Poor circulation: causes, signs, consequences. Violation of cerebral circulation: symptoms and treatment. Clinical manifestations of the disease. Symptoms of dyscirculatory myelopathy

Symptoms and treatment of the disorder cerebral circulation

● A few years ago, after the dizziness began, when walking I was thrown from side to side, insomnia and noise in my head appeared, in the district clinic I was diagnosed with " Violation of cerebral circulation". Several times I fell to the ground and lost consciousness - thank God that this happened at home. After such symptoms, I was afraid to go out. My granddaughter helped me get to a neurologist, who, after a thorough examination, prescribed a comprehensive treatment.

● The doctor recommended to take intravenously actovegin and cytoflavin, inside cinnarizine three times a day, one tablet for two months. I was also asked to constantly take drugs of the statin group ( Atorvastatin, Simvastatin, Rosuvastatin, Torvacard and similar). These medicines help me lower my blood cholesterol levels, as the examination revealed that carotid arteries The pathways that supply blood to the brain are clogged with cholesterol plaques, resulting in a 47% reduction in blood flow.

● The neuropathologist explained to me that with the help of statins loose cholesterol plaques and lean against the wall blood vessels, thereby providing sufficient clearance in the duct and improving blood circulation.

How do I treat cerebrovascular accident in combination with the recommendations of traditional medicine

I started treatment with proper nutrition . excluded from my daily ration products that contribute to the deposition of cholesterol on the walls of blood vessels. Refused smoked, fried and fatty. There are vegetables and fruits on my table, skim cheese, various cereals, dairy products, processed cheese, chicken, lean varieties meat, soups on vegetable broth with noodles or cereals, bran bread.

● I add flax seeds to ready meals, vegetable oil, bran or dried seaweed - kelp, which I buy at the pharmacy. Periodically I take fish oil - every day, five capsules. Recipes helped me in the fight against my illness traditional medicine:

» to improve blood circulation and strengthen the blood vessel s, I pour half a liter of boiling water in a thermos for the night, a mixture of fruits and hawthorn taken one tablespoon each; I filter the next morning and take half a glass half an hour before a meal four times a day;

» to cleanse blood vessels and thin the blood I scroll 2 oranges and 2 lemons in a meat grinder, after removing the seeds from them; I add two tablespoons, mix thoroughly and put the drug in the refrigerator. I take on an empty stomach in the morning on a table spoon, washed down with a glass warm water; the course of treatment lasts three months in a row;

» from the noise in my head pour up to half into a two- or three-liter glass jar dried heads of red clover; I fill it with high-quality vodka up to the shoulders, without ramming the contents. I filter the tincture after 14 days of infusion in a dark place, I take only one tablespoon at night with milk. The course also lasts three months;

» another recipe for noise in the head: I rub three lemons and half a glass, add three tablespoons of honey, mix; I take a teaspoon twice a day with meals for two months in a row;

» to get rid of dizziness, I grind taken in equal parts flowers of celandine and clover, black currant; I pour half a liter of boiling water and leave it to infuse for one hour, filter and drink during the day instead of tea;

» to improve sleep I mix 2 tablespoons of motherwort leaves and peppermint, one tablespoon and roots of valerian officinalis; I pour one tablespoon of the collection with 200 ml of boiling water, after an hour I filter it and take it in the morning on an empty stomach and in the evening before going to bed, half a glass; I am treated until I feel an improvement in my condition.

From dizziness after measuring blood pressure in the morning do massage biologically active points heads. I start with several movements, gradually increasing their number to 12-24:

» I press auricles palms, and with my fingers I tap on the back of the head;

» I pull the earlobes down;

» in the middle of the forehead, in the middle of the chin, above the bridge of the nose, indentation at the bottom in the middle of the back of the head, tragus of the auricles massaging points in a circular motion fingers;

» movements in the form of washing the face - from the bottom up to the forehead and down to the chin;

» up and down I rub my auricles with my palms;

» finishing procedures light massage collar zone.

