Diagnosis of mental retardation. View Full Version

Not all children are equally good at mastering certain skills, but for some this is due to their laziness, while for others it is a diagnosis. AT recent times the problem of child development has become especially acute, and it is difficult to name real reasons. The article will talk about what to do if the child is lagging behind in development, what are the signs and causes of this lag. After all, nothing comes just like that.

Reasons for the backlog

There are not so many reasons why children begin to lag behind in development, but each of them has pitfalls that should be paid attention to. So, let's talk about each of them separately:

  1. Wrong pedagogical approach. This reason, perhaps, should be called the first and one of the most important. Its meaning lies in the fact that the mother and father do not find time to teach their child the elementary things that every child should be able to do. This pedagogical neglect has many consequences. The child cannot communicate normally with his peers, and this haunts him throughout his life. Other parents, on the contrary, try to impose something on their child, force him to communicate with children when he likes to be alone more, or force him to learn something that he is not at all interested in at this age. In such cases, adults simply forget that all children are different, and each has its own character and temperament. And if the daughter does not look like her mother, then this does not mean that you need to forcefully remake her, it means that you need to accept the child as he is.
  2. Mental retardation. These are children with normally working brains who lead full life, but infantilism accompanies them throughout their lives. And if in childhood they are just inactive children who do not like noisy games and big companies, then at an older age such people get tired quickly, and in general have a low level of efficiency. Throughout their lives, they are accompanied by neurosis, they often fall into depression, even cases of psychosis have been recorded. This problem can be solved, but only with the help of a psychiatrist.
  3. Biological factors often leave a trace precisely at the level of development of the child. These include difficult births or various diseases, which a woman could have been ill while pregnant. Children with Down syndrome are also included. But here it plays a big role genetic factor. The difference between these children and others will be noticeable from birth and throughout life. But do not confuse the concept when a child is 2 weeks behind in development while still in the womb, since this is a completely different diagnosis that requires a separate article. Moreover, it is not worth judging the possibilities of an unborn baby. Often, ultrasound is wrong and only in vain worries the expectant mother.
  4. social factors. This is where the environment plays an important role. The appearance of developmental delays can be affected by relationships in the family, the peculiarities of raising children, relationships with peers, and much more.

Signs of lagging behind children up to a year

It is necessary to observe the peculiarities of the development of your child from the first days of his life. Since it is up to a year that a child must master the most important skills that will be useful to him throughout his life. And at this age, parents see what their baby already knows, what changes are taking place in his behavior. So, how to understand that a child is lagging behind in development per year:

  • Perhaps it is worth starting from the age of two months. At this time, the baby has already got used to the world around him, he understood who is around him. Healthy child at two months he already concentrates his attention on a certain subject that interests him. It can be mom, dad, a bottle of milk or a bright rattle. If parents do not notice this skill, then it is worth looking more closely at the behavior of the baby.
  • Should be alarming complete absence the child has reactions to any sounds, or if this reaction is present, but manifests itself in a too sharp form.
  • During games and walks with the child, you need to monitor whether he focuses his eyes on some objects. If parents do not notice this, then the reason may lie not only in developmental delays, but also poor eyesight.
  • At three months, babies are already starting to smile, and you can also hear their first “coo” from the kids.
  • About a year old, the child can already repeat some sounds, remembers them and pronounces them even in those moments when he does not hear. The absence of such a skill should greatly alarm mom and dad.

Of course, no one says that if at least one of these signs was seen in a child, then this is a clear lag. All children are different and may learn skills in different sequences. However, it is necessary to control this process in order to detect violations in time and start working on them.

Child at two years old

If the parents did not notice any violations in one year old baby, then this is not a reason to stop monitoring its development. And this is especially true for those moms and dads whose kids learn new skills more slowly than other kids. At two years old, the child already knows quite a lot, and it becomes easier to control the development process. So, in order to know for sure whether the development of the child is normal, it is worth knowing that at two years old the baby can:

  • Can freely go down and up the stairs, dance to the beat of the music.
  • He knows how not only to throw, but also to catch a light ball, flipping through books without any difficulty.
  • Parents already hear from the child his first "why" and "how", as well as simple sentences one or two words.
  • He can copy the behavior of adults and has already mastered the game of hide and seek.
  • The child already knows his name, and can tell his name to an adult, also names the objects that surround him, enters into a dialogue with peers on the playground.
  • Becomes more independent and can put on socks or panties.
  • Sitting at the table, he drinks from a cup, can hold a spoon and even eat on his own.

If the baby has not yet mastered most of the listed points, and he is already two years old, then it is worth working with him, you may need the help of a specialist.

Child at three years old

How to understand that a child at 3 years old is lagging behind in development? It is enough to spend as much time as possible with your baby and watch what he does and listen to how he talks. And to make it easier for mothers to distinguish the lag from normal development, everything that a three-year-old baby has already managed to master for such short period own life.

