Motive qualities and health-promoting factors. Health promotion and prevention. sports and health

2.2. Factors that promote health

healthy image life contributes to a reasonable satisfaction of the physical and spiritual needs of a person, the formation of a socially active person who is responsible for the state of his health. Among the components of a healthy lifestyle, the main ones can be distinguished (Scheme 1). The first step to creating an individual healthy lifestyle system is to develop a solid motivation. It is impossible to come to a healthy lifestyle without a deep understanding of its necessity.

A person must be firmly convinced that there is simply no other way to health. Listing the components of a healthy lifestyle, the mode of life can be put in the first place. The life of every person passes in the mode of time distribution. Part of the time is devoted to socially necessary activities, the other part is devoted to personal needs. So, for example, the mode of life of a student is determined by the schedule of classes; abrupt military daily routine; mode of a working person by the beginning and end of working hours.

Scheme 1. The main components of a healthy lifestyle

HLS includes:

    • Life mode
    • Rejection of bad habits
    • State of the environment
    • General body hygiene
    • Optimal driving mode
    • Balanced diet

Mode This is the established routine of human life, which includes work, food, rest and sleep.

A working person lives in a given rhythm: he must get up at a certain time, perform his official and other duties, eat, rest and sleep. And this is not surprising, all processes in nature are to one degree or another subject to a strict rhythm: the seasons alternate, the night replaces the day, the day comes to replace the night. rhythmic activity is one of the basic laws of life and the basis of any work. A rational combination of regime elements ensures more productive work of a person and a high level of his health. It can be said that the whole organism participates in the labor activity of a person, since the labor rhythm sets the physiological rhythm. At certain hours, the body experiences a load, as a result of which metabolism increases, blood circulation increases, breathing quickens, and then a feeling of fatigue appears. In other hours and days, when the load decreases, rest comes, the strength and energy of the body are restored. Proper alternation of work and rest is the basis of high human performance.

The well-known Russian physiologist N. E. Vvedensky (1852 1922) noted that they get tired not so much because they work hard, but because they work poorly, they do not know how to organize their work. He put forward a number of conditions for achieving high performance, and hence a high level of health: gradual entry into work; well-thought-out and worked out sequence in work; correct distribution of daily, weekly, monthly and annual load. Uneven load, haste in some periods and inactivity in others are equally harmful. In the matter of restoring working capacity, the most effective is active rest, which allows you to rationally use your free time. The alternation of types of work, the harmonious combination of physical and mental labor, physical culture provide effective recovery strength and energy. A person needs to rest every day, using his free time to improve his health. Sleep is one of the most important daily activities. Carrying enough normal sleep health is unthinkable. The need for hay is different for each of us. it depends on age, lifestyle, type of human nervous system. Sleep primarily contributes normal activities central nervous system. Lack of sleep, especially systematic, leads to overwork, and sometimes exhaustion of the nervous system, disease of the whole organism. Sleep cannot be replaced by anything, it is not compensated by anything. Sleep is the foundation of a healthy lifestyle. To be healthy and efficient, it is necessary to develop the habit of getting up and going to bed at the same time, learn to fall asleep quickly.

