Peppermint oil - properties and uses. Composition of peppermint oil. How to make peppermint oil at home

Many have known this since childhood. unique plant like mint. Its delicious aroma can not only refresh and give a feeling of joy, but also relax, fill with harmony.

This oil has a light green or light yellow color. Its consistency is quite liquid, the aroma is invigorating and refreshing. It contains both warm camphor and cold minty notes. In general, the smell is sharp, but subtle.

For its manufacture, all above-ground parts of the plant are used - stems, leaves. The manufacturing process itself is carried out, as a rule, by steam distillation.

Essential oil mint received positive reviews from people who use it:

  • for household purposes;
  • in the preparation of masks for hair, face and body skin;
  • in order to achieve a certain therapeutic effect;
  • for the preparation of healing baths;
  • in the production of scrubs, creams, balms, shampoos, mixtures for body wraps, massages and many other caring cosmetics.

It's important to know! In addition to mint oil, oil is produced peppermint. These two oils are practically indistinguishable. The only difference is that the spicy notes, in the smell of peppermint oil, are the most pronounced.

Often, these two types of oil are not distinguished and a sticker is placed on the bottles with the traditional inscription: “mint essential oil”.


As for the method of making peppermint oil, it is obtained by distillation, carried out using only the dried aerial parts of the plant.

Useful properties of peppermint essential oil

From the fresh plant, a concentrated essential oil of mint is obtained, the properties of which can have a healing and calming effect.

  1. Has bactericidal action.
  2. It contributes to the suppression of the body's immune system of viruses and other pathogens.
  3. It has diuretic, choleretic and resolving actions.
  4. It is a natural antiseptic.
  5. Do not forget about the refreshing effect.
  6. It has a beneficial effect on the central nervous system (stress relief, calming, recuperation).
  7. Helps reduce body temperature and increase sweating.
  8. Allows you to stop spasms and pain of various etiologies.
  9. It has the ability to stop the spread of inflammatory processes.
  10. Improves mood, promotes elimination nervous tension and feelings of tightness.

Often this oil used for colds in order to reduce body temperature and pain in the tissues of the larynx (when coughing). To do this, a few drops of oil are added to solutions for inhalation and mixtures intended for the preparation of compresses.

Peppermint essential oil, which is widely used among people suffering from headaches and high blood pressure, has an effective antispasmodic effect. It can also improve blood flow in the vessels of the brain.

To eliminate depression and nervous conditions, stopping anxiety, dizziness and anxiety will help just 1 drop of this miracle oil. It should be applied to a napkin or tissue flap and slowly inhale the healing vapors for half an hour.

This oil is able to eliminate unpleasant odor from the oral cavity through sanitation procedures. Not bad this tool helps and in the presence dental diseases accompanied by pain in the dental and gum tissues.

In addition to the methods of application described, peppermint oil is used:

  • at painful periods;
  • when removal is required spider veins on the skin (rosacea);
  • for the purpose of cleansing the mucous membranes;
  • to eliminate the consequences of excessive physical activity(spasm of joints and muscles);
  • with heart pain of a different nature;
  • to relieve pain in the digestive tract;
  • when vasodilatation is required to lower blood pressure;
  • to get rid of heartburn.

In this area, this oil is used to eliminate irritation of the skin, which has undergone damaging mechanical effects (cuts, burns, scratches, abrasions, bruises, sprains).

Peppermint oil allows disinfection wound surfaces, as well as accelerate the processes of regeneration of skin cells and, as a result, achieve the speedy healing of damaged tissues.

Also, this oil is used for facial skin care. As a component that is part of nourishing, moisturizing, toning and refreshing masks, it can improve the condition of the skin of the face as a whole in a short period of time.

This will be expressed:

  • in increasing the degree of turgor;
  • in the elimination of rashes of various origins (comedones, acne, pustules, etc.);
  • in increasing elasticity;
  • in intense hydration.

For body skin care, this tool is also effective. For example, you can use peppermint essential oil for a bath, which is recommended to be taken mainly before bedtime. Or for the preparation of creams and cleansing scrubs.

