Sports holiday for children and their parents "fun fun". Sports competitions

Those who want to play (6 people) need to be divided into two teams. Give each of them a big ball, very well inflated. On command, the players must reach their destination as quickly as possible. Moreover, one of the team must move on the ball, seeding on it with their feet, and the other two players of the team must support it to maintain balance.


The place for the game turns into a field for hunting. On both sides of it, border stripes are drawn at the ends of the site. From each team you need one person - a hunter. The rest will be objects for hunting. Hunters should become in the center of the playing space, turning to the "game". At the sign of the leader, all "game" leaves the place behind the line where it was previously and runs behind the line on the opposite side of the field of play. Hunters, holding hands, should catch in their "snares" as much "game" as possible, closing their arms around it. Whoever is caught must work for the benefit of the hunters. He joins them, thus increasing the size of the "snares" and catching the rest of the "game" together with the hunters. If the hands of the hunters open, the caught has the right to run away. The game continues until there is a circle of all players holding hands.

deliver water

This fun game requires a clean floor or grassy area. First you need to mark the boundaries of the game (start and finish): make two chalk strips (or lay two ropes), placing them 10 meters apart. Participants stand before the start, leaning on their knees and hands ("dog-like"). On the backs of the players you need to put small containers of water. It is better, of course, to fill them only 1/2 of the volume. On command, the participants must reach the finish line as quickly as possible, and then back to the start. The winner is the one who returns faster than others without spilling the contents of the container.

Ball boxing

The game is noisy and exciting. Participants should wear something bulky on their hands, ideally boxing gloves. On command, the players should burst small balloons. Whoever slammed the greater number of them, he won. Game time should be limited to 1-2 minutes.

The teams are lined up in one column one at a time in front of the backboards at a distance of 2-3 meters. At the signal, the first number throws the ball around the ring, then puts the ball down, and the second player also takes the ball and throws it into the ring, and so on. The team that gets into the ring the most wins.


In the center of the circle or stage are two easels with paper. The facilitator calls two groups of five people. At the leader’s signal, the first from the group take coal and draw the beginning of the drawing, at the signal they pass the coal to the next one. The task is for all five competitors to draw a given drawing faster than their opponents. Everyone should be involved in drawing.

The tasks are simple: draw a steam locomotive, a bicycle, a steamer, a truck, a tram, an airplane, etc.

Running with three balls

On the start line, the first one takes 3 balls in a convenient way (football, volleyball and basketball). On a signal, he runs with them to the turning flag and stacks the balls near it. It comes back empty. The next participant runs empty to the lying balls, picks them up, returns with them back to the team and, not reaching 1m, puts them on the floor.

Instead of large balls, you can take 6 tennis,

Instead of running, jumping.


There are two teams of 6 children. This is a grandfather, grandmother, Bug, granddaughter, cat and mouse. There are 2 chairs on the opposite wall of the hall. A turnip sits on each chair - a child in a hat with a picture of a turnip.

The grandfather starts the game. On a signal, he runs to the turnip, runs around it and returns, the grandmother clings to him (takes him by the waist), and they continue to run together, go around the turnip again and run back, then the granddaughter joins them, etc. At the end of the game for a turnip clings to a mouse. The team that pulls out the turnip the fastest wins.

Relay with hoops

Two lines are drawn on the track at a distance of 20 - 25 m from one another. Each player must roll the hoop from the first to the second line, come back and pass the hoop to his friend. The team that finishes the relay first wins.

Relay with hoop and rope

Teams are built as if they were in a relay race. The guide of the first subgroup has a gymnastic hoop, and the guide of the second subgroup has a jump rope. On a signal, the player with the hoop rushes forward, jumping over the hoop (like a jump rope). As soon as the player with the hoop crosses the start line of the opposite column, the player with the rope starts, who moves forward by jumping the rope. Each participant, after completing the task, passes the inventory to the next player in the column. This continues until the participants complete the task and change places in the columns. Runs are prohibited.


4 players (2 from each team) stand on the start line. Everyone gets 3 big balls. They must be carried to the final destination and returned back. It is very difficult to hold 3 balls in your hands, and it is also not easy to pick up a fallen ball without assistance. Therefore, porters have to move slowly and carefully (the distance should not be too large). The team that completes the task the fastest wins.

Ball race underfoot

Players are divided into 2 teams. The first player sends the ball back between the spread legs of the players. The last player of each team leans down, catches the ball and runs forward with it along the column, stands at the beginning of the column and again sends the ball between the legs apart, and so on. The team that completes the relay the fastest wins.

