The social factor. Environment What factors relate to social

English factor, social; German Factor, sozialer. The driving force of the development of society, a phenomenon or process that determines certain social. changes.

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The social factor

the driving force behind the development of society; a phenomenon or process that causes certain social changes. At the heart of F.'s allocation with. there is such a connection of social objects in which some of them (causes) under certain conditions necessarily give rise to other social objects or their properties (consequences). As F. with. First of all, it is the activity of people that ultimately determines the whole diversity of the social life of society. Besides, F.'s role with. perform various material and spiritual formations: production, social institutions, organizations, material environment, needs, interests, values, opinions, orientations, attitudes of people, etc. As F. s. there is also the interaction of spheres of social life, when one of them has a decisive influence on the others. For example, the economic sphere largely determines the development of the social, political and spiritual spheres, it is a factor for them, and these latter, in turn, acting on it, also act as its factors, although not determining ones. Therefore, in the aggregate F. s. one should distinguish between those that drive deep changes in society, determining its essential characteristics, direction and level of development, and those that cause only individual changes in society or in phenomena and processes. It is also necessary to recognize F. s., constantly acting and random, directly and indirectly influencing the object. So, to the general F. with. include socio-economic and other conditions for the functioning of the social life of society: for example, property relations, the level of social division of labor, social institutions and organizations, etc. They are also permanent causes. To specific F. with. one can attribute certain features of certain objects, on which the same characteristics of other objects depend. The action of direct F. s. can be directly fixed and subjected to control in the process of research, while the influence of indirect F. s. on the object under study is not subject to direct control. It must be specially installed. F.'s knowledge of s. in sociology is associated with the development of meaningful theories to explain the changes taking place in society and its individual subsystems, from the standpoint of the action of certain causes. Sociological research is always based on certain methodological and methodological approaches to the study of the conditionality of some processes of social reality by others. The purpose of these studies is to determine and predict the consequences of the action of certain factors on the basis of a preliminary empirical analysis of the relationship between them (i.e. e. the action of the factor and the effect). As is known, the manifestation of causal relationships in social processes is multifactorial and multidimensional. However, depending on the objectives of the study, the task can be reduced to identifying the influence of one or a combination of factors that cause corresponding changes in social objects. Behind the combined action of various factors, including those of a random nature, research reveals something stable, necessary and repetitive. And yet, since social change is multifactorial, the forecasts and conclusions from the data obtained are probabilistic. The establishment of the measure of manifestation of causal relationships in sociology is carried out by means of methods of multivariate statistical analysis of correlation, regression, factorial, etc.

The transformation of a biological individual into a social subject occurs in the process of socialization of a person, his integration into society, into various types of social groups and structures through the assimilation of values, attitudes, social norms, patterns of behavior, on the basis of which socially significant personality traits are formed.

Socialization is a continuous and multifaceted process that continues throughout a person's life. However, it proceeds most intensively in childhood and adolescence, when all the basic value orientations are laid down, the basic social norms and relationships are assimilated, and the motivation for social behavior is formed.

The process of socialization of the child, his formation and development, becoming as a person takes place in interaction with the environment, which has a decisive influence on this process through a variety of social factors.

There are macro- (from the Greek makros "big"), meso- (mesos "medium") and micro- (mikros "small") factors of personality socialization. Human socialization is influenced by global, planetary processes - environmental, demographic, economic, socio-political, as well as the country, society, the state as a whole, which are considered as macro factors of socialization.

Mesofactors include the formation of ethnic attitudes, the influence of regional conditions in which the child lives and develops, the type of settlement, mass media, etc.

Microfactors include the family, educational institutions, peer groups, and much, much more that make up the immediate space and social environment in which the child is located and comes into direct contact. This immediate environment in which the development of the child occurs is called society, or micro-society.

2.3. Microsociety

The most important for the socialization of the child is the micro-society.

Microsociety- this is the nearest space and social environment in which a person's life takes place and which directly affect his development.

The influence of the microsociety on the process of socialization of a person at various stages of his life depends on the objective characteristics of the microsociety and the subjective characteristics of the person himself.

