Pain threshold" is in other dictionaries:

    pain threshold

    PAIN THRESHOLD- The minimum intensity of a stimulus perceived as painful. While this threshold appears to be biologically determined, individual pain tolerance contains a strong psychological component... Explanatory Dictionary of Psychology

    pain threshold- the minimum intensity of the stimulus subjectively perceived as pain. The pain threshold index is believed to be genetically determined. Individual sensitivity to pain is modified by various psychological factors (emotional ... Encyclopedic Dictionary of Psychology and Pedagogy

    pain threshold- rus pain threshold (m), threshold (m) of pain sensitivity; eng pain threshold, pain sensitivity threshold, threshold of pain fra seuil (m) de douleur, seuil (m) de malaise, seuil (m) de sensation de douleur, seuil (m)… … Occupational safety and health. Translation into English, French, German, Spanish

    pain threshold- rus pain threshold (m), threshold (m) of pain sensitivity; eng pain threshold, pain sensitivity threshold, threshold of pain fra seuil (m) de douleur, seuil (m) de malaise, seuil (m) de sensation de douleur, seuil (m)… … Occupational safety and health. Translation into English, French, German, Spanish

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A high pain threshold is the dream of every hand-to-hand fighter, because, as you know, it is impossible to learn how to fight without getting hit back. An increased pain threshold will allow you to endure this “surrender” much less sensitively. We offer you 7 exercises to increase the pain threshold. They will also allow you to better control your pain. All the proposed exercises are performed with a partner. Although you need a partner to perform the exercises, most of the exercises are so simple that you can increase your pain threshold at home.


The partner creates dosed pain for you by pinching and squeezing the pain zones of the trapezius muscle, the muscles of the front surface of the neck, pain points in the ribs. The exercise is performed until tolerable pain for 10 minutes.

Remember: doing the exercise for less than three minutes will not lead to zero results! During execution, you can not strain, pinch, and also hold your breath. Standing or sitting should be calm and relaxed. When pain increases, breathe deeper and increase the time of exhalation and inhalation. By the way, these recommendations are universal and also work for the rest of the exercises proposed here.

Military massage helps to get used to the pain and bring down the intensity.

2. Slaps

Partners, standing opposite each other, slap each other in turn with relaxed palms. Do not forget that a palm strike is an extremely powerful impact! Therefore, this exercise should be done carefully. Slaps are applied only on the cheeks, blows on the ears, jaw, eyes, nose and lips are unacceptable. Increase the force of the blows gradually, and constantly control your mental state. To normalize emotions after each received slap, exhale slowly and relax.

The pain can reach a critical level or even higher. The slap must be loud! A muffled sound is a consequence of the deepest mistake, which indicates that you are hitting with the heel of the palm. And this is the place to which strong blows are applied, and the masters break tiles, boards and other hard objects with the heel of the palm. So from the right slaps there should be a characteristic ringing.
Work in this way for even a minute, and the exercise will bring many benefits.


The partner should take you by the shoulder and place his fingers on the inside over the elbow. Firmly holding his fingers between the biceps and triceps to the bone, the partner draws along it with an effort towards himself, feels a thin tense “string”. You will feel a sharp and severe pain from the elbow to the little finger. The exercise time is at least three minutes, and all this time you must endure rolling along the “string”. Effect: adaptation to influences directly on the nerve trunk.


You hold a grapple or submission, and your opponent delivers quick strikes to the pain points. An extremely important skill of a bulldog grip is developed, that is, holding a grip, despite the active opposition of the enemy. In addition, the skill of working on pain points is developed.

Begin the impact on the point of the brush between the thumb and forefinger, closer to the metacarpal bone of the index finger. Then go to the inside of the wrist; the bones of the back of the hand, a point on the inside of the radius, a couple of fingers above the elbow. After a few hits, you will feel that the pain is increasing, and at the same time your grip is weakening. You need to force yourself to hold the grip tightly. Tighten up, clench your teeth, and keep your breathing deep and even - this will help you concentrate.