At the age of three, a child can already be safely called a personality. After all, he has already formed a character, he has his own tastes and preferences, even these children have already developed a sense of humor. You can talk with such a baby, ask him questions about how the day went and what he especially remembers. Child with normal development will freely answer them by constructing sentences consisting of five to seven words.

With such a child, you can already go to hiking. He will be happy to consider new places and objects, ask many questions. During this period, it can be especially difficult for mothers to answer all the “why” and “why”, but you should be patient, because the baby should not think that his questions annoy you.

At this age, all children, regardless of gender, are very fond of coloring and drawing. It is enough just once to show the baby how to use crayons and felt-tip pens, and he will spend hours drawing new masterpieces. You can even give the child paints, but warn in advance that they should not be eaten, no matter how bright and beautiful they may be.

If a mother notices that her three-year-old baby still does not know how to do something, then it is worth giving him a little more time, teaching him new knowledge. Indeed, in most cases, it is precisely because of the lack of parental attention that children lack certain skills.

A child at 4 years old - what to be afraid of

Each child develops at such a speed as his body needs, so you should not try to make a child prodigy out of a child if the neighbor boy speaks three words more. However, progress should come as you grow older, and if you see that there are some violations in the development of the child, then it is better to immediately consult a doctor, and not wait until it “passes by itself”.

By what signs can one determine that at 4 years old a child is lagging behind in development?

  1. He reacts badly to the company of other children: he often shows aggression or, conversely, is afraid to communicate with others.
  2. He categorically refuses to be without his parents.
  3. He cannot concentrate on one lesson for more than five minutes, he is distracted by literally everything.
  4. Refuses to spend time with children, does not come into contact.
  5. Interested in little, favorite activities are limited.
  6. Refuses to contact not only with children, but also with adults, even with those whom he knows well.
  7. Until now, he cannot learn his name and what his last name is.
  8. Does not understand what is a fictional fact, and what can actually happen.
  9. If you observe his mood, he is more often in a state of sadness and sadness, rarely smiles, and generally does not show almost any emotions.
  10. Has difficulty building a tower of blocks or being asked to build a pyramid.
  11. If he is engaged in drawing, he cannot draw a line with a pencil without the help of an adult.
  12. The child does not know how to hold a spoon, and therefore eat on his own, falls asleep with difficulty, is not able to brush his teeth or wash himself. Mom has to dress and undress the child every time.

In some children, developmental delay also manifests itself in such a way that they refuse to perform some actions that were simple for them at the age of three. Such changes must be reported to the doctor so that he can help the child in time, and the baby begins to develop normally, on the same level as his peers.

Children at five

By the age of five, children are already quite adults and have many skills. They have some knowledge of mathematics, begin to read a little and even write their first letters. But how to understand that at the age of 5 a child is lagging behind in development. Everything is already quite simple here. Moreover, most likely, the lag was noticeable even at an earlier age, but parents could simply not attach any importance to this or decided to wait until it “passes by itself”. So, at the age of five, you can already pay attention to the learning ability of the child, since at this age he already freely begins to count to ten, and not only forward, but also in reverse order. He freely adds one to small numbers. Many children already know the names of all the months and days of the week.

By the age of five, children already have a well-developed memory, and they easily memorize various quatrains, know various counting rhymes and even tongue twisters. If a mother reads a book to a child, then he can freely retell it, remembers all the most important events. He also talks about how the day went and what he did in the kindergarten.

Many mothers at this age are already beginning to actively prepare their children for school, so most kids already know the alphabet and even read in syllables. Also, children are already good at drawing, while coloring pictures they can pick up for a long time desired color, practically do not go beyond the contours. At this age, you can already think about sending the child to some kind of circle, since his interest in this or that type of creativity is already clearly visible.

But children who do not have a craving for learning at all and have not acquired interests need additional attention. Infantilism, which requires treatment only under the supervision of a psychiatrist, is not ruled out.

Soon to school

At the age of six, some children already go to school, but are they ready for it? It seems to many parents that it is better to send the child to school early so that he grows up faster, etc. But few people think that some children at the age of 6 are behind in development and need the help of specialists. This is not a fictional fact, but the data of psychological and pedagogical research, which show that 20% of children who come to the first grade are diagnosed with mental retardation. This means that the child lags behind in mental development from his peers and cannot master the material on the same level with them.

ZPR is not a sentence, and if parents turned to specialists for help in time, then their baby can safely study at a comprehensive school. Of course, you should not demand excellent results from him, but if he receives help from a specialist, then he will learn curriculum will be sufficient.

Types of ZPR

There are four main types of the origin of CRA, which have their own reasons and, accordingly, manifest themselves in different ways.

