Violation of urination in women symptoms. Infrequent urination during pregnancy

The very concept of difficulty urinating has existed for a long time, since such unpleasant symptom experienced by many women throughout their lives. In medical terminology, this pathology is called dysuria and describes a disorder in the process of urination. Various urinary difficulties can be really very diverse, ranging from painful urination or intermittent urination, to rare urges or, conversely, too frequent urination.
It is known that in women suffering from certain gynecological diseases, parallel difficult urination is diagnosed quite often, but among the most common variants of difficult urination in women, they usually distinguish:
- stranguria, that is, urination, accompanied by pain and feeling incomplete emptying Bladder;
- pollakiuria, that is, the urge to urinate frequently;
- involuntary excretion of urine, that is, incontinence;
- another plan involuntary excretion of urine, not accompanied by a constant urge to urinate;
- uncontrolled urinary retention;
- intermittent urination;
- Severe pain when urinating.

Causes of urinary problems.

There are very different symptoms, indicating a violation of the basic functions of the body and local disorders. Among the main ones, that is typical symptoms, doctors distinguish a number of, and recommend, if at least one of them manifests itself, immediately seek advice and undergo an examination until the situation worsens and a specific ailment develops. Thus, during difficult urination, you need to pay attention to the following parameters:
- not jet, but divided, drip urination;
- temporary retention of urine;
- a very lengthy process;
- too actively spraying urination or pronounced bifurcation of the urine stream;
- the presence of a particularly thin stream of urine.
Usually, difficulty urinating in women is quite common in the presence of cervical cystitis, especially chronic.
The main causes of difficulty urinating in the fairer sex can be:
- pure mechanical causes;
- sudden pinching of the urethra;
- the presence of kidney stones;
- blood clots or mucus;
- possible neoplasms in the blood vessels;
- various neoplasms directly in the organs genitourinary system;
- thickening of the urethra due to genital infections;
- serious alcohol abuse;
- increased intra-abdominal pressure;
- incorrect use of diuretic drugs;
- erroneous use of contraceptives;
- physical stretching of the bubble.


Treatment of difficult urination in women, of course, directly depends on the disease that has arisen. After the examination, the doctor will prescribe an adequate and appropriate therapy for the symptoms, so after quality treatment and the use of a special therapeutic complex of actions, health will be restored again. Usually, immediately after the first stages of treatment, most of the functions of the genitourinary system are restored, so the problem of difficult urination is gradually resolved. Naturally, for effective result it is necessary to act according to the voiced plan and perform all the actions prescribed by the doctor. The final disposal of the disease that caused the pathology in the body will come immediately after the end of the course of treatment.
Anyone who has symptoms of failure quite often and, accordingly, the functions of the urinary system often suffer from such disorders, should immediately seek help from highly specialized, highly qualified doctors, since some chronic diseases are treated for a long time and difficult.

The rich practical experience of doctors and the availability of basic, modern techniques diagnostics, guarantee the achievement of the effect as soon as possible after the diagnosis is established. And although, in some cases, the treatment process itself can be lengthy, the removal of symptoms and pain, always happens quickly, because the doctor necessarily prescribes special drugs for physical relief.
Standard therapeutic complex is usually aimed, first of all, at eliminating the main, dominant cause of difficulty urinating. After effective elimination a specific pathogen, all patients are prescribed certain, special, individually selected procedures. Among these auxiliary reception options may appear warm baths with herbs, local compresses and various body wraps.
It should be additionally noted that the treatment can be strictly individual, therefore, even if the symptoms coincide with those you know, you should not repeat the actions assigned to another person. The anamnesis of the disease, the presence of chronic diseases in the body, the characteristics of age and even weight have a complex effect on the doctor's choice of treatment methods. In general, the choice of therapy and, of course, medicines additionally depends on genetic predisposition specific woman, direct presence concomitant diseases and, of course, possible allergic reactions. If necessary, the doctor may also recommend a personal, that is, personal correction of the lifestyle in general, and the diet in particular. When the standard, prescribed drug therapy does not help at all or there are pauses in the treatment, the doctor may prescribe douching. At severe course diseases and presence serious complications, for painless urine diversion, you can use special, medical catheters. That is, there are a lot of options for facilitating, it is only important to seek help in a timely manner.

Problems with urination in women are very different: itching, and burning during urination, frequent urges go to the toilet and much more.

Most people have experienced at least once in their lives similar ailments. As a rule, the cause of everything is an infection. Conditionally, problems with urination in women can be divided into several types.

Discomfort when urinating in women

Difficulty urinating or discomfort is often associated with a disease of the genitourinary system such as cystitis. The reasons for its occurrence are very different: from simple hypothermia to stress or constant sedentary work. On the other hand, the fault is venereal diseases: chlamydia, ureaplasmosis, gonorrhea and more.

