Organization of work in the preschool with children of the OVZ. Interaction between families and educational institutions on the integration of children with disabilities into the children's society. in modern society



The national educational initiative "Our New School" when setting priorities in the field of education, one of the most important ones has determined the course to preserve the health of children. And at the stage of preschool childhood, we build our work in such a way as to preserve and strengthen the health of children as much as possible. However, the number of children classified as disabled is steadily increasing. They require special conditions and competent, from the point of view of correctional pedagogy, support.

Support as a process, as an integral system of activity, is based on certain principles: respect for the interests of the child; support system.

Along with this, of particular concern at the stage of transition from traditional preschool education to innovative is the problem of teaching and educating preschoolers with disabilities (disabled health), a large heterogeneous group of children with an insufficient level of psychophysical and speech development, which is in conditions of hidden integration in general developing preschool educational institutions. The integration of children with disabilities into mass educational institutions is a social order of society and the state, a natural stage in the development of the special education system. More than 30% of children with disabilities are in mass preschools, integrated into the environment of normally developing peers for various reasons:

Children without appropriate diagnoses, but with adaptation disorders; their "integration" is due to the fact that the existing deviation in development has not yet been identified;

Children whose parents, knowing about the violation of the development of the child, for various reasons, insist on studying in a mass kindergarten.

Unfortunately, to date, Russia has not developed a holistic, effective system for the inclusion of children with disabilities in social life. The system for including children with disabilities in mass kindergartens is also poorly developed. Many teachers find themselves in a difficult situation, because they are not ready and unable to provide assistance to such children.

Solving the problem of teaching and educating children with disabilities within the existing education system is complicated by a number of contradictions between:

The ability of children with disabilities to attend mass kindergartens and the unwillingness and inability of teachers to provide assistance to such children;

The need to implement an individually differentiated approach in the process of teaching and educating children of all categories with disabilities in a preschool educational institution, depending on their psychophysical capabilities and the lack of a theoretically justified strategy for organizing this process at all levels of managing the preschool system;

An increase in the intensity of social transformations in society that give rise to the intellectualization of education in preschool childhood, an increase in training loads in the education and upbringing of children in mass preschool educational institutions and the imperfection of the system of education and upbringing of children with disabilities integrated into preschool educational institutions, which contributes to the preservation and strengthening of the health of this category of children;

The need to find alternative technologies for education and upbringing that correspond to the individual psychophysical characteristics of all categories of children with disabilities and the lack of a system for evaluating the effectiveness and benefits of these technologies in the context of innovative transformations for children with disabilities.

Getting children with disabilities education is one of the main and indispensable conditions for their successful socialization, ensuring their full participation in society, effective self-realization in various types of professional and social activities.

The task of teachers is to organize educational work in such a way that at each age a child with disabilities is offered to master knowledge, skills and abilities that are adequate to his age, psychophysical and speech development.

One of the conditions for increasing the effectiveness of correctional and pedagogical work is the creation of a protective-pedagogical and subject-developing environment adequate to the child's capabilities, that is, a system of conditions that ensure the full development of all types of children's activities, correction of deviations of higher mental functions and the formation of the child's personality. The organization of education and training of preschool children with disabilities involves making changes to the forms of correctional and developmental work. Most children are characterized by motor difficulties, motor disinhibition, low performance, which requires changes in the planning of educational activities and daily routine. One of the important conditions is the need to organize a protective regime that spares and at the same time strengthens the child's nervous system. In the daily regimen, an increase in the time allotted for hygiene procedures, sleep, and food intake should be provided. A wide variation of organizational forms of correctional and educational work is envisaged: group, subgroup, individual.

One of the important conditions for organizing the process of raising and educating children with disabilities in a mass kindergarten is equipping it with special equipment: for children with disorders of the musculoskeletal system, special chairs with armrests, special tables, posture correctors (reclinators) are needed; a ramp should be provided. And therefore, it is necessary to create combined groups with similar disorders in children with disabilities in mass kindergartens.

Our kindergarten is attended by children with disabilities, impaired posture, hearing, and children with speech therapy and behavioral problems. For these children it is very important to be loved, to be accepted, to have independence as far as possible, and hence self-confidence.