  1. constitutional origin. This species is transmitted exclusively by inheritance. Here there is immaturity not only of the psyche, but also of the body.
  2. somatogenic origin. The child could have suffered a disease that had such an effect on his brain. These children have a normally developed intellect, but as for the emotional-volitional sphere, there are serious problems.
  3. psychogenic origin. Most often occurs in those children who grow up in dysfunctional families, and their parents do not take care of them at all. There are serious problems with the development of intelligence, children are completely unable to do something on their own.
  4. Cerebro-organic origin. Of the four types of ZPR, this is the most severe form. Comes as a result difficult childbirth or pregnancy. Here, at the same time, there is a delay in development in the intellectual and emotional-volitional spheres. These kids are mostly homeschooled.

Parents are the people who should provide assistance to a child with mental retardation in the first place. Since this diagnosis cannot be attributed to medical, it does not make sense to treat it in the hospital. Here are some tips for parents on what to do if their child is retarded:

  • This disease should be studied in detail. There are many useful and interesting articles on this topic that will at least slightly open the veil of secrecy over such a terrible diagnosis.
  • Do not put off visiting a specialist. After consulting with a neurologist and psychoneurologist, the child will need the help of such specialists as a speech therapist, psychologist, defectologist.
  • For activities with a child, it is worth picking up a few interesting didactic games which will help him develop his mental abilities. But games should be selected based on the abilities of the child, so that it is not difficult for him. Because any difficulties discourage the desire to do anything at all.
  • If the child goes to an ordinary school, then perform homework he must daily at the same time. At first, the mother should always be there and help the baby, but gradually he should get used to doing everything himself.
  • You can sit on forums where parents with the same problems will share their experiences. "Together" to cope with such diagnoses is much easier.


As you can see, the task of parents is not only to control the development of the child, but also to actively participate in this process. Because it parental negligence often leads to the fact that quite capable children who could study "excellently" receive such a diagnosis as mental retardation. Moreover, a child under six years old does not need so much time for classes, because at this age he quickly gets tired of performing various tasks. The information presented in the review will help answer the question of how to understand that a child is lagging behind in development. If parents study this material in detail, they will find a lot of useful things for themselves.

Impaired mental function(ZPR) - tempo lag of development mental processes and immaturity of the emotional-volitional sphere in children, which can potentially be overcome with the help of specially organized training and education. Mental retardation is characterized by an insufficient level of development of motor skills, speech, attention, memory, thinking, regulation and self-regulation of behavior, primitiveness and instability of emotions, and poor school performance. Diagnosis of mental retardation is carried out collegially by a commission composed of medical professionals, educators and psychologists. Children with mental retardation need specially organized correctional and developmental education and medical support.

General information

Mental retardation (MPD) is a reversible impairment of the intellectual and emotional-volitional sphere, accompanied by specific learning difficulties. The number of persons with mental retardation reaches 15-16% in the child population. ZPR is more of a psychological and pedagogical category, however, it may be based on organic disorders, therefore given state is also considered by medical disciplines - primarily pediatrics and child neurology. Since the development of various mental functions in children occurs unevenly, usually the conclusion "mental retardation" is established for preschool children no earlier than 4-5 years, but in practice - more often in the process schooling.

Causes of mental retardation (ZPR)

The etiological basis of ZPR is biological and socio-psychological factors leading to a tempo delay in the intellectual and emotional development of the child.

Biological factors (non-rough organic damage to the central nervous system of a local nature and their residual effects) cause a violation of maturation various departments of the brain, which is accompanied by partial disorders of the mental development and activity of the child. Among the causes of a biological nature, acting in the perinatal period and causing delay mental development, highest value have pregnancy pathology (severe toxicosis, Rh conflict, fetal hypoxia, etc.), intrauterine infections, intracranial birth trauma, prematurity, nuclear jaundice of newborns, fetal alcohol syndrome, etc., leading to the so-called perinatal encephalopathy. AT postnatal period and early childhood mental retardation can be caused by severe somatic diseases of the child (hypotrophy, influenza, neuroinfections, rickets), traumatic brain injury, epilepsy and epileptic encephalopathy, etc. ZPR is sometimes hereditary in nature and in some families is diagnosed from generation to generation.

Mental retardation may occur under the influence of environmental (social) factors, which, however, does not exclude the presence of an initial organic basis for the disorder. Most often, children with mental retardation grow up in conditions of hypo-custody (neglect) or hyper-custody, authoritarian nature of education, social deprivation, lack of communication with peers and adults.

Secondary mental retardation can develop with early violations hearing and vision, speech defects due to a pronounced deficit of sensory information and communication.

Classification of mental retardation (ZPR)

The group of children with mental retardation is heterogeneous. In special psychology, many classifications of mental retardation have been proposed. Consider the etiopathogenetic classification proposed by K. S. Lebedinskaya, which distinguishes 4 clinical type ZPR.