The most important condition for a healthy lifestyle is the optimal motor mode. Movements, the need for which is due to the laws of growth of the body, an indispensable condition for normal development, general strengthening health, formation and correct posture and mastery of basic motor skills. In order to become strong and dexterous, hardy and efficient, you need to exercise regularly. physical labor, physical education and sports. The ability to perform physical work depends on the degree of muscle training. Physical education and sports primarily increase muscle strength. In a trained person, muscle fibers thicken and all muscles as a whole are strengthened. Regular training helps to improve coordination and automation of muscle movements, increase efficiency. A trained person, tired of work, is able to quickly restore his strength. Physical education has a beneficial effect on the state of the skeleton. Posture changes, movements become coordinated, a person becomes more dexterous. Strengthened muscle work significantly increases the need for oxygen, i.e., it contributes to the training of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems, the development of the heart muscle and muscles chest. when a person is active, his mood improves, the feeling of cheerfulness does not leave him for a long time, which ultimately leads to an increase in the vital activity of the whole organism. Deficiency, as well as a decrease in physical activity, adversely affects health. A person develops weakness of the skeletal muscles, then there is weakness of the heart muscle, there are disturbances in the work of cardio-vascular system. At the same time, fat accumulates in the body, atherosclerosis develops (a chronic disease that manifests itself in damage to the inner wall of the arteries and circulatory disorders), efficiency decreases, resistance to infections decreases, and the aging process accelerates. The era of the scientific and technological revolution led to a decrease in the share of manual labor due to the mechanization and automation of labor processes. The development of urban transport and such means of transportation as elevators, escalators, moving sidewalks, the development of telephones and other means of communication have led to a widespread sedentary lifestyle, to hypodynamia and a decrease in motor activity. The main ways to deal with the consequences of physical inactivity are all types of physical activity: physical education, sports, tourism, physical labor. Regular physical education and sports, daily morning exercises, physical education at work, hiking, tourism are designed to compensate for motor starvation. Random physical activity does not solve matters, since they usually affect one muscle group. Only specially thought-out complex physical exercises. however, doing physical education, participating in sports games and hikes, it should be remembered that all these activities can be useful for the body only if exercise stress corresponds physical development. Excessive physical activity can bring no less harm to a fragile body than sedentary image life. An important element of a healthy lifestyle is the general hygiene of the body. It includes body care, hygiene of clothes and shoes, exact adherence to the daily routine. Body care is primarily concerned with maintaining cleanliness. skin. AT human body contained a large number of sweat and sebaceous glands, which secrete about 0.5 liters of sweat and about 20 grams of fat per day. in addition, in the surface layers of the skin there is a continuous renewal of cells. But on dirty skin, microorganisms harmful to human health can accumulate, which can lead to various diseases, including fungi. When the skin is contaminated, they also clog excretory ducts sweat glands, and the body's ability to thermoregulate is impaired. Wearing clean clothes is equally important. A person who strives to maintain a healthy lifestyle understands well how important it is to follow a daily routine. For those who adhere to the regimen, a clear rhythm of the functioning of the body is developed, and this increases efficiency and creates best conditions to restore strength.

Unequal conditions of life, work and life, individual needs of people do not allow recommending one regimen for everyone. However, everyone can draw up a daily routine for Himself, based on the basic principles: performing various activities at strictly defined times, the correct alternation of work and rest, regular meals. The daily routine has not only health-improving, but also educational value. Its observance brings up such qualities as discipline, accuracy, organization, purposefulness. A person rationally uses every hour, every minute of his time, which greatly expands the possibility of a versatile, meaningful life. When organizing a daily routine, one should alternate mental and physical work, use active rest more widely to restore working capacity. The level of human performance is largely determined by biological rhythms.

biological rhythms These are periodically repeated changes in the nature and intensity biological processes and events in the human body. They develop in close interaction with the environment and are the result of adaptation to those of its factors that are renewed with a clear periodicity within a certain time (the rotation of the earth around the Sun and its axis, fluctuations in illumination, temperature, humidity, the intensity of the electromagnetic field of the earth.

The working capacity of a person during the day changes in accordance with daily biological rhythms and has two rises: from 8.00 to 12.00 in the morning and from 16.00 to 18.00 in the afternoon. At night, performance decreases. It is useful for each person to know the individual rhythm of working capacity. It is not difficult to define it. The so-called "larks" work vigorously in the morning, and the so-called "owls" in the evening. "Larks" in the evenings experience drowsiness. They go to bed early, but also wake up early, “owls”, on the contrary, fall asleep late, and it is a big problem for them to get up at the usual hours for “larks”.

Compliance with the daily routine reduces, however, this problem. Strict adherence to the regimen ensures high performance and a vigorous state for a long time. The next element of a healthy lifestyle is hardening. A modern person is protected from the direct impact on the body of such atmospheric factors as temperature fluctuations, humidity, etc. But why then do many people start to get sick when their feet get wet, overcooled or, conversely, “overcooked” in the sun? It is easier to endure heat and cold that person who, from an early age, hardened his body, accustomed him to temperature changes.

hardening This is a set of techniques that are systematically used to train the body's resistance to temperature fluctuations in the environment.

