Recovery time after the flu. Muscular myositis and impaired renal function. Effects of the flu on the body

Almost everyone has experienced the flu at least once in their life. And this is not surprising, because the flu is one of the most common infectious diseases, which can lead to massive outbreaks and even epidemics almost every year. Therefore, it is so important to know the "enemy in the face": how dangerous it is, how to defend against it, and how it is easiest to endure.

Why is it so widespread? Why every year around the world great amount adults and children suffer from this ubiquitous disease, which can lead to very serious complications?

The influenza virus is highly variable. Every year, new subspecies (strains) of the virus appear that our immune system has not yet encountered and, therefore, cannot easily cope with. That is why flu vaccines cannot provide 100% protection - there is always the possibility of a new virus mutation.

History of influenza

The flu has been known to mankind for centuries. The first documented influenza epidemic occurred in 1580. True, at that time nothing was known about the nature of this disease.

Pandemic respiratory infection in 1918-1920, which took over the globe, and was called the "Spanish woman", most likely, was nothing more than an epidemic of severe influenza. It is known that the Spaniard was distinguished by incredible mortality - with lightning speed it led to pneumonia and pulmonary edema, even in young patients.

authentically viral nature influenza was established in England only in 1933 by Smith, Andrews and Laidlaw, who isolated a specific virus that mainly affects Airways from the lungs of hamsters infected with swabs from the nasopharynx of influenza patients and designated by them as influenza A virus. In 1940, Francis and Magil discovered influenza B virus, and in 1947 Taylor isolated another new variant of influenza type C virus.

Since 1940, it became possible to actively study the influenza virus and its properties - the virus began to be grown in chicken embryos. Since then, a big step forward has been made in the study of influenza - the ability to mutate has been discovered, and all parts of the virus capable of variability have been identified. An important discovery certainly was the creation of a vaccine against influenza.
What is flu

Influenza is an acute viral disease that can affect the upper and lower respiratory tract, is accompanied by severe intoxication and can lead to serious complications and deaths, mainly in elderly patients and children.

Influenza and SARS are diseases close to each other - both in terms of the method of infection and the main manifestations, but this is not the same thing. Influenza causes much more intoxication, often proceeds severely and leads to various kinds complications.
flu infection

The source of infection is a sick person. Viruses are shed in saliva, sputum, nasal secretions - when coughing and sneezing. Viruses can get on the mucous membranes of the nose, eyes or upper respiratory tract directly from the air, through close contact with a sick person; and can settle on various surfaces and then get on the mucous membranes through the hands or when using common hygiene items with the patient.

Then the virus enters the mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract (nose, pharynx, larynx or trachea), penetrates the cells and begins to actively multiply. In just a few hours, the virus infects almost the entire mucosa of the upper respiratory tract. The virus "loves" the respiratory mucosa very much, and is not able to infect other organs. That is why it is incorrect to use the term "intestinal flu" - the flu cannot affect the intestinal mucosa. Most often, what is called the intestinal flu - fever, intoxication, accompanied by diarrhea - is a viral gastroenteritis.

It is not precisely established, thanks to which protective mechanisms the reproduction of the virus stops and recovery occurs. Usually, after 2-5 days, the virus ceases to be released into the environment; a sick person ceases to be dangerous.

Manifestations of influenza

The incubation period for influenza is very short - from infection to the first manifestations of the disease, an average of 48 ± 12 hours passes.

Influenza always begins acutely - the patient can accurately indicate the time of onset of symptoms.

According to the severity of the current, lung flu, moderate and severe course.

In all cases, to some extent, there are signs of intoxication and catarrhal phenomena. In addition, in 5-10% of cases there is also a hemorrhagic component.

Intoxication has the following manifestations:

-first of all high fever: at easy course the temperature does not rise above 38ºС; with moderate flu - 39-40ºС; at severe course– can rise above 40 ºС.
-headache- especially in the forehead, eyes; severe pain when moving the eyeballs.
- Pain in the muscles - especially in the legs and lower back, joints.
- loss of appetite.
-May cause nausea and vomiting.

signs acute intoxication usually persist up to 5 days. If the temperature lasts longer, there are likely to be some bacterial complications.

Catarrhal phenomena persist on average 7-10 days:

-Runny nose.
-Sore throat.
-Cough: In uncomplicated cases, this is usually a dry cough.
- Hoarseness of voice.
- Cutting in the eyes, lacrimation.

Hemorrhagic phenomena:

-Small hemorrhages or vasodilation of the sclera
- Hemorrhages in the mucous membranes: this can be noticeable on the mucous membranes of the mouth, eyes
- A very characteristic symptom of influenza - redness of the face with general pallor skin
- The appearance of hemorrhages on the skin is an extremely unfavorable sign in terms of prognosis.

flu symptoms

- Temperature 40 ºС and above.
-Keeping high temperature longer than 5 days.
- Severe headache that does not go away when taking painkillers, especially when localized in the back of the head.
- Shortness of breath, rapid or irregular breathing.
- Violation of consciousness - delirium or hallucinations, oblivion.
- Seizures.
- The appearance of a hemorrhagic rash on the skin.

With all of these symptoms, as well as the appearance of other alarming symptoms that are not included in the picture of uncomplicated influenza, you should immediately seek medical help.
Who is more likely to get the flu

People with weakened immune systems are most susceptible to the flu:

-Children under 2 years of age as their immune systems are not fully developed
-Persons suffering from various immunodeficiency conditions: congenital immunodeficiencies or HIV
-Elderly people

Who is more susceptible to the flu

- Persons suffering from chronic cardiovascular diseases: especially congenital and acquired heart defects (especially mitral stenosis).
- Persons suffering from chronic lung diseases (including bronchial asthma).
- Patients with diabetes.
- Patients with chronic diseases of the kidneys and blood.
- Pregnant.
- Elderly people over 65 years of age, since in most cases they have chronic diseases more-less.
-Children under 2 years of age and immunocompromised individuals are also at risk of developing influenza complications.

Flu Complications
Viral complications with flu

Primary viral pneumonia is a rare but extremely severe complication of the flu. Caused by the spread of the virus from the upper respiratory tract further down the bronchial tree and lung injury. The illness starts like the flu and progresses steadily. At the same time, intoxication is expressed to an extreme degree, shortness of breath is observed, sometimes with the development respiratory failure. There is a cough with scanty sputum, sometimes with an admixture of blood. To viral pneumonia predispose to heart defects, especially mitral stenosis.

