The upland uterus is an assistant in conception and in the treatment of infertility. Treatment for absence of menstruation. The use of alcohol infusion

Alternative treatment for infertility often relies on taking a medicinal plant called the upland uterus. Miraculous properties are attributed to this herb, many of which are scientifically confirmed by studies of the healing properties of the plant. Upland grass has gained particular popularity among couples trying to have a baby.

The upland uterus is the most common name for the one-sided ortilia. This herbaceous plant has long been used in medicine and today is actively used in the fight against diseases, including those that interfere with conception.

When appointed

Ortilia affects women's reproductive health more noticeably, but is sometimes prescribed to men to maintain therapy. The main indications for treatment with upland grass are:

  • erosion of the cervix, its adhesions;
  • cysts, polyps, fibroids;
  • ovarian diseases;
  • dysfunction of the prostate gland.

A special property of the plant is a beneficial effect on the uterine mucosa to secure the fertilized egg.

Properties and pharmacological actions of the plant on the reproductive system

The entire ground part of the boron uterus (leaves, flowers, stem) has pronounced medicinal properties.

The plant is rich in the content of the following trace elements that contribute to better conception:

  1. Plant hormones phytoestrogen and phytoprogesterone, which bring the hormonal background of a woman back to normal
  2. Arbunin is an effective antiseptic that fights pathogenic microflora
  3. Flavonoids that strengthen the immune system
  4. - a powerful antioxidant that strengthens blood vessels and resists inflammatory processes in the female genital organs

Does it help to get pregnant

The peculiarity of the chemical composition of ortilia determines its effect on the hormonal status, the course of chronic diseases of the reproductive system, the normalization of the menstrual cycle in general and the ovulatory process in particular.

It is impossible to cure infertility with upland grass alone, but its properties are actively used by doctors as part of a multi-stage scheme on the way to the desired pregnancy.

When prescribed when planning a pregnancy

It is better to coordinate the intake of ortilia with a doctor and follow his prescriptions for use. The course of treatment with a plant consists of several stages:

  1. Hormone tests that measure estradiol and progesterone levels.
  2. Exclusion of possible contraindications, in the presence of which therapy can lead to undesirable consequences.
  3. Cancellation of other hormonal drugs in order to avoid a mutual effect.
  4. Starting the use of ortilia in the second half of the cycle before the onset of menstruation (by no means during!).
  5. The duration of the course is three menstrual cycles. Re-admission is started only after a pause determined by the doctor (usually 1-2 months).

Possible contraindications

The plant has a mild effect, but most women notice a change in the duration and course of the menstrual cycle, as well as an exacerbation of existing diseases of the urogenital area. Contraindications for use:

  • Blocked fallopian tubes (which can cause an ectopic pregnancy)
  • Acute diseases of the gastrointestinal tract
  • hormone therapy
  • Treatment of infertility with sage (these herbs are incompatible, only alternate reception is possible).

How to drink a boron uterus for conception for men: instructions for use

The plant is used for prostatitis, hemorrhoids, infertility and is necessarily accompanied by the intake of vitamins, control of the endocrine system, and. The action of this herb is due to the fight against chronic and inflammatory processes, leading to an improvement in the quality of sperm, an increase in the number and mobility of spermatozoa.

How to brew a hog uterus to get pregnant

Plants need to be brewed with water at a temperature of about 80 ° C (not boiling!). The proportions of the optimal decoction are as follows: 10 g of dry collection per 250 ml of water. The broth is infused for about an hour, then filtered. Take the infusion one hour before meals, in portions of 15 ml. Thus, the brewed herb should last for 4 days.

How to make alcohol tincture

The easiest way is to insist boron grass on vodka. To do this, you need a half-liter bottle and 50 g of herbal tea. After pouring ortilia into a bottle, the resulting mixture must be thoroughly shaken and removed in a dark place. Vodka is infused for three weeks, it is advisable to shake the tincture daily. Strained infusion is consumed an hour before meals, 25 drops no more than three times a day. You can also purchase a ready-made tincture of a boron uterus in a pharmacy.

How much to drink

For men, the course of taking ortilia is from 3 to 6 months. In the presence of acute diseases of the reproductive system, a consultation with a doctor is necessary to clarify the dosage regimen. Prophylactic use is limited to 3 weeks once a year. In this case, the doctor must take into account the factors of the patient's age, medical history and hormonal balance.

How to take a boron uterus for a woman to get pregnant

You can start taking the herb at any time.

An important condition is the absence of therapy with other hormonal drugs.

They also include the use of the herb of sage officinalis, which is absolutely incompatible with ortilia.

How to use decoction

A decoction can be made both from plants collected by one's own hands, and from a ready-made pharmacy collection. Boron uterus from the manufacturer should be used according to the instructions, which are developed taking into account the grinding size.

Own collection of well-dried herbs is used to make a decoction using steam bath technology. The resulting drink is consumed in a tablespoon up to five times a day.

The use of alcohol infusion

Alcohol tincture is a concentrate, which is taken in 20-30 drops, diluted with water. Prophylactic use of tincture can last up to three months with a gradual decrease in the number of doses from three per day to one.

Douching with a upland uterus

Douching has a local anti-inflammatory effect and is good for relieving the symptoms of various diseases of the genitourinary system. The solution for douching is made in the proportion of 20 g of grass per 300 ml of boiling water. It is important to carefully strain the prepared solution.

Duration of treatment

The duration of taking the boron uterus depends on the goals of therapy - preventive, therapeutic or aimed at early conception. The general course can last several months, an accurate forecast is always made under the supervision of a doctor.

Today, the "upland uterus" can solve the problem of infertility in couples. According to statistics, about three million Russians could not feel the joy of motherhood and fatherhood.