The objective characteristics of microsociety include:

    spatial characteristics;

    architectural and planning features (openness - isolation, historically developed or industrial buildings, the ratio of low-rise and high-rise buildings, the presence, quantity and quality of small architectural forms, etc.);

    well-being and development of public utilities on its territory, as well as the saturation of the service sector and its qualities;

    cultural and recreational opportunities (availability and quality of work of educational institutions, cinemas, clubs, gyms, stadiums, swimming pools, museums, theaters, libraries);

    the demographic situation (the composition of the inhabitants: their ethnicity, homogeneity or heterogeneity; socio-professional composition and the degree of its differentiation; features of the sex and age composition; composition of families);

    the socio-psychological climate, which is determined by the ratio of the number of residents with pro-social, anti-social and anti-social lifestyles, the presence of criminogenic families and groups, criminal structures, as well as the degree of active participation of the population in the life of the microsociety.

The microsociety includes such factors of socialization as the family, educational institutions, peer groups.

A family - the most important institution of socialization, since it is a personal environment for the life and development of a person from birth to death, the quality of which is determined by a number of parameters of a particular family. The socio-cultural parameter depends on the educational level of family members and their participation in society. Socio-economic is determined by property characteristics and employment of family members at work, study. Technical and hygienic depends on the living conditions, the equipment of the dwelling, the hygienic features of the lifestyle. Finally, demographic is determined by family structure.

The parental family is of decisive importance in shaping the emotional world, self-awareness and moral foundations of the individual in the first years of life and is the leading factor in socialization in preschool age.

educational institutes- these are organizations specially created by society and the state, the main function of which is the purposeful systematic creation of conditions for the development of people of a certain age and (or) a certain socio-professional stratum.

Over time, the diversity of educational institutions increases due to the complication of the socio-economic and cultural needs of society, their role and correlation in the process of social education change.

Through the system of educational institutions, society and the state, on the one hand, strive to provide equal opportunities for the education of all its members, and on the other hand, to create conditions for the realization of each of their capabilities, satisfaction of needs and development of abilities and interests.

In the process of human socialization, educational institutions play a dual role. On the one hand, it is in them that social education is carried out as a socially controlled part of socialization. On the other hand, they, like any human community, influence their members spontaneously. This is due to the fact that in any institution of education, in the process of communication between their members, mutual influence occurs, which by its nature may not coincide with the goals and norms cultivated in institutions by their organizers.

peer group is an important factor in socialization. The need to communicate with peers exists at any age. Already at an early age, the child has a special relationship with peers. The fact that the child has developed a need to communicate with peers can be judged by the following criteria identified by M. I. Lisina:

    attention and interest in another person;

    emotional attitude towards a partner;

    the desire of the child to interact with another child;

    the desire and ability of the child to respond to actions addressed to him.

A distinctive feature of contacts with peers is their particularly bright emotional richness, the absence of strict norms and rules of communication, the predominance of initiative statements over reciprocal ones, and functional diversity.

A child deprived of communication with peers loses in his communicative development. Although children learn the language mainly from adults, some intuitive and communicative abilities are formed only in communication with peers.

STEP analysis

Basic Leadership Tools


To get good results in any activity, one must not only "calculate" one's own actions, but also have a good understanding of what is happening around. And this means that it is necessary to be able to analyze everything that is called the "external environment".

It is convenient to study the "behavior" of the external environment if we adequately assess the impact on the organization of at least four types of factors:

social (C);

technological (T);

economic (E);

political (P).

The initial letters of the names of these factors made up the abbreviation for this method of analyzing the external environment - STEP-analysis ("STEP-factors analysis").

Please note that STEP analysis is not the external environment in itself, it is only one of the tools (methods) that allows you to make a certain view of the environment. It follows from this that the attribution of certain phenomena of reality to certain factors is not only a matter of the field of activity, it is also an individual vision of problems.

Much depends on who uses this method.

The study social component environment is aimed at understanding the impact on the activities of the organization of such social phenomena and processes as:

people's attitude to work and quality of life;

The demographic structure of society;

the level of education of the population;

social mobility;

existing in society customs, norms, beliefs, values;

the influence of the environment on labor habits.

The peculiarity of social factors is that they change relatively slowly, but lead to many very significant changes in the environment of any organization.

In Russia, for example, an unfavorable demographic situation is currently taking shape: the population is aging, infant mortality is high against the backdrop of a declining birth rate. To this we must add a high percentage of children who are born handicapped and remain so due to the lack of due care for their social adaptation and development. Such processes are very inert, and this allows an organization that monitors the trends of the macro environment to make reliable forecasts of the development of its activities.

