City maternity hospital named after A. A. Abrikosova. Maternity hospital 6 maternity hospital paid

A maternity hospital is a special place where a person's life begins. It is in such an institution that they closely monitor the health of young patients, as well as their mothers. Let's talk about a wonderful medical institution where real masters of their craft work - this is the maternity hospital 6. Address - Moscow, st. 2nd Miusskaya, 1/10, Belorusskaya metro station.

History of the hospital

This maternity hospital begins its existence from the twentieth century. It was built in 1906 at the donation of Abrikosova Agrippina Alexandrovna, and is named in her honor: "City Maternity Hospital named after A. A. Abrikosova." Agrippina Alexandrovna herself claimed that her vocation was to be a mother. By the way, in her life she gave birth to 22 children and, like no one else, she understood how important it is to be in the professional and caring hands of a doctor before and after the birth of a baby!

Let's go back to the history of the maternity hospital

This medical institution, namely maternity hospital 6, was built after the death of Abrikosova, with the money that she donated for the construction, anticipating her imminent death. Her family members complied with the last request. The head doctor of the maternity hospital was the husband of one of the daughters of Agrippina Alexandrovna. At some time in this maternity hospital there was a department of obstetrics and gynecology, which prepared qualified personnel for work. Students learned by doing, because who else can convey knowledge better than the doctor himself. On the examples of doctors, childbirth was carried out, and students took part in them. All women in labor were admitted to the maternity hospital, regardless of material security. Doctors treated everyone with understanding and did not divide women into categories - everyone was on an equal footing.

architectural value

Many experts agree that the building of the maternity hospital is an architectural value. It is located in the center of Moscow and is the oldest located in the capital. The building was built by the architect Ivanov-Shitz. Near the maternity hospital there is a beautiful garden with centuries-old trees. This medical institution was one of the first to receive the honorary title of UNICEF "Child Friendly Hospital". It must also be said that not only the building is a historical value, the maternity hospital 6 itself, the photo of which is so often published by the defenders of historical and architectural sights, is a value for the population, and not only for the city of Moscow.

Specialists in their field

Very friendly, attentive, professional staff, devoted to their work with all their hearts - that's what the 6th maternity hospital is. Physicians systematically undergo confirmation of the level of knowledge and skills. It should be noted that doctors prepare the expectant mother for such an event as childbirth, not only from a medical point of view, but also from a psychological point of view. And if a complaint is received against an employee of this maternity hospital, then the head physician immediately and very carefully understands the problem, as in his own, doing everything in his power. Real professionals work quickly and smoothly. More than a dozen people were born in this medical institution. It should be noted that the mortality rate of babies and mothers is a very low percentage - it is almost non-existent. Such cases occur only when these are physiological abnormalities. In the most difficult childbirth, the doctor does everything to save the life of both the child and the mother. You can get acquainted with the work of the maternity hospital No. 6 on various sites, while it is worth noting that some may contain incorrect information. Our advice: before you believe in someone or something, you should see for yourself! A frequent practice of this maternity hospital is periodic lectures for women in labor by doctors of the maternity hospital, at which they talk about their work experience and answer all questions of interest. All future mothers who want their pregnancy to proceed without disturbances try to come to such lectures. Thanks to such lectures, a trusting relationship develops between doctors and patients.

The most important thing for doctors

First of all, in this medical organization, the child is the most important thing. In this maternity hospital, they are very kind to the baby and mother. Very short periods are practiced here, in which the child is applied to the mother, and the feeding of the baby takes place at his first request, and not by the clock. This modern approach is very pleasing to women in labor, you can understand this by reading the reviews. The 6th maternity hospital is also famous for the fact that doctors in this institution do not accept any intervention in the birth process and provide every woman with the opportunity to give birth herself. Cesarean section and other procedures can be applied only in critical situations. There are times when a woman does not want to give birth on her own and asks the doctor to intervene in the process of giving birth to her child. In such situations, the specialist conducts a conversation and tries to convince the expectant mother that the body of every woman is designed for the child to be born without intervention. And in most cases he succeeds. All doctors who work in the clinic undergo special training. A very strict selection of specialists allows you to choose only the best. Each patient can be sure of the professionalism of the doctor.