Feedback on the use of a boron uterus for infertility

While still young, I suffered a miscarriage. After seven long years she could not know the joy of having a child. Doctors shrugged, as they did not see the reasons for infertility. I cleansed the body three times, then started taking the boron uterus. After only two weeks of treatment, I realized that the long-awaited pregnancy had come. At 37, I gave birth to a wonderful girl. I drank a one-sided upland uterus before childbirth. The pregnancy proceeded without problems, not even.

A young mother wrote a review so that childless families do not lose hope on her example. Having started treatment with the upland uterus, after so many years of waiting, she could not even dream of such a quick result. She wished the fulfillment of her cherished dream to everyone who reads her review and begins to fulfill what they want. Here is such a wonderful article that gives hope to people. So what is this plant that has such power?

Women, in search of a way to get pregnant, turn to classical and alternative treatment. Medicines do not always justify themselves. A certain part of women manage to find the happiness of having a child, being treated with old methods of using traditional medicine that have been proven by more than one generation. Many people acquire long-awaited motherhood by using herbal medicine. In the arsenal of medicine there is a healer of female and male diseases - one-sided ortilia, in common parlance - a hog uterus.

Why is it impossible to get pregnant and how does the upland uterus help with infertility?

In modern medicine, it is customary to diagnose the infertility of a married couple according to a simple criterion: with regular intercourse twice a week or more, pregnancy is not observed for one year. Thanks to statistics, it was found that the first year is decisive for conception, since 30% of pregnancies occur during the first 3 months of constant attempts, 60% within the next 7 months, and only 10% before the end of the year. After this period, it is necessary to start looking for the cause of infertility. These usually include such pathologies:

Hormonal disorders

To identify endocrine imbalance, you need to pass tests for the level of various hormones:

    An analysis of the level of estradiol can show malfunctions of the ovaries, since a particular increase in its concentration is observed during the maturation of the follicle. The corresponding procedure must be carried out in the first phase of the monthly cycle, since after ovulation the level of estradiol drops sharply.

    An analysis of the level of progesterone is needed when there is a suspicion that infertility is caused by a lack of this particular hormone. As practice shows, a decrease in the production of progesterone can significantly reduce the chances of conception.

Phytoestrogens contained in the grass of the hog uterus can stimulate the female body to conceive.

Fallopian tube obstruction, adhesions

This pathology is one of the serious causes of infertility. Unfortunately, in the case of diagnosing adhesive processes and obstruction of the fallopian tubes, the boron uterus is not used, since its strong phytohormonal components can provoke an ectopic pregnancy.

Infectious diseases of the female reproductive system

At the moment, it is this category of diseases of the genital organs that is predominant among the causes of infertility. Especially dangerous in this regard, doctors call adnexitis (salpingoophoritis), or, more simply, inflammation of the uterine appendages. Inflammation of any kind, if it is localized in the genital area, has a detrimental effect on the functions of the uterus and ovaries, which may cause disruptions in the monthly cycle, hormonal imbalance and other disorders.

If you have symptoms of infectious diseases, you need to adhere to the following plan:

    Consult a doctor for a complete examination to rule out hidden diseases such as trichomoniasis, gonorrhea, chlamydia, ureaplasmosis and others. If present, appropriate treatment is required.

    Pay attention to such a specific disease as tuberculosis of the female reproductive system, which can lead to obstruction, and, as a result, persistent infertility. This disease most often occurs without pronounced symptoms. A woman may be disturbed by periodic pain, weakness and subfebrile temperature. In modern domestic medicine, there are certain problems with the diagnosis of female urogenital tuberculosis. On the one hand, gynecologists tend to ignore this cause of infertility, since all tuberculosis diseases are included in the scope of work of tuberculosis dispensaries. And on the other hand, there are insufficiently qualified phthisiatricians-gynecologists in dispensaries.

    Use the anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties of the boron uterus to treat infectious diseases of the genitourinary system of any kind. In addition, due to the immune-stimulating property and the effect of increasing libido, the boron uterus helps to increase the likelihood of successful conception.

This is a rather serious disease, which is also a barrier to conception. Endometriosis provokes an increase in the amount of tissues and blood separated during menstruation, which is why the use of the boron uterus for its treatment is limited, since it has a blood-thinning property.

The modern version of the cause of endometriosis associates it with a hormonal imbalance: an excess of estrogens in the first half of the menstrual cycle and a lack of progesterone in the second. Its treatment is associated with the use of hormonal pharmaceuticals, which also excludes the use of a boron uterus.

If you need to get pregnant despite endometriosis, the pine forest uterus can be used to increase the likelihood of successful fertilization, but only as directed by a doctor.

Immunological cause of infertility

Such a rare situation is possible, although even the very concept of it looks a bit fantastic. Antibodies, normally secreted to protect the body against bacteria, and abundantly contained in the mucous secretion of the vagina, turn out to be opponents of the spermatozoa of the man with whom conception is planned. To confirm this reason, they pass a specialized postcoital test. Unfortunately, the upland uterus is useless for solving this problem.

The psychological component of infertility

As it turned out, the state of mind of a woman can affect the ability to conceive a child no less than physiological reasons. Psychologists believe that infertility diagnosed in women without health problems is based on a conscious or subconscious fear of bearing and giving birth to children. Predisposition to the emergence of such fear are suspiciousness, irritability, anxiety, depression, and other negative conditions.

The reproductive system is physiologically very hardy, therefore, for a woman to become infertile, it is not enough for any one reason from the list presented. In almost all women who were unable to fertilize, who underwent a comprehensive medical examination, several pathological conditions were identified that could disrupt the functioning of the reproductive system to the extent that conception of a child is not possible.