Any organization that hopes for long-term success must seriously monitor possible social changes.

Let us list, for example, some social factors that influence the development of the activities of organizations in Russia and form a certain attitude towards them.

· Attempts to return to Christian Orthodox morality, which, according to the supporters of this position, should lay the foundations of morality. But Russia is a multinational country, and its peoples profess different religions.

· Traditional dismissive attitude to legal norms both on the part of entrepreneurs and on the part of officials.

· High ambitions and helplessness in attempts to establish constructive relations with Western politicians and businessmen.

Typical features of the behavior of modern Russian politicians with foreign partners:

Negotiations without a clearly articulated position;
lack of ideas about the forms and methods of cooperation;

· the desire to receive a loan, grant or other financial assistance without any obligations on their part, etc.;

· a high level of education of the population, valuable human resources from a quantitative and qualitative point of view.

Social factors and their dynamics have a very significant impact - no less than others - on the consumer behavior of the population. An analysis of the social parameters of society can suggest to marketing researchers possible directions for the development of consumer preferences among buyers, which will allow the company's management to formulate a sound marketing strategy for its activities.

Among the social factors characteristic of Russia and deserving the attention of marketers are:

Population aging (sex and age structure of the population);
strengthening the differentiation of society in terms of income;
the emergence of private enterprise, wage labor and unemployment;
structural changes in the family.

Undoubtedly, one can name other social factors that are of a private nature and manifest themselves only on the territory of certain regions. Here, only those that lie on the surface of social phenomena and are characteristic of the entire country, for each of its regions are mentioned.

It is obvious that the sex and age structure of the population, which in dynamics shows the aging of the population, is a demographic indicator. But since its change gives rise to specific processes in society related, for example, to caring for older citizens, increasing the birth rate, etc., it is quite appropriate to consider indicators of the population structure in the block of social factors. If we talk about the aging of the population, then in Russia, as in the countries of Europe, there has long been a trend towards an increase in the proportion of older people in the general structure of the population. This is typical for all regions of Russia. The only difference is that in some of them the proportion of older people is larger, in some it is less.

The question arises: how can the behavior of the population change in connection with a change in its age structure? In the case of population aging, there is inevitably an increase in the demand for health services, in particular. Other forms of change in consumer behavior of people are also possible. In Europe and the US, for example, an increase in the proportion of older people retiring is driving up demand for travel services. There is no such trend in Russia. The growing army of Russian pensioners prefers to spend time in their summer cottages, growing vegetables and fruits. Thus, it can be stated that the same demographic trend in different countries has given rise to completely dissimilar social trends. This is easily explained by the difference in national cultures, the level of income of the population, etc.

But how should Russian business respond to these interrelated and interdependent trends? It is obvious that in some sectors of the agro-industrial complex it is necessary to increase the production of horticultural tools, fertilizers, etc., adapting these goods to consumption on small plots of land. To produce, for example, walk-behind tractors, small in power and dimensions, simple and reliable in operation, to pack fertilizers in containers acceptable for summer residents, etc. Of course, Russian business should not lose sight of the irrepressible passion of Western pensioners for travel, creating for them the appropriate tourism infrastructure (they have something to see in any region of Russia).

Such an approximately complex analysis, but, of course, more detailed, interrelated environmental factors (in this case, demographic, social, cultural) should underlie any marketing decision. If we are talking about attracting older Western tourists to Russia, then the range of these factors, of course, should be expanded, including in the list for analysis both politics (bilateral and multilateral interstate agreements), and the economy (dynamics of exchange rates), and, possibly, others.

Increasing differentiation of society in terms of income also has a very significant effect on the structure of consumption.

This indicator by foreign sociologists is the basis for the division of society into classes:

The highest class (less than 1% of the population). This includes the elite, who come from eminent families and live on inherited wealth. They may donate money to charitable causes, usually own more than one house, send their children to private schools, and do not like to flaunt their wealth. Their main consumer markets are jewelry, antiques, homes, leisure and travel services.

Lower upper class (about 2%). This class includes people of free professions and businessmen who receive high incomes due to their exceptional abilities. As a rule, they are active in public affairs, strive for recognition of their social position and defiantly spend their savings. Strive to move to the highest class. Their market is expensive houses, yachts, swimming pools, cars.

