Is it possible to bathe over potatoes with a cold. Method of inhalation with potato broth or how to breathe over potatoes

Today, colds occupy a leading position among all pathologies of organs and systems. accompanied by a deterioration in the general condition of the patient, a strong temperature and. It is not difficult to get rid of such unpleasant symptoms today, since the pharmacy network has a sufficient number of remedies for the treatment of colds.

Many patients prefer not drug therapy, but the use of folk remedies. Inhalation and especially the inhalation of steam emanating from a boiled root crop are considered effective and proven means.

Colds are successfully treated with the help, since the development of a positive effect from the inhalation of water vapor has long been noticed. Inhalations with the addition of various oils and solutions have proven themselves especially well, which contribute to the rapid removal of swelling of the nasal cavity and disappearance.

One of the ancient recipes of traditional medicine is the inhalation of potato steam, and many remember this procedure from their childhood.

Many are still concerned about the question - what is the healing effect of boiled potatoes, because this root crop is rarely used to prepare any healing tinctures and potions.

The effect of the therapeutic effect on the body during the inhalation of potato vapors is hidden in the fact that the steam emanating from the root crop helps to soften and moisturize the mucus that accumulates in the nasal cavity of the patient.

Thanks to this process, rapid removal from the sinuses occurs. The effect of inhaling potato vapours, in case of a cold, is similar to that of breathing over plain high temperature water.

Why inhale steam from potatoes

Curious patients are often interested in the question of what is the effectiveness of potato steam. Certain studies have been carried out in this area and the composition of such steam has been studied.

The results obtained confirmed the fact that the composition of the potato contains useful substances that are widely used in the pharmaceutical field for the preparation of anti-cold drugs.

The composition of the steam emanating from the potato includes such useful substances as:

  • Ethanol
  • dipropylene glycol
  • Tetradecane

These substances have a biologically active effect, and their entry into the respiratory tract along with steam ends with their penetration into the nasal cavity.

Penetrating into the tissues of these organs, the beneficial substances of the potato are activated in them and contribute to the normalization of metabolic processes, the elimination of edema and normal discharge.

This is what explains the therapeutic effect of using potato steam.However, despite all the useful qualities of potatoes, it is not always possible to achieve a positive result. In some cases, it is possible to get rid of a cold in just a few inhalations, and sometimes even after a large number of procedures, a positive result is not observed.

Carrying out the procedure

Inhalation of potato vapors can reduce or completely get rid of the inflammatory process in the nasal cavity. In order to be effective with this root crop, it is important to carry them out correctly.

Compliance with the sequence of all manipulative actions will allow you to achieve the desired result with the help of this therapeutic procedure.

When carrying out inhalations using potatoes, it is recommended to follow some simple rules:

  1. To get rid of it is desirable to use root crops of the same size, so that during cooking the degree of their readiness is uniform. Medium-sized potatoes are best, but large tubers are best left unboiled. At the same time, you should not digest potatoes, because in this state it no longer has any positive effect.
  2. During inhalation, some care must be taken when inhaling hot steam, since there is a risk of developing mucosal burns. In order to avoid this, it is recommended to leave a small gap for air to enter, and then the breathing procedure over potato vapors will be safer.
  3. Patients suffering from high or low blood pressure, as well as those with problems in the circulatory system, should carefully carry out the procedures.
  4. During inhalation, the patient is covered with a blanket with his head, which allows warm air to enter the nasal cavity or. In order to maximize the effect of the treatment, it is best to give preference to warm and thick blankets. While inhaling hot air, do not lower your head too low over the pan, as this can lead to a burn of the mucous membrane. At the same time, when in an uncomfortable position, you can simply fall face down into hot water.
  5. It is necessary to pay attention to the preparation of the place for the procedure. In order to keep the heat in the pan well, it is recommended to lay a blanket under it.