ZPR constitutional genesis due to delayed maturation of the CNS. It is characterized by harmonic mental and psychophysical infantilism. In mental infantilism, the child behaves like a younger child; in psycho-physical infantilism, the emotional-volitional sphere suffers and physical development. Anthropometric data and behavior of such children do not correspond to chronological age. They are emotionally labile, spontaneous, characterized by an insufficient amount of attention and memory. Even in school age they have gambling interests.

ZPR of somatogenic genesis due to severe and prolonged somatic diseases of the child at an early age, inevitably delaying the maturation and development of the central nervous system. In the anamnesis of children with somatogenic mental retardation, bronchial asthma, chronic dyspepsia, cardiovascular and renal insufficiency, pneumonia, etc. are often found. Usually such children for a long time are treated in hospitals, which in addition leads to sensory deprivation. ZPR of somatogenic origin is manifested by asthenic syndrome, low performance of the child, less memory, superficial attention, poor development of activity skills, hyperactivity or lethargy in case of overwork.

ZPR of psychogenic origin due to unfavorable social conditions in which the child resides (neglect, overprotection, abuse). Lack of attention to the child forms mental instability, impulsiveness, lag in intellectual development. Increased care brings up in the child lack of initiative, egocentrism, lack of will, lack of purposefulness.

ZPR of cerebro-organic genesis occurs most frequently. Due to primary non-rough organic lesion brain. In this case, violations may affect certain areas of the psyche or manifest themselves in a mosaic in various ways. mental spheres. The mental retardation of cerebral-organic genesis is characterized by the lack of formation of the emotional-volitional sphere and cognitive activity: the lack of liveliness and brightness of emotions, low level claims, pronounced suggestibility, poverty of imagination, motor disinhibition, etc.

Characteristics of children with mental retardation (ZPR)

The personal sphere in children with mental retardation is characterized by emotional lability, easy change mood, suggestibility, lack of initiative, lack of will, immaturity of the personality as a whole. There may be affective reactions, aggressiveness, conflict, increased anxiety. Children with mental retardation are often closed, prefer to play alone, do not seek to contact their peers. Game activity children with mental retardation is characterized by monotony and stereotype, lack of a detailed plot, poverty of imagination, non-compliance with game rules. Motility features include motor clumsiness, lack of coordination, and often hyperkinesis and tics.

A feature of mental retardation is that compensation and reversibility of violations are possible only in conditions of special training and education.

Diagnosis of mental retardation (MPD)

Mental retardation in a child can only be diagnosed as a result of a comprehensive examination of the child by a psychological, medical and pedagogical commission (PMPC) consisting of a child psychologist, speech therapist, defectologist, pediatrician, pediatric neurologist, psychiatrist, etc. At the same time, an anamnesis is collected and studied, an analysis of the conditions life, neuropsychological testing, diagnostic examination of speech, study of the child's medical records. AT without fail a conversation is held with the child, a study of intellectual processes and emotional-volitional qualities.

Based on information about the development of the child, members of the PMPK make a conclusion about the presence of mental retardation, give recommendations on the organization of the upbringing and education of the child in special educational institutions.

In order to identify the organic substrate of mental retardation, the child needs to be examined by medical specialists, primarily a pediatrician and a pediatric neurologist. Instrumental diagnostics may include EEG, CT and MRI of the child's brain, etc. Differential Diagnosis mental retardation should be carried out with oligophrenia and autism.

Correction of mental retardation (MPD)

Working with children with mental retardation requires a multidisciplinary approach and the active participation of pediatricians, pediatric neurologists, child psychologists, psychiatrists, speech therapists, defectologists. Correction of mental retardation should begin with preschool age and be carried out for a long time.

Children with mental retardation should attend specialized kindergartens (or groups), type VII schools or remedial classes general education schools. The peculiarities of teaching children with mental retardation include dosage educational material, reliance on visualization, repeated repetition, frequent change activities, the use of health-saving technologies.

When working with such children, special attention is paid to the development cognitive processes(perception, attention, memory, thinking); emotional, sensory and motor spheres with the help of fairy tale therapy,. Correction of speech disorders in mental retardation is carried out by a speech therapist as part of individual and group sessions. Together with teachers, correctional work on teaching students with mental retardation is carried out by defectologists, psychologists, and social teachers.

Medical care for children with mental retardation includes drug therapy in accordance with the identified somatic and cerebro-organic disorders, physiotherapy, exercise therapy, massage, hydrotherapy.

Forecast and prevention of mental retardation (ZPR)

The lag in the rate of mental development of the child from age norms can and must be overcome. Children with mental retardation are trained and with properly organized corrective work there is a positive trend in their development. With the help of teachers, they are able to acquire the knowledge, skills and abilities that their normally developing peers master on their own. After graduation, they can continue their education in vocational schools, colleges and even universities.