When children with disabilities began attending our kindergarten, we faced the problems listed above. Such children need a systematic complex corrective action to be started as early as possible. We are convinced that the main thing in our work is, first of all, the full formation of the personality of each child, and not just classes to overcome violations. That is why we involved the entire staff of the preschool institution, parents and normally developing peers in the correctional development process, since we believe that our work should not be limited to the walls of the preschool educational institution. After all, successful overcoming of violations in children is possible only under the condition of an individual, tolerant attitude towards the personality of the child and a close relationship and continuity in the work of the entire team (teachers - speech therapists, educators, psychologists and other specialists). Having worked through the methodological literature, the areas of activity of specialists were determined and the activities of the teaching staff were organized, all specialists in their field developed methodological recommendations for working with children with disabilities. In our joint classes, we, in our opinion, solve the main task - the inclusion of a child with disabilities in the children's team of normally developing peers and the development of a mutually tolerant attitude towards each other. And the close relationship of the specialists of our kindergarten allows us to make these classes as productive as possible.

In addition, the involvement of parents in the real pedagogical process is important: these are joint “living rooms”, workshops. Before teachers of preschool educational institutions, striving to provide effective assistance to a family with a child with disabilities, there are a number of difficult problems in all respects. There cannot be any standard recipes and typical solutions here, everything is individual.

As mentioned above, there are still a lot of problems on this topic, but we already have our small victories: (these are the conditions created at the moment in our preschool educational institution):

Children with special needs have a desire to attend kindergarten;

Acceptance by the children's team and parents of normally developing peers of children with special needs;

The habituation of children with disabilities to the society of peers with normal development, the ability to interact with them, and we, in turn, try to organize this interaction as an interaction of equal partners.

Any educational institution is accessible to children with disabilities by teachers who are able to meet the educational needs of children in this category. This is the creation of a psychological, moral atmosphere in which a special child will no longer feel like everyone else. This is a place where a child with disabilities can exercise not only his right to education, but also, being included in the full social life of his peers, acquire the right to a normal childhood.

Hello dear friends! I have news: finally, they paid attention to children and began to open up groups for children with disabilities in kindergartens. Some educators who have not completed courses (on the organization of inclusive education for children with disabilities) are discouraged by the fact that educators of such groups receive higher salaries and additional vacation days. Today I will try to explain intelligibly what it is like working with this contingent of children and why certain privileges are given to teachers who have undergone special inclusive training.

By the way, if anyone wants to study the legal framework on this issue on their own, I can recommend a manual “Education of children with disabilities in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard of the IEO. Local legal acts», you can buy it on the portal "".

So, it is worth noting that a referral to a group for children with disabilities can be obtained after passing a special psychological, medical and pedagogical commission and only with the consent of the parents or guardians of the baby. Given the child's right to choose the form and method of education, experts can only recommend that the mother transfer the baby to a special group.

The fact is that sometimes parents do not notice deviations in the child's behavior, which indicate the presence of a certain disease, which reduces his ability to receive education in the usual way. There are children who were born with obvious deviations in health and development, and there are cases when only by some signs, visible to a specialist, it is possible to determine the presence of some kind of defect.

You need to be very attentive to your children and, at the slightest suspicion, turn to specialists. After all, most minor developmental and health defects can be corrected and forgotten about, but only with early diagnosis.

Children can be trained in a correctional group if they have the following defects:

  • Hearing, vision, speech impairment;
  • Slight mental retardation;
  • Negative mental states;
  • Psychopathic forms of behavior;
  • Pedagogical neglect;
  • Mild motor pathology;
  • Complex forms of allergies;
  • Frequently recurring common diseases.

It is worth noting that the listed pathologies should be in a mild form, but if the pathology is severe, the child simply cannot physically be out of the house and without parents.

Features of working with children with disabilities

You need to understand that regardless of the state of physical and mental health of the child, he has equal rights to education, like other children. Just for children with disabilities, an individual development program is drawn up and a deeper focus on the development of the child.