Hardening is a powerful health remedy. With its help, many diseases can be avoided and long years keep the ability to work, the ability to enjoy life. The role of hardening in the prevention of colds. Tempering procedures reduce their number by 2-4 times, and in some cases help to completely get rid of ailments. Hardening has a general strengthening effect on the body, increases the tone of the central nervous system, improves blood circulation, and normalizes metabolism. Starting hardening, we must remember that this is not a one-time, but a systematic action. After 2-3 months after the termination of hardening procedures, the previously achieved level of body resistance begins to decline. The most common form of hardening is the use of cool air. Long walks are good at any time of the year, hiking trips, sleep in a room with an open window or window. In the cold season, skiing, skating, slow hardening outdoor running in lightweight clothing are recommended. Increasing resistance to low temperatures morning exercises also contribute to outdoors or in a well-ventilated area.

The strongest hardening factor is water. In addition to temperature, water also has a mechanical effect on the skin, which is a kind of massage that improves blood circulation. Hardening can be carried out in the form of * tyranny or dousing with water. One of the contributing factors is sunbathing. They cause vasodilation, enhance activity hematopoietic organs, contribute to the formation of vitamin D in the body. But the sun must be used with great care. You can sunbathe only until 11-12 o'clock in the afternoon or after 16 o'clock, when the sun is not so active. The most important component of a healthy lifestyle is a balanced diet. Rational nutrition is impossible without observing the two Basic Laws, the violation of which is dangerous to health.

First Law - balance of received and expended energy. If the body receives more energy than it consumes, that is, we eat more food than is necessary, we become fat. Overweight leads to the development of atherosclerosis, coronary disease heart, diabetes and many other ailments.

Second law compliance with the chemical composition of the diet physiological needs organism. Nutrition should be varied and provide the body's needs for proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, dietary fiber. Rational nutrition is considered as one of the the most important criteria healthy lifestyle. It provides a person with energy and substances from which the body is built and which regulate metabolic processes. If a person eats incorrectly, irrationally, his body begins to malfunction, and some diseases can even lead to death (for example, the atherosclerosis already mentioned above, which develops against the background of excessive accumulation of cholesterol contained in fatty foods). It is recommended to eat at least four times a day. On average, it takes about three hours to digest it, so you need to eat after about 3.5 -4 hours. If you always eat at the same time, the body prepares in a timely manner for eating: digestive juices are released. As a result, food is well absorbed.

First rule healthy eating A: You should always eat at the same time.

The daily diet of a person must be strictly balanced. It must contain in sufficient quantity and optimal ratio all necessary for the body substances. And for this he needs to be diverse. It should include products of various groups: grains, legumes, animal products (low fat), vegetables and fruits.

The composition of food includes proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, water, and all of them are needed by the body.

Proteins found in animal products such as meat and fish are called animal proteins. They are especially needed by a growing organism. Animal proteins build muscles, skin, brain, internal organs. Children digest animal proteins found in milk and dairy products well. That is why milk must be in the diet. Vegetable proteins are found in peas, beans, bread.

The body needs to replenish energy costs. And this helps carbohydrates and fats. Carbohydrates are found in cereals and bread, potatoes and other vegetables, and sugar. Fats are divided into vegetable and animal. For example, butter refers to animal fats, and sunflower to vegetable.

A special place among our vital nutrients take vitamins. No wonder the very word e "vitamin" comes from lat. She is life. Vitamins belong to the group organic compounds of a diverse chemical nature, necessary for human nutrition in negligible amounts compared to the main nutrients (fats, proteins, carbohydrates and minerals). At that time, they are of great importance for normal metabolism and life in general. Vitamins are involved in all biochemical processes in our body. They ensure the proper functioning of the glands internal secretion, hormonal activity, increased mental and physical performance, support the body's resistance to the effects of adverse environmental factors (temperature changes, infections, intoxication). In spring and at the end of winter, there is a lack of vitamins in the body. This can lead to the development of such pathological conditions as beriberi and hypovitaminosis.

Avitaminosis this is the most severe form of vitamin deficiency. Avitaminosis develops in the absence or significant lack of one or another vitamin in food, causing diseases such as scurvy (with a lack of vitamin C), rickets and osteoporosis (with a lack of vitamin D).

