Eucalyptus essential oil: properties and uses, instructions and reviews. Eucalyptus essential oil - top healing note

The use of eucalyptus oil in medicine and cosmetology is due to its chemical composition and properties that it possesses. The pleasant aroma and healing effect made eucalyptus oil extremely popular.

The magical power of eucalyptus

Eucalyptus belongs to the myrtle family, an evergreen plant whose leaves and wood are rich in essential oils, tannins, and organic acids.

Eucalyptus has:

  1. Antiseptic action, it is used to disinfect wound surfaces;
  2. Antibacterial action - eucalyptus is considered to be a natural antibiotic;
  3. Antiviral effect, due to which it is widely used for the treatment of colds;
  4. With a calming effect, aromatherapy with eucalyptus oil stabilizes the state of the nervous system, relieves stress;
  5. Antifungal and healing effect, used to treat certain gynecological diseases;
  6. The ability to lower blood glucose levels;
  7. Whitening and regulating the activity of the sebaceous glands, thanks to which it is popular in cosmetology;
  8. Regenerating and stimulating effect, added to hair products.

In addition, midges do not like the aroma of eucalyptus and therefore an aroma lamp or plates with eucalyptus can be used for natural protection.

Composition of eucalyptus oil

To obtain essential oil, eucalyptus leaves are processed and steam sublimated. To obtain 4-5 kg ​​of natural essential oil, it takes about a ton of fresh leaves.

The composition of the oil is complex, it includes about 40 different substances. Among them:

  • terpene cineole, which has an expectorant and antiseptic effect;
  • organic acids;
  • vitamin E;
  • tannins

Application of eucalyptus oil

Depending on the intended purpose, eucalyptus oil can be used in several ways:

  • cold (using a nebulizer) and hot (steam) inhalations with the addition of 1-2 drops of eucalyptus essential oil;
  • massage with special products or adding oil to a regular massage cream;
  • aromatherapy using an aroma lamp disinfects the air, spreads a pleasant smell, calms the nerves;
  • baths with eucalyptus oil are useful for the nervous and muscular system, skin;
  • skin compresses (whitening, healing, disinfecting);
  • rinsing to eliminate problems of the oral cavity.

What can and should be treated with eucalyptus oil:

  • to soothe a cotton ball, drop 1 drop of eucalyptus oil and apply to the tooth that is bothering;
  • treatment of wounds and abrasions: stir 2 drops of eucalyptus essential oil in 1 tsp. vegetable oil (sunflower, olive, almond or other). 2 tbsp. l. nettle leaves pour 0.2 liters of boiling water and leave to infuse for 30 minutes. Add oils to the strained infusion, moisten a gauze cloth with the resulting product and apply to the damaged surface. Compresses are done 2-3 times a day, such lotions help with ulcers and furunculosis;
  • for wound healing, a few drops of eucalyptus essential oil are mixed with pork fat and lubricated with the skin;
  • with rhinitis, sinusitis, it is recommended to wash the nasal cavity with an aqueous solution of chlorophyllipt with the addition of 1-2 drops of eucalyptus oil;
  • helps with muscle pain and spasms trituration oil: 2 tbsp. l. base oils add 2 drops of eucalyptus oil. Rub into the skin with massage movements;
  • for carrying out 2-3 drops of eucalyptus oil are added to 0.5 liters of hot water. To enhance the effect, you can add ½ tsp. soda and 1 tsp. salt. Breathe over the steam for 5-7 minutes, covering your head with a towel;
  • with varicose veins, a mixture of eucalyptus and lemon balm oils, mixed in equal proportions, is rubbed into the skin of the legs.

Eucalyptus oil is added to shampoos (, against hair loss) - 1 drop per single serving for washing, in face and hand creams. It is not necessary to add oil to the cream tank, it is better to mix the oil daily with a cream that will be applied directly to the skin.


At the first application, you should make sure that eucalyptus oil does not provoke allergies, apply 1 drop on the wrist or elbow skin and wait 6-10 hours. People who are prone to respiratory allergic reactions should be treated with great caution when using eucalyptus.

Eucalyptus essential oil has many medicinal properties, thanks to which it has been used in the treatment of certain diseases and improving the condition of the skin or hair. The product itself is a clear, mobile liquid with a resinous-tart aroma, reminiscent of the smell of pine needles, although the tree itself belongs to the myrtle family. The extract is obtained from young shoots or leaves of the plant. It is used in folk and official medicine, cosmetology and in the manufacture of household chemicals.

What is eucalyptus essential oil

This is the name of an almost transparent oily liquid with a slight yellow tint, which is obtained from an evergreen plant - eucalyptus. It is slightly viscous and very fragrant. It can be found in the composition of dishwashing gel or, for example, shampoo. Any products with this ingredient have healing properties. The product is also valued because only 3-5 g of it is obtained from 1 ton of raw materials.

How to receive

For manufacturing, leaves and young shoots of eucalyptus are used, more often spherical, ashy or rod-shaped. It is the tallest leafy plant on earth and is native to Tasmania and Australia. Even local natives used the ability of this plant to heal festering wounds. In Africa, its thickets were saved from the spread of malaria. Today, the tree is purposefully grown in such warm countries as California, Portugal, and Spain.

The product is produced by hydrodistillation. The method is not so complicated and requires a minimum of equipment. The whole process is as follows:

  • the collected plant material is crushed to a fraction of 2-5 mm in size;
  • then it is loosely laid on the bottom of the flask, filled with water and heated to the boiling point;
  • water vapor condenses in a refrigerator cooled by cold water;
  • then the product is collected in a glass of a special design;
  • water is continuously drained and eucalyptus oil accumulates on the surface because it is lighter.

Chemical composition

From 1 ton of vegetable raw materials, 3-5 g of the finished product is obtained, which contains 60-80% cineole. This substance is a monocyclic terpene, which gives the product a specific smell. This component also determines the main beneficial properties of eucalyptus oil. In addition to cineole, the composition of the oily liquid includes:

  • tannins;
  • phellandrene;
  • flavonoids;
  • limonene;
  • aldehydes;
  • organic acids;
  • globupol;
  • pinene;
  • camphene.