● Because I have enough serious illness, completely abandon chemical medicines I can not. I take pills every day hypertension, aspirin cardio or cardiomagnyl, torvacard 20 mg; twice a year one of vascular preparationstanakan, betaserk, cavinton, mexidol.

● As a result complex treatment I have improved sleep, got rid of dizziness, now I walk without fear and outside help. Of course, if there is, it is very problematic to completely get rid of the noise in the head - it either appears and intensifies, then disappears; it all depends on the state of blood pressure.

● With this disease, many patients have memory loss, but I, fortunately, have no such problems. I know that the brain must work constantly to prevent the atrophy of its cells, leading to dementia (). Since retiring, I have taken up this problem in earnest. I wish you all good health and God bless you!

The collection is difficult, but effective in violation of cerebral circulation

  • My best friend(now she is 77 years old) suffered from cerebrovascular accident for many years. She always complained of constant dizziness, tinnitus, intense headaches. Over time, her eyesight deteriorated, and she began to hear poorly.
  • Seeing her deplorable situation, I decided to help her. We found traditional medicine recipes in the medical bulletin and prepared the following collection:

» take one tablespoon of powdered nutmeg, bay leaf, turmeric, cinnamon, star anise, clove buds; three tablespoons of fennel and coriander and fifty grams of dandelion roots;

» mixed all the ingredients of the collection, one teaspoon of which was poured with boiling water and after sixty minutes of infusion, a friend began to take ⅓ cup, adding a teaspoon of honey to the infusion and drinking thirty minutes before eating;

» completely forgot about past headaches. Thank God!

The story of L. A. Chekhova, Saratov on the topic of cerebrovascular accident

I'm not quite old yet - only 62 years old, but in recent times memory deteriorated sharply. What I read before going to bed, the next morning I could not remember anything. Moreover, she confused the names of sons, grandchildren and granddaughters.

The kids laughed kindly at me, but I began to understand that old age was approaching, and with it senile dementia. But I decided not to give up: I began to look in medical literature folk recipes. And found.

Thanks to the recipe below, my memory was restored, and tinnitus disappeared. Let's move on to the recipe now.

A pinch of mulberry sprigs (we know it as mulberries) was poured with one liter of water, boiled for twenty minutes, and drank the whole broth during the day. She was treated for thirty days in a row, then took a week break and repeated the course of treatment.

Headaches gradually disappeared, my head became clearer and brighter, and most importantly, my memory became better.

Turns out, active substances contained in mulberry sprigs relieve spasms and cleanse. Since then, for prevention, I drink this healing decoction every year.

By the way, I managed to return to my favorite job, which I left due to memory problems.

Transient cerebrovascular accident (TICH)- short-term acute ischemia brain, accompanied by transient cerebral and focal symptoms, completely disappearing within no more than 24 hours from the moment the attack began. Clinical manifestations are diverse, determined by the type and topic of PNMK. Diagnosis is carried out retrospectively and includes a neurological, ophthalmological and cardiological examination, a study of cerebral blood supply (USDG, duplex scanning, MRA), radiography and CT of the spine. Treatment of PNMK is aimed at normalizing cerebral blood supply and metabolism, preventing relapses and preventing stroke. With hemodynamically significant occlusion large arteries perhaps surgical treatment carried out by angiosurgeons.

PNMK treatment

In mild cases, when PNMK lasts no more than an hour, therapy is carried out in an outpatient setting. With more severe manifestations or repeated MIMC, treatment in a neurological hospital is indicated. The main objectives in the treatment of PNMK are the improvement of cerebral circulation and the restoration of adequate metabolism of cerebral tissues.

