Health group 2 risk group 1. Health group. Medical health groups

The birth of a long-awaited baby leaves behind many of the anxieties experienced by parents during pregnancy. But now there are new worries, including those related to the health of the child, his condition and development.

Absolute guarantees that the newborn will be healthy today cannot be given either by strict adherence to the recommendations of doctors during pregnancy, or by scheduled ultrasound scans and regular tests.

The health status of the newborn

Immediately after birth, in maternity hospital the baby is given the first assessment of his condition. This is the Apgar scale, already known to everyone, sometimes frightening young parents. Points from 0 to 2 are set on the basis of several indicators of the state of the baby at the time of birth, and then summed up. There are five indicators in total:

  • color and shade of the skin;
  • heartbeat and pulse;
  • manifestation of reflexes;
  • muscle tone;
  • breath.

In most cases, newborns receive 7 to 10 points. If these figures are lower, then young parents are concerned about the condition of the newborn and his health.

However, scores below the mean Apgar score only indicate the condition of the newborn at birth and indicate the need for any urgent medical procedures. The number of points received under this system does not give an assessment intellectual potential or further development and health of the baby.

Most healthy children are born with a weight of three to four and a half kilograms and with a height-to-weight ratio in the range of 60-80%.

Child's birth date

The indicators of the health of a newborn include the date of his birth. So, in a child born on time, the body is fully developed and ready for independent existence. Premature babies born prematurely adapt to outside world more difficult, since their body still has to "ripen" to the state of a born on time, but already outside the mother's womb.

But this does not mean that all children born prematurely have health problems in the future.

The period of birth of the baby is determined by the gestational age. Gestational age, or gestational age, is the number full weeks elapsed from the moment of conception to the birth of a child.

Taking into account this indicator a baby born at term is called full-term, and a baby born before the due date is called premature. In addition, there are also post-term children.

The normal gestational age is considered to be 37-42 weeks. Babies born during this period are full-term, their weight is usually more than 2.5 kg, and their height is at least 47 cm. The body of such children is fully developed and ready for birth and existence outside the mother's body.

Babies born at 22-37 weeks of gestation, that is, before the gestational age, are considered premature. The weight of such children is less than 2.5 kg, and the height does not exceed 45 cm.

Premature babies, depending on the date of birth, are divided into:

  • mature, born at 35-37 weeks;
  • immature, appeared at 32-34 weeks;
  • suffering from intrauterine malnutrition - born earlier than 29 weeks.

The health of a child depends not only on the date of his birth, but also on many other factors.

After discharge from the maternity hospital, regular visits to the pediatrician, or the district doctor of the children's clinic, are mandatory. The first visit to him should take place when the child is 1 month old.

The doctor will examine the baby, take the necessary measurements, check the tests, the exchange card from the maternity hospital, and talk with the parents. After that, the pediatrician will leave a record in the card indicating the child's health group. This figure causes concern and a lot of questions from parents.

What affects the health group of newborns, what does the figure itself mean, what is it for?

The health group of the newborn speaks about the state of his health. It is determined by a number of factors and is assigned based on the totality of data that the district doctor collects and analyzes.

The conclusions of doctors of narrow specialties, possible congenital abnormalities, susceptibility to any diseases give the pediatrician reason to determine the child's health group, which, however, can change over time for better or worse.

For effective prevention of ailments and deviations, successful treatment a child with a pediatrician and other doctors, it is necessary to correctly determine the health group of the newborn. This helps to prevent the occurrence of complications in the treatment of children, as well as timely and correctly outline the prevention of diseases.

The health group determined by the primary care physician may be changed by the end of the third year of a child's life. The local doctor analyzes the dynamics of physical and psychological development baby, his state of health and based on a number of criteria can change the health group.

Criteria for assigning a health group

There are six criteria that doctors use when assigning a child to one of the five health groups.

The first criterion is the features of ontogenesis, or the development of the baby from the moment of conception to the present, it includes a genealogical, biological, social history.

The second criterion that determines health is the level of physical development and the degree of its harmony.

The third criterion is the level of neuropsychic development.

The fourth criterion is the level of resistance of the organism.

The fifth criterion is the level of the functional state.

The sixth criterion is the presence or absence of chronic diseases or congenital malformations.

I criterion- early ontogeny. To assess early ontogenesis, the pediatrician needs to collect data on the child's family.

This is, first of all, a pedigree with a genealogical anamnesis, which indicates the number of close relatives with a mark on the duration of life and causes of death, as well as hereditary and chronic diseases. These data are needed to identify the predisposition of the child to certain diseases.

An important factor is the course of pregnancy, because any complications and adverse factors during the gestation period could have negative impact on the health of the child.

II criterion - physical development. The main indicators of the physical development of the child are biometric data that the pediatrician takes at each examination in the first months of the baby's life.

These are mass, height, head volumes and chest. The doctor compares the obtained figures with the data of the centile scale.

Based on the analysis of their ratio, the pediatrician determines the level of physical development, which is measured in centiles:

  • very low - an indicator of up to three centiles;
  • low - from 3 to 10 centiles;
  • reduced - from 10 to 25 centiles;
  • medium - from 25 to 75 centiles;
  • elevated level - from 75 to 90 centiles;
  • high and very high - over 90 centiles.

III criterion- neuropsychic development. The pediatrician assesses the child's skills, ability to communicate, the level of speech development.

The doctor is based on the data that are given in special tables, which indicate the indicators of the normal level. Comparing the obtained data with the norm, the doctor draws a conclusion about the level of neuropsychic development of the child.

It should be noted that the presence of any deviations is not a pathology.

IV criterion- resistance, or resistance of the child's body to environmental factors, to various kinds of diseases.

This criterion is assessed on the basis of the AIO (index of the frequency of acute diseases) and is formed by the number of diseases transferred during the year. Divided into reduced, low, very low.

If a child has had acute respiratory infections more than 4 times a year, he is considered often ill.

V criterion considered from the point of view of the child's behavior, his functional state. These factors are important indicators development of the baby and may indicate any violations in his health.

In children under one year old, consider emotional condition in general: how cheerful and not capricious the child is. Older children, from 2 to 6 years old, are already characterized by mood. It takes into account how the child sleeps, whether he has an appetite, how active he is.

An important indicator is the presence bad habits(e.g. thumb sucking).

VI criterion health problems and chronic diseases.

Congenital malformations and deviations can appear immediately at the birth of a baby or make themselves felt during the first year of a child's life.

Chronic diseases can appear as a result of past illnesses, or they can occur at birth. Children with similar diseases are usually under constant dispensary registration with a pediatrician.

When all the data has been collected, all necessary research, the pediatrician analyzes the resulting picture and makes a decision to assign the child to one of the five health groups. In the future, this allows the local doctor and narrow specialists to more easily navigate the state of health of the child.


Health group 2 in a child - what does it mean

After examining the child with a pediatrician, the doctor can put a mark on the state of his health. Based on this information, the degree of permissible loads during training is determined.

Quite often, parents do not know what health group 2 means in a child, by what criteria it is determined. We will understand the reasons for the appearance of such a mark so that you do not worry in vain.

Criteria for assessing health

Each baby should fully develop, for which experts examine his health.

By using periodic diagnostics it is possible to determine the onset of the disease in time, to prevent it from flowing into the chronic stage.

Based on all the checks, the pediatrician makes a mark, thanks to which the baby can be taken under special supervision. The main evaluation parameters include the following criteria:

  • whether there are anomalies in development;
  • physical development, its degree;
  • the level of development of the nervous and mental systems;
  • disease resistance;
  • general analysis of internal systems and functions;
  • heredity and chronic diseases.

According to statistics, only 10% of children are enrolled in the first health group in Russia. In addition, at one of the women's forums, a young mother told how she asked the doctor why her daughter was assigned the second group. The pediatrician replied that this is now being put on everyone - it is better to play it safe than overlook it.

How the group type is determined

Factors predicting the second and lower group after birth.

There are three groups of factors by which you can preliminarily find out the health groups of newborns: biological, genetic, social.

Biological factors include the following deviations during pregnancy:

  • wrong position in the womb;
  • pathology of the placenta;
  • deviations in the time of delivery;
  • unnatural childbirth;
  • prolonged stay in the womb after the waters have broken and others.

