How much does mycoplasma analysis cost. How do the analysis for mycoplasma in women and men. Why additional tests are carried out when detecting mycoplasma

Mycoplasmosis is a urogenital infection. It may not manifest itself for years, but under adverse conditions it can cause great damage to health. The Polyclinic + 1 Medical Center conducts an accurate diagnosis of mycoplasmosis, which allows you to prescribe an effective treatment.

  • Experienced venereologists with 20 years of experience
  • Urgent tests for HIV, Syphilis, Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C - 500 rubles for one infection, tests will be ready for 20 minutes
  • Treatment is anonymous - no need for your passport
  • Clinic in the center of Moscow, 5 minutes from Novokuznetskaya or Tretyakovskaya metro stations, there is parking

In the course of research, we identify all three types of pathogens of this disease:

  • Mycoplasma hominis;
  • Mycoplasma genitalium;
  • Mycoplasma species.

Mycobacteria are dangerous because they cause vaginitis, endometritis and adnexitis in women, and in men - orchitis and prostatitis. In addition, both sexes suffer from urethritis.

Running mycoplasmosis threatens:

  • male and female infertility,
  • impotence;
  • autoimmune diseases.

Pregnant women may have miscarriages and premature births.

Types of tests for mycoplasma

The clinic on Tretyakovskaya conducts research using various methods. At the initial consultation, our venereologists come to the conclusion which method is suitable for a particular patient.

The sampling of biomaterial for analysis for mycoplasma in women is taken from the urethra, vagina, cervix. It is advisable to do this a few days before menstruation or a day or two after it ends.

A smear for the analysis of mycoplasma hominis in men is taken from the urethra, and a few hours before this, you can not urinate, and one day you need to give up sexual intercourse. Sometimes they examine the secret of the prostate, urine or semen.

Mycoplasma detection by PCR

Polymerase chain reaction is a type of diagnostic that allows you to identify the pathogen, even if its concentration is low. The advantages of such a study are also the speed and reliability of the result.

The essence of the method lies in the fact that the genetic material of the infectious agent is multiplied many times, after which it is identified. Diagnostics is done in two dimensions:

  • qualitative (there is an infection or not);
  • quantitative (number of pathogens per volume unit).

If there are discrepancies with the norm of mycoplasma in a smear in women and men, this will be immediately detected.

Examining the material with a fluorescent microscope

Mycobacteria cannot be seen with a conventional microscope, so a special instrument is used. The biomaterial is stained with chemicals and illuminated with ultraviolet light. If such a reagent falls on mycoplasma, it gives a luminescent green glow.

culture for mycoplasma

The biomaterial is placed in a test tube, where conditions are created for the growth of bacteria. The process is observed in dynamics, after which conclusions are drawn about the nature of the pathology.

In the course of this study, we also determine the resistance of mycobacteria to antibiotics. This allows you to find the most effective drugs that are guaranteed to cope with the pathogen.

Blood for antibodies to mycoplasma

An enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay determines whether the body is able to resist infection. The doctor can find out how long the disease lasts, whether it is acute or chronic, whether the internal organs are affected, and so on.

Why is it better to take an analysis for mycoplasmosis with us?

"Polyclinic + 1" has the ability to conduct research using various methods. Thanks to this, you do not have to look for other medical institutions to make an analysis that is optimal in your case.

A blood test for mycoplasmosis is taken by well-trained laboratory assistants. The procedure is performed under sterile conditions, and discomfort and pain are minimized. The same applies to the sampling of biological material. High professionalism is a distinctive feature of our medical center.

Venereologists V. A. Malashenko and R. A. Huseynov study the results and draw up an individual treatment regimen. We work seven days a week, so you can sign up any day of the week from 9 am to 9 pm.

The need for testing for mycoplasma is present if specific symptoms are observed that may lead to the suspicion of further complications. It is best to take the necessary actions when there are no obvious signs of an infectious disease; under these conditions, it is much easier and more effective to carry out prevention or initial therapy.

