anise oil. Essential anise oil for health and good mood

anise oil made from the seeds of the plant of the same name. It has a very delicate and sweet aroma and a transparent yellowish base. You can store such oil for up to five years if the container with it is hermetically sealed.

Anise oil is very often counterfeited, as it is very easy to make. When buying anise oil, be sure to read the label and ingredients to make sure it's genuine. We will now tell you more about its composition and beneficial properties.

Composition and useful properties

The composition of anise oil includes a component such as anethole, which makes up most of the entire product. The remaining 15% are organic matter.

As for the beneficial properties, anise oil is used in cosmetology, as well as in the treatment of various diseases. It is added to shampoos and face creams, providing a beneficial effect on the hair and skin, making them smooth and elastic. Masks with anise oil are especially good for those whose skin is highly susceptible to aging and wilting. It is also used to kill lice.

Often, the oil is used as a means to combat harmful insects that do not tolerate pronounced odors.

As for treatment, anise oil is very often used at home in order to fight many diseases.

  • Colds and infections diseases that are accompanied by cough and runny nose are perfectly treated with anise oil. It helps to soften and improve the process of expectoration when coughing. With it, you can do inhalation, as well as take it inside.
  • For those who have stomach problems, the use of anise oil internally can be of great benefit. This tool helps with diseases such as gastritis, and also helps get rid of indigestion, normalize the digestive process and help with poisoning.
  • neutralize tachycardia, however, with heart problems, the oil should be taken very carefully.
  • During pregnancy, taking such a remedy will improve the flow of milk and get rid of problems with its stagnation during lactation.
  • Anise oil can help with diseases such as pediculosis and vitiligo if applied correctly.
  • If a girl or woman has a very painful menstruation, as well as frequent headaches, the use of anise oil can act as an anesthetic drug.
  • Anise essential oil is often used for increase potency. There is an opinion that this remedy can help even with frigidity in women. Also, anise oil will help with problems with the reproductive system.

Reviews about the treatment of diseases with anise oil are often the most positive. If used correctly, you can get rid of many diseases. To do this, we suggest that you learn the secrets and dosages of using anise oil at home.

How to use anise oil?

As mentioned above, anise oil is used not only for the treatment of diseases, but also for skin care. We invite you to familiarize yourself with the table, from which you will learn some effective recommendations for the use of the product.

What is it used for

Mode of application

For skin tightening

With anise oil to normalize the condition of the skin even after childbirth. To do this, you need to do the following: take twenty-five milliliters of apricot oil, three drops of anise oil and the same number of drops of rosemary oil. Mix all ingredients thoroughly and apply to clean, steamed skin. Rub the product with massage movements into problem areas four times a week, and very soon you will notice that the skin has become much tighter.

For Bath

Adoption fragrant baths favorably affects the state of the nervous system, and also helps relieve stress and fatigue. In order for the bath to turn out invigorating, you need to add one hundred milliliters of milk, three drops of anise oil, lemon and rosemary, and then enjoy a hot fragrant bath for at least half an hour.

To scent a room

If your goal is to give the air in the room an extraordinary aroma, then you should use only four drops of anise oil per fifteen square meters of the room.

In the treatment of cough or runny nose with inhalation

Do inhalation with anise oil you need to be very careful not to burn the respiratory tract. It will be enough to add two drops of oil to boiling water and inhale the steam for seven minutes alternately through the mouth and nose. Please note that inhalation for more than seven minutes is not recommended. Inhalations for children from a runny nose and cough should be done up to five minutes.

For diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

It is necessary to take anise oil inside for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Three drops per day will be enough (one drop at a time), the oil can be washed down with water or seized with honey.

For hair care

As already mentioned, anise oil is very often added to shampoos and hair masks. However, in order for this remedy to help as efficiently as possible, it is necessary to correctly observe the proportion. Three drops of anise oil should be added to ten milliliters of shampoo, after which it is necessary wash your hair in the usual way.

When using anise oil to treat diseases or strengthen skin or hair, do not forget strictly follow the recommendations for the dosage of the drug so as not to harm your body.

How to do it yourself?

Anise oil can not only be bought at a pharmacy, but also made by hand. In fact, this process cannot be called simple, since all actions must be performed clearly.

To make such a remedy, you should take anise seeds, fill them with water and let it brew for exactly a day. After that, the essential oil should be purified from impurities by water distillation. This procedure is an action in which impurities are removed using steam.

You can store homemade anise oil for about three years in a hermetically sealed container.

The anise plant is famous for its healing properties, which it has both on physical health and on the emotional plane. It found application in ancient Rome, Egypt and Greece, from there it originates. Anise ether is also popular as a feminine, health-improving and antidepressant drug that has a quick effect on the nervous system.

