Measles vaccination contraindications for adults. Measles vaccination: rules for carrying out, when and how many times in a life do they make adults? Complications from measles vaccination

Infectious disease doctors say that outbreaks of this insidious disease are characterized by periodicity. Incidence rises at intervals of 5 or 6 years. It is no secret that in Russia over the past 2 years the number of people who have had measles has increased. Until July 2017, 127 cases of the disease were registered, mainly in Moscow and Dagestan. The increase in the number of cases is associated with numerous refusals of vaccination.

In order to prevent measles from entering a country, 95% of its population must be vaccinated. This is called herd immunity. It will also protect those who are contraindicated in vaccination. A decrease in vaccination coverage by only 5% triples the incidence!

A similar situation is observed not only in Russia. Europe is also suffering. In Italy, France, Germany, Belgium, Austria, many cases of infection have been reported. Romania has the highest death rate among cases.

What you need to know about measles

Measles is a serious viral disease of childhood, the main manifestations of which are a rash. The measles virus is easily transmitted through the air. Only humans get measles. He begins to secrete the virus 5 to 7 days before the first signs of the disease are evident. After the symptoms disappear, the measles virus will be released for another 4 to 5 days.

Measles is very easy to get! Even after a short meeting of an unvaccinated child with this virus, the chances of getting sick are more than 90%!

This illness can be very mild. After an average of a week after infection, the child's body temperature rises to 38 - 39 degrees, the state of health is disturbed. The kid is naughty, does not play, refuses to eat, tries to be in the arms of his mother. He develops severe weakness, cough, discharge from the nose, eyes redden, lacrimation appears. Such symptoms are easily confused with the symptoms of a banal viral infection.

After 2-3 days from the onset of the disease, when examining the child's oral cavity, white spots can be found on the mucous membranes of the cheeks. And after a while, a rash appears on the face, which spreads to the whole body in a day. With the appearance of a rash, the body temperature rises sharply, and then it becomes clear that the child has measles. The rash persists for up to 7 days.

No drugs have been developed to cure the disease. There are only those that will relieve the symptoms.

Only a timely vaccination can protect against measles. But the observance of banal hygiene rules: frequent washing of hands, wearing masks, etc., are ineffective if the child lives in the area of ​​​​the outbreak of this disease.

Why is measles dangerous?

At first glance, it seems that measles is a fairly mild disease. Some opponents of vaccinations even believe that it is useful, as it hardens the children's body. And epidemics are a thing of the past because hygiene has improved.

The measles virus greatly disrupts the baby's immune system. Protection against other, more severe infections is weakened. Because of this feature, dangerous complications often arise.

The immune system spends a lot of energy to defeat the disease and, in the end, is depleted. The child's body simply will not have the strength to withstand the dangerous complications that bacteria will cause. Under normal conditions, the baby would not get sick at all, but the forces are exhausted, and the body becomes defenseless.

More often, complications of measles occur in babies under five years of age, adolescents, the elderly, and women at any stage of pregnancy. Among the consequences are the following:

  • one child out of ten after suffering measles will fall ill with the average, caused by dangerous bacteria and will lose hearing for a long time;
  • one in ten people who get sick will develop severe diarrhea;
  • every 20th sick child will have pneumonia. Because of such a formidable complication, children die most often;
  • one in a thousand develops a severe viral brain lesion, which is incurable and leads to complete immobility and mental retardation;
  • one to two children out of a thousand who have had measles die.

Measles vaccination schedule

As you can see, measles is not such a harmless infection. To completely protect the child from the unpleasant and deplorable consequences of this disease, there is only one way - vaccination.

Up to six to nine months of life, the mother’s antibodies will protect the baby from measles if she herself was vaccinated or had been ill in childhood. Children of this age are vaccinated only in exceptional cases. For example, if everyone in the family is infected with measles. This is done very rarely. In the future, vaccinations are given according to the schedule.

According to the rules, the first vaccination against measles the baby receives at one year. And already from the beginning of the 2nd week from the date of vaccination, the body produces the amount of antibodies that is necessary to reliably protect the child from infection. Immunity can last up to 25 years.

It happens that in 2-5% of vaccinated children, immunity is insufficient or short-lived due to a special reaction of the immune system or due to inadequate quality of the vaccine (unfortunately, this happens). Therefore, at the age of 6 - 7 years, the child is revaccinated against measles. It aims to protect children who have not developed immunity to the first vaccination. Immunity after revaccination is developed in 99% of children.

If a child who has not had measles and has not been vaccinated has been in contact with a carrier of the infection or who is ill, the vaccination must be done within 72 hours after contact. So the chance of getting sick is less. For pregnant women, immunocompromised individuals, and children under 12 months of age, immunoglobulin may be given to protect against infection.

