Urinary retention. Painful urination and urine does not leave a man - what to do

Violation of the outflow of urine, the inability to empty the bladder leads to ischuria - urinary retention occurs in men, the causes and treatment of which should be determined by the doctor.

Urinary system disorders are common, especially in older men. Difficulty in the outflow of urine leads to pain and discomfort, worsens the general well-being of a person. The disease is fraught with complications, in the absence of treatment it passes from an acute form to a chronic one, obstruction of the ureter becomes a permanent phenomenon.

Difficulties in the natural outflow of urine occur suddenly, and this is not related to the work of the kidneys. The overfilled bladder begins to put pressure on the walls of the groin, bursting it. Perhaps a sharp increase in temperature, nausea, vomiting, headache, weakness throughout the body, pain on palpation in the groin area, an increase in its size. If these symptoms are present, urinary retention can be considered an exacerbation of the underlying disease, and you need to urgently empty your bladder with a catheter and consult a doctor. Otherwise, this condition can lead to complications:

  • peritonitis;
  • urogenic sepsis;
  • renal colic, insufficiency;
  • rupture of the bladder with leakage of the urethra into the abdominal cavity.

Most often, the pathology develops with a reduced rate of urine outflow, with a PSA value above the norm of 2.5 ng / ml, with a prostate volume of more than 40 ml.

If acute urinary retention occurs, as an emergency, urine should be urgently removed with a soft or metal catheter, call an ambulance, in case of severe pain, put a warm heating pad on the groin area or take a bath.

Urination becomes rare, painful, with insufficient emptying of the bladder in a man with:

  • urolithiasis as a result of blockage of the urinary tract;
  • narrowing of the foreskin;
  • existing hematomas, aneurysms in the pelvic area;
  • infectious diseases;
  • inflammation of the prostate, the foreskin of the head of the penis;
  • injury to the urethra or bladder.

Additional symptoms may include:

  • bleeding, discharge of blood clots;
  • , prostate gland, in other organs in the pelvic area;
  • congenital irregular structurethat prevents the outflow of urine;
  • inflammation, damage to the urethra, which led to a narrowing of the lumen in it;
  • prostate adenoma, which is considered the most common disease in men.

It can be neurogenic in nature and appear when:

  • multiple sclerosis;
  • injuries of the spinal cord, brain;
  • severe intoxication with alcohol, drugs, in case of an overdose of sleeping pills;
  • hypothermia of the body;
  • severe and frequent stress;
  • inability to empty the bladder in a timely manner due, for example, to the lack of a toilet (urinary retention becomes arbitrary over time).

Often interfere with urination if a man has:

  • prostatitis;
  • stones in the bladder or urethra;
  • prostate adenomas;
  • phimosis;
  • tumors;
  • prostate cancer;
  • diseases of the central nervous system in the form of injuries in the spinal cord or brain.

An acute condition associated with a delay in emptying the bladder is possible if a person is intoxicated with alcohol, under stress, hysteria, after undergoing operations on the rectum, perineum, as a result of a man’s prolonged stay in bed, as well as drug intoxication.

Possible causes of difficulty urinating

Sudden interruption, or acute urinary retention, is most often observed with prostate adenoma in men over the age of 60-65 years. Also with a sedentary lifestyle, frequent diarrhea or constipation, when the gland experiences a strong rush of blood. The delay is characteristic of prostate adenoma: urine does not pass completely, painfully, with blood, the patient has a fever, the temperature rises. Pelvic fractures, urethral injuries also provoke urinary retention.

Acute urinary retention in men can have a peculiar form: first, urine departs, then suddenly interrupts, while the bladder remains not completely empty. This is a clear symptom that there are stones in the bladder that block the opening of the urethra or urinary canal. When the position of the patient changes, urination can be adjusted and continued. If urinary retention becomes a constant phenomenon, the muscular walls of the bladder and sphincter are gradually stretched, involuntary discharge of urine is possible in droplets, in small portions.

Acute urinary retention is accompanied by pain in the groin, pain during urine outflow, urge. It is necessary to carry out with the help of a rubber catheter and treat the disease based on the diagnosis, identifying the initial causes that led to such a disease.