Types of potato inhalations

Inhalation with boiled potatoes can be carried out in various ways, and each of them is effective in its own way:

  • The simplest and most well-known way is to simply boil the root crops in water in their uniforms, and this should be done within 15-20 minutes. The cooked potatoes are thoroughly kneaded with a fork, which contributes to a better release of steam. Before proceeding with the inhalation, it is necessary to wrap the dishes with potatoes with a warm blanket, and cover the patient himself with a warm blanket. The duration of the procedure ranges from 5 to 7 minutes, and a longer time can lead to loss of consciousness from increased release of warm air.
  • The second way to carry out inhalations is to add a little soda and salt to boiled potatoes. Boil root crops in water for 15-20 minutes. After that, the potatoes are kneaded with a fork and inhaled in the usual way - they cover themselves with a blanket and inhale warm air. The effectiveness of such inhalation is explained by the fact that in addition to it, it allows you to get rid of such an unpleasant disease as bronchitis.

After carrying out the procedure for inhaling warm potato vapors, it can be used for. To do this, several medium potatoes are gently kneaded and 10 grams of any vegetable oil and the same amount of alcohol are added to the resulting mass.

Everything is thoroughly mixed and placed in a plastic bag and wrapped in a warm towel. You can apply the prepared compress to any part of the body, and especially to the sinuses.

In order to avoid burning delicate skin, it is recommended to apply a compress to gauze or a bandage.

Heat should have an effect on selected areas of the body for 10-15 minutes, and after removing it, it is necessary to lubricate the skin well with vegetable oil or a nourishing cream.

In some cases, inhalation with boiled potatoes can be dangerous and cause unpleasant consequences of its use.

We can distinguish the following risks of inhalation of vapors of boiled potatoes:

  1. In the process of the entry of warm air into the nasal cavity, its mucous membrane warms up, the accumulated mucus swells and there is a risk of blockage of the tubes of the hearing organs. This can lead to the development of such a pathology as, the treatment of which requires much more attention and effort.
  2. Inhalation of too hot air can cause mucosal burns, although at first glance it may seem that this is impossible. In the event that you bend over the pan very low and cover your head with a warm towel, then there is a high probability of developing a serious burn.
  3. A little awkwardness can cause a pot of potatoes to tip over, but an even greater danger is the presence of hot water in it.

That is why it is necessary to carry out procedures with the inhalation of boiled potato vapors very carefully and inhalations in children deserve special attention. To date, the treatment of colds in children is recommended using safer methods: inhalation using nebulizers and.

More information about the common cold can be found in the video.

Many women during the time widely use inhalations with boiled potatoes to treat colds. During this period, such procedures are safer than inhalations with various drugs. Treatment of a runny nose in this way is allowed, both during the bearing of the baby, and when breastfeeding.

Warming up the nasal cavity with the help of warm steam of boiled potatoes is considered one of the effective means of traditional medicine, which was used by our ancestors.

Inhalation with the help of this root crop is the most affordable means of treatment, because there is nothing easier than just boiling potatoes and breathing over their vapors. In the event that after carrying out such procedures for several days there is no positive result, then most likely you will have to seek help from a specialist. This is due to the fact that, quite possibly, a serious pathology is hidden under the usual one.

Cough potatoes are not a substitute for drug treatment

Hot potato steam has a beneficial effect on the bronchi and nasal cavity, improves sputum absorption and excretion, and reduces spasms that occur during coughing.

How to do inhalation with potatoes when coughing

For inhalations, you need to either boil 3-4 medium root crops and breathe over a saucepan, or use potato broth poured into a separate bowl. Can also be boiled and cleaned.

For the best effect and safety, observe the following rules:

  • never inhale steam from boiling water: you will burn the mucous membranes. The decoction for inhalation must be allowed to cool slightly;
  • breathing over potatoes when coughing should be approximately 1.5 or 2 hours after eating, best before bedtime;
  • clothes for the procedure are selected free, not tight-fitting;
  • to inhale steam, you should completely cover yourself with a blanket, it is advisable to do this while sitting on the bed;
  • the head over the container with the decoction does not need to be tilted close - keep it at a safe distance so that the steam warms, but does not burn the nostrils;
  • while breathing should be done through the mouth or alternately through the nose and mouth for no more than 10 minutes.