What causes mycoplasmosis

A disease such as mycoplasmosis mainly affects the respiratory tract and the genitourinary system. The causative agents are mainly the bacteria mycoplasma hominis. At the same time, they behave absolutely identical to cancer cells, since infectious microorganisms are located in a healthy body and a person may not be aware of their presence until they “sleep”.

At the initial entry into the body, harmful cells are almost invisible, they are in a state of rest. However, after a few weeks, they begin their active life. This manifests itself in the form of aching pain in the abdomen, discomfort in the groin area. These signs are not always easy to recognize, because sometimes they are simply absent. Therefore, often such infections manifest themselves rather weakly, but this does not mean that their effect on the body is insignificant and that treatment should not be paid attention to.

On the contrary, it is very important to prevent the disease in its early stages. External manifestations of a pathogenic infection entering the human body are often noticeable. For example, in women, infection is accompanied by corresponding vaginal discharge, which is colorless, sometimes almost invisible. they come from the urethra. At the same time, burning sensation during urination is periodically noted.

Therefore, the assumption that mycoplasma bacteria are absolutely harmless and cannot cause dangerous consequences is a clear delusion, since this infection does not behave violently when a new organism is affected, but spreads quite calmly, but affecting precisely the necessary centers.

What are the tests for?

The need to conduct tests for infectious diseases is exclusively diagnostic, that is, the determination of the presence of harmful bacteria in the human body should occur regularly, since they can become infected at any time. In case of suspicion of a specific disease - mycoplasmosis - the appointment of tests is carried out without fail.

Most often this happens in the following conditions:

The appointment of passing tests for mycoplasma should in no case be ignored. Any infectious disease must be prevented at the initial stage of infection, especially if the symptoms that appear are typical and leave no doubt about the presence of the relevant bacteria in the body. Nevertheless, doctors recommend that even in the absence of signs of mycoplasmosis, periodically take tests for preventive purposes.

What tests are needed

Investigation for the presence of harmful bacteria that cause mycoplasmosis should be entrusted to an experienced specialist, since this process requires competence and correctness.

After carrying out the tests, according to the results of the medical examination, it is very important to prescribe an effective treatment.

The types of analyzes required for suspected mycoplasmosis currently have the following common forms:

In addition to the above methods for determining the presence of harmful mycoplasmosis infections, tank seeding is used. This procedure provides a check of the change in the number of microorganisms present in the body, namely the tendency to increase or decrease them. With the definition of this change, appropriate treatment is prescribed. Speaking about the cost of the study, it is worth noting that the price varies depending on the method of identifying mycoplasma. But on average, the cost of a smear is about 350-400 rubles, the choice of the laboratory in which the research will take place also affects the price.

When are children examined?

Diagnosis of this infectious disease in a child's body is made in the presence of the very first symptoms of mycoplasmosis, since the capture of healthy cells by harmful bacteria and the defeat of their harmonious life activity occurs many times faster than in an adult's body.

In children in this regard, the following types of disease are distinguished:

The first type is the most common, since the immunity of children, weakened by an infection that has penetrated, makes it known in the form of respiratory diseases, especially the upper ones. The main reason is the transmission of pathogenic bacteria by airborne droplets from an already infected person. Harmful microorganisms do not immediately affect the child's body - from the moment they get inside to the first symptoms, it can take up to a month.

Treatment of a child with mycoplasmosis

Do not self-medicate if found. In the absence of sensitivity to antibiotics, it is better to use them as a deterrent, but in the end it is necessary to immediately seek help from a hospital facility.

Diagnosis of this infectious disease in children is problematic even in specialized places and laboratory conditions. Often X-rays, a clinical blood test come to the rescue, but the procedures given are quite laborious, and the whole process of their implementation is rather complicated.