Separately allocated genetic problems that can be passed from generation to generation.

A number of experts put them in the forefront primary causes diseases.

To genetic factors include the presence of relatives with diseases transmitted through generations:

  • allergy;
  • diabetes;
  • heart disease and others.

To social factors include the following negative phenomena parents of newborns:

  • alcoholism;
  • their smoking;
  • chronic diseases of the mother;
  • genital infections;
  • long-term work at hazardous enterprises;
  • untimely pregnancy;
  • threatened miscarriage or premature birth;
  • non-compliance with the regimen prescribed by the doctor during pregnancy.

There are a number of absolute criteria by which a child will be assigned one or another health group.

Factors due to which they will most likely be assigned to the second group.

They are treated as features prenatal development, as well as individual pathological conditions.

Based on the following conclusions, the pediatrician is obliged to make a note about the second health group:

  • multiple pregnancy in the mother;
  • early or late birth;
  • damage nervous system in the womb;
  • infection of the fetus;
  • deviations in body weight from the recommended after birth;
  • all stages of manifestation of rickets;
  • hereditary anomalies;
  • problems with the cardiovascular system (arrhythmia, murmurs, stable low or high blood pressure);
  • visual disability;
  • low hemoglobin;
  • more than four cases of acute respiratory illness per year;
  • poor appetite, abdominal cramps;
  • Mantoux test is positive;
  • during the period after the cure for Botkin's disease, pneumonia and other acute diseases;
  • during the period after undergoing emergency surgery.

Basically, the second group of health includes children who can develop chronic diseases.

Subgroups "A" and "B"

The smallest children from the second group are divided into several subgroups.

2-A - is set for children who live in unsatisfactory conditions for their development or have poor heredity.

2-B - this subgroup includes everyone who slightly deviates from the recommended vital signs, a frequently ill baby.

In junior school age their condition may not improve before being transferred to the first group. Then, based on the examination of specialists, a medical conclusion is made on the distribution to the main or preparatory group for physical activity.

The main group consists of children with diseases that do not affect the ability to walk. And also include children with slight deviations in weight, skin allergies or minor damage to the functioning of internal organs.

The Special Preparatory Group (SPG) consists of children who are lagging behind in development due to poor health and children immediately after an acute illness or its flow into a chronic stage.

Classes in such a group can help normalize the state of schoolchildren. For them, a program has been developed with fewer loads and reduced standards.

If a child from such a group gets tired during class, he will be understandingly put to rest.

Health review

If you need information that your child has a 2nd health group, you can find it with a nurse at a children's clinic, this is not a medical secret. You will have to take a certificate to enroll him in a special group in physical education. Just do not completely protect the baby from sports, it will harm him, because healing exercises have been specially developed for him.

Due to the risk of pathologies, a careful medical supervision was established for the group. Pediatricians practice determining the health group by conducting a regular examination of his condition. A child can move from one group to another due to how his characteristics change.

Over a period of three to seven years, the attitude towards the health group is reviewed at the following age:

  • three years or until admission to Kindergarten ik;
  • five or six years or before admission to primary school;
  • eight years old or at the time of graduation from first grade;
  • ten years or when changing elementary school to the middle;
  • twelve years old;
  • fourteen or fifteen years old.

If, after inspection, it turns out that vital statistics correspond to the indicators of the groups allocated by the Ministry of Health of Russia, he is enrolled there and put a mark.

A set of exercises

In order not to put the health of schoolchildren at risk, classes should be divided into three parts: special, preparatory and basic. In practice, teachers, especially in small towns, rarely pay attention to this.

AT best case your child will be given a printout with a set of exercises and put on a bench, "so as not to interfere." At worst, they will force you to work with the main group.

Just in case, personally check the compliance of the lessons with the recommendations of the therapist or pediatrician making the conclusion.

It is important for a child to gradually master the necessary skills. This set of exercises eliminates prohibited movements (they are determined individually), the physical load is evenly distributed.

In the second group of children's health, it's okay, you just can't be nervous a lot and, accordingly, take tests in the classroom. It is also contraindicated to participate in sports competitions or olympiads.

This can be done at home in a calm and familiar environment.

Ideally, buy a sports complex for your child, using which he can receive a dosed load in a calm home environment.

  • improvement of physical development;
  • the formation of a keen interest in the regular performance of therapeutic exercises;
  • significant motor qualities, skills, abilities;
  • hardening for better disease resistance;
  • health promotion;
  • willpower training;
  • belief in the need to maintain a healthy lifestyle;
  • memorization necessary exercises to improve the body's adaptation to functioning;
  • consolidating the habit of alternating work and rest regimes, getting good nutrition according to the schedule, observing personal hygiene.

Successful development and implementation of these tasks will help not only improve the condition of the body, but also adapt to adulthood.


If you find out that the child’s health group is not the first, stop panicking and, moreover, do not consider him inferior. These kids are no different from the rest, they follow the same daily routine as everyone else.

The only thing that this can mean is the need for care and attention to their health, in order to avoid unpleasant consequences. You need to treat him with all the love that you can.

Patience to you in the upbringing of a small miracle.


Health group in newborns

The health of a newborn baby is probably the most important thing that worries young parents after his birth.

But, how can you determine whether the baby was born healthy, or does he have any abnormalities? After all, even regular monitoring of pregnancy with the help of ultrasound cannot guarantee that the child is absolutely healthy.

Problems can also arise during childbirth, which will also affect the health of the child. What do doctors understand by the phrase " healthy newborn”, and in what cases the health of the baby is called into question?

Healthy newborn

Doctors have certain criteria by which they evaluate the health of a newborn. So, a healthy newborn is a baby who was born from a practically healthy mother, the birth and the pregnancy itself passed without complications, and at birth the child received an Apgar score of at least 8-10.

A healthy newborn should weigh 3-4.5 kg and have a height-to-weight ratio of 60-80%. Permissible loss of body weight during the period of primary adaptation in the maternity hospital should not exceed 6-8% of body weight at birth.

The health of the newborn in the future depends on all these factors, since the baby will be able to fully develop.

It is also necessary to separate full-term and premature babies. The fact is that when a baby is born exactly on time, all its organs and systems are already ready for other conditions of life, outside the mother's body.

For premature babies, this period is more difficult, because they must first "grow" to the state of "full-term".

This, however, does not mean that premature baby will have any health problems in the future.

Full-term or premature?

Depending on the gestational age at the time of birth, newborns are divided into:

  • Full-term. Such babies are born at 38-40 weeks. The body weight of the child is at least 2.501 kg, and the height is at least 47 cm. Such babies are fully consistent with the age when their body is ready to switch to an autonomous mode of existence.
  • Premature. These are babies born before 38 weeks. Their body weight, as a rule, does not exceed 2,500 kg, and their height is less than 47 cm. Depending on how early the baby was born, newborns are considered mature, immature, and also suffering from intrauterine malnutrition. The degree of prematurity is determined in accordance with the period when the birth occurred: at 35-37 weeks, 32-34 weeks, 29-31 weeks, less than 29 weeks.
  • Post-term. These babies are born at more than 42 weeks and have clear signs delayed pregnancy.

Health groups in newborns

Since the health of newborns is determined according to certain criteria, it was decided to allocate health groups in newborns in order to quickly navigate the state of health of the newborn. To date, there are 5 health groups in newborns.

  • Group 1 includes healthy babies born from healthy mothers.
  • Health group 2 in newborns is divided into two subgroups.

Group 2 "A". It includes children born from mothers with a narrow pelvis, having physiological immaturity, prematurity or postmaturity of the 1st degree, edematous syndrome and toxic erythema.

Group 2 "B". It includes babies whose mothers have a burdened history, which indicates cardiovascular diseases, diseases of the respiratory system, urinary and endocrine systems.

This also includes children who have had difficult births, during which, for example, forceps were used, or the baby was in the breech presentation.

Multiple pregnancy, intrauterine growth retardation, postmaturity of the 2nd degree, various anatomical anomalies give the right to specialists to attribute the child to this subgroup.

