Symptoms of inflammation of the spermatic cord, causes, treatment. funiculitis

Some men, due to their anatomical features, are forced to face various diseases that are characteristic only of the stronger sex. One of them is inflammation of the spermatic cord. How to detect it and, most importantly, eliminate it without consequences and complications.


Funiculitis develops when an infection enters the body. in organ tissue. it can get in in different ways:

  1. Hematogenous - with severe traumatic injuries, harmful microbes mix with the blood and end up in the body.
  2. Intracanalicular - in the presence of chronic and acute inflammation of the male organs, the infection spreads from the urethra.
  3. Iastrogenic - inflammation of the seminal canal appears after surgery.

In addition, trauma, tuberculosis, streptococcal infection, and various diseases contribute to the development of the disease. The disease can be acute or latent. The latter is aggravated against the background of favorable factors for the disease.

Each form of the disease manifests itself with its own signs. The main symptoms of inflammation of the spermatic cord include:

  • severe pain localized in the scrotum and the entire groin area;
  • discomfort felt in the area of ​​inflammation;
  • thickening and compaction of the spermatic cord;
  • mucous membranes observed from the urethra;
  • heat;
  • cramps when urinating;
  • difficulty urinating;
  • tissue swelling;
  • general weakness;
  • muscle pain.

The chronic form is manifested by the same symptoms, but they are less pronounced. Most often, the disease in this case causes pain, which, with exacerbation, increases significantly.

If any signs of illness are found, a man should seek help from a urologist.

He will conduct a thorough examination, prescribe the necessary procedures:

  • general blood analysis;
  • analysis of secretions and smears from the urethra;
  • testicular diaphanoscopy.

The doctor can also perform an X-ray examination: in the area of ​​​​the spermatic cord, the skin is dissected and a contrast agent is injected into it, and then an X-ray is taken. With its help, you can identify all the violations that have appeared. The entire procedure is performed under local anesthesia.

Traditional Therapy

First of all, the patient must give up sex, smoking and alcohol. Treatment of acute inflammation of the spermatic cord is carried out with the help of antibacterial drugs, which are designed to eliminate the infection.

If the spermatic cord is sealed, it is observed within one month. In the absence of improvements, it is subject to removal. Anti-inflammatory drugs will help relieve acute inflammation. For the duration of therapy, bed rest and the wearing of a suspensorium are recommended. Antibiotics are advisable only when the spermatic cord has been attacked by infectious pathogens. The duration of treatment is quite long - from two to three weeks with further medical supervision.

In chronic disease, physiotherapy is prescribed. As a rule, it is carried out after the removal of exacerbation and pain. If the patient has a fever, he is prescribed antipyretics. Existing wounds and suppuration should be treated with antiseptic agents. His pus accumulates inside the scrotum, the installation of a special drainage will be required. Anesthesia is performed with novocaine. If the disease is caused by a tuberculous lesion, you first need to eliminate the underlying cause, and then carry out therapy aimed at normalizing all the functions of the organ.

In some cases, the treatment of inflammation of the seminal canal in men involves surgical intervention. Indications for surgery are the absence of a positive effect from drug therapy and the large size of the cystic formation. In this case, the scrotum is opened in layers, and the cyst is completely cleaned out. The surgery is performed under local anesthesia.

To relieve pain and discomfort to the scrotum, you can use cold compresses, but not more than five minutes. A good effect is given by anti-inflammatory herbal decoctions prepared on the basis of chamomile, calendula and St. John's wort. Fortifying drugs and taking vitamins are useful.


To prevent the development of the disease, men must follow simple rules:

  1. Timely eliminate the pathologies of the genital organs and the genitourinary system, even if they do not lead to discomfort.
  2. Avoid extreme fatigue and stress.
  3. Treat all inflammations that occur in the body.
  4. In case of injury, seek medical attention immediately.
  5. Have a regular sexual partner and use contraceptives.

With timely and competent medical care, the disease can be successfully cured. A prerequisite for recovery is the treatment of all other diseases, the correction of lifestyle and the rejection of addictions.

A disease in which inflammation of the spermatic cord occurs is called funiculitis. Such a pathology in rare cases is an independent disease. Usually the spermatic cord becomes inflamed along with the appendages and the testicle, seminal vesicles.

Diseases of the testicles in men require a mandatory examination and consultation with a doctor. If left untreated, inflammation of the spermatic cord, testis, and appendages can lead to serious complications, such as testicular necrosis. In this case, it will require amputation. Consider how to avoid severe consequences, as well as the causes and symptoms of inflammation.