Medicinal properties

The main healing properties of the product are due to the content of cineole. The extract enriches the blood with oxygen. The aroma of the product calms, concentrates attention, increases intellectual capabilities, eliminates apathy, melancholy, drowsiness and fatigue. Pine needles are just one of the shades of smell. In addition to the deodorizing effect, eucalyptus oil has the following properties:

  1. Antiviral. Air disinfection and inhalation of vapors cleans the mucous from viruses.
  2. Antibacterial. The eucalyptus tree is a natural antibiotic that is effective against bacteria that cause the development of thrush and herpes, and is detrimental to streptococci and staphylococci. For gum disease, a couple of drops should be added directly to the brush with the paste.
  3. antiseptic. Separated from oxygen, ozone helps in the healing of wounds, burns, ulcers and frostbite.
  4. expectorant. The remedy frees the respiratory organs from mucus, which helps to cough up.
  5. insecticidal. The product eliminates swelling and itching at the site of the bite, repels insects. Effective for pediculosis.
  6. Painkiller. Massage, baths or rubbing with oil extract help to relax muscles, relieve pain in the joints and spine.
  7. Antipyretic.

Ways to use

One of the areas of application of eucalyptus oil is the treatment of colds and flu. This component can be found in cough drops and other antiviral drugs. In general, the oil extract is used in a variety of ways, the main ones being:

  1. aromatic bath. Only a few drops drip into warm water. In this way, eucalyptus oil is used for a runny nose, bronchitis, joint pain, the first symptoms of a cold, fungal infections, diseases of the urogenital area.
  2. Oil burner. All you need is 5 drops. The procedure is indicated for air purification during epidemics of acute respiratory diseases.
  3. Rinsing. Helps to cope with diseased gums, effective in diseases of the mouth and throat. For the procedure, dissolve 1-2 drops in a glass of water. The tool can also be used for rubbing at a temperature.
  4. micro enema. It is necessary to mix the oil extract and milk in a ratio of 1:10. The remedy is effective for prostatitis. It is taken for 3 weeks in the evening.
  5. Massage. Any massage cream is taken as a base, 4-5 drops of the extract are added to it. The procedure is recommended for sciatica, rheumatism, joint pain and muscle tension.
  6. Douching, tampons. Effective for white discharge, ulcers and erosions of the cervix, colpitis. For douching, you need to mix a glass of warm water and 1-2 drops of an oil extract. You can also wet a swab in this solution.
  7. Rubbing. As a basis, you need to take 10 ml of vegetable, where add 5-6 drops of essential. Rubbing is useful for muscle and joint pain, neuralgia. In order to prevent varicose veins, you can add a couple of drops of lemon balm.
  8. Ingestion. This use case is rare. You can lower the glucose level in diabetes mellitus by taking 1 drop of the extract per 1 tbsp. milk or a piece of bread. The procedure is repeated 2 times a day.
  9. Repellent. To protect against insects, you need to mix 50 ml of any vegetable and 15 drops of eucalyptus essential oil. The base can be a tonic, cream or cosmetic milk. The finished composition lubricates all open areas of the body.


Even a healthy natural product cannot be used uncontrollably. For each method of application there is a specific dosage:

  • 10 drops per 10 ml of vegetable - for massage;
  • 2-3 drops per 1 tsp honey or 1 tbsp. milk - for oral administration;
  • 10-12 drops - for oil compresses;
  • 2-4 drops per 500 g of water - for the douching procedure;
  • 1-2 drops per 1 tbsp. water with 1 tsp. honey - for the treatment of stomach ulcers;
  • 1-2 drops - for an inhaler-nebulizer;
  • 5-7 drops - for baths;
  • 7-8 drops per 5 g of base - for cosmetic formulations.

Instructions for use of eucalyptus oil

Before using eucalyptus oil in any way, an allergy test is required. For this purpose, the solution is applied to a small distant area of ​​​​the skin. If redness and irritation does not appear after 10-15 minutes, then the product can be used. When applying it, it is important to consider several features:

  • with extreme caution, it is worth using the extract for epilepsy and high blood pressure;
  • the product neutralizes the effect of some drugs, so you should consult a doctor before use;
  • baths are especially effective at the first sign of a cold;
  • in large quantities, the extract of this plant is very toxic, so you should avoid getting such volumes inside;
  • if an allergy to the extract was in childhood, then in adulthood it should be used carefully.

For colds and runny nose

Cough and runny nose are the main symptoms of a cold that you have to deal with. Eucalyptus-based products do an excellent job with them, helping to significantly alleviate the condition. The following recipes are effective:

  1. Means for lubricating the sinuses. In a water bath, melt 2 tsp. vaseline, add to them a mixture of essential oils in the following number of drops: 3 - mint, 5 - eucalyptus, 5 - tea tree. Up to 2-3 times a day, lubricate the nasal mucosa with a ready-made product.
  2. Therapeutic bath. Helps with the first signs of a cold. In a hot bath with water, add 9-7 drops of the extract. You need to take it for 10-15 minutes, then do a light self-massage, rubbing the product into the skin. After the procedure, you need to lie down under the blanket for at least half an hour.
  3. Wet cough massage. For the procedure, you need to mix 2 tbsp. any vegetable and the following number of drops of different essential oils: lavender - 2, tea tree - 2, eucalyptus - 4. The procedure is carried out 2 times a day until the symptoms decrease.

In cosmetology for face and hair

Eucalyptus is often used in skin and hair care. The plant promotes wound healing, prevents premature aging, and eliminates age spots. Eucalyptus oil saturates the skin and hair with useful substances. You can use the extract as follows:

  1. For acne. A pure undiluted remedy is applied pointwise to each inflammation. The procedure is repeated 2-3 times a day until the complete disappearance of acne. For oily and problematic skin, the extract is added 2-3 drops to ready-made care products, such as tonics, ointments or creams.
  2. For hair growth. For the purpose of care, they take the existing balm, add an extract there at the rate of 1 drop per 50 g of the product. The mixture is applied to the hair after washing, washed off after 5-10 minutes with warm water. Such care is carried out 1-2 times a week. To strengthen the hair, you can add a couple of drops of jojoba oil.