With hypovitaminosis a slight lack of vitamins are observed such unpleasant phenomena like decreased immunity, sleep disorder, bad feeling; a person loses working capacity, complains of a weakening of memory. Not only a deficiency is dangerous, but also an excess of vitamins, or hypervitaminosis.

A person needs minerals: iron, calcium, magnesium, potassium, etc. Minerals found in the most common foods: cabbage, apples, milk, fish. But most of all people need water. Did you know that all organs of the human body are saturated with water? In the brain, for example, up to 80% water, in the muscles 76%, in the bones 25%. Without water, no life processes will take place. A person can live without food for weeks, without water for a few days.

The second rule of healthy eating : food should be varied.

Rational nutrition provides correct growth and the formation of the body, contributes to the preservation of health, high performance and prolongation of life.

Currently, the topical issue is related to the consumption of food. genetically modified products (GMP). Each of us is faced with the choice of whether to eat such food or not. To do right choice, it is necessary to have information about these products.

genetically modified organisms (GMO, transgenes) are plants and animals whose genes by artificial means introduced a foreign gene. The hereditary material of such organisms is changed by the method genetic engineering. Changes are made in order to give the plant some beneficial features: resistance to pests, frost resistance, yield, calorie content, etc.

Main question Are these products safe for humans?

So far, it remains unanswered. Some scholars have already concluded that active use eating genetically modified foods is associated with certain risks. For example, the use of transgenic food can lead to the formation of new pathogenic bacteria on which the action of common drugs will be powerless. Ecologists also fear that genetically modified forms of plants could inadvertently enter the wildlife, which will lead to catastrophic changes in ecosystems.

Since September 1, 2007, the Russian Federation has introduced mandatory labeling of food products containing more than 0.% of components obtained using GMOs. The labeling must contain the following information: "genetically modified products", or "products obtained from genetically modified organisms", or the products contain components of genetically modified organisms".

When purchasing food products, you should carefully study what they are made of, especially pay attention to the information written in small print.

The integral components of a healthy lifestyle are the conscious rejection of bad habits and the fight against various factors risk that adversely affects the human body. Ideally, a healthy lifestyle does not involve giving up bad habits, but their initial absence. Bad habits primarily include smoking, addiction to alcohol and drugs. As L. N. Tolstoy accurately noted: “It is difficult to imagine the beneficial change that would occur in all human life if people stopped intoxicating and poisoning themselves with vodka, wine, tobacco and opium.”

plays an important role in health and state of the environment. Violation of at least one of the natural components leads to the restructuring of the existing structure of natural-territorial complexes. Pollution of the surface of land, water bodies and the atmosphere has a detrimental effect on the state of human health. In particular, the effect of the "ozone hole" affects the formation malignant neoplasm, air pollution - on the state of the respiratory tract, and pollution of water bodies is fraught with the rapid spread various infections. A negative change in the environment greatly worsens general state health of mankind, reduces the life expectancy of people.

Speaking about the factors affecting health, it is impossible not to note heredity.

Heredity, this property inherent in all organisms to repeat in a series of generations the same signs and features of development; the ability to transfer from one generation to another the material structures of the cell, containing programs for the development of new individuals from them.

Man is a great miracle of nature. Striking is the rationality and perfection of his anatomy and physiology, his functionality, his strength and endurance. Gradual evolution has provided the human body with inexhaustible reserves of strength and reliability, which are due to the redundancy of the elements of all its systems, their interchangeability and interaction, the ability to adapt and compensate.

The realization of the possibilities inherent in the human body depends on the way of life, on the habits that a person acquires or develops purposefully, on the ability to reasonably manage potential health for the benefit of himself, his family and the state of which he is a citizen.

A healthy lifestyle allows you to largely reveal those indisputably valuable qualities of a person that are so necessary in the conditions of modern dynamic development. We are talking about high mental and physical performance, social activity, creative longevity. A conscious and responsible attitude to health as a public good should become the norm of life and behavior of all people.

Questions for self-control:

1. Highlight the main components of a healthy lifestyle.

2. What is the role of the regime in ensuring a healthy lifestyle?

3. What are biological rhythms?

4. What determines the performance of a person?

5. such is the role physical education in promoting a healthy lifestyle?

