How to reduce enlarged lips. Lip reduction. In what cases it is impossible to use hyaluronidase to remove

Most women have numerous complaints about their appearance. Some people are not satisfied with the shape of the nose, others complain about the wrong oval of the face, others complain about ugly eyes, etc. We have listed only the most common appearance problems that most self-critical girls attribute to themselves. In addition to them, there are non-standard shortcomings, which can be considered both an advantage and a disadvantage at the same time. This category includes large and plump lips, which are quite rare in nature. We will talk about how to make sponges thinner and smaller in today's article.

Ways to reduce lips at home

There are only 2 ways to reduce the lips - visual (with the help of cosmetics) and surgical (requires surgery). Unfortunately, no folk or pharmacy remedies can reduce lips. How to make lips thinner with makeup, we will tell below:

With tinted cream

To carry out this step, you will need a clean sponge or sponge. We apply a little tonal base on the selected object and lubricate the sponges with it. The cream will mask the lip line, making it easier to hide the contrast between the skin of the face and the lips. After 2 minutes, the base will dry, and you can proceed to the next step, namely the drawing of the lips with a pencil and applying lipstick and (if necessary) gloss, ideally made by hand.

With a concealer

This tool will also help hide the true location of the lip line. It is very important to choose the color of the concealer - it should be similar to the skin around the mouth. To carry out the necessary manipulations, you will need a thin applicator sponge, which will help to evenly distribute the product. When using concealer, you need to mask only the top and bottom of the lips, and leave the middle untouched. You need to shade the product evenly so that the lips remain symmetrical. With the correct implementation of the described steps, your lips will be covered with concealer only at the edges.

With a lip pencil

To mask the lip line, you need a pencil of a neutral pale shade. It should be applied 1 mm (this number may vary depending on your preferences) deep into the actual lip contour. Important: lips should be covered with foundation. Do not use bright and unusual colors of pencils, because. they will make the contours of your lips brighter and more noticeable. Dark-skinned girls should use dark brown and chocolate shades of pencils. The color of the product used should be darker than the skin of the lips by 1-2 tones. Try to make the new outline not thick and barely noticeable, otherwise your manipulations can be easily noticed and revealed. It should also be noted that many make-up experts do not recommend using lip pencils in order to reduce them. The fact is that such cosmetic products make the contour clear and sharp, which is very striking and draws the eye to the true shape of the lips.

Now let's move on to the rules for applying lipstick and lip gloss.

After drawing a new contour with one of the above methods, you can start coloring your lips with lipstick. You need to start from the upper lip, paint only the area that is located inside the artificial lip line. Some tricks for applying lipstick to create the effect of thin lips, we have given below:

  • The color of lipstick should differ from the natural shade of your lips by 2-3 tones. These colors include shades of pink and brown (in some cases, copper and red-brown colors are acceptable).
  • Glossy and pearl lipsticks cannot be used, because. they visually enlarge the lips.
  • The texture of the product should be creamy or matte - they look natural and do not attract attention when light or reflections of various objects hit them.
  • When creating makeup, use only lipstick, because. Glitter attracts attention with its luminous and dewy texture. In principle, the use of gloss is acceptable, but to maintain the effect of thin lips, you need to apply the product only in the middle.
  • A special brush will help to avoid trouble when applying lipstick, which will distribute the product evenly and accurately, avoiding smearing and leaving the coloring agent behind the drawn artificial contours.
  • If you want to create a bright look, you can use bright shades of lipstick, but this will also require some skill from you. Apply lipstick with a brush to the center of the lips, and blend it to the traced contours.

The more natural the color of your lips looks, the less it attracts attention and reliably hides their true shape.

You can focus on the lips with natural light powder or white shadows.. Apply them on the entire surface of the lips, painted with lipstick (no gloss!). The layer of powder or shadows should be uniform, the accumulation of funds in any part of the lips will make them asymmetrical. Shadows and powder should be matte and not have sparkles and other shimmery components.

The above instructions, if performed correctly, can provide the expected effect and return a beautiful aesthetic appearance to the image and lips. Try each of the listed types of lip contour drawing, and in the future, when creating a full-fledged make-up, use an acceptable option to achieve impressive and desired results.

In addition to applying makeup and the actions of the surgeon, simple tips will help to reduce lips, the implementation of which will provide a reliable result and make the image more harmonious and aesthetic.