Anise scent, can be described as sweet and warm having spicy base and top notes of freshness. It contains a high content of anethole up to 90%, methylchavicol contains 10%. The presence of depentene, camphene, anisketone, acetaldehyde, α-pinene, α-phellandrene in anise oil was established.

Anise ester is obtained from seeds by distillation, after crushing. In order to end up with 1 kg of oil, 50 kg of anise seeds are needed.

Beneficial features:

  1. Well carries out the treatment of colds, because it stimulates expectoration, has an antipyretic effect.
  2. Favorably acts, heals the digestive tract. Eliminates gas formation, colic, flatulence, dispersion. Eliminates vomiting, fights nausea, which are caused by a nervous attack.
  3. It has a diuretic effect and relieves inflammation of the urinary tract, kidney tissue. Anise oil is used to treat the genitourinary system.
  4. Affects potency, has long been ranked among aphrodisiacs. It is able to increase lactation during breastfeeding, improve the functioning of the reproductive organs, fights impotence and frigidity. Able to relieve pain during menstruation and regulate the cycle.
  5. Able to deal with excess weight.

Aromatherapeutic properties

The benefits of anise are due to the following actual action:

  1. Emits a fragrance that awakens the positive qualities of the personality and gives emotions of inspiration and joy.
  2. It contributes to the manifestation of the immediacy of the individual, helps to create a cozy, comfortable, kind, warm atmosphere.
  3. You can use this fragrance when anger, resentment, problems, worries, irritation do not give rest and fetter the psyche.
  4. Due to its active antidepressant properties, anise essential oil helps maintain a positive mood, stimulates mental activity and helps increase adaptability.
  5. Sleep problems can be solved with the help of anise, it will be able to remove interfering excitability and eliminate anxiety, giving a carefree renunciation of troubles.

The dosage for the aroma lamp is 5 drops for every 15 squares of the room.

The activity of anise ester is great, so in no case should you use it in large dosages. It is necessary to observe the recommended dosages in order to avoid negative consequences.

Medicinal properties

  1. Cholelithiasis, flatulence and constipation can be eliminated by taking a tablespoon of honey mixed with 1 drop of anise oil. Use inside.
  2. Nasal congestion disappears after inhalation with anise. The treatment of a runny nose is carried out as follows: add a drop of lemon oil, eucalyptus and anise to boiling water. For 10 minutes, covering your head with a towel, inhale the vapors of the esters.
  3. Stress and treatment of postpartum depression carried out with the help of regular aromatherapy. Two drops of oil per 15 squares of the room is the dosage for the aroma lamp in this case.
  4. Good in application and effect restorative bath. Oils are added to the filled bath: vanilla, chamomile, dill, tangerine and anise, all 1 drop each. A bath is taken for 15 minutes and then a composition of oils with honey is rubbed onto the dry skin of the chest. Two tablespoons of table honey, two drops of pine and two drops of anise oil, one oregano and one eucalyptus, after rubbing, the chest is wrapped in a towel, under which you can put cellophane if you wish. With such a compress, you need to stay for 8-10 hours or make it at night.
Anise oil should be taken orally only after meals.

Application in cosmetology

The properties of anise are very active, effective and valuable for cosmetology. You can use them to strengthen and treat the skin and hair in the following ways:

It is not recommended to apply anise oil to the skin, which has damage or inflammation.


Due to the specific properties of each essential oil, it does not hurt to know which combinations are good for health and which can be harmful:

Combine anise with:

  • cloves;
  • cardamom;
  • cedar;
  • laurel;
  • coriander;
  • tangerine;
  • dill;
  • cumin;
  • fennel;
  • amyris;
  • rosewood;
  • lemon
  • sage;
  • verbena;
  • sandalwood.

It is recommended not to combine with other essential oils that have not been listed, especially since there are enough proven and beneficial variations for use.


Before you start using an essential oil, you need to test for susceptibility to this tool. Usually apply a small amount to the area of ​​the inner surface of the elbow. In cases where it is better to refrain from using oil:

  • allergic reactions;
  • a state of increased concentration;
  • pregnancy;
  • children under 3 years old;
  • continuous use for 21 days;
  • hypotension.


To be sure of the quality and properties of the oil used, I want to be able to cook it myself. Making the procedure for obtaining oil from seeds at home is not easy, but possible. You need to do only two manipulations: soaking the seeds for a day in water and using water distillation to get the finished product.

In addition to oil, it is possible to prepare tinctures, fees, decoctions, lotions. They are much easier to make, they have no less properties, and they can replace a lot of recipes that use an oil product.