6. Formulate the basic principles of rational nutrition.

7. How does the state of the environment affect human health?

8. What is heredity?

9. What personality traits can a healthy image reveal?

Used Books:

LIFE SAFETY FUNDAMENTALS. Textbook for colleges, Kosolapova N.V., N.A. Prokopenko. M-Academy, 2017 -336s

Health is one of the most important life values man, the guarantee of his well-being and longevity. Understanding the content of the word “health” has gone through a number of stages. Initially, health meant the absence of any diseases, and a healthy person was considered to have no signs of illness (no pain anywhere, normal temperature). Indeed, if a person does not complain about anything, works without going to a doctor, others have the right to consider him healthy.

The most complete is the following definition of the concept of health: health is a combination of physical and spiritual qualities and properties of a person, which are the basis of his longevity and a necessary condition for the implementation of his creative plans, highly productive there for the benefit of society, creating a strong family squad, giving birth and raising children.

Illness, disease can manifest itself in the most in a variety of ways and so urgently that a person immediately begins to regret his lost health. The most famous and unpleasant sign of ill health is pain. It can be dull, sharp, pulsating, shooting, stabbing, pressing, burning, etc. Another sign of ill health is poor health, weakness, malaise, which interfere or do not give the opportunity to fully perform their usual work. Another sign of ill health is a disruption in activity. individual bodies, for example, a sharp heart palpitation during work and shortness of breath at rest, coughing and wheezing in the lungs, heaviness in the liver, etc.

What environmental factors, as well as the characteristics of human behavior, contribute to the preservation and strengthening of his health?

The first factor that improves health is a clear and correct daily routine. A person should do not only what is necessary, which is directly prompted by his natural needs (eating, sleeping), but also what is good for health (physical exercises, etc.). Thanks to a clear regimen, the body experiences less stress, the expended forces are restored faster and more fully, the body wears out less. The inability of a person to force himself to adhere to a certain and clear daily routine is a sign of disorganization, weakness of character, lack of will.

The second factor that improves health is high physical activity, sufficient physical activity.

In the process of the development of human society and the emergence of classes, a contradiction between physical and mental labor appeared and became fixed. At the same time, the hardest, exhausting physical labor fell to the share of the exploited, labor is not a joy. The opportunity not to engage in physical labor was regarded as a privilege. It is no coincidence that the Russian boyars wore long-sleeved caftans: this emphasized their high social position, the ability to do nothing with their own hands. From here, by the way, the expression “slipshod” was born, i.e. doing work carelessly, without diligence, somehow. Labor periods of rest were very short and random: in order to somehow feed themselves, they had to work almost all the time. And as a result, in the everyday minds of people, there was an idea that physical activity is bad, and the ability to live without physical effort is good.

But ask any person the question: what is the main sign of the living? The correct answer is “the ability to move independently”. Without movement there is no life, and in one form or another it is inherent in any living being, regardless of the degree of its complexity. As the great Russian physiologist I.M. Sechenov, “All the infinite variety external manifestations brain activity finally comes down to only one phenomenon - muscular movement.

Man has reason to consider himself "the king of nature" because he is able to comprehend its laws and use them in his own interests, but he cannot get out of obedience to them. Always and everywhere attempts to obey the laws of nature have been fatal to man, and it cannot be otherwise.

In recent decades, one of the main reasons premature death people, especially in developed countries, have become diseases of the cardiovascular system.

What happens with hypodynamia? First, the activity of the heart is weakened. Secondly, metabolic disorders occur, one of the manifestations of which is the accumulation of excess body weight. Thirdly, they develop degenerative changes(dystrophy) of muscle and other tissues. Fourthly, a violation of the normal ratio between muscular and mental efforts leads to excessive excitation of the central nervous system. As a result of all this, the body's resistance to infections and mental stress decreases, to different kind overload, performance decreases, the aging process accelerates. Ultimately, diseases such as atherosclerosis develop, hypertonic disease, myocardial infarction, diabetes mellitus.

A person must learn: constant feasible physical activity is necessary and very useful, it not only does not exhaust the body, but, on the contrary, makes it more resilient and stronger, more resistant to disease.