  1. Hydrate your body from the inside. Drink the required amount of water per day. Try to use clean filtered (ideally spring) water, its daily intake should be 2 liters. With a lack of moisture, the body tries to retain it, which provokes the appearance of external swelling and is fraught with serious health problems.
  2. smile. Pulling lips into a smile helps to make them smaller and thinner by stretching the tissues. At the same time, try to smile wider, the final result of your manipulations depends on it. You need to carry out movements in the form that is familiar to you - an open or closed mouth does not affect the effectiveness of the movements being made. If you have no desire to smile, then just squeeze and unclench your lips in the position in which they are. These manipulations must be carried out carefully, because. excessive zeal can cause a rush of blood to the lips and swelling of the tissues.
  3. Focus on another area of ​​the face. Try to highlight your eyes: use not only mascara, but also shadows, eyeliner, pencil, etc. If you are not used to bright makeup, then try to highlight your eyes a little with a pencil or eyeliner. When paired with the right lip coloring, this trick is sure to work. Do not forget that daytime makeup should be less flashy, do not go against your image, and rely on your taste in everything.

Another way is to use blush. Apply the blush evenly on the dimples of the cheeks and blend them. On a ruddy face, large lips look thinner and narrower.

The third option is to create an interesting hairstyle and use hair accessories. With the right hairstyle, people's eyes will be directed to your hair, and plump lips will become less noticeable and catchy. If you usually wear a ponytail or other pin-up style, you can try to loosen the curls - this will also help hide full lips. In addition to the hairstyle, your image should be complemented by an outfit that matches the theme of the event, as well as the created hairstyle and makeup.

  1. Do gymnastics to thin your lips. Doing simple gymnastics daily will help make them thinner by training the muscles. We have given simple and complex exercises below:
  • say tongue twisters several times a day, to speed up the effect, lips can be pulled out “in a stripe”.
  • lift the lower lip on the upper lip and try to smile (the lower lip should not slide off the upper one). Do this exercise at least 10 times a day.
  • with your index fingers, pull down the corners of your mouth, you need to do 10 such actions at a time, repeat 5 approaches a day.
  • pull the corners of your mouth with your fingers and try to fake a smile. The frequency of this exercise is the same as in the previous example.

Diligently following our advice will help make your lips thinner and more attractive, while there will be no danger in the implementation of these actions.

If you are not a supporter of surgical intervention, then this article will help you make your dreams come true and make your lips narrow and thin, and the whole image updated and harmonious.

The pursuit of beauty is a complex, often dangerous to health process. Lip augmentation is becoming the most popular and widely available cosmetic procedure. Before resorting to it, it is important to learn about the features of lip reduction in case of failure.

The use of hyaluronic acid

Modern cosmetology and medicine widely offer lip augmentation services. Women have long believed that plump lips are a sign of sensuality and sexuality, so affordable means to increase them are attracting more and more attention.

Today, to the question: "How to increase lips?", The answer is simple - use hyaluronic acid. Cosmetologists widely advertise a similar service, which is used in the following cases:

  1. Volume increase.
  2. rejuvenation effect.
  3. Extra hydration.
  4. Alignment and correction of the contour of the lips.

The described effect becomes especially popular for women who do not naturally have large lips. However, any procedures may not have the most pleasant consequences, so another question arises: "How to reduce lips?"

Why does discomfort occur?

Often, after the procedure for lip augmentation, there is a feeling of discomfort, up to pain. Why is this happening? Should I immediately panic and look for methods to reduce lips?

Let's figure it out. Injections of hyaluronic acid in order to improve the appearance are in any case an interference with the integrity of the body. Once under the skin, the material begins to spread instantly, exerting unnatural pressure on the surrounding tissues.

The most common symptoms that a woman observes after the procedure:

  1. Puffiness.
  2. Hematomas.
  3. Soreness.

The degree of such a reaction depends largely on the professionalism of the cosmetologist and the individual characteristics of the body. Pain in the first days after the procedure is considered normal, gradually swelling and pain should disappear, leaving only the beautiful result of the work of a specialist.

In what cases is it necessary to reduce the lips?

There are a number of signs, the appearance of which should alert a woman and encourage her to see a doctor:

  1. Sharp pain that doesn't subside.
  2. Puffiness only increases, does not disappear even after 5 days.
  3. Allergic reaction around the injection area.
  4. The appearance of foci of inflammation.
  5. Pain and discoloration of the skin, which indicates a violation of blood flow.

In such cases, an already competent doctor must decide what to do and, possibly, how to reduce the lips in order to restore health to normal.