Anise is used in cooking for:

  • baking bakery products;
  • baking confectionery;
  • alcohol production;
  • preparation of marinades;

In addition to cooking, anise is used for the following purposes:

  • perfume production;
  • indoor air disinfection;
  • repel insects such as mosquitoes, flies, fleas, bedbugs, lice.


When using any essential oils, especially such active ones as from anise seeds, dosages must be observed so as not to harm physical and emotional health. It is better to use the minimum dosages for each type of application:

  • aromatherapy in the room will be enough 4-5 drops per 15 square meters;
  • the bath is recommended for use with a maximum amount of 8 drops and the duration of the stay in the bath is no more than 20 minutes;
  • inhalations do not require more than two drops and its duration is up to 10 minutes;
  • the maximum concentration during massage is 7 drops per 10 grams of the main product or oil;
  • for the modernization of cosmetics for daily care, the maximum possible dosage is 5 drops per 15 g of cosmetic;
  • internal use of the oil can be one drop up to three times a day.

Important: mixtures can only be made in glass or ceramic dishes or containers. Emulsifiers for anise are milk, cream, salt, honey.

How to choose an essential oil

To check the quality, you need a piece of paper. A drop should be placed on a sheet and wait a few minutes. If the quality of the oil is high, then there will be no trace left on the sheet of paper where the drop of oil was, and if the quality is not very good, then there will be a greasy trace from the drop.

It is advisable to purchase essential oil in specialized aromatherapy stores and from trusted manufacturers, and not in pharmacies or supermarkets. Using a poor quality product will not only not contribute to the achievement of the desired goals, but it can also be very harmful to health due to the harmful components it contains.


Given the number of different manufacturers and stores, marketing and various promotions, the prices of essential oils also vary. However, it is worth remembering that high-quality anise oil in any case will not be cheap. The average price is 4-5 USD. for 15 ml. Below 3 c.u. it cannot be worth it, under any circumstances.

The beneficial effects on the human body have been proven for more than one generation, but the truth is that until now, many people do not know about the real properties of some of these products. In this article we will talk about the features of anise oil, which has long and successfully been used not only in, but also in, and for domestic purposes.

How is anise oil obtained?

The product is obtained from seeds. Harvesting of useful raw materials is carried out towards the end of summer, when the seeds are just beginning to darken. It was at this time that they contain the largest amount of essential components (up to 6%). To obtain an oily liquid, the seeds are collected from the bushes and, after thorough grinding, are steamed with hot steam, thereby destroying the tissue glands of the plant and releasing the required essence.
Mixed with steam, it passes through a special installation and, after proper cooling, turns into an essential oil. It is then separated from the water component (steam distillation process). The finished product is presented as a colorless or yellowish liquid with a specific aroma of spices. To obtain one kilogram of the product, it is necessary to collect 50 kg of seed.

Did you know? The ancient Romans believed in the healing power of anise seeds, but unlike our contemporaries, they did not bother with complex production processes and simply sprinkled them with seeds.

Chemical composition

This essential oil has a light flowing texture, and It contains components such as:

  • anethole (85%) - gives the product a characteristic anise smell and a sweetish aftertaste;
  • methylchavicol (10%) - responsible for the burning taste, aroma of tarragon (also present in fennel, pine oil and basil);
  • terpenoids - hydrocarbon components of oil;
  • fatty element;
  • anisic acid.

When buying, it is extremely important to take into account the data of the composition marked on the package with oil. Evidence of forgery there will be a presence on the list, aniset, and other plants whose properties are very far from those of real anise. Moreover, in the presence of other dubious components (especially of chemical origin), you should immediately refuse to buy, because no one knows how they combine with each other and whether they will harm your body.

Benefits and medicinal properties

Since ancient times, anise plant oil has been used by folk healers both for the treatment and prevention of various human ailments. The relevance of its use for these purposes is due to anti-inflammatory, bactericidal, expectorant, antispasmodic, sedative, antipyretic, anticarcinogenic and immunomodulatory properties. In addition, the described product is characterized by diuretic and antioxidant effects, which have a positive effect on the digestive and genitourinary systems.

The use of anise oil is relevant for colds, bronchitis, flu, depression, insomnia, nervous strain, loss of voice, problems in the sexual sphere (frigidity and impotence), and when used as an external remedy, this product helps to improve the appearance of the skin, due to which so appreciated by cosmetologists.


The area of ​​​​use of oil is quite wide: from the treatment of various ailments to successful use for domestic purposes, and this is not to mention its benefits in cosmetology and cooking. Let's find out what is remarkable about the product in each of these areas of human life.