Upper middle class (12%). Persons of liberal professions, managers, businessmen making a career. They strive to receive a good education, show concern for spiritual life, culture, civil affairs. Good houses, furniture, clothes, household appliances are bought on the market.

Lower middle class (30%). This includes employees, small entrepreneurs and the so-called labor aristocracy. They strive to observe cultural traditions, norms and rules, to give themselves an aura of respectability. Their market is do-it-yourself goods, household supplies, formal clothing.

Upper lower class (35%). These are small employees, skilled and semi-skilled workers. They are concerned about the problems of a clear division of the roles of the sexes, strengthening their position in society. Their market is inexpensive sporting goods, beer, household goods.

The lowest class (20%). This class includes unskilled workers, people living on benefits. Their market is food, some household items, televisions, used items.

In Russian society, to solve marketing problems, it is also possible to single out the class of the rich, the middle class and the class of the poor, carrying out, if necessary, their more detailed differentiation. Of course, the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of these classes will not be the same as in the United States. But the methodological approach itself can be applied in Russia.

Thus, social classes are fairly stable groups of people who are characterized by the presence of similar value ideas, interests, aspirations, consumer (and other) behavior. In other words, social classes are characterized not only by the level of income, but also by other indicators, mostly qualitative, such as education, attitudes toward cultural traditions, value preferences, and so on.

Knowledge of the class structure of society helps marketers better navigate social processes, since belonging to a class indicates possible stereotypes of behavior of its members, in particular:

1) belonging to the same class determines the propensity of its representatives to very similar (sometimes almost identical) behavior;
2) belonging to a class determines the position of people in society;
3) representatives of some classes can move to other classes (rise from lower classes to higher ones, descend from higher to lower ones).

Focusing on class dynamics, marketers can build more reasonable predictive scenarios for the development of their enterprises, their product and pricing policies, determine the most preferable directions for the development of assortment policy, etc. How, then, can one characterize the class structure of Russia that arose as a result of reforms in the 1990s? First of all, it should be noted that the economic reform in Russia led to a rather deep differentiation of Russian society, expressed in the emergence of a class of rich and even super-rich, as well as a class of the poor, whose numbers are very significant. The middle class, which should form the basis of society, perhaps, has just begun to emerge. Even at the beginning of the new century, it still cannot be called mature and strengthened, which cannot but cause concern, including among businessmen.

Belonging to a particular social class determines not only the material situation of people, but also their mental state. The growing social distance between the poor and the rich in Russia exacerbates the feeling of their own poverty among the poor, which, unfortunately, does not always lead them to the idea of ​​seeking to improve their situation by legal methods and means. An increase in the number of poor people leads to the accumulation of negative potential in society in relation to the rich in general and to business in particular, which is fraught with social upheavals. On the contrary, the prevalence of the middle class in society makes society more stable. The middle class is workers who already live well and want to live even better. They already have something to lose when changing the social order, and they have something to gain if stability in society is maintained. Their value orientation is expressed in increasing their material well-being, they are ready to spend the money they earn on good cars, more comfortable housing, expensive household appliances, etc. Thus, the greater the share of the middle class in society, the greater the opportunities in this society for business development. Marketers, on the other hand, must carefully study the needs and requirements of this class, because these needs are largely of a massive nature, which can provide impressive sales volumes.

The emergence of private entrepreneurship and hired labor in Russia also influenced the change in the lifestyle of the population, which, of course, could not but affect their consumer behavior.

At the initial stage of the economic reform, three of its goals were formulated. The essence of the first of them was privatization, the creation of a private sector in the economy, destroyed during the years of Soviet power. The second goal was to replace the administrative-command mechanism of management with a market one. And the third goal concerned the revival of the feeling of the owner in people, so that each owner would strive to increase his property and to use it effectively. If the first two goals have been more or less achieved (although discussions on this issue have not ceased in society so far; in particular, communists, agrarians, representatives of the military-industrial complex tend to believe that the reforms have not taken place), then the third goal and at the beginning of a new century cannot yet be considered fully achieved.