After conducting the necessary research to identify the presence of infectious microorganisms based on the results, experienced medical workers make a decision on how the treatment will be carried out:

  1. Or it will be a stationary method, that is, the child is in a medical institution on an ongoing basis.
  2. Or the destruction of mycoplasmosis bacteria will be carried out at home under the supervision of parents and guardians.

Treatment of the child is carried out with the help of medications directed to the necessary centers for the elimination of damaging microorganisms. These mainly include:

  1. In case of an increase in body temperature, antipyretics are used.
  2. If a strong cough is especially manifested, then it is recommended to take expectorant drugs.
  3. In a severe form of the above disease, antibacterial substances act as medicines, however, doctors advise paying attention to the fact that mycoplasmas do not show any specific sensitivity to antibiotics, so they can only create temporary protection for the child's body.

Speaking about the disease with mycoplasmosis, some important aspects should be highlighted. If even a small number of symptoms of this infection are detected, it is imperative to undergo a study to identify harmful microorganisms. In the case of the presence of bacteria, following the prescribed treatment is mandatory, since the disease will worsen in the future and the processes may become irreversible.

Mycoplasma hominis- a small bacterium that lacks the typical bacterial peptidoglycan cell wall. Because of this property, the microorganism is difficult to visualize with simple laboratory research methods.

Mycoplasma belongs to the genus Mollicutes, which is a group of opportunistic bacteria. They can co-exist with normal human microflora without provoking pathological processes. But, at the same time, the absence of a cell membrane makes the microorganism resistant to many antibiotics, in particular to tetracyclines.

Today, it is customary to divide mycoplasma into six groups, depending on the pathologies that it provokes. The most common are two types - M. hominis and U. urealiticum (genitalium), affecting the mucous membrane of the genitourinary system.

Mycoplasma is a fairly common infection among STIs. Often combined with other pathogenic bacteria - Neisseria gonorrhoeae (gonorrhea), Chlamydia (chlamydia) trachomatis, Treponema pallidum (syphilis). Mycoplasma is often the cause of the development of urethritis, cystitis, inflammation of the prostate gland.

According to some microbiological studies, the rate of colonization of Mollicutes in the urogenital tract (in the presence of signs of disease) ranged from 21% to 54% in women, and from 4% to 13% in men. In the upper respiratory tract, the rate ranged from 1% to 3% among healthy adults.

Among patients with chronic respiratory diseases, 7-8% (in particular, in the presence of pneumonia).

In children with chronic tonsillitis, bacterial colonization ranged from 20% to 30%.

  • Inflammation of the urinary tract. It is diagnosed as urethritis, with mycoplasma it is difficult to treat, prone to relapse.
  • Bacterial vaginosis. A condition caused by a change in the vaginal bacterial flora.
  • Inflammation of the fallopian tubes. Salpingitis, which often develops against the background of STDs, can lead to the formation of adhesions and subsequent infertility.
  • Inflammation of the cervix. The medical term is cervicitis. Often it is asymptomatic, turning into a chronic form and accompanied by the formation of erosions on the uterine mucosa.
  • Infertility of unknown etiology.

An analysis for mycoplasma and ureaplasma is mandatory in the presence of the following clinical manifestations:

  • pathological discharge from the vagina and urethral canal;
  • burning, sore, itchy sensation during urination;
  • discomfort during sexual intercourse;
  • rashes, redness on the skin of the external genital organs.

With a long-term mycoplasmotic infection, a number of complications may develop. For example, a violation of the menstrual cycle, the appearance of acyclic spotting, pain in the rectum.

In more severe cases, male infertility and a violation of the ovulatory cycle develop, which is accompanied by the impossibility of conception.

How do I prepare for mycoplasma testing?

Diagnosis does not require special preparation from the patient.

But to get the most accurate results, it is recommended to follow the following rules:

  • Biological material is taken from women a few days before or after menstruation.
  • Two to three days before the analysis, it is necessary to exclude sexual intercourse, taking antibiotics and alcoholic beverages.
  • Before taking the biomaterial from the urethral canal, men are not recommended to urinate for 2 hours.