In folk medicine

Many herbal medicines are still not recognized by traditional medicine, but as for anise, everything is exactly the opposite: some doctors themselves recommend inhalations and baths prepared using this plant to their patients. In addition, many of them agree on the benefits of the product for nervous exhaustion, painful menstruation and the elimination of some other problems in the functioning of the body.

Did you know? Anise came to European countries only in the middle of the 16th century, and already in those days it was actively added to bakery products. In addition, the plant was actively used as a decoration for houses and an aromatic agent.

For inhalation

Inhalations with anise oil are indicated for dry cough, rhinitis, and colds. Alone or in combination with other similar products, it is able to soften the nasal mucosa and promote sputum discharge, and all you need is just to prepare a healing infusion according to one of the recipes given.
Option 1. To prepare a decoction for inhalation, add 3-4 drops of anise and oils to 0.5 pots of water. After mixing the liquid, you should bend over the container and, covering yourself with a towel, inhale the steam for about 10-15 minutes. The frequency of the procedure is 1-2 times a day. Such inhalations have a powerful antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and softening effect, while warming well.

Option 2. For 1 liter of water, add 10 drops of oil and, covering your head with a towel, inhale the steam for 15 minutes. The action of such inhalation is almost similar to the action of the previous version, which, in the absence of other components, will be an excellent alternative.

Relaxing bath

A bath with the addition of anise oil will help improve your physical and psychological state: for every 10 liters of liquid, add 3-4 drops of the product. The aroma emanating from the water perfectly relaxes and soothes, and in addition to this, you get an improvement in the condition of your hair and skin.

With nervous tension

With nervous overstrain or prolonged depression, a tonic tincture will help. To prepare it, 1 g of seed oil should be poured into 1 glass and after ten days of infusion, use 2 drops 3 times a day.
If you need to quickly relieve fatigue after a hard day's work, you can prepare yourself a bath using the above recipe, or simply dip a bag of 100 g, 3 drops of anise and 4 drops of grapefruit extract into hot water.

Important! When preparing a bath, the temperature of the water in it should not exceed + 38 ° C, otherwise natural sweating will prevent the penetration of beneficial components through the skin. Also, in the process of bathing, traditional detergents in the form of shampoos and shower gels should not be used, since the components present in them reduce the effect of essential oils.

For painful menstruation

Due to its antispasmodic properties, the product can become an indispensable tool for women, as it perfectly eliminates menstrual pain and improves the general condition on critical days. To use it for these purposes, simply mix a small amount with (1: 1) and apply to the lower abdomen with massaging movements. To enhance the effect, you can lie under the covers for a while or wear a warm belt.

From lice

Important! In modern pharmacies, you can find a special tool that helps remove essential oils from the skin and hair. With its help, it will be much easier to cope with this task.

In cosmetology

The positive effect of anise oil on the skin was noticed by the ancient Romans, who used it to rejuvenate the body and get rid of wrinkles. In modern cosmetology, this remedy is actively used to improve the condition of the skin and strengthen hair, and it is also often used in massage parlors.

For hair

The best way to use anise oil for hair care is to adding to the usual home cosmetics and shampoo. Already after the first application (only 5 drops of oil can be added to 200 g of shampoo), you will definitely notice a positive effect: the dryness of the scalp will disappear, and the hair itself will become more shiny and healthy looking.
If desired, you can cook special hair mask, which will help get rid of dandruff, and increase their growth rate. All you need is to mix a tablespoon of infusion, 5 tablespoons of water and 3-4 drops of anise oil. Only the root zones are treated with the finished product and after 15-20 minutes the composition is washed off with warm water.

To strengthen the bulbs and make the hair strands stronger, just mix a tablespoon, the same amount of burdock oil, 5 drops of anise oil and 2 teaspoons of cognac. Apply the prepared mixture to the roots and curls. Wash off this remedy 40 minutes after application.

Important!To avoid an allergic reaction, carefully select all the ingredients that you plan to mix, and in case of severe discomfort (burning, headache) after applying the mixture, it is better to wash it off immediately.

For facial skin

When caring for the skin of the face, anise oil is usually used to rejuvenate and improve the appearance of the skin, and in order to restore its former freshness and elasticity, a few drops of the product are simply added to the usual cosmetics (it is advisable to use only natural creams and masks).
When preparing an anti-aging composition on your own, a few drops of the product can be diluted in 1 tablespoon of base vegetable oil (for example, from, etc.) and apply the resulting mixture to previously cleansed facial skin. The mask is left for 30-40 minutes, and then washed off with warm water without using soap.

The same oil composition can lubricate the skin at night, without washing it off until the morning. However, it is better to cover the pillow with a towel, otherwise it will definitely become stained.