There are also other prerequisites that require the elimination of the results of a cosmetic procedure. Without a suitable examination, you may encounter the fact that the end result is far from ideal, the contour of the lips is uneven, the shape is unnatural. This effect is most often associated with the physiological characteristics of the patient's face. In such cases, the question comes to the fore: "How to reduce the lips after hyaluronic acid and completely remove it from the body?"

Modern cosmetology allows for a reverse procedure, which will enable a woman to feel better. There are several methods for reducing lips after augmentation:

  1. A hardware method that is aimed at improving metabolic processes in the injection area, which will allow the lymph to quickly remove the injected material.
  2. A special massage contributes to the rapid resorption of the filler.
  3. The introduction of a special enzyme that will remove hyaluronic acid and restore the lips to their former appearance.
  4. Gymnastics is prescribed by a cosmetologist to enhance the effect and speed up the procedure for removing hyaluronic acid.
  5. Special compresses that help fight excessive swelling.

All of these methods help to successfully eliminate the consequences of an unsuccessful lip augmentation procedure.

Can lips be reduced on their own?

It is believed that you can remove hyaluronic acid yourself. The main principle is the effect of heat. If you resort to warm compresses, regularly visit a sauna or bath (in the absence of contraindications), then the blood flow in the body improves, and the removal of fillers accelerates.

This approach is possible only in those cases when the question: "How to reduce the lips?", Arose against the background of aesthetic dissatisfaction with the result. If there are signs of a pathological reaction to the procedure, then you must immediately contact a specialist, do not self-medicate in order to avoid dangerous consequences.

If your lips are visibly plump and large, then you might be among the few who actually want lips to be smaller. Apart from cosmetic surgery, there is nothing you can do to physically reduce the size of your lips. Luckily, there are a few tricks and techniques you can try that can temporarily make your lips look visually less. Just keep in mind that most women actually want their lips to look bigger and that many people believe that you need to have big, full lips to look great and sexy.


Part 1

Use of makeup

    Apply foundation to your lips. Apply a small amount of liquid foundation to a clean cosmetic sponge and carefully sweep the sponge over your lips. Allow foundation to dry for at least two minutes before applying any additional makeup.

    • Foundation can help soften any naturally bright lip color and can also help blur the contour of your lips. This dithering effect is beneficial in that it prevents you from knowing where your lip line starts, thereby causing the perception of visually small lips.
  1. Lighten the contour of your lips with concealer. Choose a concealer that matches your skin tone around your mouth. Gently apply a thin line of concealer to the top edge of your upper lip and the bottom edge of your bottom lip. Use a narrow sponge applicator to even out the color of the concealer with the skin.

    • Spread the concealer using up and down strokes so that the contour of your lips looks natural with your skin tone above or below your lips. If the line appears uneven as a result, smooth it out by moving the tip of the applicator to the line of the concealer, beyond the contour of your lips.
    • If you don't have a sponge applicator, you can smooth the concealer with your fingers.
    • Ideally, the concealer will cover part of your lips just inside the natural lip line.
  2. Outline your lips with a neutral colored lip liner. If you're not using concealer, you can define the shape of your lips with a pale, neutral lip liner. Use it only inside your natural lip line.

    *Depending on the brand and quality of lips you are using, you might be able to smudge or blend in some poignancy of this liner using a sponge or cotton swab applicator.

    Apply light lipstick. Start with the top lip. Fill in the lips inside your fake lip line with your chosen lipstick, working from your dominant side to your non-dominant side. Apply lipstick on the lower lip in the same way.

    Know how to use brighter lipstick colors. If a pale, neutral lipstick just won't work, you can choose a deep, rich color and apply it in a way that still gives the illusion of small lips. Apply a lot of rich color just to the center of your lips. Use a lipstick brush to blend the color outward, towards the corners and contour of your lips.

    • Please note that even if you choose to use a darker color, you should avoid gaudy or bright colors. They tend to attract more attention and make your lips look even bigger.
    • As before, you should only use lipstick, not lip gloss. The makeup you choose should also have a matte finish or creamy texture, and you should apply the color to your lips using a lipstick brush, not the lipstick itself.
  3. Accentuate your lips with white shadows. Consider rubbing white eye shadow or non-toxic powder into the center of your lips, right on top of your lipstick. Use your fingers or the applicator to gently spread the white eyeshadow all over your lips.

    • Spread the powder evenly. Do not allow it to accumulate in some areas and less in others.
    • Please note that this tip is not essential, but it can help you further soften your lip color, especially if you have used a color darker or brighter than you expected.
    • Use matte powder. Do not use anything with glitter or shimmer.