Emotional discharge will help you maximize your potential. Yell with your partner at each other.


The basis of the exercise is strikes of metered strength almost throughout the body. You can not beat on the head, neck and groin, as well as the throat. On the spine, on the left side of the chest. The main task of the beaten is to stand, maintaining even breathing and not straying. Almost everyone can take a blow to the torso on an exhalation, but few can withstand a blow on an inhale. To do this, while inhaling, strain the muscles of the torso, forming the so-called chain mail. It is best if the beaten one covers his eyes - this will exclude spontaneous preparation for strikes, which is not needed during execution. In addition to the torso, punch through the arms, thighs and shins. Completion time: about 3 minutes.


The fighters are in the circle of comrades and conduct pair sparring. The circle tries in every possible way to prevent them, without getting involved directly in the fight: it pinches, pushes, pokes and strikes with a relaxed palm. The exercise helps to get used to pain and control pain in combat conditions.

The pain threshold is characterized by the level of irritation caused to the nervous system at which a person experiences pain. This level is different for everyone. The same effect of any irritant in one person can cause severe pain, and in another - insignificant. This means that in the first case there is a low pain threshold, and in the second - a high one. But it is worth noting that the level of pain tolerance is not constant, it can decrease as a result of a lack of vitamins, overwork and other factors. Let's talk about this in more detail.

Sensitivity to pain

So, the threshold of pain is determined by the maximum strength of pain that a person is able to endure at a certain moment and under specific conditions. Why do some people have a high pain threshold and others have a low one? The differences are caused by the peculiarities of pathological processes that are relevant to humans. According to the level of sensitivity to pain, it is possible to determine the personality traits of the individual, the effectiveness of his social and biological adaptation, and the general state of health. For example, when examining persons who attempted suicide, it was found that they are characterized by increased pain tolerance. From the foregoing, we can conclude that the pain threshold largely depends on the psychological characteristics of each individual person. Sthenic emotions, that is, those that encourage vigorous activity (joy, excitement, aggression, etc.), increase the pain threshold, and asthenic, that is, depressing states (fear, sadness, depression, etc.), on the contrary, lower it . Based on the characteristics of pain perception, all people are divided into four types. You can find out which of these types you specifically belong to by going through a study on an algesimeter - a special pain meter. We will talk about how this procedure is performed a little later.

Features of the pain threshold in women and men

Sensitivity to pain is dependent not only on the state of the nervous system, but also on the hormonal background. In women, pain regulators are estrogens, which in critical situations can increase the pain threshold. So, during childbirth, the level of estrogen simply rolls over, resulting in natural pain relief. In men, testosterone is also produced, which also acts as an analgesic in conditions of pain. But emotions also play an important role. Since ancient times, it has been arranged in such a way that a man is a breadwinner, belongs to the stronger sex, therefore, even having received some kind of damage, he must find the strength to cope with pain. A woman, on the other hand, represents the weak sex, more sensitive not so much physically as emotionally. Therefore, even with minor pain, ladies often panic and throw a tantrum.

Measuring the level of sensitivity to pain

As already mentioned, you can find out your pain threshold with the help of a miracle device - an algesimeter. Most often, the study is carried out in the area between the fingers or toes, since these places have the most delicate skin. Affect the area with electric current or high temperature. The device records the minimum level of irritation, that is, the one at which you begin to experience pain, and the maximum, that is, the one within which you can tolerate it. Based on the results of the study, the specialist will conclude which of the four types of pain perception you belong to. Unfortunately, you will not find algesimeters in ordinary clinics. Therefore, you will have to work hard to find an institution where such a study can be carried out.