Infectious-toxic shock- extreme degree of intoxication with impaired functioning of vital organs: in particular of cardio-vascular system(there is a pronounced increase in heart rate and a critical drop blood pressure) and kidneys. The first manifestation of infectious-toxic shock.

Myocarditis and pericarditis– how flu complications occurred during the Spanish flu pandemic. Currently extremely rare.

Bacterial complications of influenza

With influenza, the natural resistance to other infections is significantly reduced. The body spends all reserves on fighting the virus, so bacterial infections often join the clinical picture. Especially in the presence of any chronic bacterial diseases - all of them tend to worsen after the flu.

bacterial pneumonia. Usually, after 2-3 days of the acute course of the disease, after the condition improves, the temperature rises again. There is a cough with yellow or green sputum. It is important not to miss the onset of this complication and start treatment on time with properly selected antibiotics.

Otitis, sinusitis, frontal sinusitis. Bacterial inflammation of the sinuses and ear are perhaps the most common complications of the flu.

Glomerulonephritis is an inflammation of the renal tubules, which is accompanied by a decrease in kidney function.

Meningitis, encephalitis- inflammation of the membranes and / or tissue of the brain. It occurs most often in patients at risk, mainly those suffering from immunodeficiency.

Septic conditions are conditions accompanied by the entry and subsequent multiplication of bacteria in the blood. Extremely serious conditions, often ending in death.

Try not to overcool. During hypothermia, a spasm of the vessels of the nasal mucosa occurs. This leads to a decrease in local protective. Less mucus is secreted in the nose. Cilia that remove foreign particles work worse. It becomes easier for viruses to attach themselves to the surface of cells and penetrate them. Also, don't wrap yourself too much. If you sweat, and then it blows you, nothing good will come of this either.

Keep your feet warm. The skin of the feet contains many sensitive nerve endings. When they are irritated by cold, a reflex spasm of the vessels of the nasal mucosa occurs.

Inhale cold air only through your nose - do not breathe outside with your mouth. The air that passes through nasal cavity, moistened, warmed, cleaned of dust particles and partially disinfected. If you breathe through your mouth, this does not happen.

Don't smoke outside. Tobacco smoke is hot and contains harmful substances, and between puffs the smoker inhales cold air - all this depresses defense mechanisms mucous membrane.

Wash your hands often. If you are in in public places where it is not possible to do this, carry hygienic alcohol wipes, a special antiseptic solution with you.

Avoid handshakes. This may not seem very polite, but it can reduce the risk of infection.

Try not to touch your face with your hands when you are in public places. So you can bring the virus to the mucous membrane of the mouth, nose, conjunctiva of the eyes.

Avoid kissing. In some women's groups, this form of greeting is practiced. During the flu epidemic, it should be abandoned.

Wash your clothes more often in which you go to work, and your children in Kindergarten and to school. Some viruses can settle on things and remain contagious for some time.

Wear a protective mask. Of course, you should not put it on immediately, as soon as the street thermometer drops below zero. But if the mask mode has been introduced in the organization where you work, this is by no means done “for show”. By the way, if the mask is worn in such a way that it does not cover the nose, its effectiveness will be zero. The mask needs to be changed every 3-4 hours.

It is also worth wearing a mask on the street and in all public places when major epidemics when a new type of virus gives severe complications, as well as if you have reduced immunity.

Rinse your nose twice a day - morning and evening. For this, warm water or saline is suitable - you can buy it at a pharmacy. Exists special procedure- Jala neti. For its implementation, a special container is used, resembling a teapot with a spout. The spout is inserted into one nostril and the head is tilted so that water flows out of the other nostril. Such washings can be done only if you do not have a runny nose and initial signs colds. You can buy other simple nasal irrigation devices at the pharmacy.

Be outdoors more often. Lead active image life. It is useful not only for the prevention of colds, but also for general strengthening health.

Try to use public transport less. Inside a bus, trolleybus or subway car, there is a high probability of contact with a sick person. In a closed space with a large crowd of people, the virus content in the air can be very high. In addition, you hold on to a handrail that the patient may have touched. If you need to cover a short distance, it is better to walk on foot.

Ventilate rooms more often and do wet cleaning. Especially those rooms in which you stay for a long time, sleep.

Install a humidifier in your home. Central heating batteries often dry the air. If you stay indoors for a long time, dryness of the nasal mucosa develops, its protective properties are violated.

If you can regulate the temperature of the batteries - don't let the house get too hot. When you go outside, there is a strong temperature drop, the mucous membranes cool sharply.

Avoid large crowds of people. At the height of the epidemic, it is better to refuse to attend any mass events.

Give up alcohol. Ethyl alcohol reduces defensive forces organism.

Avoid weight loss diets. Your body must receive everything nutrients in the required quantities. You can continue to lose weight when the epidemic is over.

At the first symptoms of a cold, immediately consult a doctor and begin treatment. Do not start taking antibiotics without a prescription from a specialist.

Tip #21: Most Effective

All the activities listed above can significantly reduce the risk of contracting a cold. But still, 100% of the flu will not protect.

The most effective way to prevent the flu and its severe complications, according to the WHO Bulletin, - it's vaccination. Safe Vaccines against influenza have been around for about 60 years.

Flu Vaccine Facts:

The WHO Global Influenza Surveillance Network (GISN) and a partnership of National Influenza Centers around the world continuously monitor the types of virus that are circulating in people. Recommendations for the composition of the vaccine in accordance with these data are updated twice a year.

The vaccine targets the three most common types of viruses.

Children aged 6 months to 5 years.

Pregnant women (an inactivated vaccine is used).

Seniors over 65: Even if the vaccine does not prevent infection, the flu will be much milder.

People with various chronic diseases.

Frequently ill people.

Workers in the health care, services, social and transport sectors, teachers, military.


On the this moment A vaccine has been developed for the flu. For ARI caused by other viruses, there is no specific prevention. However, they proceed more easily and do not lead to such severe complications.