Eucalyptus for cough

The first to suffer from colds is the human respiratory system. If left untreated, the cough remains dry for a long time. This increases the risk of developing asthma and chronic bronchitis. You can treat a cough with eucalyptus oil through the following procedures:

  1. Inhalation against dry cough. Add 3-4 drops of oil extract to a glass of hot water or chamomile decoction. Next, you need to breathe through your mouth over the steam, covering yourself with a towel on top. The procedure lasts 10 minutes. Frequency - 1 time per day.
  2. Inhalation against wet cough. The procedure is carried out in the same way as in the previous recipe, only 2 drops of tea tree and eucalyptus oils are added to hot water.

Help with stress

Means from the leaves of this tree contribute to the restoration of strength, which is very useful for fatigue, emotional overload and stress. Eucalyptus oil should be used by spraying indoors or in an aroma lamp. If the latter is not available, then you can simply drop a couple of drops into a glass of water, which is placed in a warm place. Suitable location near the battery. To improve the state of the nervous system, baths with eucalyptus are effective. The water in it should not be higher than 37 degrees. You only need to add 10 drops of the extract by mixing them with sea salt or bath foam.

Eucalyptus essential oil in gynecology

Treatment and prevention of gynecological diseases of an inflammatory nature is carried out with the help of douching. Such procedures with eucalyptus are effective for thrush, herpes, endometritis, cystitis and acid balance disorders. Recipe for the douching procedure:

  • for 200 ml of warm boiled water, take 1 drop of oil extract;
  • mix thoroughly, sterilize all instruments;
  • use the solution for douching no more than once a day (additionally, you can use the mixture for washing up to 2 times a day in case of colpitis or thrush).

With diabetes

The eucalyptus tree is a real helper for diabetics. The plant can lower blood sugar levels. For this purpose, use the following instruction:

  • for 20 ml of warm milk or bread crumb, take 1 drop of the product;
  • use the indicated remedy in the morning;
  • repeat the procedure again in the evening;
  • if desired, use with milk or crumb 1 drop of oil extract of geranium and 1 eucalyptus;
  • carry out the procedure until the general condition improves.

Application features

For any tool to really bring a positive effect, it must be used in a certain way. Eucalyptus oil in every field of medicine is used as follows:

  1. Urology, gynecology. Warm baths, douching and washing are effective.
  2. Colds and viral diseases. In this case, the air in the room is disinfected, rinsing, rubbing, instillation into the nose, hot or cold inhalations are carried out.
  3. Pain of a different nature. They are eliminated by rubbing, massages, compresses and aroma baths.
  4. infections. are treated by rinsing the mouth, fumigating the room, and in some cases by ingestion.

For kids

The use of the product in pediatric therapy has several nuances that are important to consider. Not recommended for children under 2 years of age. The same applies to young children with bronchial asthma. After 2 years, almost the same procedures with this extract are allowed as for adults:

  • steam inhalation- you need to breathe over hot water with 1-2 drops of the product (the procedure is allowed from the age of 7);
  • topical application- in case of insect bites, lubricate the place with a mixture of cream and oil product (2 drops per 20 g);
  • bath to strengthen the immune system- in warm water you need to drop 5 drops of the product;
  • cold massage- for rubbing the chest, prepare a mixture of 1 tbsp. vegetable oils and a few drops of essential oils: lavender - 2, eucalyptus - 2, tea tree - 1.

Eucalyptus oil during pregnancy

In no case should you take eucalyptus oil inside during pregnancy. Application is possible only externally for a period later than the fourth month. The essential oil extract acts more gently than many medicines. Features of the use of this remedy during pregnancy:

  • procedures such as inhalation, massage, rubbing, instillation into the sinuses, aromatherapy are allowed with it;
  • spraying or an aroma lamp will help a pregnant woman reduce the risk of colds;
  • inhalation of vapors provides a woman with a restful sleep, improvement of the emotional state;
  • If you are breastfeeding, please consult your doctor before use.

Eucalyptus oil treatment - folk recipes

The main area of ​​application of eucalyptus in folk medicine is the treatment of colds. The extract can also be used for the purpose of prevention, when there is an increase in the incidence. Eucalyptus oil for colds helps to cope with a runny nose and cough. At temperature, the extract is applied in the form of rubdowns. Another pronounced property of this ingredient is the ability to heal wounds faster. For this purpose, the tool is used in the form of lotions and compresses.

Cough rub mixture

The rubbing procedure helps to improve the discharge of sputum from the bronchi, thereby facilitating coughing. It is especially effective for dry coughs. The procedure itself is carried out as follows:

  • mix 2 tbsp. sunflower oil with 4 drops of clove, eucalyptus and tea tree oil extracts;
  • rub the chest with the resulting mixture;
  • then wrap yourself in a blanket and lie down for 20 minutes.

Nettle decoction with eucalyptus extract

This recipe is effective for non-healing wounds, including chemical burns, furunculosis. Prepare and use the tool according to the following instructions:

  • prepare 30 g of fresh or pharmacy nettle;
  • pour it with 200 ml of boiling water;
  • leave for 20 minutes, then strain;
  • supplement the decoction with 10 ml of oil extract;
  • moisten gauze in the resulting product, apply it to the damaged area;
  • carry out the procedure 1-2 times a day until complete healing.

Essential oils with yolk

Another recipe for wounds that do not heal for a long time additionally uses egg yolk. 15 ml of oil extract of lavender, sea buckthorn and eucalyptus are added to it. The last ingredient is a decoction of oak bark, which is prepared as follows:

  • 30 g of raw materials are poured with a glass of boiling water;
  • then the solution is left for half an hour, after which it is filtered;
  • the mass is mixed with the rest of the ingredients, insisted for a day;
  • further, the agent is used for lotions on bleeding wounds until they are completely healed.

Wound healing mixture with lard

If the previous wound healing remedies do not suit you, then you can try another folk recipe with eucalyptus oil. It is prepared and used as follows:

  • melt 10 g of fresh lard over low heat;
  • cool to make the product warm;
  • add 15 ml of extract;
  • stir and cool completely
  • use for lotions on festering wounds up to 1-2 times throughout the day.