In order for the baby to be completely protected from measles, it is necessary to be vaccinated according to the calendar - at 12 months, and then at 6-7 years.

Older people must have documents confirming the double vaccination. If there is no certainty in full vaccination, then the level of antibodies to measles in the blood can be determined. If they are present, it is not worth vaccinating. In the absence of antibodies to measles, it is recommended to give 2 doses of the vaccine with an interval of 1 month. Or you can just graft once. The minimum dose of the vaccine will not harm, but will increase immunity.

What is the measles vaccine? Types of vaccines

Dry (lyophilized) vaccines are used to prevent measles. They contain live measles virus, but it is not capable of causing disease (it will be non-pathogenic). Such vaccines are called attenuated.

In Russia, a combined mumps-measles vaccine of its own production and a monovalent vaccine are used. The latter contains only the measles virus. The Priorix vaccine is produced in Belgium and contains additional viruses and mumps.

In the production of the Russian vaccine, the measles virus is grown on Japanese quail embryo cells, and the Belgian vaccine is grown on chicken embryo cells. This feature must be taken into account for people who are allergic to chicken eggs.

Vaccines are also produced in India, USA, France. There is a vaccine that will immediately protect against measles, mumps, rubella, chickenpox, but it is not registered in Russia.

All vaccines are issued together with a diluent. Storage is carried out in the refrigerator at a temperature of 2 - 8 degrees. The sun's rays can destroy the measles virus in the vaccine, so it comes in vials with tinted glass.

If parents themselves buy the measles vaccine at a pharmacy, they need to deliver it to the clinic as soon as possible in a special thermal container or in a thermos with ice so as not to violate the storage conditions.

How is the measles vaccine given?

At 12 months, the baby goes for the first vaccination against measles. 2 weeks before vaccination, all contacts with patients with acute respiratory and other infectious diseases should be excluded. If someone in the family is sick, it is better to postpone the vaccination for a while.

When the child does not have chronic diseases, special preparation for vaccination is not required. If the baby has a concomitant pathology, the pediatrician will give recommendations on drugs and measures so that the vaccination takes place with minimal side effects.

Before vaccination, the doctor conducts an examination, measures the child's body temperature and acquaints parents with possible side effects and reactions to the vaccine. The examination data are recorded in the outpatient card. If, according to the medical opinion, the baby is healthy, you can safely go to the vaccination room. Before vaccination, parents must complete an informed voluntary consent form.

In the vaccination room, the nurse also fills out the necessary documentation. Before opening the ampoule with the vaccine, she must check the expiration dates. The injection site (this is the outer area of ​​the shoulder or subscapular region) is treated with an antiseptic and 0.5 ml of the vaccine is injected subcutaneously or intramuscularly.

The measles virus contained in the vaccine loses its protective effect when exposed to alcohols and esters, so the skin at the injection site must dry after treatment.

The vaccine is diluted immediately before staging. A pre-diluted vaccine, which was also stored at, cannot be administered - it will lose all useful properties.

After vaccination, parents with the child must spend some more time in the clinic.

Within 30 minutes after the injection, the baby should be under the supervision of a nurse, it is at this time that acute allergic reactions can develop. The vaccination room has all the necessary tools to help him in such a situation.

After the vaccination, the child's immune system recognizes the measles virus, and intensive production of antibodies begins - special immunity cells that are able to neutralize the virus when it is encountered again. Antibodies will be contained both in the blood and in the secretions of the mucous membranes of the nose and mouth. This is where the virus will penetrate in the first place. By the end of the 2nd week after vaccination, the baby is already protected from the insidious disease.

Such a delay from vaccination is necessary for the complete removal of antibodies from the baby's body, which he received with these drugs. Otherwise, they will simply interfere with the normal functioning of the immune system after vaccination, and the child will not receive full protection against measles.

Vaccination is temporarily contraindicated in acute viral diseases. It can be done immediately after the temperature drops and health improves. Atopic dermatitis, anemia, dysbacteriosis are not contraindications to vaccination.

How to prepare for the measles vaccination and how to transfer it easier?

The fact that before vaccination the child should be examined by a doctor is written above. The doctor will determine whether the baby is ready for vaccination, prescribe the necessary drugs if there are chronic diseases.

If after vaccination the child experiences discomfort, is naughty, you can do the following:

  • apply a cold compress to the injection site to relieve pain;
  • give a medicine that will relieve pain (ibuprofen and paracetamol preparations).

If after a few days the temperature rises, and malaise appears, you should not panic. As mentioned above, this is a normal reaction to the vaccine. In this case, you can wipe the child with warm water, ventilate the room, do not wrap, give a warm drink. If the temperature causes discomfort, antipyretic drugs are given (Ibuprofen,).

Scientists say that the measles virus does not have the ability to change.