Prevention of mental retardation in a child involves careful planning of pregnancy, avoidance adverse effects on the fetus, prevention of infectious and somatic diseases in children early age, providing favorable conditions for education and development. If a child lags behind in psychomotor development, an immediate examination by specialists and the organization of corrective work are necessary.

If the baby takes the first steps later or does not start talking for a long time, this does not mean a problem. But if all the deadlines have already expired, and the child still does not have new skills, you need to take action.

If the child is retarded, you need to try to determine the cause

The reasons for the delay can be physiological and psychological. Most often, the following factors influence the developmental disorder:

  • Deficiencies in upbringing cause difficulties in the child's perception of the world. From birth, the baby needs to be engaged, helped to learn, encouraged to assimilate new information. If this does not happen, perfectly healthy children appear mentally and physically weak.
  • The cause of failures in mental development is not necessarily a violation of the brain. Rather, the child's immature behavior and age-inappropriate reactions are the result of pathologies during pregnancy and childbirth or past illness.
  • Relationships in the family affect the development of the baby. The delay is caused by an aggressive attitude or excessive severity of parents.
  • Psychological trauma received in childhood may affect.

Gotta think it all over probable causes the problem that has arisen and tell the specialist about your suspicions in detail and honestly by seeking medical help.

What to do if the child is behind in development

The sooner you start dealing with the problem, the more likely positive result. First of all, you need to visit a pediatrician or pediatric neurologist and follow his advice. But the correction of the child's behavior also largely depends on the actions of the mother:

  • Depending on the type of developmental delay, the baby should be taken for a consultation with a speech therapist, psychiatrist, or orthopedist.
  • Monitor the regime, ensure good sleep and rest, allocate regular time for classes.
  • It is necessary to perform corrective exercises with the child and attend physical therapy groups.

When baby slows down mental development, this can be caused by an incorrect pedagogical approach, mental retardation, dysfunction of the central nervous system, underdevelopment of the brain, which leads to mental retardation.

Wrong pedagogical approach

With the wrong approach to the child, he may not know and not learn many things. A developmental lag appears, and it is explained not just by brain malfunctions - the child is healthy - but by the neglect of upbringing. When a child lacks information and is not encouraged to mental activity, the child's ability to assimilate and process information is sharply reduced. But if a child is applied the right approach these gaps will gradually be closed. If classes are held constantly, everything will be fine, the child will eventually catch up with his peers.

mental retardation

In other words - a delay in the mental development of the child. It manifests itself very differently. But this feature can always be distinguished by the nuances of behavior that make it possible to distinguish mental retardation, pedagogical neglect and delay in the manifestation of mental reactions. Children who have mental retardation do not suffer from brain disorders, but they have behavior that is completely uncharacteristic for their age, immature, more childish, sometimes fatigue, insufficient working capacity, such children quickly get tired without completing their work.

These symptoms can be explained by the fact that the mother's birth was pathological, with disorders that led to the child's illness. Therefore, in early childhood, the child can often get sick. infectious diseases affecting, among other things, the nervous system. These diseases and behavioral problems are based on organic abnormalities in the work of the child's nervous system.

Biological causes of delay in the development of the child

  • Violations in the body of the mother during gestation
  • Mom's illnesses during pregnancy
  • Alcoholism and addiction to smoking during pregnancy
  • psychological, neurological, psychosomatic diseases relatives of a sick child
  • Childbirth with pathologies (caesarean, pulling the baby with forceps, and so on)
  • Infections that the child suffered in early preschool age

Social causes of delay in the development of the child

  • Strong control (overprotection) of parents
  • Aggressive attitude towards the child in the family
  • Mental trauma in early childhood

In order to be able to choose a program for correcting a child who lags behind in development, it is not enough just to identify the cause (by the way, they can be complex). It is also necessary to make a diagnosis in the clinic with a psychologist and a pediatrician, so that the treatment is comprehensive.

Doctors today divide mental retardation (MPD) in children into four types

Mental infantilism

Such children are quick-tempered, whiny, not independent, it is typical for them to violently express their emotions. The mood of such children often changes: just now the child was running and playing merrily, and now he is crying and demanding something, knocking with his feet. Such a child mental infantilism it is extremely difficult to make decisions on his own, he is completely dependent on his father or mother, his emotional-volitional sphere is violated. Diagnosing this condition is very difficult, because parents and educators can take it for pampering. But if we draw an analogy with how the child's peers behave, a delay in his development is very clearly visible.

