How to get out of a strong binge at home. How to get out of binge as soon as possible at home

On your own, it will take at least a day. Purchase drugs such as Activated Charcoal, Essentiale Forte, Valocordin and Mezim in advance if there are stomach problems. In addition, stock up on lemon, jam, honey, mineral water, cabbage or cucumber pickle, kvass, kefir, apple juice, milk. Prepare beef or lamb broth ahead of time.

Start the procedure on the eve of a hard day. In the morning, drink 1.5 liters of liquid (milk, mineral water, brine, juice, kefir) and take 1 Essentiale forte capsule, 2 activated charcoal and 20 drops of Valocordin. Then eat the broth with bread. You can also take a contrast shower. Now rest. After 5 hours, take 2 more Essentiale Forte and 2 charcoal tablets. If your heart does not bother you, you can not drink Valocordin. Eat the broth again and drink tea with lemon and honey. Relax or do pleasant things (watch TV, read a book).

In the evening, take medicines in the same quantities as during the day, eat. But do not eat up to satiety - take care of the liver. Then stay longer in the shower, then go to bed. Get up early the next day and take Essentiale and Charcoal 1 tablet each. On this day, try to move more. Also, continue to drink plenty of fluids and take your medications as described above.

Use "Ammonia". To use it to get out of hard drinking it will take 2-3 days. Dilute two drops of the medicine in one glass of water at room temperature. Then mix thoroughly and drink. It is advisable to do this before eating so that frustration does not happen.

Load yourself with things. After all, many people are helped not to think about alcohol by heavy workload, for example, at work. If you are in or do not work at all, offer your relatives to help. Thus, plunging into business and worries, you will be distracted from what reminds you of alcohol.

Shake your body, raise adrenaline, get distracted by brighter emotions. For example, take up extreme sports. But if health does not allow or there are still some in connection with which you cannot afford it - jump with a parachute or ride an attraction. A surge of adrenaline will block all negative emotions and difficult feelings.

Seek the help of medicines, such as "Valerian Extract". In large doses, this drug is able to remove. Dissolve the drops in water and eat a large meal after taking the medicine. Aspirin may also help. In addition, pay attention to effervescent tablets, which are sold in pharmacies and are released. Don't forget about vitamins and activated charcoal.

Try to get out hard drinking with the help of mint and plenty of drink. Buy mint tincture, mix 20 drops with 1 glass of pure drinking water and take several times a day. In general, you need to drink plenty of water. Drink juices that have a sour taste.

If it is difficult to stop drinking on your own, register on thematic forums. There you will find people willing to give up alcohol. They support each other and share advice. These people are experiencing the same emotions and feelings as you. That is why it is easier to stop drinking alcohol in a company than alone. Such contact, at times, helps much better than various medications.

Call a doctor at home. Nowadays, many private clinics serve patients at home. Why is this method good? First of all, the fact that you will be assisted by qualified specialists, assessing the general condition of the body with the help of special equipment. Also, medical workers will prescribe you adequate treatment, the dose of the necessary drugs and warn you about possible side effects.

The difficult problem of binge is faced not only by those who actually go into this binge, but also by their family members, who in this case suffer no less than the alcoholic himself. A binge can be considered the use of alcoholic beverages for two days in a row. If a person wants to hangover in the morning after taking alcohol the day before, we can assume that he went into a binge. At this moment, the second stage of alcoholism begins, causing an irresistible desire to drink. The longer a person is in this state, the more difficult it is to solve this problem.

How to get out of binge in the shortest possible time? To accomplish this task, you need to decide on the most opportune moment. From a psychological point of view, you need to allocate at least 2 days to get out of binge. The most tangible effect can be obtained only after 3-4 days from the moment you stop drinking alcohol. Already noticeable relief of the human condition occurs on the second day.

The question of how to get out of binge is almost impossible to solve without the real desire of the alcoholic. The person must decide not to drink. Of course, it is very difficult to get such a decision from a drunk person, but still possible.

4. At lunchtime, you should drink 2 capsules of Essentiale forte and mezim, and eat broth or thin soup. If an arrhythmia or tachycardia occurs, take half a tablet of atenolol. The other half of the tablet should be taken in the evening.

5. At 7-8 pm we have dinner with liquid porridge or soup. At this point, it is important not to overeat, because by this time there is an acute feeling of hunger.

6. After dinner, you need to go to bed.

8. The next morning you need to get up for hours. This morning you can have a cup of coffee. We take medications in the same quantities as the day before, with the exception of valocordin. A good movie or doing what you love will help you overcome depression. During this time, you should drink plenty of fluids. With a good appetite, you should eat tightly, but without fanaticism.