    Part 2

    Using additional tricks
    1. Keep your body hydrated. The human body needs water to function properly and look its best. If you are constantly dehydrated, your body may begin to retain water instead of expelling it. Sometimes, this extra water is stored in obvious, visible areas of the body, including your lips.

      • Maintain healthy, evenly balanced and small lips by regularly drinking six to eight glasses of water a day (approximately 250 ml per glass).
    2. Smile. Smiling pulls your lips back and stretches. As a result, they look thinner and smaller overall. The wider the smile, the better.

      • Both open-mouthed and closed-mouthed smiles are suitable.
      • If you're not in the mood for smiling, you can mimic the same effect by simply pursing your lips in a direct expression. However, do not wrinkle your lips, or squeeze them with any force. Putting pressure on your lips can cause pain and swelling, and the last thing you want when you're trying to make your lips look smaller is when your lips swell up and look big.
    3. Draw attention to other features. A simple trick to make the lips look smaller is to move your eyes away from the mouth and into another line. This works especially well when used in conjunction with the makeup described earlier in this article, or when you go out without any makeup on your lips.

      • A great place to start is your eyes. If you like your eyes, try to make the look more dramatic with shadows, mascara and eyeliner. Your eye makeup attempts should be attractive and still fit your personality, but generally the eyes and lips are close enough together that the average viewer usually only focuses on one and not the other. If you can fool others into looking at your eyes, it will draw attention away from your lips, making your lips look less obvious or larger as a result.
      • Adding some blush to the apples of your cheeks and making sure to spread it well can also help draw attention to other parts of your face.
      • There are other options you could try. For example, an elaborate hairstyle or hair accessories can keep people's eyes on your hair, and jewelry can draw attention to your sense of style rather than any of your physical features. An eye-catching outfit that highlights the best parts of your figure can also take a little bit of attention away from your mouth.
      • You can also let your hair down if you're used to pinning it up, so you can draw attention away from your lips and face.
    4. Do a simple lip exercise. It may seem a little strange, but many people claim that using some facial exercises can actually make your lips look smaller, making them look bigger.

      Do more advanced lip exercises. More extensive facial exercises targeting the lips require a little more dedication. However, it can give you excellent results. Here is another facial exercise you can try if you are willing to put in the time and effort:

      • Close the outer corners of your mouth with your index fingers. Gently pull down the corners of your mouth using these fingers.
      • Force yourself to smile at the same time by pulling the corners of your mouth down. The strength of the fingers creates enough resistance to strengthen the mouth muscles involved in smiling.
      • Release and repeat ten times.

    Part 3

    Consider cosmetic surgery
    1. Find out more about lip reduction surgery. If your lips are very large, you may be a candidate for lip reduction surgery. This cosmetic procedure will not always reduce the size of your lips and is the only option if you want your lips to actually look smaller and not just look small.

Hyaluronic acid is a polysaccharide that is able to attract and hold water molecules in large quantities, providing excellent cell hydration. It is widely used in cosmetology, in the correction of facial features, including lips. But due to various situations, after the procedure, it may be necessary to remove hyaluronic acid from the lips. There are various methods to eliminate the connection, which are useful to know before deciding on a correction.

In order to correct the appearance of the fair sex, they have long resorted to various unthinkable methods. The cosmetic procedure of hyaluronic acid injection into the lips has become relevant. The purpose of the application is:

  • increase in volume;
  • rejuvenation;
  • moisturizing;
  • contour alignment;
  • shape correction.

Hyaluronic acid is a polysaccharide found in the skin, connective and nervous tissue. It provides sufficient hydration and elasticity of the connective tissue, affects the youthfulness of the skin due to its saturation with moisture. This property is the basis for the use of "youth shots" and cosmetics, which include this substance.

When is it necessary to remove fillers?

You can often encounter negative reviews about the procedure performed with the introduction of a drug containing hyaluronic acid. This is due to obtaining not the result that was expected from facial contouring. Complications mean defects in the form of:

  • subtle or completely absent effect;
  • asymmetries;
  • too thick lips (hypereffect);
  • uneven contour;
  • the formation of lumps and seals at the injection site;
  • uneven filling, which leads to deformation of the mouth;
  • redness and swelling;
  • formation of hematomas;
  • exacerbation of manifestations of herpes;
  • development of an allergic reaction;
  • the beginning of the inflammatory process;
  • tissue necrosis, as evidenced by whitening of the skin.

