Possible causes of weakness in the hands. Muscle weakness Weakness in the right arm

Various pathological processes in the body can cause weakness in the hands. Only a specialist can understand the problem after a full examination. It is impossible to make a diagnosis for yourself, and even more so to self-medicate, so as not to worsen your condition and not face even greater problems.

Possible etiological factors

Sudden weakness in the arms can occur in anyone, even the most healthy person. Despite the fact that such a condition passes as quickly as it arises, it cannot be left unattended. Perhaps in this way the body signals the onset of a serious illness. To find out the cause of this syndrome, you need to consult a doctor.

The appearance of unexpected weakness in the upper limbs may indicate the presence of neurological disorders, which result in disruptions in muscle activity. Unpleasant symptoms may be the result of impaired metabolism or dehydration. This situation occurs when the necessary drinking regimen is not observed or with a strict diet. Malfunctions in the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys or liver can also cause weakness and pain in the hands. In addition, malaise is caused by inflammatory processes in the scapular, carpal and shoulder areas.

When the first signs of weakness in the upper limbs appear, it is necessary to analyze whether they are accompanied by additional symptoms: numbness, severe pain, loss of sensitivity. If such deviations are noted, then this indicates the development of a number of diseases:

  • inflammatory process in one of the body systems;
  • the presence of infection, diabetes, lack of protein, anemia, hypovitaminosis.

As a result of these diseases, weakness of the muscles of the hands can develop. To eliminate this syndrome, it is necessary to begin treatment of the underlying ailment.

Diseases that cause discomfort

Quite often, weakness in the arms is a signal from the body about an impending stroke. As soon as serious blood flow disorders occur, this symptom is one of the first to appear. Most often one side is affected. Weakness in the left arm causes a right-sided stroke. The pathology of the left hemisphere of the brain provokes the occurrence of weakness in the right hand. In many cases, the same symptoms are felt in the lower extremities.

In addition, there is a violation of speech and coordination of movements, the patient may complain of headaches and dizziness, blackouts, vomiting and nausea. In acute stroke, it is necessary to quickly deliver the patient to the hospital. If treatment is not started on time, the condition can worsen dramatically and even lead to death.

Weakness in the limbs of the left side may also indicate problems with the cardiovascular system, disorders in the functioning of the kidneys and spleen, the development of vegetovascular dystonia, problems with the spine.

Much more often you can hear complaints of malaise in the right hand. The reason for this may be scoliosis - curvature of the spine. Incorrect arrangement of the vertebrae leads to clamping of the nerve endings and provokes the occurrence of weakness and numbness of the hand.

Among the reasons that cause weakness in the arms, tingling, partial loss of sensation and impaired motor functions, some experts point out various damage to the spinal cord resulting from its compression. For example, the loss of strength in the arms with osteochondrosis is caused by compression of the cervical spinal nerves. The same symptoms are observed in the development of cervical spondylosis. This pathology is characterized by the formation of bone growths around the vertebrae.

Unilateral weakness in the hand is observed with radiculopathy, a disease caused by damage to the nerve roots. This pathology has additional signs. Its development is accompanied by pain in the neck, transmitted to the right or left hand. Quite often there is not only a decrease in strength in the limbs, but also a violation of their sensitivity.

Most often, the development of the disease can be provoked by great physical exertion or injury. Its onset is either acute or gradual. At the first signs, you need to consult a neurologist or neurologist. In addition to drug therapy, the doctor will recommend massage, physiotherapy, physiotherapy exercises. If necessary, conduct a drug blockade.

A gradual increase in weakness in the hands is characteristic of polyneuropathy - multiple lesions of the peripheral nervous system. Although an acute stage of the development of the disease is also possible. In addition to the main symptom, there are severe pains in the upper and lower extremities, sensitivity is disturbed.

Treatment of pathology is based on the elimination of the underlying cause and the establishment of control over the general condition of the patient. In addition to visiting a neuropathologist and a neurologist, you will also need to consult an endocrinologist. If the patient complains of severe pain, then he is prescribed complex therapy, including painkillers. Physical therapy, physiotherapy and massage will be prescribed.

Weakness in the hands can be caused by myasthenia gravis, a neuromuscular disease characterized by pathologically rapid fatigue. The main symptoms of this disease develop after prolonged and heavy physical exertion associated with constant flexion and extension of the hands and arms. Muscles begin to "get tired" and cease to obey. In the most severe cases, paralysis occurs.