Appointed medical preparations that improve blood rheology (pentoxifylline, dextran). 3-5 daily intravenous drip injections are recommended for the course of treatment. Then appointed long-term use acetylsalicylic acid. Bromocamphor is recommended for patients with PNMK who have contraindications to taking salicylates (for example, in the presence of gastric ulcer). Of the neurometabolites, piracetam, porcine cerebral hydrolyzate, is widely used. gamma-aminobutyric acid, vitamins gr. AT.

Normalization of blood pressure numbers is important. For this purpose, intravenous or intramuscular injection dibazole, papaverine, intramuscular injection of magnesium sulfate, drotaverine. At systemic dizziness and expressed autonomic symptoms prescribe belladonna alkaloids, phenobarbital, belladonna extract, diazepam, according to indications - chlorpromazine. Sedative therapy with valerian, trioxazine, tazepam, or elenium is recommended for 1-2 weeks from the moment of MIMC.

Diagnosed stenosis of the carotid artery exceeding 70% of its lumen is an indication for surgical treatment. On an individual basis, the selection of the most suitable surgical tactics- eversion or classic carotid endarterectomy, stenting, prosthetics, carotid-subclavian bypass. Also, according to indications, stenting or prosthetics of the vertebral artery is performed.

Forecast and prevention of PNMK

In terms of the complete elimination of the neurological deficit that has arisen, PNMK has a favorable prognosis. Unfavorable is the typical repeatability for PNMK. The frequency of relapses can reach up to several times a year. Each subsequent episode of MIMC increases the likelihood of ischemic stroke. The prognosis is most favorable for PNMK in the basin of the internal auditory artery. When localizing disturbances in carotid pool the prognosis is worse than with PNMC of the vertebrobasilar region. Typically, these patients have a stroke within 1 year.

The basis for the prevention of PNMK is healthy lifestyle life, excluding factors that adversely affect the state of blood vessels - smoking, taking large doses alcohol, excessive consumption of animal fats. To preventive measures control of blood pressure, blood sugar levels, lipid spectrum; adequate treatment arterial hypertension, diabetes, vascular diseases. Secondary prevention PNMK consists in regular observation by a neurologist with the passage of repeated courses of vascular therapy.

Violation of cerebral circulation is a pathological process that leads to obstructed blood circulation through the vessels of the brain. Such a violation is fraught serious consequences, not an exception - a lethal outcome. Acute process may become chronic. In this case, the risk of development increases significantly, and. All these pathologies lead to lethal outcome.

In the presence of such a pathological process, you should immediately consult a doctor, treatment folk remedies or drugs at its discretion is impossible.


Violation of the blood circulation of the brain can provoke almost any pathological process, trauma, and even severe. Clinicians distinguish the following, the most common causes of cerebrovascular accident:

  • genetic predisposition;
  • head injury;
  • transferred earlier severe illness, with damage to the brain, central nervous system and nearby organs;
  • increased emotional excitability;
  • frequent drops in blood pressure;
  • pathology of blood vessels and blood;
  • alcohol and nicotine abuse, drug use;

In addition, clinicians note that acute cerebrovascular accident may be due to age. In this case, people aged 50 and older are at risk.

You need to understand that this violation may be due frequent stress, strong nervous strains, organism.


In the international medical practice The following classification of cerebrovascular accidents has been adopted:

  • acute form;
  • chronic form.

To pathologies chronic form include the following subspecies:

  • initial manifestations of insufficiency of blood supply to the brain (NPNMK);
  • encephalopathy.

The last subform is divided into the following subspecies:

  • hypertonic;
  • atherosclerotic;
  • mixed.

Acute cerebrovascular accidents (ACC) distinguish the following subspecies:

  • transient cerebrovascular accident (TIMC);
  • acute hypertensive encephalopathy;
  • stroke.

Any of these forms is life-threatening, and at any moment can provoke not only serious complication but also cause death.

In the chronic form, the stages of development are also distinguished:

  • the first - the symptomatology is vague. The state of a person is more indicative of;
  • the second - a significant deterioration in memory, social adaptation is lost;
  • the third - almost complete degradation of the personality, dementia, impaired coordination of movements.