The third factor that strengthens health is constant communication with nature, the use of its beneficial factors - fresh air, water, sun. Clean Fresh air contains a sufficient amount of oxygen for the body and contributes to a cheerful active mood, high performance.

In addition to the beneficial effects on humans already mentioned natural factors physical nature, being in the bosom of nature itself provides an opportunity for psychological relaxation, well removes nervous tension, soothes. Switching is very useful: from active work, communication for a while, go to a quiet stay in the forest, spend a rest, picking mushrooms, berries, fishing. There are no other ways of recreation that could compare with these in terms of the degree of beneficial effects on the human psyche.

Health is a set of physical and spiritual qualities of a person, which are the basis of his longevity and a necessary condition for the implementation of creative plans, highly productive work for the benefit of society, the creation of a strong friendly family, the birth and upbringing of children. The saying is true: “I lost money - I didn’t lose anything, I lost time, I lost a lot, I lost my health, I lost everything.” But do we always take care of health, strengthen it?

Helps to maintain health a clear daily routine. eating, sleeping, hygiene procedures and the other is best done at the same habitual time. Thanks to a clear regime, a person does not experience overload, the expended forces are restored faster and more fully, the body wears out less.

Strengthens health high physical activity. Modern man moves a little. The share of non-mechanized labor in industry and agriculture is constantly declining, means of transport are developing, and television to a large extent meets the human need for spectacles. In recent decades, the word has become quite common in the scientific literature and in the periodical press. physical inactivity. It comes from the Greek words "hypo" - under, below and "dynamis" - strength. Therefore, hypodynamia is an insufficient physical (strength) load. This state has become salient feature lifestyle of many people. Nowadays, people die prematurely mainly from diseases of the cardiovascular system. Moreover, the prevalence cardiovascular diseases is especially great among those who are busy with work that does not require physical effort, moves little.

When hypodynamia weakens the activity of the heart, accumulates overweight body, weakened muscular system. Violation normal ratios between muscular and mental efforts leads to excessive excitation of the central nervous system. As a result, the body's resistance to infections and mental stress, to various kinds of overload decreases, efficiency decreases, and the aging process accelerates. Constant feasible physical activity not only does not exhaust the body, but increases its endurance and resistance to disease.

Constant communication with nature, fresh air, water, sun help a person to improve health and cope with diseases. Fresh air contains enough oxygen for the body and contributes to a cheerful, active mood, high performance. Reduced oxygen content

in inhaled air (for example, in a stuffy, poorly ventilated room) leads to rapid fatigue, to a feeling of heaviness and squeezing dull pain in my head. Unfortunately, many people do not understand the benefits of fresh air. They do not care whether the room is ventilated or not, whether it is smoky or not.

They relieve nervous tension well, soothe natural landscapes, etc. It is very useful from active work, communication to go to the sea, to the lake, to the mountains, to the forest, to relax, pick mushrooms, berries, go skiing, swim or go hiking. Such ways of rest have a beneficial effect on the human psyche.

Weaken the health disordered mode, low mobility, non-compliance with the rules of personal hygiene, poor nutrition and bad habits such as smoking and drinking alcohol.

During human activity in difficult conditions, placing increased demands on his body, it can develop stress. This is the name given to the state of tension in a person in conditions that require the restructuring of his activity to a higher level, necessary for the successful solution of the tasks that have arisen before him. Stress can have both positive and negative effects. In particular, it increases the likelihood of diseases of the cardiovascular and other systems. Therefore, each person needs to learn how to behave properly under stress. To do this, one should master the skills of self-control, in any conditions strive to comply with the usual daily routine, develop the ability to switch from one type of activity to another in a timely manner, etc.

Questions and tasks

1. The concept of health.

2. Factors that promote health.

3. Factors that weaken health.

Health promotion is a process that gives people the opportunity to influence and improve their well-being, making all the necessary efforts to correct lifestyle to increase the level of physical and mental well-being.