Why does the upland uterus help to get pregnant?

There are many reasons why there is no long-awaited pregnancy: hormonal status disorders that cause cycle failures, a complete lack of ovulation. Pathologies that cause infertility, there are enough of them. The properties possessed by the upland uterus, unique in their action and due to their chemical composition, help in curing these ailments.

For a long time, the upland uterus has been featured in the treatises of healers and herbalists, as well as in folk recipes for the treatment of diseases, as a plant that promotes the conception of a child. Of course, to use it, it was necessary to contact an experienced person, but no one gave any guarantees. Modern achievements in biology and chemistry allow doctors to determine exactly what herbs are useful for, what substances in them are responsible for the therapeutic effect, and what processes take place in the female body.

Remember! You can’t just cure infertility by taking a decoction or tincture on a boron uterus. Herbal medicine is a long and rather subtle form of therapy that requires consultation with an experienced physician. It allows you to achieve the desired effect in a natural way without harm to the body, so in most cases the desired conception occurs in the period from a month to three. As soon as the fact of pregnancy is fixed, the intake of the boron uterus is immediately stopped.

On the Internet and in various reference books, you can learn a lot about the properties of upland grass. It is no secret that with its help they treat such diseases of the female reproductive system as erosion and polyps of the uterus, ovarian cysts, prevent adhesive processes and achieve normalization of the monthly cycle. Such a wide range of influence looks fantastic, but the upland uterus really has such properties - you need to be able to choose the right moment and dose for use.

It is necessary to use the upland uterus in case of infertility according to the following principles:

    Be sure to do tests for the level of progesterone and estradiol. Ask your doctor how to correct, and do not forget to monitor the state of hormonal balance throughout the treatment.

    Before deciding to use upland grass, study the list of contraindications and possible side effects. It is better to identify in yourself an individual intolerance to the upland uterus before starting therapy than on practical experience.

    Boron uterus has proven itself as a reliable remedy against endometrial hyperplasia, that is, it is best suited for women with elevated estrogen and normal progesterone levels. In a similar case, but with low progesterone, Duphaston and Utrozhestan are also recommended.

    Women with below normal estrogen levels are prohibited from taking boron herb medicines in the first phase of the menstrual cycle. In such a situation, if necessary, the upland uterus can be taken in the second phase, but with constant control over the hormonal balance.

    It is better not to combine treatment with the upland uterus and any hormonal pharmaceutical preparations. They can unpredictably change the effect of each other, so if the beneficial effect of both artificial and natural remedies is required, the doctor may prescribe a shift treatment with stages of 2-3 cycles.

    At the time of use of the boron uterus in order to treat diseases of the genital organs, it is necessary to protect yourself from pregnancy.

    It is unacceptable to take borage grass during menstruation due to its blood-thinning effect.

    In the case of low estrogen levels and the absence of ovulation, a combination of sage is used - in the 1st phase, and boron uterus - in the 2nd phase of the menstrual cycle.

    The duration of the course of taking funds based on boron grass does not exceed 3 cycles. If there is a good tolerability of the drug, it is possible, if necessary, to repeat the course after a monthly break.

The use of a boron uterus for infertility, or ortilia lopsided, in the treatment of female and male ailments is extremely necessary. It contains many trace elements, vitamins, hydroquinone, coumarins, acids, arbunin and resins. Arbunin has an anti-inflammatory effect, acting as an antiseptic against pathogenic microflora.

The metabolic processes of a woman's body are stimulated with the help of flavonoids. They also increase the immune status. Ascorbic acid, in addition to these properties, also strengthens blood vessels and extinguishes inflammatory processes in the female genital area. Vitamin C and hydroquinone have an antioxidant effect. Thanks to the synergy of these properties, when planning a desired pregnancy and taking a boron uterus, a woman copes with benign neoplasms and restores the menstrual cycle.

But the main value, which lies in the therapeutic effect of the herb, is that it affects the hormonal status of a woman, since the boron uterus contains plant hormones: phytoestrogen and phytoprogesterone.

It is used in pharmacology stem, flowers and leaves of the upland uterus, the entire ground part.

Boron uterus tincture. The tincture of the boron uterus is prepared as follows: you need to take 50 grams of dry chopped potion for a half-liter bottle of vodka. It should be infused in a dark place, stirring the contents of the bottle, for 3 weeks. It is filtered. Take 25 drops three times an hour.

It is possible to purchase a ready-made pharmacy tincture. It is recommended to apply 30 drops three times.

Important: It is necessary to observe the periods when boron uterus preparations will be taken. Before starting the use, it is necessary to undergo an examination for the level of estrogen, because taking the drug lowers its level. With the norm of estrogen in the blood, ortilia unilateral is taken, starting the next day after the end of the cycle and no later than the seventh day, regularly. If the level of the hormone is reduced, the intake is permissible only in the second half of the menstrual cycle. This needs to be watched closely.

How long to take? The treatment is long. The minimum course is 3 months. Treatment depends on factors:

    patient's age;

    duration and stage of the disease;

    hormonal background.

It is not recommended to take ortilia on your own, without consulting a doctor. The maximum duration of the drug is taken up to six months, followed by a break. For the purpose of prevention, taking a boron uterus for no more than 3 weeks periodically for three years. Preventive courses are carried out with infusion of ortilia.

Preparing an infusion is not difficult. Take 250 grams of boiling water per 10 grams of crushed plant. It is necessary to insist an hour. Take 15 ml 60 minutes before meals. The infusion is also used for douching, if there are any inflammatory gynecological processes.

Boron uterus decoction. Preparing a decoction of the boron uterus is easy. Take: 3 dessert spoons of finely chopped plant per 300 grams of water, simmer on fire for about a quarter of an hour. Insist closed for 30 minutes, then strain. Reception: before meals for half an hour, 15 ml up to 4 times a day.