What does low pain threshold mean?


your pain type
1 PRINCESS ON THE PEA - low threshold and pain tolerance interval. Suffering is contraindicated for you! You are a thin-skinned person, prone to melancholy and loneliness. Entering the treatment room for you is like stepping over the threshold of a torture chamber. Take it for granted: you need to protect yourself from injury and, if possible, avoid painful medical procedures. To put a seal on a tooth is allowed only under local anesthesia, and to remove it - under anesthesia. The same rule applies to childbirth and minor surgical interventions.
2 THE MERMAID - low threshold and high range of pain tolerance. You are also extremely sensitive to pain, but you are able to endure suffering courageously. As a reward for the torment, fate endowed you with the ability to experience deep feelings, the gift of devotion and the talent of empathy. Keep in mind: pain is easier to endure, mentally preparing for it. Think of the pain as a balloon that is slowly being expelled. When the limp shell of past suffering remains in your hands, mentally set it on fire or throw it into the trash can.
3 SLEEPING BEAUTY - high threshold and low pain tolerance interval. You may even seem insensitive: you don’t notice a slight pain, but as soon as it becomes a little sharper, a violent reaction follows. You have practically no reserves of patience! Under the guise of external calm, you hide a tense inner life: its echoes break through with flashes of strong emotions - joy, anger, sadness. Don't let suffering throw you off balance. During procedures that require patience, listen carefully to yourself. Did you feel a sudden pain while sitting in the dentist's chair? Ask your doctor to stop and give you a local anesthetic. Otherwise, a visit to the dentist may end in a faint, or even a painful shock!
4 IRON LADY - high threshold and pain tolerance interval. You do not experience the slightest fear of pain and even flaunt indifference to physical suffering. Remove the tooth? Please! Donate blood from a vein? With pleasure! Have an operation? No drugs needed! You are self-confident, energetic, ambitious and cannot stand being alone. People of your pain type make good business women, teachers, stewardesses, athletes and ... bad doctors who consider the complaints of patients to be unworthy of whining. To respond to someone else's suffering, you need to experience something similar yourself! Although it is not in your rules to suffer because of a trifling cut or a harsh word, it is pointless to demand the same from those around you: they are made of a different test.

Low pain defect is when you are NOT in pain, or vice versa?

When it does NOT hurt is called analgesia, see at the end.

The pain threshold is the level of irritation caused to the nervous system at which a person feels pain. The pain threshold is individual for everyone, the same level of irritation can be expressed in both minor and severe pain for different people. In the first case, we are talking about a high pain threshold, in the second - about a low one. The pain threshold of a person can decrease with general fatigue and a lack of B vitamins.

In psychophysics, the threshold of pain is taken to be the minimum power of the stimulus, which causes pain in 50% of presentations.

However, it should be borne in mind that repeated stimulation leads to a change in the pain threshold, in addition, physical units characterizing irritation, strictly speaking, are not adequate for measuring subjective pain sensations.

To the concept of the level (threshold) of pain tolerance, which is defined as the greatest pain force that the subject is ready to endure in these specific conditions.

Neither the threshold of pain nor the level of its tolerance can be determined by the parameters of external influences that cause pain. However, in practice it is precisely in these parameters that they are determined.

In addition, differences in pain thresholds are due to the peculiarities of the actual pathological process. Pain sensitivity is the most important parameter that determines the basic personality traits and psychosomatic relationships of a person, serves as an informative indicator of the adequacy and effectiveness of his biological and social adaptation, health status and illness. For example, a survey of people who have made suicidal attempts has shown that they have an increased level of pain tolerance.

Pain sensitivity is closely related to the individual psychological characteristics of each person as a single person.

Sthenic emotions associated with aggressive motivation are accompanied by an increase in the pain threshold. Asthenic emotions (fear, defenselessness) that accompany the strategy of passive adaptation and the cessation of current activities develop against the background of a decrease in the pain threshold.

Depending on the characteristics of the perception of pain, nature has divided people into 4 so-called nociceptive, or pain types. To find out which of them a particular person belongs to, doctors are helped by a special pain meter - an algesimeter.