Side effects and contraindications

This product is somewhat aggressive, therefore it is considered a strong allergen. A side effect of its use may be the occurrence of a rash, a burning sensation, and sometimes a violation of the respiratory function. If such symptoms occur, the use of the extract should be discontinued. Absolute contraindications to its use are:

  • bronchial asthma;
  • first trimester of pregnancy;
  • atrophy of the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract;
  • susceptibility to an allergic reaction;

Eucalyptus oil is obtained by hydrodistilling the young leaves of an evergreen plant. Procurement of raw materials is carried out all year round. Eucalyptus belongs to the myrtle family and has many useful properties used in cosmetology and traditional medicine.

The ability to disinfect, resist microbes and viruses, purify the air from harmful microorganisms has made the product one of the most popular among medicinal esters. They also found application in cosmetology: oil is used for oily and inflammation of the skin of the face, dandruff and hair loss, excessive sweating of the legs.

Composition and useful properties

More than 70% of the ether is cineol - a substance with a camphor-ether aroma, which has expectorant, decongestant, analgesic and antiseptic effects. It is one of the most common ingredients in medicinal phyto essences.

Eucalyptus oil also contains:

  • tannins;
  • phytoncides;
  • resins;
  • bitterness.

The complete list of components includes more than 35 valuable components. Thanks to them, eucalyptus essential oil has many medicinal properties:

  1. 1. Has an antibacterial effect.
  2. 2. Relieves inflammation of the respiratory tract, and not only the oil itself, but also its vapors.
  3. 3. When applied to the skin, it has a cooling and irritating effect, therefore it is used for pain relief.
  4. 4. Due to the ability to dilute sputum in the lungs and bronchi, it exhibits mucolytic and expectorant effects, and also stimulates the cough reflex.
  5. 5. Eliminates lesions and helps to reduce temperature in viral and infectious diseases.
  6. 6. Due to antiseptic abilities, it is used to heal erosions and wounds.
  7. 7. Relieves pain and swelling in rheumatic lesions of the joints.

In addition, the tool:

  1. 1. Strengthens immunity and increases resistance to pathogenic microorganisms.
  2. 2. It has a diuretic effect, as it relaxes smooth muscles and improves peripheral circulation.
  3. 3. Normalizes the work of the sweat glands.
  4. 4. With regular use, it leads to a persistent decrease in blood sugar levels in patients with diabetes mellitus.

Researchers have proven that eucalyptus oil is able to destroy abnormal cells, which are the main cause of the development of malignant neoplasms.

The use of an aromatic lamp with ether in a room where a sick person is located can significantly improve his physical and psychological condition. Eucalyptus vapors purify the air from harmful microorganisms and speed up the healing process.

Indications for use

Ether is used in the treatment of:

  1. 1. Diseases of the upper respiratory tract, such as: sinusitis, pharyngitis, tonsillitis, sinusitis, tracheitis. The anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties of the agent are also useful for a runny nose or inflammatory diseases of the nasal mucosa. The oil has a positive effect on the bronchi and lungs. Treats cough of various etiologies. Included in the complex therapy of tuberculosis.
  2. 2. Herpes, shingles, furunculosis, purulent rashes and other dermatological pathologies.
  3. 3. Burns, frostbite, purulent wounds and trophic ulcers - due to the property of the agent to destroy pathogens.
  4. 4. Diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Due to its decongestant, regenerating, analgesic and antispasmodic effects, the oil is widely used to treat bruises, sprains of muscles and tendons, arthritis, rheumatism and osteochondrosis. The tool effectively copes with myositis.
  5. 5. Diabetes mellitus - as an aid in the treatment of the disease.
  6. 6. Urethritis, cystitis in men and women.
  7. 7. Prostatitis - as part of complex therapy.
  8. 8. Headaches and migraines.

In gynecology, the drug is prescribed for cervical erosion and thrush for douching.

Eucalyptus essential oil should be used only after consulting a specialist, as a high concentration of biologically active substances in its composition can be harmful to health. .

When purchasing a drug in a pharmacy, you need to pay attention to the packaging. A natural remedy should be supplied in a dark glass bottle, which is packed in a cardboard box.

Methods of therapeutic use

Depending on the pathology, there are various ways to use eucalyptus oil:

  1. 1. For the treatment of respiratory diseases, for colds, inhalations are used with a nebulizer. 2 drops of oil are added to 2 ml of saline and its vapors are inhaled through a special mask or tube. The duration of the procedure is 10 minutes. The number of inhalations is determined by the therapist.
  2. 2. Abscesses, trophic ulcers and stomatitis are treated with a solution of a glass of water and 15 drops of eucalyptus extract. This tool is used for rinsing, washing and compresses.
  3. 3. A solution of a glass of water, half a teaspoon of soda and 5 drops of ether is used for douching in gynecological diseases (erosion, thrush, colpitis, cystitis).
  4. 4. To strengthen the immune system and prevent colds, daily ingestion of a drop of oil diluted with honey is recommended for three weeks.
  5. 5. Baths with the addition of sea salt and 7 drops of eucalyptus extract are used in the complex therapy of urological diseases.

Vapors of the healing agent can be inhaled in a bath or sauna. For this purpose, several strokes of oil are applied directly to the walls or a basin with water and ether is placed indoors so that it evaporates when the temperature rises. Such inhalations are very useful, and the absorption of active substances into the blood is minimal.

Peppermint Essential Oil - Benefits and Uses

Application in cosmetology

In cosmetology, oil is used to combat various skin and hair problems. Means:

  1. 1. Quickly copes with purulent rashes, pimples, blackheads - thanks to the antiseptic and anti-inflammatory action.
  2. 2. Regulates the work of the sebaceous glands and can be used to treat oily hair and dandruff. Enriching shampoos and masks with this oil strengthens the strands and gives them shine.
  3. 3. Accelerates hair growth. To do this, twice a week, rub eucalyptus oil diluted in almond, apricot, peach, jojoba (4-5 drops per 50 ml) into the scalp with massage movements.
  4. 4. Tones and tightens the skin, prevents the appearance of stretch marks. Pregnant women should consult a doctor before using it.

Contraindications and side effects

Contraindications to the use of the drug are:

  1. 1. Children's age up to 2 years. It is prescribed to infants only for special indications, carrying out treatment under the supervision of a pediatrician.
  2. 2. The period of pregnancy and breastfeeding.
  3. 3. Individual intolerance or tendency to allergic reactions.

Eucalyptus oil can not be used simultaneously with homeopathic, chemotherapeutic drugs. The use of the drug for patients with epilepsy should be agreed with the attending physician.