At the third stage of the development of circulatory disorders, one can speak of an irreversible pathological process. However, the patient's age and general history should also be taken into account. Talk about full recovery impractical.

A classification according to morphological changes is also used:

  • focal;
  • diffuse.

To focal lesions include the following:

  • subarachnoid hemorrhages.

Diffuse morphological changes include the following pathological processes:

  • small cystic neoplasms;
  • small hemorrhages;
  • cicatricial changes;
  • the formation of small necrotic foci.

It should be understood that a disorder of any form of this pathological process can be fatal, so treatment should be started urgently.


Each form and stage of development has its own signs of cerebrovascular accident. The general clinical picture includes the following symptoms:

  • , for no apparent reason;
  • , which rarely ends with ;
  • decreased visual acuity and hearing;
  • impaired coordination of movements.

Transient disorders of cerebral circulation are characterized by the following additional symptoms:

  • numbness of half of the body, which is opposite to the focus of pathology;
  • weakness of the arms and legs;
  • speech disorder - it is difficult for the patient to pronounce individual words or sounds;
  • photopsia syndrome - visibility of luminous dots, dark spots, colored circles and similar visual hallucinations;
  • stuffy ears;
  • increased sweating.

Since there is such a symptom as impaired speech and weakness in the limbs, the clinical picture is often confused with a stroke. It should be noted that in the case of PNMK acute symptoms disappears in a day, which is not the case with a stroke.

In the first stage of the chronic form, the following symptoms of cerebrovascular accident can be observed:

  • frequent headaches;
  • drowsiness;
  • – a person feels tired even after a long rest;
  • sharp, short temper;
  • distraction;
  • memory impairment, which is manifested in frequent forgetfulness.

During the transition to the second stage of the development of the pathological process, the following can be observed:

  • small violations motor function, a person's gait may be shaky, as if intoxicated;
  • concentration of attention worsens, it is difficult for the patient to perceive information;
  • frequent mood swings;
  • irritability, attacks of aggression;
  • almost constantly dizzy;
  • low social adaptation;
  • drowsiness;
  • almost no functionality.

The third stage of chronic cerebrovascular accident has the following symptoms:

  • dementia;
  • stiffness of movements;
  • speech disorder;
  • practically total loss memory;
  • a person is unable to remember information.

At this stage of development of the pathological process, symptoms of almost complete degradation are observed, a person is not able to exist without outside help. In this case, we can talk about an irreversible pathological process. This is due to the fact that already in the initial stages, brain neurons begin to die, which entails severe consequences if you do not stop this process in a timely manner.


It is impossible to independently compare the symptoms and take treatment at your own discretion, since in this case, high risk development of complications, including life-threatening ones. At the first symptoms, you should immediately seek emergency medical help.

To clarify the etiology and accurate diagnosis, the doctor prescribes the following laboratory and instrumental examination methods, if the patient's condition allows them:

  • general blood analysis;
  • lipidogram;
  • blood sampling for glucose analysis;
  • coagulogram;
  • duplex scanning to identify affected vessels;
  • neuropsychological testing on the MMSE scale;
  • head MRI;

In some cases, the diagnostic program may include genetic research if there is a suspicion of a hereditary factor.

How to treat this disorder, only a doctor can say, after an accurate diagnosis and identification of etiology.


Treatment will depend on the underlying factor - depending on this, the basic therapy. In general, drug therapy may include the following drugs:

  • sedatives;
  • neuroprotectors;
  • multivitamins;
  • venotonics;
  • vasodilators;
  • antioxidants.

All drug therapy, regardless of etiology, is aimed at protecting brain neurons from damage. All funds are selected only individually. In the process of passing drug therapy the patient should be constantly monitored arterial pressure, as a high risk of stroke, heart attack.