After that, you should lie down and not talk for about an hour.

Such inhalations should not be carried out at elevated temperature, sore throat, pneumonia, heart disorders, and also if there is a risk of nosebleeds. Children who are less than a year old should not breathe over potatoes. If the child is older, be sure to consult a pediatrician about such inhalations before conducting them.

How to do home inhalation with bronchitis

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How potatoes can help with a dry cough

Usually potato inhalations are used to remove sputum. But even with a dry cough, such a procedure will bring relief, reducing the antispasmodic effect and warming the mucous membranes.

For this, potatoes are boiled peeled, sprinkled with salt and baking soda (a pinch each) before cooking. After cooking, the broth is poured out, the tubers are mashed and breathed over it.

Here are some simple ways you can ease your condition.

Remember that potatoes help with a cold cough, without fever, inflammation of the lower respiratory tract and lungs, the occurrence of purulent formations in the nose

In these cases, self-treatment is contraindicated and a doctor's consultation is required. You can learn about how potato steam works from the video.

Everyone knows that for a cold, an excellent way to treat it is to carry out inhalation of the throat. And for this there are special items that are sold in pharmacies. Many people think that you can not spend money if you learn to breathe over potatoes.

You just need to know a few simple rules on how to carry out procedures at home in a safe way.

Why breathe over potatoes?

Potato inhalation helps to improve well-being. It's all about the airways. Microvilli are located on their surface, which constantly sway and push foreign substances out of the body.

During illness, the villi do their job worse, so hot steam will activate their work.

Why is it good to breathe over potatoes? Moist potato steam causes blood flow to the respiratory mucosa. With its help, sputum liquefies faster.

Potatoes are certainly useful for coughs and runny noses.

With the help of inhalation, you can get rid of sputum, clear the airways. Potato peel replaces purchased drugs and brings recovery closer. However, this method can be performed only in the absence of contraindications from the heart. So check with your doctor first.

The positive aspect of inhalation is the ease and accessibility of this method. It can be done at home using improvised means.

How to breathe when coughing over potatoes?

To breathe over potatoes correctly and make the procedure most effective, you need to remember a few recommendations and a list of items that will be needed:

  • 5 medium potatoes;
  • 10 pieces of small potatoes;
  • a suitable saucepan so that all the potatoes fit in it, and the water covers it completely;
  • a large thick blanket;
  • a smaller blanket
  • vegetable oil;
  • alcohol;
  • plastic bag;
  • towel.

How to breathe over potatoes correctly in order to recover?

For the procedure, boiled potatoes are needed. To do this, the tubers need to be washed, put in a saucepan, pour water and cook until cooked for about 20-30 minutes.

After that, the water must be drained, the potatoes mashed, and the pan wrapped in a towel so that the potatoes do not cool immediately. Put it on the table for steam inhalation. Blow your nose and cough first.

Cover your head with a blanket so the potato steam can escape. Bend over the dishes at such a distance that you do not burn yourself with hot steam. Inhale the air correctly, take 2 breaths through the mouth and 2 exhalations through the nose. Thus, you can clear your sinuses and throat. Do inhalation for about 5-10 minutes.

To make the process more efficient, remember potatoes well, pour a tablespoon of alcohol and a spoonful of sunflower oil into it.

Mix the mass, put in a plastic bag and wrap with a towel.

Place the compress on the chest, but not on the bare, otherwise you will burn yourself. Hold it for at least 10 minutes, then make an iodine grid in this place.

The procedure is best done before bedtime. What for? To go straight to bed.

Is it possible to breathe over potatoes during pregnancy?

Of course, this method of treating the throat is safe. Potato steam contains small particles of sprayed products, so the folk medicine passes into the respiratory tract without problems. And aromatic elements penetrate into the body of the expectant mother not only through the respiratory tract, but also through the skin.

Breathing over potatoes, pregnant women will often be able to defeat a cold.