Health group 2 in newborns is quite common, since today more and more babies are born with certain disorders. However, group 2 health in newborns does not indicate irreversible disorders in the health of the newborn. These children may well become healthy adults over time.

  • Group 3. It includes children who have suffered moderate or severe asphyxia, birth trauma, suffering from prematurity of the 3rd degree, who underwent catheterization of the umbilical wound, who had intrauterine infection, etc.
  • Group 4 and group 5. This includes children with congenital malformations of intrauterine development, who have signs of severe decompensation.

How is newborn health monitored?

After discharge from the hospital, the newborn is registered at the local clinic in order to control the growth and development of the baby. Depending on the health group to which the child belongs, he is monitored in accordance with a specific schedule:

  • Examination of newborns of the 1st group is carried out during the first 2 days after discharge from the hospital, then on the 14th, 21st and 30th day of life. After that, the baby visits the clinic every month until 1 year.
  • Observation of children from the 2nd group is carried out according to the same schedule as the observation of the children of the 1st group.
  • Children from group 3 are examined during the first day after discharge, and then every 5 days until the child reaches one month old. Then the child is transferred under the supervision of a narrow specialist together with a pediatrician.
  • Babies belonging to health groups 4 and 5 are examined on the first day after discharge, then during the first month the examination is carried out 2 times a week, and when the baby reaches the age of one month, he is also transferred to the control of a specialist in the underlying disease.

Visiting a child with a doctor and nurse in the first month of life is important condition to maintain the health of the newborn and identify pathologies.

Therefore, if you notice that the interest from the medical institution to you after discharge from the hospital is insufficient, be sure to refer to the manual to clarify the situation, especially if your baby belongs to one or another health group.


Health group 2 in a child

Often, parents can find an entry in the child's card that refers him to one or another health group. Most often, a child is assigned to the second health group (about 60%), but not everyone knows what criteria a child is assigned to the 2nd health group. Today we will try to figure it out.

How to determine the child's health group?

The health group is determined on the basis of an assessment of the level of physical and neuropsychic development, which include the degree of readiness of the body to resist unfavorable factors presence or absence of chronic diseases.

When assigning children to a certain health group, it is not necessary that children have deviations in all health criteria. The health group is determined by the presence of the most pronounced or severe deviation, or group of criteria.

The health group is determined by the doctor after the conclusion medical examination and collection of necessary analyses.

What does group 2 mean?

Health group 2 includes healthy children who are at “risk” of developing chronic diseases. In early childhood, children of 2 groups are divided into subgroups.

  1. Health group 2-A in a child includes "threatened children" who have unfavorable heredity or poor living conditions that can directly affect their physical and mental health.
  2. Health group 2-B in a child, unites children who have some functional and morphological abnormalities: for example, children with abnormal constructions, often ill children.

A child of preschool and primary school age is classified as health group 2 if the following criteria are met:

  • multiple pregnancy;
  • prematurity or postmaturity;
  • intrauterine damage to the central nervous system;
  • perinatal identification;
  • low birth weight;
  • overweight at birth;
  • rickets on initial stage or residual effects;
  • deficiency of body weight (hypotrophy) of the 1st degree;
  • excess body weight (hypertrophy) of the 1st or 2nd degree;
  • anomalies of the constitution (exudative-catarrhal or neuro-arthritic diathesis);
  • functional changes in the cardiovascular system (murmurs, tendency to increase or decrease blood pressure, arrhythmia);
  • frequent acute respiratory infections (more than 4-6 times a year);
  • low hemoglobin;
  • dysfunction gastrointestinal tract(loss of appetite, abdominal pain);
  • transition negative test Mantoux in positive;
  • condition after acute infectious disease(pneumonia, Botkin's disease, etc.);
  • condition after emergency surgery.

What are the basic and preparatory health groups?

Based on the medical report, children of primary school age 2 groups are assigned to the main or preparatory health group.

To 2nd major health group include children who have some diseases that do not affect motor activity, as well as schoolchildren in whom minor functional changes do not interfere with normal physical development. For example, schoolchildren with moderately overweight, disorders of some internal organs, or with skin-allergic reactions.

Children belonging to this group are allowed to engage in exercise in full according to curriculum physical education. Also, such schoolchildren are recommended classes in sports circles and sections.

Co. 2nd preparatory health group children who have some lag in physical development due to deviations in their health status are included.

The preparatory group includes children who have recently suffered acute illnesses, as well as those whose illness has become chronic.

Classes in a special health group are aimed at increasing the physical fitness of children to a normal level.

The physical training program for such children should be limited, in particular, large amounts of physical activity are contraindicated for children from the preparatory group.

What happens if you wet Manta? Perhaps, each of us was vaccinated with Mantoux in childhood, warning that in no case should it be wetted. And we courageously withstood this ban for 3 days. However, few people know why it cannot be wetted and what can happen if the water still gets on the vaccine. Determination of a child's health group is a comprehensive assessment of all developmental parameters, including features of the physical, psychological, mental state, heredity, susceptibility to any diseases and the presence of pathologies.
The problems of the parameters of the child and their compliance with generally accepted standards are of concern to all parents. We constantly measure and weigh babies, especially in the first years of life. In our article we will talk about the weight of a two-year-old child. Bacteria in a child's urine Urinalysis helps doctors diagnose many childhood illnesses. In our article, we will tell you what the detection of bacteria in the urine of a child means and how dangerous it is.


2 health group in a child: what does this mean? Algorithm for determining health groups in children

Judging by the state of health of a child who has just been born, he is assigned to a certain health group. It is this indicator that will be decisive in determining the physical activity of children in kindergarten and school.

In order to monitor the health and development of children, they carry out:

– In-depth research. During it, the state of health of the child during the periods of epicrisis is assessed, followed by recommendations from specialists for the further full development of the baby.

– Detection on early stages various diseases and improvement of the child, the purpose of which is to prevent the formation of a chronic disease.

The pediatrician determines the health group, taking into account all the examinations of specialists.

There are several criteria for assessing the health status of a child:

Criterion 1 - whether deviations are observed in early ontogenesis.

2 criterion - development in the physical plane.

Criterion 3 - neuropsychic development.

4th criterion - the body's resistance to various painful factors.

Criterion 5 - the state of organs and systems.

6 criterion - whether there are chronic diseases or congenital diseases.

Thus, the definition of a health group occurs based on the criteria listed above. So, the child has a 2nd health group. What does this mean?

Characteristics of 2 health groups

It must be understood that a health group is nothing more than the state of health of a child and its predisposition to various diseases, as well as the presence of congenital diseases.

Health group 2 includes children who have minor health problems.

They tend to get sick more often, for example, acute respiratory infections, there may be excess weight or the possibility of an allergy.

Group 2 health in newborns is most common. Because at present, completely healthy children are not born, even if the mother does not suffer from any diseases. A person's attitude to a particular health group is established not only in the maternity hospital, but also accompanies him throughout his life.

Two more subgroups are distinguished among children who were assigned to group 2

2-A are children who have biological, genetic and social factors for the development of diseases, but they are healthy according to other criteria.

Genetic factors are the presence of relatives with various diseases that can be passed down from generation to generation. For example, diabetes, heart disease, allergies and others.

Biological factors are deviations that arose during pregnancy and childbirth in the mother. This is a quick or vice versa long birth, C-section, prolonged stay of the fetus without amniotic fluid, placental pathology, abnormal location of the fetus, and so on.

Social factors include smoking, parental alcoholism, parental work harmful production, diseases of the mother of a chronic nature, too early or late pregnancy. The presence of infections that can be sexually transmitted, the threat of premature birth or miscarriage in the mother. Poor nutrition during pregnancy and violation of the general regimen.

2-B are children who have morphological and functional changes. Newborns who belong to this subgroup suffered some disease in the first days or hours of life and after discharge from the hospital they still have some deviations. Such babies often get sick, there are anomalies of the constitution and other deviations in health.

When discharged from the maternity hospital, a risk group is indicated, and, judging by it, the pediatrician must draw up a plan for observations, examinations, conduct preventive actions(hardening, vaccinations). If necessary, drug treatment is prescribed.

It is necessary to observe children who belong to subgroup 2-B at home for up to three months.

So, what is health group 2, and how can children be attributed early age and preschoolers to her?