In addition to relieving stress, relaxing and restoring energy balance, these procedures will help:

  • tighten and refresh the skin of the body;
  • reduce or completely get rid of the manifestations of cellulite and stretch marks. The effect will directly depend on how a person eats, what lifestyle he leads, and also on individual characteristics his body;
  • eliminate skin hyperemia;
  • deal with dryness, irritation and rashes.

Very well mint oil It also helps with hair health. The masks, in which it is included, allow you to restore the structure of the hair, provide hair follicles nutrients.

After the course similar procedures hair will look amazing, gain elasticity, become thick, silky and incredibly shiny.

Peppermint oil helps to expel mice, rats, moles and ants from the territory of the personal plot. You just need to sprinkle them with those parts of the territory of the site where they bother you. For example, near anthills or bulbous plants.


Although this oil is not strong allergen, it is still used with caution. So, peppermint oil is unacceptable to use:

  • if a person is being treated with homeopathic medicines medicines(oil neutralizes therapeutic effect any phytopreparations);
  • in childhood(up to 6 years);
  • if there is an allergy to the components that make up the mint oil. An allergy test, before using the oil, must be carried out;
  • during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

And in conclusion, it is worth adding that mint essential oil, the properties and use of which are described above, can affect energy level. It will help get rid of chronic fatigue, general malaise overcome emotional exhaustion and restore vitality.

Be beautiful and healthy!

The article discusses peppermint oil. You will know the ingredients and beneficial features product. We will talk about the options for its use and consider several recipes. useful masks for face and hair. You will learn how to make peppermint oil at home.

Mint is perennial with small rough leaves. Since the middle of the 17th century, breeders have received about 300 varieties of mint, bred artificially.

Most wide application received peppermint for its rich aroma.

The chemical composition of peppermint oil

Peppermint oil contains glucose, rutin, phytosterol, tannins. 45-50% of the product consists of menthol, which has the famous refreshing taste. The composition of the oil includes chlorogenic, ascorbic, caffeic acids.

Peppermint oil properties and uses

Peppermint oil has medicinal properties. Acids are powerful antioxidants and antibacterial action, and tannins relieve inflammation.

The most valuable parts of the plant are the leaves and stems, as they contain a large amount of mint essential oil, the main component of which is menthol. This substance is widely used in perfumery, pharmaceuticals and cosmetology.

Peppermint oil has a calming effect on nervous system. The specific smell of mint relieves stress, restores efficiency and calms the excited nervous system with increased anxiety and anxiety.

Peppermint oil has been used in medicine due to its expectorant, bactericidal and vasodilating properties. Helps relieve headaches cold symptoms and has a healing effect. It is added to cough syrups, cold drops and sedatives.

The oil is often used to rinse the mouth with inflammation of the gums. It takes off toothache, has an antibacterial effect and eliminates bad breath.

Natural mint oil is used in cooking to give drinks and desserts a fresh flavor, it is added to meat and poultry dishes.

Peppermint oil in cosmetology

Peppermint oil has been widely used in cosmetology for skin and hair care. Due to its light texture, the oil is suitable for all skin and hair types.

Mint oil for face

Oily skin oil helps eliminate inflammation and acne, regulates the work sebaceous glands and shrinks pores.

The remedy relieves rosacea - vascular network and evens out complexion. Dry skin oil helps to regulate the water-lipid balance, prevents moisture loss.

Peppermint oil is used to make ice for rubbing the face and add it to cosmetics: creams, lotions, masks.

mask for problematic skin


  1. Grape oil - 10 ml.
  2. Peppermint oil - 2 drops.
  3. Almond oil- 10 ml.
  4. Water - 10 ml.
  5. Yellow clay (powder) - 10 gr.
  6. Lemon oil - 1 drop.

How to cook: Dilute the yellow clay with water to the consistency of gruel, mix so that there are no lumps. Add the rest of the ingredients and stir until smooth.

How to use: Spread the mask evenly over cleansed face. Keep for 15-20 minutes then wash off warm water. After the procedure, apply a moisturizer.

Result: The mask eliminates foci of inflammation, dries up acne, improves blood circulation of the skin of the face.