Mental delay of somatogenic origin

This group is made up of children who constantly suffer due to frequent colds. This group also includes children with permanent illnesses chronic nature. And one more thing - the kids, whom their parents wrapped up too warmly from childhood, worried too much about them, heated ice cream and water, so that, God forbid, the baby would not catch a cold. Such behavior - excessive parental care - does not allow the child to explore the world, so his mental development is inhibited. Hence the inability to be independent, to make decisions on your own.

Neurogenic causes of delay in the development of the child No one takes care of the child, or, conversely, he is overprotected. Violence from parents and past trauma in childhood, they are also referred to as neurogenic causes of delayed development of a preschooler. This type is characterized by the fact that the moral norms and behavioral reactions of the child are not brought up, the child often does not know how to show his attitude towards something.

Organic-cerebral developmental delays

Nature is already at work here. That is, deviations in the body - organic deviations in the work of the nervous system, brain function such a child is broken. This is the most difficult type of developmental delay to treat. And the most frequent one.

How to identify deviations in the development of the child?

According to scientists, this can be done in the first months, as soon as the child is born. It is even easier to do this at a younger and middle preschool age (from 3 to 4 years). You just need to watch the child carefully. If his development is delayed, then some unconditioned reflexes will be especially developed or, conversely, they will not be at all, although healthy children have these reactions.

  1. The child continues to suck something after three months after his birth (finger, sponge, edge of clothing)
  2. After two months, the child still cannot concentrate on anything - cannot look or listen carefully
  3. The child overreacts to sounds or does not react at all
  4. The child can very poorly follow an object that moves, or cannot focus at all
  5. Up to 2-3 months, the child still does not know how to smile, although this reflex in normal babies appears already at 1 month
  6. At 3 months and later baby not “gulit” - this indicates speech disorders; the child babbles up to 3 years, although in healthy children separate speech begins to appear much earlier - at 1.5-2 years old
  7. When a child grows up, he cannot clearly pronounce the letters, does not remember them. When he is taught to read, the child cannot comprehend the basics of literacy, it simply does not come to him.
  8. AT kindergarten or at school, a child is diagnosed with dysgraphia (writing skills are violated), cannot count elementary numbers (there is a disease called dyscalculia). A child of middle and older preschool age is inattentive, does not know how to focus on one thing, quickly changes activities.
  9. Speech disorder in preschool child

“Your child is inadequate. He is clearly behind in development. If you want him to learn at least something, hire tutors. Otherwise, he will finish school with a certificate, ”the teacher stunned me with such a statement, calling me to school.

Today my son came home from school very proud - there is a five in his diary. Moreover, he did not come alone - a school friend came to visit him. The boys played and fooled around merrily, speaking their own language, which I did not quite understand. Discussed some "bakugan", their strength, something else ...

Looking at the boys, I felt a single tear roll down my cheek...

A year ago…

“Your child is inadequate. He is clearly behind in development. If you want him to learn at least something, hire tutors. Otherwise, he will finish school with a certificate., – with such a statement, the teacher took me by surprise, calling me to school. I was shocked, this is not a statement about why the child is stunted.

At that time, the boy managed to study in the first grade two weeks.

“Your son does not listen to me in class, he can get up at any moment and stare stupidly out the window instead of studying. He absolutely does not know how to communicate with peers, shies away from children, sits on the sidelines during breaks, does not play with anyone. And yesterday he almost tore off the ruler: during the performance of the anthem, he plugged his ears and began to yell in a wild voice. I couldn't do anything with him. And check his hearing - he constantly asks me again ... "

To say I'm upset is an understatement. The world was covered with a black veil of cold sticky horror. Does this mean my child is not normal?

Why? After all, at the age of five, he taught himself to read. And at the age of six, he was already better than I understood the computer. And now - lagging behind in development?

Like a mother who has medical education, I hoped that medicine would give answers to my questions. Trying to find out why the child cannot adapt at school, why he refuses to work in the classroom, I took him to neurologists, psychologists and other specialists.

Going through everything possible examinations, I received a doctor's report in my hands, which stated that the child had no physiological abnormalities, but “behavioral disorders” were observed. Hearing is normal. The doctor even joked that my son hears too well. I didn't attach any importance to it.

That was also the first time I heard the term “autism spectrum disorder”.

Naturally, I wondered why these disorders arose, and what to do with them. I didn't get a clear answer to the first half of the question. The neurologist said that the child may have increased intracranial pressure, since the volume of his head exceeds the norm set for his age. However, the examination of the pathology did not reveal.

The psychologist noted that such behavioral deviations may be the result of birth injury but they don't always show up right away. She also asked me to draw a portrait of her son. Looking at the drawing (and I depicted her son in a suit and hat), she gently remarked that I want my child to become an adult as soon as possible, and I put undue pressure on him.

As for the question of what to do, I received an impressive list of drugs to improve the blood supply to the brain, which had to be taken in the form of tablets and injections. In addition, a massage of the collar zone and several physical procedures were prescribed.