If the patient is concerned about the testicle, then this is not always associated with an inflammatory process, and this must be understood. There are many diseases of the testicles in men, which occur for a variety of reasons. For example, due to physical exertion or injury, testicular hernia, varicocele, dropsy may occur. If a man has a cold testicle, then the risk of an inflammatory process is high.

The symptoms of diseases of the male testicles are very similar to each other, which is why it is so important to immediately contact a urologist or andrologist when unpleasant signs appear. Doctors will conduct an examination, identify the causes of pain and prescribe adequate treatment.

If a man pulls the right or left testicle, this may be due to inflammation. Inflammation of the spermatic cord occurs for the following reasons:

  • trauma;
  • hypothermia;
  • STD;
  • infectious diseases, for example, parotitis, influenza;
  • poor immunity;
  • passive lifestyle;
  • urethritis;
  • prostatitis;
  • orchitis;
  • testicular tuberculosis.

Thus, inflammation of the spermatic cord is most often associated with other infectious diseases.


Symptoms of such a disease in men as inflammation of the spermatic cord, the following occur:

  • Pain in the testicle of varying degrees, from aching to unbearably sharp.
  • Enlargement of the scrotum on the affected side, redness of the skin.
  • Increase in body temperature.
  • General malaise, dizziness, nausea, headaches.

The testicles are a very sensitive part, so any pain greatly impairs the patient's quality of life.

With severe purulent inflammation, the pain is very strong, the skin around the testicle is red and hot, the integrity of the integument in the affected area may be violated. In this case, pus begins to seep out. This condition requires immediate surgical intervention, otherwise the infection will spread and the testicle will have to be removed.


Therapy for inflammation of the spermatic cord and the entire testicle is usually conservative. The patient undergoes tests to confirm the diagnosis, undergoes an ultrasound scan. For therapy, the doctor prescribes taking antibacterial drugs. Such drugs are selected taking into account the patient's symptoms, and after receiving the tests, therapy can be adjusted.

Since testicular inflammation in men is accompanied by severe pain and fever, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed. Such drugs relieve fever, eliminate inflammation and pain. If the symptoms are very severe, the doctor may perform a blockade by injecting an anesthetic directly into the scrotum.

After removing the inflammation, the patient is prescribed exercise therapy to improve blood circulation and normalize the process of sperm production. Physiotherapy for inflammation of the spermatic cords is usually not prescribed.


To prevent the occurrence of testicular diseases in men, it is recommended to follow the following rules:

  • avoid carrying very heavy objects;
  • avoid stress;
  • observe the regime of work and rest;
  • exercise daily;
  • eat properly;
  • do not use alcohol and drugs;
  • Do not smoke;
  • dress according to the weather, try not to overcool or overheat;
  • regularly visit an andrologist for prevention.

Men who lead a healthy lifestyle are much less likely to experience inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system. Even if the pathogen enters the body, strong immunity quickly destroys it, and inflammation does not occur.

Inflammation of the spermatic cord in medicine is defined by the term funiculitis. This specific disease occurs only in men. Funiculitis rarely acts as an independent disease. Most often, it becomes a complication of other diseases: orchitis, epididymitis or orchiepididymitis.

In addition, simultaneously with funiculitis, diferentitis develops - inflammation of the vas deferens.

Treatment of inflammation of the spermatic cord is necessary, since the development of this pathology can contribute to the spread of infection to nearby tissues. For men, life with this problem becomes painful and uncomfortable. Seals and sharp pains appear in the scrotum, which leads to dysfunction of the reproductive system.

Function of the spermatic cord

The spermatic cord is a very important male organ, it takes part in the reproductive process. This is a paired organ, formed as a result of the lowering of the testicles into the scrotum. Its length in the normal state is about 20 cm. The testicles practically hang on it.

The structure of the spermatic cord includes:

  • vas deferens - the main element that connects the testicle with the seminal vesicles;
  • arterial vessels that are responsible for blood supply;
  • venous vessels in the shell of the organ;
  • lymphatic vessels;
  • nerve plexuses.

The main function of the spermatic cord is the passage of spermatozoa into the head of the penis. Inflammation of this organ can make this process painful and hinder reproductive function.

Causes of funiculitis

Inflammation of the spermatic cord in men is a fairly common phenomenon. There are many causes of this disease, but the main one is considered to be the effect of a bacterial infection on the seminal canal and nearby organs of the reproductive system.