But before carrying out this procedure, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the recommendations of doctors:

  1. pregnant women should not be covered with a towel so as not to increase the load on the heart.
  2. you can not perform inhalation at a temperature and carry it out an hour after eating.
  3. the duration of the procedure is not more than 5 minutes.

To get rid of a runny nose, how to breathe over potatoes?

First, prepare everything you need for the procedure and start treatment. To enhance the effect, you need to breathe properly over the steam. Take a very deep and quick breath. Also, you can not sharply draw in steam. Even if the nose is very blocked, breathe through two nostrils in turn, while closing one nostril with your fingers in turn.

Is it possible to breathe over potatoes at a temperature?

Doctors say that at temperatures up to 37.5 degrees, the human body brings inhalations without any problems. But at higher temperatures it is better not to take risks, since it is very difficult for the body to tolerate the procedure, and damage will be done to it.

Is it possible to do inhalations at a temperature of 37 degrees?

The answer is ambiguous, since there are 3 types of inhalations:

  • wet;
  • wet-thermal;
  • steam.

The temperature of the first method reaches 30 degrees, the second up to 40, the third up to 55.

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Colds are accompanied by general malaise, cough, fever and runny nose. The largest number is recorded in the autumn-spring period, when low temperatures are combined with high humidity. Traditional medicine offers modern therapies in the form of drugs and inhalations, but there are safer methods.

One common treatment is to inhale the steam over hot potatoes.

The benefits of inhalation with potatoes

Multiple studies have confirmed that the structure of the root crop includes substances that are used in pharmaceuticals for the manufacture of drugs. Potato steam contains:

  • ethanol;
  • alkane (tetradecane);
  • dipropylene glycol.

Once in the respiratory tract, they settle on the bronchial mucosa and nasal cavities. The softening effect of potato steam helps to normalize metabolic processes in tissues, eliminates swelling and removes phlegm.

  • bronchitis;
  • rhinitis;
  • tonsillitis;
  • allergic manifestations;
  • sinusitis;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • sinusitis.

The procedure significantly reduces the treatment time, since the active substances act immediately on the focus of inflammation.

  • facilitate the resorption of sputum and mucus;
  • remove swelling and inflammation of the mucous membrane of the upper respiratory system;
  • relieve spasms when coughing;
  • mucosal hydration occurs.

Carrying out the procedure

Inhalation of steam promotes the fastest recovery. In order for the event to be as effective as possible, it is necessary to follow some rules of conduct.

  1. Inhalation of warm air from the root is performed 1.5-2 hours after eating, preferably at bedtime.
  2. Cough potatoes should be small or medium in size.
  3. Clothing is chosen free, not constraining movements.
  4. During inhalation, the patient is completely covered with a blanket, which allows warm air to linger and gives access directly to the respiratory organs.
  5. You should carefully consider the choice of blankets. If the patient suffers from allergic manifestations, the woolen coating should be discarded.
  6. It is not recommended to tilt your head low into the pan - this can lead to a burn of the mucous membrane.
  7. After the procedure, you must drink warm tea with honey, and also refrain from talking for an hour.
  8. Inhalation with potatoes is carried out 3-4 rubles / day. Children - 1 minute, adults - up to 10 minutes.

Important! Too hot air can lead to severe burns of the mucosa.

Despite the fact that the procedure seems to be safe, there are some contraindications for use:

  • inhalation at a temperature greater than 37.5 0 C;
  • predisposition to bleeding from the nose;
  • follicular or;
  • high blood pressure;
  • severe diseases of the heart and lungs.

Important! Carrying out inhalations to children under one year is strictly prohibited!

Babies are allowed to breathe over potatoes upon reaching the age of three, after consulting a doctor and under the guidance of adults.

Steam inhalation at a temperature in a child is not carried out. In case of a cold, children are recommended to do warm - wet procedures not higher than 40 0 ​​C. Duration - 2 rubles / day up to two minutes.

