Choice of profession: "internally orphaned." Rules for choosing a profession

Choosing a profession is one of the most important life tasks. The labor formation of a person in any socio-economic conditions remains the fundamental task of education.

The current situation of practical vocational guidance in Russia is characterized by the fact that there is an increasingly strong need to develop qualitatively new approaches related to increasing the activity of the individual at the stage of vocational guidance, providing opportunities for self-realization of the individual in a dynamically changing world.

The task of career guidance is the formation of a young person's psychological readiness for professional self-determination, unobtrusive support in preparing for choosing a profession. Today, there are many popular methods for self-diagnosis when choosing a profession, tests, tips, recommendations. Conversations, games, contests, quizzes have been developed for career guidance classes with schoolchildren

Benefits provide an opportunity to get acquainted with the professions and occupations that exist in society, with the problems of spiritual growth, social maturation. But they can fully influence the choice of a future profession, help in professional self-determination, they can young people who have certain abilities, inclinations, achievements in a particular area of ​​educational activity, support and assistance from their parents.

In a modern school, with the transition to pre-profile training and profile education, schoolchildren are purposefully prepared for a conscious choice of their professional path. The core of the reform of the education system is specialized education. The need for primary professional self-determination of students in the process of profile education and pre-profile training is generally recognized. There is a formation of the ability to make an adequate decision on the choice of a further direction of education, ways of obtaining a profession, identifying interests, checking the capabilities of a teenager

The goals of such training and education are "the formation of a socially literate and socially mobile person who is aware of his civil rights and obligations" .

The authors rightly note that it is in the 9th grade, in this age period, that value attitudes, personal orientations are most intensively formed, certain abilities are manifested, and interest in choosing a profession is revealed.

Personal self-determination depends on the person himself, professional self-determination depends more on external (favorable or unfavorable conditions). The essence of professional self-determination can be defined as the search and finding of personal meaning in the chosen and mastered and already performed work activity.

Career guidance is a long and complex process and is carried out at all stages of a person's life.

S. N. Chistyakova, N. F. Rodichev identify the stages of comprehension by children and adolescents of the world of professions, the formation of the value-semantic aspects of professional work.

  • The first one is emotional-figurative, typical for children of senior preschool age, when a child develops a positive attitude towards the professional world - working people.
  • The second - I-III (IV) classes - propaedeutic, during which there is a formation of love and a conscientious attitude to work, an understanding of its role in the life of a person and society, the development of interest in the profession of parents, the moral attitudes of choosing a profession, interest in the most common professions.
  • The third - IV (V) - VII classes - search and probing - the formation of a professional orientation in adolescents, their awareness of their interests, abilities, social values ​​associated with the choice of profession and their place in society.
  • Fourth - VIII - IX grades - (profile orientation) - the period of development of professional self-knowledge - the formation of a student's personal meaning of choosing the direction of education.

In children deprived of care, warmth and affection from their parents, the first stage “fell out” completely, scenes from the life of their non-working parents leading an asocial lifestyle were imprinted in their minds. This means that there are no conditions necessary for the successful completion of the second stage.

The majority of children from orphanages aged 14-16 have socio-pedagogical neglect, low intelligence, medical and social problems. Such negative personality traits as emotional immaturity, impulsiveness, self-doubt, lack of will, aggressiveness characterize many graduates of orphanages. Infantilism, slowness of self-determination, ignorance and rejection of oneself as a person, inability to consciously choose one's own destiny - all this characterizes children brought up in boarding schools.

Social orphans, who do not have an example of creative constructive activity in their family, easily assimilate the position of a consumer whose needs are taken care of by the state. The narrow world of an educational institution where orphans and children left without parental care are brought up affects the formation of life values, ways to achieve life goals. Often pupils have a very general idea of ​​ordinary life, including not only domestic, social, but also professional, which indicates social immaturity. The existing meager experience of interaction with society, other people and oneself cannot occur without problems.

For the qualitative implementation of the career guidance program, it is necessary to carry out purposeful work in orphanages for the labor training of pupils, and for this it is necessary to organize carpentry, sewing and other workshops.

Important and significant is the formation of pupils' motivation to receive education, professional choice, building life prospects associated with the profession they receive.