To help myself and all my colleagues who work or plan to work in a correctional group, I picked up thematic books in the same "Labyrinth":

  • “Inclusive education. Handbook of a teacher working with children with disabilities "- this methodological manual with recommendations for overcoming defects in development will be of interest to all interested parties;
  • "Socio-communicative development of children with disabilities in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard"– the CD-ROM of the “Pedagogical Video Workshop” series contains materials on creating such a developing environment that will maximize the potential of each child.

Children with disabilities have the right and should be brought up and developed in a team of their peers. For this, special groups are created or such children are integrated into a regular group in the so-called mass kindergarten(as opposed to a specialized one). By the way, the stay of children with disabilities in kindergartens is free.

I really like the expression: creating a barrier-free developing space. This is a capacious phrase, isn't it, which characterizes the main task of a teacher who works with this contingent of children. We must do everything so that children with disabilities can receive full-fledged preschool education and education in the conditions of a regular kindergarten.

The main feature of working with children with disabilities is the constant psychological, medical and pedagogical accompanying children competent professionals who work closely with each other. Working with these kids is a comprehensive search for ways to overcome defects and complete socialization in society.

Educators alone cannot solve the problem of correcting the physical or psychological problems of children. Only together we will overcome everything, including with the help of our parents. And this is not only my opinion, as many experts with whom we were on think so.

Methodological support for teachers

Today there are various forms of self-education, including literature, seminars, courses, etc. How to do everything? You can, without leaving your home, study online and get the appropriate certificates that will not be superfluous in your portfolio.

I always find especially advantageous offers for seminars in UchMag:

  • "Development of fine motor skills in children with disabilities using non-traditional equipment";
  • "FGOS IEO: correctional and pedagogical support for children with disabilities";
  • "Special Education for Children with Special Educational Needs";
  • "Methods, techniques and forms of work with parents on the development and correctional and pedagogical assistance to children with disabilities".

What are the difficulties of working with not quite healthy children?

The fact is that such children are characterized by some motor retardation or hyperactivity, insufficient coordination of movements, poor performance, low socialization, intellectual deficiency, deviations in cognitive processes, etc.

Usually, the adaptation of such a child takes place with great difficulty, since there is low self-esteem, various fears. But at the same time, according to experts, one defect is compensated by an overestimated positive quality in such children. For example, hearing-impaired babies have sharp eyesight and a great interest in fine arts. And visually impaired children have a well-developed so-called sixth sense.

To work with this contingent of pupils, it is not enough to be just an educator with a standard preschool education. You need to take special courses, study a lot of literature on your own, study not only your duties, but also delve into the psychology of these children, understand the features of their physical condition.

For each child with disabilities, a characteristic is written by each specialist who works with him. Periodic monitoring of the dynamics of the development of the child, control of health, both physical and psychological, is carried out.

In short, very difficult, but such an important work is being done - the correction of defects in the child's health.

In simple terms, they simply deal with children and teach them not to be shy, but to be successful in other activities among their peers. The teacher should pay attention to the abilities of the child, the pupils of the group.

Directions of corrective work with children

With the kids who attend the correctional group, they are engaged on the same principle as with ordinary children, but taking into account the characteristics of this contingent.

Thus, much attention is paid to the following areas:

  • Development of physical health. The instructor in physical culture or in physiotherapy exercises develops an individual program for each child, which provides for the correction of certain physical defects.

The educator, together with the psychologist, uses physical education as a tool to strengthen willpower, an active life position, motivates children to make independent decisions and develops the ability to get out of difficult situations. This strengthens the emotional health of the baby and makes him stronger in every way.

  • The development of cognitive qualities. Using the principle from simple to complex, relying on the principle of visibility, other methods and techniques that are suitable for each individual child, teach kids the skills of independent exploration of the world. The difficulty is that each child has his own peculiarity in terms of health and psychosomatics, therefore, a careful selection of methodological tools is required.
  • Social and communicative development. This is an extremely important area for children with disabilities. They need to be taught the most basic everyday things that will facilitate their socialization. Healthy guys learn self-service and communication skills naturally, little by little.

Toddlers with disabilities have difficulty with the simplest actions and often have speech problems. A speech therapist and an educator from two fronts solve these problems, dealing individually with each baby. Both teachers and parents of children with disabilities participate in the organization of a communicative and developing environment. A separate area is educational work with moms and dads.