Peppermint Body Oil

Peppermint oil copes with pain in muscles and joints. It is often used to eliminate discomfort with rheumatism.

In addition, the tool effectively copes with swelling and bruising. To do this, make cold compresses with peppermint essential oil.

The essential remedy fights skin diseases such as scabies, fungal infections, eczema and folliculitis.

For the treatment of eczema


  1. Lavender oil - 5 ml.
  2. Peppermint oil - 5 ml.

How to cook: Mix oils and steam to 34-35 degrees.

How to use: Apply the product to the affected area of ​​the skin and leave to be completely absorbed. Apply 2-3 times a day.

Result: The remedy treats sore skin, eliminates unpleasant itching and relieves inflammation.

Mint oil for hair

The remedy relieves itching of the scalp and prevents hair loss. It is often used to eliminate dandruff and improve blood circulation in the scalp.

On the basis of mint oil, hair masks are made, added to shampoos and rinses.

Dandruff Mask


  1. Burdock oil - 20 ml.
  2. Peppermint oil - 2 drops.

How to cook: Mix the oils and heat a little for a couple.

How to use: Spread the mask over the entire length. Massage the product into the scalp with massage movements. Gather your hair into a bun and wrap it in plastic, wrap it with a towel on top to keep warm. Keep the mask on for 45-50 minutes, then wash off with shampoo.

Result: The tool strengthens the hair, relieves seborrhea and itching of the scalp.

Mint oil for lips

Peppermint oil is added to glosses and balms to plump up lips. The tool enhances blood circulation, due to which the lips visually increase.

Peppermint eye oil

Peppermint oil is used to care for the delicate skin around the eyes. It can be added to the cream or make a mask based on it.

Mask for sensitive skin


  1. Olive oil - 10 ml.
  2. Peppermint essential oil - 1 drop.

How to cook: Steam vegetable oil to 34 degrees, then add one drop of essential essence, stir.

How to use: Using the pads of your fingers, apply the mixture of oils to the skin around the eyes. Blot the rest of the oil with a dry cloth. The product is suitable for daily use.

Result: The mask nourishes the skin, eliminates wrinkles and prevents the formation of pigmentation.

Mint oil for nails

Peppermint oil is used to treat rubrophytosis of the nail plate. it fungal disease, which changes the color of the nail and deforms it. The affected areas are treated with oil. The tool restores integrity and returns the natural color of the nail.

Peppermint oil bath

For respiratory diseases, peppermint oil baths are used. This procedure calms the nervous system, relieves muscle pain, and inhalation of mint vapors promotes sputum discharge in case of colds. For therapeutic effect just add 3-5 drops to a warm bath.

Peppermint oil inside

When taken orally, peppermint oil helps with heartburn, but this must be done with extreme caution. Oil must not be taken pure form so as not to get a burn of the larynx.

Usually a couple of drops of oil are added to a tablespoon of kefir or jam.

Peppermint oil for mice

The pungent smell of peppermint essential oil helps to get rid of rodents. To do this, take cotton swabs and soak them in oil, spread them in the corners of the apartment or in places where mice climb.

Be prepared for the fact that your apartment will smell like mint for several days, as long-term processing of the room will be required for a lasting effect. Once a day, renew the cotton blanks so that the oil does not have time to completely disappear.

As a rule, it takes 2-3 days to get rid of mice in this way.

Are Menthol Oil and Peppermint Oil the Same Thing?

Peppermint oil is obtained by distilling peppermint leaves or stems that have been steamed beforehand.

because of high content menthol product is also called menthol oil.

How to make peppermint oil at home

You can prepare oil at home from both dried leaves and fresh mint. Depending on the initial state of the plant, an alcohol-containing liquid is selected.

So for infusion of dry leaves, vodka with an alcohol content of 40-50% is suitable, and for fresh mint it is better to use medical alcohol, because fresh leaves contain water that will dilute pure alcohol. Consider a recipe based on dry mint leaves.

homemade mint oil


  1. Dry mint leaves - 50 gr.
  2. Vodka - 100 ml.

How to cook: Mash dry leaves with a rolling pin, put them in glass jar, pour vodka on top. Leaves should be completely covered with liquid. Put the jar in a dark place for 4-6 weeks, shake the contents periodically. The longer the oil is infused, the richer it will turn out. Strain finished product through a sieve. Store the product in a dark glass container for no more than six months.