How to quickly restore health after striking all the organs and systems of the body? After all, in addition to weakening and unbalancing the functioning of almost all systems, there is significant reduction because the body spends a huge amount of cells to fight the virus. That is why recovery from the flu can be difficult and long, and if you do not restore the defenses, then any infection can cause serious complications. How can you help your body in this difficult task?

Very often, after the flu, a person constantly feels weakness, weakness, lack of appetite. Even after the disappearance of the characteristic signs of the disease, such as fever, aching muscles and joints, it takes about two weeks to restore the body. During this period, many systems of the body are unbalanced and, first of all, this concerns the thermoregulatory system, which is manifested by the preservation of elevated temperature, even with complete recovery from the flu. Those. a temperature of 37.1-37.2 degrees for a short period of time after a person has recovered from the flu, this is an absolutely normal reaction in 10% of people. Also, after the flu, asthenic syndrome can be observed, when the patient feels weak, sweating, and the body temperature fluctuates between 35.7-36.2 degrees.

What do you need to pay attention to?

  • The effects of the flu should not last more than two weeks.
  • The described symptoms should not cause a person much concern, i.e. the temperature should not be 35.9 in the morning, and 37.2 degrees in the evening, or such weakness that it is impossible to raise your hand. This already indicates the preservation of the infectious process in the body.

What symptoms after the flu should be alarming

  • Nausea and headache, as these may be the first signs of such severe complications, as well as .
  • Chest pain, which is one of the symptoms of heart diseases such as rheumatic heart disease and.
  • subfebrile temperature, cough with greenish-brown viscous sputum is indicative of such a complication typical of influenza as sluggish.

Following some recommendations from experts will help you quickly restore health after the flu.

1. After the transfer of the disease, regularly take vitamin and mineral complexes, since dizziness, weakness, pallor and dry skin can be caused by a deficiency of vitamins (primarily vitamins A, C, group B) and trace elements (iron, iodine, selenium, etc. ). Vitamin-mineral complexes should be taken under medical supervision, taking into account individual features the patient's body, his lifestyle and nutrition.

2. Protein-rich foods should be included in the diet:

  • lean meat;
  • lean fish;
  • legumes (peas, beans, lentils);
  • mushrooms;
  • nuts (3-4 walnuts or a handful of other nuts, while peanuts should be excluded);
  • caviar (to restore health, it is recommended to take a teaspoon of caviar).

3. To replenish the supply of vitamins, it is useful to use sprouts of various seeds: wheat, cabbage, carrots, alfalfa, mustard, sesame, cumin, soybeans, peas, sunflowers, pumpkins, lentils. For their preparation, the seeds are soaked in not in large numbers water, and as soon as sprouts appear, they begin to be eaten. You can also prepare various salads. So, two tablespoons of wheat germ and two tablespoons of pea (lentil) seedlings will satisfy daily requirement the human body in vitamins. To this is added one lemon or a glass of rosehip infusion.

4. The optimal set of products for restoring health after the flu includes:

  • all legumes - beans, peas, soybeans, lentils;
  • lean meat and fish;
  • liver;
  • dairy products;
  • chicken, quail yolks;
  • fresh vegetables and fruits;
  • fresh juices;
  • seaweed;
  • cocoa powder;
  • cranberries, cranberries, ginger.

Lifestyle and special events

  • Bath. The influenza virus can remain in the body for 5-6 weeks after the symptoms have disappeared. According to Professor Ron Eccles, US cold and flu specialist, the heat of a bath can kill residual flu viruses.
  • Place a cup of water near the battery: The water will humidify the air, which will help you breathe easier. This is especially useful for those who have complications from the flu (secondary infections), such as.
  • Walk more. To restore and strengthen the immune system, the body needs Fresh air and moderate exercise. You can start walking already 3-4 days after the temperature subsides. Dress warmly so you don't get cold. However, try not to overheat, so as not to sweat in the cold wind.
  • Full sleep is vital important condition for a speedy recovery. Try to add about an hour to your regular sleep schedule. at least for 2 week. Also try to keep bed rest in the first days after recovery.
  • Start exercising. Start with the light exercises themselves, especially if you've had a severe flu.
  • Wash your hands often especially right after you've had the flu. Proper washing hands has importance in preventing the spread of influenza. Wash your hands with soap and water and warm water especially after coughing or sneezing. If soap and water are not available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer.

If you have any questions please contact.

Influenza is an infectious viral disease that lasts about 5 days on average, however, its effect on the body is such that almost always after the disappearance acute symptoms, there remains some weakness in the body (asthenia). The disease is transmitted by airborne droplets from a sick person. It is characterized by an abrupt onset, an increase in body temperature above 38 ° C, symptoms of severe intoxication and catarrhal phenomena. The danger of the disease is high probability various complications. Weakness after the flu, which lasts more than two weeks, should be the basis for a visit to the doctor.


Influenza is included in a group of diseases in which many viral infections are present (adenoviral, rhinovirus, parainfluenza). All of them are manifested by various signs of damage to the upper respiratory tract, and have one common name - acute respiratory viral infections (ARVI).

Influenza is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • A sharp increase in body temperature above 38 ° C.
  • Headache.
  • Pain when trying to move the eyes sideways.
  • Redness of the eyes.
  • Pain in muscles and joints.
  • Nausea.
  • Chills.
  • Fear of the world.
  • Unlike other acute respiratory viral infections, with the flu, a runny nose is not very strong, it is possible light congestion nose.
  • On the third day, a strong cough appears.

At the first sign of the flu, bed rest is necessary and health care. Particular attention should be paid to children, the elderly, pregnant women and people with chronic diseases (diabetes mellitus, myasthenia gravis, asthma, heart disease).

