How long does the seam hurt after. If the stitch hurts for a long time after surgery. How much does the seam hurt after a cesarean section

Today we will talk about how to care for stitches after childbirth and how to relieve pain.

When are stitches applied?

Many women during childbirth are provided with surgical prompt care followed by suturing. Surgery is not uncommon during childbirth, doctors resort to this method of assistance for several reasons:

  • Premature or quick delivery, when the fetal head takes on heavy loads - an episiotomy is performed - an incision in the perineum to exclude head trauma to the newborn;
  • Breech presentation during childbirth - in order to avoid the loss of the fetus, a caesarean section is performed - an incision in the abdominal wall;
  • The presence of scars on the perineum after previous births - the perineum is not elastic enough;
  • To exclude attempts due to health problems of the woman in labor - again, they do a caesarean;
  • Prevention of perineal rupture - it is believed that the incised wound heals faster and the seam is more accurate.

Every woman in labor needs to be prepared for possible incisions that facilitate childbirth.

Postpartum suture care

The doctor examines the genital tract after childbirth and, if necessary, applies internal or external sutures. The internal sutures heal almost without pain, but the external sutures are sore after childbirth for 1-2 months.

  1. Internal sutures on the cervix and vaginal wall are superimposed with natural self-absorbable suture material and do not cause much discomfort. Care of the internal seams consists in observing the rules of personal hygiene and excluding sexual intercourse from one to two months.
  2. The crotch is sutured using a variety of suture materials and in an amount that depends entirely on the length of the incision. Perineal sutures can be applied with both absorbable and non-absorbable materials. Severe pain in the stitches on the perineum in the first days after childbirth, since in addition to the incision itself, holes are hurt at the points of tissue puncture. It is necessary to wash the perineum twice a day with soap and rinse with warm water during the day. Wash the perineum with sutures carefully and thoroughly. Dry with blotting movements from front to back, never rub. It is better to use a soft absorbent cloth. To keep the perineum dry, it is necessary to change the pads frequently, washing the stitches with a weak solution of manganese, if the stitches hurt after childbirth. For the first two weeks, a woman is not recommended to sit on both buttocks, it is better to try to sit on her side. In order to avoid constipation, since women usually do not have a stool for 1-2 days after childbirth, try not to eat food with a fixing effect. You can drink a tablespoon of any vegetable oil before meals or use laxative suppositories as recommended by your gynecologist.
  3. Stitches placed on the abdomen after cesarean require constant care during the first month. In the first week after the operation, the suture is treated daily with an antiseptic solution and the bandage is changed. Cosmetic sutures are applied with self-absorbable materials, which completely dissolve on the 60-70th day after application. It is allowed to take a shower after a week, but it is not recommended to use a hard washcloth. Try not to lift more weight than your baby's weight for the first few months. If the stitches after childbirth are very sore, in the first days, painkillers can be administered intramuscularly on the recommendation of a gynecologist.

Why do stitches hurt after childbirth?

Many women are concerned about this issue within a month after giving birth. We will give several recommendations to alleviate the condition and reduce pain on the site site:

  • Painful sensations make themselves felt constantly, if you often have to sit down or lift weights - limit the weight of the objects being lifted if possible and try not to sit on both buttocks;
  • The stitches on the perineum hurt after childbirth, if they suffer from constipation. In the first month after childbirth, the woman's body is rebuilt, lactation requires the consumption of more fluid, and there is not enough fluid for normal defecation. A nursing mother should drink more warm milk, green tea, juice or herbal infusion. .
  • Sometimes the stitches hurt after childbirth during sexual intercourse due to vaginal dryness and a natural load on the perineum. In this case, doctors recommend using a moisturizing gel. Sometimes the pain is reduced by changing the posture to a painless one.
  • The stitches hurt and pull after childbirth with inflammation of the tissues, then redness, purulent discharge appears. In this case, consult a gynecologist, but in no case self-medicate.
  • Stitches after childbirth hurt, as postpartum discharge forms a breeding ground for microbes that cause inflammation.

On the forums of young mothers, reviews of childbirth contain many questions: why do stitches hurt after childbirth; how to care for seams; what to do if the seams come apart? Only a gynecologist can give an answer in each specific case, who will conduct an examination and prescribe treatment if necessary.