The reason for the decrease in muscle strength and tone may be a violation of the conduction of nerve impulses from the motor centers of the brain and spinal cord to the muscles, as well as the pathology of the muscles themselves. Damage to peripheral nerves is called neuropathy, muscle damage is called myopathy. These are quite rare diseases, the cause of which can be genetic factors, intoxications, some diseases (thyroid diseases, malignant neoplasms, etc.)

A decrease in muscle strength and tone is more often a symptom of diseases of the spine and spinal cord. At the same time, the appearance of muscle weakness is a sign of severe compression of the nerve structures and in many cases requires urgent surgical intervention. As a result of reduced muscle strength, patients may complain of weakness in the arms or legs, which leads to difficulty in daily activities and walking. A decrease in muscle strength is called paresis, a complete lack of muscle strength is called plegia or paralysis.

With a prolonged violation of muscle innervation, atrophic changes may develop in them. The most common cause of paresis of the upper extremities is a herniated disc of the cervical spine, which leads to compression of the nerve root or spinal cord. Another reason for the development of weakness in the limbs is the compression of nerve structures by bone outgrowths (osteophytes), which can form with degenerative disease of the intervertebral discs.

Most often, osteophytes compress the nerve roots in the foramina. In the foramina, which are located in the lateral sections of the spinal column, nerve roots and blood vessels pass. When the nerve root is compressed, symptoms of radiculopathy appear, such as pain in the arm or leg, numbness of the skin, and weakness of the muscles that are innervated by the damaged nerve root. Spinal stenosis can also cause muscle weakness.

In the later stages of the development of a degenerative disease of the intervertebral discs (), narrowing of the spinal canal is possible as a result of hypertrophy of the ligaments of the spine, facet joints and the development of osteophytes. In this case, compression of the nerve roots (with stenosis at the lumbar level) or the spinal cord (with compression of the spinal cord at the cervical level) occurs. As a result of compression of the spinal cord, myelopathy develops - a disease manifested by weakness of the muscles of the upper and lower extremities, decreased sensitivity and dysfunction of the pelvic organs.

In most patients, myelopathy is characterized by a slowly progressive benign course. At the same time, the timely performance of a surgical operation aimed at decompressing the spinal cord makes it possible to stop the process and achieve partial or complete regression of symptoms.

Weakness in the hands is a fairly common symptom that every person has repeatedly experienced. Simultaneously with this, a person may experience trembling in the upper limbs. Sometimes the hands shake so much that the patient is simply unable to hold any objects, such as a pen or a cup of tea.

In fact, weakness in the hands manifests itself in people from various age categories, while also having no restrictions regarding gender. The causes of this condition can be both physiological (do not require specific treatment) or pathological (trembling and weakness are provoked by the presence of certain diseases).

Etiological factors

All known causes of weakness in the hands are conditionally divided into two large groups - physiological and pathological.

Physiological causes manifestations of trembling and weakness in the hands:

  • hands often shake if a person holds them slightly above the level of the heart for a long time. In this case, weakness in the muscles disappears for several minutes, as soon as the person returns the limbs to their normal position;
  • violation of blood circulation in the limb, due to its prolonged squeezing, for example, during sleep in an uncomfortable position. Often in this case, at the same time with weakness, slight pain and trembling also appear;
  • hands often shake after a sudden change in ambient temperature. For example, if a person was in the cold for a long time, and then went into a warm room.

Pathological causes hand weaknesses:

  • lack of protein compounds in the human body;
  • a wide range of thyroid pathologies. In this case, trembling in the hands is the first sign of the progression of diseases of this gland;
  • progression often causes weakness in the muscles of the upper limbs;
  • neurological pathologies.

Particular attention should be paid if a person regularly notes that his left hand is shaking. This is a rather alarming sign, which in no case should be ignored. Weakness in the left hand is often one of the first symptoms of pathologies of the heart, coronary vessels, and.

Unlike the left, trembling in the right hand does not indicate CCC pathology, but is also a harbinger of some dangerous pathologies, in particular:

  • . With such a pathology, the hand not only shakes, but also a slight pain can be felt in it. Symptoms can appear both constantly and intermittently;
  • (a companion of weakness in the limbs is also pain);
  • damage to the nerve fibers of the brachial plexus.