Another useful quality of ortilia is one-sided. If painful menstruation is present, it quickly relieves vascular spasms, improving well-being, the cycle is also normalized, eliminated, and helps with menopausal manifestations.

What can happen while taking a boron uterus with infertility?

It is better to take medicines with a hog uterus before meals, but with gastritis this is accompanied by unpleasant sensations. In this case, you can postpone the reception for half an hour after eating.

Do not be afraid if taking a boron uterus at the beginning of the course will provoke a violation of the menstruation regimen, as well as an abundance of the corresponding secretions.

The upland uterus, especially when combined with a red brush, accelerates metabolism, which causes chronic sexual diseases. At this time, you can notice the symptoms of hidden genitourinary diseases, so you can take a moment and take the appropriate tests.

During therapy with upland grass, the appearance of jumps in basal temperature during the cycle, which soon returns to normal, is considered normal.

According to the reviews of women who took the boron uterus, a plan can be drawn up: first, chronic genitourinary diseases worsen, then the number of days in the menstrual cycle changes, at the same time the negative manifestations of the premenstrual syndrome decrease, after which stabilization of the basal temperature and ovulation are recorded, which ends, in the end, with the long-awaited pregnancy.

Upland uterus in male infertility

It is also used in the treatment of male pathology. The spectrum of action of ortilia:

    hemorrhoidal manifestations;

    presence of male infertility.

Often male infertility is due to a change in the quality or quantity of sperm. This could have happened due to previous inflammatory processes in the genitourinary sphere of a man, infections or chronic diseases.

With all the problems, the upland uterus perfectly copes with male infertility. There are generalized recommendations that a man needs to follow. It:

    taking vitamins;

    correction of endocrine diseases;

    treatment of infectious diseases of the genitourinary system;

    sedatives according to indications;

    prevention or treatment of inflammatory processes in the urogenital area.

Boron uterus, among other advantages, contains flavonoids that have a diuretic, anti-inflammatory, sedative and choleretic effect. Flavonoids also have an antioxidant effect, thereby preventing the aging of the body. It has a plant and antitumor effect.

It has been proven that the upland uterus activates the speed of sperm movement and significantly improves the quality of sperm.

In inflammatory processes of the genitourinary sphere in men, a tincture of the boron uterus is taken. Recipe: 70 grams of chopped grass is taken for 700 grams of vodka. Infused for half a month, shaking daily. Take for 3 weeks, one hour before meals, 3 times a day.

Education: A diploma in the specialty "Medicine" and "Therapy" received at the University named after N. I. Pirogov (2005 and 2006). Advanced training at the Department of Phytotherapy at the Moscow University of Peoples' Friendship (2008).

It has long been known that ortilia is a unique drug for. But since the body of each woman is unique, the period of treatment with a boron uterus for infertility and the time required for a complete recovery are not the same for everyone. Someone needs only a month of treatment, and someone manages to get pregnant only after a year of an intensive course.

In some cases, a whole system of treatment is required, consisting of decoctions of several herbs or even whole collections of medicinal plants, such as: upland uterus, highlander bird, cold rhodiola, white cinquefoil, fireweed, meadowsweet and many others.

Also, most of those suffering from infertility have, in addition to everything, psychological problems. There is even such a diagnosis: "". Therefore, before starting any treatment, a woman needs to get rid of all psychological barriers by visiting a psychoanalyst and just having a good rest.

The healing properties of the boron uterus

The composition of ortilia includes natural analogs of hormones, so it helps to cope with problems and diseases of the endocrine system. Also, the upland uterus is considered an anti-inflammatory agent and corrects disorders of the ovaries, appendages, fallopian tubes and the uterus itself. Despite the fact that the composition of this medicinal plant has long been known, its pharmacodynamics are still incomprehensible.

An amazing property of herbs is that they have a positive effect on the body by a yet incomprehensible mechanism of action. Therefore, uncontrolled self-medication, carried out without consulting a doctor, is still undesirable.

Video: Upland uterus

Preventing the development of diseases such as:


  • This is a disease in which the inner layer of the uterus - the endometrium - grows, and the fetal egg cannot be fixed, resulting in a miscarriage. The upland uterus affects the general hormonal background, preventing the excessive production of estrogen, which is the cause of the growth of the endometrium. For treatment, it is recommended to carry out complex therapy, which also includes sage and progestogenic herbs.

Polycystic, mastopathy, myoma and fibroma.

  • Polycystic disease is a hormonal disease that leads to the absence of ovulation. Mastopathy is a tumor disease of the mammary gland, characterized by the growth of connective tissue. Myoma is a benign tumor of the endometrium. Fibroma is a tumor formation on the walls of the uterus, which has a connective structure. These diseases are the result of inflammatory processes in combination with hormonal imbalance. As mentioned earlier, ortilia just helps with inflammation and hormonal disruptions, and therefore fights these ailments.

Inflammation of the female genital organs

  • Endometritis, cervicitis, salpingitis, oophoritis, adnexitis, pelvioperitonitis. With such diseases, the upland uterus has an anti-inflammatory effect through exacerbation, ailments and poor health are possible.

Recipes using boron uterus

Treatment of infertility with a upland uterus can be started on the third day after the end of menstruation. A decoction and tincture are taken three times a day for three weeks, then a break is made. The three-week course is repeated intermittently for six months. Also, both decoction and tincture are used for douching. The solution is diluted in the ratio: one tablespoon of tincture per liter of water or half a liter of water per half liter of decoction. Simultaneously with ortilia, you can drink wintergreen and wintergreen teas.