Today, childbirth by caesarean section is far from uncommon, and the operation is often performed not according to indications, but at the request of the expectant mother. Personally, I know women who are sure: they will give birth only under anesthesia, as they are afraid of labor pains. But expectant mothers do not think that they cannot avoid pain in postpartum period, since a caesarean section is a surgical intervention, as a result of which the abdominal cavity is cut, the baby is taken out of there, and then what is cut is sewn together. Almost every woman after a cesarean section experiences much more discomfort and more severe pain than a woman in labor during natural childbirth.

Today, childbirth by way is far from uncommon, and the operation is often performed not according to indications, but at the request of the expectant mother. Personally, I know women who are sure: they will give birth only under anesthesia, as they are afraid of labor pains. But expectant mothers just don’t think that they can’t avoid pain in the postpartum period, since a cesarean section is a surgical intervention, as a result of which the abdominal cavity is cut, the baby is taken out of there, and then what is cut is sewn together. Almost every woman after a cesarean section experiences much more discomfort and more severe pain than a woman in labor during natural childbirth. The postpartum period is much more difficult for those who gave birth “under anesthesia”.

Nevertheless, there are a number of reasons when a woman, with all her desire, cannot give birth on her own, and she has to go under the knife. Therefore, we will not scare either of them with postpartum pain, but we will try to figure out what exactly hurts after a cesarean section, why, and how to deal with this pain.

Why does pain occur after a caesarean section?

It is clear that pain after a caesarean section will accompany a woman in labor during the first days, or even much longer, because she underwent surgery, and the postoperative period is never painless. What could be the causes of "post-caesarean" pain?

Reason one: postpartum suture. After the operation, you will not feel your stomach for some time, as the anesthesia continues to act, but soon the anesthesia will pass, and the sutured wound will begin to hurt incessantly. The intensity of these painful sensations largely depends on your pain threshold and the number of sections performed. If you were proceserized for the first time, the wounds will hurt more severely and for a longer time. The pain in the stitches usually disappears 3-4 days after the operation, but for another 1-2 weeks you will occasionally feel a tingling sensation in the scar area.

The second reason: the intestines. The most unpleasant problem after a caesarean section is pain in the intestines from accumulated gases. As a result of the operation, intestinal peristalsis is disturbed, that is, food moves more slowly, and this creates some discomfort in the abdomen. The pain from the accumulation of gas can be very sharp and disappear only after you release the gases. Another cause of pain is postoperative, which occur after surgery (fusions form between the intestinal loops and other internal organs, they provoke pain).

Reason three: the uterus. After natural childbirth, a woman experiences pain for some time due to uterine contractions. The pains are pulling, concentrated in the lower abdomen and resemble pain during menstruation. A caesarean section is also a birth, after which the uterus should contract, that is, pains in the lower abdomen indicate that everything is going on in the body as nature intended. The pain from uterine contractions increases during breastfeeding, since during attachment the body actively begins to produce a natural hormone that provokes uterine contractions. If the pain in the uterus is too strong and continuous, you should consult a doctor, because one of the most serious complications of a cesarean section is inflammation of the uterine cavity, and one of its symptoms is acute constant pain.

Reason four: movement. Any movement, coughing, even a deep breath and exhalation, and even more so walking in the first days after the operation, will cause you severe pain in the suture area. However, this pain must be experienced, because prolonged lying in bed will only delay the process of full postpartum recovery.

The fifth reason: complications. We have already mentioned one complication after caesarean section, which is accompanied by severe pain. This is endometritis - inflammation of the uterine cavity. The postpartum suture can also become inflamed or disperse, which will also be accompanied by pain. Listen carefully to the nature of the pain and if it is unbearable to endure, call a doctor.

How to relieve pain after a caesarean section?

The only way to manage postoperative pain is to take pain medication. Almost every woman in labor after a cesarean section is given non-narcotic analgesics for the first 2-3 days, which are not absorbed by the blood and do not enter breast milk. If the pain does not stop, then further painkillers are prescribed, but at the same time, the woman in labor is examined, excluding serious postoperative complications.