For body massage

Massage on its own is a great way to relax, but in combination with a variety of essential oils, the effect will be simply excellent. An excellent option for a massage mixture is a combination (in equal proportions) of anise, patchouli, and ylang-ylang oils. The mixture used during the massage will not only help relieve tension, but will also fight problems in the genital area, both men and women.

For those who don't want to search for all of the listed ingredients, there is another solution: you can simply add a few drops of anise oil to any other ready-made product that is usually used for massage purposes. Together, they will not only provide the proper level of sliding, but will also nourish the skin, and the light anise aroma will relieve emotional stress, having a beneficial effect on the nervous system.
Massage with anise oil is especially useful for women who want to lose weight or just want to get their body in shape after the birth of a child. Anise will only help speed up metabolic processes and increase skin elasticity.

In cooking

Anise oil is no less in demand in the culinary industry. When preparing a wide variety of dishes, the product is used both in its pure form and in combination with other essential oils, which only enhances the taste and aroma of food.

An excellent combination of anise with spices similar to it: cardamom, cumin and fennel was noted. Often, such a mixture is used in the confectionery business, to improve the taste of cupcakes, gingerbread, biscuits and cookies.
As an independent product, often used in cooking sweet and sour sauces added to baked meat, pilaf and barbecue. In addition, spiced and alcoholic beverages, especially tinctures, liqueurs and vodka. In some countries, the creation of absinthe, sambuca and mulled wine is not complete without anise.

At home

For domestic purposes, a person will need the deodorizing property of anise, because products prepared on its basis are better than popular air fresheners able to cope with unpleasant odors in the apartment. In addition, a cotton pad soaked in oil will surely help to scare away insect pests (especially moths, cockroaches and fleas) from your property, and when used in a barn or poultry house, it will protect birds from lice and ticks.

Did you know? The strength of anise tinctures ranges from 25-51%, and in order to fully appreciate the entire palette of their aromas, only 2.5-3 cm of the drink is poured into a glass, diluting it 5 times with a large amount of chilled water.

Compatibility with other essential oils

To enhance the effect of various essential oils, they can be combined with each other (provided that they are compatible). As for anise, it goes well with cumin, fennel, extract, cloves, and.

It can also be used with amyris, ferula and rosewood oil. The main thing to remember in any situation is a sense of proportion, because many of the listed plants have a potent effect and in large doses can harm the body.


Not recommended give to children under three years of age, use (in any form) during pregnancy and often manifested allergic reactions. Costs refuse from use and to people suffering from peptic ulcer, gastritis and high acidity of the stomach, and people who have certain problems with the cardiovascular system should strictly adhere to the dosage indicated in a particular recipe (a high concentration of anise in the body can lead to a slowdown heart rhythms). Exceeding the dosage when used for cosmetic purposes may well cause itching and rashes in the treated areas.

Essential anise oil: reviews

I open a book on aromatherapy, I read "STAR ANIS Illicium verum", at the end of the description "Do not confuse star anise oil with ordinary anise oil." By the way, ordinary anise is toxic, and you need to use it very carefully, star anise can also irritate the skin, so it is recommended that no more than 2% be used in the mixture. Although in general any ester can cause irritation, but this is already an individual skin reaction or the result of improper use (for example, too high a concentration).

Kidneys were in severe pain, face was swollen in the morning. I rubbed my lower back before going to bed (a tablespoon + 1 drop of anise EM, sometimes I missed and two came out), in the afternoon I drank a drop in a bread capsule. The pain gradually decreased. After about two weeks, the pain disappeared completely. I went to see a nephrologist, passed a bunch of tests, did an ultrasound - everything is clean.

In general, anise oil is an excellent component for a variety of "health recipes", so if you have no contraindications to its use, and you do not suffer from individual intolerance to the plant, then you can safely use it for the benefit of your body.

Umbrella anise has been used by people as a medicine, spice and incense since ancient Egypt. The qualities of the plant were so in demand in everyday life that the anise culture continued to spread throughout the European part of the world. In the 16th century, essential oil was first obtained by steam distillation. Anise ether was added to confectionery, and then to liqueurs and vodkas. Ammonia-anise mixture was used to treat coughs for all Soviet people. Due to its medicinal properties, anise oil is still popular today.

Umbrella anise and star anise

In the middle of the 20th century, anise had a competitor from Asia - star anise or star anise. This is a different type of plant according to the botanical classification, but the compositions of the oils of both anise are almost identical. Therefore, consumers constantly confuse them or do not notice the difference when using them. It is worth noting that in its region, star anise, like anise, has been used since ancient times: in Chinese medicine and Asian cooking.

The main component of these oils is an aromatic ester - anethole. Fresh anise oil is 90–95% anethole. In the composition of star anise oil, anethole is 80–85%.