However, most often, graduates of orphanages not only do not have the opportunity to choose a profession and place of study that they like, but they are also not oriented towards the professions that they will have to master. Insufficient knowledge of oneself, low self-esteem, an overestimated level of claims, violation of the emotional-volitional and communicative sphere, lack of motivation to work are typical difficulties in carrying out career guidance work with children from the orphanage. For children who cannot objectively assess their professional capabilities, whose growing up takes place outside the family, in hostel conditions, it is necessary to form a realistic level of claims especially painstakingly.

Pupils do not have an internal readiness to independently and consciously plan, adjust and implement the prospects for their development. Difficult-to-educate, socially and pedagogically neglected students often despair, stop believing in themselves, do not see their future, live one day, which creates serious prerequisites for the criminalization and desocialization of the personality of an orphanage ward.

Pre-profile education is a factor in the socialization of orphans. An analysis of the elective courses chosen by 9th grade students allows us to conclude that they are not related to the future profession, and allow them to prepare for the exam. Interviews with graduates confirmed the conclusions of the authors that the state of graduates of boarding schools is most often characterized as confusion before an independent life, lack of self-confidence; anxiety about possible failure.

High school students expressed concern about the difficulties in communication in the new group of peers, possible misunderstanding on the part of teachers. The fear of independent living by graduates is directly related to the possible violation of their rights, difficulties in protecting their interests. The upcoming residence in the hostel causes negative emotions and is extremely undesirable for graduates. [App. 4]

The factor that determines the choice of an educational institution and a future profession is education under the program of a correctional school. Obtaining a certificate of completion of the 9th grade of a correctional school before graduates automatically closes the doors of many professional educational institutions, and makes it impossible to obtain a number of professions. Despite the fact that the conclusions of the PMPK determine the further education of children under the VIII type program, in addition to a medical diagnosis, the reasons for the failure of children were pedagogical neglect, the lack of conditions in the family for the full development of children, and parental control.

Boys and girls, realizing what an obstacle for them in obtaining the desired profession, is studying in a correctional school, they ask to be arranged for a more promising profession, although this requires obtaining a document on graduation from the main school. Three graduates of 2008 were admitted as an exception to the professional lyceum.

An analysis of the structure of graduates and their acquisition of professions over the 10 years of the orphanage's existence made it possible to draw up diagrams and draw certain conclusions. A significant part of the pupils studied according to the program of the correctional school, which amounted to 61% graduates. [App.2]

The possibility of studying in vocational schools as a construction worker (mason, plasterer - molar) gives a certificate of completion of 9 classes of a correctional school (39 people) [App. 1]

Further, the professions were distributed as follows: tailor (11), car mechanic (6), salesman (6), pedagogical college (2). Not a single graduate entered a higher educational institution. In 2009, the only 11th grade graduate is planning to enter a pedagogical college in the district center. Of the nine graduates of the 9th grade, 5 people study at the basic school, only one of them intends to continue his education in the 10th grade. Adolescents are aware of the insufficient level of their knowledge and abilities, they talk about the possible difficulties of passing the exam.

Since a significant part of the pupils arrived at the orphanage from the Yenisei region, their older brothers and sisters study or work in the city of Yeniseisk, their desire to get a profession in the educational institutions of this city is understandable. Despite the fact that in the city of Lesosibirsk, vocational school No. 14 accepts young men who have completed the 9th grade of a correctional school, provides a hostel, 11 people studied in it for 10 years. [App. 3]

In solving the problems of further education of graduates of orphanages, a formal approach, indifference to the fate of orphans and children left without parental care is unacceptable. The great contrast between the living conditions in the orphanage and then in the dormitory of the educational institution causes rejection, unwillingness to live there, and therefore to study.

Separate problems are the further education of graduates of orphanages in a professional institution, their attendance at training sessions, compliance with the rules of living in a hostel. The search for easy ways to obtain material wealth leads to the commission of offenses with all the ensuing consequences, which complicates the acquisition of a profession, success in later life.