There was a problem with the massage: at the slightest touch, the child would shrink so much that the entire effectiveness of the procedure was nullified.

The psychologist suggested taking a course of classes “for behavior correction”.

I conscientiously fulfilled all the assignments, at the same time additionally studying with my son - I had to make up for what he had not mastered at school. To my great amazement, we mastered the program, designed for a month of classes at school, at home in a week. Without much effort...

However, the problems have not disappeared. The teacher still complained that the boy refused to complete assignments, did not obey in class, and could not establish contact with classmates. I realized that I need to look for another solution, how to deal with a child who is lagging behind in development.

Once, when I came to school for my son, I saw that the desk at which he was sitting alone was moved away from the rest of the children, "because it interferes with studying." My son became an outcast...

Sound vector and autistic manifestations

The answers to the questions swarming in my head, I found where I did not expect at all. Accidentally got to the training on systems-vector psychology I learned how to help my child.

At the training, the topic of which was the sound vector, it dawned on me: my child is being described!

“About 5% of children are born with. Them erogenous zone- Oversensitive ear. The species role is the night guard of the flock ...

The sound vector in childhood can manifest itself in different ways.

A small sound engineer is distinguished from his peers by his look - not for his age, serious, attentive. You go to him, pushy, and the baby, sitting in his mother’s arms, answers with an attentive look, embarrassing with adult seriousness ...

Growing up, these silent children often prefer the silence of their room than noisy company peers. They quickly get tired of active games, but they calmly play alone. Such children love to hide in closets - they like to sit in silence and twilight ...

Often, sound engineers start talking late, although another picture is possible - they start talking early and immediately in coherent phrases ...

In children with a sound vector, the so-called sleep disturbance is often observed - they confuse day with night. However, looking at the root of the problem, one can understand that this is by no means a violation - these children are programmed by nature to stay awake at night. This allows them to fulfill their species role.

It should be borne in mind that such a child can sleep peacefully to loud music, but at the same time he will wake up instantly, as soon as the cat in the next room rustles with a piece of paper.Such a reaction is easily explained: music does not pose a danger, but an incomprehensible rustle in the dark instantly awakens the instincts of a night guard of the pack in the depths of the child's subconscious ...

Children with a sound vector often ask almost philosophical questions: “Mom, where does all this come from? Why is there me? What are stars? Mom, what is life? From early childhood they are interested in the meaning of life ... "

Listening to the lecture, I tried to get rid of intrusive thought that the leading clairvoyant. Otherwise, how can he so accurately describe a child he has never seen in his life?

We had a problem with sleep almost from birth, God only knows how many kilometers I wound, nursing around the room at night with a baby in my arms. He was not interested in lying in the crib, but we studied the environment with curiosity. But getting up in the morning is still a problem for us.

At a certain period, a new problem overtook us - in the evening we had a “shouting hour”. For an hour, the child began to scream, despite all my attempts to calm him down. I turned to specialists - but no deviations were found. The solution to the problem was found by chance: it was worth turning off the light and creating complete silence, as the baby calmed down and calmed down.

When my son grew up, I noticed another oddity: he expressed his emotions extremely sparingly. Where I would have already fought in hysterics or laughed, he is in best case could wince or smile.

Once, going home from the kindergarten, we had a fight, and I said that "since he does not obey me, it means that he is no longer my son, and I will leave him." I expected tears, apologies... But an oppressive silence hung behind me. After walking a dozen steps, I turned around - the boy was standing still and just looking after me. My heart sank painfully - well, what is it? He didn't even shed a tear...

If I knew what such "education" would turn out for my little sound player ...

My child learned to read at the age of five, and it was discovered by accident. I noticed that he easily navigates computer games that require reading the rules. At the same time, he reads exclusively encyclopedias. Other books are simply not interesting to him. He killed a kindergarten teacher with a statement that a brick can be made alive by adding carbon atoms to its composition. From the point of view of physics, he is absolutely right.

And at school lags behind in development ...

At the training, I understood what was the reason for my son's school problems. The ear is a particularly sensitive (erogenous) zone sound baby. Quiet harmonious sounds give sound engineers pleasure. However, they are able to experience true pleasure only by listening to absolute silence.

Children with a natural sound vector are potentially endowed with the greatest intellect. Concentrating in silence in search of disturbing sounds on the "sounds" of your inner peace, small sound engineers develop their minds so that in the future brilliant ideas will be born in their heads.

School is for this child. Noise, screams, loud music- all this forced him to narrow his auditory perception. This, in turn, led to the fact that he could not absorb the information. The more the teacher tried to get a reaction out of him, the deeper the boy sank into his "shell".

