Seeds of hot pepper "Aladdin" from "Sedek". How to grow ornamental peppers at home Hot pepper Aladdin

3 years ago I got 3 tiny decorative Aladdin peppers. Now, after this time, I can already say for sure that caring for these plants is not so difficult.


  • For planting, it is better to take loose peat soils, as pepper loves frequent watering with warm water, and in heavy soil it can simply “suffocate”.
  • The larger the capacity (the minimum volume is 1.5-2 liters), the larger the plant is formed. Personally, I choose a pot with a volume of 2 liters and plant several plants there at once. Thus, a beautiful lush bush is obtained, which, due to the multi-colored fruits, looks like a Christmas tree.
  • To make the shape of the plant beautiful, the pepper must be pinched. I periodically cut off the tops. Thanks to this, the growth of side shoots is stimulated, and, as a result, a lush bush and more fruits.
  • At least once a month, peppers should be sprayed with any insecticide against pests (but if you do this during the fruiting period, peppers cannot be used for food).


Unlike ordinary indoor flowers, decorative pepper should not only bloom, but also bear fruit. When I first took up peppers, I did not know this. For a whole month I just watched how my plants faded one by one, but did not form fruits. Then I decided to help the pepper - I began to transfer pollen from one flower to another with the help of a cosmetic brush. After that, finally got the first fruits.


Time passed, and I wanted to get seedlings from homemade seeds. I plucked a red peppercorn, cut it in half, carefully removed the seeds from there, spread them out on paper and let them dry for a week. Dry seeds were removed for storage. Immediately I want to warn you that after all this “opening” procedure, you must thoroughly wash your hands. Pepper is very hot, and if its juice gets into the eyes, nose or mouth, it will not be pleasant.


When I sowed the seeds for seedlings for the first time, I deepened them too much. This led to the fact that I had to wait more than a month for the first shoots. Now I don't make that mistake.

For sowing, I take an ordinary cup of sour cream, fill it half (!) With soil, water it abundantly and sow the seeds. After that, I lightly sprinkle them with earth, but in no case do I water the covered soil and do not tamp it down. I cover the glass with a plastic bag - this creates very comfortable conditions for seed germination (heat and humidity).

As a rule, the first shoots begin to appear after a week. It is very important at this time not to open the plastic bag for 1.5-2 weeks. Otherwise, fragile seedlings from any cool breath or drops of condensate on cellophane may “fall”.


When the 5th leaf appears on the seedlings, I start planting it in separate cups, where it grows for about 2 months. After that, I spend a second transplant already in a permanent large pot.

Periodically I pinch the tops of adult plants. Initially, small peppercorns are yellowish-green in color, then they gradually turn purple (but for some reason not all of them), and they acquire a red tint only after 1.5-2 months. It is at this stage that the fruits can be added to food (second courses, preparations, soups). Only this should be done very carefully so as not to overdo it, since the fruits of decorative pepper are extremely sharp and burning.

Among the perennial crops grown on the windowsill, ornamental peppers are especially popular. With proper care at home, its continuous fruiting for 3-5 years is observed. In order for the burning spice to always be at hand, you need to become more familiar with the features of cultivation.

Popular types

It is effective to grow pepper at home in compact sizes, up to 50 cm high. There are varieties of indoor plants, they are also called Capsicum, whose height does not exceed 20 cm - these are dwarf varieties with numerous bright fruits and rather long undulating ripening. Peppers growing on small green bushes are not only a spectacular decoration of any windowsill, but also an excellent spicy seasoning. There are many types of ornamental peppers, differing in the shape of the fruit, size, leaf mass, duration of the fruiting period, color from green to purple.


In most cases, plants dry out after harvesting, which explains their name. But there are exceptions - these are individual varieties that at home are able to bear fruit for several years in a row. One-year-olds differ in short stature, compactness, their height is 30-55 cm. Depending on the varietal characteristics, the fruits may have a different shape and color.

Most often, California miracle, Atlas, Orange miracle, Kakadu, Habanero, Bogatyr, Anastasia are grown on window sills. Phoenix, Redskin, Cherry Bomb, Tepin, Siberian Prince have positive reviews.


This type of perennial plant is grown on window sills, balconies, loggias. Bush pepper is a good solution in choosing a room culture, it stands out for its qualitative and quantitative fruiting (5-6 years), its height is within 15-45 cm.