It is important to understand that weakness in the muscles of the upper limbs is precisely a symptom, and not an independent nosological unit. Simultaneously with it, the clinical picture of the pathology that provoked its expression appears. The following symptoms may occur:

  • pain in the arm or back;
  • dizziness;
  • the inability to fully make active movements with the hand;
  • swelling in the area of ​​​​articular joints;
  • in rare cases, hyperthermia may occur.


If a person's hands are shaking, there is pain and the inability to hold objects, then you should immediately consult a doctor to conduct a full diagnosis of the problem. After all, if such a symptom manifests itself systematically, then this means that a failure has occurred in the body. The diagnostic plan includes the following activities:

  • questioning the patient and his examination;
  • assessment of the medical history, during which the doctor can identify previously transferred pathologies that could cause trembling and pain in the hands;

Therapeutic measures

Treatment of weakness in the hands is prescribed by a doctor only after a comprehensive and complete diagnosis. After all, it is not this symptom that needs to be treated, but the pathology that provoked it. Specialists can appoint such events:

  • compliance with bed rest with the normalization of wakefulness and sleep;
  • diet compliance. In case of a lack of proteins in the body, a diet with increased consumption of products with these substances is prescribed;
  • prescription of anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • the appointment of painkillers in case of manifestation of pain syndrome;
  • physiotherapy gives an excellent effect in eliminating weakness in the hands;
  • exercise (with moderate intensity);
  • vitamin therapy;
  • appointment of chondroprotectors.

The feeling of heaviness in the hands can disturb people with overwork or severe stress, in such cases, after rest and a slight physical workout, the discomfort disappears. If the severity appears regularly, for several days, you should think about visiting a doctor, since this symptom can manifest itself in various pathological conditions of the body.

Causes of heaviness in the hands

Depending on the localization of the feeling of pressure and fullness in the hand, one can assume the presence of a particular disease. For example, discomfort in the wrist or hand most often indicates the occurrence of inflammation of the joints, diffuse heaviness on the left throughout the entire limb can signal cardiac disorders, pathological bone mobility indicates traumatic damage. Therefore, in order to determine which disease provokes heaviness in the hands, it is necessary to undergo a complete examination and tell the doctors about all the accompanying symptoms.

Natural causes of heaviness in the hands

  1. Uncomfortable ("frozen") posture during sleep, performance of professional duties or household chores.
  2. Wearing weights or clothes, accessories (watches, bracelets, rings) that squeeze your hands.
  3. The influence of magnetic storms and sudden changes in atmospheric pressure, air temperature.
  4. Stressful situations leading to temporary vasospasm and, as a result, impaired peripheral circulation in the extremities.
  5. A sedentary lifestyle, excess weight, lack of physical activity cause congestion in the limbs and the appearance of a feeling of heaviness in them.

When the provoking factor is eliminated (change of posture, rest, relaxation, weight loss), discomfort in the hands disappears without a trace.

Pathological causes (diseases) in which heaviness appears in the hands

  1. Cardiac and vascular diseases:
    • angina pectoris, ischemia, with them a pressing feeling occurs not only in the left hand, but also extends to the scapula and sternum, it is accompanied by burning and pain sensations of a bursting or shooting nature;
    • hypertension, vegetovascular dystonia, cardiomyopathy, arteritis, atherosclerosis, these pathologies occur with a feeling of heaviness in one or both hands, with a slight swelling of the subcutaneous tissue on them, changes in blood pressure, headaches, nausea and weakness.
  2. Pathologies of the musculoskeletal system:
    • osteochondrosis (cervical or thoracic), spondylosis, which occur with inflammation or mechanical compression of the nerve roots and vascular plexuses, which causes the appearance of heaviness, muscle spasm or sharp pain in the back and arm on the side of the lesion;
    • curvature of the spine (scoliosis), proceeds with an overstrain of the skeletal muscles, which tries to maintain it in a physiological state, because of this, there are sensations of pressure and tension in the back, shoulder girdle, in the area of ​​​​the shoulder blades;
    • muscle inflammation (myositis), the disease is manifested by their swelling and soreness associated with the accumulation of lactic acid and the loss of natural elasticity in muscle fibers, the initial stage of the disease can occur with a feeling of aches and heaviness in sore spots, including hands.
  3. Diseases of the skeletal system:
    • arthritis, rheumatism, humeroscapular periarthritis, synovitis, bursitis, osteomyelitis, bone tuberculosis, these conditions are characterized by inflammatory changes in the joints, the accumulation of pathological effusion, which can be expressed in the appearance of a feeling of heaviness and a feeling of fullness in the diseased arm;
    • arthrosis, osteoporosis, degenerative tissue changes, these processes are often expressed by discomfort in the upper limbs in the morning (stiffness and heaviness when moving the hands).
  4. Diseases of the blood and lymph:
    • anemia, leukemia, in which cells experience a large oxygen deficiency, so patients often complain of weakness and heaviness in the arms, legs, and throughout the body;
    • lymphostasis, lymphadenitis, lymphogranulomatosis, here violations of the outflow of lymph provoke its stagnation in the vessels and soaking with exudate of nearby tissues, which is subjectively felt as heaviness, bursting or pressure in the hand.
  5. Hormonal diseases:
    • diabetes mellitus, obesity, these pathologies occur with violations of cellular metabolism, with them significant changes occur in the body in the nutrition and functioning of all tissue structures, their dystrophy and atrophy develop over time;
    • thyrotoxicosis, myxedema, here changes in the normal level of hormones provoke weakness of muscle tissue and pathological changes in the bone and cartilage structures of the human body.
  6. Injuries:
    • bruises, sprains, cracks are characterized by a feeling of heaviness and moderate pain in the hand;
    • dislocations, fractures, sprains occur with severe pain, abnormal limb mobility, weakness or heaviness in it.
  7. Kidney diseases that occur with the accumulation of excess fluid in the tissues can be expressed by a feeling of "cast-iron" hands and feet.