Failure to follow the instructions and exceeding the recommended dosage leads to side effects:

  1. 1. Dizziness.
  2. 2. Violations of the digestive system (belching, nausea, intestinal disorders).
  3. 3. Dryness and redness of the skin.

Characteristics, useful properties of eucalyptus essential oil for adults and children, features and methods of its use, restrictions, contraindications. Folk healing recipes based on etherol.

The content of the article:

Eucalyptus essential oil is a translucent liquid of a slightly yellowish color, which has a peculiar tart aroma, similar to the smell of pine needles. Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus) is an evergreen mighty tree of the Myrtle family, grows in tropical and subtropical regions. Its oil is used in medicinal, cosmetic formulations, in classical and alternative medicine, and is included as a component in household chemicals.

Description and composition of eucalyptus oil

Eucalyptus is the tallest deciduous tree on earth, native to Australia and Tasmania. The wound-healing abilities of the leaves have been used by local natives since ancient times. Thickets of eucalyptus groves saved from the spread of malaria in northern Africa. Now eucalyptus trees are purposefully grown for the production of oil in regions with a warm climate - Portugal, Spain, California.

Outwardly, the oil is almost perfectly transparent, slightly viscous, very fragrant. It is isolated by hydrodistillation from the leaves and young shoots of fast-growing eucalyptus varieties (spherical, rod-shaped, ashy). From a whole ton of raw materials, only about 3-5 grams of oil can be obtained.

Eucalyptus is a powerful natural antiseptic. The main component of the oil - cineole, is 60-80%. This monocyclic terpene gives it its distinctive smell and makes it a unique therapeutic agent for colds.

In its composition, in addition to cineole, it contains about 40 components, such as: flavonoids, camphene, pinene, limonene, phellandrene, globulol, tannins, organic acids, some aldehydes.

The aroma of the oil has a calming effect, promotes concentration, drives away fatigue, melancholy, apathy, and drowsiness. It is difficult to find analogues to describe the fragrance of the eucalyptus tree, since the smell of pine needles is just one of its shades. This is a clean, "masculine" fragrance with a unique combination of wood and camphor, a little tart, resinous, very fresh.

Useful properties of eucalyptus essential oil

The most invaluable qualities of eucalyptus are aimed at all kinds of inflammatory processes in the body of adults and children. Its forces act in two directions - they treat respiratory diseases and protect against the penetration of foreign bacteria from the outside. Essential oils in their useful properties in the treatment of certain diseases are not inferior to medicines. The detrimental effect of eucalyptus oil on pathogenic bacteria is explained by the presence of specific substances in its composition.

The benefits of aromatherapy are recognized by modern medicine. The fragrance of the oil acts on the human body gently, with its proper use, with virtually no side effects and in three directions at once: physical, emotional, mental.

Two special components of eucalyptus oil - phellandrene and aromadendren, when combined, contribute to the conversion of oxygen into ozone. Therefore, most often oil is practiced in the treatment of colds. This is the best remedy for such ailments as a runny nose, sinusitis, bronchitis, influenza, acute respiratory infections.

The predominant use of eucalyptus oil is determined by its following properties:

  • Antiviral. During periods of the spread of viral infections, epidemics of influenza, whooping cough, measles, malaria, scarlet fever, dysentery, diphtheria, you can purify the air, create a barrier to the spread of diseases using an aroma lamp or add a few drops of oil to a vessel with hot water and install it on a heat source.
  • Antibacterial. It copes well with bacteria that provoke thrush, herpes. Detrimental to staphylococci and streptococci. With periodontitis, it is necessary to drip oil on a brush with toothpaste.
  • antiseptic. Ozone isolated from oxygen is a wonderful natural bactericide. Promotes healing of wounds, ulcers, burns, frostbite.
  • expectorant. The powerful mucolytic effect of oil on sputum releases the respiratory organs from mucus, and contributes to the normalization of secretion.
  • Painkiller. Baths with eucalyptus, massage and rubbing with an oil composition relieve pain in the joints, spine, and relax muscles. With sore throat, toothache, inflammation in the oral cavity, rinsing with a solution of eucalyptus oil will help. It will help relieve pain in neuralgia, bruises, sciatica, relieve headaches.
  • Antipyretic. For colds, it is good to rub the chest and back with vegetable oil enriched with eucalyptus oil to reduce high fever.
  • insecticidal. Repels insects, relieves itching, eliminates swelling formed at the site of the bite.
  • Deodorant. The unique aroma inherent in eucalyptus purifies the air, has a calming effect, has a beneficial effect on the mental state of people, relieves tension, prevents a growing conflict, and concentrates attention.
Eucalyptus oil is most often used in the treatment of colds, but at the same time the following processes occur:
  1. Recovery of the body after a serious illness;
  2. Strengthening its defenses, increasing immunity;
  3. Awakening of vital energy, including sexual;
  4. Relief of headache caused by overwork, physical inactivity, prolonged stay in a stuffy room;
  5. Improving carbohydrate metabolism, lowering blood sugar levels;
  6. Inhibition of inflammatory processes in the genitourinary system, prostate;
  7. Relaxation, removal of muscle spasms after hard physical labor, sports;
  8. Calming, sedative effect;
  9. Improving the condition of problem skin, treatment of furunculosis, herpes;
  10. Treatment of gynecological diseases;
  11. Help with arthritis, sciatica;
  12. Promotes the dissolution of gallstones;
  13. Improves the condition of the scalp, hair, whitens the skin.

Important! Never use pure, undiluted eucalyptus oil. Before use, it is necessary to consult a doctor, especially if the child is sick or has chronic diseases.

Contraindications to the use of eucalyptus essential oil

Essential oil has a powerful effect on the body. In order for the benefits to be maximum, and for there to be no undesirable consequences, it is important to follow the rules and restrictions on its use, take into account contraindications. Bans on the use of eucalyptus oil should be taken seriously, like any pharmaceutical drug.