Recipe for tincture of boron uterus:

you will need 100 grams of grass and 1 liter of alcohol (50 - 70%). It is necessary to pour ortilia with alcohol and let it brew for 21 days in a warm place, shaking daily. You can take the remedy after three weeks, and it is recommended to squeeze and extract the grass only after a month.

Recipe for a decoction of a boron uterus for infertility:

it is necessary to pour 2 tablespoons of grass with half a liter of boiling water, boil for 10 minutes and leave for an hour. Then the broth must be filtered through cheesecloth.

Herbs used in combination with boron uterus

For more effective treatment, the upland uterus is used in combination with herbs such as white or red cinquefoil. But it is necessary to take these funds in turn: a course of a boron uterus, then a course of a red brush or white cinquefoil. Potentilla white is a unique and valuable medicinal plant that can regulate hormone levels and increase immunity. Red brush has immune and adaptogenic properties. In combination with the upland uterus, they accelerate the healing process. After the use of these drugs, immunity is strengthened, the overall hormonal background improves, which contributes to the onset of pregnancy.

And white cinquefoil is also useful for, especially for violations of potency and problems with the production of viable sperm. In such cases, it is recommended to take these herbal preparations in combination with winter-loving or goldenrod.

  • Together with ortilia with spikes, it is recommended to take from such medicinal plants as: narrow-leaved fireweed, meadowsweet, psyllium seeds. From these plants, you can prepare both decoctions and tea, which are no less useful.
  • Fireweed narrow-leaved, popularly Ivan-tea, thanks to tannins, has antimicrobial properties. Meadowsweet (or meadowsweet) is used as a tonic, bactericidal and wound healing agent.
  • Plantain seeds are recommended not only for women, but also for men. They increase the viability and activity of spermatozoa.

Upland uterus in combination with other herbs

Herbs in the absence of ovulation, used in combination with a boron uterus

For problems with apply treatment with sage or knotweed. A decoction is made from the plant. You need to start treatment at the end of menstruation for eleven days. The course should last no more than three months. Sage should not be taken during pregnancy. If pregnancy does occur, it is necessary to stop taking it gradually, reducing the dose.

Video: Upland uterus - application

Doctors ascertain infertility if during the year of sexual life a woman could not get pregnant from a permanent partner. The causes of infertility in women can be completely different: from chronic inflammatory processes to mechanical damage to the uterus.

Signs of infertility in women

It is possible to determine the presence of infertility in a woman long before the start of an active sexual life. Its signs are clearly manifested during the puberty of the girl.

  • Late onset of menses. Normal age for puberty is 13-14 years. If the first menstruation went on a girl at the age of 16 or later, this is an alarming signal.
  • Long cycle. The most harmonious for a woman is a menstrual cycle of 28 days. Some deviations in one direction or another do not mean anything. But when 40 or more days pass between the onset of menstruation, this is an occasion to consult a doctor.
  • Irregular cycle, too scanty menstruation.
  • Anorexia or unhealthy thinness. It may indicate hormonal disorders (endocrine infertility) or metabolic problems, may be the result of nervous exhaustion and stress. In each case, pregnancy may become impossible.

Types of infertility in women

Medicine distinguishes several types of infertility.

  • Infertility 1 degree or congenital. Conception is impossible due to the individual structure of the woman's reproductive system.
  • Infertility 2 degrees or acquired. Previously, the woman was pregnant and gave birth to a child or had an abortion. But you can't get pregnant again. If you have been diagnosed with secondary infertility, its causes may lie in your lifestyle, previous diseases, injuries, incompatibility with a partner (or infertility), the consequences of an abortion.
  • immunological infertility. A very rare type of infertility in which the female body produces antibodies against spermatozoa.

Treatment of infertility in women

How to brew and drink a boron uterus? Only a doctor can prescribe a treatment option for female infertility after a thorough diagnosis. The basis for making a decision will be the type of infertility, the patient's state of health, the results of blood and urine tests for hormones, and a number of other factors. These aspects allow you to answer the question why it is not possible to get pregnant the first time, and what to do next.

Medical methods of treatment can be combined with folk. In this case, the result may come much earlier. Often the treatment of infertility with folk remedies brings a long-awaited pregnancy after doctors have admitted their failure. One of the most effective folk remedies for infertility is the upland uterus - reviews of thousands of women confirm this.

Upland uterus - use for infertility

The medicinal herb can help with infertility caused by obstruction of the tubes, adhesions as a result of the bending of the uterus, inflammation of the ovaries, endometrium. It quickly removes inflammation, eliminates the consequences of the inflammatory process, improves blood circulation in the reproductive system, and normalizes ovarian function. Often it becomes a salvation for absolutely healthy parents who do not know how to get pregnant quickly if it does not work out.

A decoction and tincture of ortilia can be used alone or in combination with other herbs. You should start with a monthly course of using this herb. However, you should not expect an instant effect with running inflammatory processes. The fact that herbal medicine helps is a proven fact. But the speed of solving the problem depends on the individual characteristics of the woman's body and the disease.

Upland uterus treatment technique

  1. Schedule the beginning of the reception on the third or fourth day of the cycle. With heavy and prolonged menstruation - on the seventh day.
  2. For treatment, you will need to make a tincture and a decoction of the hog uterus. Take 40 drops of tincture and 100 ml of decoction three times a day for three weeks.
  3. Take a break when you get your period. Continue similarly to the beginning of treatment.
  4. The duration of the course is up to six months. If you are looking for an opportunity to get pregnant quickly, folk remedies will not always suit you in terms of the speed of impact. But their advantage is in slow and effective influence, gradual improvement in well-being, and also in safety.
  5. After one month, you can repeat the course from the beginning.