Three jumps

The participants are divided into two teams. At a distance of 8-10 m from the start line, put a rope and a hoop. After the signal, the 1st, having reached the rope, picks it up, makes three jumps on the spot, puts it down and runs back. The 2nd takes the hoop and makes three jumps through it and the rope and the hoop alternate. Whose team can do it faster, that one will win.

Forbidden movement

The players, together with the leader, stand in a circle. The leader takes a step forward to be more visible. If there are few players, then you can build them in a line, and stand in front of them yourself. The leader invites the guys to perform all the movements behind him, with the exception of the prohibited, pre-established by him. For example, it is forbidden to perform the "hands on the belt" movement. The leader begins to make different movements to the music, and all the players repeat them. Unexpectedly, the leader performs a forbidden movement. The participant of the game, repeating it, takes a step forward, and then continues to play.

ball race

The players are divided into two, three or four teams and stand in columns one at a time. Those in front have a volleyball. At the signal of the leader, the transfer of balls back begins. When the ball reaches the one standing behind, he runs with the ball to the head of the column (everyone takes a step back), becomes the first and starts passing the ball back, etc. The game continues until each of the team players is first. It is necessary to make sure that the ball is passed with straight arms with an inclination back, and the distance in the columns would be at least a step.

Passed - sit down!

The players are divided into several teams, 7-8 people each, and line up behind the common starting line in a column one at a time. Captains stand in front of each column facing it at a distance of 5 - 6 m. Captains receive a volleyball. On a signal, each captain passes the ball to the first player in his column. Having caught the ball, this player returns it to the captain and crouches. The captain throws the ball to the second, then the third and subsequent players. Each of them, returning the ball to the captain, crouches. Having received the ball from the last player of his column, the captain lifts it up, and all the players of his team jump up. The team with the fastest players to complete the task wins.


Children stand in two columns. Place a hoop at a distance of 3m in front of each column. Children take turns throwing sandbags with their right and left hands, trying to hit the hoop. If the child hit, then his team counts 1 point. Outcome: whoever has more points, that team won.

needle eye

There are 2 or 3 hoops on the ground along the relay line. Starting, the first one must run to the first hoop, pick it up and pass it through itself. Then with the next hoops also. And so on the way back.

relay race with rope

The players of each team are built behind the common starting line in a column one at a time. A turntable is placed in front of each column at a distance of 10 - 12 m. On a signal, the guide in the column runs out from behind the starting line and moves forward, jumping over the rope. At the turntable, he folds the rope in half and intercepts it in one hand. He moves back, jumping on two legs and rotating the rope horizontally under his feet. At the finish, the participant passes the rope to the next player of his team, and he himself stands at the end of his column. The team whose players finish the relay more accurately and earlier wins.

Counter relay with bars

Children are divided into teams of 6 - 8 people each. Participants are built in oncoming columns one by one at a distance of 8 - 10 m from one another. The guides of the columns of the first group receive 3 wooden bars, the thickness and width of which are at least 10 cm, the length is 25 cm. Putting 2 bars (one on the start line, the other in front, a step away from the first), each of the managers stands on the bars with both feet , and holds the third bar in his hands. On a signal, the player, without leaving the bars, puts the third bar in front of him and transfers the leg that was behind him to it. He shifts the freed bar forward and transfers his leg to it. So the player moves to the opposite column. The guide of the opposite column, having received the bars behind the start line, does the same. The winner is the team whose players quickly change places in the columns.

Animal Relay

The players are divided into 2 - 4 equal teams and line up in columns one at a time. Players in teams take the names of animals. Those standing first are called "bears", the second - "wolves", the third - "foxes", the fourth - "hares". A starting line is drawn in front of those in front. At the command of the educator, team members must jump to a given place in the same way as real animals do. The team of "wolves" run like wolves, the team of "hares" - like hares, etc.

Rhythmic relay race with sticks

The game is played between two or more teams that line up in columns in front of the start line. The first team players have gymnastic sticks in their hands. At the signal of the leader, the players run with them to the counter, located 15 m from the start line, run around it and return to their columns. Holding a stick by one end, they carry it along the column under the feet of the players, who, without moving from their place, jump over it. Once at the end of the column, the player passes the stick to the partner in front of him, the next one, and so on until the stick reaches the player leading the column. He runs forward with a stick, repeating the task. The game ends when all players have covered the course.