Joint efforts are teaching everyday skills and communication skills.

  • The development is artistic and aesthetic. Through classes in music, drawing, modeling, etc. children very effectively develop fine motor skills, master the skills of working with different materials, learn to interact with the teacher and comrades. Art is very important for such children, they are often extremely receptive to music, they love everything beautiful.

Instead of concluding...

As you understand, in order to ensure the fulfillment of such difficult tasks that teachers of special groups face, knowledge is needed, definitely special training and a great desire to help children with disabilities. An increased salary and increased vacation will not please the teacher if he feels that he does not live up to his professional qualities to take on such a burden.

A group of children with disabilities in kindergarten: what difficulties await us?


Article: Borgoyakova Lilia Vasilievna

The article reveals the conditions for the implementation of an inclusive approach in the upbringing and education of children with disabilities in a kindergarten of a general developmental type

Keywords : inclusive education, inclusive approach, children with disabilities

To date, one of the urgent problems is the implementation of an inclusive approach in the upbringing and education of children with disabilities (hereinafter HIA) in a preschool institution of a general developmental type.

Inclusive education is the process of creating an optimal educational space focused on finding new ways to meet the educational needs of each participant in the process.

The stage of preschool childhood is the time when a child with disabilities enters the first public educational system - preschool education and upbringing.

At present, the so-called spontaneous inclusion of children with developmental disabilities among healthy peers often occurs, especially in rural areas. Children with disabilities stay in general education institutions regardless of their mental and speech development, the structure of the defect, and their psychophysical abilities.This is due to the lack of corrective preschool educational institutions, and the unwillingness of parents to raise their children in a compensatory type institution, and a number of other socio-economic, psychological and pedagogical reasons.

The presence of children with disabilities in the same room and at the same time with normally developing peers helps to reduce the distance between these categories of preschoolers. However, the ability to be included in the usual group of children characterizes not only the capabilities of the child with disabilities, but also the quality of the work of the preschool institution, the presence in it of adequate conditions for the development of pupils with special needs. Therefore, for a full-fledged functional and social inclusion, a special organization of substantive interaction, interpersonal contacts and communication, equal partnership, and the removal of social distance are necessary.

At present, there are no full-fledged conditions for the inclusive education of such children in a preschool educational institution (hereinafter PEI) of a general developmental type. There are no teachers - defectologists, special psychologists, medical specialists, social workers, special equipment and modern technical teaching aids for remedial classes, as well as special developmental programs. In this regard, there is a need to find a solution to this problem through an inclusive approach in the upbringing and education of children with disabilities in a general developmental kindergarten.

For the optimal implementation of inclusive education at the stage of preschool childhood, it is necessary to create the following special conditions for the upbringing and education of children with disabilities in an institution of a general developmental type:

1. Creation of a regulatory and software and methodological support.

The institution should develop a regulatory framework that sets the conceptual and substantive foundations for the development of inclusive approaches to the education of children with disabilities.

The education and upbringing of children with disabilities must be carried out in accordance with special programs, taking into account the individual characteristics of the pupils: age, the structure of the disorder, the level of psychophysical development, therefore, the preschool educational institution should be equipped with special literature on remedial education.

2. Creation of a subject-developing environment.

For the success of inclusive education, it is necessary to create a subject-developing environment adequate to the child's capabilities, that is, a system of conditions that ensure the full development of all types of children's activities, correction of deviations in higher mental functions and the formation of the child's personality (cultural landscapes, sports and gaming and recreational facilities, subject-playing , children's library, game library, musical and theatrical environment, etc. (E.A. Ekzhanova, E.A. Strebeleva).

One of the important conditions for organizing the process of educating and educating children with disabilities in a general developmental kindergarten is equipping it with special equipment:

    for children with disorders of the musculoskeletal system, special chairs with armrests, special tables, posture correctors are needed; a ramp should be provided;

    for children with visual impairments, special optical aids are needed (glasses, magnifiers, lenses, etc.); tactile panels (sets of materials of different textures) that can be touched and manipulated. The basis of hygienic measures for the protection of children's vision is the rational lighting of the premises and the workplace;

    children with hearing impairments need hearing aids and other technical devices.