The crown of the plant is quite dense, the fruits are small in size, their number reaches up to 50 pieces. Among the well-known small-fruited varieties, the Queen of Spades, Carmen, Spark, Bride, Salute are noted. Bush pepper is also known as cayenne.


This variety of homemade pepper fully justifies its name, its fruits are distinguished by a flattened shape, and not the usual cone-shaped, somewhat similar to squash. An unusual form attracts pepper of the Bishop's Crown variety, but its productivity indicators are average, up to 20 fruits from one bush.

Often in room conditions there is Lemon Lollipop, White Crystal, which have proven themselves exclusively on the positive side. They have high yields. They are sweet and not spicy in taste. Tall plants grow up to 80 cm, they are best placed on the floor.


This is a less common type of indoor pepper, its height does not exceed 50 cm. The compact bush stands out for its ovoid foliage, their color is light green, the surface is slightly wrinkled. Flowers attract attention with their white color, there is a greenish tint.

Peppers may differ in shape, there are instances in the form of a flashlight. Chinese pepper is valued for its pungency and pungency. Its only disadvantage is its relatively slow growth. Santa Lucia, Devil's Yellow, Devil's Tongue are popular.


This variety is also called fluffy pepper, because of its tallness (3-4 m), it is most often planted in an open area. At home, some of its types are suitable, in particular, Rokoto. In height, it grows only up to 1 m. The plant is covered with dense pubescence (shoots, flowers, leaves).

The flowers can be single or paired, they are distinguished by an unusual purple color. Short peppers grow with a dark red, orange, brown or black color. The fruits are quite pungent in taste.

Is it possible to eat decorative pepper

Indoor decorative pepper not only decorates the room, it also benefits. This savory vegetable with regular use is capable of:

  • improve the state of the central nervous system;
  • normalize the hematopoietic function of the body;
  • improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system;
  • enhance brain activity;
  • reduce the likelihood of developing atherosclerosis, bronchial asthma, renal failure;
  • provoke the release of hormones of happiness;
  • effectively fight pathogenic microorganisms on both internal and external tissues of the body.

But, in order not to cause undesirable manifestations for the body, it should be consumed in moderate doses, otherwise you can cause a burn of the mucous membrane of the digestive system, increase the load on the heart, and increase blood pressure.

The best varieties for indoor growing

Due to the high taste characteristics and yield indicators, varieties are especially popular:

  1. This indoor plant belongs to medium early crops, harvesting occurs 115-120 days after planting. The bush stands out with an average strength of growth, branching. The sizes of the pods are quite large, their weight reaches 45 g. They grow in a rich red color and have a burning taste.
  2. Aladdin. The ornamental culture is characterized as medium-sized, its height is not more than 50 cm. The variety is in demand because of its ultra-early maturity, it bears fruit abundantly and for a long time. Small peppers are distinguished by a cone-shaped shape, pronounced aroma and sharpness. As they mature, their color changes, when they reach their technical ripeness, the skin becomes red.
  3. A compact plant reaches a height of only 31 cm. Flowers are purple, self-pollinated. Black fruits become red when they reach technical ripeness. For black pearl pepper, large containers are not required, flower pots with a volume of 1.5-3 liters are enough.
  4. This Dutch variety of hot peppers has won consumer appreciation for its abundant fruiting. Productivity is high, even despite the low growth of the bush, height 20-30 cm.
  5. This indoor pepper is famous for its productivity and undemanding to growing conditions. An early ripe culture pleases with its hanging red fruits, their length is up to 5 cm. The height of the bush does not exceed 45 cm, there are not so many leaves. The fruits are spicy in taste, actively used for the preparation of assorted, marinades, as a spice.
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Required agrotechnical conditions

When growing peppers in a pot to maintain their decorative qualities and yields, certain recommendations should be followed. Only an integrated approach will allow you to get a strong and promising plant.

Choosing a place in the apartment

The best option for placing an ornamental plant would be a fairly sunny location. To increase the length of daylight hours, it is recommended to grow hot peppers on the windowsill of a south or east window. The leaves of the plant are acutely sensitive to direct sunlight, therefore, in the summer they need to be darkened.

To develop immunity at night, a pot of hot pepper is taken out to the balcony in order to artificially induce contrasting temperatures. It is good for a plant to change its place every 2-3 years or to transplant it to stimulate growth and development. In case of non-compliance with this condition, after 5 years, the ability to bear fruit will cease.