Treatment Methods

As already mentioned, the underlying disease that the patient has leads to urinary retention. Men need to undergo a thorough examination. After making a diagnosis, the doctor will select a treatment, prescribe anti-inflammatory, antibacterial drugs. The introduced catheter minimizes the acute course of the disease, alleviates the patient's condition. But this manipulation is one-time, then you need to eliminate the underlying disease through drug treatment. Additionally, treatment can be carried out with folk remedies.

If the outflow of urine is disturbed for mechanical reasons, surgical intervention is possible. If the disease is associated with inflammatory infectious processes in the body, antibiotics, sulfonamides are prescribed.

It is possible to sew a special implant to the wall of the bladder, which will become a stimulator for normal muscle contraction in, which will improve the outflow of urine, make it regular and complete.

Folk remedies

Folk remedies are not able to cure the underlying disease, but serve only as an addition to drug therapy, are able to relieve unpleasant painful symptoms, and alleviate the general condition of the patient. It is useful to take tea rose fruits infused with alcohol, decoctions of juniper bark, rosehip infusion for alcohol, walnut shells ground into powder or infused with alcohol. Before self-treatment, it is better to first consult a doctor, otherwise you can aggravate the situation without knowing the real cause of the disease.

Urinary retention is a consequence of another pathology that develops in the body, to detect and identify which in a timely manner means to get rid of side symptoms in the form of a delay, a painful condition of the urethra.

It will help in alleviating the symptoms if the fruits of the tea rose are poured with water or alcohol, insisted for several days before acquiring a straw-yellow hue. Take this remedy should be 10 drops 2 times a day, after diluting the composition with a small amount of water.

You can grind the bark, walnut leaves into powder, take 8-10 g 2-3 times a day with warm boiled water.

You can grind dry birch leaves, pour dry white wine (1 l), boil the mixture for 20-25 minutes, then cool and strain. Add 3 tbsp. l. honey, take 3 times a day after meals for 1/3 cup.

It will help if you grind the rose hips, put them halfway in a glass bottle, pour vodka, keep for 7 days in a dark place, shaking occasionally. The finished tincture should acquire a light brown hue, you need to take it 10 drops 2-3 times a day, 1 tbsp. l. half an hour before meals.

In the acute phase, with urinary retention, duckweed in a powdered state helps well. Take 3 times a day before meals, 1 tbsp. l., drinking water.

Urinary retention in men requires a diagnosis of the entire genitourinary system. Urine is taken for analysis by removing it from the bladder through a catheter, blood for the presence or exclusion of infection in the urethra, ultrasound of the ureter and bladder in case of weakened muscles, CT, MRI for nervous disorders of the spine or brain. Perhaps the doctor will prescribe a cystomy by a small puncture over the bladder and the introduction of a rubber tube to ensure a full outflow of urine, or the introduction of novocaine, proserpine, pilocarpine into the urethra.

Treatment of urinary retention, or ischuria, should be carried out by competent specialists who are able to choose the right methods for resuming the outflow of urine and getting rid of problems associated with urination.

For men of all ages, failures in the functioning of the genitourinary system are characteristic. leads to the accumulation of fluid in the bladder, the appearance of pain in the lower abdomen. The kidneys produce urine, which begins to accumulate in the urinary organs, bursting them and putting pressure on the internal organs. When the first signs of dysfunction appear, you should seek help from a specialist. Lack of treatment can lead to the development of peritonitis, sepsis, renal colic and insufficiency, rupture of the bladder.

Causes of the disease

Urine is poorly discharged as a result of various factors. The main reasons for the accumulation of urine in the genitourinary system are:

  • infectious diseases of the prostate;
  • BPH;
  • traumatization of the genitourinary organs;
  • changes in the structure of the urethra as a result of an infectious disease, inflammation;
  • dysfunction of the nervous system;
  • spinal injury;
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • malignant neoplasms in the urinary organs;
  • abuse of alcoholic beverages, drugs.

Urine does not depart as a result of surgical treatment of the digestive system, perineum, intoxication of the body with medications, prolonged stay in bed, and stressful situations.


The accumulation of fluid in the bladder is accompanied by a strong urge to urinate, while urine is absent or is excreted in the form of drops. Urinary retention is characterized by increasing severe pain in the lower abdomen.

Pain is aggravated during urination, with downward bending, physical exertion. Depending on the cause of the disease, symptoms such as:

  • headache;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • increased body temperature;
  • unstable blood pressure;
  • frequent urge to defecate;
  • bleeding from the urethra.