The economic and financial crisis has worsened the material and social situation of many Russians. The consequences of the crisis will affect the fate of many graduates of schools and vocational schools. The current economic situation in the country will have a particularly hard effect on the destinies, future, and professional activities of children who have left the walls of orphanages. In most cases, they are deprived of the moral, material support of their parents, support from older brothers, sisters and other relatives.

Their future largely depends on the socio-psychological, pedagogical and moral support of those who are close to the graduates, on the conditions created for successful adaptation and socialization in society.

List of used literature.

1. Akulova O.V. "Information work in the conditions of profile education: Educational and methodological manual for teachers / Edited by A.P. Tryapitsina, - SP b, 2005

2. Volodina Yu. Profile training as a means of professional self-determination of orphans. (Support program in the conditions of pre-profile training) Social Pedagogy, 2008 No. 4

3. Yu. Orsag, O. Panshina Educational work with children left without parental care, adolescence during their social and professional adaptation (from the experience of the orphanage) Social Pedagogy, 2006 No. 4

4. Ovchinnikov A. Professional self-determination - an effective means of socialization of orphans. Social Pedagogy. 2008 №4

5. Psychological features of career guidance work with disabled people. Toolkit. Krasnoyarsk 2002.

6. Pryazhnikov N.S. Career guidance at school and college: games, exercises, questionnaires.

7. G. Rezapkina. Lessons in choosing a profession. School psychologist. 2006 No. 14

8. Collection of career guidance games, quizzes, competitions. Part 2. Methodical manual from the series "Library of the professional consultant". Agency of Labor and Employment of the Administration of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, State Employment Center of the city of Yeniseisk

9. Collection of career guidance games and scenarios of events (From the experience of professional consultants of the Center for Health Care) Krasnoyarsk. 2005

10. Reference publication "Education and career. Do the right thing!" OOO IG "Krasnoyarsk Press"

11. Selevko P..K. Find Your Way: A Pre-Professional Education Study Guide. - m. public education. Research Institute of School Technologies, 2006.

12. N.V. Tutubalina. Your future profession: a collection of abstracts on vocational guidance. / N.V. Tutubalina - Ed. 2nd - Rostov n \ D: "Phoenix". 2006.

13. S.N. Chistyakova, N.F. Rodichev. Materials of the course "Educational and professional self-determination of schoolchildren in pre-profile training and profile training" Pedagogical University "First of September". 2006.

14. Shashmuratova N. Labor socialization of pupils of the Sermenevsky orphanage. Social Pedagogy. 2007, №4

How to choose the right professional direction when you are only 14 or 15 years old? At this age, the time is inexorably approaching when you have to choose a university, and many teenagers do not even imagine what specifically they would like to do in the future. How do you know which profession is right for you? Which one to stop? Tips for high school students and their parents on the right career guidance - in our article.

What are the difficulties of choosing?

The problem of professional self-determination begins to bother teenagers and their parents as early as 14 or 15 years old.

"This is interesting. Annual surveys show that only about 15% of schoolchildren have already decided on a professional choice. The same number of students do not think about self-determination at all. And 70% do not have a clear idea of ​​what profession to choose after all.”

Choosing a profession is the first truly serious task that a high school student should solve. And on how successful the solution to this problem will be, they will feel just as comfortable and confident.

Consider causes of difficulties in choosing a profession:

  1. The emergence of new professions. Technological progress has affected the fact that many professions have disappeared, giving way to new ones.
  2. Lack of opportunities to get acquainted with different professions. Relatives are not always willing to initiate children into the mysteries of their professional activities, and it is difficult to learn about other professions.
  3. Disappearance of hobby groups. If earlier the child showed interest in technology - he began to attend a radio engineering or design circle, if he knew how to express his thoughts beautifully - to a circle in journalism, if he was interested in animals - to a circle of young naturalists, etc. This was a great opportunity to express himself in one form or another activities, and to understand whether he wants to devote his life to this. Now these opportunities are limited.

What are the motives?

Allocate external and internal motives for choosing a profession.

External motives are based on the influence of the adolescent's environment, which is expressed in:

  • opinion of parents, relatives, friends and peers
  • desire to be successful in the eyes of others
  • fear of being rejected by society, condemned.

Internal motives connected with:

  • teenager character
  • inclinations
  • habits.