Free and paid services

Maternity Hospital 6, as mentioned above, provides services both on a paid and free basis. In this institution, among other services, married couples are prepared for childbirth. For native Muscovites, maternity hospital services are free. For the rest, services are provided for a fee.

There is an additional paid basis, which, in addition to providing more comfortable conditions for a woman and a child, includes the following services:

  1. A woman in labor can choose a personal doctor who will monitor her state of health until well, and take delivery. Also, a woman in labor can choose an anesthesiologist, pediatrician, gynecologist.
  2. Every woman can give birth to a child in the presence of her husband. A man just needs to pass certain tests and provide them to the doctor of the woman in labor.
  3. Mom and baby are placed in the same room, and the baby is with mom from birth.
  4. Separate room with shower room, toilet.
  5. You can take your things to the maternity hospital 6. The phone is allowed, as well as the reception of friends and relatives. This rule applies even during non-reception hours.

And now imagine the conditions that are provided in the inpatient department for babies and mothers while living there.

Before giving birth

Gynecologists provide advice to mothers and make plans for childbirth, give recommendations, write out referrals for tests and manage the entire pregnancy.

After entering the maternity hospital, the woman is placed in the antenatal department, the chambers of which are designed for 2-5 beds. The room has a sink and refrigerator, and on the floor there is a shower and toilet. There is anesthesia in this department. All medical instruments are regularly cleaned. If complications arise, the woman is urgently examined and transferred to intensive care, where care is enhanced for her.

Childbirth. Prenatal ward

Maternity hospital number 6 consists of prenatal wards and two delivery rooms.

Expectant mothers are in the prenatal wards during the entire period of contractions until the so-called productive attempts begin. Such a room contains several beds and bedside tables, and equipment necessary for monitoring the condition of a woman and her fetus (for example, a cardiotocography machine) is almost always installed here. In the prenatal ward, the expectant mother can walk, lie on the bed or take special positions recommended by the obstetrician.

Childbirth. delivery room

In the event of productive attempts, the woman in labor is transferred to the delivery room, which is located nearby. In this room there are several beds of Rakhmanov (special beds for the process of childbirth). On one of these beds, the woman remains until the end of childbirth. After his birth, the child is taken to the children's ward, where they examine him, measure his height, weigh him, carry out the necessary hygiene procedures and dress him.

After the end of childbirth, the woman is taken away on a gurney to a small operating room or examination room. In the examination room is located on which the doctor examines the birth canal and, if necessary, makes manipulations to restore damaged tissues. Then the young mother, who has already taken place, is again placed on a stretcher and left next to the post of the midwife of the maternity unit for observation.

If everything is normal and there are no negative consequences, a few hours after the birth, the young mother and baby are transferred to the department, which is called the postpartum.

After childbirth

In the postpartum department, rooms with different levels of comfort, designed for 2-3 people. Food is brought to the room. Shower and toilet are located on the floor. The mothers are with the children. The specialists of the maternity hospital will always provide support in matters of breastfeeding. It is allowed to use hygiene items and diapers.

After the birth, specialists of the medical institution monitor both the child and the mother. Analyzes are taken several times, and only when it is clear that everything is in order, a woman with a child can go home. As for the child, he will be given all the necessary vaccinations in the maternity hospital. Vaccinations are given only with the consent of the mother. If a woman believes that her child does not need them, she must write a statement, and they will not be vaccinated.

The maternity hospital has its own canteen where each patient can eat. At the same time, if there are any recommendations on nutrition from a doctor, in the dining room they can cook for an individual patient according to these recommendations.

Motherhood. Marble, 19th century.

History of the City Maternity Hospital named after A.A. Abrikosova in Moscow.

In 1897, the medical council of the Moscow City Duma discussed the issue of reorganizing obstetric care in Moscow.