You should know that the oil is undesirable to use in the following cases:

  • Tendency to allergies, individual intolerance. Be sure to do a pre-test. It is enough to inhale the aroma of the oil a little or apply its solution to a small area of ​​the skin. Procedures can cause diarrhea, vomiting, nausea.
  • Bronchial asthma, whooping cough. When using oil, dryness of the mucous membranes of the respiratory system may occur, which will cause an attack of suffocation.
  • Do not combine with homeopathic preparations. Since eucalyptus oil is a natural antibiotic that neutralizes the action of homeopathic remedies.
  • Epilepsy, high blood pressure. Because of the intensity of his influence.
  • Pregnancy. Doctors' opinions are divided. Some indicate the entire duration of pregnancy, others - the first 4 months.
  • Children under two years old. There is a threat of developing bronchospasm due to the extremely pronounced aroma.
  • Chemotherapy of cancerous tumors. The oil has a strong effect, can have an undesirable effect on a weakened body.
  • Severe diseases of the liver, biliary tract, acute gastrointestinal ailments. Due to possible irritation of the mucosa.

Important! Be sure to take into account the dosage of oil indicated in the recipes. A slight burning sensation in the first minutes after applying the product is a natural reaction.

Ways to use eucalyptus oil

When creating medicinal and aromatic compositions, one should take into account the originality of eucalyptus oil and carefully combine it with others. Its most suitable partners are lemon, cedar, lavender, rosemary, orange, geranium, rose and tea tree, vetiver.

Eucalyptus oil is used in the following ways:

  1. Oil burner. No more than 5 drops are enough. Use to purify and disinfect the air during seasonal epidemics of influenza and SARS, ease breathing, relieve irritability, depression, when performing work that requires concentration.
  2. aromatic bath. In a bath filled with warm water, add a few drops of eucalyptus oil. Take it at the first symptoms of a cold, feeling chills, runny nose, bronchitis, joint pain, infections of the genitourinary system.
  3. Trituration. Any vegetable oil is suitable as a base. Add 5-6 drops of eucalyptus oil to 10 ml of foundation. Rubbing is used for joint and muscle pain, neuralgia. To prevent varicose veins, add lemon balm oil to the composition.
  4. Massage. Any massage cream can serve as the basis. Mix 15-20 g of cream and 4-5 drops of oil. Do massage with exacerbation of rheumatism, sciatica, muscle and joint pain.
  5. Rinsing. 1-2 drops in a glass of water. Gargling with a solution treats diseases of the throat, inflammation of the oral cavity. The liquid can be wiped over the body to reduce the temperature.
  6. Inhalation. A liter of hot water (not boiling water) will require 2-3 drops of oil. Inhalations will help alleviate the condition with severe sinusitis, sinusitis, colds, bronchopulmonary diseases.
  7. micro enema. In diseases of the prostate, enemas from a mixture of eucalyptus and milk in a ratio of 1:10 are useful (30 ml is enough). Take in the evening, course 21 days.
  8. Douching and tampons. They help with erosions and ulcers of the cervix, leucorrhea, colpitis. Dilute 1-2 drops of eucalyptus in a glass of warm purified water, douching. For local treatment, oil is applied to a swab.
  9. Ingestion. This method is rarely practiced. For example, to lower blood sugar levels, add 1 drop of eucalyptus to a full tablespoon of milk or drip onto a piece of bread. Consume 2 times a day. To increase the effect, add a drop of geranium oil.
  10. Repellent. Mix 50 ml of base - vegetable oil, cosmetic milk, cream or tonic - and 15 drops of eucalyptus oil. Apply evenly to exposed areas of the body.

Features of the use of eucalyptus oil

Eucalyptus oil is an excellent regenerating, analgesic, disinfectant. This substance, tested for centuries, has long been used for many diseases.

Treatment of ulcers and wounds with eucalyptus oil

To heal bleeding, long non-healing ulcers, festering wounds are capable of traditional medicine based on eucalyptus oil.

Home wound healing recipes:

  • with nettle. For the remedy, young nettles, collected with your own hands or bought at a pharmacy, are suitable. 30 g of plant leaves pour 200 ml of boiling water. The infusion is prepared for 20 minutes, then it must be filtered and enriched with 10 ml of eucalyptus oil. Soak a gauze cloth in the infusion and apply to the site of skin lesions with peptic ulcer.
  • With essential oils and yolk. Combine oils of eucalyptus, sea buckthorn, lavender (15 ml each) with a decoction of oak bark, add egg yolk. Prepare a decoction of oak bark as follows: pour 30 g of oak bark with a glass of boiling water, strain after a quarter of an hour. Thaw the resulting mass for a day, then apply for lotions of bleeding ulcers.
  • With lard. On a small fire, melt 10 g of fresh lard, cool to a warm state, add 15 ml of eucalyptus oil, mix thoroughly, cool. This is an excellent remedy for healing wounds, especially festering ones.
  • with soda. Make an emulsion of 30 drops of a 2% solution of eucalyptus and half a spoonful of soda, dilute with 100 ml of purified water. Practice when washing wounds.

Instructions for use of eucalyptus oil against sore throats

Essential oil is not the only independent drug in the treatment of colds of the throat. You need to see a doctor and take prescribed medications. The use of eucalyptus will speed up and strengthen the healing process due to its disinfectant properties.

Perform the following comprehensive procedures to eliminate inflammation and sore throat:

  1. Throat compress. Make a warming, anti-inflammatory composition: mix a tablespoon of any vegetable oil with the same amount of honey, add two drops of eucalyptus oil. Apply the product to a compress cloth, sprinkle lightly with cinnamon and ginger powder on top. Put a napkin on the throat, insulate. Keep the compress for 2 hours, then remove, cleanse the skin with warm water.
  2. Gargle for throat. You can get rid of a sore throat by supplementing the treatment with rinses with the following solution: dissolve 4 drops of eucalyptus oil in a glass of warm water. Gargle several times a day.
  3. Inhalations with a mixture of oils. Take 3 drops of essential oils per liter of hot water - eucalyptus, thyme, ginger. Breathe through the mouth over the steam up to 3 times a day.
  4. Phytotherapy. Chop chamomile flowers and marigolds in a ratio of 2: 1. A tablespoon of the mixture and brew in 300-400 ml of boiling water, boil for 2 minutes, leave for 30 minutes, strain, add a drop of eucalyptus. Divide the liquid in half for gargling in the morning and evening. With each rinse, lower the temperature of the composition by 1 degree, starting from 26, bring it up to 16 degrees. Continue rinsing for a month with a composition with a temperature of 15-16 degrees. Such procedures will relieve inflammation of the throat, harden it.