To determine the opportunistic agent Mycoplasma, three types of laboratory tests are used:

  • bacteriological culture (bakposev);
  • enzyme immunoassay (ELISA);
  • polymerase reaction (PCR).

Bacteriological culture

The most common and budget option for diagnosing a pathogen. Based on the cultivation of bacteria from a sample area of ​​the material on nutrient media, in laboratory conditions.

The analysis allows you to identify the presence of bacteria and clarify its exact amount. Diagnosis takes quite a long time, it takes at least two weeks to get the result. However, the accuracy of the study is almost 100%.

At present, experts rarely recommend bakposev, more modern methods for detecting mycoplasma are increasingly being prescribed - PCR, ELISA. This is due to certain shortcomings of bacteriological seeding. This is the duration of execution, the need to transport the biomaterial in a special environment, the increased demands of mycoplasma on the nutrient fluid.

For laboratory testing, material is taken from the urethral canal or a portion of urine. It is often recommended to study both types of biological material to obtain more informative results.

To minimize the risks of obtaining a false positive / false negative result, material sampling is carried out according to the following principle:

  • 4-6 weeks after the end of antibacterial therapy;
  • in male patients - three hours after the last urination;
  • in women - a few days after the end of menstruation.

PCR study

It is considered the most informative method for studying infections caused by pathogenic microorganisms.

The polymerase reaction has an ultra-high sensitivity, therefore, the accuracy of the results reaches 99%. In addition, PCR analysis is able to detect the presence of pathogenic microflora at the preclinical stage, when there are no obvious signs of the disease. Today it is generally accepted that PCR is the only accurate method for detecting mycoplasma.

Several diagnostic methods are used - qualitative and quantitative.

The first technique allows you to identify a specific type of bacteria and indicate the time when the patient was infected.

The second technique (quantitative method) is aimed at determining the exact amount of the pathogen and the effectiveness of the therapeutic effect. Quantitative PCR is usually prescribed for patients with previously diagnosed mycoplasmosis and for those who have undergone antibacterial treatment.

PCR is one of the most expensive ways to detect an infectious process. However, it allows you to detect the causative agent of the disease in just a few hours. In this case, almost any type of biological fluid can act as a material. This is urine, pathological discharge from the vagina, a secret from the mucous membrane of the urethral canal.

Also, for the study, blood and ejaculate are taken. The speed and accuracy of the analysis makes it possible to identify the earliest stages of the infectious process, thereby increasing the effectiveness of therapy tenfold.

ELISA testing

Immunoassays are antibody-based analytical methods for pathogen detection using quantitative/qualitative methods for their identification.

The principle of immunological assays is based on a specific antigen-antibody reaction. Therefore, ELISA is used worldwide for the diagnosis of infectious, viral diseases. Also in pharmacology to detect certain types of drugs in the body.

Antibodies are produced in response to infection, and therefore ELISA can indicate past infection with 98% certainty.

ELISA has high sensitivity and relatively inexpensive cost, which makes it useful as a preliminary diagnostic manipulation.

The analysis is widely used in testing HIV and a number of other pathologies of the urogenital tract.

For mycoplasma, ELISA indicates whether the patient has been previously infected and whether the immune system was able to cope with the infection.

As a standard, when antibodies to mycoplasma are detected, a qualitative type PCR or real-time PCR is prescribed.

Analysis results: transcript

The interpretation of the results obtained is carried out by the attending physician.

The doctor will explain in detail what the analysis shows and, if necessary, prescribe the appropriate treatment.

Bacteriological culture

This type of analysis determines the concentration of pathogenic microorganisms; at the end of the analysis, the results are indicated in the form of titers.

It is quite easy to decipher the diagnosis, if there is a value of 10 ^ 3 CFU / ml - there is no infection, if the indicator is higher - treatment is required. If necessary, a polymerase reaction is carried out to more accurately determine the bacterium.