Entrepreneurs, with whom the concept of a sense of master should be identified, have appeared, but it is unlikely that their numerical and, most importantly, qualitative composition can be considered acceptable. Who should be considered an entrepreneur? If we include all citizens who have received certificates of entrepreneurs in their district administrations and are engaged in the shuttle business, then there are many such in Russia. But are they, in fact, entrepreneurs, i.e. entities creating new goods, services, generating new needs in society, and, consequently, contributing to the emergence of new jobs for hired labor? By and large, of course not. There are still few such entrepreneurs. Therefore, the third goal has not been fully achieved. Yes, it probably cannot be achieved so quickly. It is certainly not easy to form a sense of master among the people, while all the past education of entire generations was aimed at suppressing it, and it takes some time. The very emergence of entrepreneurship as a phenomenon should already be considered positive. As soon as it exists, even in this form, then there is a hope that sooner or later entrepreneurs like Henry Ford the first, Bill Gates will appear in the country, and if we recall pre-revolutionary Russia, then merchants like the Demidovs, Savva Morozov and others Such entrepreneurship (Entrepreneurship with a capital letter) is not only able to ensure the saturation of the market with unique goods and services, but also solve an important social problem associated with reducing the unemployment rate.

All this allows us to hope that the quality of labor will increase, because the dependent psychology of the able-bodied population, due to the constitutional guarantee, its carelessness about employment and the lack of initiative in advanced training and retraining will sink into oblivion. Already, many, especially young people, have realized that the preservation of their jobs largely depends on themselves, on their desire for continuous professional improvement. Thus, the negative social consequences of unemployment created the prerequisites for the development of motivation for the qualification growth of the working-age population. Such a transformation of mass consciousness cannot but affect the final results of the activities of enterprises in the production of goods and services by them. When developing (development) the consumer properties of a product, when creating new products, the desire for professional self-improvement, which is economically beneficial for hired labor, must certainly be taken into account by marketers of enterprises. In conjunction with workplace initiative, preferably economically rewarded, employee growth can lead a firm to commercial success by offering marketable goods and services with unique consumer properties. When exploring social factors, marketers should also pay attention to structural changes in families, since the subject of consumer behavior is not just an individual, but an individual, one way or another connected by family relationships, which are in constant dynamics, determined by changes in the economy, culture, demography and others. spheres. For the purposes of identifying consumer behavior characteristic of a particular market, one can use the classification of families proposed by foreign sociologists.

The demographic circumstances discussed above, as well as economic, cultural and possibly others, have led to the emergence of new trends in the development of family structure. Increasingly, divorced or widowed people, even at childbearing age, are in no hurry to start a second family, they prefer a single lifestyle. Many of them already have a fairly high level of income and can not be attributed to the type corresponding to the first stage of the life cycle. The nature of their consumer behavior is already different and does not resemble any of these types listed in the digression. Many young people enter into a so-called civil marriage and are in no hurry to have children. Their income levels are rising rapidly and the style of consumer behavior is becoming different from the style of young newlyweds without children. All these circumstances should also become the object of close attention of marketing research in order to provide the management of their organization with more accurate and reliable information about the characteristics of the market, about its potential purchasing power.

We all live in a society. Its impact on our health and development is ambiguous. Social factors play a major role in shaping health. What is a social factor? This is any component in a person's environment that significantly affects his behavior, health, and well-being. This is proved by differences in the levels of public health depending on the socio-economic development of the state. As practice shows, the higher the level of economic development of the country, the better the indicators of the health of citizens individually and public health, and vice versa.

A vivid example of the strong influence of social conditions on health is the crisis and the fall of the economy in Russia.

The result of this was a drop in the level of public health, and the demographic situation can be safely called a crisis.

Based on the foregoing, we can say that the influence of social factors on a person is directly dependent on the state of his health. This means that social factors through the way of life, the state of the environment, the state of public health in general form individual, public and group health.

Man is a social being, and it is not surprising that the factors of social influence that have a regular impact on human development and health are of leading importance.

Social factors depend on the socio-economic structure of society, the level of culture, education, customs, traditions, industrial relations between colleagues at work, social intra-family attitudes. Most of these factors are included in the general concept of "lifestyle". Its impact on human development and health is over 50% of all factors.

Characteristics of social factors influencing human health

Social factors are directly related to the life of people, with their relationships in society. This concept includes the real relationship of people to each other, to nature, that is, class, family, labor, national, production, household, and their material aspects.

Let us reflect what and what is the influence of social factors on human health and development.

Socio-medical. The development of medicine and the laws of the country provide regular medical examinations of the state of health of an able-bodied citizen. Accordingly, factors contributing to health promotion from the point of view of medicine are highlighted and recommendations are developed for a healthy lifestyle and disease prevention.