This means that thanks to mass vaccination, the disease can be defeated and measles will forever disappear from the face of the planet. By doing so, millions of children's lives can be saved. It is important not to succumb to fears and panic before vaccinations and take care of the future of the baby in a timely manner. No need to wait for an epidemic in your city or country, but protect yourself and your child now.

The measles vaccine is an effective and safe way to protect against a serious infectious disease. It most often occurs in unvaccinated young children and can be deadly. Vaccination provides long-term protection against infection. Therefore, it is advisable to vaccinate against measles. Subject to age norms and vaccination rules, protection will be maximum.

What you need to know about measles

Measles is considered a dangerous disease. If contact with a sick person occurs, the percentage of infection approaches 100. The pathogen is transmitted through the air, through household contact, through contaminated personal hygiene products and household items. If someone in the family gets measles, then all unvaccinated members are at risk. There is no doubt that infection will occur.

Science-Back Facts About Measles:

  1. The causative agent of the infection is easily airborne along with droplets of saliva.
  2. After contact with an infection, the virus goes through an incubation period. It can take up to 14 days before the first signs appear.
  3. During illness, a person's body temperature rises greatly. Indicators can reach critical levels and threaten life.
  4. The symptoms of the disease are similar to the flu. Therefore, often in the early days the patient self-medicates, believing that he has ARVI.
  5. The sick person becomes contagious 4 days before the skin rash.
  6. The pathogen suppresses the body's immune defenses. Therefore, with measles in adults and children, dangerous complications often develop.
  7. The most severe pathology endure children under 5 years.
  8. A newborn is reliably protected by maternal immunity for 3 months, provided that the woman had measles before pregnancy.

In recent years, the trend towards vaccination has been declining. Increasingly, women refuse to vaccinate their children against measles, explaining this by the danger of the vaccine. For this reason, episodic outbreaks of measles occur in different regions of the country and abroad. Babies, adults, pregnant women and the elderly are hard on the disease.

In 2011, the disease affected more than 100,000 children. Between 2017 and 2018, the number of cases has tripled. Last year, about 2,500,000 Russians were infected with measles. Many educational institutions and kindergartens were closed for quarantine, but this did not greatly reduce the spread of the infection.

Order of conduct

Children are vaccinated against measles in public and private medical institutions. The National Immunization Schedule stipulates the timing for the implementation of prophylaxis. If the procedure is delayed, the vaccine will be given after contraindications have been ruled out.

Where to do

You can get vaccinated in a medical institution at the place of residence. The procedure is free. Funds for the vaccine are allocated from the federal and regional budgets.

At their own request, a person can be vaccinated himself and vaccinate children in private clinics that have a certificate for providing such a service. In this case, a fixed amount must be paid for the vaccine. If there is an assortment, the patient can choose the type of vaccination.

When is it done and how many times

The vaccine is administered to children twice. After the first time, immunity may not be fully formed, therefore, to prevent the disease, the procedure is repeated. The first planned introduction in domestic clinics is performed at 1 year. The national schedule indicates the optimal period of 12-15 months. A second injection is recommended at 6 years of age.

The child is vaccinated before school, as he enters another society and may encounter the pathogen.

In regions with an unfavorable epidemiological situation, a pediatrician may prescribe a vaccination for a child aged 6-9 months. In this case, the introduction of protection is carried out three times. The fact is that up to a year it may not respond properly to the vaccine.

For an adult who has not previously been vaccinated, prophylaxis is carried out twice with a three-month break. If both vaccinations were made in childhood, then the next one is given at the age of 30. Patients who were vaccinated once during childhood are considered unprotected and need to be fully vaccinated.

Where do they put

The drug is injected into the shoulder section, or rather, its upper third. The injection may be administered subcutaneously or intramuscularly. The vaccine is also placed under the shoulder blade. The choice of the method of administration remains with the medical institution and is regulated by its regulations.

With a complication, the patient's well-being worsens. The child has the following side effects and consequences:

  • lacrimation and photophobia;
  • swelling of mucous membranes;
  • severe rash all over the body;
  • the temperature reaches high rates and lasts more than 3 days;
  • convulsions occur against the background of hyperthermia;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • cardiopalmus;
  • impaired concentration;
  • fainting state;
  • changes in the organoleptic properties of urine and feces;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases.

Despite the fact that recently there has been a growing trend to refuse vaccinations, doctors recommend that routine immunizations be performed in the absence of real contraindications. For many years, experts have fought for the survival of mankind through vaccinations. Thanks to vaccines, it was possible to eradicate deadly diseases that claimed the lives of people for centuries.

When opting out of immunization, parents need to understand the risks they are putting their children at. Perhaps moms and dads did not get measles at one time just because they were vaccinated. You should not give up the opportunity to protect your child from a deadly infection. It is necessary to approach this issue responsibly, study contraindications and choose a quality drug to protect children's immunity.