Polymerase reaction (PCR)

In the diagnostic report, the patient can see two options for the result: “positive”, “negative”.

In the first option, we are talking about the absence of an infectious process. Therefore, a pathogenic microorganism in a sample of biological material.

In the second case, there is an infection, which means that therapy may be required.


When diagnosing by ELISA, it is possible to obtain three variants of results: “doubtful”, “positive”, “negative”.

A negative result can only be spoken of when there is less than 8 IgM antibodies and less than 5 IgG. However, such results do not always indicate that there is no mycoplasmic infection.

If infected less than two weeks ago, in 90% of cases laboratory testing will show a negative result.

Upon receipt of a dubious result, a second study is carried out or another type of diagnostic measure is prescribed. In this case, it is recommended to conduct an analysis after a few weeks.

If the laboratory result is positive, the patient is infected.

In this case, an increased amount of immunoglobulin M antibodies is observed - more than 9.

With a positive study, the patient is assigned a diagnosis for the determination of individual antibodies. These are immunoglobulins A and G, which make it possible to identify a specific type of mycoplasma (hominis or urealyticum).

To determine these types of infection, their DNA is isolated from biological material. Next, the replication process is started, which makes it possible to obtain complete information about the disease.

Why are additional tests performed when detecting mycoplasma?

In most cases, the presence of mycoplasma in the body is accompanied by the presence of other pathogenic bacteria involved in the development of sexually transmitted infections. For this reason, when mycoplasma is detected, the patient is strongly recommended to undergo an STD diagnosis, even in the absence of a clinical picture of the disease.

Women may additionally be prescribed a colposcopic examination, in order to study the condition of the vagina and cervix.

Currently, the analysis for mycoplasma in women is considered the best diagnostic option for stopping the disease. By itself, mycoplasma is the first cause of urogenital and respiratory diseases. The pathogen is considered one of the most aggressive intracellular organisms. The presence of this pathogen in the blood means the presence of problems. It is a provoking factor in the appearance of diseases such as:

  • pancreatitis;
  • meningitis;
  • infertility;
  • encephalitis;
  • complete or partial hearing loss.

Due to the fact that it is very difficult to determine the infection in the early stages, since symptoms do not appear, the diagnosis of mycoplasmosis allows you to immediately begin treatment. Provocative factors can be stressful situations that affect the state of the human body. That is why you should know about the causes of mycoplasma and how to get rid of it.

Mycoplasmosis occurs not only in women, but also in men and children. A woman can become infected with mycoplasmosis through unprotected sexual contact. In medical practice, infection by airborne droplets is rare.

Since the incubation period of the infection lasts from 5 days to several weeks, bacteria may not appear immediately when testing for mycoplasma. It depends on the characteristics of the human body and its immune barrier. Due to the instability of immunity in relation to this pathogen, infection can occur again.

Mycoplasma can be passed to the baby from the mother through the womb. Determining its location is a difficult task. However, due to the pathogen, a number of other diseases in the child are detected. Most often, chlamydia cells, which are a provocative factor, are considered the cause of the presence of mycoplasmosis. A child may have pneumonia, but without identifying the cause of the disease, treatment will be difficult.

Analysis for mycoplasma in men is carried out at least as often as in women. Their disease is also considered a common occurrence. The presence of pathogenic cells in the blood indicates infection of the male genitourinary tract, respiratory systems and genital organs. That is why, without timely detection, the disease in men goes unnoticed. The cause of this pathogen may be an infectious disease that has not been fully cured, or severe stressful situations. Timely detection of mycoplasma cells in humans will help to avoid unpleasant situations and illness. This will prevent the development of infections in the body.

Varieties of pathogens

With the help of sowing, several types of mycoplasmas can be distinguished. The pathogens themselves are very small microorganisms that are considered to be the causative agents of infectious and inflammatory processes in the genitourinary organs of women and men. Due to the fact that mycoplasma was found in the analysis, doctors can also detect some other pathogens. They can also be detected by bacteriological examination.