An overfilled bladder is visible on visual examination, and when pressed on the abdomen, it causes acute pain in the patient.

Treatment Methods

When the first signs of dysfunction appear, you should seek help from a specialist. The accumulation of fluid can lead to rupture of the bladder, damage to the urethra, infection in the genitourinary organs, and the development of acute prostatitis.

The systematic accumulation of fluid is the main cause of the development of renal failure, which requires specialized medical treatment.

You can temporarily relieve symptoms with:

  • warm bath,
  • water bottles,
  • heating pad, which is located in the bladder, perineum.

Antispasmodics will help relieve pain for a while. The course of therapy depends on the cause of dysfunction, the stage of development of the disease.

First aid for urinary retention is catheterization. The doctor inserts a catheter into the genitourinary system, through which the bladder is emptied. Manipulation is also carried out for diagnostics. Analysis of the urine obtained allows you to accurately determine the cause of the development of the disease. Catheterization is characterized by an instant effect. After urine is removed, tension and pressure on the internal organs are relieved, pain disappears, the patient immediately feels relief.

In some cases, catheterization cannot be performed. To remove urine, a bladder puncture is performed, a surgical intervention in which an incision is made in the anterior wall of the abdominal cavity to install a catheter. If the urethra is damaged, an implant is installed in the wall of the bladder. It stimulates the contraction of the muscles in the urethra, the urine departs in full.

To normalize the process of urination, a course of medications is prescribed that have anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antiseptic effects. In combination with drug treatment, folk methods are used. Herbal preparations accelerate the action of medicines, eliminate symptoms, relieve inflammation and pain. Favorably on the work of the genitourinary system, alcohol tinctures of tea rose, wild rose, juniper, walnut shells affect.

Disturbed work of the genitourinary system is one of the most common pathologies that affects the organs of older men and often flows into a chronic form. Acute urinary retention in men can be caused by diseases of the prostate glands, prostate adenoma.

The disease in question can appear in children, women, but according to statistics, it is men who are most often violated. Such a deviation during urination in medicine is called - ischuria.

Urinary retention on x-ray

With acute urinary retention, a person experiences some inconvenience, not only because he cannot completely empty the urinary tract, but also because the output of urine becomes discontinuous and sore. In this regard, the question arises of how urinary retention occurs in men and its treatment. Next, we will answer it.

Such a disease over time acquires an acute form, and after a while it becomes chronic.

Discomfort with such a deviation will increase each time, the urea output will not be complete, while the urge to go to the toilet will be constant.

Patients have the following types of pathology:

  • aggravated ischuria - progresses rapidly and causes pain in the abdominal cavity, then you can feel a sharp desire to empty, however, when going to the toilet, the patient will have difficulty urinating;
  • chronic urinary retention;
  • acute retention or paradoxical ischuria - occurs due to fluid incontinence.

The reasons

The causes of urinary retention in men can be of two types:

  • mechanical;
  • disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system.

The mechanical causes of fluid suspension are represented by the following factors:

  • or ;
  • urinary tract injuries;
  • in the urinary tract;
  • malignant tumors in the intestines that put pressure on the urethra;
  • narrow foreskin that prevents the opening of the glans penis;
  • acquired or congenital abnormalities in the urethra;
  • infectious diseases of the genitourinary system that cause swelling in the urethra.

Disorders of the nervous system, as the causes of the outflow of urea:

  • malignant tumors in the brain;
  • herbs of the brain and spinal cord;
  • destruction of tissues of nerve endings (demyelinating abnormalities);
  • the use of certain medications (injections, the use of prophylactic drugs and dietary supplements after surgery);
  • stress, overwork;
  • constant use of alcoholic beverages;
  • immobility for a long time (physical inactivity).

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Suspension of urine can be confused with other pathologies, such as anuria - at the same time, there is no urine in the bladder, but there is an urge to go to the toilet.


With this manifestation of the disease, the patient feels increased pain during urination. The abdominal cavity is in great tension, touches become especially painful.


Symptoms do not appear too sharply, however, some painful sensations can be observed. At the same time, ischuria escalates to very severe pain when trying to outflow urine.

The exit of urine is very difficult, there is no normal pressure, the process is interrupted all the time. Older men may experience incontinence. Often develops on the background of prostate adenoma.