Measles is a deadly infection. It most often affects children under 5 years of age. It is possible to catch a "childhood disease" at any age. Measles is especially dangerous for pregnant women and people with chronic pathologies.

And the probability of infection upon contact with the patient is 100%. In our country, there is an annual increase in the incidence. Therefore, doctors advise adults to do it.

Mechanism of action and names of measles vaccines

The measles virus is very mobile, it easily travels long distances. It is transmitted through the air or directly through contact with the patient. First, the nasopharynx is infected, and then the whole body.

Only vaccination can prevent infection. Measles immunization has been around the world for over 50 years. How does it work ?

Once inside, the measles virus induces a cellular immune response: the body immediately begins an “attack” on the hostile protein material, producing specific antibodies that neutralize the virus over time, remaining in the blood for many years. There are monovalent (contain one type of antigen) or combined drugs (for several infections).

Measles immunization is carried out with live vaccines. This means that the virus in their composition is weakened in a special way (but not killed). So he cannot infect the body, but is able to induce in it the amount of antibodies necessary for stable immunity.

Live vaccines have their advantages:

  • a small dose of antigens is required, since vaccine viruses replicate on their own in the body;
  • 1 dose is enough to form protective immunity;
  • do not contain adjuvants;
  • less .

In our country licensed and used:

  • (Russia). Guaranteed protection for 18 months;
  • divaccine(. This is a domestic development. Recommended for revaccination of the adult population;
  • Priorix- 3-component preparation (measles,). British remedy. Made in Belgium. A high degree of purification determines the low ractogenicity;
  • Ruvax(France). Monopreparation. The effect of the injection lasts up to 20 years;
  • MMR II- 3-valent vaccine (). For routine and emergency immunization.

If simultaneous injections are supposed, then the procedure is carried out with different syringes and in different areas of the body. When injections are given more than once, the time interval between the live measles vaccine and the inactivated anti-hepatitis drug can be any.

How to get a measles vaccine for an adult in a clinic?

Vaccines used in public clinics, as a rule, are domestically produced. More often these are monopreparations, sometimes - Divaccine. If the decision on immunization is made, first of all, you need to contact the treatment room of the clinic at the place of residence.

There you will learn about the vaccination schedule. This is followed by a mandatory visit to the therapist.

After reviewing your medical history and doing an examination, the doctor will either make a positive decision for immunization or suggest an additional examination. An ECG or x-ray may be needed.

All necessary procedures and analyzes should be carried out without fail. If you have allergic reactions, tell your doctor about it. This is the only way to avoid negative post-injection symptoms. An important condition is to be healthy at the time of vaccination.

Vaccine mumps-measles (Divaccine)

Vaccination can be done in private clinics. Now there are more and more such hospitals, so when choosing, you should definitely find out if a commercial medical institution has a license to carry out such a practice. Among the advantages of such vaccination is the procedure at home.

In large cities, there are special immunological centers where vaccination is carried out by accredited specialized specialists.

How much do measles vaccines cost: price in pharmacies

In public clinics, measles vaccination is free. Buying drugs in a pharmacy makes sense if you decide to do paid immunization.

The cost of vaccines differs slightly by regions of the country and is (rubles/dose):
  • Measles cultural vaccine - 475-520;
  • Divaccine (measles, mumps) 300-400;
  • Priorix - 1000;
  • Ruvax - 500;
  • MMR II - 600.

To the cost of one injection should be added the price for a mandatory medical examination. In a paid clinic, it (depending on the region and the pricing policy of the institution) will vary from 600 to 1000 rubles.

Can I wash and drink alcohol after vaccination?

The correct behavior of the patient after the injection is an important condition for excluding possible complications. As for water procedures after measles vaccination, they are not prohibited.

The main rule is clean water. For this reason, it is better not to swim in the reservoirs for the first days after the procedure in order to avoid the risk of infection of the wound. Can I take alcohol? To date, a negative relationship between vaccination and alcohol has not been established.

To help the body cope with the virus, do not weaken it by taking alcohol.

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Should adults be vaccinated against measles? Doctor Komarovsky answers:

In recent years, an unstable epidemiological picture has been observed in our country. Therefore, vaccination against measles for the adult population is more necessary than recommended. The vaccines used are safe.

Choose domestic or imported drugs, they are equally effective. Do not be afraid of vaccination, it is not terrible for an adult organism. It will be much sadder to get sick with measles and regret the missed opportunity to get vaccinated.

Measles- an infectious malaise caused by a virus that spreads by airborne droplets. This happens at an early stage through discharge from the mouth, throat and nose. It is believed that this childhood illness, but studies show that the number of years does not play a role. The incubation period takes no more than 2 weeks.