Also, immediately after the operation, a woman is prescribed an antibiotic for 3 days to prevent inflammation. Sometimes the hormone oxytocin is prescribed, which promotes uterine contractions, and drugs that restore the functions of the gastrointestinal tract. Taking such funds will help you recover faster, and therefore get rid of annoying postpartum pain.

Oddly enough, but the woman herself on the second day after a cesarean section should hurt herself, forcing herself to move. Roll over, sit down, and then get up and move. All this is necessary for a speedy recovery, but do not overdo it. Feel free to ask for help. Within a few hours after the operation, try to change your position (turn over on your side, sit down or stand up). Definitely, in this case, you will experience a sharp pain, and possibly even dizziness and slight nausea. But do not stop and each time increase the number of movements and the duration of walks around the ward.

Do not panic prematurely if the pain seems unbearable to you. Try to switch to more pleasant chores - pay attention to your newly born baby. Believe me, it will help you recover and make you forget about any pain, because it is much more pleasant to communicate with your wonderful baby than to feel sorry for yourself, passively lying in bed, and complaining about pain in the wound area from which your treasure appeared.

I wish you good health and a quick painless recovery!

Specially forTanya Kivezhdiy

Pain in the suture area after surgery may not be related to the sutures at all, it depends on many factors, for example, if the suture hurts after an operation performed in the abdominal cavity, then the pain can be caused by such reasons as healing of sutures, tissue fusion. Such pains are normal, however, if the strength of pain increases, this may signal the presence of an inflammatory process, which requires an immediate visit to the surgeon.

Why does the seam hurt after appendicitis removal?

The reasons for which it hurts can be very diverse, from the banal friction of clothes to serious complications, such as a ligature abscess or hernia. But these are far from all the reasons. Only a doctor can determine what exactly caused the soreness of the sutures, therefore, at the first manifestations of pain after surgery, it is necessary to consult a doctor to find out the cause of this phenomenon, as well as to eliminate it.

Seam hurts after childbirth

It doesn't matter what stitches we are talking about - whether in the perineum or as a result of a caesarean section, stitches placed anywhere can cause pain. Stitches after childbirth can be accompanied by pain for a month (or longer) after they are applied. Pain is inevitable if a woman often sits down after childbirth, wears weights, the stitches in the perineum can hurt if there is constipation, which often accompanies young mothers when breastfeeding.

It can also hurt, in which case it is simply necessary to contact a gynecologist. It is considered normal if the seam hurts after a cesarean section for several days, after which for another two weeks a slight tingling brings discomfort in the area of ​​suturing. Also, a woman after a cesarean section should eat fully, that is, eat food rich in vitamins and nutrients to heal the wound and eliminate pain. Vitamin e promotes healing, so it is recommended to take it orally and lubricate the wound. can disturb a young mother for other reasons: problems with stools, uterine contractions, careless movements, the occurrence of complications.

How long does the stitch hurt after surgery?

It largely depends on the complexity of the operation, the reason for it, the material for suturing, the implementation of the doctor's recommendations for the care of sutures - these are far from all the factors that can affect the occurrence of pain after surgery. It is generally accepted that pain bothers the patient for a week after the operation, but this is not an indicator at all. It is much worse if the suture hurts after surgery through for a long time. This may signal the occurrence of adhesions, inflammation, etc. If the pain is unbearable, pain medication is not able to help, consult a doctor immediately.

Surgical interventions of moderate trauma can cause significant pain after surgery. At the same time, traditional opioids (morphine, promedol, etc.) are not suitable for patients after such operations, since their use, especially in the early period after general anesthesia, is dangerous for the development of central respiratory depression and requires monitoring of the patient in the intensive care unit. Meanwhile, according to their condition, patients after such operations do not need hospitalization in the intensive care unit, but they need good and safe anesthesia.

Almost everyone experiences some pain after surgery. In the world of medicine, this is considered more of a norm than a pathology. After all, any operation is an intervention in the integral system of the human body, therefore it takes some time to restore and heal wounds for further full functioning. Pain sensations are purely individual and depend both on the postoperative state of the person and on the general criteria of his health. Pain after surgery can be constant, or it can be intermittent, aggravated by body tension - walking, laughing, sneezing or coughing, or even deep breathing.