Additional symptoms

Each disease, a symptom of which is heaviness in the hands, has a number of additional clinical signs:

  • in diseases of the spine, discomfort occurs, as a rule, during active movements, physical exertion or weight lifting, which are accompanied by a feeling of numbness in the limbs, a feeling of "crawling". These pathologies are most often the result of intense physical or intellectual labor or prolonged hypothermia;
  • endocrine diseases have a negative impact on the entire body: muscles lose their strength (become flabby and weak), sudden changes in weight (gain or fall) and appetite (increase or decrease), emotional instability, sleep disturbances are possible. Exacerbations occur with gross changes in nutrition or after emotional overload;
  • heart disease is characterized by a change in heart rate, the appearance of shortness of breath, skin cyanosis. They are aggravated after physical exertion or stress;
  • inflammatory diseases of the joints and bones are manifested by violent local reactions (redness and swelling of the subcutaneous retina), an increase in body temperature. Often these pathologies manifest themselves in response to a viral or bacterial infection.


An important step in determining the origin of the onset of heaviness in the hands is a survey of patients, establishing the first moment of the appearance of this sensation, previous injuries or diseases.

Examination of patients can tell a lot about: the color of their skin, respiratory rate and heart rate, blood pressure indicators, the presence of edema, muscle tension, etc.

Instrumental techniques are widely used to study the work and condition of internal organs: ECG, ultrasound, CT, MRI, X-ray, etc.

Laboratory tests help to identify inflammatory diseases in the body and changes in the biochemical balance in it.

Studies of the level of hormones in the body reveal endocrine abnormalities.


Therapy for the feeling of heaviness in the hands is based on the treatment of the underlying disease:

  • in degenerative processes in the spine and joints, anti-inflammatory and painkillers, chondroprotectors and physiotherapy are used;
  • in case of endocrine diseases, hormone replacement therapy, diet, sedatives are prescribed;
  • with heart ailments, cardiac glycosides and anabolic agents help;
  • with traumatic injuries, surgical interventions and subsequent rehabilitation measures (exercise therapy, massage, swimming) are necessary.

In any case, treatment should be prescribed only by a doctor, after a comprehensive diagnosis.

Home Treatments

In cases with injuries or suspected acute heart failure, other pathologies of the cardiovascular system, self-treatment is unacceptable, it is important to call an ambulance as soon as possible.

It is possible to relieve heaviness in the hands of the house if it is caused by diseases of the spine, myositis, degenerative diseases of the joints. To help reduce discomfort:

  • gymnastic exercises: waving your arms up and down, shaking them, at least 5-6 times;
  • massage or self-massage: carrying out light stroking and pinching in the up and down direction, 10-15 minutes.


To prevent or reduce the feeling of heaviness in the hands, it is necessary:

  • rationally alternate periods of work and rest;
  • maintain normal weight indicators, engage in physical education, hiking or other types of physical activity;
  • timely treatment for acute and chronic diseases.