There are three ways to get an infection:

Medicine divides funiculitis into two types, depending on the provoking microorganisms:

  • specific (results from the action of tuberculosis bacteria and actinomycetes);
  • non-specific (caused by the ingestion of microorganisms such as Trichomonas bacteria, chlamydia, gonococcus, streptococcus, staphylococcus, E. coli).

In addition to bacterial exposure, inflammation of the spermatic cord in men can occur as a result of:

  • hypothermia;
  • various injuries of the testicles;
  • exacerbation of chronic prostatitis;
  • balanoposthitis;
  • kidney disease;
  • surgical intervention in the organs of the scrotum.

Symptoms of the disease

Symptoms of funiculitis depend on the form of the disease.

In total, doctors distinguish two types of inflammation of the spermatic cord:

  • spicy;
  • chronic.

The symptoms of both forms are almost the same, but with chronic funiculitis it is not so bright, but rather blurry.

The main symptoms of the development of the disease are:

  • Pain in the groin (with acute inflammation, it is stronger);
  • Seal, noticeable when probing;
  • Swelling and redness of the scrotum;
  • Increased body temperature (characteristic only for the acute form);
  • General weakness;
  • Headache and joint pain (noted in acute funiculitis).

These symptoms significantly affect the overall health of a man. Problems with urination and sexual function begin. Sometimes sleep patterns are disturbed. Therefore, having noticed the first signs, it is necessary to consult a doctor.


A urologist or andrologist will be able to correctly diagnose and prescribe treatment for inflammation of the spermatic cord. As a rule, the diagnosis of funiculitis is made easily and quickly. To begin with, the doctor needs to state all the symptoms. Further, using the method of palpation, the specialist examines the patient: with funiculitis, there is a thickening of the organ.

There are a number of studies to confirm the diagnosis:

  • General analysis of blood and urine;
  • A smear from the urethra;
  • Analysis of urethral secretions;
  • Ultrasound of the scrotum;
  • Diaphanoscopy of testicles.

The doctor selects a set of diagnostic procedures individually, depending on the stage of development of funiculitis and the characteristics of the general health of the man.

Basic Treatments

Treatment of inflammation of the spermatic cord is not particularly difficult. It all depends on the causes of the disease, the form and stage of its development.

For the effectiveness of treatment, it is necessary to adhere to several rules:

Treatment of chronic funiculitis is possible with the help of physiotherapy. Most often, electrophoresis or magnetotherapy is used.

For effectiveness, it is necessary to undergo a course of physiotherapy procedures for at least 14 days. Next is to take a break for 2 months.

The acute form of inflammation is treated with medications. Most often it is a complex of anti-inflammatory and antibacterial drugs. Acute pain syndrome on the first day is eliminated by novocaine blockade.

During treatment, it is recommended to apply ice to the groin area. This should be done no more than 5 minutes with a break of 15 minutes to avoid hypothermia. The cold will help relieve swelling and pain. If an infiltrate appears, it must be treated with dry heat.

At the final stage, physiotherapy is included in the treatment of acute inflammation - at least five procedures.

Treatment of funiculitis with traditional medicine includes the use of tincture. It is prepared from chamomile and calendula. In the ratio of 3 tablespoons of dried flowers of field chamomile, a spoonful of calendula extract. All pour 200 ml of vodka. The infusion should stand for at least two days, after using 1 tsp. three times a day before meals.

The surgical method is rarely used, only in case of cysts and phlegmon.

Consequences of funiculitis

Untimely treatment of inflammation can lead to serious complications:

  • the development of orchitis, epididymitis or orchiepididymitis, which leads to dysfunction of the male reproductive system;
  • dropsy: it develops on the sheath of the spermatic cord and is an accumulation of inflammatory fluid. Dropsy is dangerous because it compresses the arteries, and thus impedes blood flow to the testicles, which can cause necrosis;
  • the formation of a cyst of the spermatic cord: it is dangerous because a malignant formation can be hidden under its appearance; treatment is possible only with a surgical method with complete removal of the cyst;
  • male infertility, which is the most severe of the complications. As a result of a prolonged inflammatory process in the organ, the fusion of the walls of the duct begins. There is a blockage and the spermatozoa cannot pass from the bubbles to the head of the penis and perform their direct function. It is possible to get rid of this kind of infertility with the help of surgical intervention.


Prevention of funiculitis includes several rules:

The best way to protect yourself is to be attentive to your health and remember that inflammation of the spermatic cord can significantly worsen the general condition of the body.

Funiculitis - inflammation of the spermatic cord predominantly infectious. The inflammatory process first affects the vas deferens, and only then spreads directly to the spermatic cord. Subsequently, inflammation can move to the surrounding tissues.