3. Staffing.

An important condition for ensuring the satisfaction of the special needs of children is the presence in a preschool institution of a general developmental type of specialists: a teacher - a speech therapist, a teacher - a defectologist, a teacher-psychologist, a social teacher, as well as high level professional competence of teachers. The problem is the lack of specialists. To this end, it is necessary to prepare teachers for inclusive education through advanced training programs for specialists in preschool institutions.

4. Creation of psychological and pedagogical support.

In preschool institutions of a general developmental type, it is necessary to create psychological, medical and pedagogical councils, the purpose of which is to organize the upbringing, education and development of children with disabilities, expand the circle of children's communication, as well as psychological and social support for families. The organization of complex correctional and pedagogical support for children with disabilities involves the participation of each specialist, namely the head, senior educator, speech therapist, educators, psychologist, social teacher, music director, physical education instructor, nurse.

At the beginning of each academic year, it is necessary to conduct a comprehensive examination of children with disabilities by specialists and educators. In accordance with medical diagnoses, develop individual development routes for each child, determine the teaching load.

At the stage of implementation of each individual route of development of a child with disabilities, a task arises - the creation of a comprehensive, purposeful work. All correctional and pedagogical assistance should be carried out along with treatment. Throughout the correctional work, children with disabilities require the attention and participation of medical specialists, since many types of disorders are associated with organic lesions of the central nervous system. The corrective effect on children is more effective in combination with special drug treatment that stimulates the maturation of the central nervous system.

All teachers who will accompany children with disabilities should know the basics of corrective education and training of such children. During the stay of a child with disabilities in a preschool educational institution, teachers need to:

    include in the classes all the children of the group, regardless of the defect, developing an individual correctional and developmental program for each of them;

    create an atmosphere of goodwill and psychological safety for the child. The teacher should strive for non-judgmental acceptance of the child, understanding of his situation;

    correctly and humanely assess the dynamics of the child's progress;

    when evaluating the dynamics of the progress of a child with disabilities, compare him not with other children, but mainly with himself at the previous level of development;

    build a pedagogical forecast on the basis of pedagogical optimism, striving to find preserved psychomotor functions in each child, the positive aspects of his personality and development, which can be relied upon in pedagogical work.

The organization of education and training of preschool children with disabilities in a preschool institution of a general developmental type involves making changes to the forms of correctional and developmental work.In this case, the pedagogical search is to find those types of communication or creativity that will be interesting and accessible to each of the group members. The teacher must create conditions in which the child can develop independently in interaction with other children. In the classroom, games and exercises should be selected taking into account individual training programs.An important condition for the organization of classes should be a game form of conduct. It is also necessary to provide for the variation of organizational forms of correctional and educational work: group, subgroup, individual.In this model, developmental and remedial approaches to learning can be harmoniously combined.

Most children with disabilities are characterized by motor difficulties, motor disinhibition, low performance, which requires changes in the planning of educational activities and daily routine. In the daily routine, an increase in the time allotted for classes, hygiene procedures, and meals should be provided.

In accordance with the capabilities of children with disabilities, teaching methods should be determined. When planning work, use the most accessible methods: visual, practical, verbal. Psychologists have proven that the more analyzers used in the process of studying the material, the more complete and stronger the knowledge. The choice of alternative methods creates conditions conducive to the effectiveness of the learning process. The question of the rational choice of a system of methods and individual methodological techniques must be addressed individually. In cases where the main program cannot be mastered due to the severity of physical, mental disorders, individual correctional programs should be drawn up aimed at the socialization of pupils and contributing to the normalization of emotional behavior, the formation of self-service skills, game actions, subject activities, social orientation .

For certain categories of children with disabilities with special developmental characteristics, it is necessary to provide for the inclusion of innovative technologies, original methods and subjects in the work. So, for example, for children with deep delays in speech, intelligence, hearing, use non-verbal means of communication, such as pictograms, a system of gestures, pictures-symbols, etc.