Complication after influenza

Weakness after the flu, irritability, sleep disturbance, loss of appetite are often present in the body due to an intensive fight against the virus for another two to three weeks from the time of actual recovery. All of the above manifestations can be considered the norm, if the patient gets better every day, and there is no aggravation of the condition, especially the appearance of other symptoms. For example, such as:

  • Nausea, vomiting and severe headaches can be a manifestation of complications such as meningitis, arachnoiditis and encephalitis.
  • With sinusitis, there is pain in the nose and eyeballs. Also, difficult breathing, severe coryza with thick yellow-green mucus. Pain in the forehead, which is aggravated by bending the head down.
  • Otitis is manifested by severe pain in the ears, especially when pressing on auricles and tragus, restlessness and poor sleep.
  • Arthritis manifests itself with pain in the joints, which is especially tormenting at night, stiffness of movements, swelling at the site of inflammation.
  • For kidney disease ( acute glomerulonephritis, pyelonephritis) there are such manifestations as: nausea, vomiting, back pain, headache. As well as swelling, discoloration of urine (with a red tint, cloudy).
  • Angina is manifested by severe pain in the throat, especially during swallowing. At visual inspection oral cavity you can see a purulent plaque on the tonsils.
  • Pain in the chest, stabbing or aching, impaired respiratory function, increased sweating, cough can occur with influenza complications such as pneumonia, bronchitis and pleurisy.

All of the above pathological conditions occur with high or subfebrile (37 ° C) body temperature, and arise due to insufficient treatment influenza or due to individual characteristics of the organism. Also, after the transfer viral infection the likelihood of exacerbation of all chronic diseases is high.


The immune system of each person, at the time of penetration of the virus, is on different levels. By virtue of various factors that weaken protective functions (stress, overwork, previous illnesses, smoking) may not have enough body resources to fight infection locally. The flu primarily affects the upper respiratory tract. Bronchitis and pneumonia (pneumonia) are among the most common complications after an infection.

Pneumonia is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • Pain in the chest.
  • Increased sweating.
  • Coughing with viscous sputum of a greenish or reddish color.
  • Chills.
  • Headache.
  • Blue lips and nails.
  • Frequent shallow breathing.
  • Increased body temperature.

Pneumonia treatment should be taken seriously to avoid severe consequences. At its first manifestations, it is necessary to immediately consult a doctor.

Important! Children under 1 year old need special attention. Infants are most susceptible to the rapid spread of infection due to narrow and short airways. Within 5-7 days after the onset of ARVI, it can develop acute pneumonia. sick with the flu infant should be under constant medical supervision.

How to deal with weakness after the flu

Any respiratory viral infection is a test for the whole organism, a significant part of the energy is spent on fighting the virus. To understand what to do when weakness after the flu does not go away, you need to consult a doctor. Further, if there are no contraindications and concomitant diseases, you can try herbal remedies such as rosehip, ginger, lemongrass (described below)

Rosehip and ginger are best consumed in a complex, in the form of an infusion cooked in a thermos. To do this, you need to pour boiling water over a thermos with a volume of 500 milliliters. Place two tablespoons of crushed rose hips and one teaspoon of finely chopped ginger root into it, pour boiled water, cooled to 80 ° C. Let it brew for 6-8 hours. Strain through cheesecloth folded in four layers, add boiled water to the original amount of liquid. Take an infusion of 100 milliliters no more three times in a day.

Lemongrass fruits are best taken in the form of tea. To prepare it, you need to take one tablespoon of lemongrass berries, pour one glass of boiling water. Let it brew for one hour, strain, replenish the initial volume of liquid with boiled water. Take in the morning 1/3 cup 2 times a day 30 minutes before meals.

In order to recover as quickly as possible after the flu, you must follow some recommendations.

For example, do not load the body with heavy foods (fatty, spicy, fried). Include sea fish, lean meat, a variety of vegetables, fruits, herbs in your diet. Very beneficial for the immune system and wellness freshly squeezed juices and yoghurts home cooking. Eat 5-6 times a day in small portions.

Smoothly return to the usual rhythm of life. Do not attend intense sports activities for two weeks. For example, it is better to replace workouts in the gym during recovery with a calm swim in the pool or physical therapy. Enter the workflow gradually try to avoid unnecessary stress and overwork.

SARS and influenza- diseases of one kind that affect the respiratory tract of a person, however, in the latter case, the disease is much more severe, accompanied by severe intoxication and “painfully” hits the immune system. The duration of the disease itself is also different, in the case of SARS, the main symptoms disappear within 5-7 days, while the flu takes possession of a person for almost two weeks, for 10-12 days. During this period, the patient is considered disabled and he is issued a sick leave.

Of course, these terms are not enough for the human body to “forget” about the treacherous attack of viruses and completely eliminate the consequences of their invasion. Weakened immunity opens the gate for secondary bacterial infection, which gives rise to such frequent complications colds and flu like sinusitis, otitis media, bronchitis and pneumonia. Therefore, the main task during the recovery period should be to strengthen the immune system battered by the disease.

Work can wait

It is believed that 4-5 days are enough to fully recover from SARS, after the flu, returning to the normal rhythm of life will take from two to three weeks. Of course, none of the doctors will “keep” so much on “sick leave”, therefore, having started business, one should not immediately take on the usual burden. Weakness, fatigue, irritability during this period is quite normal, because the body lost a lot of strength during the fight against the disease, which means that a labor impulse can become a real stress for it and cause complications.

More liquid

In order for the body to quickly remove the toxins accumulated during the illness, the remnants of viruses and medicines must be strictly observed drinking regimen and drink at least 2–2.5 liters per day of regular drinking water. Coffee, black tea, compotes, juices, first courses cannot be considered full-fledged sources of water, they cannot fill the needs of the body, as well as carbonated drinks. A quality alternative to water can only be green tea, rosehip broth, cranberry or lingonberry juice, which, among other things, contain a large amount of antioxidants necessary to restore damaged body cells and strengthen immune protection. How prophylactic good for bacterial infection herbal teas, decoctions medicinal plants with antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and adaptogenic properties, such as a decoction of chamomile, arnica, St. John's wort and licorice.

Peace and only peace

It's no secret that the flu virus is especially "indifferent" to the nervous system, as evidenced by headaches, photophobia, intolerance loud sounds and odors, body aches, accompanying the peak of the disease. In order not to test the nervous system for strength and allow it to recover, it is recommended to avoid stress after the flu, take breaks from work more often, dress for the season, walk more in the fresh air, communicate with nice people, watch positive movies and read good books. Light exercise, meditation and auto-training will help to find peace of mind.

Full sleep

During the recovery period after an illness, try not to disturb the sleep pattern. Go to bed and get up at the same time. Sleep in a cool, ventilated room, but avoid drafts. If the house has a humidifier and an air purifier, they will become a reliable help in protecting against microbes that can attack the body weakened by the disease.