Inhalation of warm steam does not always have a positive effect on the child's body. Sometimes this can result in a severe exacerbation of the disease. Obstruction is caused by the fact that the anatomical structure of the bronchial gap in children is much thinner than in adults. Under the influence of wet steam, sputum swells and further blocks the bronchioles, so thermal procedures should be performed only on the recommendation of a doctor.

How to breathe properly when inhaling

To get the maximum effect, you need to learn how to breathe properly over boiled tubers. It should be noted that steam cannot be inhaled sharply, with deep breaths. It is not recommended to tilt your head too low - you can burn the mucous membrane.

If you are worried about severe nasal congestion, alternate breathing is used: inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth and vice versa.

Inhalations will not be useful if the disease has passed into a complex form with the release of purulent masses.

Treatment of sinusitis with potatoes is carried out only in combination with drug treatment.

During and coughing, breathing is carried out through the mouth. First, a strong breath is taken, then a short delay for 1-2 seconds, and a calm exhalation.

When coughing, it is carried out both with vegetables alone and with various impurities. For bronchitis, sprinkle the boiled tubers with baking soda and lightly knead the vegetables. Breathe through your mouth for 3-5 minutes.

The method is suitable for colds, which are accompanied by a strong cough, rhinitis, without fever.

If the infection has gone down, the patient was diagnosed with pneumonia, the procedure is not performed in this case.

When sputum does not go away, inhalation with potatoes when coughing is done with the addition of salt and soda. They are added at the very beginning of cooking, later the vegetables are kneaded.

The number of procedures can be increased with severe attacks of bronchial asthma.

It is not necessary to take whole tubers, peeled peel is suitable for this purpose. Before use, it is well washed, filled with water and boiled in the usual way.

Inhalation for a sore throat with oats or husks can significantly improve well-being.

Inhalation of warm steam from potatoes is an affordable and easy way to treat. If after the procedures the patient's condition has not improved, it is necessary to seek medical help as soon as possible. It is possible that a cold is hiding a serious illness that can lead to complications.

Inhalation is one of the most well-known methods of influencing the upper respiratory tract with a cold. This method has many advantages: the possibility of combining different effects (for example, moisturizing and anti-inflammatory), the contact of vapors of medicinal substances directly with the affected surface of the mucous membrane. Currently, special technical devices are available for inhalation, and the procedure itself can be recommended by the attending physician. However, home methods do not lose popularity either - for example, breathing over potatoes with a runny nose is considered useful for severe nasal congestion as a result of a cold.

Using potatoes for a cold

Nasal congestion, impaired nasal breathing and the presence of pathological secretions (rhinorrhea) are symptoms that are united by the concept of "runny nose". Most often they can be observed with a cold, an allergic reaction, and also as a result of a violation of vascular tone in vasomotor rhinitis. With the help of inhalations over potatoes, as a rule, it is a cold that is treated - that is, inflammation of the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity of an infectious nature that occurs as a result of hypothermia.

What effect can be achieved by inhalation over potatoes with a cold, how useful is it as a therapeutic procedure? First, consider how the nasal mucosa reacts to the inhalation of steam from potatoes:

  1. There is a sharp and intense heating of its surface.
  2. Blood circulation increases, the work of the glands is activated - more liquid mucus is released.
  3. Due to contact with steam, the mucus swells, becomes more watery.
  4. The nasal passages are completely blocked due to the increase in the amount of mucus.

A typical reaction to inhaling hot vapor is to "leak" from the nose. On the one hand, thinning secretions with steam allows you to remove them by actively blowing your nose. But on the other hand, there is more mucus, and the swelling does not completely disappear and can become even more pronounced. This leads to a sharp increase in the feeling of congestion in combination with rhinorrhea. When inhalation stops, the vessels narrow again, mucus production decreases, it is easier to breathe - but, in fact, no radical changes have occurred, the inflammatory process is active, the symptoms have not gone away.

Inhalation of steam over potatoes with a cold does not achieve an anti-inflammatory or antiviral effect.