The analysis reveals two types of mycoplasmas:

  • hominis;
  • ureaplasma urealiticum.

They are considered to be the pathogenic microflora of the body of a woman located in her genitals. Together with the analysis, the susceptibility of microflora to antibiotics is also revealed.

Often there is such a type of pathogen as the genitalia. It also belongs to the conditionally pathogenic microflora of the genital organs. However, with the help of a survey on the microflora, it is not detected. This is due to the fact that it develops for about 5 months in the body of women. To find it, other methods of examination are used, which are much more complicated than simple sowing.

culture for mycoplasma

Mycoplasma analysis is an important procedure. It allows not only to detect a pathogen in the blood and establish its type, but also to count the number of pathogens. The number of infectious agents is calculated per 1 ml of biological fluid selected for inoculation. This gives the doctor the opportunity to determine the treatment and decide whether it is worth it. An analysis for mycoplasma in children, men and women is called a bacteriological study. It is performed when there is a suspicion of a genital infection, and also allows you to identify infertility. It is also carried out during pregnancy in women.

The research is quite simple. The subject of the study in women is a smear taken from the urethra. It can also be taken from the vagina or cervix. In men, a urethral swab is taken or a semen or urine test is done. If a certain disease is suspected, a smear for mycoplasma is taken first, and only then antibiotic treatment is prescribed. This is necessary in order for the crop to be clean and free of impurities.

In women, the analysis is carried out only after the menstrual cycle or a week before it begins.

Due to the fact that mycoplasma has the property of sticking to epithelial cells, a smear is taken with careful selection from the mucosa.

The detection of mycoplasma is currently taking place thanks to special test systems. They act as an abbreviated version of the detection of mycoplasma. Thanks to the examination, the number of cells in the fluid, their type and period of stay are determined. This test system is configured to find a specific pathogen in the blood, to identify its viability, but thanks to it, sensitivity to various drugs can be determined. This makes it easier for the doctor to prescribe a drug that will definitely kill the infection.

Blood diagnostics

Diagnosing an infection at an early stage is quite difficult due to the lack of pronounced symptoms. Therefore, it is necessary to donate blood for a pathogen immediately at the first suspicion of a certain disease. This can both confirm and refute conjectures about infection.

Thanks to the analysis, some antibodies are detected that react specifically to mycoplasma in the blood. They are formed almost immediately (when an intracellular pathogen enters the body of a woman or a man). These antibodies are inside the person even after complete recovery, however, they remain within the normal range, and are not elevated, as in the presence of an infection. The analysis is carried out twice in order to confirm the presence or absence of the disease, since increased antibody production occurs 10 days after infection. A second examination will accurately show the stage of the disease and some details that were not revealed the first time.

The detection of mycoplasma in the body is evidence of the presence of an infectious-inflammatory process. Treatment of mycoplasmosis is prescribed depending on the sensitivity of the human body. A group of antibiotics is determined that is able to cope with this disease, certain doses, time and method of their intake. First of all, drugs that inhibit the growth of the pathogen are prescribed. However, if recurrent side effects occur, the doctor may change the drug and prescribe a different treatment. It is determined depending on the symptoms and the degree of complexity of the disease.

Do not forget that such an infection can only be cured with antibiotics. Alternative treatment for this disease does not exist. Home medicine will help to cope only with some symptoms, complications in the body. Usually used infusions of herbs such as chamomile, calendula and St. John's wort. When washed, they help to relax the muscles and relieve the primary symptoms.

It should be remembered that the treatment of mycoplasmosis should be carried out immediately so as not to aggravate the situation in the future. There are cases when the symptoms of infection disappear imperceptibly. This does not always mean that the disease has receded completely and will not return. Only tests can confirm a full recovery. In this regard, you should regularly consult with your doctor and listen to his recommendations.

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