As soon as the patient feels such symptoms, he needs emergency help from a qualified doctor. It is the specialist who can identify the exact factors in the appearance of the disease, and determine the therapy of the pathology.


To accurately diagnose ischuria, ultrasound is used as a search for causes in impaired work. If there are above observed symptoms, such methods of studying the nature of the disease are used, such as:

  1. x-ray;
  2. cystoscopy;
  3. general blood and urine tests;
  4. examination of the prostate gland (for prostate adenoma).

Bladder on x-ray

First aid

Many factors provoke urinary retention. At the first symptoms, to get rid of pain, you can take No-Shpu, according to the instructions.

But you need to understand that this analgesic does not cure pathology, but only eliminates pain. You can not drink it often, as the medicine is addictive. To avoid complications, be sure to consult a doctor.

With especially acute manifestations, emergency care is needed. To do this, you should undergo an examination by a specialist or call an ambulance.


Urinary retention in men, its causes and treatment may vary depending on the final diagnosis.

In acute suspension of urine, a catheter is used as a treatment. It is inserted into the urethra and thus urine is excreted. If such therapy is not possible, then a smaller catheter is used. Antibiotics are prescribed as additional treatment.

To treat the chronic form, the specialist eliminates the underlying cause of the disorder. If this is a mechanical damage, then, most often, surgical intervention is used.


Urinary retention in men usually develops in old age. This is due to the fact that the immune system weakens, and it is more easily exposed to external influences of negative factors.

On the other hand, ischuria can also appear in younger men due to an unhealthy lifestyle: drinking alcohol, a poorly balanced diet.

If a disease is suspected, it is necessary to go to the appropriate specialist without delay. Having determined the degree of development and its variety, he will prescribe the necessary treatment.

These problems, when urination is accompanied by frequent urges, urine accumulates in the bladder and is excreted in small portions, sometimes drops and a thin stream, and also when it comes out with difficulty, creating some inconvenience and discomfort, or causing pain, have names.


This is a systemic disease that is accompanied by difficulty urinating for various reasons.

For example, in women, uterine fibroids can compress the urethra, creating certain inconveniences. Urine, with large fibroids, usually leaves in small portions, which is not always accompanied by pain - more discomfort.

In men, prostate adenoma, infection of the prostate, enlarged prostate (hyperplasia), prostate cancer prevents the timely discharge of urine.
Some pills can make it easier to urinate.
For example, tamsulosin, also sold under the names hyperprost, omnic, revocain, are highly selective alpha-A1 blockers; avodart, alfinal, prosterid, zerlon, finast - 5-alpha reductase enzyme blockers; prostamol, prostagut, prostaplant - preparations of plant origin.

All drugs are of different groups, many have contraindications.

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Kidney diseases such as nephritis, nephrosis, pyelonephritis and kidney stones (urolithiasis) can be accompanied by difficulty urinating, also called hesitant urination.

Infections and infectious diseases can also make their own adjustments to the process of urination. For example, syphilis, genital herpes, other genitourinary and urogenital infections and concomitant inflammation of the lower urinary tract.

Hypothermia, sitting on cold objects and subsequent inflammation of the bladder (cystitis, acute cystitis), tuberculous cystitis is accompanied by difficulty urinating and pain.

Bladder stones make themselves felt at the time of physical exertion, in a calm state, they are rarely active.

Irritation of the lower urinary tract, for example from the use of poor-quality cosmetics (care products, cleansers) can cause symptoms similar to cystitis and be accompanied by painful urination.

Autoimmune diseases, especially diseases of the nervous system, can lead to uncontrollable urination, ranging from involuntary to difficult. If a person began to be disturbed by frequent urge to urinate, and little urine is released, if there are signs characteristic of diseases of the nervous system (weakness, uncertainty, unsteady gait, unruly arms and legs or one part of the body, poor vision), it is necessary to take appropriate tests and be checked . Many bladder problems that are attributed to cystitis are the result of other, more serious diseases. For example, multiple sclerosis.

Violation of cerebral circulation, all disorders in the brain may be accompanied by problems with urination.

Injuries to the spine, injuries to the kidneys and bladder can also explain why urination is difficult or accompanied by pain.