Motives that encourage a teenager to choose here or another profession:

  1. Prestige.
  2. High level of salary.
  3. Career growth.
  4. interest in the profession.
  5. Working conditions.
  6. Educational opportunities (accessibility of education).

Many of the motives are wrong. For example, the prestige of a profession is a very relative concept, and in order to receive a high salary, life shows that it is not necessary to study.

Career guidance at school

In connection with the difficulties of professional self-determination of students, it is necessary to pay enough attention to career guidance work. Vocational orientation is mainly carried out at school.

How to be truly understanding parents and support the child on the path of self-determination?

  1. Listen. Talk to your child about the doubts that torment him when thinking about choosing a future professional activity. Listen carefully and with interest. Tell us how you decided on a profession, how your friends and classmates did it.
  2. Help your teen understand themselves better. Ask the child to explain his choice if he already has thoughts about the future. Most often, high school students have a superficial or erroneous idea about professions. Adolescents tend to evaluate professions by the level of salary, and not by content and in relation to their own abilities. It is necessary to help the high school student to navigate in the choice of a future profession. Even if you are not happy with the choice of the child, do not forbid him to develop in the chosen direction. Help the teenager to correctly assess his capabilities, to realize whether he will be comfortable in a particular profession.
  3. Put some of the responsibility for choosing a profession on a teenager. Of course, parents need to make efforts so that the child has a bright future and a good, competitive profession. Pass on your life experience, but don't force it. Let the teenager think for himself and be responsible for his choice - with your wise help.
  4. Act as an expert. Share information with your child about professional self-determination. Provide as much information as possible about the features of a particular professional activity. Give examples from life.

“Do you know that the choice of profession can be influenced by the example of relatives? When several generations in a family continue to be engaged in the same profession, this is called a dynasty. In this case, your child can also say: “I will be a doctor, like dad and grandfather.”

Watch a video with expert advice on how a teenager should not make a mistake in choosing a profession

Career guidance for your child should be done as early as possible. To identify the ability to a particular type of activity and the degree of readiness for it can be done with the help of psychological testing.

Understanding yourself and strengthening certain skills will help, during which teenagers will see their inclinations, know themselves more deeply, learn to set goals and find ways to achieve them.

Our advice will help parents of teenagers choose the right profession:

  1. Give your teenager the opportunity to test themselves in different areas of professional activity. It is good if a high school student does not stop at one lesson, but tries to try other activities. So he learns the features of different professions and how they achieve results in different areas.
  2. Introduce your teenager to representatives of different specialties. So he will broaden his horizons and will better represent the field of activity of various specialists.
  3. Prepare your child as much as possible for an informed choice of profession. To be ready means to be independent and responsible for your thoughts, judgments and actions; act according to one's own opinion; have ideals; be able to make your own decisions. These qualities are formed with the active participation of parents.
  4. Do not choose a profession for a teenager. Many parents, by imposing a profession, make children unhappy in the future. It is better to create conditions in which the child himself will make a good choice. Do not criticize a teenager if you cannot find a common language: it is better to contact a psychologist.

Dear parents, develop a readiness for professional activity in a child from childhood, creating favorable conditions for this, under which he will learn more about the world of professions. A teenager gets to know himself and his abilities better, learns to be responsible for his desires and actions, and as a result he will be able to choose a profession.

The problem of choosing a profession is a difficult and responsible step in the life of every person. The choice must be approached very carefully. You shouldn't let it run its course. It is necessary to familiarize yourself with the information of professionals, take into account your abilities, inner convictions and real opportunities.

To get a profession that you will like and provide for your whole life, you need to carefully examine yourself. First of all, you need to understand your interests, inclinations, character and physical capabilities. It is necessary to determine the main and secondary qualities.

After that, a detailed acquaintance with professions that correspond to the studied characteristics will not hurt. And only after that it is necessary to choose an educational institution. The main thing to remember is that it is hard in teaching ...

You can't deviate from your goals. Help in choosing a profession can be provided by parents, relatives, teachers and just acquaintances. But don't just rely on them. After all, each person knows more about himself than anyone else.