Eucalyptus oil for inhalation when coughing

Colds often affect the human respiratory system. Protracted dry cough can last for a long time, it is difficult to treat, there is a risk of getting chronic bronchitis.

The following set of procedures using eucalyptus oil will facilitate breathing, relieve irritation of the bronchi and free them from sputum:

  • . In a glass of hot water or chamomile decoction, add 3-4 drops of eucalyptus oil. Cover yourself with a towel and breathe over the steam with your eyes closed for 10 minutes once a day. Breathe through your mouth.
  • Wet cough inhalation. Effective for inhalation is a mixture of eucalyptus and tea tree oils (2 drops each), dissolved in a glass of hot water.
  • Inhalation with a combination of oils. For procedures, you can make several mixtures and choose an individual composition. The rules for combining oils are as follows: they take a part with strong properties, in this case eucalyptus, and to enhance its therapeutic effect, they supplement it with delicate, soft aromas - sage, mint, oregano, lavender, chamomile. For example, eucalyptus + anise (2:1), eucalyptus + mint (10:1), eucalyptus + sage (1:1). For inhalation, add 5-6 drops of the mixture to a bowl of hot water, cover with a towel, breathe deeply over the steam. The vessels of the upper respiratory tract expand, the bronchi, trachea, and lung tissue are released. Along the way, get a cosmetic effect - wounds on the skin of the face heal, it is cleansed, moisturized.

Important! Inhalations will produce the desired effect if you follow these recommendations: do the procedure an hour after eating, after it do not talk or eat any food for an hour.

Eucalyptus oil for colds

A runny nose is a very unpleasant phenomenon. All who have experienced it seek to be cured by any potent medicine. It is best to replace them with medicines with eucalyptus or prepare traditional medicine based on oil.

Treating a cold is a long, exhausting process. You can buy a tincture of eucalyptus oil in a pharmacy and carry out a course of treatment for 8-10 days. Tincture is used for inhalation - 10-12 drops per glass of water. Another way is to prepare homemade substances.

Folk methods of treating a runny nose with eucalyptus are best used in a complex way:

  1. Mixture of oils for lubrication of the sinuses. Melt 2 tablespoons of petroleum jelly in a water bath, add a mixture of essential oils to it, measuring in drops: eucalyptus (5), mint (3), tea tree (5). Lubricate the nose inside 2-3 times a day. A simpler composition for lubricating the nose: mix 100 ml of quality vegetable oil and 2 ml of eucalyptus oil.
  2. Nasal drops. 4 drops of eucalyptus for 2-3 tablespoons of St. John's wort oil, instill 3-4 drops in each nostril every hour and a half every day until recovery.
  3. Spraying in the room. You can clean, aromatize the air of the room without an aroma lamp by preparing the following composition: dissolve eucalyptus and tea tree oil in 100 g of vodka (20 drops each). Pour the liquid into a spray bottle and spray indoors every 2 hours.
  4. Solution for inhalation. Inhalation is the best way to quickly clear the sinuses of secretions. Pour half a liter of hot water into the bowl, drop one drop of pine and lavender oil and three drops of eucalyptus oil into it. Perform procedures 4-5 times a day for 7-10 minutes.

Eucalyptus oil for colds

A cold is most often accompanied by a number of ailments at once: cough, fever, runny nose, aching joints. The most popular property of eucalyptus oil is its mucolytic ability to thin and remove phlegm, so eucalyptus is indispensable in getting rid of a cold.

It is necessary to approach the fight against the disease in a comprehensive manner, using different methods and compositions for their implementation based on eucalyptus oil. Procedures that alleviate the condition of a cold:

  • Dry cough massage. Prepare the composition for the massage. You will need the following essential oils: vegetable (2 tablespoons), eucalyptus (4 drops), tea tree (2 drops), cloves (1 drop). Rub your back and chest with the composition, cover yourself with a warm blanket, lie quietly for 20-30 minutes. The most preferred massage time is before bedtime.
  • Wet cough massage. The composition for massage includes the following oils: vegetable (2 spoons), eucalyptus (4 drops), lavender (2 drops), tea tree (2 drops).
  • Massage for joint pain. Composition 1: mix a set of essential oils, observing the dosage in drops: eucalyptus (3), juniper (4), cloves (2), thyme (1). Dilute the mixture with vegetable oil (50 ml). Composition 2: combine eucalyptus oil with turpentine or camphor alcohol. Rub the areas of the elbow and knee joints until a pleasant warmth appears.
  • Therapeutic bath. Enrich the bath with water at a comfortable temperature (40 degrees) by adding 6-7 drops of essential eucalyptus oil to it. After 10-15 minutes of water treatment, do not wash it off. Make a light self-massage by rubbing the oil into the skin, and lie down under a warm blanket for at least half an hour.
  • Anti-cold mixture. Fill the aroma lamp with a mixture of chamomile, thyme (thyme) oils, taking them one drop at a time, and mandarin, tea tree, eucalyptus - 2 drops each. Such a mixture aromatizes the room, purifies the air of pathogenic bacteria, strengthens the immune system.

The use of eucalyptus oil for children

Eucalyptus oil is an invaluable gift of nature, it speeds up the healing process, helps the child's body cope with inflammatory processes, and effectively contributes to rehabilitation after an illness. But its use in pediatric therapy has a number of features.
First of all, it should be remembered that eucalyptus oil cannot be used in its pure form, neither for adults, nor even for children.

The use of formulations with the addition of eucalyptus oil is not recommended for children under two years of age. One drop can be added to tea or honey once a day. Do this only after consulting a pediatrician. In children with bronchial asthma, the aroma of eucalyptus can provoke an attack of suffocation, bronchospasm.