Analgesia congenital
A very rare hereditary defect that is detected already in early childhood. As a rule, other modalities of sensitivity are normal, sometimes there is no perception of pain by visceral organs. In most cases, deep and skin reflexes are preserved, there are no intellectual disorders, the speed of nerve conduction and evoked potentials are not changed.
With insensitivity to pain, numerous fractures with the development of false joints, decreased vision due to leukoma caused by corneal damage, painful panaritiums and mutilations of the phalanges of the fingers are possible. However, the physical condition may not suffer. Neither morphological nor pathophysiological mechanisms are yet clear. The possibility of a violation of the exchange of endorphins is allowed. In general, insensitivity to pain as one of the symptoms is noted in oligophrenia, schizophrenia, hysteria, lesions of the parietal-frontal lobes, family dysautonomy (see), Lesch-Nychen syndrome (see), amyloid neuropathy (see), sensory polyneuropathy (see .).

What does a high pain threshold mean?


Nothing, this is an innate property, you just need to remember that if such a person feels pain, then it already hurts very seriously, you need to listen to your body and not compare your feelings, not feel superior to others

Ilyas abdulvagabov

It has been noticed: people who panic in the dentist's office, even novocaine does not save from pain. Such poor fellows usually treat their teeth under anesthesia. Those who know how to control themselves, and local anesthesia is not needed. The ability to stand up to endure suffering is determined not only by the emotional mood. Scientists have found out: the reserves of patience allotted to everyone are programmed in the genes. It is vital for a person who monitors health to know his pain type. This information is no less important than information about weight, height, blood type and other characteristics of the body.
Depending on the characteristics of the perception of pain, nature has divided people into 4 so-called nociceptive, or pain types (from the Latin "posege" - "damage that causes suffering"). To find out which of them a particular person belongs to, doctors are helped by a special pain meter - an algesimeter. Gradually increasing the strength of the electric current, the intensity of pressure or heating a certain area of ​​the skin, the device notes the strength of the stimulus that causes the first, still very weak feeling of pain. This is the so-called pain threshold. After it, the discomfort will increase as long as there is enough patience. Your personal record is pain tolerance. With this term, experts have designated the strongest impact that you are able to withstand. The gap between these two values ​​also has a special name - the pain tolerance interval. The readiness of a person for the test of suffering depends on its magnitude.
After analyzing the results obtained on a large material of many years of research, scientists discovered a curious fact: the perception of pain changes over the years. The most tender age is from 10 to 30 years. During this period, people are most sensitive to painful sensations, although they endure them relatively easily. For those who are younger or older, pain sensitivity is reduced, but it is much more difficult for them to endure suffering.
Examination on an algesimeter - algometry - requires courage and endurance from the test subject, and district clinics are not yet equipped with such devices. It's not worth worrying about this. Anyone who has visited a dentist at least once, stuffed a bump or smeared a scratch with iodine, can judge with a high probability that they belong to one or another pain type. This information is extremely important! When prescribing treatment, the doctor must imagine how the patient reacts to painful manipulations. This will help determine the method of administration of drugs (in tablets or by injection), choose the appropriate analgesic in an individual dose and the method of pain relief during surgery. And in everyday life, this knowledge will come in handy. They will save you from many psychological problems: after all, the pain type is closely related to the internal warehouse of the personality.
1. The Princess and the Pea - low threshold and pain tolerance interval. A representative of this type of suffering is categorically contraindicated! He acutely perceives pain (not only physical, but also mental) and, by his nature, is not able to endure it. These are commonly referred to as "skin resistant people". These are vulnerable and impressionable natures, prone to melancholy and loneliness. Entering the treatment room for them is like stepping over the threshold of a torture chamber. In such a situation, calls to pull yourself together do not bring results: you can’t argue with physiology! Take it for granted: you need to protect yourself from injury and, if possible, avoid painful medical procedures. If these are coming, ask the doctor to take enhanced measures against suffering. It is allowed to put a seal on a tooth only under local anesthesia, and to remove it - under anesthesia. The same rule applies to the so-called minor surgical interventions: for example, about an ingrown nail or appendicitis. They are usually

Visiting fairy tales since 2007

there was a normal threshold, but now it has become .... the body and especially the head - a sharp loss of sensitivity, sometimes I feel a burn, but when they "burn with fire" - to the point of nausea, are they sadists?
And everyone is interested and fun.

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