A prerequisite for a rich harvest is a sufficient amount of sunlight. To fully satisfy the need for indoor hot pepper, you need to place the pot on the windowsill of a southern, western or southwestern orientation. Given the light-loving culture in the spring and autumn, it should receive up to 3-4 hours of sunlight. It is not worth exceeding these time limits, otherwise, instead of benefit, you can cause burns on the sheet plates.

With a shortage of sunlight, hot peppers are provided with an additional source of lighting in the form of fluorescent lamps.

Temperature and Humidity

Heat-loving indoor pepper effectively grows and develops at an indoor air temperature of up to 25 degrees - in spring and summer. As for winter, the temperature should be in the range of 10-12 degrees. Humidity is of particular importance for decorative piquant culture. In case of increased dryness, the plant will shed its leaves, and its fruits will have a wrinkled surface. In winter, regular spraying on the leaf will be useful for hot peppers on the windowsill.

Preparatory work

When growing hot peppers at home, it is important to correctly approach the choice of soil, capacity and seed preparation.

How to get planting material

For breeding hot peppers, it is better to choose seeds taken from dried fruits. Alternatively, they can be bought at specialized retail outlets or online stores, which offer planting material for ornamental and exotic crops. If you sow it in February-March, then you can count on the harvest in September-October. For successful cultivation on the windowsill, you should choose the right seed material and carry out its pre-sowing preparation.

Preplant seed treatment

The choice of seeds should be focused on self-pollinating varieties, if other varieties are used, then pollination will have to be done manually, which is not always convenient and efficient. To speed up the germination process, purchased or collected seeds must be kept in a container of water for several days. But they are pre-treated with a 1% solution of potassium permanganate, keeping for 30 minutes. Wood ash is used as a natural growth stimulator, it is added to water to soak the seeds.

Soil and container for planting

The pots are filled either with ready-made seedling substrate, which is sold at specialized outlets, or with nutrient soil prepared independently from leafy soil (2 parts), peat (1 part), river sand (1 part), coconut fiber (1 part) and perlite ( 1 part). In order to avoid negative consequences for plantings in the form of the development of various kinds of diseases, the soil mixture is disinfected with fungicidal preparations such as Previkur. For these purposes, a 1% solution of potassium permanganate is suitable.

For laying seeds in the ground, separate containers with a volume of 200 ml will be required. For transplanting an adult bush, it is better to take pots with a volume of more than 3 liters.

Seedling technology

To achieve high results, you need to know how to properly plant bitter pepper from seeds at home.

When to sow

When cultivating at home, it is very important to adhere to the timing of planting seed material. Sow a piquant culture in containers, other containers are allowed throughout the year, the main thing is that the temperature in the room is maintained in the range of 20-25 degrees. Varieties with early or very early ripening are sown from April to mid-May, and plants with medium or late ripening - from the last days of February to the first days of May.

Depth and seeding pattern

The prepared seed material is planted either in a common container (between seedlings 2-3 cm) with further picking, or separately, using peat cups. When growing indoor pepper, you need to know that it does not tolerate transshipment into a deeper container, its growth processes can slow down significantly. It is more efficient to immediately sow in pots with a volume of 3 liters. The planting depth of the seed should not exceed 1.5-2 cm. Germinated specimens should be used very carefully, the spine is directed down.

seedling care

To grow a healthy and strong plant, you need to properly care for it.

First shoots

In order for the seeds to germinate faster, they need to create greenhouse conditions. To do this, the containers are covered with plastic wrap and placed in a warm and bright place. The recommended temperature in the room should be at least 24 degrees. When shoots appear, the covering material is removed. You can expect sprouts from fresh seeds for 10-14 days. If old copies are used, then this process is delayed for 2-3 weeks. Growing seedlings will be comfortable with a temperature in the range of 18-20 degrees.

Dive to a permanent place

It is allowed to transplant sprouts at the stage when they have two pairs of true leaves. From small pots with a volume of 200-300 ml, ornamental plants are transferred into large containers filled with fertile soil. It is important that after the manipulations, the pepper is at the same level as it grew before.

If it is deeply buried in the ground, then due to the lack of the ability to form additional roots, the piquant plant will die.