The main sign indicating the onset of malaise is the spots that appear in the mouth, which lead to the development of pharyngitis. After 2-3 days, a small rash appears on the face and head, which after a while spreads to the whole body. At the same time, high fever, dry cough and conjunctivitis or rhinitis may begin. Because of these signs, the onset of the disease is sometimes confused with the flu or.

Manifestation of measles. Photo:

Vaccination will help protect against measles in adults who have developed symptoms in others. Humans remain carriers until the rash stops flaking. The danger is that the older the patient, the more severe the disease. Protective systems are drastically reduced, and there is a possibility of getting complications, such as hepatitis, otitis media, meningitis or pneumonia. Therefore, the best protection against infection, at any age, is measles vaccine.

Interesting Facts:

  • According to 1900 data, 13 out of 100,000 people died from the infection.
  • Since 1920, studies have shown that in most cases the disease affects the central nervous system.
  • Born and vaccinated from 1963 to 1967 with a dead vaccine, they were attacked by an atypical form of the disease. And this meant that the strain adjusted and became more dangerous, which led to brain damage.
  • In the 90s, the disease affected children under 1 year old. The US CDC conditioned this by the fact that their mothers were vaccinated, which means that it is not transmitted from mother to child.

Measles vaccine for adults

measles vaccines

What measles vaccine do people of all ages need to protect themselves from the virus? In the Russian Federation, registered sera are used to treat ailments.

Monovaccines are dry vaccine(Russia) and Ruvax(France). There are also combined ones, among which three-component ones are noted. Priorix(Belgium) and MMR II(USA), as well as domestic two-component drug, which also targets mumps.

Vaccine measles cultural live dry (Russian monovaccine). Photo:

M-M-P II vaccine against measles, mumps, rubella. Photo:

Vaccination with a monovaccine and protection against three infections will appear: measles, rubella, mumps. The injection is injected into the shoulder or intramuscularly, but not into other parts of the body, because they have a thick fatty layer.

When is the measles vaccine given to adults?

If only one procedure was performed, in childhood, revaccination is necessary, this can be done by administering a monovaccine to adults. Each country has its own schedule approved by the Ministry of Health. According to him, a free vaccination is allowed until the age of 35, and on the condition that he had not previously been vaccinated and was not sick. To do this, you just need to contact the local therapist, who, after examination and analysis, will write out a referral to the treatment room. When is it done to an adult, if he was not vaccinated and did not get sick, but had contact with the patient? The substance is administered during the first three days, regardless of how old the patient is.

How many times are adults vaccinated against measles?

With an interval of 3 months, the agent must be administered 2 times.

Side effects of the measles vaccine in adults

  • redness and swelling of the injection site;
  • aches in the joints;
  • temperature rise;
  • inflammation of the upper respiratory tract.

The danger is that after the administration of the substance to adults, Quincke's edema may occur. An individual reaction is possible, for example, various manifestations, urticaria, much less often when the drug is administered, meningitis, pneumonia, encephalitis or myocarditis occur in adults.

Contraindications for measles vaccination for adults

  • Chronic ailments at the time of exacerbation or SARS.
  • The procedure is NOT performed if there is an allergy to antibiotics, to a measles remedy, and also if adults are allergic to bird egg protein.
  • Complications after threaten women during pregnancy and lactation, so the administration of the drug must be postponed.

Do adults need a measles vaccine?

Everyone is free to decide for themselves, but only two injections can turn on protective functions. for 10-12 years - that's how long the vaccine lasts in adults. Travelers should pay special attention, because. In some countries, outbreaks of the deadly disease still occur.

The vaccination schedule for adults is quite simple, with an interval of no more than six months, two doses of the drug are administered. Once every 12 years, you can undergo revaccination.

Whether an adult is contagious after vaccination worries many, the serum does contain live microorganisms, but they are very weak, so no one will suffer from measles. It happens that the procedure does not help, and a person can get sick of measles, the vaccination scheme for adults does not give a full guarantee, but in this case, everything will go quickly and easily, without consequences.

Measles vaccination for pregnant women

Answered by Rybko Yury Yuryevich

Deputy chief physician for public health and healthcare at the private medical clinic LLC Profi, Khabarovsk. Member of the Committee for the Development of the Private Health System of the Council for Entrepreneurship of the Khabarovsk Territory.