After entering an educational institution, the official acquisition of a profession begins. For better education, you can draw up a plan: highlight the main and secondary goals, determine the ways and means to achieve these goals, concentrate your inner strength to deal with possible difficulties and obstacles. And, of course, there must be so-called back-up plans.

The biggest mistakes that violate the rules of choosing a profession:

  • choice of profession for the company;
  • the pursuit of "prestigious" professions;
  • fear of a bad attitude towards oneself because of the profession;
  • identification of one subject or quality with a profession;
  • orientation immediately to highly qualified professions;
  • inability to determine the path of obtaining a profession;
  • erroneous opinion in the concept of a profession.

In addition, all you need to consider your temperament. It depends on the style of work.

Sanguine people are reliable workers, if it does not concern monotonous and slow work. They need a lively and mobile work, which realizes from the ability to ingenuity and resourcefulness.

Choleric people do excellent cyclical work. In this work, they are guaranteed success.

Phlegmatic is suitable for educational and industrial work, which does not require constant fast performance of any actions. For them, the main thing is not speed, but quality.

Melancholic is the exact opposite of sanguine. In addition, his performance is completely dependent on mood.

Also, when choosing, it is necessary to take into account which specialists will be in demand in a particular area. Unfortunately, this cannot be determined for sure. But one thing can be said with certainty - already now there is a shortage of personnel in production. The level of wages for the last year has increased by one and a half times. Therefore, if there are inclinations towards technical specialties, then the most reliable choice will be precisely the production professions.

For young people who have just finished school, the question of choosing a specialty to their liking is decisive. What area should I devote the next 5 years of study to? The task of parents and teachers is to support a teenager in choosing a suitable field of activity, to understand his inner world, to understand what he has the ability to do.

Children prepare for entering educational institutions not only in the last year of schooling. This is a long and systematic process, as a result of which the student comes to an important decision about his future profession.

After graduation, teenagers are faced with a difficult choice of future profession; the task of parents in this case is not to insist on entering one or another institute, but to listen to the wishes of the child

At what age should you start thinking about a profession?

Often parents from an early age send their children to different circles. That's right, you need to give the baby to try himself in various fields. Only by trial and error can you make a choice and determine what he is interested in, what he wants to connect his future profession with.

The wider the horizons of the child, the more interesting things he tries, the easier it will be for him to choose a future specialty. However, you shouldn't go too far either. You can not force a child to play music or dance, overloading the baby. There are parents who, through their children, realize their unfulfilled dreams and plans to become an artist, musician or geologist. The result will be only persistent rejection and protest, if not now, then years later.

Conscious reflections on the topic of the future specialty visit schoolchildren from about 7-8 grades. From this age, you can begin to study information about different professions, perhaps get acquainted with them in practice or while observing professionals.

The main rules for choosing a future profession

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There are three important aspects in choosing a future specialty that teenagers need to consider and discuss with parents when making a choice:

  • personal characteristics, interests, inclinations of the child, his abilities and hobbies;
  • physical development, state of health, limitations;
  • the demand for the specialty in the labor market, not only at the moment, but also at the time when he graduates from the university.

Consideration of the desires and capabilities of the child

In the future specialty, a person should maximize his abilities and talents. You can only enjoy work when you do what you love and know how to do. Going to work without desire, and counting the minutes until the end of the working day is hardly a bright prospect for a person. Only sincere interest in the business and tangible results of work will help you become a professional.

Let the student start from what he likes, from the subject in which he has better academic performance. Perhaps he likes foreign languages ​​​​or literature, this should be the starting point when choosing.

You can't force a teenager

A child is a continuation of his parents, but he is a different person, with his own talents and interests, so it is necessary to give him the right to choose. Only in case of doubts about the choice of a profession, it is worthwhile to evaluate the pros and cons together with him, to help him understand himself.

If now he goes to study for a specialty that is not to his liking and even receives a diploma, he is unlikely to be interested in work. Subsequently, he will either change her, or will be engaged in an unloved business and remain unrealized in the professional field.

Separation of reality and dreams

Often, our idea of ​​a particular profession is influenced by a specific person, a film, stories of other people.

In order to see the specialty “from the inside”, you need to work in the chosen field or communicate with those who rotate in it every day.