Nutrition and vitamins

Nutrition plays a huge role in restoring health. It should be gentle, that is, not overload the digestive system, which always suffers during illness. It is necessary for a while to exclude fried, fatty, spicy dishes, give up smoked meats and alcohol. More vegetables, fruits, greens, dairy products, sea fish and any grains - that's what a weakened body needs.

If during the illness you had to take strong drugs, antibiotics, it is important to cleanse the body of their residues and metabolites. To do this, doctors recommend taking sorbents for one week at night, for example Activated carbon, Enterosgel, Polyphepan, Smektu. The state of immunity largely depends on the activity of the intestinal microflora, so prebiotics and probiotics will not be superfluous.

Additional immune support

There is no need to talk about the benefits of water procedures for strengthening immunity, with only one amendment: hardening should be left for later. During the recovery period after influenza and SARS, baths with sea salt, swimming pools, baths and saunas are useful.

A foot massage will help speed up recovery. In addition to the fact that foot massage has a relaxing effect, it can improve mood and general well-being, it normalizes the work of the whole organism, because there are a huge number of acupuncture points on the feet, the stimulation of which affects the activity of internal organs.

In addition, preparations of ginseng, eleutherococcus, and magnolia vine are suitable for additional stimulation of the immune system.

Attention!If recovery after an illness is delayed, if the body temperature does not decrease or rises again, great weakness and worried about headaches, if new symptoms have joined that were not there before, you need to see a doctor so as not to miss serious complications, sometimes threatening not only health, but also life.

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After the postponed viral disease the person is very weak. His condition after the flu is broken, sluggish. Appetite disappears. Immunity of people in this case is practically absent. The body after the victory over high temperature, aches all over the body, cough and runny nose needs rest. Recovery correct operation all systems require a period of two weeks after illness. Many organs and systems human body after the flu have an unbalanced state, especially those responsible for normal temperature body.

Therefore, if the thermometer shows 37.2 degrees for several days in a row, this is considered normal. Asthenic syndrome may occur, which is a state of sweating, weakness and low temperature. Similar state observed in many people after the flu, but you need to pay attention to such things:

  1. The effects of infection should not be observed long time. The maximum recovery time is 14 days.
  2. All symptoms should be mild and not cause alarm in a person. If you clearly feel unwell, then this indicates further development infections in the body.

Doctors advise the recovery period after an illness to spend in bed. If you start active life earlier than two weeks later, the body will undergo additional loads, and from this and the risk of getting sick in a new way.

Symptoms that should cause concern

Influenza has the ability to kill immune cells, so the body is practically not protected. After a viral infection, a person may notice complications:

  1. Severe headache along with nausea may indicate that the flu has given a complication in the form of meningitis or encephalitis.
  2. Severe pain in the area chest indicates heart disease, such as pericarditis or rheumatic heart disease.
  3. A persistent cough with expectoration of greenish-brown mucus, as well as a slight fever, is pneumonia, which is sluggish.

Based on the fact that the flu can give serious complications to any organ, doctors advise listening to your condition and when at least some anxiety symptom urgently go to the hospital. But even if everything goes smoothly, the body itself is very difficult to cope with recovery and rehabilitation, it requires help.

The most common diseases of the organs after the flu respiratory system. Otitis after the flu is very dangerous because it can leave a person deaf. Therefore, as soon as a person hears even the slightest disturbance in the ear area, he should go to the hospital.

Also, after the flu, the legs are at risk. Polyarthritis is accompanied by severe pain in the joints, as well as a violation of the musculoskeletal system.

To avoid such a complication of influenza, as well as all other complications, it is necessary to completely cure the disease to the end.

As you know, all inflammatory processes are treated with antibiotics, which the doctor is obliged to prescribe and control.

There is specific symptom, which indicates that the liver requires rest, is bitterness in the mouth. This is a response to consumption. huge amount medicines. The liver is simply tired of processing all the muck that entered the body during the illness, so you need to adhere to proper diet nutrition.

Recovery after the flu

Well-being after the flu is always unsatisfactory. Due to the lack of vitamins and some trace elements, a person feels weak, his skin is pale, his hair and nails break.

To help the body recover, you need to eat foods that contain a lot of protein: lean fish, dietary meat, mushrooms, legumes, nuts and caviar.

A lot of vitamins are contained in the germinated seeds of various plants. To get this vitamin complex, you need to soak the seeds in water. After the sprouts appear, they can be eaten. For example, 1 tbsp. wheat sprouts and peas replace all the vitamins that a person needs per day. To get vitamin B group, you need to eat porridge from cereals. It is undesirable to use confectionery during the rehabilitation period.

After an illness, it is necessary to provide the body with a sufficient amount of iodine, which has positive influence to the general condition. He takes an active part in the restoration of absolutely all systems and organs. Therefore, it is necessary to eat seafood.

A weak body requires the necessary amount of enzymes that support all processes. They are in enough in vegetables, fruits, herbs, in fermented milk and pickled products.

There are foods that have a positive effect on the immune system. These are onion, garlic, St. John's wort, chamomile, ginseng and salmon milk.

Apart from proper nutrition and saturation of the body with vitamins, it is necessary to remove the toxins that were formed as a result of cell death. This will help mineral water, natural herbal tea, cranberry juice, honey. Before meals, you need to drink a glass of tea with immortelle or St. John's wort.

An excess of toxins in the body is also manifested by the fact that bitterness appears in the mouth.

To avoid such bitter sensations, you can rinse your mouth with various folk remedies.

First and effective method rinse is sunflower oil which stimulates salivary glands release toxins. It is necessary to take this oil into your mouth and make it so that it visits all corners of the oral cavity. At first, the oil will be thick, and then it will turn into a liquid substance that needs to be spit out.

Here is an example of a set of foods that you need to use to quickly recover from the flu:

  • legumes, nuts, liver;
  • yolk, seafood;
  • dairy products;
  • juice, fruit drink

So, the state of health after suffering the flu needs support and assistance in recovery. If you properly treat and do not overwork the weakened body, then complications can be avoided. It is necessary to take the post-influenza condition quite seriously and not neglect the rules and advice of doctors. It is necessary to eat well, get plenty of rest, and not communicate with sick people in order to avoid reinfection. If all this is done, then the flu will pass quickly and will not bring any health troubles in the future.