Features of growing on the window

Caring for ornamental peppers consists in the timely introduction of nutritional compounds, moisturizing, and the formation of a bush.

Watering and fertilizing regimen

In spring and summer, the soil is moistened as it dries. Water should be at room temperature and settled (1 day). In drought conditions, the plant sheds leaves and flowers, so watering is done regularly, but in moderate doses. In hot weather, spraying on the leaf is effective, 2-3 times a day.

You can determine the lack of nutrients in the soil by external condition. If there is not enough phosphorus, then the lower leaves become purple. Nitrogen deficiency is detected by the light color of the leaf mass. Feed bitter pepper 1 time in 2 weeks. Nitrogen compounds are used for leaf treatments, and phosphorus-potassium compounds are used under the bush. Home care must be of high quality, otherwise the fruits will be small and not sharp.

Diseases and pests of indoor species

A spicy perennial most often suffers from an attack by a spider mite. This harmful insect appears on plants in conditions of high humidity in the air. The mealy worm attacks the bushes in the absence of a disinfectant treatment of the soil before planting. If you overdo it with watering, then there is a high probability of developing dangerous diseases on plantings - phytophthora, root rot. If foci are found on leaf plates of various colors, treatment with copper-containing preparations should be carried out. A clear manifestation of root rot is the wilting of the bush. To save him, the soil is replaced with a new one.

Bush formation

When cultivating pepper at home on the windowsill, it is necessary to periodically prune, thanks to this procedure, the productivity of the ornamental crop is significantly increased, a beautiful crown is formed and growth processes are enhanced. At the first fruiting, each side shoot is pinched. Since hot pepper tolerates shortening quite painlessly, from time to time it will be useful to trim half the length of each branch.

Flowering period and fineness of pollination

It is more convenient to grow self-pollinating varieties at room conditions. If there is a desire to increase the yield, then you should lightly shake the plant at the flowering stage or walk with a soft brush through all the flowers. To stimulate the appearance of new ovaries, abundant watering is carried out.

It happens that the buds fall off the bitter pepper. The reason for dropping flowers may be non-compliance with the rules of agricultural technology. Irrigation should be properly organized, the plant should be fed and the air temperature in the room should be controlled.


The fruits of indoor hot peppers are harvested as they ripen, here you need to focus on the varietal characteristics of each specific species. There are varieties (Jalapeño) that lose their sharpness when they reach their technical maturity. Therefore, they are plucked earlier, still unripe. If you plan to collect seed material, then the peppers should be fully ripe, red, orange or yellow in color. After removal from the bush, these specimens should dry out for 2-3 days.

Hot pepper, as a perennial plant, has its own characteristics. To achieve a high-quality harvest, you should follow the correct agricultural technology.

For several years I have been growing hot peppers on the window. The plant looks like a beautiful flower, and gives considerable benefits.
The variety of this pepper is called Aladdin. This is a perennial, the bush can successfully bear fruit in an apartment for up to 5-7 years. On one bush a variety of colors - green, blue, orange, yellow, white, red.
At first, I grew peppers outdoors. In March, I germinate the seeds and sow them in cups. I took the soil from the garden, added sand and rotted manure. After May 9, I plant plants in the ground at a distance of 40 cm from each other. In two weeks I feed with mullein and ammonium nitrate (a matchbox for a bucket of water). I water rarely, but plentifully, after watering I loosen the ground. Multi-colored peppers become in August. In October, I carefully dig out bushes with a clod of earth and transplant them into a flower pot.
Now the main thing (for some reason, many people forget about this, and then they wonder why their pepper bushes die during transplantation). When digging, half of the roots are lost, no matter how carefully you perform this operation. Therefore, on the bush, I leave only a third of the branches, I cut off the ends of all. I form a bush in the form of a ball. A week later, new ovaries appear, and by the New Year you will already have ripe peppers. Once a year, the bush must be updated - cut the ends of the branches.

In addition to Aladdin pepper seeds, I can offer more than 50 varieties of tomatoes, Korenovsky cucumbers and melons, eggplants, pumpkins, 24 varieties of strawberries, many rare and exotic plants. I will send the catalog in your signed envelope.