5. Interaction between kindergarten and family - a necessary condition for the full development of children with disabilities. It is important to maintain the unity and consistency of all the requirements for the child in the family and kindergarten. The task of specialists is to help parents understand the essence of the child's deviations. Continuous communication with parents must be carried out through consultations, workshops, parent meetings, individual notebooks for recommendations and other forms of work. Parents should receive information about what knowledge, skills and abilities need to be consolidated in a child, get acquainted with various game techniques that are aimed at his comprehensive development.

Thus, depending on the conditions available in the educational institution, the composition and number of children with disabilities, the implementation of an inclusive approach in the education of special children in different preschool educational institutions of a general developmental type can be very different. An ordinary kindergarten, with a well-thought-out content for organizing its work with children with disabilities, has the effectiveness of a corrective impact and plays an important role in the full preparation for schooling. Any educational institution is accessible to children with disabilities, first of all, by teachers who are able to meet the special educational needs of children in this category. This is the creation of a psychological, moral atmosphere in which a special child will no longer feel like everyone else. This is a place where a child with disabilities can exercise not only his right to education, but also, being included in the full social life of his peers, acquire the right to a normal childhood. Problemthe inclusion of children with disabilities in the process of teaching normally developing peers is relevant and multifaceted, the solution of which requires further research and development, the creation of special conditions in preschool institutions of a general developmental type.


    From birth to school. The main general educational program of preschool education " / Edited by N.E. Veraksa, T.S. Komarova, M.A. Vasilyeva. M .: MOSAIC-SINTEZ, 2011. P. 293-311.

    Shipitsyna L.M. "Unlearned" child in the family and society. Socialization of children with intellectual disabilities. St. Petersburg: 2005. 477p.

    Shmatko, N.D. For whom integrated learning can be effective / N.D. Shmatko // Defectology. 1999. No. 1. S. 41-46.

    Shmatko, N.D. Integration of children with impaired hearing in general preschool institutions / N.D. Shmatko, E.V. Mironova // Defectology. 1995. No. 4. pp. 66-74.

The state of health of some children prevents them from learning without the use of special programs, as well as special conditions. Let's deal with the concept of "children with disabilities": what it is and how to live with such a diagnosis.

This concept implies that the child has any deviations in his development, which are temporary or permanent. With the right approach to education and training, you can correct the child's condition, completely or partially correct defects.

Children with disabilities - classification

Experts divide the guys into several groups with:

  • speech dysfunctions;
  • visual impairment;
  • behavioral disorders;
  • pathologies of the musculoskeletal system;
  • various combinations of violations.

The choice of a training program depends on which category a particular child belongs to.

Children's education

To avoid aggravating health problems, you need to start the development of the baby as early as possible. There are some factors that affect how a child develops:

  • category of violation;
  • living conditions;
  • the period of occurrence of the pathology, as well as its degree.

Toddlers who have any deviations also need to attend preschool institutions, like healthy children. There are kindergartens with specialized or combined groups. A significant part of the children who attend them experience difficulties in getting used to the new environment, regime. On the part of the crumbs, inadequate reactions are possible. This is a difficult period for the whole family. However, visiting a preschool educational institution is an important part of the socialization of children with disabilities.

To facilitate the adaptation period, the joint work of the teaching staff and parents should be established. For mothers, the following recommendations will be useful:

  • it is necessary to communicate regularly with educators to exchange information about the needs of the baby, the characteristics of his behavior;
  • it is desirable to bring home food as close as possible to the kindergarten menu in order to avoid problems with feeding in the kindergarten;
  • on weekends, you should adhere to the daily routine that is adopted in the preschool educational institution;
  • it is important to instill in the baby the skills of independence and self-service;
  • should not be overprotective, despite the presence of violations.

Children with disabilities in kindergarten get the opportunity to develop. Their training is carried out by specialists who know special correctional techniques, know the peculiarities of working with such babies.

Education in is an important condition for the socialization of the child, helps to reveal the potential. All this in the future is reflected in self-realization and participation in public life.

In recent years, considerable attention has been paid to the problems of children with special health needs (HIA). What is it and how to solve them? Let's try to figure it out.

Disabilities of health (HIA). What it is?

Scientific literature sources describe that a person with disabilities has certain limitations in daily life. We are talking about physical, mental or sensory defects. Therefore, a person cannot perform certain functions or duties.