How to use: Add a couple of drops of oil to tea or dough for dessert. Use it for baths and aromatherapy. Add 2-3 drops of oil to your hair or face mask.

Result: The oil is not as concentrated as the essential oil, so it is safer to use. The tool helps to eliminate colds, has a tonic and tonic effect.

Allergy to peppermint oil

Tannins, which are part of the oil, can cause allergies.

In order to accurately determine the allergen, consult a doctor. He will prescribe allergy tests and select the appropriate treatment.

Peppermint oil during pregnancy

Peppermint oil should be used with caution during pregnancy. The most important thing to remember is that oil cannot be taken internally, only externally.

Before use, the product must be diluted with vegetable base oil. In this form, the oil helps with stretch marks, if you rub it with massage movements into the skin.

The remedy eliminates attacks of nausea, therefore it is indispensable during the period of toxicosis. Moisten a cotton pad with one drop of oil, and inhale when you feel bad.

Aromatherapy with mint oil

Peppermint oil is often combined with other ingredients such as mandarin, jasmine and bergamot oils.

Such aromatic composition favorably affects the emotional mood, restores vitality, relieves increased nervousness.

For an aroma lamp, use no more than 5 drops of oil, diluted hot water. For aroma medallions, 1-2 drops of the product will be enough.

Contraindications and restrictions

Peppermint oil is contraindicated for oral administration:

  • during pregnancy and lactation;
  • with individual intolerance;
  • under reduced pressure;
  • children under 6 years old;
  • with infertility.

Externally, mint oil should be used with caution:

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Has many healing properties has been known for more than one millennium. It was used to stop bleeding even Hippocrates, Avicenna and Paracelsus. In the seventeenth century, Culpepper mentioned her therapeutic effect for stomach problems. It was also used as an aromatic seasoning in ancient Egypt.

AT ancient Greek mythology one of the nymphs, who was able to heal diseases and predict the future, was called Mint. The essential oil is made from this fragrant grass, which arose at the place where the nymph died. That is why the plant is named so.

And in Roman myths, there lived a goddess named Menta. In ancient Roman mythology, Menta is revered as a goddess personifying the human mind, and therefore philosophers wore wreaths from the stems of this fragrant plant. It was believed that mint improves mental capacity and helps you concentrate better.


Peppermint essential oil is made from dried leaves, flowers, and stems of the plant. It is obtained by steam distillation, when water vapor is distilled from the flowering tops and leaves of the plant. At the exit, it remains from half to three percent. The oil may be colorless, light green or light yellow. Its smell is sweet, grassy and fresh, minty with hints of honey and menthol flavors.


The main ingredient here is menthol. It makes up to fifty percent of the composition of the entire product. In addition to it, mint oil contains methyl acetate, phellandrene, limonene, alpha-pinene, cineole, geraniol, dihydrocarvone and many other useful substances.


Applying such strong remedy, you should consider what oils and substances it complements and has a beneficial effect. They are: rosemary, black pepper, basil, bergamot, benzoin, ylang-ylang, lemon, geranium, marjoram, cypress, juniper, lavender, tea tree, eucalyptus, pine, sage and all citrus fruit oils.

mint plant

The essential oil is made from a perennial herbal plant. It can grow up to one meter in height. It has a hollow stem and oblong ovate leaves pointed at the ends. little flowers purple gather at the very top. The fruit of the plant consists of four nuts.

It is believed that peppermint originated in the Mediterranean and Western Asia. Now it is actively cultivated in Russia, European countries, North America, Brazil, Egypt and Japan. It blooms all summer, but most of all from late June to September.