There are a number of deviations by which one can judge the state of health of the child:

Multiple pregnancy.

Immaturity of the fetus, the fetus is overdue, prematurity.

CNS damage.

Hypotrophy 1 degree.

Infection in the womb.

Low weight at birth.

Overweight at birth (4 kg or more).

The initial period of rickets, 1st degree of rickets and its residual effects.

The presence of anomalies in the constitution.

Changes regarding of cardio-vascular system, changes in blood pressure, pulse.

Frequent illnesses, including respiratory.

Gastrointestinal disorders - lack of appetite, abdominal pain, etc.

The 2nd health group in a child is not yet an indicator that all deviations should be present in the medical record. Just one or more is enough. The health group is determined by the most severe deviation.

All parents can easily find out which health group their child belongs to. Each local doctor owns this information, and even a nurse will be able to give explanations. After all, the child's health group is not a medical secret.

Monitoring the health of children in children's institutions

Information about children from 2 gr. health must be at the nurse of the children's institution.

If a child belongs to this group, then at physical education lessons he is offered a set of exercises specially designed for such children. Loads for them should be lower.

But this does not mean giving up sports. If there is a 2nd health group in a child, then such children are often prescribed classes physical therapy.

In addition to everything else, it is necessary medical supervision for children who belong to this group. Since it is possible for them high risk development various pathologies. The main method that allows you to get an assessment of the health status of children is a preventive examination, which is carried out by doctors.

There is also an algorithm for determining health groups in children aged 3 to 17 years. Children are examined:

- at 3 years (before entering kindergarten);

- at 5 and a half or 6 years (one year before primary school);

- at the age of 8, when the child finishes the 1st grade of school;

- at the age of 10, when the child enters secondary school;

- at the age of 12;

- at 14-15 years old.

If, as a result of the examination, the child's health indicators are related to the classes and groups of diseases allocated by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, then he is referred to a certain health group.

Physical education with children of 2 health groups

In order for physical education lessons to be effective and without risk to the health of schoolchildren, the latter are assigned to one of three groups (basic, preparatory and special). The division is made by a pediatrician or therapist at the end school year, but the specialist makes the final verdict only after a second examination before the start of the next academic year.

If a child has the 2nd health group in physical education, then he belongs to the preparatory medical group. These are practically healthy children, but having certain deviations, poorly prepared physically.

Schoolchildren can engage in physical education, but with the condition of gradual assimilation of the necessary motor skills and abilities.

The dosage of physical activity is observed, contraindicated movements are excluded.

If a child has a 2nd health group, then he is forbidden to perform test tasks in the classroom and participate in sports events. But experts strongly recommend extra classes physical education at home or at school.

Tasks of physical education of schoolchildren with 2 health groups:

– strengthening and improving health;

– improvement of physical development;

– mastering important motor skills, qualities and abilities;

- improving the body's adaptation to physical activity;

- hardening and increasing the body's resistance to disease;

- the formation of interest in constant physical education, the development of volitional qualities;

- fostering a positive attitude towards a healthy lifestyle;

- mastering a set of exercises that have a beneficial effect on the state of the child's body, taking into account the existing disease;

– compliance correct mode rest and work, hygiene, good nutrition.


Thus, the 2nd group of health in a child is not a sentence. It should not be considered inferior or terminally ill. The child's belonging to this group means that he needs sensitive care, you need to constantly monitor his health in order to avoid unpleasant consequences.

Children with this health group lead a normal life and develop well, they are no different from other kids.

The topic of this article is children's health groups and their characteristics. We will try to figure out why this division is needed, what categories there are in general, and how to attribute your baby to one of them.

I greet you dear readers, if you have visited the pages of my blog, then most likely you are a parent. Children grow up very quickly. It would seem that just a week ago the baby only learned to crawl, just yesterday he went and started talking. And today it's time to get ready for kindergarten, and even to school. On the one hand, it's great! Firstly, significant event for a child who feels almost like an adult. Secondly, it is a relief for parents. Moms can go to work, grandmothers can relax, because the child is under the supervision of teachers for at least half a day. On the other hand, admission to children's institution- it's always great amount formalities. Parents are forced to learn all the subtleties internal rules educational institutions.

It would seem that all children who begin their educational path are equal among themselves. However, this is not always the case. And here we are talking not only about individual characteristics character, temperament and psychological type. One of the main criteria for “classifying a child” is the level of his health.

Children's health groups and their characteristics - what are we talking about?

Health groups are conditional categories that combine children with different levels physical condition. By assigning a person to one or another group, the doctor, as it were, gives a conventional sign to those people who will still work with the baby. First of all, the health group determines whether the child needs to be enrolled in a specialized Educational establishment, or not. Based on this figure, in the card for the child, suitable type physical activity, a table (diet), restrictions are placed on engaging in one or another activity.

The distribution of children by health groups, which logically follows from the above, is the prerogative of the pediatrician. And it is right. After all, only a doctor can assess the condition, based on the full, comprehensive examination, results of analyzes and functional tests.

It should be noted that there are newborn health groups. They are assigned to babies who are discharged from the hospital. Based on this indicator, it is determined how many times a mother with a child should visit a pediatrician in a given period of time. However, most often the doctor at the appointment indicates the date of the next visit. Therefore, these data are not so important for parents. Basically, the category begins to be “required” upon admission to a kindergarten or school.

Formation of health groups

A logical question is, how are these groups formed in general? In order to attribute a small patient to one or another, the doctor must "characterize" him on several points. Most full list looks like that:

  1. Were there abnormalities in the fetus during fetal development, recorded on ultrasound or using another method of prenatal diagnosis?
  2. Does the baby have chronic diseases, developmental defects ( birth defects)?
  3. How well do human organs and systems function?
  4. What is the level of neuropsychic development?
  5. What is the body's resistance, how correct is the immune response (this also takes into account how many times a year the baby has colds and other diseases)?

However, most often, to determine the group, the first criterion from those listed is not taken into account. It is taken into account to a greater extent for setting the category of health to the newborn.

Of course, not only the district pediatrician is involved in the examination of a small person. The kid is passing full examination which includes advice from the following experts:

  • surgeon;
  • eye doctor;
  • cardiologist;
  • neurologist;
  • dentist.

If specialists find certain deviations from the norm, an additional examination with the participation of doctors of other profiles is mandatory.

Is it an infringement of rights?

One of the parents, taking into account the current trends of love of freedom and individualism, can say: is this not an infringement of the rights of my child? Why can someone do physical education, eat what is prepared for everyone, but we can’t?! So, this opinion is completely wrong!

Children's health groups and their characteristics are developed by pediatricians solely in the interests of the children themselves!

After all, bans are set not on a whim or for money, but focusing on the state of the baby, his physical capabilities take into account possible negative consequences.

Unfortunately this system is not perfect. Often, an apparently healthy child is not examined often enough or very carefully. In addition, teachers and parents are in no hurry to take into account the recommendations of doctors. This is partly why there are episodes of child death right in physical education classes (which is unacceptable!), the development of complications as a result of malnutrition. And it is possible to aggravate the condition of the baby due to non-compliance with the regimen.

That is why it is necessary to realize the importance of such a distribution! This is not done at the whim of doctors and not for the sake of “making life easier” for teachers. Not so that the teacher could do physical education with only half the class, because. the rest go to the “preparatory group”. Not with the aim of dividing the children into “healthy” and “not so good”, and then deprive some of the care, focusing on others.

This practice was introduced in order not to miss the development of a disease or complication in a baby predisposed to pathological process. In order to protect him from an unbearable load for him, giving time to the body to rehabilitate and form. In the end, in order to exclude too obvious a difference in the class between those who easily cope with the standards for physical education, and those who, not being lazy and irresponsible, physically cannot fulfill them!

What are the options?

First of all, you need to find out what health groups children have. There are five of them in total, but some authors distinguish subgroups 2a and 2b in the second category. Analyzing the second group, I will mention them, but to a greater extent this division is typical, again, for newborns.

First category

Children's health groups and their characteristics begin with healthy children. Unfortunately, the crumbs that could be attributed here are becoming less and less common. I must say that already in the maternity hospital, less than 15% of babies born can be called completely healthy (focusing only on the Apgar scale * Scale for assessing the state of the newborn), because only a few receive a score of 10/10 or at least 8/10. Accordingly, even at an older age, the indicators leave much to be desired.