  1. Must have around calm atmosphere to avoid stressful situations and keep a good mood. You can't get too tired. Around should be only nice people. Get enough sleep to help your body gain strength to fight infections and bacteria.
  2. The air in the apartment should be clean and humid.
  3. You can book a foot massage. The points that are on the feet are responsible for inner peace and a balanced state, which is so necessary during the recovery period after the flu.
  4. Two weeks after the flu, you can start working outdoors.
  5. Great effect on health water procedures. But not swimming in the pool, but taking a bath with sea salts or other additives.

And finally, a recipe for boosting immunity. You need to take only three products: honey, lemon and ginger. Ginger should be soaked in water for about one hour. Lemon is whipped together with ginger in a blender, honey is added to this mixture. The medicine has just miraculous action on the immune system person.

What to do to combat weakness after the flu

You have been ill, it seems that you have already recovered, but there is some kind of weakness left after the flu, what should you do? After the flu, lack of appetite and weakness are quite common. Even when the temperature returned to normal, the runny nose and cough ended, the person still experiences a breakdown and malaise for some time. There is only one reason for this state - too much effort was spent on fighting the disease.

Symptoms of weakened immunity

Weakness after the flu lasts a long time, and it will take about 2 weeks to fully recover.

If after this time the condition has not improved, you need to go to the doctor - complications could arise that require emergency treatment. Often after the flu there is a weakening of the immune system, which has the following symptoms: irascibility, nervousness, no appetite, drowsiness, weakness. After illness, the temperature may drop to 36 ° C.

To prevent the development of the syndrome chronic fatigue, it is necessary to cure all the consequences of the disease in time. In addition, there are some symptoms for which it is simply necessary to visit a doctor:

  • headache and nausea - perhaps a manifestation of encephalitis or meningitis;
  • the presence of chest pain - possible heart problems;
  • an endless cough, the presence of swamp-colored sticky sputum, fever - sluggish pneumonia is possible.

Lifestyle change

Having been ill, do not immediately plunge into ordinary life because after the flu, weakness will accompany you for some time. To improve the condition, attention should be paid to the following factors:

  1. Psychological calm. You have to stay positive and avoid stress. This, of course, is difficult for a modern city dweller. To calm the nervous system, you should not overwork, try to stay closer to positive people, be close to loved ones. Do not contact with those who are unpleasant to you. Take at least short breaks from work. Try to take stressful situations calmly.
  2. Complete sleep. This is very important factor to restore the body after illness. Try to ventilate the room before going to bed and go to bed no later than 10 pm.
  3. Foot massage. This procedure relaxes, improves mood and health, strengthens the immune system. After all, it is known that on the feet there are biological points of all internal organs, as well as many nerve endings. For foot massage, Kuznetsov's applicator or special foot massagers are suitable, and it's even better to go to a massage parlor. Within a few days you will feel the result - your condition will improve.
  4. water procedures. They are relaxing and soothing. Take baths with sea salt. Improves well-being and cold and hot shower. A visit to the pool will also benefit, but only if you have fully recovered. If there are no contraindications, visit the bath.
  5. Necessary and physical activity. Immediately after illness, start with hiking and physical exercises for outdoors. When the condition improves, you can move on to yoga or dancing.

Nutrition and vitamins

Can nutrition help beat weakness after the flu and what to do with your daily diet? When rehabilitating after the flu, nutrition must be impeccable. It is recommended to introduce foods high in protein into the diet:

  • mushrooms;
  • vegetable oil;
  • lean fish;
  • seeds, nuts (with the exception of peanuts);
  • legumes;
  • caviar.

Will be very useful after the flu:

  • green pea;
  • cocoa;
  • liver of birds or animals;
  • quail eggs;
  • fresh juices;
  • dairy products;
  • ginger, cranberries, cranberries.

After the flu, the body needs vitamins.

The best source of them are germinated seed sprouts. various plants- peas, wheat, beans, pumpkins, sunflowers, radishes, carrots, lentils. Prepare them as follows: take a handful of any seeds and soak for a day in warm water. Then spread them on a well-moistened cloth and leave to germinate. When the sprouts reach 2-3 cm, they can be consumed.

For example, you can make different salads from them. To provide the body daily rate vitamins, it is enough to take 2 tablespoons of pea and wheat sprouts. You can add lemon to them. Vitamin B is rich in cereals from whole grains of buckwheat, rice, oats, and millet. But pasta, white bread, various confectionery products at this time should be removed from the diet.

Body detoxification

When recovering from an illness, it will be useful to drink various vitamin teas, for example, tea from dried strawberry leaves, adding honey for a greater effect.

Except special food to improve the condition after an illness, it is necessary to detoxify, since many cells died during the fight against viruses, and now the body will have to deal with their decay products. You can get rid of toxins with the help of alkaline mineral water, cranberry juice, herbal teas, lingonberries with honey.

To detox faster, you need to increase your fluid intake. It is recommended to drink a glass of water half an hour before meals. This applies primarily to children, since they dehydrate the body during illness faster.

You can take different tinctures and decoctions. A decoction of raspberry sprigs is extremely useful, as well as a rosehip decoction containing vitamin C.

A mixture of lemon, honey and ginger will strengthen the immune system well. It can be added to green tea or taken alone.

Feeling much better if you take a tincture of ginseng, magnolia vine or eleutherococcus. Only not all at once, but one of them, to choose from.

Paleness of the skin, weakness and dizziness indicate a lack of vitamins and minerals. You can drink vitamin and mineral complexes, after consulting with your doctor first. Taking tableted vitamins should be based on lifestyle, nutrition, and individual characteristics.

Need for iodine and enzymes

During rehabilitation, a special place is given to iodine, since it significantly affects physical state person. He takes part in the regulation of all metabolic processes, affects the nervous system. Therefore, the use of seaweed and various seafood will be very helpful.

A weakened body needs enzymes. They are found mainly in fermented milk products - yogurt, yogurt, kefir, and in greens, vegetables, fruits, seeds. They are also present in pickled vegetables, fruits - apples, watermelons, cabbage, beets, cucumbers, tomatoes.

In order for the body to be provided with enzymes, it is necessary to drink 2 glasses of yogurt, kefir or yogurt every day. As for yogurt, it is better to cook it at home, since there is almost no benefit from the store-bought product.