Beneficial features

Peppermint oil has a spectrum beneficial action. Among them are the following:

  • improvement of appetite;
  • stabilization of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • lowering the level of acidity in the body;
  • getting rid of spasms and colic in the digestive tract;
  • normalization metabolic process substances;
  • getting rid of stones in the bladder;
  • regulation of the hormonal system;
  • removal of heart pain;
  • activation of the endocrine system;
  • stabilization of blood pressure;
  • improving the activity of the respiratory tract in relevant diseases;
  • improvement in tachycardia, angina pectoris, sinus arrhythmia;
  • getting rid of cough and runny nose;
  • decrease in temperature at its elevated values;
  • strengthening gums and eliminating bad breath;
  • getting rid of headache, neuralgic and muscle pain;
  • regulation of menstruation in violation of their cycle;
  • decrease in milk with its excessive release during lactation;
  • withdrawal nervous breakdown or overexcitement;
  • calming down severe stress and state of shock
  • improvement of blood circulation in the brain;
  • stimulation of activity with mental overwork;
  • skin healing due to insect bites;
  • repel insect pests (can be used both when going out into nature to protect the body, and adding to the wardrobe so that moths are not found).

It is also widely used in cosmetic purposes mint. Essential oil is used in the following cases:

  • for the care of oily, prone to irritability, skin;
  • in order to increase the protective function;
  • to relieve swelling, eliminate acne, eczema, inflammation and itching;
  • increase skin tone and elasticity;
  • refreshing the skin and improving its color;
  • to improve hair growth.


During pregnancy for early dates It is better to stop taking essential oils. Also, it is highly not recommended for children under the age of seven and in case of an allergic rhinitis.

Taking too much of a dose can cause general weakness, dizziness, insomnia, decreased blood pressure and stomach irritation.

Internal application

In diseases of the digestive system and a condition of heartburn, it is recommended that mint be used inside. Essential oil in the first case (from one to three drops) is added to a spoonful of honey or jam and consumed up to three times a day.

If you suffer from heartburn, a couple of drops of the remedy for half a teaspoon of kefir will help. Should be taken with water.

In addition, you can flavor the tea leaf, two hundred grams of which add up to eight drops of oil.

Outdoor use

The aroma lamp has become especially popular in last years. Essential oils are added to it, the use of which helps to achieve certain result. Peppermint is thus used to relieve headaches, colds, coughs, migraines, bronchitis and overexertion. Up to six drops should be added to the aroma lamp per fifteen square meters of the room. If an aroma medallion is used, then only two drops will be required for the same footage.

Essential oils are also widely used in massage. Their use can relieve digestive disorders, nervous strain, fatigue, apathy and different kind pain. In addition to mint, avocado, macadamia and almond oil will help for this purpose. As anti-cellulite products, citrus fruits are the most popular. It is also recommended to take a bath with essential oils.

To get rid of inflammation and irritation on the skin, put compresses. 5 to 7 drops of oil are added to 10 ml of alcohol. If itching torments, then it is necessary to add mint essential oil to any vegetable oil, the properties of which can fight this. unpleasant feeling(for 10 drops vegetable oil up to 7 drops of essential oil will be required).

Application in medicine: official and alternative

Menthol, which is one of the main components contained in mint, is part of many drugs in medicine, for example, validol, valocormid, pectusin, boromenthol, corvalol, equatol, camphomen, menovazine and many others. It has a somewhat cooling effect and a characteristic refreshing smell.

AT traditional medicine the leaves of the plant treat burns, neuralgia, colds, digestive problems, toothache, and so on.

Peppermint essential oil for scalp and hair

The tool is successfully used for hair care. For this purpose, shampoos and balms are prepared, as well as masks and conditioners. In a regular shampoo, when washing your hair, add up to three drops of oil.

For rinsing, an infusion is prepared from two tablespoons of dried leaves and a glass of boiling water. After cooling, it is filtered and three drops of essential oil are added.

The mask is prepared from two to three tablespoons of castor oil and two to three drops of mint, respectively. It is applied to the hair and lasts at least half an hour.

To greasy hair not so quickly contaminated, use henna with the addition of mint at the rate of 50 g of henna per 7 drops of essential oil. In this case, the product is applied to the hair for two to three hours.

Wraps will also be effective, the recipe of which includes all the same essential oil of mint. Reviews of women who have tried this tool make us believe that oily hair can be easily overcome with it. To do this, make a nettle infusion (half a cup of boiling water - two tablespoons of dried grass) and add 5 drops of oil to it.