Diseases of the endocrine system, such as diabetes, hypothyroidism can complicate the process of urination.
More about diabetes.
Diabetes is a good incentive to carefully check your blood for an excess of iron in the body. Many people whose body is oversaturated with iron (hemochromatosis) often have an enlarged liver, most have an enlarged spleen, and almost all have been diagnosed with diabetes. All other endocrine glands are disrupted, including: thyroid gland, pituitary gland, epiphysis, adrenal glands, gonads -

Violations of sexual life (long-term abstinence, for example) affect everyone differently, for some they are quite noticeable and even cause physical pain.

Diseases of organs adjacent to the bladder: intestines, uterus, enlargement and tumor / inflammatory processes in them, put pressure on the bladder, almost always make it difficult to urinate.

Difficulty urinating always has its reasons. The feeling that urination is delayed, the bladder is not completely emptied, part of the urine is retained, and certain efforts must be made to remove it, always cause some kind of dissatisfaction, which is difficult to get used to.

To help yourself and not experience discomfort, you need to know the reasons why urination is difficult.

Urinary retention and poor urination are not so safe, although they do not die from this, but you definitely need to know the reason. But when there is a complete inability to urinate, when the kidneys are practically failing, you must immediately consult a doctor.

For those who do not have any identified diseases, and with a large intake of water / liquid urine, little is excreted, you can use products and consume products that have a diuretic effect. These are milk, coffee, all foods rich in potassium. It is also important to know that magnesium is responsible for the distribution of potassium and sodium, so it should also be in the diet. There are safe natural remedies, foods that increase urination, facilitate the process of urination - www.site/all_question/wayoflive/zdorove/2012/October/48431/146250

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Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) is a powerful, safer diuretic. It is sold in tablets and injections. A doctor prescribes, but doctors do not consider this vitamin as a treatment, although B6 does not just drive fluid out of the body, but rejuvenates it.

One of the troubles associated with the process of urination is urinary retention. This problem, also called ischuria, affects women and children, but most often it occurs in men. Persons suffering from ischuria do not have the opportunity to completely empty the bladder, or they excrete urine intermittently and with difficulty. Symptoms such as enlargement of the abdomen, discomfort in the bladder area, frequent daytime and nighttime urge to urinate or their absence at the right time are the main signs that a person has a problem with urinary retention. What are the causes of this trouble, what kind of danger does it pose for the stronger sex, and how is urinary retention diagnosed and treated in men?

About the varieties of ischuria

There are several types of urinary retention, each of them proceeds differently. Ischuria is chronic and acute, as well as complete and incomplete. When urinary retention begins in a person unexpectedly, accompanied by painful sensations in the abdomen or bladder, overflow of the latter and frequent urge to urinate, then this is an acute complete form of the disease. And with an acute incomplete variety of urinary retention, urine can occur in men in small quantities.

Chronic ischuria is able to be asymptomatic for some time, and as it develops, it becomes more noticeable and reminds of itself more and more. With chronic complete urinary retention, a person is not able to independently perform the process of urination, only a catheter installed in the urethra can help him in this.

In this way, the patient can empty the bladder for more than one year. With an incomplete form of chronic ischuria, a man manages to urinate himself, but his bladder is still not completely emptied and part of the urine remains in it.

There is another form of urinary retention called paradoxical ischuria. With this disease, a person’s bladder is greatly stretched, and he cannot voluntarily urinate, but urine is involuntarily released in the form of droplets from the urethral canal. The most severe and painful form for a man is acute ischuria; he may not even be aware of the existence of chronic urinary retention.

Pathological factors for the occurrence of urinary retention

There are a variety of reasons for urinary retention. So, chronic urinary retention can cause the following pathological factors:

  1. Various traumatic injuries of the urethra or bladder.
  2. Blockage of the urinary organs. The lumen of the canal may be clogged due to the ingress of a stone or other foreign body into it. The blockage occurs either in the vesicourethral segment or in the urethra itself. In the first case, it may be a congenital patency disorder of this segment, a malignant tumor of the bladder or a polyp. In the second case, the blockage is formed due to a diverticulum (protrusion of one of the walls of the bladder) or urethral stricture (narrowing of the lumen in the urethra).
  3. Compression of the bladder. It can be caused by pathologies of the urinary and genital organs. These include prostatitis (inflammation of the prostate gland), phimosis, balanoposthitis (inflammation of the head of the penis or foreskin), cancer,. The urinary bladder is also compressed in case of pathologies of organs located in the small pelvis (perineal hematoma, rectal cancer, hernia in the groin, aneurysms of the hypogastric arteries).