Cerebral circulation is the blood circulation in the vascular system of the spinal cord and brain. Pathological process, which causes a violation of cerebral circulation, can also affect the cerebral and main arteries (brachiocephalic trunk, aorta, external and internal vertebral, carotid, subclavian, spinal, radicular arteries and their branches), jugular and cerebral veins, venous sinuses. Pathology in nature can be different: embolism, thrombosis, looping and kinks, aneurysms of the vessels of the spinal cord and brain, narrowing of the lumen.

Signs of cerebrovascular accident

Morphological signs of violation of proper blood circulation in the brain are divided into diffuse and focal. To diffuse signs small organized and fresh foci of necrosis of brain tissues, small focal multiple changes medulla, small cysts and hemorrhages, gliomesodermal scars; to focal - cerebral infarction, hemorrhagic stroke, intrathecal hemorrhages.

According to the nature of cerebral circulation disorders, they are divided into acute (subthecal hemorrhages, transient, strokes), initial stages and chronic disorders spinal and cerebral circulation (dyscirculatory encephalopathy and myelopathy).

Symptoms of cerebrovascular accident

Initially, the disease may be asymptomatic. But in the absence of proper treatment, the disorders progress rapidly. The symptoms of cerebrovascular accident are as follows:

Headache. This is the very first symptom of circulatory disorders in the brain. If headaches become systematic, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Dizziness. A doctor should be consulted immediately if dizziness occurs more than three times a month.

Pain in the eyes. Pain in the eyes with circulatory disorders in the brain tends to increase during movement eyeballs. Most often, such pain occurs at the end of the working day, when the eyes are tired from stress throughout the day.

Nausea and vomiting. A doctor should be consulted if nausea and vomiting are observed along with headache, dizziness and eye pain.

Seizures. Seizures may be the most different types. As a rule, they occur quite rarely.

Congestion, ringing and noise in the ears. When blood circulation is disturbed in the brain, a feeling arises as if water has got into the ears.

Numbness. Those with cerebrovascular accidents may experience numbness in their arms, legs, or other parts of the body. Numbness does not occur as usual, after a long stay in awkward position, but just like that. This is a direct consequence of a violation of normal blood circulation in the brain.

Acute cerebrovascular accident

Acute circulatory disorders in the brain can be persistent (cerebral stroke) and transient.

A transient disorder of cerebral circulation occurs due to a hypertensive crisis, cerebral angiospasm, cerebral atherosclerosis, arrhythmia, heart failure, and collapse. Symptoms transient disorder Cerebral circulation can manifest itself as a few minutes, and the whole day.

Treatment of cerebrovascular accident

Treatment of cerebrovascular disorders is to normalize cerebral blood flow in tissues, stimulate metabolism in neurons, treat basic cardiovascular diseases, protection of brain neurons from hypoxia factors.

Prevention of cerebrovascular accidents

Prevention of circulatory disorders in the brain is quite simple. To avoid violations, you must:

Do not smoke or use psychotropic substances;

News active image life;

Reduce salt intake;

Control and support normal weight body;

Control the level of glucose, the content of lipoproteins and triglycerides in the blood;

Treat existing diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Video from YouTube on the topic of the article:

Chronic cerebrovascular insufficiency (CCI) is a brain dysfunction characterized by slow progression. It is one of the most common pathologies in neurological practice.

Etiological factors

The cause of the development of insufficiency, which is especially common in elderly and old age, is a small-focal or diffuse damage to brain tissue. It develops against the backdrop of a long existing problems With cerebral circulation, since during ischemia the central nervous system receives less oxygen and glucose.

Most common causes chronic ischemia:

One of etiological factors anomalies in the development of the aortic arch and vessels of the neck and shoulder girdle. They may not make themselves felt until development and. A certain importance is attached to the compression (compression) of the vessels by bone structures (with curvature of the spine and osteochondrosis) or tumors.

Blood circulation can also be disturbed due to deposits of a specific protein-polysaccharide complex - amyloid on vascular walls. Amyloidosis leads to dystrophic changes in the blood vessels.