After the flu, it will be useful to drink freshly squeezed juices twice a day.

There are a number of plants that regulate immunity, activate the formation of antibodies and lymphocytes. These include garlic, onion, chamomile and calendula flowers, ginseng root, St. John's wort. Their use will also help to improve well-being after an illness.

Proper nutrition, water procedures, deep sleep, walks in the fresh air - everything in the complex will help you quickly recover from the flu and improve immunity.

Complications after influenza: weakness, cough, dizziness, fever

Complications after the flu can be worse and more dangerous than the disease itself.

An organism affected by an infection does not have the strength to cope with regular bacteria. A complication of influenza in adults turns into a chronic disease that is difficult to treat.

Complications from influenza or h1n1 swine flu may include:

  • lungs: bronchitis, pneumonia,
  • upper respiratory tract: sinusitis, otitis, sinusitis,
  • cardiovascular system: acute heart failure, myocardial infarction, myocarditis,
  • nervous system: meningitis, neuralgia, neuritis,
  • urinary tract and kidneys: pyelonephritis, cystitis,
  • muscles and joints - myositis,
  • brain: arachnoiditis, meningitis, stroke,
  • chronic diseases: rheumatism, diabetes mellitus, metabolic disorders.

Major complications of the flu

Dry cough with swine and common flu, as well as sweating and dizziness, do not go away for a long time. The temperature often stays at 37 degrees. Under these conditions, bronchitis and otitis media appear. Typical symptoms:

  1. dizzy,
  2. sweating that doesn't go away
  3. joints, legs, eyes hurt.

In some cases, there is discharge from the ear, appear sulfur plugs These are also common symptoms. The cough after the flu persists, it is dry and debilitating. Suspicion of bronchitis should cause a person to see a doctor.

The listed phenomena and symptoms can also be the reason for non-compliance with the doctor's recommendations when treatment is not performed. Bed rest is often not observed, dizziness intensifies, joints hurt, sweating and other flu complications appear.

Sweating decreases in a person, dry cough disappears, and the condition improves on the second day when taken strong drugs, but the virus and bronchitis remain undefeated, and the temperature after the flu, including subfebrile, is about 37 degrees.

If bronchitis is not treated, the symptoms will worsen:

  1. general weakness,
  2. subfebrile temperature (does not pass for a long time),
  3. dry cough,
  4. sweating,
  5. flu headache.

A dry cough after the flu can indicate pneumonia, and post-influenza pneumonia quickly sets in. The disease is fairly easy to detect. Pneumonia manifests itself if there are such symptoms:

  • chills,
  • dizziness,
  • sharp, and then kept subfebrile temperature up to 37 degrees,
  • chest pain,
  • skin rash,
  • severe dry cough
  • sputum or bloody discharge.

Complications after influenza and bronchitis are weighty reasons consult a doctor as soon as possible and begin to treat everything.

As a rule, treatment is carried out in a hospital. After the flu, complications, most often bronchitis, can be in children and the elderly, urgent treatment is needed.

dry and wet cough after the flu is dangerous because other people can become infected, since pneumococci are quickly transmitted from person to person. When treatment is not completed, pneumococci invade the lung tissue. By the nature of its course, pneumonia can be:

  • sharp,
  • chronic.


The consequences of influenza, as well as complications from influenza, can be expressed in problems with the kidneys and urinary tract. Sometimes the symptoms practically do not appear, which means that pathology can only be detected by conducting laboratory analysis urine.

Treatment, doctors prefer not to start without testing ten days after the diagnosis of influenza and SARS.

When a person has the flu, then:

  1. sore legs, eyes and lower back,
  2. temperature rises,
  3. have dizziness,
  4. urine output decreases.

There may also be:

Often dizzy, teeth hurt, there is sweating, as well as dry cough and sneezing. Treatment is needed to prevent the disease from becoming chronic.

Acute pneumonia lasts from several days to a month. Next comes full recovery. In the chronic form, pneumonia exhausts the body with certain periods.

You should do a full treatment course, and then engage in strengthening the protective functions of the body.

Nervous system

Typical appearance:

  1. neuralgia,
  2. radiculitis,
  3. polyneuritis.

However, the most difficult for the patient is the development and progression of meningitis and arachnoiditis.

The disease begins on the 7-8th day, when the fever subsides with the flu and recovery is felt. In some cases, there are "flies" before the eyes, as well as dizziness, there is drowsiness, nausea and weakness after the flu. It seems that these are manifestations of intoxication of the body, but arachnoiditis actually develops.

Then there is a violation of circulation cerebrospinal fluid, resulting in an inflammatory process in the arachnoid membrane of the brain. If this is not detected in a timely manner, and not done emergency action, then sepsis may appear - a purulent infection.

Highly serious illness considered meningitis. This disease, as a complication of the flu, is even more dangerous. The condition is characterized by dizziness, eye pain. The temperature at the same time drops below normal, this happens on the 6-7th day of the flu.

After these manifestations, vomiting begins, not associated with eating, and photophobia. Dizziness becomes stronger, the pain becomes bursting unbearable, so it is so important to understand how to recover from the flu.

AT without fail you should consult a doctor, since the consequences of such a condition can be the most deplorable and the complications of influenza will only increase, even spreading to the eyes.

Complications from the flu on the heart and blood vessels

Toxic lesions of the heart muscle are always accompanied by rhythm disturbances, such as tachycardia or arrhythmia, or heart neuroses: increased heart rate, tingling in this area.

Cardiovascular diseases are recognized as the most common pathology of our time, which is why it should not be allowed extra load on blood vessels and heart.

During an epidemic of influenza or swine flu, mortality increases, especially among people suffering from ischemic disease or hypertension, especially among the elderly.

Diseases such as pericarditis (inflammation of the pericardial sac) or myocarditis (inflammation of the heart muscle) can also be registered in people in young age who previously considered their heart healthy.

The toxin of ordinary or swine flu affects the autonomic nervous system, which negatively affects the state of all organs and systems of the body. For example, if there is a complication gastrointestinal tract, then peptic ulcer worsens in a short time.

After illness, chronic diseases often worsen. During epidemics, the number of strokes and heart attacks increases. Complications after influenza are difficult to tolerate by patients with bronchial asthma and diabetes mellitus.