A drunken state is an acute exacerbation of alcohol dependence, when a person cannot refuse to drink alcoholic beverages. Binge distorts the vision of the world of an alcoholic, makes an inadequate person out of a lover of "fire water", who is in constant search for a bottle.

The duration of the use of alcoholic beverages for more than three days is considered a binge. Getting out of the binge requires outside help, since the weak will of the drinker and the persistent desire to be in unconscious euphoria do not give him hope of returning to normal life.

Why is this condition dangerous?

Observing the behavior of a person who has been drinking alcohol for a long time, one can say that the internal state of the patient's organs is extremely weakened, the mucous membranes of the stomach and intestines are burned, the blood is poisoned, the liver and kidneys undergo degradation, the nerves are strained, the heart is on the verge.

During binge, the human body is in great danger, and first of all, it is intoxication, which provokes a number of serious diseases:

  • Stroke;
  • heart attack;
  • Hypertensive crisis;
  • convulsions;
  • arrhythmias;
  • epileptic seizures;
  • Mental disorders (hallucinations and delirium tremens).

Alcohol abuse is dangerous at a young age, the risk of complications often occurs in debilitated and elderly people. Women's alcoholism is especially terrible and unpleasant.


Relatives of an alcoholic easily recognize the approach of a terrible period. Symptoms of the disease are recognizable:

  • excessive drinking, loss of control;
  • the volume of alcohol consumed increases, vomiting disappears;
  • degradation of behavior, joyful excitement develops into unjustified irritation and aggressiveness;
  • the patient is shaking, speech is incoherent;
  • unconscious behavior becomes commonplace, insomnia haunts, memory lapses, disorientation are typical;
  • there is an abstinence syndrome (withdrawal), requiring another dose of alcohol;
  • the purpose of the coming day is to find the required dose.

When alcohol endangers the life of a drunkard, or his actions and behavior do not fit into the framework of the law, forced withdrawal from binge is allowed, but most families, for a number of reasons, seek to cope on their own, not wanting to seek help from doctors.

General withdrawal rules

It is not possible for alcoholics to stop drinking on their own, third-party help is required

It is important to help the needy correctly and as safely as possible. There are a few simple rules to follow:

  • No need to make a fuss and take away alcohol. It is better to calm and persuade the patient to go to bed.
  • After sleep, a person will understand what they want from him, perhaps he will voluntarily persuade him to stop drinking.
  • It is necessary to constantly monitor the pulse, control changes in behavior, not succumb to persuasion to get drunk.

It is better to use professional help or take care of recipes that will help you get out of binge at home.

Folk remedies

To calm the patient, it is necessary to prepare sedative folk remedies that support the heart muscle (broths of lemon balm, valerian, mint, motherwort).

On the first day, it is preferable to eat light food: chicken or beef broth, tea with breadcrumbs, low-fat cottage cheese with honey, cabbage pickle, cabbage soup.

pomegranate and lemon

A pomegranate or lemon drink helps to relieve a hangover. Cut two pomegranates (lemons) and boil in a liter of water for 30 minutes. Drink throughout the day in small sips. The decoction will painlessly cleanse the body of harmful alcoholic impurities, weaken cravings for alcohol.

lemon cure

Families with a bitter drinker recommend using a course of citrus treatment. The duration of treatment is 14 days. On the first day, you should drink the juice of one lemon. On each subsequent day, the number of lemons increases by one. From the eighth day, the countdown starts in the opposite direction: on each subsequent day, the number of lemons decreases by one. Lemon juice should be washed down with pure or mineral water, herbal infusion to avoid stomach problems. So you can help the unfortunate get out of hard drinking at home.

herbal infusion

Medicinal herbs are often used as a means to quickly stop binge drinking at home. It's easy to prepare. It is necessary to take in equal proportions the roots of calamus, angelica, juniper fruits, add to them in a double portion of dry raw materials from mint, St. John's wort, wormwood or bitter, yarrow. Stir and pour into a glass container for storage - enough for a long time. For cooking, 5 grams of dry raw materials are enough for 150 - 200 grams of boiling water. Drink like regular tea. The daily rate is not limited (1.5 - 2 liters). The infusion cleanses the blood of alcohol.

Fluid intake

Drinking plenty of fluids is key in trying to get the patient out of the binge. Liquid (especially pure water) will save the body from intoxication and dehydration. In addition to water and tea, it is permissible to drink brine, kefir, compote, juice, decoctions and infusions of herbs, compote, fruit drink from berries.