As a result of inflammation, the spermatic cord thickens, resembling a dense cord, which can be felt from the epididymis up to the inguinal canal. As an independent disease, inflammation of the spermatic cord is very rare, more often it becomes a complication of other urological pathologies - primarily epidymitis and orchiepidimitis.

The infection penetrates from the seminal vesicles or the back of the urethra, in some cases, inflammation occurs due to the spread of an abscess, originally localized in the testicles and its appendages.

Disease classification

Depending on the course of the inflammatory process, two forms of the disease are distinguished - acute and chronic funiculitis. The acute form is characterized by a vivid clinical picture: swelling on the affected side, sharp pains in the groin area, often there is an increase in body temperature. The spermatic cord is significantly thickened and compacted.

In the chronic form of the inflammatory process, the same symptoms are noted, but they are much less pronounced, and often completely erased. The spermatic cord is compacted, but no noticeable thickening is observed. Periodically, exacerbations of the disease are observed, which are then replaced by periods of remission, when the main signs of inflammation practically subside.

By the nature of the inflammatory process, a specific and nonspecific form of the disease is distinguished. Specific inflammation is usually provoked by the causative agent of tuberculosis. In the tuberculous form, the inflammatory process is "sluggish" in nature, with no pronounced signs. The spermatic cord in this case becomes very dense, a bumpy swelling is pronounced.

Causes and symptoms of the disease

The main reason for the development of inflammation of the spermatic cord is the impact of infection. Pathogenic microorganisms (chlamydia, gonococci, trichomonads), as well as conditionally pathogenic flora (staphylococcus aureus, streptococcus, mycoplasmas, E. coli) act as the causative agent of the disease.

In most cases, the infection initially penetrates into the vas deferens with various pathologies of the genitourinary system - urethritis, prostatitis, orchitis, vesiculitis, epidymitis. Much less often, direct infection of the spermatic cord is observed with open injuries, as well as during surgical interventions on the organs of the scrotum.

The main symptoms of funiculitis:

  • Pain in the groin and scrotum, may radiate to the lower back
  • Enlargement of the spermatic cord in size
  • Signs of general intoxication - fever, weakness, headache, fatigue

Dangerous Consequences

Funiculitis is a disease in men, in which the spermatic cord becomes very inflamed.

Initially, this pathology rarely occurs on its own.

It usually develops against the background of already occurring diseases of the genitourinary system. Let us consider in more detail the symptoms of inflammation of the spermatic cord and methods of treating this disease.

Inflammation of the spermatic cord: causes

Funiculitis most often develops due to infection. It can penetrate into the tissue of the body in three ways:

By hematogenous way, pathogens penetrate along with the blood in case of serious traumatic lesions;

In the intracanalicular way, the infection enters from the urethra of a man with various acute and chronic inflammatory diseases of the male organs (urethritis, prostatitis, etc.);

In the iastrogenic way, the infection is introduced during surgery in the area where this cord is located.

In addition, funiculitis can be provoked by trauma, streptococcal infection, tuberculosis and various sexual infections (chlamydia, gonococcus, Trichomonas, etc.).

Inflammation of the spermatic cord: symptoms

Inflammation of the spermatic cord has two forms of leakage: acute and chronic. Each of them is accompanied by its own clinical picture.

Acute funiculitis has the following features of the course and symptoms:

1. The patient feels sharp and cutting pains in the scrotum and the entire groin area. Also, the pain syndrome can sometimes be given to the coccyx and the lumbar region.

2. The spermatic cord noticeably thickens and thickens. Its dimensions are getting wider.

3. Feeling of severe discomfort at the site of inflammation and pain during urination.

4. On palpation, the patient can independently feel the thickening of the cord.

5. With the development of acute inflammation in a person, a high temperature rises. There may also be weakness, chills, fever, and sleep disturbances.

6. Development of hyperemia in the inflamed area.

7. Swelling of tissues.

8. The appearance of pain in the muscles.

9. Difficulty in urination.

10. The appearance of mucous discharge from the urethra.

In its course, funiculitis in its acute form is a bit like an inguinal hernia, but it is characterized by a more rapid development of symptoms.

The chronic form of inflammation of the spermatic cord is accompanied by the same symptoms as the acute one, but at the same time, all manifestations of the disease will be as if erased and less pronounced.

As practice shows, chronic funiculitis most often causes recurrent pain in the groin, which intensifies during periods of exacerbation of the pathology.