The fairy tale about the wonderful life of film actors is broken by the understanding that this is hard, sometimes overwhelming work. Few can linger for a long time in this profession, and glorify their name. As a rule, many remain in secondary roles. The more a child learns about the wrong side of the profession, the easier it is for him to understand himself and his desires.

How can parents help their child choose a future profession?

Parents can direct, give the teenager information about the profession, advise, but in no case decide authoritatively what their child will do in the future. It is advisable to discuss incomprehensible moments with him, dispel fears and worries.

It is worth assessing the labor market and the demand for various specialties in order to receive not only the joy of work, but also material rewards. Explain to a teenager that choosing a specialty is not a choice now and for life, it can be changed over time, but now you need to choose the right direction.

Compiling a list of suitable specialties

It is necessary to narrow the circle of professions, based on abilities, interests and physical development. Mathematics is easy for someone, and geography is easy for someone - you need to start from this. Assess the opportunities for studying a certain profession in several universities, the cost of training, its duration, the disciplines studied and the qualifications of teachers. Consider related specialties in this direction.

Ideally, if parents notice the child’s desire and ability for a certain subject even in middle school, it will be easier for such children to decide on the choice of their future profession

Obtaining information about specialties

If the choice of specialty is made, you can talk with its representatives in order to have the most complete picture of what exactly you have to do and how well the work is paid. You can go to preparatory courses for entering a university for a certain specialty. As a rule, there are practical classes where you can communicate with representatives of this profession.

Career Guidance Test

High school students are offered to take a vocational orientation test to help them choose a profession. The test is compiled with the cooperation of psychologists, teachers and personnel specialists. After evaluating the result, young people will be offered several options for specialties.

The best option is if, after the test for career guidance, a psychologist will talk with the child and help him choose the right profession. However, the test can also be taken at home, on the Internet. In any case, it will give food for thought and dispel doubts, and surprise someone.

Studying the situation on the labor exchange

It is worth analyzing the labor market at the moment, assessing which specialties are in demand and well paid. You can try to make a forecast for the future - what professions will be most in demand in 5-10 years, read what HR specialists say about this. The situation on the market changes every year, and the specialists that are in demand today become unnecessary after a certain time due to the oversaturation of the market.

Common mistakes when choosing a profession

  • You can’t think that a profession is something permanent, for life. Often people change their profession or specialization dramatically, some even more than once.
  • Kudos. Times change, and with them ideas about professions. There are new specialties, prestigious work is well paid. You need to be guided only by your inner feeling and your abilities. If a child chooses a profession in which the labor market is already oversaturated, one can consider related or narrow professions that are more in demand.
  • Accept unconditionally the choice of parents, follow in the footsteps of the dynasty. Only interest and love for the profession will make a person a specialist with a capital letter. The choice should be left to the student.
  • Choose your profession "for the company", "everyone went, and I went." Don't over-rely on other people's opinions.
  • Incomplete, superficial understanding of the profession, passion for only one side of it. It is necessary to study as much as possible in more detail and more fully what a person does in the chosen specialty.
  • The idea of ​​a profession is formed by a specific image of a person. The child simply wants to be like a popular character or a person he likes, but at the same time does not have complete information about the work that he is doing.

One of the main mistakes of graduates is “entry for the company”
  • Laziness or unwillingness to understand oneself, lack of understanding in which direction to move. The position of "at least somewhere, if only they took it." It is worth supporting the child, watching him, pushing him in the right direction, suggesting what talents are hidden in him. In order to understand what you will do in life, you need to do some business from early childhood, explore new areas, get involved in something.

What if you don't like any of the professions?

Few people before entering the institute can unequivocally say what they want to become. However, it is a mistake to believe that such a question only torments teenagers. Many people change professions throughout their lives, master new areas of work.

What to do if you don't know what you want and don't like anything:

  • Think: “What am I doing better than others?”, “What can I do for a long time?”, “What fascinates and likes me?”
  • Pass a placement test. It will help you decide on the choice of direction and specific profession.
  • Get a consultation with a psychologist based on the results of the test. It will help to understand what kind of work is suitable for this person.
  • Discuss this situation with parents, friends, teachers. Other people often notice the characteristics and abilities of a teenager better and can give good advice in choosing a specialty.

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