Apgar: there are 5 criteria - breathing, heartbeat, muscle tone, reflex excitability, skin color. Each indicator can "get" from 0 to 2 points. This score is given at 1 and 5 minutes after birth. If at 1 minute the baby gets from 0 to 3 points, or 5 to 6 points, this means that he needs urgent resuscitation.

So, who is considered to be the first group of health? These are children who did not get sick or very rarely got sick during the study period (usually the examination is carried out once a year). They do not have chronic diseases, as well as functional or anatomical problems in the work of all organs and systems of the body.

It is important that the guys should not lag behind in neuropsychic development from age norms. Here we are not talking about individual character traits (for example, someone is slower), but only about objective signs. There are norms and rules for assessing the compliance of the baby's behavioral reactions with these norms. Including for the purpose of determining neuropsychic health, everyone is shown a consultation with a neurologist. And only if any deviations are found by this doctor, the mother and child are referred to narrower specialists - a psychologist, a speech therapist.

Such children do not have malformations and developmental anomalies. It should be borne in mind that tiny little ones, having, for example, a defect in the structure auricle, which does not affect hearing (protruding, elven ears), belong here. That is, it is permissible that absolutely does not worsen the condition of a person and does not require medical intervention.

Second category

What does the 2 (second) health group mean in a child? Such a “diagnosis” is made in cases where the baby has functional deviations from the norm. This means that the problem is not organic (not a tumor, inflammation or tissue destruction), but only in the functioning of the organ. This happens when biochemical mechanisms, immunity fail, the body's ability to adapt decreases. Most often, violations are due to the fact that the baby grows very quickly, and organ systems (especially cardiovascular) do not have time to rebuild. After all, they now need to work for greater growth (the systemic circulation increases), but there is still not enough strength.

Another criterion by which it can be determined that a child has a health group 2 is frequent acute illnesses. “Frequent” means more than 4 times a year. They are characterized by a long period of recovery and recovery. long time appetite does not return to the baby, there is lethargy, drowsiness. Often after colds ear complications. An integral part is functional disorders in the work of the gastrointestinal tract after any treatment.

Children of the second group should not have severe deviations from the norms of mental development. The indicators are either within the permissible limits, or are very slightly far from these limits. But chronic diseases, malformations and developmental anomalies in these children are absent at all.

According to some reports, there are two subgroups of this category - A and B. The health group 2b of the child is just the children that fall under the description above. Here are some conditions that allow you to attribute the baby to group 2b:

  • damage to the central nervous system during childbirth, which resulted in minor deviations in mental development;
  • anomalies of the constitution (diathesis);
  • functional heart murmurs;
  • reduced hemoglobin (preanemic state);
  • disruption of the gastrointestinal tract.

Subgroup A includes those who do not have the above abnormalities, but have a burdened history.

Anamnesis (from Greek ἀνάμνησις - recollection) - a set of information obtained during a medical examination by questioning the subject himself and / or those who know him.

This could mean that:

  • the family has children with serious developmental disabilities;
  • mother at the time of the birth of a son or daughter was over 35;
  • there were complications during pregnancy and childbirth;
  • there was a multiple pregnancy;
  • the baby is premature / postponed;
  • low or too high birth weight;
  • there was an intrauterine infection;
  • state of rehabilitation after severe conditions, operations, diseases.

In fact, this is to some extent the most favorable "company". Such babies do not get sick with anything, but are under the close supervision of doctors, much more attentive than the guys from group 1. chance to miss developing pathology very low.

Third category

What does the 3rd (third) health group mean in a child? This is the so-called state of compensation. As you can see, children's health groups and their characteristics reflect not only the presence of certain diseases in children, but also the degree of their severity. In this case, it is about chronic pathology there is. However, it implies rare exacerbations of it, which are not severe, easily stopped (removed with the help of drugs or manipulations).

It can also be developmental defects that do not entail a significant limitation of opportunities. It is quite possible here and functional changes in the work of the body. However, they concern only the system that is developed incorrectly (“sick”). These deviations have little or no effect on general level human life and activity.

Acute diseases in such babies occur quite rarely, they are not difficult. An extended recovery period is possible (especially if the pathology is associated with the initially affected system). As for the psycho-physical development, it may be normal or somewhat behind the norm.

Significant deviations are usually not observed, kids from the 3rd group are quite socially adapted, they easily find a common language with their peers. However, such crumbs are characterized by underweight of the 1st or 2nd degree, short stature, some muscle weakness.

Health group 3 in a child is not a sentence at all. The most important thing is not to miss visits to the doctor, to follow the recommendations. There are usually no incurable diseases in children of this category, everything is amenable to medical correction. But parents need maximum care and concern. This is also important in order to prevent the development of existing diseases.

Fourth category

The fourth (4) health group in children is an “intermediate” stage, the so-called subcompensation. This term refers to the absence life threatening states, does not speak about the incurability of patients.

The guys of this “company” are characterized by rather serious congenital malformations. They already have an impact on a person's life rhythm. Pathological changes affect not only the initially “wrong” system, but also organically healthy organs. There are chronic diseases (often more than one). Exacerbations of these disorders develop frequently, usually with complications.

Acute disorders are difficult to treat, after which the child recovers for a long time, he needs special conditions rehabilitation. Often such children are in society with difficulty, tk. their diagnoses leave an imprint on the character, and on the worldview, and on physical abilities.

As for neuropsychic development, it can be absolutely normal. Deviations are completely optional, such children, on the contrary, are often more intelligent than others (due to the lack of opportunities, for example, to run and play around). However, deviations are not uncommon, from minor to severe. Characterized by a lack of body weight, height, muscle strength.

Very often, such children require training in specialized institutions. And even if this is not the case, they are shown significant restrictions on educational and physical activity. Some form of supportive therapy is almost always required. permanent basis(medicines, exercise therapy, etc.).

It is worth recalling that children's health groups and their characteristics do not oblige parents to send their baby to specialized institutions. But if such advice was sounded, it is better to listen to it. Contrary to popular belief, a not quite healthy child, who is in the company of "ordinary" peers, does not recover faster. On the contrary, he begins to realize some kind of inferiority, complexes develop, a small person closes in on himself (and if he is also ridiculed?). But being in a special institution where trained teachers work with him, he can make great strides. And no one said that in a couple of years such a kid would not be able to study at an ordinary school!

Fifth category

What does the 5th (fifth) health group mean in a child? This category includes children with very serious deviations in physical condition. Whether it is severe chronic diseases, with rare periods of clinical remission (no symptoms), or developmental anomalies. These kids are threatened with disability or have already received it.

Such children have damage to all (or almost all) organs and systems, and the pathology is both functional and organic. Frequent infectious and inflammatory processes with a large number of severe complications.

Acute diseases are a condition that is practically permanent for them. This means that they seek medical help more than 8-10 times a year.

I must say that developmental anomalies can be not only congenital. This group also includes children who have undergone severe mutilation operations, injuries, diseases. AT without fail the fifth group of health in a child includes cancer patients. Moreover, both during the treatment process, and at the stage of early rehabilitation, and in the post-rehabilitation period (up to 5 years).

The education of such kids in general education schools and preschool institutions is excluded. They require an individual approach. For such kids, it will be optimal to study at home, or in highly specialized educational institutions. These children require constant supervision, constant help and guardianship. Most often they are socially unadapted (especially at an early age, when they spend most of their time in hospitals).

Health groups and risk groups - is there a difference?

I would like to specifically mention two similar friend on other concepts: health group and risk group. Despite their similarities, they are different things. In the first case, we are talking about the real, present, current state of a person. And the second concept characterizes children who have “more opportunities” to get this or that disease, more pathogenic factors.

When divided according to the degree of risk, this is a category of children prone to the development of a particular pathology. This division is quite old, back in the 90s of the XX century, but sometimes these data are still referred to today. There are 5 main risk groups and 4 additional ones. If a patient is classified as a risk category, then the schedule of his medical examination changes, consultations of narrowly specialized specialists are added to the recommendations.