Activated carbon

Activated charcoal tablets are an effective sorbent that will collect all the alcohol debris in the body. One tablet is used per 10 kg of body weight. You can crush the medicine and stir in any liquid.

Despite the fact that the withdrawal from the binge with the help of folk wisdom recipes has proven itself mostly positively, you should know that sometimes this is not justified, and poses a threat to the patient's life.

A binge interrupted without taking into account the characteristics of the patient's body, without proper control by a medical worker, can turn into a relapse. Even if relatives of an alcoholic are well informed about how to get out of binge at home, it is better to contact a doctor who will provide professional help and reduce possible risks.

medical methods

Domestic pharmacies offer a large selection of medications to help fight alcoholism. But the use of the drug at your own peril and risk, without first consulting a doctor, is excluded, since any synthetic drugs have side effects and can aggravate the situation.


Reduces intracranial pressure. The patient gets better.


The medicine calms the heartbeat, reduces tremor, fights sweating, relieves arterial hypertension, and normalizes breathing. Does not cause euphoria. The therapeutic effect can last up to 12 hours.


Carbamazepine is an antiepileptic drug. It is mainly used as an anticonvulsant and in focal psychomotor epilepsy. Shows good results at all degrees of hard drinking. Recommend the drug even in the presence of alcohol in the patient's blood. There is no addiction to the drug and euphoria.


Thiamine is a water-soluble vitamin. Stops the development of pathologies resulting from a lack of vitamin B1 (poor nutrition, addiction to alcohol, brain injury). Prevents the development of encephalopathy.


Tiapride is a neuroleptic with a sedative effect.

What to do with delirium tremens?

Alcoholic psychosis (in the common people "squirrel") develops after a person comes out of hard drinking.


  • lack of coordination;
  • an increase in panic and obsessive movements;
  • abstraction from the outside world;
  • the condition worsens (hyperthermia, fever, tremor of the limbs);
  • change in the color of the whites of the eyes (yellowness);
  • pallor or redness of the skin.
  • Needed help:
  • do not let out of the house;
  • calm down (take validol);
  • replenish the water and electrolyte balance (drink pure or mineral water);

In case of hyperthermia, chills, high blood pressure, convulsions, urgently call an ambulance. In a serious condition, the patient urgently needs to be dripped. Thanks to the dropper, the medicine instantly enters the bloodstream. A dropper as a primary way of salvation in case of alcohol poisoning is very effective. A dropper is placed by a nurse, otherwise the patient can be harmed, even fatal.

After removing the acute symptoms of delirium tremens at home, it is necessary to carry out detoxification methods, monitor temperature and pressure.

Enterosgel absorbent is useful for detoxification. It will cleanse the intestines of toxins, which will allow active absorption of beneficial substances.

You should change the diet, and make up for the deficiency of vitamins and minerals (preparations with potassium, magnesium, vitamin C, B1, B6 and PP).

After stopping the symptoms of fever, a prolonged period of depression, apathy, nervousness occurs. You can use antidepressants.

But without consulting a specialist, it is dangerous to be treated with antidepressants at home, so herbal infusions are better.

What can't be done?

With information on how to stop binge drinking, you also need to know what not to do;

  • It is impossible to artificially rush the elimination of toxins, especially after a long binge;
  • You can not use alcoholic tinctures and drinks. Any dose of alcohol can lead to a relapse;
  • You can not take a contrast shower and engage in heavy physical exertion;
  • You can not take potent pharmaceutical drugs;
  • You can not put droppers from hard drinking on your own.

Alcoholism is a serious and terrible problem for many families, and non-compliance with these "don'ts" can ruin the patient. Professional medical care should not be neglected, even if it is very ashamed and bitter.

Attention, only TODAY!

If a person is faced with the problem of getting out of binge, it is necessary to seek help from specialists. Consider proven recommendations that will help you learn how to get out of binge at home without resorting to the help of a doctor.

To get out of binge without the help of doctors, it will take a lot of effort. In addition, there are several factors that can affect the success of the procedure. Here are the main ones:

  • Drinking duration. Every day it is more difficult and more dangerous to get out of the binge on your own.
  • The amount of alcohol consumed per day. A large dose of alcohol causes significant harm to the body and increases the risk of health problems.
  • Accompanying illnesses. The hangover itself is not harmful. The danger is the complications and exacerbations of existing diseases that can cause a hangover.
  • Received injuries. Head trauma, concussion.
  • The quality of the alcohol consumed. The problem of acute poisoning, complications and mortality from illegal alcoholic products still remains relevant.