This condition can be chronic or temporary, partial or general.

Naturally, physical limitations leave a significant imprint on psychology. Usually, people with disabilities tend to isolation, are characterized by low self-esteem, increased anxiety and self-doubt.

Therefore, work must begin from childhood. Considerable attention within the framework of inclusive education should be given to the social adaptation of disabled people.

Three-bar scale of disability

This is the British version. The scale was adopted in the 1980s by the World Health Organization. It includes the following steps.

The first one is called "illness". We are talking about any loss or anomaly (psychological/physiological, anatomical structure or function).

The second stage involves patients with defects and loss of the ability to perform activities that are considered normal for other people.

The third stage is incapacity (disability).

Types of HIA

In the approved classification of violations of the basic functions of the body, a number of types are distinguished. Let's dwell on them in more detail.

1. Violations of mental processes. It is about perception, attention, memory, thinking, speech, emotions and will.

2. Violations in sensory functions. These are sight, hearing, smell and touch.

3. Violations of the functions of respiration, excretion, metabolism, blood circulation, digestion and internal secretion.

4. Changes in the static-dynamic function.

Disabled children, who belong to the first, second and fourth categories, are a large part of the total. They are distinguished by certain deviations and developmental disorders. Therefore, such children require special, specific methods of training and education.

Psychological and pedagogical classification of children who belong to the system of special education

Let's consider this question in more detail. Since the choice of techniques and methods of training and education will depend on this.

  • Children with developmental disabilities. They lag behind in mental and physical development due to the fact that there is an organic lesion of the central nervous system and impaired functioning of analyzers (auditory, visual, motor, speech).
  • Children who have developmental disabilities. They differ in the deviations listed above. But they limit their possibilities to a lesser extent.

Children with disabilities, children with disabilities have significant developmental disorders. They enjoy social benefits and benefits.

There is also a pedagogical classification of violations.

It consists of the following categories.

Children with disabilities:

  • hearing (late-deaf, hearing-impaired, deaf);
  • vision (visually impaired, blind);
  • speech (various degrees);
  • delayed psychoverbal development (ZPR);
  • musculoskeletal system;
  • emotional-volitional sphere.

Four degrees of health impairment

Depending on the degree of dysfunction and adaptation possibilities, it is possible to determine the degree of health impairment.

Traditionally, there are four degrees.

First degree. The development of a child with disabilities occurs against the background of mild and moderate functional impairment. These pathologies may be an indication for the recognition of disability. However, as a rule, this does not always happen. Moreover, with proper training and education, the child can fully restore all functions.

Second degree. This is the third group of disability in adults. The child has pronounced disturbances in the functions of systems and organs. Despite treatment, they continue to limit his social adaptation. Therefore, such children need special conditions for education and life.

The third degree of health impairment. It corresponds to the second group of disability in an adult. There is a large severity of violations that significantly limit the child's ability in his life.

The fourth degree of health impairment. It includes pronounced violations of the functions of systems and organs, due to which the child's social maladjustment occurs. In addition, we can state the irreversible nature of the lesions and, often, the ineffectiveness of measures (therapeutic and rehabilitation). This is the first group of disability in an adult. The efforts of teachers and doctors are usually aimed at preventing a critical condition.

Problems of development of children with disabilities

This is a special category. Children with disabilities are distinguished by the presence of physical and mental abnormalities that contribute to the formation of disorders of general development. This is the generally accepted position. But it is necessary to understand this issue in more detail.

If we talk about a child with minor disabilities, which we have already determined, then it should be noted that by creating favorable conditions, most of the problems with development can be avoided. Many violations are not limiters between the child and the outside world. Competent psychological and pedagogical support for children with disabilities will allow them to master the program material and study together with everyone else in a comprehensive school, attend a regular kindergarten. They can communicate freely with their peers.

However, disabled children with serious disabilities need special conditions, special education, upbringing and treatment.

Social policy of the state in the field of inclusive education

In Russia, in recent years, certain areas of social policy have been developed that are associated with an increase in the number of children with disabilities. What is it and what problems are being solved, we will consider a little later. For now, let's note the following.