For children older than 2 years, the following therapeutic, disinfectant, anti-inflammatory, soothing procedures using eucalyptus oil can be carried out:

  1. Steam inhalation. Colds and viruses will recede faster if the child is inhaled with a decoction of medicinal herbs. The first place should be given to the procedure with eucalyptus oil. It helps to cleanse the sinuses of mucus, the bronchi and lungs will quickly get rid of sputum, breathing will become free. The child's condition will improve due to the simultaneous strengthening of the immune system, which will significantly reduce the recovery time. You can prepare a composition for inhalation from dry eucalyptus leaves, but if there is oil, then it is enough to drop just a couple of drops into hot water, and you can start the procedure. Children from 7 years old can breathe through the mouth over the therapeutic steam, covered with a towel. The little ones will cope with it easier if they are allowed to breathe through the spout of the kettle, on which you can put a rubber tube. The procedure is carried out for five minutes 1-2 times a day. Make sure that the child breathes deeply, evenly, slowly, it is better if his eyes are closed.
  2. Cold inhalation. If the baby does not tolerate thermal procedures, then dry inhalation can be performed. You will need to purchase special drops with eucalyptus oil at the pharmacy. Apply 1-2 drops to a handkerchief and let it breathe through the handkerchief for 2 minutes. It is even easier to put a cotton pad with a drop of eucalyptus oil by the crib.
  3. Wash solution. A combination of inhalations with sinus lavage will cure a strong, neglected runny nose. Prepare the solution as follows: in a glass of water, add a tablespoon of chlorophyllipt (sold in a pharmacy), the same amount of chamomile decoction or a teaspoon of sea salt, drip 2 drops of eucalyptus oil. Use the solution several times a day to treat a child over 6 years of age.
  4. Massage for colds. Massage oil is used for colds to rub the chest and back. Add a few drops of the following essential oils to a spoonful of vegetable oil: eucalyptus (2), lavender (2) and tea tree (1). If the child has a fever and chills, then rub the knee and elbow joints, the neck area, and the groin with this mixture 1-2 times a day.
  5. Topical application. Such treatment may be required for insect bites. Lubricate the bite site with baby cream with eucalyptus oil (2 drops per 20 g). After a while, itching will decrease, swelling will subside.
  6. Bath to strengthen the immune system. In a bath filled with warm water, add up to 5 drops of eucalyptus oil or a mixture of essential oils (eucalyptus, pine, bergamot, thyme, fir). The procedure can be combined with massage and aromatization of the air in the child's room. Please note that essential oils do not dissolve well in water, so you must first prepare a colloidal solution from them. Otherwise, particles of oil may enter the child's mouth or harm their delicate skin.
How to prepare eucalyptus oil - see the video:

Eucalyptus is an amazing medicinal plant. For its unique healing qualities, it received the name "tree of life". Compositions with its presence can alleviate the patient's condition, eliminate many painful symptoms. It should only be remembered that limiting treatment only to "family" recipes is a big risk, you can aggravate the situation, transfer the disease to the category of chronic.

Eucalyptus is without exaggeration one of the most popular fragrances associated with conifers, although in fact this plant belongs to a completely different, myrtle family. From cough lozenges to refreshing chewing gums, deodorants and fragrances for the prevention of colds and viral diseases, eucalyptus essential oil is used in official and alternative medicine, in cosmetology and in the production of household chemicals.

Its antibacterial and antiseptic effect has been valued since antiquity: in northern Africa, it was eucalyptus groves that were planted as the only protection against the spread of malaria, but the most ancient experience of using wound healing and soothing properties belongs to the natives of another continent - distant Australia - who, with the help of eucalyptus leaves, healed even the most serious combat wounds.

Characteristics and compatibility with other aromatic oils

Essential oil is extracted from the leaves of eucalyptus, as well as from any other "green" plant material - by steam distillation. Most often, eucalyptus oil is extracted from the greenery of the globular eucalyptus, which is most effective in fighting bacteria and viruses, but other subspecies of eucalyptus can also be found - lemon eucalyptus with more pronounced abilities to heal skin lesions and radiata, more effective for treating burns and wounds.

Outwardly, the oil is fluid, liquid and absolutely transparent, usually without color shades. The unique aroma of fresh eucalyptus in essential oil is fully expressed: the cooling, fresh effect of the fragrance is combined with a woody-camphor base, light and tart, with a resinous nuance.

The aroma of eucalyptus oil is so characteristic and special that it is quite difficult to find an addition to it among other aroma oils. The combination of eucalyptus oil with essential oils with a fairly pronounced content of terpenes is considered optimal. Complementary odors are possessed by bigardium, oils and.

Influence on the emotional sphere

This is an oil that helps to quickly recover and recover from severe stress and extreme events, including diseases, unexpected troubles and incidents. Eucalyptus oil awakens hidden reserves, helps to activate the body's internal defenses. It most actively affects thinking, logic, mental activity, bringing productivity and prudence, helping to gather, contributing to the depth of feelings and judgments.

Eucalyptus oil is considered the essential "protector" of all intellectuals working with large amounts of data and numbers. The aroma of this essential oil quickly relieves fatigue, apathy, drowsiness, and increases productivity. Eucalyptus has long been considered a melancholic odor.

Medicinal properties of eucalyptus oil

Of the many healing properties of eucalyptus oil, the most famous is expectorant, because most often it is eucalyptus that is the main remedy for. Combining antiviral and bactericidal properties, it not only cleanses the mucous membranes and contributes to the normalization of secretion, but also prevents the reproduction and spread of viruses.

To improve breathing, against coughs, hoarseness, phlegm and sinusitis, and as an antipyretic, eucalyptus oil can be used for rubbing.

But the “talents” of eucalyptus are not exhausted by the fight against infection. This essential oil restores and improves immunity, anesthetizes injuries, arthritis and headaches, relieves inflammation of the urinary tract in combination with a diuretic effect, lowers sugar levels, improves carbohydrate metabolism, and relieves swelling.

In the field of gynecology, eucalyptus oil demonstrates a unique combination of anti-erosive properties with the rapid elimination of chronic and acute inflammation, normalization of the acid balance and relief of the development of thrush.

Application in cosmetology

In cosmetology, eucalyptus oil is not used as widely as, however, all oils from the group of wood antiseptics. The emphasis is mainly on the fight against infections and inflammation, including the ability of eucalyptus oil to eliminate furunculosis, herpes and acne.

This aromatic oil can be used to restore the skin after frostbite, wounds or burns, including those resulting from contact with undiluted aggressive essential oils. In addition, eucalyptus oil will help whiten the skin, and is also great for deodorizing, fighting dandruff and hair loss.

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