Application in the food industry and in cosmetology

Mint flavor can often be found in candy, tea, toothpaste and chewing gum, salads, drinks, and even tobacco. Mint is especially popular in Arabic, Italian, American, English and Spanish cuisines.

In the beauty industry, this oil has found the widest use. Peppermint essential oil for the face is used in the same way as all other types. It can be added to base oils, as well as creams, masks and other homemade products. However, if the skin is too sensitive, then it is better not to use it.

Usually, up to two drops of essential oil are added to one tablespoon of the base. As a base, you can use different variants. Well suited for these purposes, for example, wheat germ oil or grape seed oil. The mixture can be applied both on the whole face and on its problem areas.

Masks will also become even more useful if you add peppermint oil to them. The price of one of his bottles, like other varieties, differs very much depending on the manufacturer and some nuances in the manufacture. It can cost less than a hundred rubles or more than three thousand.

How to cook yourself

It is not necessary to buy oil in the store, because you can make it yourself. The process is not easy, but the output will be filled useful substances means, the main component of which is mint. The essential oil is prepared in the following way.

You need to choose fresh leaves. It is better to collect them yourself early in the morning or, in last resort, buy. The main thing is that they are freshly picked, since it is in such plants that most of the oily substances are stored.

The leaves are washed in running water and dried with a paper towel. In this case, at first it is good to leave them a little in the fresh air.

After that, the components are packed into a glass jar and filled with base oil. The container must be shaken and left for a day, after which the leaves are squeezed out, and the liquid is filtered.

So you need to do this two more times with new mint leaves and an already used base. This homemade oil can be used throughout the year. Store it in a cool place.

Peppermint oil is famous for its soothing and relaxing properties, tones, refreshes. It is used in the fields of medicine and cosmetology to solve various problems.


Essential oil properties

Peppermint essential oil is made from fresh leaves peppermint (almost the entire aerial part) by steam distillation. The oil looks yellowish or greenish color, liquid consistency, bright, fresh and rich aroma. The tool is often used in the perfumery and cosmetology industry, has a number of useful and medicinal properties:

  1. Gives a feeling of coolness, soothes.
  2. Relieves pain and relieves tension (spasms) in the muscles.
  3. Relieves headaches and toothaches, reduces abdominal pain.
  4. It has antiviral and bactericidal properties (combats bad breath).
  5. It has an anti-inflammatory effect.
  6. Facilitates asthenic disorders (combats attacks of nausea, heartburn, dizziness, motion sickness).
  7. Increases attention and mental performance.
  8. Cleanses Airways, mucous.
  9. It has an effective antiseptic, diaphoretic and antipyretic effect.
  10. Absorbable, diuretic and choleretic properties are inherent.
  11. Relieves painful menstruation in women.
  12. Relieves spasms during physical overload.
  13. Normalizes blood circulation and improves the condition of the vessels of the brain.
  14. Increases energy and vitality.
  15. Struggling with emotional exhaustion.
  16. Relieves fatigue, nervousness, effects of lack of sleep.

Video: Properties of peppermint and how to use peppermint oil.

Use in medicine

Peppermint oil is widely used in the medical field. It is an effective analgesic and antispasmodic pain and filming muscle spasms. Often recommended in the treatment of fibromyalgia and myofascial pain syndrome. The oil effectively relieves headaches. To do this, you need to mix mint (2 drops) with any base oil (1 tbsp.) And in a circular motion massage the temporal region with the resulting mixture.

Peppermint essential oil relieves the condition during colds, lowers the temperature. To relieve feverish conditions, peppermint oil is mixed with warm coconut oil (3 drops per 1 tablespoon of base oil), rub the mixture on the neck, shins and feet. A mixture of the same oils, but in equal proportions, helps to reduce toothache and relieve inflammation of the gums. The mixture is rubbed directly into the gums.

Peppermint essential oil is great for colon spasms, eliminating unpleasant symptoms bloating and indigestion. To do this, in a glass of water room temperature add 1 drop of peppermint oil and drink before meals. The same solution, only add 3 drops of ether helps to eliminate bad breath. Rinse your mouth with the solution in the morning and evening.