Stripe jumping

On the floor across the site, there are strips 50 cm wide. The team players stand on one side of the site. On a signal, the first players begin to jump from strip to strip. Jumps can be performed from foot to foot, two at the same time, etc. - on the instructions of the teacher. Those who complete the task correctly receive a point. The team with the most points wins. Repeated 2-3 times.

unload the car

Children are invited to unload "cars" with "vegetables". Cars are placed against one wall, and two baskets are placed opposite them against the other wall. Near the baskets, one player stands up at a time and, on a signal, they run to the cars. You can carry vegetables one at a time. Vegetables should be the same in all machines, both in quantity and volume.

Other members can then "load" the machines; In this case, the players stand at the cars, run to the baskets on a signal and transfer the vegetables to the cars.

Cars can be boxes, chairs; vegetables - skittles, cubes, etc.

On the chair are two sundresses and two scarves. Whoever quickly puts on a sundress and ties a scarf is the winner.


Turn the sleeves of two jackets inside out and hang them over the backs of chairs. Place the chairs at a distance of one meter with their backs to each other. Place two meters of string under the chairs. Both participants stand at their chairs. On a signal, they should take jackets, turn out sleeves, put on, fasten all buttons. Then run around the opponent's chair, sit on your chair and pull the rope.

Who quickly

Children with jump ropes in their hands stand in a line on one side of the playground so as not to interfere with each other. In 15 - 20 steps, a line is drawn or a cord with flags is laid down. After the agreed signal, all the children simultaneously jump in the direction of the laid cord. The one who gets close to her first wins.

Hitting the ball on target

At a distance of 8-10 m, a skittle or a flag is set. Each team member gets the right to one throw, he must try to knock down the target. After each throw, the ball is returned to the team. If the target is knocked down, it is set to its original place. The team with the most accurate hits wins.

The ball does not fly, but rolls on the ground, thrown by hand,

Players kick the ball with their feet

Players throw the ball with both hands over their heads.

Ball in the ring

The teams are lined up in one column one at a time in front of the backboards at a distance of 2-3 meters. At the signal, the first number throws the ball around the ring, then puts the ball down, and the second player also takes the ball and throws it into the ring, and so on. The team that gets into the ring the most wins.


In the center of the circle or stage are two easels with paper. The facilitator calls two groups of five people. At the leader’s signal, the first from the group take coal and draw the beginning of the drawing, at the signal they pass the coal to the next one. The task is for all five competitors to draw a given drawing faster than their opponents. Everyone should be involved in drawing.

The tasks are simple: draw a steam locomotive, a bicycle, a steamer, a truck, a tram, an airplane, etc.

Roll up the ball

The players are divided into groups of 2 - 5 people. Each of them receives a task: during the set time (8 - 10 minutes) roll up a snowball as large as possible. The group that rolls up the largest snowball by the specified time wins.

Running with three balls

On the start line, the first one takes 3 balls in a convenient way (football, volleyball and basketball). On a signal, he runs with them to the turning flag and stacks the balls near it. It comes back empty. The next participant runs empty to the lying balls, picks them up, returns with them back to the team and, not reaching 1m, puts them on the floor.

Instead of large balls, you can take 6 tennis,

Instead of running, jumping.


Inflate a balloon

For this contest you will need 8 balloons. 8 people are selected from the hall. They give out balloons. At the command of the host, the participants begin to inflate the balloons, but so that the balloon does not burst when inflated. The one who completes the task first wins.


There are two teams of 6 children. This is a grandfather, grandmother, Bug, granddaughter, cat and mouse. There are 2 chairs on the opposite wall of the hall. A turnip sits on each chair - a child in a hat with a picture of a turnip.

The grandfather starts the game. On a signal, he runs to the turnip, runs around it and returns, the grandmother clings to him (takes him by the waist), and they continue to run together, go around the turnip again and run back, then the granddaughter joins them, etc. At the end of the game for a turnip clings to a mouse. The team that pulls out the turnip the fastest wins.

Relay with hoops

Two lines are drawn on the track at a distance of 20 - 25 m from one another. Each player must roll the hoop from the first to the second line, come back and pass the hoop to his friend. The team that finishes the relay first wins.

Relay with hoop and rope

Teams are built as if they were in a relay race. The guide of the first subgroup has a gymnastic hoop, and the guide of the second subgroup has a jump rope. On a signal, the player with the hoop rushes forward, jumping over the hoop (like a jump rope). As soon as the player with the hoop crosses the start line of the opposite column, the player with the rope starts, who moves forward by jumping the rope. Each participant, after completing the task, passes the inventory to the next player in the column. This continues until the participants complete the task and change places in the columns. Runs are prohibited.