Nikolai Gavrilovich DROGUNOV ,
353235, Krasnodar region, Seversky district, pos. Afipsky, st. October, 50
Author's photo

How to grow peppers in a window

In the house on the window, I grow hot hot peppers of the Little Miracle variety. It was bred in Holland, but it grows well here, in Russia.
The bush is compact, it has a lot of conical peppercorns sticking up: green, red, raspberry. One small pepper is enough to give a unique spicy taste to a three-liter jar of cucumbers. In medicine, an alcohol tincture of bitter pepper fruits is used for back pain, rheumatism and sciatica. 2-3 bushes of this plant will decorate your room and provide the family with a spicy vitamin seasoning for a whole year.
So, you decided to combine business with pleasure - to grow pepper at home. One plant can be kept on the windowsill for 2-3 years. For normal development, he needs a capacity of 1-2 liters. The first rule is cleanliness. Scald the pot with boiling water, you can add potassium permanganate.
If you have a fluorescent lamp, then sow starting in January. If illumination is not expected, then it is better to wait with sowing until February. At the bottom of the pot, put a small layer of drainage from fine gravel and charcoal so that the water does not stagnate. From above, pour a layer of nutrient soil (humus, leafy soil, sand - 5:3:2). Fill a pot with this mixture, pour boiling water over it, and when the soil cools down, sow 2-3 seeds, pre-soaked and swollen, to a depth of 1-1.5 cm.
Now put the pot in a dark, warm place, covered with glass or plastic wrap, to create a greenhouse effect and speed up seed germination. When the seedlings hatch, transfer them to a lighted window.
Do not leave your pets unattended - constantly moisten the soil with warm water. Pepper care, top dressing (every 10-15 days) are the same as when growing tomato seedlings.

I sell pepper seeds Little Miracle, as well as sweet peppers Swallow and Ruby (10 rubles per pack). From you - an envelope with o / a.

Anatoly Georgievich GLUKHOV ,
305000, Kursk, Main Post Office, on demand.

Decorative pepper is a plant that successfully grows not only in open ground, but also at home. Indoor culture bears fruit and can change the color of the fruit.

Watching the development and growth of decorative pepper is a pleasure.

Characteristics and description of room pepper

The ornamental pepper is a perennial plant. It is quite easy to grow it from seeds. It is important to choose the right planting material and soil. And if you provide the plant with proper care, then it will become an adornment of any window sill. All the beauty of indoor peppers can be seen in the photo. Plant seeds can not only be purchased at the store, but also dried, which are left over from previous fruits.

Planting and plant care

In order to get fruits in early autumn, planting should be done in February or March. How the plant will grow and develop depends on the variety. In total, the culture has more than a dozen varieties. All varieties are thermophilic and love the air temperature from 18 to 5 degrees. Caring for indoor peppers at home also includes selecting the right soil composition. It is preferable to grow a crop in chernozem, sandy loamy and medium loamy fertile soils.

Watering the plant is carried out at the rate of 1 m2 of soil. Water will need 10 -12 liters. Water the plant before flowering once a week. During flowering, watering is carried out 2-3 times a week with an increase in the dose of water to 12-14 liters. The water temperature must be at least 25 degrees. Stop watering 14 days before harvest.

Stimulation of flowering and fruiting

Shaking the pot with earth allows you to stimulate the number of ovaries on the pepper. Indoor hot peppers love sunlight - this enhances flowering. And the systematics of irrigation allows the ornamental plant to actively bear fruit, which is confirmed by photos of flowering crops.

Caring for miniature peppers in winter

In winter, the plant especially needs sunlight, moderate watering and loosening the soil. Therefore, it is extremely important to place the culture exactly where there will be a lot of light, a temperature comfortable for the plant and land fertilized with minerals and components necessary for development.

Growing pepper at home

In order to get a quality crop at home, you need to plant the seeds in the soil with humus. The first shoots that appear after 15 days will need to be pinched. It is necessary to pinch decorative pepper when the eighth leaf appears on it. But it can also be done when there are already five or even nine leaves. The dive is made 30 days after landing. Watering should be plentiful, and the soil needs constant loosening. Indoor hot peppers grown at home love to be watered with warm water.

How to transplant a pepper in a pot

In order to transplant pepper into a pot, you need to wait for the appearance of the third or fourth leaf. The pot should be taken clay, with a volume of 1-1.5 liters. Drainage must be laid out at the bottom of the pot.