The fact is that by the end of the 19th century, the bulk of Muscovites and the population of all of Russia used the services of amateur midwives. Thanks to donations from philanthropists, small maternity hospitals began to appear in Moscow, operating in accordance with special charters. Maternity shelters were subordinate to the Council, worked under the supervision of trustees approved by the City Duma. Obstetricians were invited to the shelters, who carried out medical and sanitary control.
However, the city continued to experience a shortage of medical care during childbirth. So-called "street births" were common, and there was a high mortality rate from puerperal fever. There was no question at all about the preservation of pregnancy ... ..

An obstetrician took an active part in the formation of a new concept of obstetric care Alexander Nikolaevich Rakhmanov, head of the free maternity hospital. A.A. Abrikosova, husband of Sofia Alekseevna - daughter of A.I. and A.A. Apricot.

Alexander Nikolaevich Rakhmanov
Chief Physician of the Maternity Hospital named after A.A. Apricot.

When in 1889 A.A. Abrikosova decided to arrange a free maternity shelter, then in the person of A.N. Rakhmanov, she met her passionate supporter and assistant.

The shelter of 1889 was called: - "Free maternity shelter and gynecological hospital with permanent beds of Agrippina Alexandrovna Abrikosova in Moscow."

The first paragraph of the Charter of this institution read: “The shelter and the clinic are maintained at the expense of the founder, the wife of the Commerce Councilor Agrippina Alexandrovna Abrikosova, and are in charge of the obstetrician Alexander Nikolaevich Rakhmanov.

The shelter was located near the Abrikosov confectionery factory.
A.N. was appointed the head of the shelter. Rakhmanov.

The shelter was small, only 6 places, it had a hospital and performed operations. During the year he received up to 200 women and the mortality among newborns was less than one percent. That even by European standards of that time was an unattainable result!

Agrippina Alexandrovna, who herself gave birth to 22 children, visited women in labor almost daily, gave them gifts.

Having passed away in 1901, Agrippina Alexandrovna, in a separate line in her will, allocated 100,000 rubles for the further arrangement of the shelter.

The heirs - the children and grandchildren of Agrippina Alexandrovna, obeying the will of the testator, at the end of 1901 turned to the City Head with the following statement:

“We have the honor, Your Excellency, to bring to the attention of the Moscow City Duma that we wish to donate a capital in the amount of 100,000 rubles for the arrangement in Moscow of a free maternity hospital named after A.A. Apricot. All donated capital is intended for the construction of buildings and equipment of the shelter. The shelter is intended for both normal and pathological deliveries, and must be equipped with at least 25 beds, and it is desirable to have a department for postpartum diseases. The shelter must be named “City free shelter named after A.A. Apricot" and serve to satisfy the underprivileged class of the urban population."

Vladimir Alekseevich Abrikosov became the trustee of the city shelter.

Vladimir Alekseevich Abrikosov,
construction organizer and trustee of the maternity hospital

The city gratefully accepted the generous gift, allocated a plot of land on the former Miussky field, and in 1903 the City Council approved the project, authored by the architect I.A. Ivanov-Shitz.

According to experts, the donated amount was not enough, moreover, 25 places would not solve the problem. A specially created commission made a decision according to which the city "would be expedient to pay more, but to make an institution of a larger size - more profitable for maintenance per bed."

The construction of the maternity hospital dragged on for three years. funds were needed for the Russo-Japanese War, and the amount assigned according to the estimate for the construction of the maternity hospital was taken for the above purpose.

In 1906, the maternity hospital was built. Two inscriptions were laid out at the top of the building: on the left “City Maternity Hospital”, and on the right - “named after A.A. Apricot".
The consecration of the maternity hospital took place on May 25, 1906. The reception of women in childbirth began on June 3, 1906.

Miusskaya Square. 1916 City Maternity Hospital. A.A. Apricot.

Architect I.A. Ivanov-Shitz.
The building was built in 1903-1906,
in the style of the Viennese version of Art Nouveau - the Vienna Secession.
Architectural monument.