Of course, the main drugs for the treatment of diseases of the genitourinary system are antibiotics and antiviral drugs. Also, patients can be prescribed wraps, compresses, soothing baths. For example, paralytic problems with urination in women are treated with pills, compresses on the stomach, sitz baths, at a temperature of 22 degrees Celsius, in which you need to stay for 15 minutes a day. In particular severe cases A catheter is used to promptly remove urine from the bladder.

Intermittent urination in women

Intermittent or sluggish urination, or stranguria, may be caused by renal pathology, pathology of the ureters, changes in the body that affected the bladder, prolonged chronic cervical cystitis, narrowing of the lumen of the urinary tract, clots of mucus or blood that have entered the bladder, pinching of the urethra, kidney stones, etc.

Sometimes difficulty urinating is convulsive or paralytic in nature. This may be due to a stretched bladder after sex or a spinal injury. Often this problem worries older women.

Problems with urination after childbirth

Urinary incontinence after childbirth is one of the most common problems faced by new mothers. At first, you should urinate every 4-5 hours, even if it causes pain and discomfort. The body must get rid of the fluid accumulated during pregnancy. If urinary incontinence occurs during laughter or sneezing, then you need to do a special set of exercises. They are called Kegel exercises.

Discharge during urination

Some patients complain that along with the urine they have a discharge of white or Pink colour. With urethritis, such secretions may be pus, and with acute form cystitis - a small amount of blood.

With the appearance similar symptoms you need to urgently consult a doctor and pass all the tests to determine the exact diagnosis.

Problems with urination during pregnancy

Sometimes problems with urination in women occur during pregnancy. First, the reason may be hormonal changes in the body of a woman, and, secondly, as the fetus grows, the enlarged uterus puts pressure on urinary tract. This increases the risk of infection.

In the first and third trimesters of pregnancy, frequent urination or difficulty urinating is most common. If the disorder is not infectious nature and is not a consequence of any previous past illness, it can be considered harmless. To prevent the occurrence of cystitis, pregnant women are advised to drink more water.

Doctors say that difficulty urinating during pregnancy is a common problem. Below are the causes, symptoms and features of the treatment of this disease. Pregnant women complain of an unreasonable frequency of urge to urinate at night, pressure on the bladder and discomfort. A common problem is infrequent urination during pregnancy, foreign odors, bad feeling. Stranguria is a violation of the process of urination, which has a number of symptoms.

Symptoms of the disease

  • frequent urination in small volumes, causeless urges;
  • pulling pains or spasms during the process or immediately before it;
  • the jet may be weak, bifurcated, sluggish, thin, intermittent, and possibly its release in drops or splashing;
  • urinary retention;
  • involuntary discharge, urinary incontinence;
  • the act of urination is delayed, urine is not released immediately, after attempts;
  • (blood in urine).

What are the causes of difficulty urinating during pregnancy?

Why can a pregnant woman experience discomfort and difficulties in natural processes? There are pathological and non-pathological factors. It is necessary to take into account the diseases of a woman before pregnancy, including chronic ones, taking inappropriate drugs, hormonal disruptions, and improperly prescribed treatment for other diseases.

Pathological causes

Violation of urination in pregnant women can also provoke diabetes.

The following pathological causes are common:

  • gynecological diseases, acute or chronic forms diseases of the pelvic organs, genitourinary system, increased intra-abdominal pressure;
  • injury urethra, damage resulting from medical intervention(cystoscopy, catheterization, operations);
  • pathogenic flora and the presence in the body of specific pathogens (fungi, viruses);
  • disturbances in the functioning of the brain, central nervous system, innervation of the bladder;
  • benign and malignant tumors;
  • diabetes.

Non-pathological causes

The causes of the problem also include:

  • hypothermia;
  • stress;
  • pregnancy and hormonal changes;
  • malnutrition, irritating the mucous membrane of the bladder, metabolic disorders;

Causes related to pregnancy

It is possible that urination is difficult due to the individual location of the internal organs. As a rule, in pregnant women, stranguria appears at the 13-14th week and often does not disappear until childbirth. The fetus grows and creates pressure on internal organs interfering with their work. The level of progesterone rises, stimulating the contraction of the muscles of the bladder, the woman feels the need to urinate. Sometimes pregnant women experience "stress incontinence" when sudden movements, laughing or coughing is manifested by urinary incontinence. There is nothing dangerous in this.

A small amount of urine during pregnancy alarm signal.

anxiety symptoms Pain, burning, strong urges are considered, in which a small amount of urine is released. Possibly infection in bladder. With complications, there is a risk of developing kidney disease. special kind pyelonephritis - gestational - occurs in 12% of pregnant women and often occurs due to underdevelopment of adaptation systems. After the 30th week, urine output can often be mistaken for the discharge of amniotic fluid. Increased thirst and, as a result, frequent urination can mean that a woman is developing diabetes. In particular advanced cases possible premature birth.

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