In fact, group unit 2a is one risk group. And it includes all the crumbs predisposed to the formation of one or another pathological process.

Determine the health group

As already mentioned, the pediatrician deals with the distribution of children into categories. Each baby registered on the site must be “classified” on this basis.

And how to determine the child's health group on your own, is it possible to do this? In principle, yes, although it doesn't make much sense. After all, before kindergarten and school, your child will still have to undergo a medical examination. However, materials on the topic of children's health groups and their characteristics are available to everyone. To avoid confusion, let's try to derive a strict algorithm for determining categories.

To begin with, each parent needs to know that group affiliation is set for the most severe disease. If, for example, the baby does not have any diseases, except for a heart defect that does not cause concern, it should be attributed to group 3.

Secondly, the table can help with the definition. In fact, this is the same data that was presented above in text form, but more concisely.

Health group in children - table by disease

Health group chronic diseases Acute diseases Anomalies of development Functional deviations neuropsychic development
1 (first) Not Rarely (up to 4 times a year) Not Fine
2 (second) Not Often (from 4 to 6 times a year), the treatment is long, the rehabilitation period is delayed None or minor, not affecting quality of life There is Normal/slightly behind
3 (third) Yes, mild, aggravated rarely, give a good response to treatment Often, with severe course There is,
slight limitation of possibilities
Yes, but only in the system where there is a chronic pathology Normal/slightly behind
4 (fourth) Yes, frequent exacerbations, difficult to treat, cause disturbances in the rhythm of life, require restrictions on activities Often, they are difficult, they are treated for a long time, almost always complicated There is a noticeable limitation. Often requires specialized care There is, and not only in the already affected system, but also in the one where there is no malformation or chronic disease Normal/slightly behind/significantly behind
5 (fifth) Yes, severe, with occasional relief Occur often, periods of rehabilitation are prolonged, frequent complications Yes, heavy. Education only in specialized institutions. Yes, they affect not only the anatomically affected organ or system, but also “healthy” elements Normally, there may be a slight or significant lag

It is worth mentioning that such distributions by category are relevant up to 17-18 years. Upon reaching this age, a person moves into an adult network, and there is already his own division.

Category definition − milestone. You can’t “relax”, even if your child was given 1 group. It is necessary to undergo a medical examination on time. Be sure to remember that posting a category number is not a signing of a verdict. There is a way out of every situation. Children's health groups and their characteristics are serious, but not final. Most diseases today are treatable, but this needs to be done - scrupulously, for a long time, daily. And then parental labor will be rewarded with the health of the child.

In case you need to find out what the second group of human health means, it is best to refer to the legislation of our state. The country regularly takes care of the condition of its citizens and for this regularly on a free basis and with a policy health insurance carries out relevant activities.

Health group 2 in a child

At the birth of a child, the attending pediatrician appoints him a comprehensive examination and, based on the assessment of the child's health by narrow specialists, assigns him a certain category. This group allows you to set the possible physical and mental stress for the child.

When conducting a deep inspection, special attention is paid to:

  1. The presence of diagnoses and abnormalities in early infancy;
  2. Physical state;
  3. Neuropsychic indicators;
  4. The work of the immune system;
  5. The work of internal organs;
  6. The presence of chronic diseases.

Assigned the second category indicates that your child is not in perfect health. He sometimes suffers from viral or respiratory diseases, or has problems with weight, or is prone to allergic reactions.

Usually at birth the second group assigned to many children. However, it also has several subspecies:

  • Subgroup 2-A includes children who are predisposed to various diseases due to genetics or the course of pregnancy;
  • subgroup 2-B are children who have had diseases in the first few days after birth. These children need special attention from a pediatrician up to three months.

  1. Hardening of the body to increase overall immunity;
  2. Diet for weight loss;
  3. Proper nutrition for a set of missing kilograms;
  4. The presence of motor activity;
  5. Physical education, however, the delivery of standards is possible later than the deadlines established for healthy children;
  6. Classes in sections of general physical training;
  7. Participation in relay races and sports competitions;
  8. Regular walks to fresh air.

Group 2: purpose of the Ministry of Internal Affairs health requirements

We know from childhood that people with excellent health are accepted for service in the internal troops. And in order to keep track of changes, employees undergo a regular medical commission.

During the service and at the time of passing the medical examination, doctors assess the health of servicemen by the state of internal organs, the presence of chronic diseases, the ratio of height and weight, and assign them various categories.

Depending on the assigned category, there are assignments that a particular soldier can and is able to engage in.

Thus, group 2 by the standards of the Ministry of Internal Affairs includes the following works:

  1. Operational activities, including search and investigative activities;
  2. Object security of the Ministry of Internal Affairs;
  3. Control different types road transport, except for operational;
  4. Firefighting work. These are drivers and firefighters of the Ministry of Emergency Situations and employees of educational institutions of the Ministry of Emergency Situations;
  5. Teachers of the Police School and other educational institutions under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Thus, in order to engage in a certain type of activity in the troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, it is necessary to confirm at the commission that you belong to health group 2.

Health group 2 in adults

For an adult, the second category means that there are diseases in his body, which, however, does not affect the performance of their labor duties and vital activity. Most likely, such a person has a chronic disease, without an acute form, which does not affect his vital functions. This category has approximately 76% of the total population .

To maintain patients with the second group, doctors prescribe:

  • Therapeutic exercise;
  • Checkup twice a year.
  1. The presence of chronic diseases;
  2. The level of physical activity of a citizen;
  3. Having bad habits.

At the same time, the inspection reveals:

  • Diabetes;
  • Heart diseases;
  • Problems with the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Pathology of the vascular system;
  • The presence of tumors, including cancer;
  • Problems with the functioning of the liver and gallbladder.

Thus, by regularly undergoing medical examinations and knowing your group, you can easily make up an acceptable level of exercise and nutrition for yourself, and begin to regularly carry out activities aimed at maintaining your condition.

What is the health scale for?

Clinical examination helps to determine the state of the body of both a child and an adult. In her process, a person:

  1. Leases laboratory tests;
  2. Passes narrow specialists;
  3. If necessary, it is sent for a deeper examination, for example, an ultrasound.

Thus, as a result of medical examination, the district doctor has overall picture the state of a particular person. It is important:

  • For the patient to have information about their health;
  • For the employer to properly distribute the workload;
  • For the state to analyze the state of citizens in general.

Clinical examination up to eighteen years is carried out annually, after every three years.

What other groups are there?

In addition to the second group described above, in the Russian classification of citizens' health, there are three more:

  1. First includes people who, as a result of the examination and the results of the tests, do not have deviations from the norm in any of the indicators. Such people are fit to perform any work and do not need constant supervision and other medical prescriptions;
  2. Third consists of patients suffering from exacerbations of chronic diseases. These citizens regularly need medical care, so they are often excluded from labor activity due to sick leave;
  3. Fourth the group of chronic diseases does not yet have, however, in the body there are prerequisites for their occurrence. People with the fourth group should constantly be observed by the appropriate doctor.

Thus, the entire population, one way or another, as a result of medical examinations, is assigned to one of the categories. Group 3 patients may even qualify for disability.

Thus, having understood what the second group of health means, it became clear that this is far from a sentence and not a mass of diagnoses and restrictions. People with this group are practically unlimited, however, they have information about the weakest part of their body that requires closer attention.

Video: are there pleasant illnesses?

It would seem that there can be good in the disease. In this video, Stas Perov will talk about 5 pleasant human diseases:

In-Depth Research. During it, the state of health of the child during the periods of epicrisis is assessed, followed by recommendations from specialists for the further full development of the baby.

Identification of various diseases in the early stages and improvement of the child, the purpose of which is to prevent the formation of a chronic disease.

The pediatrician determines the health group, taking into account all the examinations of specialists.

There are several criteria for assessing the health status of a child:

Criterion 1 - whether deviations are observed in early ontogenesis.

2nd criterion - development in the physical plane.

3 criterion - neuropsychic development.

4th criterion - the body's resistance to various painful factors.

5th criterion - the state of organs and systems.

6 criterion - whether there are chronic diseases or congenital diseases.

Thus, the definition of a health group occurs based on the criteria listed above. So, the child has a 2nd health group. What does this mean?