Yury Yuryevich Rybko, Deputy Chief Physician for Public Health and Healthcare of the private medical clinic "Profi"

“Generally speaking, pregnancy is not a contraindication for immunization. Moreover, based on the epidemiological situation, the immunological commissions of medical institutions may review medical exemptions, including those for pregnant women. However, the situation with measles is quite specific. Live vaccines, which include measles, are contraindicated in pregnant women. Vaccination is possible only at the stage of pregnancy planning, preferably at least one month in advance. In emergency cases, upon contact with the patient, the introduction of immunoglobulin is possible. In the event that a woman did not yet know about her pregnancy, but was vaccinated, this is also not an indication for termination of pregnancy, but will require more thorough examination and monitoring by doctors. does not interfere with measles vaccination.

Answered by Chagina Ekaterina Alexandrovna

Doctor obstetrician-gynecologist service Online Doctor.

Chagina Ekaterina Alexandrovna, obstetrician-gynecologist of the Online Doctor service

“Measles vaccines consist of attenuated (artificially weakened) viruses, such vaccines are called “live”. Their advantage is high activity; to develop stable immunity against the disease, two applications of the vaccine are necessary. During pregnancy, such high activity is a minus, since even a weakened measles virus with low virulence, in theory, can cause irreparable changes in the body of a pregnant woman. An additional risk is a pronounced allergic reaction to the active and excipients of the lyophilisate.

Special studies on pregnant women have not been conducted and this is unlikely to be possible. Since it is not known for certain whether the vaccine could cause harm to the fetus if the woman is vaccinated/revaccinated, the vaccine should not be given during pregnancy. After vaccination, pregnancy should be avoided for 3 months.

It is allowed to vaccinate women during the breastfeeding period at the discretion of the doctor, taking into account the assessment of the ratio of the possible risk of infection and the benefits of vaccination. Here one must always be aware of hypersensitivity to any component of the vaccine and exercise the utmost caution in making such a decision.”

Answered by Kondrakhin Andrey Petrovich

Clinical pharmacologist of the Federal State Budgetary Institution "FCCPI" of the Ministry of Health of Russia, Candidate of Medical Sciences.

Kondrakhin Andrey Petrovich, Clinical Pharmacologist, FGBI "FCCPI" of the Ministry of Health of Russia, Candidate of Medical Sciences

“If we talk about vaccination, then it must be indicated that this all applies toimmunoprophylaxis. Each encounter with any infection almost always leaves an immunological memory of how to cope with the disease. Thanks to her, we don't get sick. Vaccination has been around for a long time. And its goal was to protect humanity from epidemics of serious infectious diseases.

As an example, we can offer to look at what is happening in the world. So, according to media reports in Ukraine, 261 residents of the country fell ill with measles in a week. The situation with measles has been developing for 2 years. So since the beginning of 2019, 56,861 people have fallen ill. 18 people died from complications. According to the World Health Organization, the country ranks first in terms of incidence. All this is the result of low vaccination of the population. The state was unable to vaccinate, and in 2016, 42% of children over the age of one year were able to receive the vaccine. Revaccination covered 31% of children aged 6 years, which is the lowest indicator. The saddest thing is that due to the possibility of traveling abroad, you can accidentally become infected with measles from the population of Europe and Central Asia.

With regard to vaccination of women of childbearing age, pregnant women and girls, its main goal is to protect, protect the woman and her unborn child during pregnancy from infectious diseases and protect newborns in the first months of life.

Usually, at the first visit to the gynecologist, when a pregnancy is planned for a girl or woman, the so-called vaccination history(vaccination history). And this means that it is necessary to document the presence of certain vaccinations (series, year, and when the revaccination was carried out). And this is especially important in relation to infections such as chickenpox, rubella, measles. In doubtful cases, when it is not possible to clarify documentary evidence, a study is carried out to detect antibodies to these infections. In doubtful cases, a blood test is performed for the presence of antibodies to these diseases. If there were no vaccinations, then the expectant mother exposes herself and the future baby to the dangers that infections lead to, and most importantly, she can become a source of infection herself, because. An unvaccinated organism gets sick much more severely and unpredictably. And during pregnancy, when it is depressed, this is a normal state during pregnancy, the risks of getting sick increase. And viruses become more dangerous for an unvaccinated person.

The vaccination calendar is being developed by the country's leading institutions (virologists, infectious disease specialists, epidemiologists), and it is published on the website of the Russian Ministry of Health. It indicates which vaccines and when to be vaccinated. In particular, it states that a pregnant woman should not be vaccinated with live virus vaccines against measles, mumps, chicken pox, rubella. In cases of need, emergency immunoprophylaxis is carried out for the diseases listed above. In unvaccinated women, at all stages of pregnancy, immunoprophylaxis is carried out with human immunoglobulin preparations (normal and specific). In such cases, human immunoglobulin can be used in pregnant women in cases of emergency prevention and treatment of other diseases, but always according to the instructions in the instructions drawn up by the manufacturer. These drugs are not contraindicated for a pregnant woman. Inactivated and live virus vaccines used by nursing mothers do not pose a danger to children and mothers themselves. Antibodies that are present in mother's milk do not affect the child's immune response when vaccinated in the future.