Inflammation of the spermatic cord: treatment and diagnosis

When the first signs of the disease appear, the patient should consult a urologist as soon as possible. The doctor will conduct an initial examination, collect an anamnesis of the disease and, if funiculitis is suspected, will prescribe the following list of mandatory diagnostic procedures:

1. Diaphanoscopy of the testicles.

2. Complete blood count.

3. A smear from the urethra for its further examination under a microscope.

4. Analysis of discharge from the urethra to identify the root cause and causative agent of inflammation.

5. Ultrasound of the genital organs and a detailed study of blood circulation in them.

In addition to the basic diagnostic examinations, the doctor may prescribe an x-ray study called angiography. In this case, under local anesthesia, the patient will be cut the skin in the area of ​​the spermatic cord and a contrast agent will be injected into the area of ​​​​its passage. This will be followed by an x-ray.

This examination will show if there are violations in the patency of the ducts. They do it only in extreme cases, with suspicion of the development of complications in the vas deferens.

Treatment of inflammation of the spermatic cord is based on the type of disease, the patient's symptoms and the causative agent of the infection. Traditional therapy has the following features:

1. To begin with, the patient needs to completely abandon sexual intercourse, alcohol intake and smoking.

2. To relieve pain and discomfort, cold compresses can be applied to the scrotum, but not longer than 4-5 minutes.

3. If the disease has an acute course, then it should be treated with potent antibacterial drugs that are aimed at eliminating the activity of the infection.

4. With severe pain, the patient is shown novocaine blockade.

5. If a seal is detected on the spermatic cord within a month, it is simply observed. If after this time the condition of the spermatic cord has not improved, then it is removed.

6. In an acute inflammatory process, the patient is prescribed anti-inflammatory drugs.

7. During treatment, doctors advise the patient to stay in bed and wear a suspensorium.

8. In the chronic form of the disease, the patient is shown physiotherapy. It is reasonable to prescribe it after the exacerbation and pain subside.

9. For pain during urination, the patient is prescribed various analgesics.

10. At elevated temperatures, antipyretics are used.

11. In case of severe inflammation, which is accompanied by suppuration and the formation of wounds, they must be carefully treated with antiseptics. Also, if pus began to collect inside the scrotum, a special drainage should be installed in it. Anesthesia is done using novocaine.

12. Antibiotic therapy is prescribed for the defeat of the spermatic cord by various infectious pathogens. At the same time, the duration of such treatment should be quite long (from two to three weeks, followed by observation and, if necessary, a second course of treatment).

13. If the disease provoked a tuberculous lesion, then first you need to eliminate its root cause and only after that proceed with therapy to restore the functions of the spermatic cord.

Inflammation of the spermatic cord: treatment, complications, prevention

If timely diagnosis and therapeutic therapy are not carried out, funiculitis can cause the following complications in the patient's condition:

1. The development of orchitis and epididymitis is considered the most common complications in acute funiculitis. These phenomena significantly complicate the treatment process and reduce the chances of a complete recovery of the patient (the disease has a risk of becoming chronic).

2. The development of dropsy in the spermatic cord can happen with prolonged inflammation. It is an accumulation of fluid between the tissues and layers of the cord. At the same time, dropsy also often develops on the membranes of the testicles.

The main danger of dropsy is considered to be that the accumulated fluid will squeeze the vessels, which will lead to a decrease in blood flow in the testicles. This can provoke a violation of the production of live spermatozoa and the development of potential infertility in a man.

Besides, dropsy will be a clear cosmetic defect, since during its development in a person one half of the scrotum swells strongly.

3. In chronic funiculitis, the patient may develop a cyst. It is a round neoplasm, which is covered with a protective capsule and filled with a clear liquid. A cyst is dangerous in that an oncological tumor can hide under its appearance. For this reason, when diagnosing it, it is necessary to remove the cyst surgically as soon as possible.

Besides, despite the fact that the cyst itself cannot lead to infertility, it will gradually increase in size, and this will provoke a strong squeezing of the canal. In this condition, a person is at risk of developing infertility.

In order to prevent the occurrence of such an inflammatory process, men should follow the following medical recommendations:

1. Timely diagnose and treat any acute pathologies of the genitourinary system and genital organs, even if they do not yet cause pain or other unpleasant symptoms.

2. Avoid physical overwork and nervous exhaustion.

3. Timely treat any inflammatory processes in the body.

4. In case of injury to the scrotum, you should immediately seek medical help, and not wait until inflammation begins in the genitals.

5. It is important to have a regular sexual partner and a secure sexual relationship. This is the only way to avoid infection with infectious diseases, sexually transmitted diseases.

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