To understand what a child with a sound vector is experiencing, who is daily afflicted by the cacophony inherent in school, try for a moment to imagine that you need clothes made of the finest silk. But instead of silk, you are offered to dress in prickly sackcloth, tearing your skin to the point of blood. Unpleasant sensations - you want to immediately throw off the sackcloth.

Cacophony, screams, scandals - all this plunges the sound engineer into the same superstress that a person with delicate skin, dressed in a prickly rag, experiences.

However, the sound engineer is unable to get rid of the "rags" - his super-sensitive hearing is always on guard. Loud screams, scandals in the family, sounds of repair coming from a neighboring construction site - constant noise with a red-hot nail bites into the sensitive ear of the sound engineer.

The child, trying to protect himself from sounds that traumatize his psyche, unconsciously reduces susceptibility to external stimuli, gradually withdrawing into himself and losing the ability to contact the outside world. If a small sound engineer is constantly in such an environment, the worst begins: the body turns on the self-defense system and the neural connections of the brain gradually die off. As a result, psychologists are able to again fix the diagnosis of autism.

But loud sounds and screams are just one of the reasons that can lead to the development of such deviations in a sound child. Do not forget that its sensor sensitively captures not only the sound itself, but also its intonation.

Some words, even spoken in a whisper, have a detrimental effect on the psyche of the child.

Children with a sound vector are distinguished by some detachment from the world. They are thoughtful, sometimes seem slow and even inhibited. The mother, not understanding the reasons for such behavior, gets irritated and begins to urge the child. In this state, terrible words for the psyche of the sound engineer can sound: “Brake! Moron! Why did I give birth to you ... "

And the child, trying to hide from them, begins to go “outside” less and less, hiding on the other side. eardrumexternal world becomes more and more illusory for him. No wonder they say that there is nothing worse than a mother's curse. It is mothers who, out of the best of intentions, sometimes ruin their own children.

Not aware, no. Out of ignorance

The more terrible the numbers - over the past decade, the number of autists has increased by 4 times ...

Listening to Yuri Burlan, I became cold inside: when problems started at school, I took a very tough position and constantly pressed the child. Sometimes she breaks down and screams ...

Mom's impatience, the change from home to the noisy hubbub of the school, the activity of classmates, the teacher's peremptory attitude, the loud music on the rulers - all this made my son hide deep in himself.

And instead of creating a quiet, calm environment for the child in which he could develop perfectly, I hovered over him like a helicopter and impatiently urged: "Well, why are you frozen? This is a simple task - solve it quickly! How do you write? Can't you hold a straight wand? Rewrite!


I was able to rid my child of the label "developmental delay".

Understanding that many manifestations of my son's character are not symptoms of a disease or pathology, as modern psychology claims, but specific properties, which are unique to him and absent in children with a different set of vectors, helped me solve many problems.

I am firmly convinced of one thing, no matter how you ask yourself why a child is stunted or why there are adaptation problems, knowledge of human nature can shed light on any problem.

Yuri Burlan makes one strict requirement for his listeners: “Do not believe! Don't believe a single word of the training. Check everything in life!”

I checked

I began to talk to the child in a benevolent whisper - and he hears me! But not so long ago I could not shout to him, and the world was covered with a black veil from the realization of my own powerlessness. I turn on quiet music at night - and my son sleeps peacefully, without jumping up in the middle of the night.

We do homework in silence against the background of barely audible classical music - and the teacher states with amazement that my child confidently catches up with the best students in the class, and sometimes even surpasses them.

I explained to the household what our little sounder experiences with loud sounds and how it reacts to the quarrels of the parents - and now we strictly observe the ecology of sound, and all the showdowns are transferred to the time when the son is absent from home.

This rule turned out to be quite funny. side effect: it turned out that contentious issues It is quite possible to decide without raising your voice at all. Gradually, the quarrels almost disappeared.

I talked to the teacher, explained to her that the child has super-sensitive hearing, and loud sounds hurt him. In addition, I conveyed to her the idea that his lethargy is explained very simply - he needs time to get out of his inner world into our reality. Now the son sits on the first desk and is friends with the girl Lisa, and the teacher treats him in a completely different way. There is no more talk of any tutors.

Today my son came home from school very proud - there is a five in his diary. Moreover, he did not come alone - a school friend came to visit him. The boys played and fooled around merrily, speaking their own language, which I did not quite understand. Discussed some "bakugan", their strength, something else ...

Looking at them, I felt my breath catch with happiness.

The happiness of my child is my result from the training. And I think that for every mother, this is the biggest thing that can happen in life ... And I'm not alone. Over 600 parents share their unique . Therefore, I invite you to free online lectures by Yuri Burlan - a conscious approach is immeasurably better than blind education. You can register

The article was written using the training materials on system-vector psychology by Yuri Burlan.

The article was written based on the materials of the training " System-Vector Psychology»
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