From all of the above, we can conclude that the use of live measles vaccine in pregnant women is contraindicated (impossible). It is possible to be vaccinated during the feeding period, but the doctor must assess the risks so that the benefit of the vaccine prevails over the possible risk. In case of measles, as mentioned above, human immunoglobulin is used for prophylactic purposes.

There are guidelines in cases of infectious diseases “MU Vaccination. Monitoring of post-vaccination complications and their prevention”.

As can be seen from this article, pregnant women are at risk and theirprevention from the dangerous disease that is measles is a paramount task. Even before pregnancy, it is better to get vaccinated.

Gogoladze Khatia Tamazovna answers

General practitioner, surgeon, oncologist, obstetrician-gynecologist.

Measles is almost the most common acute viral anthroponotic, highly contagious disease in the world, which caused by the measles virus, is transmitted by airborne droplets and is accompanied by intoxication, catarrhal lesions of the upper respiratory tract, characterized by two wave fever and a maculopapular rash on the skin. The causative agent of measles is a virus that is extremely sensitive and changes under the influence of physical environmental factors.

Symptoms of measles: runny nose, fever, dry obsessive cough, conjunctivitis, redness and swelling of the pharyngeal mucosa, swollen cervical lymph nodes, poor sleep, lethargy, maculopapular rash on the skin (the rash begins around the start line of the scalp, on the face, neck and behind the ears , then the rash spreads down to the chest and abdomen, and lastly the rash spreads to the arms and legs.).

Interesting to know! The measles vaccine was developed in 1963.

Vaccination(vaccination, immunization) is one of the very best means to protect children against infectious diseases that caused serious illness before vaccinations were available. It is created artificial to some diseases. For this, relatively harmless antigens (protein molecules) are used, which are part of the microorganisms (viruses) that cause diseases. Microorganisms can be viruses, such as measles, or bacteria.

Vaccination against measles virus is mandatory, it is carried out in the first year of life and then revaccination is carried out in the sixth year of the child's life. Particular attention is paid to pregnancy and measles vaccination, given the high risk factors for miscarriage, measles vaccination during pregnancy is contraindicated especially in the first trimester of pregnancy, since it is during this period that the fetus is in a particularly dangerous state and depends on all external factors affecting it and the most vulnerable.

That is, pregnancy is a contraindication for vaccination against measles !!!

the only preventive measure is vaccination - vaccination against measles 3 months before pregnancy. Vaccinations in early pregnancy are prohibited. As for the passage of immunization to nursing mothers, most of the modern vaccines are fully compatible with breastfeeding.

Is it possible to drink alcohol after measles vaccination

In order for the immune functions to work correctly, it is necessary to come to the treatment room healthy. Both before and after vaccination, you should not use it, because. measles serum additionally loads the immune system. Therefore, this question should disappear by itself.

What not to do after measles vaccination

The list is quite small:

  • do not rub and comb the injection site;
  • in the first hours, refrain from hot baths and.

Interesting fact! In 2000, 545 thousand patients were recorded worldwide, by 2017 this figure had dropped to 110 thousand. This means that immunization of the population has reduced mortality among young children by 80%. It is for this reason that in 2001 the UN Foundation, the Red Cross Society and the WHO united to fight against dangerous diseases so that not a single baby is born with congenital rubella syndrome and does not die from terrible viral infections.

Measles vaccine for children

For the first time, children are vaccinated against measles depending on the epidemiological situation in the country. If the risk of infection is high, then the standard schedule can be neglected and the vaccination will be done as early as 9 months. Repeatedly carried out at 16-18 months. If the situation in the country is within the normal range, then vaccination is carried out at 1 year. The second time is suitable for immunization against measles, rubella for a child together, and they do it at 6 years old. For this, a combined medication is used, which is injected into children, thereby creating armor from several viruses at once, consider the name of the vaccine. Before that, parents think What is the best measles vaccine for children?».

Measles vaccination schedule

Measles vaccination schedule. Photo:

measles vaccines

Children can be given both a single vaccine and a combination vaccine, so you need to know what the vaccine is called and where it is produced.

There are two imported combination vaccines - these are MMR II(USA) and Priorix(Belgium), both also target mumps and rubella.

Domestic medicines are two-component, and exist in two versions:

  • with epidemic parotitis;
  • and the causative agent of rubella.

There can be any vaccination, the only difference is that imported medicines against measles will protect against three infections at once, while Russian ones will have to buy a monovaccine to fully protect health.

Reaction to the measles vaccine in children

After vaccination, in some cases, children may experience side effects, such as:

  • allergic reactions;
  • convulsions and rarely, but nerve damage can occur;
  • also, after living microorganisms enter the body, the body temperature can rise to 40 degrees.