Characteristics of 2 health groups

You need to understand that a health group is nothing more than the state of health of a child and its predisposition to various diseases, as well as the presence of congenital diseases. Health group 2 includes children who have minor health problems. They, as a rule, get sick more often, for example, acute respiratory infections, overweight or the likelihood of allergies may be present.

Group 2 health in newborns is most common. Because at present, completely healthy children are not born, even if the mother does not suffer from any diseases. A person's attitude to a particular health group is established not only in but also accompanies him throughout his life.

Two more subgroups are distinguished among children who were assigned to group 2

2-A are children who have biological, genetic and social factors for the development of diseases, but they are healthy according to other criteria.

Genetic factors are the presence of relatives with various diseases that can be passed down from generation to generation. For example, diabetes, heart disease, allergies and others.

Biological factors are deviations that arose during pregnancy and childbirth in the mother. These are fast or vice versa long births, caesarean section, prolonged presence of the fetus without amniotic fluid, placental pathology, malposition of the fetus, and so on.

Social factors include smoking, parental alcoholism, parental work in hazardous industries, chronic diseases of the mother, too early or late pregnancy. The presence of infections that can be sexually transmitted, the threat of premature birth or miscarriage in the mother. Poor nutrition during pregnancy and violation of the general regimen.

2-B - these are children who have morphological and functional changes. Newborns who belong to this subgroup suffered some disease in the first days or hours of life and after discharge from the hospital they still have some deviations. Such babies often get sick, there are anomalies of the constitution and other deviations in health.

When discharged from the hospital, a risk group is indicated, and, judging by it, the pediatrician must draw up a plan for observations, examinations, and carry out preventive measures (hardening, vaccinations). If necessary, drug treatment is prescribed.

It is necessary to observe children who belong to subgroup 2-B at home for up to three months.

So, what is health group 2, and how can young children and preschoolers be attributed to it?

There are a number of deviations by which one can judge the state of health of the child:

Multiple pregnancy.

Immaturity is postponed, prematurity.

CNS damage.

Hypotrophy 1 degree.

Infection in the womb.

Low weight at birth.

Overweight at birth (4 kg or more).

The initial period of rickets, 1st degree of rickets and its residual effects.

The presence of anomalies in the constitution.

Changes that relate to the cardiovascular system, changes in blood pressure, pulse.

Frequent illnesses, including respiratory.

Gastrointestinal disorders - lack of appetite, abdominal pain, etc.

2 health group in a child is not yet an indicator that all deviations should be present in the medical record. Just one or more is enough. The health group is determined by the most severe deviation.

All parents can easily find out which health group their child belongs to. Each local doctor owns this information, and even a nurse will be able to give explanations. After all, the child's health group is not a medical secret.

Monitoring the health of children in children's institutions

Information about children from 2 gr. health must be at the nurse of the children's institution. If a child belongs to this group, then at physical education lessons he is offered a set of exercises specially designed for such children. Loads for them should be lower. But this does not mean giving up sports. If there is a 2nd health group in a child, then such children are often prescribed physiotherapy exercises.

In addition, medical supervision is necessary for children who belong to this group. Since they have a high risk of developing various pathologies. The main method that allows you to get an assessment of the health status of children is a preventive examination, which is carried out by doctors.

There is also an algorithm for determining health groups in children aged 3 to 17 years. Children are examined:

At 3 years old (before entering kindergarten);

At 5 and a half or 6 years old (one year before elementary school);

At the age of 8, when the child finishes the 1st grade of school;

At age 10, when the child enters secondary school;

At 14-15 years old.

If, as a result of the examination, the child's health indicators are related to the classes and groups of diseases allocated by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, then he is referred to a certain health group.

Physical education with children of 2 health groups

In order for physical education lessons to be effective and without risk to the health of schoolchildren, the latter are assigned to one of three groups (basic, preparatory and special). The division is made by a pediatrician or therapist at the end of the school year, but the specialist makes the final verdict only after a second examination before the start of the next school year.

If a child has the 2nd health group in physical education, then he belongs to the preparatory medical group. These are practically healthy children, but having certain deviations, poorly prepared physically. Schoolchildren can be engaged but with the condition of gradual assimilation of the necessary motor skills and abilities. The dosage of physical activity is observed, contraindicated movements are excluded.

If a child has a 2nd health group, then he is forbidden to perform test tasks in the classroom and participate in sports events. But experts strongly recommend conducting additional physical education classes at home or at school.

The tasks of schoolchildren with 2 health groups:

Strengthening and improving health;

Improving physical development;

Mastering important motor skills, qualities and skills;

Improving the adaptation of the body to physical activity;

Hardening and increasing the body's resistance to disease;

Formation of interest in constant physical education, development of volitional qualities;

Raising a positive attitude towards a healthy lifestyle;

Mastering a set of exercises that have a beneficial effect on the state of the child's body, taking into account the existing disease;

Compliance with the correct regime of rest and work, hygiene, good nutrition.


Thus, the 2nd group of health in a child is not a sentence. It should not be considered inferior or terminally ill. The child's belonging to this group means that he needs sensitive care, you need to constantly monitor his health in order to avoid unpleasant consequences.

Children with this health group lead a normal life and develop well, they are no different from other kids.

Reading time: 11 minutes

The physical component of health determines the mental and social well-being of the child, his harmonious development, success in adulthood. Developmental defects, the presence of chronic diseases, congenital anomalies require adjustment of physical activity and constant medical monitoring. Comprehensive medical examinations allow assessing the state of the physiological systems of the body, the dynamics of pathology, in order to determine the health group in children for the organization of general strengthening classes and rehabilitation activities.

What is a child health group

In pediatric practice, the concept of "children's health group" is a symbol that doctors use to assess general condition organism. The conclusion is made on the basis of a comprehensive examination by narrow specialists and a local pediatrician. The conclusion is issued at the moment, so the health group may change. It depends on the dynamics of the state.

It is necessary to assess and determine the health group in children of different age categories in order to provide timely assistance in the future. medical care or arrange supervision of narrow specialists. Its definition is very important for children who attend educational institutions. When diagnosing chronic diseases, the presence of developmental anomalies, a special group is assigned, in which requirements are reduced and physical activity is reduced.

How to determine the child's health group

Only qualified doctors determine the health groups of children and adolescents. Narrow specialists who are part of the medical commission draw conclusions after examination and additional research. All data is provided to the pediatrician, who, based on the findings of the commission, laboratory tests, criteria for a comprehensive health assessment, and his own observations, gives a conclusion. The health group in children is determined taking into account data on the course of pregnancy and early development.

Referral for annual medical examination

In the parental environment, there is an opinion that annual medical examinations are a whim of doctors and a waste of time. Parents sometimes do not notice how and when a child began to develop a chronic disease. His whims, complaints of fatigue, bad feeling write off for laziness or bad character. Passing a medical examination once a year is necessary and justified. Statistics indicate a small percentage of absolutely healthy children.

The state has legalized a mandatory medical examination in 1 year, when applying for a child preschool, before entering the 1st grade of the school, annually at school age. Parents need to understand that formally it is impossible to relate to passing a medical examination. A comprehensive health assessment is carried out not in order to obtain a certificate of the ability to attend a kindergarten or school, but for the timely detection of diseases and developmental disabilities.

At the annual examination, the doctor analyzes anthropometric data, laboratory tests, and the dynamics of morbidity. The medical report indicates whether it is possible to visit a children's institution, belonging to a physical education group. It will help parents adjust the daily routine, nutrition, mental and physical activity. When pathological conditions are detected, a dispensary registration is made, observation by a narrow specialist.

Comprehensive assessment of the health status of children

Clinical examination involves examination by narrow specialists. The district pediatrician, based on their findings and their own observations, makes a comprehensive assessment of the patient's physiological state. The medical committee includes:

  • surgeon (detection possible violations posture);
  • oculist (determination of visual acuity and its correction);
  • ENT (identification of structural features of the nasopharynx, a tendency to diseases of the throat, nose, ear);
  • cardiologist (control of the cardiovascular system);
  • neuropathologist (identifying the features of the nervous system);
  • dentist (checking the condition of the teeth).