Boron uterus tincture - preparation

  1. Pour 100 grams of ortilia with 1 liter of 50-70% alcohol.
  2. Cover the dishes with a lid, put in a dark place.
  3. Insist 30 days. Shake daily.
  4. Strain, squeeze. Store the finished tincture in a dark, cool place.

Boron uterus decoction - preparation

  1. 2 tablespoons of ortilia pour 0.5 liters of water, boil.
  2. After boiling, remove from heat and put in a water bath.
  3. Simmer 10 minutes. Remove from stove, cool, strain.

Infusion and decoction of ortilia will also help with the following diseases:

  • cervical erosion and colpitis(inflammatory process in the vagina). For douching, dilute the decoction in half with water or 1 tablespoon of tincture in 1 liter of warm boiled water.
  • endometriosis, obstruction of the fallopian tubes. Take a decoction 3 times a day, 15 minutes before meals.

With infertility, the upland uterus is effective in combination with a red brush and sage. These plants supply the body with phytoestrogens - analogues of female sex hormones. But they should be taken within a month with a break of a month. Soothing herbal teas and, of course, a positive psychological attitude will also help. Think only about the good, imagine yourself as a happy family with your beloved baby. And your dreams will definitely come true!

Update: November 2018

Today, the problem of infertility of young couples is considered very relevant, according to statistics in Russia, 3 million people (5% of the reproductive population of the country) cannot have children for various reasons.

Why is it impossible to get pregnant and how does the upland uterus help with infertility?

Doctors determine the infertility of a married couple according to the following fact - if pregnancy does not occur during the year during sexual intercourse 2-3 times a week, then the couple is considered infertile. Since the probability of pregnancy in the first 3 months is 30%, in the next 7 months. - 60%, and by the end of the year only 10%. Medicine identifies a lot of causes of female infertility, the main of which are the following:

Hormonal disorders

These are various endocrine disorders. Before you start using the upland uterus for conception, you should find out the level of hormones in the woman's body.

  • One of the causes of infertility may be a malfunction of the ovaries, and to check this, you should be tested for estradiol. When the follicle matures, the level of this hormone rises sharply, and after ovulation it decreases. Therefore, the analysis is taken in the 1st phase of the menstrual cycle.
  • In the second phase, it should be passed, the insufficient production of which can also be the cause of difficulties in conception. With a lack of these hormones in a woman, the likelihood of pregnancy is significantly reduced. And the Boron uterus contains phytoestrogen and phytoprogesterone in its composition, which, with skillful use, can help a woman become pregnant.
Fallopian tube obstruction, adhesions

This is a serious reason for the lack of pregnancy. However, the use of a boron uterus is very dangerous, the risk of development increases).

Infectious diseases of the female reproductive system

This is one of the most common causes of infertility, especially salpingoophoritis (adnexitis) -. Any inflammatory processes in the genitals of a woman lead to adhesions, decreased ovarian function, hormonal disorders, etc.

  • In this case, you should undergo a complete examination for all hidden infections (ureaplasmosis, mycoplasmosis, gonorrhea, trichomoniasis,), and treat existing diseases.
  • It is also necessary to exclude tuberculosis of the female genital organs, which most often proceeds imperceptibly, asymptomatically, leading to persistent infertility, obstruction of the fallopian tubes. At the same time, a woman is only periodically disturbed by subfebrile temperature, weakness, periodic mild pain. Most often, adnexitis is the main manifestation of the tuberculous process of the genitourinary system in a woman. Today, the diagnosis of this pathology is very difficult, since gynecologists often ignore the tuberculous cause of infertility, since anti-tuberculosis dispensaries should deal with this, and they currently lack qualified phthisiatricians - gynecologists.
  • As for the Boron uterus in the treatment of any inflammatory diseases in a woman, it has both an antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory, resolving effect, increases libido and has an immunostimulating effect. Read our article for more details.

It is also a serious obstacle to conception, however, the use of the Boron uterus in this ailment should be done with extreme caution. Doctors associate the occurrence of endometriosis with excessive production in the 1st phase of the cycle and an insufficient level of progesterone in the 2nd phase. Therefore, drug treatment of endometriosis includes hormonal drugs, and their use simultaneously with Borova uterus is unacceptable. The use of the Boron uterus for conception with endometriosis should be for its intended purpose and under its control. Read more about in our article.

Immunological cause of infertility

This most often occurs due to the formation in the female body of antibodies against the sperm of a particular man. To determine if a woman has a similar activity of the immune system "against her man", a postcoital test should be taken. As for the treatment, the Upland uterus will not be able to help in this cause of infertility.

The psychological component of infertility

Sometimes especially anxious, impressionable, suspicious women who are prone to feelings have certain fears based on the difficulty or impossibility of bearing and giving birth to a child, this can provoke an unconscious suggestion of infertility at a subconscious level.

Most often, a woman has not one, but several reasons for the impossibility of conception at once - both hormonal disorders, and inflammatory processes, etc.

Boron uterus as a remedy for conception

This medicinal herb has been used by women for conception since ancient times. But we live in an age when a person has an abundance of information about various medical studies, about the chemical processes that take place in a woman's body. Now we can say with confidence about who this means for conception is contraindicated, who needs it, and at what time it is better to take it for the onset of a long-awaited pregnancy.

You can not use the Borovoe uterus for the treatment of infertility on your own, you should always consult with your doctor. And also remember that herbal medicine never gives a momentary effect, in order to achieve a noticeable improvement, you should use the Boron uterus for a long time, at least 1-3 months. But, as soon as a woman finds out about pregnancy, she should stop taking it.