To reduce states of anxiety, fear, nervousness, you can drop a drop of peppermint essential oil into an aroma pendant or on a handkerchief and slowly inhale this divine aroma.

Mint extract helps a lot in the treatment of colds and viral diseases as well as coughing. The agent is added to baths, compresses are placed on their basis and inhalations are made.

With nausea, including against the background of ongoing chemotherapy or surgical intervention, peppermint essential oil will also prove useful. Just add 2 drops of peppermint oil to a glass drinking water or rub a drop behind the ear. This method quickly and effectively eliminates nausea.

The use of peppermint oil in cosmetology

For face.

In the field of cosmetology, mint is not as common as other essential oils. Often used for fast withdrawal skin irritation after contact with traumatic factors or substances. In combination with lavender oil (1:1), mint fights inflammation and irritation on the skin, including soothing it and relieving severe itching due to allergies, insect bites or burns from poisonous plants. Also works well against blackheads and pimples, as well topical application this mixture is effective against psoriasis and eczema.

The main property of peppermint oil for facial skin is to increase protective functions skin. Its use in skin care stimulates blood circulation and makes the complexion more uniform (smooth).

Given aromatic oil effectively copes with vascular patterns on the surface of the skin, fights acne, and more effectively in the early stages.

The oil does not clog pores, it is useful for any type of skin, especially for oily and problematic skin prone to acne.

Adding peppermint oil to a skin care product (1-2 drops per application is enough) will give the product antiseptic properties.

This remedy will relieve redness, inflammation: combine 1 tsp. jojoba oil and vitamin E, add 2 drops of mint oil. Apply the composition to problem areas at night. The tool is perfect suitable for those who is not suitable for tea tree oil.

For hair.

Peppermint oil helps in resolving common problems with hair (dry scalp, hair loss, growth retardation, etc.). People with sensitive skin heads should use this essential oil with caution. To do this, it must be mixed with any fatty oil(wheat germ, jojoba, almond, etc.). For 50 ml of the base, it is enough to take 6 drops of the essential component, use as a mask on slightly damp hair. The duration of the procedure is 30-40 minutes. Be sure to do a skin sensitivity test before applying. The mixture is also suitable for scalp massage for minor scalp problems.

For lips.

Peppermint oil is an excellent prevention of such unpleasant disease like herpes. Combine almond oil with mint in a proportion of 1 tbsp. l. 2 drops, apply the mixture on the skin of the lips half an hour before going outside.

Mint aromatic oil goes well with oils of ylang-ylang, sweet orange, bergamot, geranium, jasmine, neroli, ginger, basil, lavender, mandarin, nutmeg.

Video: How to use peppermint oil.

The use of mint in everyday life

Application in aromatherapy

The use of mint oil in aroma lamps or aroma medallions helps to reduce appetite, allowing you to avoid unwanted snacks. A few drops of the product can also be applied to the wrists.

mint flavor - effective help with allergies and during the cold season. Inhalation of aroma (aroma lamp, aroma pendant) helps to clear the sinuses, reduce sore throat, relieve cough, as well as conditions with sinusitis, bronchitis and bronchial asthma.

Peppermint aromatherapy well relieves fatigue, relaxes, improves attention and concentration. For an aroma lamp, 4-5 drops of mint essential oil per hot water, 1 drop is enough for aroma pendant.

Relaxing and soothing aroma baths.

AT sea ​​salt, honey or milk, add 7 drops of mint essential oil and pour into a filled bath. It is better to start the first procedure by adding 3 drops, take 4 drops for the second, five drops for the third, and so on up to 7. Subsequent baths should already be carried out with seven drops of ether.

Compresses, massages, rubbing

Add 6 drops per treatment in combination with base oil. In finished cosmetics, no more than 5 drops of ether are introduced.

Contraindications for use

  1. Children under 6 years old.
  2. Patients undergoing a course of homeopathic procedures (can not be combined with herbal remedies).
  3. Individual intolerance.
  4. Allergic reactions.
  5. Prolonged use without interruption and at night can cause insomnia and nervous overexcitation.

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