Do I need top dressing for peppers

Fertilizing room culture is necessary. You need to start it in mid-January. If the pepper is transplanted into room conditions from open ground, then in the fall it needs top dressing, but in winter, in this case, top dressing should be stopped.

Do I need to pollinate peppers at home

Domestic varieties do not need special pollination. For better pollination, you need to shake the pot of earth.

Varieties of pepper for planting on the windowsill

  • confetti - peppercorns of yellow, red and purple flowers;
  • lilac cone - purple peppercorns;
  • goldfinger - yellow and orange peppercorns;
  • bishop's crown - red exotic fruits;
  • Queen of Spades - miniature pointed peppers of yellow, red and purple color on one bush;
  • Indian summer - peppercorns are white during ripening, red in full maturity;
  • rowanberry - yellow and purple peppers.

Edible varieties of red

Little miracle indoor

Little Miracle is a Dutch variety. In addition to the fact that the plant actively bears fruit, it is also compact, which allows it to fit beautifully into the home interior. This variety is excellent for use in cooking, for the manufacture of tinctures that treat sciatica, rheumatism and back pain.

Medusa or Gorgon Pepper

This culture is decorative, and is also suitable for planting in open ground. The jellyfish variety is edible. The height of the plant is not more than 30 centimeters. The fruits are long and curved. Fruit color is bright. The fruits can be used as food in canning or in salads and soups.


The height of the variety of light reaches 1 meter. The bush has a compact volume and actively bears fruit. The culture is unpretentious. Of all the varieties, Ogonek shows the best results in terms of fruiting and durability.


The variety can bear fruit for 7 years. Crop yield up to 1 kg. It has a height of about 25 cm. As the fruit ripens, it changes its color from green to purple and red. The fruits are suitable for eating. Shrub pepper Aladdin is a valuable variety, this is evidenced by the reviews of gardeners who get a big harvest.


Phoenix is ​​a mid-early variety with a spherical bush. The fruits change color from green to red. The taste of the fruit is quite pungent. Growing peppers is easy. You need to monitor watering, feeding, humidity and temperature.


It is a low growing crop. Culture has a special look. This is due to the fact that the fruits are large, and they look quite original.

Explosive Ember

This variety has an original bush. The leaves are purple in color, so they stand out on the windowsill. The ripe fruit is red. The fruit has a medium spiciness.


Not a very common variety that has the shape of a bell. Fruit color is red. The yield is up to 1.5 kg per bush. The pulp has a sweet-spicy taste.


The culture is compact. The fruit changes color several times as the fruit ripens. The taste of pepper is moderately spicy.

Decorative filius blue

The variety has fruits from purple to red. Filius fruits are curved. They last long enough. The plant does not like dry air. The fruits are used in cooking to give dishes an original taste.


It has red oblong fruits located at the ends. The taste of the fruit is quite pungent.


The variety has a spreading bush. The name was given to the variety because of the elegant growth. Fruits with a pungent taste. The variety is suitable for growing in pots, as well as in open ground.

Varieties of ornamental peppers


The fruits are brightly colored and rhomboid in shape. Pepper is quite hot, and the sharpness is in the core.

Queen of Spades

This variety is considered mid-season. It has a friendly bloom. The fruits are used as spicy seasonings for dishes.

Inedible varieties of ornamental peppers


Pepper is formed by a bush, the height of which reaches 35 centimeters. Decorative fruits remain on the bush for two months. The fruits are not edible.


This is a variety with fruits that should not be eaten. The pods of the fruit have a beautiful yellow color.

Indian summer

Pepper has the most diverse color and shape. This variety is considered unpretentious and shade-tolerant.


The bushes of this culture are up to 60 centimeters high. Fruits in diameter no more than 2 centimeters. The color of the peppers is fiery red. Great for meat dishes. This variety is excellent for growing in pots.

bush fire

The bush of this variety of pepper is decorative, unpretentious and compact. According to gardeners, the pepper yields a decent crop. The taste of the vegetable is quite pungent.

Black Pearl

The leaves of this variety are purple. The fruits ripen black, but over time change color to red. The plant requires minimal care and can be planted in full sun.


This variety of pepper is mid-season. You can grow it at home, on open terraces, on the balcony. The plant is unpretentious, shade-tolerant.

Shrub the whole sky in the stars

This type of pepper is very beautiful. The plant spreads its bushes, it is lush. Fruits may have a different color. This variety can be used in cooking.