A lot has been written about the beneficial properties of this miracle herb, it helps women with adhesive processes, with cervical erosion, normalizes the menstrual cycle, reduces PMS symptoms, etc. How to take Borovaya uterus with infertility? It must be used skillfully, with caution, only in the right cases, so we will consider some basic principles in its application:

    • Before using the Boron uterus, you should definitely know the level of hormones - estradiol and progesterone. And only together with the doctor to determine what should be corrected and how. Monitoring the level of these hormones should be carried out 2-3 months after the start of treatment, as well as regular ultrasound of the female genital organs.
    • Before using the Boron uterus, study all the contraindications and side effects of the herb, as there are cases of individual intolerance to this plant.
    • The Borova Uterus is especially good for those women who have an increased level of estrogen, that is, there is endometrial hyperplasia.
  • With a normal level of progesterone during phase 2, you can drink Borovoy uterus, and with a low level of it, Duphaston, Utrozhestan.
  • In women with low levels of estrogen, it is impossible to take Borovaya uterus in phase 1, since it reduces its level, but in phase 2 it is possible, but with regular monitoring of hormone levels.
  • It is not advisable to combine the intake of the Boron uterus with the intake of medications containing hormones. This herb is recommended to be taken when there are minor hormonal disorders, with more severe deviations should be treated with medication. Sometimes the doctor may recommend hormonal preparations with estrogen in the 1st phase of the cycle for several cycles, and then in the 2nd phase for several cycles - Borovaya uterus, they cannot be taken at the same time.
  • With drug therapy for inflammatory diseases and the use of the Boron uterus, pregnancy should be protected.
  • You can not use the herb during menstruation, as it provokes.
  • With the established diagnosis - obstruction of the fallopian tubes, its use is contraindicated, since the risk of developing an ectopic pregnancy is high.
  • With a low level of estrogen, the absence of ovulation, you can take in the 1st phase of the cycle, in the 2nd phase - the Borovoy uterus.
  • The duration of taking the boron uterus with infertility should not exceed 3 menstrual cycles, then one cycle break and the course can be repeated, provided that the herbal remedy is well tolerated.

How to take boron uterus to get pregnant

Alcohol tinctures

It can be purchased at a pharmacy, or you can make it yourself. In this case, you should take 50 grams of grass, pour 500 ml of it. alcohol 40%, put in a dark place, shaking occasionally for 21 days, then strain. Reception to carry out 3 r / day for 20-30 drops.

Decoctions or tea bags

Packaged ready-made forms of the Boron uterus can also be used, but this is a less effective method of treatment, the more technological stages of the production process the herbal preparation goes through, the lower its effectiveness.

Therefore, the best option is to make a tincture or decoction yourself from packs of dry grass. To prepare a decoction, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of grass it is poured not with boiling water, but with slightly cooled boiling water, about 80 ° C, then only in a water bath they boil for 10 minutes, insist 4 hours and take 5 times a day for 1 tbsp. spoon. Pharmacy grass has a different grinding, so you should brew strictly according to the instructions on the pack.

Tablets Gynekol with Borovoy uterus

There is a ready-made preparation of the Boron uterus in tablets - Gynekol, it includes the herb itself, and its dry extract, as well as the dry extract of yarrow. This is a dietary supplement that helps in the elimination of inflammatory gynecological diseases, and also accelerates tissue regeneration.

What can happen while taking Boron uterus with infertility

  • Sometimes, with gastritis in women, when taken on an empty stomach, discomfort may occur, so it is better to use both decoction and tincture half an hour after eating. The effect will decrease slightly, but the dose cannot be increased. Also, sometimes, after a long course of taking the Boron uterus, a headache may occur.
  • At the very beginning of taking the drug, some women may experience a menstrual cycle failure, this may be a delay, or vice versa, an early onset of menstruation. Also, the herb affects the abundance of discharge during menstruation, for someone it can become more abundant, for someone -.
  • Very often, when taking the Borovoy uterus for conception, the existing diseases of the female genital organs can especially worsen. This is the best time to get tested for latent STI infections, which are often asymptomatic, and taking the herb exacerbates the process and the causative agent of inflammation can be identified.
  • Those women who regularly measure basal temperature may notice its inadequate jumps, as well as a shift in the days of ovulation. This is considered normal and after 1-2 cycles it should return to normal.
  • If a long-awaited pregnancy occurs against the background of taking the Boron uterus, and it is not advisable to use this herb during pregnancy, therefore, you should not abruptly stop taking it, but end it gradually, reducing the dose until it is completely canceled.

Reviews of women taking a boron uterus are such that most observe the following changes in themselves: at the beginning of taking relapses of chronic diseases of the female organs, a decrease or increase in the days of the menstrual cycle, a change in the amount of discharge during menstruation, a decrease in PMS symptoms, a normalization of the basal temperature schedule, then there is an onset of ovulation, and the onset of pregnancy !!!

When using the Boron uterus for conception, the reviews of women are very diverse. Each has its own cause of infertility, its own chronic diseases and individual characteristics of the body, so you should listen to yourself, to your body, undergo regular examinations, trust your doctor and hope that God will give you the joy of motherhood, because every woman dreams and deserves to be a MOM .

Upland uterus with infertility - reviews:

If you have taken Borovoy uterus to get pregnant, please write your review about this wonderful herb, especially if you succeeded!!!


    • Hello everyone, I also can’t get pregnant 2 years ago I had a cesarean after a cesarean a year later I went for an ultrasound, they put endometritis and not a full-fledged scar, we really want a second child at the moment from the 5th day of the cycle I drink sage 1 time a day and brew a red brush I drink 3 times on the day after ovulation I will drink boron uterus tincture if it helps, I will unsubscribe to you, I just read that such a scheme helps better and faster.
    • Victoria

      Girls, I got pregnant thanks to the lateral uterus, I myself could not believe my eyes when I saw two stripes on the test. Brew one glass for the whole day, took after meals, made a glass for three times. And I got pregnant in my second cycle. So try.