4 players (2 from each team) stand on the start line. Everyone gets 3 big balls. They must be carried to the final destination and returned back. It is very difficult to hold 3 balls in your hands, and it is also not easy to pick up a fallen ball without assistance. Therefore, porters have to move slowly and carefully (the distance should not be too large). The team that completes the task the fastest wins.

Ball race underfoot

Players are divided into 2 teams. The first player sends the ball back between the spread legs of the players. The last player of each team leans down, catches the ball and runs forward with it along the column, stands at the beginning of the column and again sends the ball between the legs apart, and so on. The team that completes the relay the fastest wins.

watermelon helmet

Choose a few volunteers. Give each volunteer half a watermelon. Their task is to eat all the pulp of the watermelon as quickly as possible, picking it out with their hands. The cleaned "watermelon helmet" must be put on your head.
The winner is the one who does it faster and whose helmet is whiter on the inside.

Three jumps

The participants are divided into two teams. At a distance of 8-10 m from the start line, put a rope and a hoop. After the signal, the 1st, having reached the rope, picks it up, makes three jumps on the spot, puts it down and runs back. The 2nd takes the hoop and makes three jumps through it and the rope and the hoop alternate. Whose team can do it faster, that one will win.

hoops race

The players are divided into equal teams and lined up along the sidelines of the court. On the right flank of each team is a captain; he is wearing 10 gymnastic hoops. On a signal, the captain takes off the first hoop and passes it through himself from top to bottom or vice versa and passes it to the next player. At the same time, the captain takes off the second hoop and passes it on to his neighbor, who, having completed the task, passes the hoop on. Thus, each player, having passed a hoop to a neighbor, immediately receives a new hoop. The trailing player in the line puts on all the hoops. The team whose players complete the task faster gets the winning point. The team whose players win twice wins.

Quick threes

Players stand in a circle in threes - one after the other. The first numbers of each three join hands and an inner circle is formed. The second and third numbers, holding hands, form a large outer circle. On a signal, the guys standing in the inner circle run to the right with side steps, and those standing in the outer circle - to the left. On the second signal, the players release their hands and stand in their triples. Each time the circles move in the other direction. The players of the trio who gather faster get the winning point. The game is played 4 - 5 minutes. The trio with the most points wins.

Forbidden movement

The players, together with the leader, stand in a circle. The leader takes a step forward to be more visible. If there are few players, then you can build them in a line, and stand in front of them yourself. The leader invites the guys to perform all the movements behind him, with the exception of the prohibited, pre-established by him. For example, it is forbidden to perform the "hands on the belt" movement. The leader begins to make different movements to the music, and all the players repeat them. Unexpectedly, the leader performs a forbidden movement. The participant of the game, repeating it, takes a step forward, and then continues to play.

The relay race for preschoolers should be fun and provocative. Music, contests and awarding the winners - all this should be in a sports festival.

The task of holding sports events in kindergarten is the development of physical qualities in a child and the formation of motor skills. In addition, the child develops moral and volitional qualities, courage, endurance, independence and purposefulness.

The purpose of these holidays- this is the introduction of children to sports and the development of their desire for a healthy lifestyle. Children from a young age learn to actively and organizedly spend their holidays.

Fun starts - finish!

Scenario sports holiday in kindergarten

First you need to decorate the hall: hang posters with slogans about a healthy lifestyle and the benefits of movement. The central wall should be bright and eye-catching.

Tip: In the corners of the hall, set up stands with children's drawings on the theme "We are friends with physical education." Kids, together with their parents, come up with the name of their teams and the motto.

The scenario of a sports festival in kindergarten begins with the sound of a march, and the teams come out to applause:

  • Leading hello with the participants and announces the beginning of the holiday:

Our fun marathon
We will start now.
If you want to be healthy
Come see us at the stadium!
Jump, run and play
Never be discouraged!
You will be dexterous, strong, courageous,
Fast and skillful!

  • The facilitator invites the teams to get to know each other and they take turns saying their name and reciting the motto
  • Before the start warm-up training, the body warms up, the muscles warm up - everything, like real athletes
  • Musical accompaniment sounds and the kids begin to perform rhythmic exercises
  • After the end of the workout presenter says:

Hockey is a great game!
We have a decent platform.
Now who is the bravest?
Come play quickly!