The process of getting out of binge is long and painful, but if a person decides to stop drinking, he must be ready for serious work on himself.

How to get out of binge on your own without the help of doctors

The main thing is to decide that you really want to get out of the binge and realize that no one else can force you to do it. The desire of the patient determines up to 80% of the positive result, because alcohol dependence is not only physical, but also psychological.

One of the well-known and successfully used methods in the fight against hard drinking is the three-day method.

  1. First day. Hangovers are not allowed. On the first day, it is necessary to endure symptoms such as headache, chills, sweating, temperature changes, dizziness. It is recommended to take 8-10 tablets of activated charcoal or an aspirin tablet at the beginning of the day. The enterosorbent is aimed at removing toxins from the body, and acetylsalicylic acid is aimed at reducing pain symptoms. Sleep is the most effective remedy in this case.
  2. Second day. After sleep, you need to drink strong sweet tea. Glucose will give strength to the whole body and have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system. Coffee cannot be consumed. If there is a gag reflex and the food is disgusting, you need to continue taking activated charcoal, and eat fermented milk products from food. You should take a shower - the water will wash away the alcoholic fumes that came out on the skin along with sweat, and invigorate the body. In no case should you go to the bathhouse or climb into a hot bath. In the evening you need to eat a little. Hot chicken broth, various cereals (including buckwheat) or chicken meat will help you recover. Good nutrition during this period is simply necessary for the body.
  3. Third day. The main treatment is a complete healthy diet containing an abundance of fermented milk products.

In some cases, it is not possible to cope with hard drinking at home. Narcologists give recommendations when to seek the help of a specialist.

A severe hangover can provoke complications, the most serious of which are: stroke, myocardial infarction, angina pectoris, arrhythmia, exacerbation of gastric ulcer, impaired renal function, pancreatitis, transient cerebrovascular accident.

The following signs signal that you need to see a doctor urgently:

  • Interruptions in the work of the heart.
  • Vomiting, abdominal pain, icteric complexion, problems with stool.
  • Pressing pain behind the sternum, under the left arm and shoulder blade, may be accompanied by fear of death.
  • Blood in urine and stool.
  • Blurred vision, dark "flies" before the eyes.
  • Sudden weakness in the limbs, impaired skin sensitivity, numbness of the limbs.
  • Dizziness or pressing, throbbing headache.

Video tips

How to get out of binge folk remedies

In order for the process of withdrawing a patient from binge to go quickly and painlessly, they also use proven folk remedies and recipes.

  1. In the morning, the patient should drink a large amount of an acidic drink, such as apple or other juice, and 6-8 tablets of activated charcoal. An effective and well-known remedy is brine. It is best to use cucumber or cabbage pickles.
  2. Herbal infusions will help the patient cope with the symptoms of a hangover. Here is an example of one of them. In a three-liter saucepan, half fill the oats, pour water. Boil for half an hour over low heat. Then strain the broth and add dry calendula flowers to it - 100 grams. In a thermos, the resulting broth is infused for 12 hours. Drink 1 glass of infusion three times a day before meals.
  3. Getting out of a long binge does not mean an immediate cessation of drinking alcohol. This is a long and gradual process. In some cases, it is permissible to drink a few grams of alcohol on the first day, so as not to provoke complications in the work of the cardiovascular system.

Using folk remedies, you must remember that this is not always enough. They often act as auxiliary components in complex therapy.

Withdrawal from binge without the knowledge of the patient

According to medical statistics, it is difficult for a person to get out of hard drinking on his own, professional help is often required. At the same time, it is difficult (practically impossible) to get the patient out of the binge without his knowledge. Since a large role in the success of the procedure is played by the desire of the person himself to be cured.

To help overcome this condition, relatives will have to follow these recommendations:

  1. Do not sort things out and do not make scandals, as a person in a state of intoxication cannot control his actions.
  2. Provide sleep to the patient. Having overslept, he will be able to respond more adequately to help.
  3. First aid at home should be provided when a person recovering from a binge shows signs of a hangover: weakness, rapid pulse and a desire to drink again.

Is it possible to get out of a long binge quickly?

The answer to this question is unequivocal: “No!”. After a long binge, the body will need a lot of time and effort to recover. But still, there are some tips that will help you get out of a long binge quickly.