Romanovskaya Tatyana Vladimirovna

Muscle tissue is necessary for every person to perform a variety of movements and actions. Thanks to them, we can move in space, speak and even breathe. But sometimes muscle activity gives different failures that require quite close attention and adequate timely correction. So one of the possible violations is muscle weakness in the arms and legs, we will talk on this page www.site about the causes of such a nuisance, consider its symptoms, and also answer the question of how this problem is treated.

About why there is muscle weakness (reasons)

Weakness in the arms and legs can develop for a variety of reasons, sometimes they can be completely natural. So a similar condition often occurs in people involved in sports, for example, after a workout. Natural weakness is a common symptom of viral diseases.

In addition, weakness in the hands can develop due to arthritis, osteochondrosis in the cervical region and spondylosis of the neck. Such a nuisance often occurs against the background of a sprain or inflammatory lesion of the shoulder. Sometimes it is the result of damage to the wrist or shoulder, as well as the area of ​​​​the shoulder blades. We have given far from all pathological conditions that can cause muscle weakness in the hands. Such a symptom may also be accompanied by painful sensations and a feeling of short numbness.

As for muscle weakness in the legs, it can occur due to radiculitis, diabetes mellitus (type 1 or 2). Also, such a violation is sometimes provoked by nervous stress, fatigue and overstrain. Muscle weakness in the lower extremities can develop due to the presence of hernias in the lumbar region, in most of the intervertebral.

It can also be provoked by osteochondrosis in the lumbar region, as well as hormonal failure. Also, a similar phenomenon can be caused by natural causes - overwork, wearing tight shoes, etc.

Muscle weakness in the arms and legs can develop due to autoimmune disorders - myasthenia gravis. Such an ailment usually manifests itself periodically, sometimes aggravating, sometimes being in remission. With such a disease, muscle weakness spreads to other muscles over time.

About how muscle weakness manifests itself (symptoms)

With muscle weakness, a person feels a pronounced decrease in strength either in one muscle or in several at once. At the same time, it is extremely important to differentiate muscle weakness from a general state of fatigue, a feeling of weakness, and also lethargy.

The presence of chronic muscle fatigue is felt in a certain place, while the general condition of the body remains vigorous.

How muscle weakness is corrected (treatment depending on the causes)

Therapy for muscle weakness depends solely on what caused it. Treatment can only be selected by a doctor who will conduct a complete diagnosis and determine the cause of the disease.

Myasthenia gravis is considered the most serious problem that can provoke muscle weakness. Such a disease cannot be completely cured, the patient is shown to undergo physiotherapeutic procedures aimed at restoring muscle tone. Doctors also prescribe drugs that slow down and stop pathological processes. Among these medicines are Prozerin, Kalimin, Oksazil, Metipred, and Prednisolone.

If the cause of muscle weakness lies in the pathologies of the nervous system, a neuropathologist is involved in the treatment. The patient is shown physiotherapy exercises, massages and physiotherapy. The doctor also selects the means of symptomatic therapy, neuroprotective drugs, vitamin formulations, etc.

Many disorders that cause weakness in the arms and legs can be successfully corrected with the help of manual therapy sessions. Manual specialists effectively select sparing techniques that help restore optimal blood circulation, eliminate increased swelling, as well as muscle spasm. Conducting a course of manual therapy in parallel with exercise therapy helps to improve the general condition of blood vessels, eliminate weakness and stop other negative processes.

In the event that muscle weakness is the result of overwork, excessive physical exertion, etc., the patient needs to completely reconsider his lifestyle. It is extremely important to systematically fully rest and reduce the intensity of stress. With such violations, it is necessary to make the diet as balanced and complete as possible, adhere to the drinking regime and take measures to prevent dehydration. If necessary, you should take care to change shoes to the most comfortable. Massages, warm relaxing baths will benefit.

If you first encountered weakness in the limbs, it is extremely important to consult a doctor in a timely manner. When unpleasant symptoms appear, you need to relax and have a good rest. You need to sit down or lie down for twenty to thirty minutes. This time may be enough to temporarily optimize the state. It is also recommended to drink some kind of sedative. A good option would be tea based on mint, lemon balm, etc.

Thus, the feeling of muscle weakness in the arms or legs is a serious symptom that can signal many disorders. Therefore, when it occurs, it is necessary to seek medical help.

Ekaterina, www.site

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