Dragon pepper is a shrub. It is ideal for growing in a pot. Pepper fruits are cone-shaped. This variety can be used as a seasoning for dishes. Gardeners give good reviews. The plant is unpretentious and tolerates heat well.

This review is probably the record holder for the amount of time spent in the incubator. It's no joke - to grow peppers from seeds and wait for the harvest.

I am not a gardener or gardener. She grew up in an apartment, although she was born "on the ground." I don't like to grow anything, I just like to eat. Perhaps "to the ground" will pull in ten years. When it comes "it's time to get used to." Recently, I have even been doing houseplants through a stump-deck. Propagated cacti - they do not need to be watered.

Pepper decided to grow for this purpose: insist burning oil, for rubbing into the scalp and eyebrows, to increase hairiness. I'm not lucky to buy ready-made hot peppers. Well, the idea of ​​​​having another evergreen tree with fruits on the windowsill, besides a lemon, seemed attractive.

In the store, I chose this cute pepper. Both shrubby and multi-colored fruits are beauty. I don’t remember the cost, 20 rubles. I bought it in the fall. It seems that all normal plants should hibernate by winter. There is little sun, the heat is only from the battery. But these seeds fell into the hands of an abnormal woman - they were just unlucky.

Read the technical information. I looked at the pictures. And I decided to do things my way. The seeds were with a margin of expiration date - I bought them in the fall of 2016.

Inside was a paper bag. It can be seen that there are not very many seeds, although there are not many of them, as far as I can navigate from my mother's reviews.

Here is the contents of the package. At first I thought whether or not the seeds should be soaked. Then I decided that

what is dead cannot die

in other words, if they are supposed to ascend, they will ascend. I prepared about eight small pots of earth and planted 3-6 seeds in each, on average.

Visible first shoots began to appear a month later, probably. I was not particularly in a hurry and waited - winter. Some were strong, poured. Some are stunted, dystrophic. As I grew, I removed the dystrophic ones, and transplanted the strong and viable ones into a separate pot.

The pots were small, clay and plastic. I grew violets or young lemons in these. I think the pepper turned out quite "shrub". Looks good. Bloomed in late spring.

Leaves are bright, green, healthy - while young. The flowers are white and have no pronounced fragrance. Lots of pepper debris. I had about 10 pots of them on different windows - I had to clean up dried and fallen flowers almost daily.

We can say that to some extent the plant decorates the window. Before the advent of the cat, peppers lived more or less freely. But Frosya periodically dropped the pots, breaking off leaves, flowers, and even twigs. I had to transfer the peppers to the kitchen window, which she does not have access to.

As individual flowers withered and fell off, leaving the ovaries, they gained strength and new color. I counted on the circulation of peppers in nature and mentally rubbed my hands.

So the first peppers appeared, still quite green. It remains now to wait for the multi-colored result. Ah, this is such an exciting moment... I'm all in anticipation...

As the peppers ripened, the leaves fell into disrepair. They turned yellow and crumbled. On the trunk, which was rather desalinated, new green leaves began to hatch. Where pruning could be done (where there were no ripening fruits and buds), I did the cutting. But in general - the pepper ceased to please the eye, yes. It needed regular watering, if there was not enough moisture, it instantly lost signs of life. Periodically, but haphazardly, I fed. Common fertilizer for indoor plants.

How my pepper died... More precisely, my peppers - there were a lot of them. I was at the session, and my husband was tired of watering peppers and flowers every day, besides, he decided that since the fruits had already turned red, it was time to "dry" them. Along with leaves. Therefore, upon arrival home, instead of shrub peppers, albeit not bursting with health, but still - retaining clear signs of life - I saw a herbarium. Just a herbarium.

I had no choice but to harvest and dispose of the straw. In this frame, not the whole crop - I ate some of the pods. But, in general, the harvest is poor. And a uniform red color, as you can see.

The peppers themselves taste hot and do not like to joke. I added them to a salad with tomatoes, to soup, I could just eat them as a snack - and the prevention of a cold.

I can’t say how this variety of pepper is fundamentally different from others, I have no experience. But even such an amateur managed to get a harvest. The process did not really captivate me - some peppers had to be transplanted into larger pots, they turned out to be too strong and muscular, plus daily cleaning of fallen flowers ... I do not promise - I may buy again. But I'll probably try some other kind of pepper.

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