  • Dropper. In the practice of removing from binges, doctors often use droppers. The drug used breaks down and removes alcohol toxins from the body. Due to this, in a short period of time, the patient's well-being improves, the hangover syndrome decreases.
  • special diet. In a number of complex events, a diet is prescribed. Three days you need to eat dishes that will help the body get out of hard drinking: rich pork or beef broth, honey, cabbage soup with sour cabbage.
  • Medicines. In acute alcohol intoxication, you can give a person a solution: 5 drops of ammonia, diluted in 1 glass of water. To remove toxins from the body, you can use Furosemide, which has a diuretic property. To improve well-being, use "Metronidazole" with plenty of water. If there are heart problems, you should definitely take Corvalol or Validol. Paracetamol or Alkaseltzer will relieve headaches. The drugs have contraindications, so you need to consult a doctor.

Alcoholism affects 3% of the Russian population. If we consider only adults, the figure will be even worse.

In an alcoholic frenzy, it is difficult for a person to adequately assess the situation, his condition, the amount of alcohol he has drunk. The more difficult it is to find a way out of the situation.

Even after oversleeping and realizing that it is necessary to stop drinking, a person prone to libations is not able to do this. He makes a promise to himself that he will take only one dose on his chest, and the day again goes down the drain. This can last more than one day, but several, depending on the health of the person, the quantity and quality of the drink.

If the patient is resolute, it is possible to get him out of continuous drunkenness. It will only take one day.

Drink a lot

An emergency withdrawal from binge should begin with the replenishment of household supplies with all kinds of drinks. The liquid removes toxins and harmful substances from the body poisoned by alcohol. The choice of drinks when you get out of binge is varied: fruit drinks, compotes, mineral water.

To bounce back in one day, doctors recommend using fermented milk products: fermented baked milk or kefir. They contain lactic acid, it is rich in proteins and amino acids, which ensure the removal of poisons accumulated in the liver and intestines.

As a result, metabolic processes are normalized, intoxication is reduced, well-being improves. Dairy products can have a laxative effect, making it less painful to get out of a binge. For better absorption, it is good to add carbonated mineral water to kefir or fermented baked milk.

If you ask a drinker how to quickly get out of binge, he will most likely answer: you need to drink brine. And it turns out to be right. This liquid is life-giving moisture for a person suffering from hard drinking, because it contains potassium and magnesium salts, which are washed out of the body by alcohol.

The absence of these substances adversely affects the cardiovascular system, causing tachycardia, arrhythmia and other unpleasant symptoms.

Apply medicines and preparations

Activated charcoal will help to get the patient out of a serious condition in one day. This effective tool belongs to the type of sorbents.

Activated charcoal ensures the removal of harmful substances that have entered the body with alcohol. It does not allow poisons to be absorbed into the intestinal walls, preventing toxins from entering the bloodstream, and provides a milder way out of a difficult condition.

The number of tablets must be sufficient, otherwise they will not give the desired effect. 8-10 tablets.

But you should not take other drugs with activated charcoal, they can be neutralized by it. It's better to wait two hours.

Sometimes a person suffering from a hangover is sick, he is tormented by vomiting all day, the stomach turns inside out, spewing out only water and bile. In this case, take a tablet of metoclopromide, using the minimum amount of water. If it helps, repeat the reception after 15-20 minutes.

After prolonged libations, a person may feel an increased heartbeat, frequent pulse. For these symptoms, take an atenolol tablet.

Take hot broth

A popular remedy that can remove intoxication in a day is the use of hot stews. With prolonged drunkenness, the body loses many useful substances necessary for normal functioning.

The condition of a person is aggravated by the fact that during drinking he neglects a snack.

As a result, instead of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, toxins enter the body. In such a situation, a hot stew is a real find. It will invigorate the patient, make the way out of a difficult condition less painful.

Better to use chicken broth. The advantages of this dish are obvious: it does not cause disgust even with severe poisoning, it is not fatty and is easily digestible. The broth will saturate the body with essential minerals, stir up the stomach, make the intestines work, and help remove harmful substances.

Do not take cold showers, avoid unnecessary exercise

There is an opinion that a contrast shower will soften the emergency. Allegedly, a sharp change in temperature increases the tone of blood vessels, normalizes the work of the heart, and stimulates other organs and systems.

The danger of this approach lies in the fact that a person suffering from hard drinking is in a far from ideal condition. His heart is already working hard.

Extra stress can lead to a heart attack and death. The vessels of the brain are also not in good shape. It is not known how they will react to the unexpected shock. Stroke is not ruled out.

Not an option - to resort to walking or running. Excess load for a person who abuses alcohol is very dangerous.

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