The newly opened maternity hospital was the last word on all the requirements of obstetrics, both in terms of the design of the building, and in terms of equipment and staff. 51 beds were deployed in the maternity hospital. Medical equipment and surgical instruments were brought from Paris.
The personnel consisted of the director and 6 doctors, 15 midwives, one caretaker and 22 nurses. Salary A.N. Rakhmanov was 2000 rubles a year and 800 apartment, each of the 6 doctors - 800 rubles a year.

In 1916, on the tenth anniversary of the maternity hospital, Moscow newspapers wrote that:

“The construction and opening of this institution is a well-known era in the provision of obstetric care to the Moscow population, not so much because the specially built building met all the requirements of science, but mainly because the basis for doing business and care were new principles for Moscow. Like any innovation, they caused great talk and attacks, but now, after 10 years, they have won the right to citizenship and are accepted more or less in all similar institutions in the city of Moscow, and the maternity hospital named after A.A. Apricot serves as a model to be reckoned with. How strong the sympathy of the population of Moscow for the maternity hospital is shown by the growth in receipts, which forced the institution to increase the number of beds from 55 to 110 and increase the number of appointments to 6,000 per year. Maternity hospital named after A.A. Abrikosova serves not only her direct tasks of providing obstetric care, but also serves, so to speak, as a hotbed of practical obstetric knowledge, because for 10 years, hundreds of doctors and midwives improved in it. For the last 5 years, the maternity hospital has served as a clinic for Moscow women's courses. For 10 years, about 44,000 women in labor were admitted to the maternity hospital, about 7,000 operations were performed, of which 50 were caesarean sections.

On December 6, 1918, the city maternity hospital named after A.A. Abrikosova was renamed the maternity hospital named after N.K. Krupskaya.

In 1925, after the departure of A.N. Rakhmanov (1861-1926) from the post of chief physician, the name of Abrikosova was crossed out and forgotten. In place of the memorial plaque crowning charitable activities, a portrait of N.K. Krupskaya, and on the facade in the right tower, - “named after A.A. Abrikosova” was replaced by “named after N.K. Krupskaya".

From 1976 to 1980, a major overhaul was carried out in the maternity hospital.

Maternity hospital №6 named after A.A. apricot
Modern look.

From 1993 to the present, the maternity hospital has been operating with 104 beds. Every year, up to 2,000 newborns are born in the maternity hospital, and the performance indicators coincide with the average city.


Front entrance to the City Maternity Hospital No. A.A. Apricot.

In 1994, at the initiative of the descendants of A.A. Abrikosova and with the support of the team of doctors of Maternity Hospital No. 6, the city authorities of Moscow returned the name of its founder to the famous maternity hospital.

Commemorative plaque in the lobby of the Maternity Hospital. A.A. Apricot.

In 1994, cooperation began with the Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences to develop a program for the introduction and promotion of breastfeeding, as a result of which, in 1999, the maternity hospital, the first in Moscow, was awarded the title and a WHO / UNICEF commemorative badge "A child-friendly hospital."

Since 2003, the maternity hospital has been headed by Braginskaya Svetlana Genrikhovna- Doctor of Medical Sciences. Of the 16 obstetrician-gynecologists, 4 are candidates of science, 8 have the highest qualification category.

The maternity hospital is located in the old town, in the center of Moscow, on a quiet green street. The building of the maternity hospital still retains its original beauty and comfort, is conveniently located, has its own garden, where women walk in the summer. Many Muscovites know maternity rum No. 6, their children were born here, they themselves were born here, their parents were born here.


Maternity hospital named after A.A. APRICOT -


According to the booklet:
“100 years of the City Maternity Hospital No. 6 named after A.A. Apricot".

City Maternity Hospital No. 6 im. A.A. Apricot.

Address: 2nd Miusskaya street, 10/1 (metro station Belorusskaya-ring), entrance 2, 3rd floor
Phone for information: 8-499-978-51-64
Attention! When calling inside code 499, you need to dial: 499-978-51-64 (without 8)

Childbirth school phone number:
for residents of the Central Administrative District, the Childbirth Preparation School - free of charge (tel. 8-499-978-51-64).
for others, information by phone.