Fever, rash and conjunctivitis in children are only minor reactions after vaccination, and the result of the disease can be much worse.

The vaccine has contraindications, and if they are neglected and the medicinal substance is administered to children, the consequences can be unpredictable.

Contraindications for measles vaccination in children

  • AIDS;
  • oncology;
  • protein intolerance;
  • acute ailments;
  • immunodeficiency;
  • complications after primary immunization;
  • taking immunoglobulin or blood products.

Whether the child is contagious after the introduction of the medicine is of interest to many parents whose children are not yet protected from measles. The medicine consists of living pathogens, but their concentration is so small that they are not able to infect someone. Therefore, it is not necessary to limit communication with children, even if the procedure has been completed recently, contact is not dangerous for others.

Effects of the measles vaccine on children

Regardless of which vaccine is given to children with a combination drug or a measles single vaccine, the reaction will be the same.

Doctors distinguish:

  • redness and swelling in the injection area;
  • inflammation of the upper respiratory tract;
  • the appearance of a rash on the skin;
  • loss of appetite;

It is important that the reaction of the child's body is different, so after the introduction of the remedy, one will not have any complications and the temperature will not rise at all, while the other will have 39 after 2-3 days and a rash will appear.

Complications after measles. Photo:

Is the measles vaccine dangerous?

Mothers all over the world are interested in one question, is the vaccine dangerous, and what will happen if the measles remedy is not administered to children. In recent years, the anti-vaccination movement has been gaining momentum in the world, who oppose vaccination in general. Their main argument is that the drugs contain a lot of harmful substances, and lead to autism and other unpleasant consequences in preschoolers. Therefore, they do not worry about how to protect themselves from the virus, and they believe that without a measles vaccine, without a vaccine, children will be much better off.

Should I vaccinate my child against measles?

Couples who are expecting a baby find themselves at a crossroads, should he be vaccinated against measles, and what vaccine is given to children? The World Health Organization strongly points to the need for immunization, starting with young children. This is the best way to deal with various dangerous infections.

Interesting fact! All of the anti-vaccine arguments are based on the research of Andrew Wakefield, who published an article in 1998 where he pointed out that autism occurred in some children after taking a three-drug drug (MCP). However, later, thanks to the testimony of parents, it was proved that autism in babies manifested itself before vaccination was carried out. It was later revealed that all of Wakefield's patients were anti-vaxxers. And most importantly, the researcher pointed out the harm of combi-vaccines, and insisted on the use of a single-component agent, which he himself patented before the study.

How long does the measles vaccine last?

If a person was vaccinated according to the scheme, then the protective functions have been working for 25 years. However, it is difficult to verify this, and the doctors settled on the fact that the barrier has been steadfastly held for 12 years.

Revaccination against measles

A person receives the first two doses of medicine in childhood, at 1 year and 6 years old, the third will be needed already at 16-17 years old, so that young people on the threshold of childbearing age have powerful protection for the future. After, revaccination can be done every 12-15 years. Unfortunately, there are times when vaccinated people still become infected. In this case, there is a slight deterioration in well-being, which quickly passes.

It is especially important to vaccinate preschoolers, because. they have a very difficult course of the disease. In addition, it often depends on whether the child is vaccinated whether they will take the baby to kindergarten or school, because if the vaccine has not been introduced, he endangers other children.

Preparing for the Measles Vaccination

  • In order to carry out a primary or repeated procedure, you need to be healthy, no matter how old the patient is. Acute respiratory or exacerbated chronic problems are the reason for postponing the visit to the vaccination office.
  • Do not expose the baby to overheating or hypothermia, because. all this introduces the immune system into a state of stress, and the subsequent introduction of the drug will load the body even more.
  • Before vaccination, they conduct a test and find out if the baby is allergic to egg white. To do this, apply a small amount of crude protein to the inner surface of the lips, wait no more than 5 minutes. If the lips are swollen, you need to inform the doctor, who will select a different substance for the procedure.
  • For adults, doctors recommend limiting alcohol intake a few days before and after visiting the hospital. Alcohol has a destructive effect on all organs, and does not allow the immune system to fully perform its protective functions.
  • If you follow the doctor's recommendations, then you can not worry about how the child will endure the procedure and whether the vaccine has caused harm.

Is measles dangerous

Parents are interested in doctors, is the vaccination against measles mandatory for children? No one can force a person to administer the remedy to himself or his child. But do not forget that this is a deadly disease.

In 2018, the World Health Organization recorded 229 thousand cases, of which 136 thousand died, which is almost 60%.

This high mortality is due to the development of severe consequences, such as dehydration, cerebral edema and respiratory tract infections. These symptoms affect unvaccinated people over 30 and children under 5.

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