Unlike many essential oils, anise oil is an example of an almost monocomponent creation of nature.

S. A. Voitkevich, Leading Researcher, Research Institute of Synthetic and Natural Fragrances

Distinguish between anise umbrella (left) and star anise or star anise (right)

Despite the composite similarity of the two essential oils, the authors of articles in Runet prefer anise oil as a more effective remedy. At the same time, consumers respond equally positively to both oils and use them for similar purposes.

Properties of essential anise oil

Anise oil has properties that are divided into three main groups:

  • therapeutic;
  • cosmetic;
  • affecting the psycho-emotional sphere.

Anise oil has a therapeutic effect on the upper respiratory tract, gastrointestinal tract, muscle tissue of hollow organs, kidneys and excretory system. When using anise ether in these organs, an antispasmodic effect is manifested. In addition, anise oil increases lactation and stimulates appetite.

Anise oil is used externally, orally and in aromatherapy. When using essential oils, it is important to follow the dosage. Before consuming anise oil, make sure you enjoy its scent and test your skin for an allergic reaction. Dilute one drop of essential oil in a teaspoon of vegetable oil, apply a small amount of the resulting mixture to the elbow bend. Observe the reaction for several hours.

Pure essential oil should not be applied to the body, as it naturally irritates the skin, which is not an allergic reaction.

A similar test is carried out before oral consumption of essential oil in bread capsules. A bread capsule is a ball of bread crumb with essential oil inside, which is taken like a tablet with water. To check the reaction of the body, dilute 1 drop of essential oil in vegetable oil, and only then drop it inside the capsule. If after the test no unpleasant reaction followed, at regular intervals the dose is increased to the desired one, observing your condition. With a favorable state of health, the essential oil is no longer diluted with vegetable oil and is dripped into the bread capsules in its pure form.

The dose of anise essential oil for oral administration is 1 drop 2-3 times a day, no longer than 7 days in a row. During therapy, drink as much water as possible throughout the day.

Do not take anise essential oil on an empty stomach.

The rule of thumb for essential oils is less is more.

Any use of anise oil is contraindicated in children under 3 years of age, ingestion - up to 12 years. Anise ester should not be used during pregnancy because it stimulates smooth muscles and helps to relieve burdens. If you are not completely healthy or are not sure about the body's reaction to anise oil, consult an aromatherapist, because anethole is a potent substance.

anise oil for hair

To make the hair strong, smooth and elastic, anise oil is added to masks, balms, hair shampoos. Before washing your hair, add 1-2 drops of oil to a serving of cosmetic. And also anise can be applied directly to the hair. Using a cotton pad, transfer 1-2 drops of essential oil to a comb and comb your hair for at least three minutes.

Aroma combing will make hair strong and elastic

Anise oil can be added to any hair mask.

Recipe: mask-compress with burdock oil. Add anise ether to burdock oil at the rate of 1 drop per 1 tablespoon. Heat up in a water bath. Rub into hair roots, wrap with a towel, hold for 40 minutes, then rinse with shampoo.

Anise oil against lice

Anise oil for face and body

Anise has a beneficial effect on mature and aging skin, restores water-fat balance and improves elasticity. They use ether for the skin, enriching cosmetic products: creams, gels, vegetable oils. When enriching cosmetic preparations, the proportion of 3 drops of ether per 10 ml of the base is observed. Apply anise oil to the face in courses of 7-10 days, then let the skin rest for 1-2 weeks.

Add 2-3 drops of anise oil to the face mask so that it acquires the desired properties.

Anise oil is also used for body, massage, sauna, bath, cosmetic baths. It is not as popular as other types of cosmetic oils. But those who appreciate the special properties of anise can use its ester in all kinds of interactions with the skin.

Dosage for massage: 3 drops of ether per 10 grams of transport oil or cream.

Dosage for baths: no more than 7 drops per bath are introduced into water, first dissolved in a spoonful of milk or honey. Lie in the bath for 15-20 minutes.

anise cough oil

Medicines for the respiratory system based on anise have long been widespread, since anise has an expectorant, softening, anti-inflammatory effect. There are several ways to relieve coughing. The main one is hot steam inhalation with the addition of drops of essential anise oil. But even a simple inhalation of the aroma of anise ether allows you to remove swelling from the nasopharyngeal mucosa, calm the cough and make breathing easier.

In Russia, almost all people from childhood know ammonia-anise cough medicine, which was previously called "drops of the Danish king."

S.A. Voitkevich

"Essential oils for perfumery and aromatherapy"

Anise oil inhalation soothes coughs and makes breathing easier

Dosage for hot inhalation: 1-2 drops of anise ester per container of water. Breathe for 5-7 minutes.