      I drank a boron uterus in November, just brewed grass and drank about 2 r glasses a day in the morning and evening. In December, I found out I was pregnant. Fortunately, there was no chapel, before that, for exactly 2 years, she could not get pregnant. Before that, there were no pregnancies or abortions. And now, after 2 years of planning, the long-awaited stripes))) but alas ... the pregnancy was terminated at a period of 5 weeks, bleeding began and a miscarriage occurred, I don’t know, maybe because I stopped drinking boron as I found out or because of the polyp that turns out to be. In March, I removed the polyp, got treated, drank duphaston, now I’m thinking again about starting to drink the upland uterus, I still don’t see any sense from duphaston. I do not know what to do (((

      Angela Sh.

      Good afternoon, I read almost all the stories, I was very inspired by the girls who succeeded, and now I hope that everything will work out for me. my story. I will soon be 24 years old, my husband is 32, we have been married for 3 years, we still don’t have children, although we really want to. I had an abortion at the age of 17, I took pills, everything went well. I am very sorry about the abortion ((. Doctors diagnose me with primary infertility (according to ultrasound, everything is almost fine, I have a baby uterus and recently found out that multifollicular ovaries, insulin is also increased, lowered free T4, I dramatically gained weight from 55-84, now I'm losing weight, menstruation is irregular, although women's homophony is normal, I honestly already despaired of wanting a child, especially since my husband is already 32 years old, just yesterday I bought a hog uterus, brewed it and started drinking ,one hope for her,someone had it like this, please write,Thanks in advance.Who managed to get pregnant, God bless you and your child

      Angela Sh.

      Good afternoon, I read all the stories, I was very inspired by the girls who succeeded, and now I hope that everything will work out for me. my history. I will be 24 soon, my husband is 32, we have been living for 3 years, we still don’t have children, although we really want to. At the age of 17, I stupidly had an abortion, which I really regret, they did it with pills. everything went well. Doctors diagnose me with primary infertility ((by ultrasound, everything is almost fine, I have a baby uterus and recently found out that I have multifollicular ovaries, that there is no dominant follicle, I also have increased insulin, lowered free T4. I have sharply gained weight from 55 - 84, now I'm losing weight, they said that weight also plays a major role in conception, menstruation is not regular, although female hormones are normal, there was a cyst on the right ovary, but it was cured with pills, to be honest, I'm already desperate, but I don't want to give up, Yesterday I bought a boron uterus, started drinking, I really hope that everything will work out, if anyone had such diagnoses, write back if you could get pregnant, Thank you in advance. to the Holy Matrona, maybe he will hear my prayers

      Hi all. I have a son, thank God, but I have been undergoing treatment for the third year for replenishment, for adhesions in the pipes, severe back pain. In general, I already lay in the gynecology twice and they gave me injections in the uterus of ceftoiaxon, that's when the last injection was given and I shrank from pain. I gave my own words. I'll be back for this treatment. I decided to look for ways in traditional medicine. Our grandmothers, like the same without gynecology, generally lived with relatives from Russia from the taiga, ordered grass and BM from a herbalist from Siberia. He returned from the taiga last night and brought ours, I will receive an urgent package the other day. I will be treated. Then I will definitely write, on all forums about BM. Take care of your Aphrodite Stepanovna girls! !! Kick like injections in the uterus, it was painful to receive, it was also useless !!! I wish you all pregnancy, children and health


      Good afternoon. I read everything, very interesting, each has its own story. And I'm so good…. Married for almost a year. I still can’t get pregnant, I went to the doctors for a complete examination. They prescribed to drink folic acid, drank and drank, but I didn’t see any sense, they said that they should check the thyroid gland, checked the doctor said that the node, the other didn’t really say anything. I have problems in the cycle, not when regularly did not go. Doctors say nothing and go on examination .... A lot of money wasted but no use. They told me about BM, bought a packaged one, and did not start drinking yet. I'm afraid and I want ... you never know

      Hi all girls, I read all the reviews, but I pioa such a scheme
      from the 1st day of menstruation to ovulation, somewhere on the 14th or 15th day we drink sage and linden and connect Aevit 1 tablet 3 r per day
      From day 14 to menstruation, we drink a boron uterus and a red brush and connect folic acid and alpha tokepherol 1 tab 3 r per day Hello, I am 28 years old with more than one pregnancy, menstruation does not go every month, I was diagnosed with polycystic ovaries, one tube is passable, the second is not, I started drinking BM for 3 weeks already, I hope for a miracle, God bless you!

      Hello! Tell me please! It says that you can’t drink the upland uterus if the pipe is clogged. Here I have one pipe clogged and the second one was cleaned. Can I drink the upland uterus?


      Good afternoon, I want to tell my story. I don’t have one tube, there was an ectopic pregnancy, the second one was said to be moderately passable, i.e. An ectopic pregnancy is also possible. Last summer I was diagnosed with endometriosis, an inflammation of the uterus. Scrolling through the entire Internet, I stumbled upon a hog uterus, I read about the benefits and harms of obstruction of the pipes. But choosing between the uterus and the tube, I chose the uterus, because if I lose the tube, I will do IVF, I thought. I drank the upland uterus for a month and you won’t believe it ... in a month, two strips! Question. Whoaaaaaaaaaaaa? I have a blocked tube, inflammation of the uterus! I am now in the third month, I am very afraid for the baby. I want to wish everyone that the long-awaited two stripes come to everyone! I couldn't get pregnant for 8 years. I prayed a lot, God heard me. Good luck to all!

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