Maternity Hospital No. 6 was opened on May 25, 1906 with donations from family members of Agrippina Alexandrovna Abrikosova, who fulfill her spiritual will. The chief physician of the city maternity hospital named after A.A. Abrikosova, became an obstetrician A.N. Rakhmanov (husband of one of the daughters of A.A. Abrikosova), who stood at the origins of the public organization of obstetrics in Moscow. The Abrikosovsky maternity hospital has seen a lot in its lifetime: revolutionary confusion; the Great Patriotic War, during which the maternity hospital continued its work; post-war devastation, times of "stagnation" and "fresh wind" of change.
In the maternity hospital, intensive scientific work has always been carried out. Within its walls from 1945 to 1950 there were departments of obstetrics and gynecology of the I MMI named after I.M. Sechenov and the Institute for the Improvement of Doctors. Since 1980 maternity hospital No. 6 is the base of the city clinical residency .

In 1994, cooperation began with the Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences to develop a program for the introduction and promotion of breastfeeding, as a result of which, in 1999, the maternity hospital, the first in Moscow, was awarded the title and a WHO / UNICEF commemorative badge "Baby Friendly Hospital" .

Doctors working in the maternity hospital do not abuse anesthesia during childbirth, preferring their natural course, even in complicated cases. For example - childbirth in the breech presentation of the fetus, 73% of which pass through the natural birth canal.

In the maternity hospital, early attachment of the baby to the breast is welcome.

Today, the head of maternity hospital No. 6 is Svetlana Genrikhovna Braginskaya, Doctor of Medical Sciences.

Commercial services based on Maternity Hospital No. 6

Childbirth contract: Contract for individual childbirth is from 36 weeks of pregnancy. Childbirth leads personal obstetrician-gynecologist together with the obstetric team, also consisting of a midwife, an anesthesiologist and a pediatrician. After the conclusion of the contract, the expectant mother gets the opportunity to contact her obstetrician-gynecologist and consult on issues that have arisen or, if labor activity has begun, call him for childbirth. In the commercial department, 9 doctors of the first and highest category (heads of departments and leading specialists) deliver babies. The first stage of labor takes place in prenatal ward , and then, as labor activity develops, the woman is transferred to delivery room. Optionally, during childbirth the presence of a spouse or other significant person for a woman . Those who wish to be present at the birth of the accompanying person must have the results of tests for AIDS, RW, hepatitis B and C.

Maternity Hospital No. 6 can offer you an exclusive form of contract - "Natural Childbirth". This is a contract for those who are maximally tuned in to natural childbirth without medical intervention and have no contraindications to natural childbirth. The fundamental difference from other offers is that by concluding a contract, you communicate not only with an individual obstetrician-gynecologist, but also with a midwife who will help you prepare for childbirth, accompany you to the hospital when childbirth begins and, together with the doctor, will take your birth. I would like to note that the birth of a child, under the contract "Natural Birth", takes place in a special delivery room, which is not at all like traditional maternity units, because. its interior is close to home environment.

Commercial Postnatal Unit consists of six 1 - 2-bed wards of joint stay of mother and child.
Each of them is equipped with new comfortable furniture, a washbasin, blinds on the windows, a refrigerator, a TV, a kettle for boiling water, a comfortable changing table and a chest of drawers for linen. In the commercial department, for every two postpartum wards, there are own toilet rooms with showers, which are equipped with water-heating tanks, which ensures an uninterrupted supply of hot water.

Visits from 17:00 to 19:00, daily. Mobile phones are allowed in the hospital. The discharge of the mother and the newborn during the physiological course of childbirth is carried out on 4-5 days after childbirth, after cesarean section on 7-10 days after the necessary diagnostic procedures for the woman (ultrasound) and preventive vaccinations (BCG, hepatitis B) and tests (for phenylketonuria, hypothyroidism) child. Parents have the right to refuse preventive vaccinations for their child, which is documented. If the length of stay in the maternity hospital for medical reasons is increased beyond the prescribed number of days or the delivery was carried out using an emergency caesarean section, the cost of the contract remains unchanged.

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