The basic provisions of social policy are based on modern scientific approaches, available material and technical means, a detailed legal mechanism, national and public programs, a high level of professional training of specialists, and so on.

Despite the efforts made and the progressive development of medicine, the number of children with disabilities is steadily growing. Therefore, the main directions of social policy are aimed at solving the problems of their education at school and stay in a preschool institution. Let's consider this in more detail.

Inclusive education

The education of children with disabilities should be aimed at creating favorable conditions for the realization of equal opportunities with peers, education and a decent life in modern society.

However, the implementation of these tasks should be carried out at all levels, from kindergarten to school. Let's take a look at these stages below.

Creating a "barrier-free" educational environment

The basic problem of inclusive education is to create a "barrier-free" educational environment. The main rule is its accessibility for children with disabilities, solving the problems and difficulties of socialization.

In educational institutions that provide their support, it is necessary to comply with general pedagogical requirements for technical equipment and equipment. This is especially true for the implementation of household needs, the formation of competence and social activity.

Besides, Special attention should be given to the upbringing and education of such children.

Problems and difficulties of inclusive education

Despite the ongoing work, the education and upbringing of children with disabilities is not so simple. The existing problems and difficulties of inclusive education are reduced to the following positions.

Firstly, a group of children does not always accept a child with disabilities as "their own".

Secondly, teachers cannot master the ideology of inclusive education, and there are difficulties in implementing teaching methods.

Third, many parents do not want their normally developing children to be in the same class as a "special" child.

Fourthly, not all disabled people are able to adapt to the conditions of ordinary life without requiring additional attention and conditions.

Children with disabilities in a preschool

Children with disabilities in preschool educational institutions are one of the main problems of a non-specialized kindergarten. Since the process of mutual adaptation is very difficult for the child, parents and teachers.

The priority goal of the integrated group is the socialization of children with disabilities. For them, preschool is the starting point. Children with different abilities and developmental disabilities must learn to interact and communicate in the same group, develop their potential (intellectual and personal). This becomes equally important for all children, as it will allow each of them to maximize the existing boundaries of the world around them.

Children with disabilities at school

The priority task of modern inclusive education is to increase attention to the socialization of children with disabilities. An approved adapted program for children with disabilities is needed to study in a general education school. However, the currently available materials are scattered and not integrated into a system.

On the one hand, inclusive education in general education schools is beginning to appear, on the other hand, the heterogeneity of the composition of students is increasing, taking into account the level of their speech, mental and mental development.

Such an approach leads to the fact that the adaptation of both conditionally healthy children and children with disabilities is significantly more difficult. This leads to additional, often insurmountable difficulties in the implementation of the individual approach of the teacher.

Therefore, children with disabilities in school cannot simply learn on an equal basis with others. For a favorable result, certain conditions must be created.

The main areas of work in the system of inclusive education

For the full development of a child with disabilities at school, it is necessary to work in the following areas.

Firstly, in order to solve problems, it is recommended to create a group of psychological and pedagogical support in an educational institution. Her activities will be as follows: to study the features of the development of children with disabilities and their special needs, to draw up individual educational programs, to develop forms of support. These provisions should be recorded in a special document. This is an individual card of psychological and pedagogical support for the development of a child with disabilities.

Secondly, constant adjustment of the methods and methods of training and education is necessary.

Thirdly, the escort group should initiate a revision of the curriculum, taking into account the assessment of the child's condition and the dynamics of his development. As a result, an adapted version of it for children with disabilities is being created.

Fourthly, it is necessary to regularly conduct correctional and developmental classes aimed at increasing motivation, developing cognitive activity, memory and thinking, and understanding one's personal characteristics.

Fifth, one of the necessary forms of work is work with the family of a disabled child. Its main goal is to organize assistance to parents in the process of mastering the practical knowledge and skills necessary in the upbringing and education of children with disabilities. In addition, it is recommended:

  • actively involve the family in the work of the educational institution, providing psychological and pedagogical support;
  • provide counseling to parents;
  • educate the family in the techniques and methods of assistance available to them;
  • organize feedback from parents with educational institutions, etc.

In general, it should be noted that inclusive education in Russia is just beginning to develop.

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