Legal. The legislative framework aimed at ensuring the citizen's rights to health is regularly developed and revised.

Socio-economic. The state monitors the observance of labor protection at all enterprises. Thus, types of participation and responsibility of all constituent socio-economic structures are formed to strengthen and preserve the health of citizens.

Socio-biological. The country's legislation provides for citizens to retire earlier due to disability, depending on work in difficult conditions, depending on gender ... So such factors consider the state of a person's health depending on his age, heredity, gender.

Ecological. The state controls environmental pollution. Factors control the appropriate environment for a healthy lifestyle and the competent use of natural resources.

Sociocultural. No one will dispute the dependence of good work results on rest. Therefore, these factors are associated with the organization of leisure of citizens, the formation of the desire for a healthy lifestyle.

Personal. The health of every able-bodied citizen reduces the number of sick days and production downtime. Therefore, there are also factors that orient each person to the formation, strengthening and preservation of their health.

Groups of social factors affecting the health and development of groups of people

Socio-medical. This is the quality of medical services, their accessibility to all segments of the population

Legal. This is the state of the legal framework in the health protection environment.

Socio-economic. This includes qualifications, working conditions, income (if any), level of education and organization of leisure, the formation of a middle class stratum.

Socio-biological. These include age, gender, heredity.

Ecological. This is the state of soil, water, air; features of the climatic zone.

Sociocultural. This includes hygienic training and education, the level of education.

Personal. These include the level of general culture of the population and responsibility for personal health.

Now consider these groups in more detail in terms of harm or benefit to humans.

1. Socio-medical.

Of course, the health of the population is in direct parallel with the quality of medical services provided. It's no secret that paid medicine is closer to caring for a particular person and the people as a whole. This is immediately visible. No need to sit in line for hours at the doctor, endure sometimes boorish attitude towards yourself. The level of laboratory examination, the possibility of complex analyzes directly depends on the possibility of acquiring expensive reagents ... Accordingly, the result of the examination is more accurate, the result of treatment is higher. However, it is also more expensive ... After all, pensioners most often turn to the clinic, it is physically difficult for them.

To resolve this situation, we must strive to make medical services more accessible to all segments of the population.

2. Legal.

A person must be sure that if he is not provided with qualified medical care or if it is not provided in sufficient volume, he has somewhere to turn with a complaint. He must know that they will respond to his appeal and receive help from doctors.

This gives confidence in the next day and stability. Undoubtedly, it benefits people.

3. Socio-economic.

The well-being and mood of the employee depends on the working conditions. So, in a dark, cold basement with minimal living conditions, people will be harmed. On the contrary, in a bright, warm, even a small room, workers will feel better and labor productivity will increase accordingly.

The organization of recreation depends on the amount of income. A small salary - an unbalanced diet, poor-quality clothing, the inability to go to the sea. Consequently, human health is damaged. And vice versa.

More salary - less smokers, more time is devoted to work. Taking care of your health is directly proportional to the amount of wages. No smoke breaks - no shirking from work reaching 2-4 hours a day!

4. Environmental.

The condition of the soil, water and air greatly affect the well-being of people.

Those who are in poor health should consider moving to the countryside. There is cleaner than in the metropolis air, unpolluted soil and water that does not need to be filtered.

5. Sociocultural.

The level of education also has an impact on human development. So, with a higher education, there are more chances to find a prestigious, well-paid job, and, consequently, to secure a high standard of living. It also increases the chances of quick retraining and on-the-job learning.

6. Personal.

Responsibility for personal health has a powerful impact on a person's well-being. You need to start looking after your health as early as possible, since many diseases are asymptomatic, and diagnostics are needed. People are aware of this. You work - you get a salary, you don't let other production chains down. You take sick leave - you fail. If you drink, you also fail, as the quality suffers in most cases. And these are losses. For a person over time - the loss of work with all the ensuing consequences. Understanding this motivates us to realize that everyone is guilty of the failure of production, the deterioration of their health.

7. Socio-biological.

Age, gender and heredity have an impact on an individual, a small group of people, but do not have a significant impact on the development and health of the whole society.

Thus, we were convinced that there are influences of social factors on the development and health of society and a person, in particular. And it is in our power to weaken or strengthen this action.

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