Dosage for cold inhalation: Apply 1-2 drops of anise oil to the aromatic carrier. Breathe for 5-15 minutes.

To rinse the throat and gums, 1-2 drops of anise ester mixed with a teaspoon of honey are diluted in half a glass of water or herbal infusion.

Anise oil for other organs

Anise has an equally beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract. It increases the functional activity of the stomach, has a laxative effect, helps to cope with gas formation, stimulates digestion, and also soothes vomiting.

Anise oil acts on the muscles, stimulates the activity of the heart, reduces pain during menstruation, has an anti-inflammatory effect on the kidneys and urinary tract. Also considered an aphrodisiac.

For medicinal effect, anise oil is taken orally inside bread capsules and along with emulsifiers such as vegetable oil, honey, cream and mayonnaise. The oral serving is 1 drop of essential oil per capsule or teaspoon of emulsifier.

Anise ether is used externally in the form of rubbing, hot compresses and cold applications. For internal pain, dilute 6 drops of anise ether in 10 ml of vegetable oil and apply with massage movements to the chest area for colds, bronchitis; on the abdomen - for digestive problems and pain on critical days, etc.

For a compress or application, cotton fabric is moistened in an aqueous emulsion or transport oil with the addition of anise ester and applied to the desired area of ​​​​the body for a couple of hours.

For a warm compress, 200 ml of water at 40–45 ° C is shaken with 6–7 drops of essential oil. For cold application use water at room temperature or 30 ml of oil with 7-8 drops of ether.

The action of anise oil will be appreciated by people suffering from migraines, dizziness and a painful hangover.

Wanda Sellar

"Encyclopedia of Essential Oils"

Aromatherapy with anise oil

Sweet anise aroma is associated with optimism, awakens positive emotions, relieves anxiety. The warm smell of anise exhibits the properties of an antidepressant: it calms, helps to relax, relieves fatigue and insomnia. It has a beneficial effect on sleep for both adults and children.

Before an aromatherapy session, make sure that you enjoy the smell of anise oil.

Dosage: 2-3 drops of anise oil per 15 square meters of the room; no more than two drops for aromakulon.

The remedy is obtained from the seeds of star anise or star anise. It contains a large number of useful substances. The plant itself grows in tropical and subtropical climates. Anise essential oil (EMA) is widely used to treat digestive problems, nervous and sexual disorders. It is also used in cooking and cosmetology.

Chemical composition

The composition of this substance includes a large number of various useful trace elements. These are organic acids, safrole, pinene and many other chemical compounds. The basic substance in anise is anethole, its amount in the finished product can be up to 85%.

Knowing this fact, often under the guise of anise oil they can sell pure chemically obtained anethole or fennel. The latter has completely different properties and scope, so you need to be careful when purchasing ether. In some cases, for ease of use, the oil can be frozen, however, it melts easily at a temperature of 35-36 degrees Celsius.

EMA is active and can provoke an allergic reaction, so you should consult a specialist before using it.

This plant came to Russia from China during the reign of Peter I. It is still actively used for making tinctures, drinks, and in cooking when baking. Probably, the unique taste of mulled wine with anise is famous all over the world.

EMA goes well with cardamom, verbena, lemongrass, cumin, cedar, coriander, etc.

Anise essential oil: properties

Anise ether has the following beneficial properties:

  • strengthens the immune system

Anise ether is a fairly active substance: it improves the functioning of the brain, the peripheral nervous system, and improves blood circulation. Due to this, it happens, and the body begins to better cope with the negative effects of various viruses and infections.

It should be taken in courses, since the constant use of the drug can provoke an allergic reaction.

  • has antiviral and antimicrobial activity

Knowing about these properties, anise essential oil can be added a few drops to the patient’s drink, and also to disinfect the room with the help.

  • relieves fever and expels phlegm

Anise essential oil has this property due to its soothing and antimicrobial action. At high temperatures, an active inflammatory process occurs in the human body. Immune cells fight pathogens. Anise ether stimulates this process, facilitating the work of the immune system.

Ether facilitates inflammation in the lungs, contributing to better sputum discharge and cleansing of the respiratory organ. This remedy is best taken in combination with other expectorant drugs.

  • eliminates problems in the sexual sphere

EMA is an active natural supplement and aphrodisiac. An unusual pleasant smell promotes blood flow to the genitals, and enhances desire in men and women. Facilitates the treatment of prostatitis in men, and relieves spasms in the uterus in women during menstruation.

  • prevents the occurrence of atherosclerosis

This tool improves blood circulation in the brain, increasing concentration and memory. This prevents blockage of blood vessels and serves as an excellent prevention of atherosclerosis.