The relief after inhalation is temporary, and it is unlikely that it will be possible to accelerate the regression of symptoms with rhinitis with its help. Steam inhalation can be used as a way to moisturize the mucous membrane - it is known that due to dryness, the work of the ciliated epithelium is disrupted, irritation occurs, and local immunity decreases. However, inhalation over potatoes should not be considered as the only method of treating the common cold.

Rules for the procedure

How to breathe over a hot potato with a cold? It is necessary to act in accordance with the algorithm:

  • take a few medium-sized potatoes, wash, but do not peel;
  • place the washed vegetables in a pot of suitable size, fill with water;
  • boil the potatoes until “slits” appear on the peel - since it bursts, it means that the vegetable has become soft and ready for the procedure;
  • carefully drain the hot water from the pan;
  • slightly remember the potatoes with a spoon, a fork - without crushing at the same time to the consistency of mashed potatoes;
  • set the pan on a flat hard surface next to the chair, prepare a towel;
  • invite the patient to bend over the pan so that the inhaled vapor reaches the nose warm, and not scalding hot;
  • cover the patient's head with a towel, continue inhalation for 10 minutes.

The patient needs to know how to breathe properly over potatoes. You can not actively move, you should focus on the procedure. It is not necessary to take a deep breath, it is enough to maintain the usual rhythm of breathing. It is necessary to monitor your feelings regarding the heating temperature of the steam, attentiveness will help to avoid burns.

After inhalation, you can not go outside, especially in the cold season - as well as allow sudden changes in the temperature of the inhaled air. It is best if the patient immediately goes to bed, drinks a warm drink, and gently blows his nose.

Precautionary measures

A pot of boiling water and hot potatoes - although homemade, is far from a safe method of treatment. A little carelessness is enough to get burned. Therefore, it is important:

  • completely pour boiling water out of the pan;
  • do not put the pan on your knees;
  • do not put the pan on the edge of the towel;
  • wrap hot hands with a napkin;
  • monitor the stability of the dishes, since hot potatoes are no less dangerous than boiling water;
  • immediately remove everything that was used for inhalation after the end of the procedure.

If a decision is made to carry out inhalation over potatoes, you need to remember that this method is only suitable for adults.

It is contraindicated for children, because, due to anatomical features, it can lead to the development of complications. In addition, children have a higher risk of burns - it is difficult to persuade them to endure the procedure motionless, bending over the pan, they cannot always correctly determine how hot the steam is.


Before carrying out inhalation using potatoes, it is important to assess whether there are any contraindications:

  1. Fever.

At high body temperature, thermal procedures are prohibited. They increase the heating of the body and prevent the elimination of excess amounts of thermal energy. This threatens with overheating, the development of seizures, vomiting, dehydration.

  1. The presence of a purulent process (sinusitis, otitis).

Even the suspicion of the presence of purulent diseases of the ears, nasal sinuses is an absolute contraindication for steam inhalation over potatoes. This can lead to the spread of purulent inflammation and the development of dangerous complications. A runny nose can indicate a variety of pathological processes, so do not rush to warm up with steam before visiting a doctor.

  1. Younger children's age.

Inhalation of steam is dangerous because it increases the amount of mucus due to its thinning, increases swelling and leads to congestion in the lower respiratory tract. If there is tracheitis or bronchitis along with a runny nose, a child can also get pneumonia. Inhalation is also very dangerous for the symptoms of tubo-otitis - congestion and pain in the ears.

  1. Atrophic rhinitis, allergy, vasomotor rhinitis.

The thinned, crusted and dry mucous membrane is very vulnerable, it is easy to burn it, which will cause a sharp deterioration in nasal breathing and aggravate the suffering of the patient. With vasomotor disorders, allergies, steam inhalations are useless and even harmful.

Whether to breathe over potatoes with a cold, each patient decides for himself. But it is worth making sure of the diagnosis in advance, making sure there are no contraindications, remembering that steam inhalations should not be the only way of therapy. The best solution is to consult your doctor before starting inhalation treatment.

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