Such complications are rarely associated with the physiological characteristics of clients. The guilt of negative manifestations is in the incompetence of the master, who is often not a specialist, or in a poor-quality product. The procedure must be performed by a cosmetologist by introducing an exclusively certified drug with a normal expiration date.

The reason why the above complications can occur in the mistakes made:

  • punctures of blood vessels;
  • too deep or superficial injection of the filler;
  • violation of sanitary standards;
  • insufficient amount of drug administration;
  • disregarding contraindications.

A slight swelling and inflammation immediately after the operation is normal with such manipulations. Such manifestations are explained by damage to the integrity of the skin, through needle punctures, as well as the presence of a filler in the tissues, which causes an appropriate reaction of the body. Reduces redness and swelling subsides after 2-7 days.

It is worth considering the properties of fillers based on hyaluronic acid. They can be contoured in a roller-like manner at the injection sites, produce a hypereffect in the first stages after the operation. Bumps and bumps may also appear and persist for a week. This is due to uneven swelling of the lips after punctures. Masters recommend making kneading movements with your fingers at home to reduce unevenness and help the filler to be distributed under the skin. And only after 7-10 days you can evaluate the result of the correction.

But if the manifestations of complications persist for a long period (more than a month) and, all the more, increase, you should consult a doctor. In such cases, immediate removal of hyaluronic acid in the lip area is necessary. If, in the presence of inflammation that does not go away, excretion is not carried out in time, fibrous seals may form, the treatment of which will take much longer.

You can significantly reduce the risk of side effects and defects in the area being corrected by first taking care of choosing the right salon and master. The quality of the procedure for lip augmentation and rejuvenation depends on the professionalism of the cosmetologist and his experience. Before making a decision to contact a specific specialist, it is worth consulting with other clients, how much you can trust this institution and its employees.

Removal Methods

There are several ways to remove a hyaluronate preparation from the lips:

Removal methods Characteristic
Hardware procedures You can remove hyaluron from the lips by resorting to one of the types of hardware techniques:
  • darsonval;
  • electroporation;
  • microcurrent therapy;
  • vaporization.

These procedures activate metabolic processes in the skin and tissues, accelerate the outflow of lymph, stimulate blood circulation.

Enzyme The introduction of the enzyme Hyaluronidase or Longidase into seals on the lips will help to quickly remove the filler and ensure the restoration of the previous appearance of the lips.
Massage Assistance in case of unsuccessful correction will be massage of the problem area. It will affect the increase in circulation and accelerate the resorption of the filler.
Mimic gymnastics A specialist may prescribe therapeutic exercises for the mouth.
Compresses Warm compresses will help relieve swelling.

Is it possible to remove hyaluron from the lips yourself

You can dissolve hyaluronic acid in the lips on your own using warm compresses. Elevated temperature will accelerate blood flow and metabolic processes, thereby removing the filler will occur faster than naturally.

Frequent and regular visits to the sauna or bath will help reduce lips after an unsuccessful injection of hyaluronic acid. Active sports will accelerate the elimination of the effect with the opposite result.

A cheap and affordable remedy with a resolving effect is bodyaga. Applying it to the affected areas will help reduce swelling, remove bruises after injections, activate metabolic processes and speed up blood flow.

In what cases can not use hyaluronidase for removal?

Before using the hyaluronidase enzyme, it is worth considering the presence of contraindications, including:

  1. Individual intolerance.
  2. Exacerbation of a disease that has a chronic course.
  3. Oncological disease.
  4. Bleeding or hemorrhage in the problem area, requiring correction.
  5. An acute form of inflammation or infection.
  6. Pregnancy and lactation period.
  7. Age up to 18 years.

In addition to the listed contraindications, there are other nuances that must be taken into account before removing hyaluronic acid. If the client takes hormonal drugs or anti-allergic drugs, then their action may affect the decrease in the effectiveness of the procedure and will not allow the hyaluron to fully dissolve. The enzyme acts on other drugs in such a way that they enhance their effect on the body. When using Hyaluronidase, you need to take into account the intake of any pharmaceutical drugs.

Another feature of this enzyme is the fact that many develop a strong sensitivity to the drug, which is expressed by an allergic reaction already at the second injection. To exclude this pathology, a test injection in the forearm should be carried out and expected within an hour. If the skin does not show any signs of allergy, then you can proceed to the procedure.

With a normal reaction of the body to Hyaluronidase, the enzyme is able to completely absorb the acid present in the lips in 1-2 days.

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