What to do if the suture hurts after the operation? This question is often asked by people who have undergone surgery. Often pain in the abdomen is not related to the complicated course of tissue scarring. It can occur in the process of wound healing, skin fusion, the return of organs to their usual places. Pain in such cases should not be a cause for concern, this is completely normal. However, it also happens that discomfort does not leave a person even a few months after surgery.

Cause of the problem

If the cosmetic suture begins to hurt a few weeks or even months after the operation, you should consult a doctor. There can be many reasons for this phenomenon. First of all, these are inflammatory processes associated with the addition of a bacterial infection. The appearance of unpleasant sensations depends on the characteristics of the body, susceptibility to stressful situations, the presence of disorders in the immune system. An important role is played by the qualifications of surgeons, the complexity of the intervention, the type of instruments used, the technique of applying suture material and the correctness of all manipulations.

Normally, the surgical suture should hurt no more than 7 days, minor deviations from this value are acceptable. The skin and muscle tissues of people may differ, so it is impossible to accurately name the duration of the pain syndrome.

It is necessary to consult a doctor if discomfort persists for several weeks. It is possible that mistakes were made during the surgical intervention, as a result of which an acute inflammatory process developed.

If the pain cannot be controlled with standard pain medications, a full evaluation should be done. You may need to repeat the operation.

Almost always it hurts and pulls the seam after the operation, if it was abdominal. In such cases, not only the skin and subcutaneous tissue are dissected, but also muscle tissues and large vessels. To reduce the intensity of discomfort, the doctor prescribes special drugs and procedures, the use of which implies compliance with a number of rules. During the treatment period, it is recommended to stop driving a car, especially if a person is not sure how he will behave in emergency situations. Slow walks are useful, but it is recommended to refuse from climbing stairs.

Long flights and transfers adversely affect the well-being even healthy person, in the postoperative period, they can lead to serious consequences. You can not lift weights weighing more than 3 kg, carry on the hands of children and animals. After improving the general condition of the body, light physical activity can be introduced into the daily routine. You need to refuse to visit the bath, sauna and solarium.

Daily care of the postoperative scar is necessary. The seam must be cleaned of dirt and crusts, treated with antiseptic solutions and covered with a protective bandage. A slight reddening of the affected area is considered a variant of the norm. Do not peel off the patch yourself, after a certain period it will peel off by itself. Perhaps the appearance of seals and a feeling of tightness in the area of ​​​​the scar. Do not worry, these are natural sensations that accompany the healing process.

Violation of scarring processes can be facilitated by exposure to direct sunlight, therefore, in the first months after surgery, it is recommended to wear closed clothing. In the first days after surgery, blood spots may be found on the bandage. If they are small, don't worry. If the scar bleeds heavily enough, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Do not use any external agents without the permission of a doctor. You can take a shower no earlier than 3 days after the operation. Within a few months, the crust comes off the scar, and it becomes less hard and bright. Why does the seam hurt after cesarean? This question worries many young mothers who have gone through this operation.

Causes of soreness of the seam after cesarean section

This operation can be performed in several ways. Corporal caesarean section is prescribed for the development of massive bleeding during childbirth. This method is used quite rarely, since after it a large scar remains, which expands over time. Corporal surgery - dissection of tissues from the midline of the abdomen to the pubis. A longitudinal incision is made on the wall of the uterus. In the absence of complications, a Pfannenstiel laparotomy is used. The incision runs along the suprapubic fold.

Unlike a longitudinal one, a transverse incision becomes less noticeable over time and postoperative pain is less intense, which is the main advantage of this operation. The operation ends with the application of absorbable suture material. In case of corporal caesarean section, the postoperative scar must have high strength, therefore, a cosmetic suture is not used in this case. In the first days after the operation, the patient feels acute pain associated with the presence of incisions on the uterus and abdominal wall. It practically does not differ from that in other surgical interventions.


In the postoperative period, the doctor prescribes antibacterial and pain medications. On the first day, narcotic analgesics are used: Tramadol, Morphine, Omnopon. Over time, they are replaced by weaker means, the action of which is aimed at reducing the intensity of pain. It is the pain of the seam after the operation that is the reason for the fear of women before a caesarean section. Unpleasant sensations disappear quickly, it is enough just to take all the drugs prescribed by the doctor and properly care for the suture.

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