  • Relay races and competitions begin. After several competitions, the children need to rest
  • Everyone sat down and began to guess riddles about sports:

What is an ice dancer called? (Figure skater)
The beginning of the road to the finish line. (Start)
Flying ball in badminton. (Shuttlecock)
How often are the Olympic Games held? (Once every 4 years)
What is the name of the ball out of play? (Out)

  • After the rest, relay races continue. The result of sports competitions will be the awarding of winners

Leader's words:

Thank you all for your attention
For interesting victories and ringing laughter.
For fun competition
And long-awaited success!

As a prize for the winner, parents can bake a big one.

Important: Children will be happy to eat such a treat after a fun physical education, drinking compote or tea.

Children's sports competitions for preschoolers

No sports event is complete without fun competitions. They help develop in kids quick wits, quick thinking and quick reactions.

Children's sports competitions for preschoolers:


  • Everyone's favorite snowball game. Instead of snow, each team has sheets of paper of its own color.
  • Participants crumple sheets and throw them at rivals
  • After that, the participants begin to collect their team's snowballs in bags. Whoever collects faster wins


  • From each team of kids, one person is called
  • Two empty and one full containers are placed in front of the participants.
  • Any large items are completely mixed, for example, pasta of different colors
  • The task of the participants is to arrange pasta of the same color in boxes.
  • Whoever completes the task faster wins.


  • Two teams stand in two rows. At the end of the hall, two chairs opposite each of the teams
  • The task of each player is to reach the finish line in the form of an animal.
  • The facilitator says "Frog", and the players start jumping like a frog, running to the chair and back
  • In the middle of the competition, the host says “Bear, and the next participants run to the chair and back like a clumsy bear
  • The victory will be for the team that copes well with the task and its last member is the first to reach the finish line

Fun starts: sports relay race for children

The kids are looking forward to the sports day. They are happy to help decorate the hall and hang out their drawings. Both adults and children like fun starts.

Sports relay races for children:


  • Two teams line up and are given hockey sticks
  • With their help, you need to bring the cube to the finish line and back.


  • Ride in a bag or on a stick to the finish line and back
  • The stick or bag is passed to the next participant - so on until the victory

"No Hands"

  • Two people from the team to carry the ball to the finish line without touching their hands. You can hold the ball with your stomachs, heads


  • Captain inside the hoop - he's driving
  • Runs up, takes one participant to him, and they go to the finish line
  • So you need to "transport" each participant

Competition of sports games for kindergarten children

Children love fun games and competitions, so fun should be accompanied by music.

Important: In order to easily attract kids to the game, it is necessary to show by example how the relay race should be carried out.

Tip: Only run contests that you know are safe.

Children can be offered such contests of sports games for kindergarten children:


The kids are divided into two teams. Each team has one toy truck with a doll or soft toy. Participants must drive the truck by the rope along the designated path to the finish line. Which team will complete this task faster, that one will be the winner.


Two teams of participants are given a roll of toilet paper. One "mummy" is selected, which must be wrapped with paper. Whichever team completes the task the fastest wins.


Children are given markers. There are two drawing papers hanging on the wall. Two children come out and start drawing one of the friends of their kindergarten group. The felt-tip pen is not held by the hands, but by the mouth. Which of the children will be the first to know whose portrait is drawn, then won. The next one is to draw the one who answered correctly.

Important: You can involve adults in children's competitions - dads, moms, grandparents.


Dads help in this competition. Adult is a horse. The child sits on the father's back. It is necessary to "jump" to the finish line. Whoever gets there faster wins.

Fun contests for kids

Toddlers love fun games. They will be happy to throw the ball or run from start to finish. Therefore, in kindergarten they can be offered such fun competitions for children:


Set up two chairs. Put on them a sundress and a scarf. Whoever puts on the costume faster wins.


Sleeves of two jackets turn inside out. Jackets are hung on the backs of chairs, which are installed back to back. Lay a rope two meters long under the chairs. At the signal of the facilitator, the participants run up to the chairs and begin to put on jackets, turning the sleeves inside out. After that, they run around the chairs, sit on them and pull the rope.

"Who quickly?"

Children stand in a line with jump ropes in their hands. A line is drawn 20 meters from them and a rope with flags is placed. On a signal, the kids begin to jump to the line. The winner will be the child who jumps to the edge first.

Important: Thanks to such holidays and competitions, adults direct the energy of children in the right direction.

These activities teach kids to be brave, help friends and be persistent in a playful way. Funny contests turn even an ordinary summer walk in kindergarten into an exciting and interesting event.

Video: Sports competitions for children and parents were held in kindergarten No. 40 Zvyozdochka

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