Health Promotion Factors

A healthy lifestyle is the main factor in promoting health in modern conditions. Its principles are simple: get eight hours of sleep a day, keep your body in good shape, give up bad habits, and exercise regularly. There are a number of reasons that have a great impact on the possibility of changing lifestyles - personal, cultural, family, social. For example, people with long-term life prospects have stable social connections, are open and ready to listen to the opinions of others, are optimistic and have high self-esteem. They have more opportunities to make the necessary changes than people who do not have these qualities. Therefore, leading a healthy lifestyle means, first of all, changing your worldview and taking an active life position.

The environment serves as a secondary factor in promoting health. natural conditions have a direct impact on human well-being. For a full existence, fresh air and clean water are needed. Even a few hours active rest in nature will benefit the body, not to mention regular hiking and running or swimming. Of course, there are problems with environmental pollution. But the solution of these problems can be carried out only with the introduction of a new socio-economic policy and a change in the attitude of man to the environment.

Health care is also one of the factors affecting the quality of human life. The complex of measures to improve the health of the population on the part of health care includes:

  • Improvement of mass consumption products;
  • Sanitary control over the cleanliness of the environment;
  • Prohibition of smoking in public places;
  • Conducting vaccinations and medical examinations;
  • Provision of preventive health services.

Health Promotion System

You should always take care of your well-being. For this, a health promotion system was developed, aimed at changing and improving lifestyles. It consists of the following components:

  • Preparation – collecting information about the new lifestyle, as well as screening for risk factors ( blood pressure, body weight, general physical condition);
  • Setting goals and objectives - a clear statement of the desired result and the definition of means to achieve it, taking into account their real capabilities;
  • Gradual change in habits - limiting adverse effects on the body is carried out sequentially, since an attempt to change several habits at the same time leads to failure;
  • Strengthening motivation - encouraging success in the path of health promotion;
  • Maintaining the incentive - creating the conditions necessary to consolidate the new behavior and help to establish itself in the principles of the right way of life;
  • Social support - a positive attitude to the ongoing changes on the part of others;
  • Relapse prevention is anticipating and avoiding situations that entail a temporary return to bad habits.

With this system of health promotion in mind, you should plan your daily routine, eat right, exercise and walk in the open air.

Health promotion methods

All methods of health promotion are based on the principles rational image life.

The daily routine is the basis of normal life. Correct Mode provides high performance, protects the nervous system from overwork and increases the overall resistance of the body. Must be maintained daily optimal ratio work and rest, as well as reasonably distribute mental and physical stress. The daily routine includes:

  • Eight hour sleep;
  • Walking or exercising outdoors;
  • Labor activity;
  • Free time;
  • food intake;
  • Personal hygiene.

Motor activity is one of the most important components of the formation and promotion of health. A sedentary lifestyle affects the work of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems s and leads to others adverse effects. Metabolism worsens, blood stagnation occurs in the lower extremities, which leads to a decrease in the efficiency of the whole organism and especially the brain - attention and memory are weakened, coordination of movements is disturbed, and the time of mental operations increases. When choosing exercises, one should take into account not only their frequency and systematic nature, but also the initial state of the body. Walking, jogging, swimming, skiing, cycling, and flexibility exercises provide the best health benefits.

Rational nutrition is a physiologically complete and balanced menu of a healthy person, taking into account his gender, age, work activity and climatic conditions residence. This method of health promotion is based on four principles:

The eradication of bad habits is a key method of promoting health. Smoking and alcoholism dramatically reduce life expectancy and are the cause of many chronic diseases. These are the strongest depressants and their use relieves psychological dissatisfaction only for short term. Difficulties in quitting bad habits are associated with withdrawal syndrome. The body does not immediately restore the disturbed mechanisms for releasing dopamine, which is usually produced during a positive experience (pleasant sensations or taking delicious food). Therefore, giving up nicotine and alcohol, a person experiences depression and irritation. Once dopamine is released naturally, short period withdrawal syndrome ends.

All health promotion activities should be planned in consultation with a physician.

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Health is the main value, the key to the well-being and longevity of a person. This is a combination of physical, mental, social qualities and properties of each individual, which are the main components in life, existence and implementation in society. While a person is healthy, he does not think and does not take care of himself, and when diseases and pathological conditions appear, then, unfortunately, he spends a lot of time, effort and money on his recovery, however, this is not always possible.