What to do if a child has functional disorders or a chronic disease

The purpose of the annual preventive examination is to identify possible functional disorders and chronic diseases. When they are identified, a comprehensive assessment of the state of health is not done. Held additional research, the diagnosis is confirmed. Only after that the pediatrician gives a comprehensive assessment. This is the algorithm of actions of the medical commission during the initial detection of pathologies.

Criteria classification

There are developed criteria for the health of children, their classification is diverse. In pediatric practice, 5 basic principles are popular, according to which the health group in children is determined:

  1. Heredity. When examining a newborn, the doctor finds out the presence of hereditary diseases that are fixed in a number of generations of the family. In the presence of genetic pathologies, laboratory tests will help determine the likelihood of such a disease. The genealogical criterion takes into account the peculiarities of the course of pregnancy, childbirth itself, and the development of the newborn in the first month.
  2. Physical development. This is based on the main anthropometric data: height, weight, head circumference, chest, limb length and others. There is a special table in which digital indicators of normal physical development are prescribed.
  3. Development of organ systems. In parallel with the increase in body weight and height, the formation of internal organs and their systems occurs. You can control this process with additional tests and hardware techniques (for example, ultrasound). Doctors pay special attention to the development of organs that provide the basic processes of life - the heart, stomach, kidneys, lungs.
  4. The degree of immune protection. healthy body reliably resists environmental factors, is less prone to infections. reason weak immunity in frequently ill patients, it is imperative to find out by conducting an additional examination and diagnosis.
  5. The ratio of mental and physical health. A neuropathologist, a psychologist and a pediatrician jointly determine the course of the nervous reactions of the body, the level of development mental processes, physical health and correlate data with special tables of standards.

Children's health groups and their characteristics

A comprehensive assessment of the state of health is carried out from 3 to 17 years of age according to specially developed criteria. The health group in children is indicated by Roman numerals. Belonging to it is determined not so much by the established diagnosis as by physical capabilities, so patients with the same diseases can be in different groups.

Parents express concern when the health group of children does not correspond to normal indicators. The conclusion of the doctor about its assignment is not a diagnosis. This type of medical gradation provides a comprehensive assessment of physical development and the ability to adjust it in the future, taking into account various factors that actively influence it.

I health group

Absence of anatomical defects and functional pathologies. Patients are practically healthy and rarely get sick. The identified functional abnormalities in the body do not affect the general physiological state and do not require special medical correction. At the time of examination, they are practically healthy, have isolated deviations in neuropsychic development.

II group

Small deviations are fixed, reduced immune defense. There are no chronic diseases, functional disorders are diagnosed. The general delay in physical development is expressed: excess or deficiency of body weight, impaired vision, anemia, flat feet and other dysfunctions. Health group 2 in a child means that he often suffers from acute respiratory infections (more than 4 times a year). There is a high risk of developing pathological conditions, their transition to a chronic disease. Subgroup 2a includes patients with risk factors for the development of diseases:

  • genetic (hereditary diseases);
  • biological (difficult pregnancy and difficult childbirth);
  • social (smoking, alcoholism, work of parents in hazardous production, late pregnancy, venereal diseases, the threat of premature birth or miscarriage).

Subgroup 2b is characterized by the presence of morphological abnormalities and functional disorders. Newborn babies are characterized by diseases that they suffered in the first minutes, hours of life. After discharge from the maternity hospital, the pathologies persist, the risk group is indicated. The pediatrician draws up an observation plan, conducts systematic examinations and preventive measures, and, if necessary, prescribes treatment. These kids are often sick. They need constant monitoring at home.

III group

Chronic diseases that are characterized by long periods of remission. Rarely, exacerbations of the condition occur without complications of the underlying disease. Small patients have normal physical development, but anthropometric indicators (height, body weight) are below normal. Health group 3 in a child is an indicator of mental retardation.

IV group

Several chronic diseases are present. One or more diseases are in the stage of subcompensation, there are severe defects, pathological conditions. This includes patients who are in remission with ongoing maintenance treatment. This includes patients with handicapped due to past injuries and operations.

Group V

Severe chronic disease, physical defects, impaired functionality of vital internal organs. These include the most severe patients, who often experience deterioration and seizures, followed by complications. The underlying disease requires constant therapeutic measures. This includes children with disabilities.

Newborn health groups

In pediatrics, there is a special health assessment for newborns. Belonging to a certain group is determined upon discharge from the maternity hospital. This is the basis for drawing up a plan for working with the baby. The complex of measures is carried out by the local pediatrician. The criteria by which the health group of the newborn is determined are given in the table:

1 The babies and his mother are healthy. Be sure to take into account the course of the first half of pregnancy
2a The mother of the newborn has a narrow pelvis. The baby has physiological immaturity (prematurity or postmaturity of the 1st degree), edematous syndrome of the initial degree is manifested
2b The woman in labor has chronic diseases, she does not have enough milk, she had a caesarean section or a multiple pregnancy. The child has a respiratory disorder (mild asphyxia)
3 The newborn has moderate or severe asphyxia, postmaturity grade 3, birth injury he was infected in utero
4, 5 Severe congenital malformations, anomalies are present, impaired physiological processes, which the body of a newborn cannot restore on its own (pronounced decompensation)

What is the Apgar score

A rapid universal assessment of the health of the newborn is determined by the Apgar scale. This system was created in 1952, developed by the American anesthesiologist Virginia Apgar. Using the scale, the doctor quickly assesses the vital signs of the baby. It includes 5 criteria, which are determined at 1 and 5 minutes of life. Each criterion is evaluated by points, they are summed up, according to this figure the state of the newborn is assessed.

There is a special table that describes the rating scale (from 0 to 2 points) for each of the criteria:

  • breath;
  • heart rate;
  • muscle tone;
  • reflexes;
  • skin color.

It’s great if each criterion is evaluated by the doctor at 2 points, but the newborn cannot get 10 points in the first minute of life (feet and hands are cyanotic). A score of 9 is given to an absolutely healthy baby who can breathe on his own, his pulse is more than 100 beats per minute, his arms and legs are bent at the joints. He screams loudly, sneezes, responds to manipulations with movements, his skin has a healthy pink color. The norm is 7 points or more - the physiological state of the newborn is good, he does not need special care.

Resuscitation measures are carried out for babies who received 4-6 points on the Apgar scale. His condition is monitored every 5 minutes, at 10, 15, 20 minutes. Positive dynamics during the observation indicates the correctness of the ongoing medical events. A score below 4 requires immediate medical action to save the life of the newborn.

A coefficient of 3-4 on the Apgar jackal implies average deviations from normal indicators. At constant control medical staff the condition of the newborn is classified as satisfactory. Indicators 0-2 are rated as critical, urgent are required resuscitation, in the future, additional examinations and observations by specialists.

Recommendations of specialists for different health groups

The development of the child takes place in society, his physical and social activities require correction depending on belonging to a certain health group. To this end, physicians have developed methodological recommendations:

  1. Educational and physical activity of the first group of health is carried out according to the existing general educational programs. In the direct organization of activities are taken into account age features. Taking them into account, without restrictions, you can fulfill the standards, participate in various events, visit additional educational and sports institutions.
  2. Contraindications for active exercises of the second group are not radical. Hardening is carried out, organized proper nutrition for weight correction, feasible physical education is required. Participation in sections of general physical training is recommended. Useful walks, games in the fresh air. Physician approval is required only for participation in high-intensity activities.
  3. The third group requires the correction of physical activity, the organization of any activity takes place according to specially designed programs. The doctor makes recommendations and sets limits. Special attention requires recovery after exercise with the help of a special set of breathing exercises. In the course of physical activity, which occurs at a low and slow pace, the heart rate is subject to mandatory control. Permission to participate in sporting events is given by a doctor.
  4. Education in the fourth group takes place according to special programs in the relevant institutions. Motor activity is limited, a large amount of time in the daily routine is devoted to rest. Ordinary sports activities are contraindicated, he attends a group of physiotherapy exercises.
  5. An individual approach is carried out to the preparation of programs for the organization of activities in the fifth group, they are approved by the attending physician. Motor activity is significantly limited. A large amount of time is devoted to rest. Conducts physical therapy classes qualified specialist individually.


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