In older people, one of the risk factors for CVD is often low blood pressure. With it, arteriosclerosis is not excluded, that is, damage to the small arteries of the brain.

Symptoms of chronic cerebrovascular insufficiency

Important:Syndromicity, staging and a progressive course are among the main clinical features of CNMC!

It is customary to distinguish 2 main stages of chronic cerebral ischemia:

  1. initial manifestations;
  2. encephalopathy.

The initial stage develops with a decrease in the flow (debit) of blood from normal indicators, constituting 55 ml / 100 g / min, up to 45-30 ml.

Typical patient complaints:

On the early stages development of insufficiency of cerebral blood flow, symptoms appear after physical exertion or psycho-emotional stress, fasting and drinking alcohol.

During the examination, when determining the neurological status, no signs are detected focal changes in the CNS. Special neuropsychological tests allow to identify disorders of thinking functions (in a mild form).

Note:up to 450,000 cases of acute cerebrovascular accident – ​​strokes – are diagnosed annually in our country. Vascular dementia according to various data, from 5% to 22% of elderly and senile people are affected.

Dyscirculatory encephalopathy (DE) develops against the background of a decrease in blood flow rate to 35-20 ml/100 g/min. Changes are usually due to common pathologies vessels.

Note:significant changes in hemodynamics are noted if there is a narrowing of the main vessels up to 70-75% of the norm.

DE forms:

  • venous;
  • hypertonic;
  • atherosclerotic;
  • mixed.

Dyscirculatory encephalopathy is divided into 3 stages depending on the severity of neurological symptoms.

Signs of the 1st stage:

  • (there are problems with remembering new information);
  • decreased ability to concentrate;
  • decrease in mental and physical performance;
  • high fatigue;
  • dull (cephalgia), increasing with psycho-emotional experiences and mental stress;
  • problems with switching from one task to another;
  • frequent;
  • unsteadiness when walking;
  • deterioration in mood;
  • emotional instability.

The working capacity of patients with the 1st stage is preserved. During neurological examination a moderate impairment of memory and a decrease in attention are revealed. Reflexes are moderately increased; their intensity on the right and left is slightly different.

Signs of the 2nd stage:

  • progression of memory disorders;
  • severe deterioration of sleep;
  • frequent cephalgia;
  • transient dizziness and instability in an upright position;
  • darkening in the eyes when changing the position of the body (standing up);
  • touchiness;
  • irritability;
  • reduction of needs;
  • slow thinking;
  • pathological attention to minor events;
  • a clear narrowing of the circle of interests.

The 2nd stage is characterized not only by a decrease in working capacity ( II-III group disability), but also problems with social adaptation sick. During the study of the neurological status, vestibulo-cerebellar disorders, poverty and slowing are revealed. active movements with a specific increase in muscle tone.

Signs of the 3rd stage:

  • thinking disorders, growing to dementia ();
  • tearfulness;
  • slovenliness;
  • (not always);
  • pronounced decrease in self-criticism;
  • pathological lack of will;
  • loss of sphincter control involuntary urination and defecation)
  • frequent drowsiness after eating.

Note:for patients on this stage The development of pathology is very characteristic of the Winsheid triad, i.e., a combination of memory impairment, headaches and episodes of dizziness.

Patients with the 3rd stage of discirculatory encephalopathy are disabled; they are given the I group of disability.


The diagnosis is made on the basis clinical picture, complaints of the patient, and the results obtained in the study of the brain and blood vessels.

Note:between the number of patient complaints about a decrease in the ability to memorize and the severity of chronic ischemia, there is Feedback. The greater the impairment of cognitive functions, the fewer complaints.

During the examination of the fundus, blanching of the disc is detected optic nerve and atherosclerotic changes in the vessels. Palpation determines the compaction of the arteries that feed the brain - carotid and temporal.