Below are a few useful tips which will help you and your loved ones to maintain and strengthen your well-being.

Daily regime. One of the conditions for maintaining health is the observed order of work, rest, sleep, and nutrition. A clear and correct schedule of the working day greatly facilitates any activity, allows you to make the most of all the possibilities of the human body, experience less stress. Living conditions and features professional activity everyone is different and everyone can create a convenient schedule for themselves. Any overwork is the result of an incorrect daily routine. Eating, sleeping, hygiene procedures must be performed at the same time. Thanks to the rational distribution of time during the day, the body experiences a normal load, the expended forces are restored faster and more fully, the body wears out less.

Personal hygiene rules. Simple daily truths: keeping the body clean, caring for the oral cavity, nails and hair, washing hands before eating, choosing clothes and shoes according to the season from natural materials, using only individual household items. And only a few can boast that almost everyone does it regularly.

Physical activity. AT modern society office work, computer technology, automation of production, movement by car significantly reduce a person's need for movement. People who lead a sedentary and sedentary lifestyle may experience various complications: scoliosis, osteochondrosis, dystrophy muscle tissue, hypertension and other diseases. Do not forget about the problem of our time - excess weight. In the absence of the necessary physical activity, an increase in body weight occurs and this leads to the development of the most various pathologies endocrine and cardiovascular systems. Regular physical activity increases a person's endurance, the body's resistance to disease, and improves mood. It could be like daily exercise and walking, as well as any sports, family games, dance or fitness classes.

Balanced diet. A person should receive a certain amount of nutrients with food (proteins, fats, carbohydrates, essential amino acids, vitamins, some fatty acids, minerals and trace elements), otherwise his health will not be the best level. Reasonable nutrition implies several basic rules: the ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates should be 1:1:4; rational calorie content, the indicators of which depend on age, gender and characteristics of work activity - the correspondence between the calorie content of the food that a person consumes and the energy that his body expends; meal frequency: at least 3 times a day for an adult; food quality: complete proteins, the presence of a sufficient amount of fiber, vitamins, trace elements, the minimum amount of refractory fats; quality of cooking: sufficient heat treatment, restriction of fried, spicy, spicy; salt restriction. Try to include daily diet more fruits, vegetables, fish, as well as products made from wholemeal flour. This will saturate the body with the substances necessary for normal functioning. In addition, such food will strengthen your immunity and improve your well-being.

Healthy sleep. Good sleep allows all organs and systems of our body to relax after a hard day's work. An adult should sleep for at least eight hours. It is very useful to take a short walk in the fresh air before going to bed, and then ventilate the room. Calm, deep sleep is also prevented by eating too late, so dinner should be no later than 1.5 hours before bedtime.

Psycho-emotional component . A person in modern society is faced with stress every day: at home, at work and on the road; the ability to resist them and not develop conflict situations is our mental and social health. A person should live in peace with himself and society, do things that give him pleasure, in which case he will have much Great chance keep your health. Try to deal with the troubles and troubles of life easier. If problems suddenly arise in your life, solve them quickly, without postponing for later.

Hardening of the body. AT Everyday life of a person, hardening of the body is of great importance to increase its resistance adverse effects environment (improving immunity, improving functional systems) and as a result, the ability to resist diseases. The main purpose of hardening is to accustom the body to sharp fluctuations temperature, increase its resistance to infections, develop immunity to diseases, in particular colds. To natural factors external environment, which are widely used to harden the body, include air, water and solar inhalation. The choice of hardening procedures depends on a number of objective conditions: time of year, state of health, climatic and geographical conditions of the place of residence. Hardening with air helps to increase the tone of the nervous and endocrine systems. Under the influence of air baths, digestion processes are improved, the activity of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems is improved. Being outdoors improves general well-being body, influencing the emotional state, causes a feeling of cheerfulness, freshness. Clean fresh air contains enough oxygen for the body and contributes to a cheerful active mood, high performance. It is advisable to combine stay in the air with active movements: in winter - skating, skiing, and in summer - playing ball and other outdoor games.

Do not forget, your health is only in your hands. Admit to yourself whether you are really doing everything in your power to preserve and strengthen it.

Move more, eat right, smile more often! Be healthy!


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