Urinary retention, which is chronic, is formed in diseases of the central nervous system, for example, neurogenic bladder dysfunction.

Causes of acute ischuria

In addition to neurogenic dysfunction and pathologies of the genitourinary system and small pelvis, there are other factors that cause problems with urination in men.

Acute ischuria may occur if the following events have occurred:

  • trauma to the brain or spinal cord;
  • multiple sclerosis;
  • operations on the spine or on the abdominal organs, requiring patients to stay in bed for a long time;
  • poisoning with drugs or sleeping pills;
  • severe alcohol intoxication;
  • stress and physical tension;
  • hypothermia of the body;
  • filling the bladder with blood clots;
  • forced delay in the process of urination.

Acute urinary retention, as mentioned above, occurs in men suddenly. But the most common cause of its occurrence is a complication of a disease such as prostate adenoma. When this benign tumor begins to grow, the segment of the urethra that passes through the prostate usually changes: it becomes crooked, stretched in length. All these changes in the urethra affect the outflow of urine, making it difficult and delaying it. With prostate adenoma, the gland itself swells, an increase in its size also leads to urinary retention in men.

Diagnostic measures and methods of treatment of ischuria

Symptoms characteristic of acute urinary retention and the late course of chronic ischuria should not be ignored. Every man who cares about his health should, having the above symptoms, be sure to consult a doctor. A qualified specialist will not only make the correct diagnosis, but also identify the causes of urinary retention, as well as prescribe a quality treatment for the disease.

According to the symptoms described by the patient, it will be quite easy for the doctor to understand that we are talking about ischuria, but before treating it, additional diagnostics can be carried out. During a physical examination of the bladder, the doctor can palpate the area above the pubis and thus detect an increase in the size of the bladder. Another diagnostic method is an abdominal ultrasound, which must be done after the patient has urinated. You can measure the volume of urine left in the bladder after the process of urination. If more than 200 ml of urine remains there, we are talking about its delay.

One of the most common methods of treating acute ischuria is catheterization. Its essence lies in the fact that a metal urethral catheter is inserted through the urethra into the bladder, it helps the urine to come out of the bladder to the outside. Catheters are also made of rubber. So, the Timan device has a beak-shaped bend at the end, which allows the catheter to better pass through the urethra to the bladder. Rubber catheters, unlike metal ones, can stay in a man's body from a day to 1-2 weeks. Then there is an improvement, and the person can urinate fully in the future, urinary retention disappears. To make the treatment more effective, along with catheterization, patients are prescribed alpha-blockers, which are also used in the treatment of prostate adenoma.

The disadvantage of urethral catheterization is the possibility of causing microtrauma to the mucous membranes of the urethra. The latter can lead to the development of urosepsis. Some catheters can introduce infections into the urinary tract, and a man may develop urethritis. It is forbidden to use urethral catheters in cases where a person has damage to the urethra or suffers from prostatitis.

How, in this case, to treat ischuria? There is such a method of removing urine from the bladder as a capillary puncture. The method consists in the fact that a long needle (about 15 cm) to a depth of 5 cm is inserted into the patient in a lying position, under anesthesia, 1.5 cm above the pubis and at a right angle to it. A soft tube is put on the outer end of the needle.

The needle should enter the bladder and help the urine flow out of the bladder through the tube. When the organ is emptied of urine, which happens very quickly, the needle is removed and the injection site is lubricated with iodopyrine. This procedure can be performed several times a day. It is especially effective for prostate adenoma.

Difficulty in spontaneous urination in men can be treated with bladder drainage. So, after anesthesia, patients are cut through the skin along the line of the middle of the abdomen above the pubic joint and carefully insert the trocar inside. When this instrument reaches the bladder and the stylet makes a puncture, a rubber catheter is inserted through the hollow tube of the trocar, and urine flows out of the bladder through it. This operation is quite simple and safe, since the prostate is not damaged by the trocar and urinary streaks do not occur.

Frequent drainage of the bladder causes it to shrink, the elasticity of the walls decreases, so people with urinary retention should always flush the bladder with antiseptic solutions, periodically fill it with fluids and keep them inside for a while. Competent doctors will take a responsible approach to the treatment of ischuria and, choosing the most appropriate method, will help patients get rid of problems with urination.

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