With a severe course of ordinary or swine flu, accompanied by high fever, signs of encephalopathy appear. Encephalopathy is a complex of neurological and mental disorders, which appears seizures and hallucinations.

During this period, damage to the spinal cord and brain appears, for example, myositis. Eyes, joints, legs begin to hurt. A person feels discomfort with any movement, dense knots form in the muscles over time.

Soft tissues swell, swell, and the temperature rises, up to about 37 degrees. In most cases, the sensitivity of the entire skin increases, which creates permanent inconvenience.

swine flu h1n1

Swine flu may appear by airborne droplets. The first symptoms of the h1n1 virus are similar to those of the common flu. After a while it appears:

  • subfebrile temperature (keeps for a long time),
  • dizziness,
  • joints are weak and sore
  • dry severe cough
  • nasal congestion and sore throat,
  • nausea and vomiting.

If there is at least one manifestation of h1n1, then you should immediately consult a doctor. Swine flu often shows up as early as the second day of infection. Main complications:

  1. Viral pneumonia. It often causes lethal outcome from the h1n1 virus. Pneumonia affects lung tissue and cannot be treated with antibiotics. The disease provokes insufficiency of the kidneys, lungs, the heart suffers.
  2. Other, milder diseases: otitis media, sinusitis, convulsions, pericarditis, asthma, renal failure, myocarditis, cardiovascular diseases.

Swine flu is not fatal. The h1n1 virus is virtually indistinguishable from regular flu and should be treated the same way. If treatment is started in a timely manner, then the h1n1 virus can be effectively eliminated, the main thing is to recognize the symptoms of swine flu.

People who have swine flu h1n1 should take their condition seriously. It is important that the legs rest, while the temperature should be brought down with antipyretics and eat well.

How to avoid flu complications

In order to prevent the complication of ARVI and the h1n1 virus, you need to:

  1. Carry out the treatment prescribed by the doctor to the end. Each drug acts at a certain concentration, so you can not stop using the funds, even with improvement.
  2. Drink plenty of fluids. In particular, they use juices, vitamins and fruit drinks. The liquid helps to remove and dissolve the waste products of bacteria and viruses, thereby cleansing the body.
  3. Balanced diet. It is necessary to use cereals with fiber, vitamins (vegetables, fruits), support intestinal microflora(fermented milk products). It is important to limit the consumption of fried, fatty, salty foods.
  4. Treatment involves bed rest. This means that the legs should be at rest, TV viewing and computer work are prohibited. This irritates the nervous system, which is already exhausted by SARS.
  5. Throughout the entire time of SARS, the condition must be monitored, that is, the pulse, pressure and temperature indicators should be recorded and measured.
  6. Every half an hour, you should gargle with a solution of soda or furacilin.
  7. 12 days after the onset of SARS, it is necessary to take blood and urine tests.
  8. An ECG is indicated to determine how SARS and bronchitis affect the heart.

Complications of the flu are varied and can affect any system of the body. Therefore, it is important for a person to know why the head is spinning, the temperature does not pass, the legs hurt, what is dangerous for bronchitis and SARS.

How to prevent the development of influenza and its complications - in the video in this article.

Tell me how to quickly recover from the flu?



Weakness and malaise will persist for some time after the illness. Any disease is a stress for the body. Be sure to take a multivitamin more liquid(better than homemade fruit drinks) - good source vitamin C, which boosts immunity. And don't rush to work.

Zaichenko Svetlana

to sleep more


squirt garlic juice into the nose. I'm serious
but it will be very annoying


And drink more (to remove toxins), herbal teas, juices, but in general listen to the body, it will tell you
If you inject garlic into your nose, you can permanently lose your sense of smell.

Petrov Pavel

It is advisable to rest more, to refuse to work on the computer. watching TV, walking more in the fresh air, drinking plenty of fluids, warm milk with honey, nuts, more fruits (kiwi, oranges, lemon, etc.) and rest again.

Lilia Fedotova

Chew lemon zest - restores strength and prevents calcium from leaving the bones (which is typical after the flu). Drink tonic tinctures (ginseng, eleuthorococcus, echinacea), they at the same time strengthen the immune system. Eat cottage cheese, other dairy products. Be outdoors. This is all to recover and avoid complications.

A person who has had a cold is different from healthy people. This is noticeable in his poor appetite, behavior, appearance(pale skin, excessive sweating, shortness of breath). All systems and organs after the illness are weakened and do not work well enough, the immune system is suppressed, the nervous system works with difficulty.


  1. The disease is especially hard on digestive system. If antibiotics were prescribed, dysbacteriosis develops, food is digested worse. During the rehabilitation period Special attention pay attention to food. It should be regular, high-calorie, varied and complete.
  2. It is necessary, first of all, to restore the proteins used up during the illness, minerals, finished enzymes, vitamins. Be sure to include beans, peas, lentils, mushrooms, lean meat, and lean fish in your diet. They contain a lot of proteins. Nice results gives addition to the diet various kinds nuts. Quickly restores strength daily intake of fish caviar in a teaspoon.
  3. The best supplier of vitamins in the winter-spring period are sprouts of seeds of lentils, pumpkins, sunflowers, peas, rye, sesame, flax, wheat. The amount of vitamins in germinated seeds is ten times more than in dormant ones. To stimulate the formation of antibodies and lymphocytes, activate phagocytosis, regulate cellular immunity use immunomodulating plants: garlic, onion, St. John's wort, calendula and chamomile flowers, eleutherococcus, chinese lemongrass, ginseng root. enzymatic activity and salmon milt has a pronounced immunomodulatory property.
  4. To rehabilitate the body, it is necessary to detoxify it. Removal of toxins from the body is recommended plentiful drink tea with raspberry jam, honey, lemon. Hot tea made from nutmeg, coriander, cardamom, cinnamon, ginger gives good results. Drink up to two liters of fluid per day.
  5. After illness best friend- Fresh air. You need to dress according to the season: do not wrap up, but you should not force it either. Be sure to wear long blouses and sweaters that cover the stomach and lower back, hats. Make sure your shoes are always dry. The nose from the inside before going outside must be lubricated with oxolin ointment. Upon returning home, rinse your nose with water.
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