To the number instrumental methods studies that are required to verify the diagnosis include:

  • dopplerography;
  • angiography;
  • rheoencephalography with additional samples;
  • aorta and other main vessels;
  • the brain and vessels of the "cerebral pool" (the main method of neuroimaging);
  • electroencephalography.

Additional data is obtained from laboratory tests on the metabolism of lipid compounds, taking an electrocardiogram and biomicroscopy of conjunctival vessels.

Important:atherosclerosis cerebral vessels often combined with atherosclerotic lesions of the arteries of the legs and coronary vessels.

task differential diagnosis is the exclusion of brain diseases that have a non-vascular etiology. It is known that the functions of the central nervous system can be disturbed for the second time not against the background of diabetes mellitus, lesions of the respiratory system, kidneys, liver and digestive tract.

Measures for the treatment and prevention of CNMC

When the first symptoms of chronic cerebral ischemia are detected, it is strongly recommended to periodically conduct a comprehensive course of treatment. It is necessary to prevent or slow down the development of pathological changes.

Primary prevention of HNMK is in the competence of specialists general practicefamily doctors and local therapists. They should carry out explanatory work among the population.

Basic preventive measures:

  • compliance with a normal diet;
  • making adjustments to the diet (reducing the amount of carbohydrates and fatty foods);
  • timely treatment of chronic diseases;
  • rejection of bad habits;
  • regulation of the work regime, as well as sleep and rest;
  • struggle with psycho-emotional overstrain (stress);
  • active lifestyle (with dosed physical activity).

Important: primary prevention pathology should begin in adolescence. Its main focus is the elimination of risk factors. Overeating should be avoided, and. Secondary prevention is needed to prevent episodes acute disorders cerebral blood flow in patients with diagnosed chronic ischemia.

Treatment vascular insufficiency suggests rational pharmacotherapy. All drugs should be prescribed only by a local doctor or a narrow specialist, taking into account general condition and individual features the patient's body.

Patients are shown a course of vasoactive drugs (Cinnarizine, Cavinton, Vinpocetine), antisclerotic drugs and antiplatelet agents to reduce blood viscosity ( Acetylsalicylic acid, Aspirin, Curantyl, etc.). Additionally, antihypoxants are prescribed (to combat oxygen starvation brain tissue) and vitamin complexes(including and ). The patient is recommended to take neuroprotective preparations, which include amino acid complexes (Cortexin, Actovegin, Glycine). To combat some secondary disturbances from the central nervous system the doctor may prescribe drugs from the group of tranquilizers.

Important:is of great importance for maintaining blood pressure indicators at the level of 150-140 / 80 mm Hg.

Often, the selection of additional combinations of drugs is required if the patient is diagnosed with atherosclerosis, hypertension and (or) coronary insufficiency. Making certain changes to standard scheme treatment is necessary for diseases endocrine system and metabolic disordersdiabetes, thyrotoxicosis and obesity. Both the attending physician and the patient must remember: medications should be taken full courses, and after a break of 1-1.5 weeks, start a course of another medication. If there is an obvious need to use different drugs on the same day, it is important to maintain a time interval of at least half an hour between doses. Otherwise, their therapeutic activity may decrease, and the likelihood of developing side effects(including allergic reactions) - increase.

People who have Clinical signs insufficiency of cerebral circulation, it is recommended to refrain from visiting baths and saunas in order to avoid overheating of the body. It is also advisable to reduce the time spent in the sun. Climbing mountains and staying in areas located at an altitude of more than 1000 m above sea level poses a certain danger. It is necessary to completely abandon nicotine, and minimize the consumption of alcoholic beverages (no more than 30 ml of "absolute alcohol" per day). Consumption strong tea and coffee should be reduced to 2 cups (approximately 100-150 ml) per day. excessive physical exercise are not allowed. You should not sit in front of a TV or PC monitor for more than 1-1.5 hours.

Plisov Vladimir, medical commentator

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