  • improves the functioning of the digestive tract

Since anise essential oil is an active substance, it should be used to treat the digestive system with care so as not to cause irritation. In the period of exacerbation of chronic diseases, it is better to refuse to use it altogether.

Among the positive aspects in the treatment of the gastrointestinal tract with this drug can be identified: improved appetite, getting rid of constipation and dysbacteriosis. With caution, anise essential oil should be used with increased acidity of the stomach.

  • calms the nervous system

Anise oil has sedative properties, helps strengthen the nervous system and relieves and.

  • reduces puffiness

The tool helps to remove excess fluid from the body and has a mild diuretic effect. If swelling occurs, you can use special compresses that will help remove excess fluid from the face and legs.

  • relieves spasms

Reduces spasms and relaxes the smooth muscles of the internal organs and muscle tissue. What serves as an excellent prevention of various diseases.

  • helps to deal with palpitations

Ether improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system, increasing the elasticity of the walls of veins, arteries and capillaries. Normalizes pulse and heart rate. Contributes to the most complete enrichment of organs and systems with nutrients and oxygen.


Despite the large number of useful properties of this essential oil, it has its own contraindications:

  • allergic reactions

Anise essential oil is an allergen due to its active properties. Before use, it is necessary to check the effect of the substance on the body. To do this, take a little regular cream as a base, and drop a little of this product there. After that, apply the mixture to an open area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin, preferably on the wrist, if redness appears, then it is better not to use it.

  • nervous disorders

In the presence of serious mental disorders such as epilepsy, schizophrenia, manic-depressive psychosis, etc. the tool can not be used, because it can cause hyperexcitability and severe headaches.

  • period of pregnancy and lactation

Since anise is an allergen, it is better to refrain from using it during the period of bearing a child and breastfeeding, so as not to provoke an allergic reaction.

During lactation, under the influence of UAE, breast milk can acquire a specific taste, which can lead to refusal of the child to eat.

  • increased blood clotting

Ether increases blood clotting, which increases the risk of thrombosis and vein problems. Anise oil is well suited for anemia, poor immunity and blood clotting.

  • pathology of the digestive tract

Do not use this remedy for stomach and intestinal ulcers, cholecystitis, chronic gastritis, etc.

The use of anise essential oil in cosmetology

The ether of the plant has found wide application in cosmetology:

For hair

Rinsing the hair with warm water with the addition of anise oil gives strength. They are less tangled and easy to comb. Hair loss is reduced, elasticity is increased. It also imparts a unique, pleasant fragrance. The blood circulation in the scalp increases, the nutrition of the hair follicles becomes better.

For face

Uses of anise essential oil for health

UAE is also actively used in the treatment of various diseases, mainly as an adjuvant. It is used in the following cases:

  • for inhalation

The substance is well suited for inhalation. It helps in the treatment of colds and other respiratory diseases. Under the influence of healing water vapor, the vessels expand, blood circulation improves, inflammation in the lungs decreases, and sputum is better separated.

  • during massage

Anise oil is also well suited for massage procedures, it removes cellulite well and tones aging skin. Put a few drops into the massage cream, and then massage the resulting mixture on the problem area of ​​the body. The agent must be added to the cream before starting the procedures so that the concentration of the ether is maximum.

  • as a medicinal food supplement

You can’t drink ether in its pure form, you can get a burn of the oral mucosa and esophagus. To do this, the product must be diluted in warm water with honey or dripped onto a piece of sugar. Take it after meals once a day, preferably at lunchtime.

  • in aromatherapy

Anise oil can be used as a room fragrance. To do this, you can use aroma lamps or vessels with hot water. You can also make special ones that will be very relevant in the cold season.

Before using the aroma lamp, you need to drop a couple of drops into a container of warm water, and then put a candle under it. The oil will gradually evaporate, creating a wonderful fragrance.

To make an aroma pendant, you need to moisten a small piece of matter with this product, and then hang it around your neck. Also, a warm bath with the aroma of anise oil has a wonderful relaxing and healing effect. Before adding ether to water, it is better to mix it with a base, which can be honey, milk, sea salt.

  • to prevent wrinkles

EMA well tones flabby and aging skin, so you can add it as an ingredient in face masks, special creams, etc.

  • for room disinfection

Ether not only kills pathogens in the indoor air, but also aromatizes the air, making the atmosphere more pleasant.

Essential oil of anise has a whole range of useful substances. It is actively used in treatment and cosmetology. It has found the widest application as an immunostimulating and tonic agent. Perfect for room disinfection and aromatherapy. Has its contraindications. Therefore, before use, you should consult with a specialist.

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