Sleep baby girl in her arms. A small child is dreaming of a man. What is the dream of a baby girl

What can dreams tell? What people see in a dream can say a lot, and this is confirmed not only by numerous dream books, but also by centuries of observations. In order to decipher as accurately as possible what the baby girl is dreaming of, it is recommended to remember all the details of the dream in great detail, and only then look for its interpretation.

Almost all popular dream books refer to dreams about children as positive, portending some pleasant surprises, joy, and other positive moments. However, we are talking only about healthy and beautiful children, plus, all your actions are very important, on which the semantics of the interpretation of each picture and event that visited you at night will also depend. Therefore, remember all the details.

Dream Interpretations about dreams about baby girls

According to the esoteric dream book, to see a baby girl in a dream portends some kind of joyful event. It can concern both the dreamer himself and his loved ones. Whether this will be connected with material wealth - the collection of interpretations does not speak about this.

Tsvetkov's dream book associates such a vision with the well-being awaiting the person who saw him, but if the baby is dirty or naked, then this portends anxieties, and even troubles that will appear in the near future.

In the same interpreter, one can also find an explanation for a dream in which a mother takes care of a newborn baby, it is deciphered as a dream that portends health for both her and the child.

A baby girl playing merrily in clear water is a promise of imminent joys, but if she is sad or crying and you saw it and don’t know why this is a dream, then the collection warns that you are offended. Take a look at your own surroundings.

Those who hold the baby girl in their arms should prepare for problems, they will interfere with the achievement of their goals, but if the child laughs or smiles, the dream book assures that the dreamer will cope with them.

But a sick child in your arms is a slightly more negative dream, indicating that experiences, sadness or sadness will await you. The Eastern dream book even warns of the possibility of a disease.

But the Mayan dream book interprets visions of a baby girl in two ways, considering them both bad and good, and their details are quite important. One interpretation of a dream about a baby girl suggests that the dreamer may expect some new perspectives and events, but one should not rush and turn the page, because one must be prepared for the betrayal of the people who surround the dreamer, especially if the child was sad.

The French dream book warns that if a crying baby is seen, you should be examined by doctors, it is likely that the disease has “settled” in the body, and the sooner you start fighting it, the more successful the result is guaranteed.

Why is the baby dreaming, whose face expresses complete pleasure? This promises an anticipation of some disputes and intrigues, but the “unkempt” and disheveled little creature in your dream is a bad sign, portending trouble and the collapse of plans.

If you were visited by a vision in which a baby girl was crying, Miller's dream book deciphers this as disappointment, or future health problems. But a cheerful baby is a reward for your love for your neighbors, and the promise of a large number of friends. A sick child who came to you in a dream is a bad omen.

What a dream "promises" to different people

If a baby girl dreamed of a young woman in a dream, then this promises her worries about her own children, or good news from loved ones. The same dream, but for a guy, can be a harbinger of a meeting with long-forgotten relatives or friends.

Why is this a man dreaming? If a male dreamer saw a baby girl in a dream, then this, according to the dream book, promises him some kind of loss, however, insignificant, especially if he brought the baby into the house.

A baby girl who is taken care of promises an assistant in real life, neglected, on the contrary, portends that the dreamer will be alone, abandoned even by loved ones. Think about it, and reconsider your relationship with them.

If you clearly remember two babies, a boy and a girl, then, according to the dream book, such a vision may mean some kind of surprise for a man, and for an expectant mother, an easy and quick birth. A pregnant woman can even see the gender of her baby!

Sometimes, a dream about a little girl, a baby, can mean an early pregnancy for the girl who saw him. If a young lady was breastfeeding a baby girl, or rocking her in a dream, then she should prepare for some news and meetings, they will become joyful.

But, it also happens that the baby girl that you are rocking in your arms can portend a deception of a person very close to you, or trouble.

Why is someone else's baby dreaming? If a child rejoices and has fun, this means the appearance in the life of a lover or beloved. Crying - bad news from a business partner or from relatives.

comment 21

  • Hello, I dreamed of a little girl about 8 months old, she was very cheerful, I held her in my arms, and I knew for sure that this was my daughter. I woke up all happy full of joyful emotions. I am 15 years old, in a dream I felt that I was older, but not much, about 17 years old.

  • I dreamed that I was holding a little girl of four months in my arms, she smiles, she wrapped her hand around my finger and smiles in the same way, pleased. I carried her home, show my husband and say that she will now live with us, since I can’t get pregnant yet. I recently lost a child. And the dream was like reality! Why is this dreaming?

  • I dreamed that I was crossing some shallow body of water with a baby in my arms. While completely naked (and a girl too). She slept in my arms and for some reason I felt completely calm, even though it was night and I did not know where to go. But we got to a house. I am only 16 years old, this is not the first time I have dreamed about this, what could it mean?

  • Anastasia:

    Please tell me what the dream means. I dreamed of a baby girl 5 months old, I held her in my arms and knew for sure that this was my daughter, although I don’t have children, I’m 20 and I never wanted a girl. In a dream, my baby was taken away by a woman in her arms, the child began to cry, and when she again let me hold the baby, she became a kitten and jumped out of my arms.

  • I dreamed that I gave birth to a girl, I saw her face well, she was a beautiful baby, expressive eyes, in a white envelope, and even in a dream I saw that my son was also holding her in his arms, he was 7 years old and was trying to hide her in some kind of locker, but with all this, the child was calm and even smiled at times. What does this mean?

  • I dreamed that I have a boyfriend and I love him very much, but I cheated on him with another boy and gave birth to this boy. This girl was so beautiful, she smiled at me so much, but I had an abortion a year ago and the fetus froze a month ago. Please tell me why this dream?

  • Anastasia:

    Today I dreamed from Thursday to Friday that I was feeding a little baby on a high chair, it was definitely a girl and I knew in a dream that this was my daughter, I took her in my arms and she burped. But she was so pretty, I lisped with her, and she laughed and smiled. But we don’t have children with my husband yet, but he really wants to, why is this? For an early pregnancy?

A newborn baby is a symbol of new life, great hopes and beginnings. The meaning of what the little man dreams of is not always directly related to direct predictions about the future.

In general, if you saw a newly born child in a dream, a pleasant surprise awaits you. However, it is worth considering such details: whether the baby was healthy or sick in a dream, what gender he was, and also what you did with him in a dream. This is what can tell more about your dream.

So, a newborn baby is a good prognosis only if he is completely healthy in your dream. A sick baby is a symbol of sadness and failure both in the dreams of women and in the dreams of men. If the baby is healthy and strong, success awaits you in all your affairs and undertakings. Also, a dream with a newborn may portend a pleasant surprise, which you will soon learn about.

Much in the interpretation of what a baby is dreaming of depends on its gender, so try to remember whether it was a boy or a girl.

If in a dream a newborn child is a boy, according to the dream book, material well-being and success in monetary projects await you. The boy symbolizes more mundane feelings, while the girl symbolizes sublime ones.

So, a newborn baby girl in a dream is a sign that very soon you will have new strong feelings with a representative of the opposite sex, and they will bring you pleasant sensations. Also, a little young lady in a dream, according to many dream books, is a creative beginning, an idea that will visit you soon.

There is also a more prosaic interpretation of sleep with a baby. Dream Interpretations claim that when a child of a certain gender is dreamed of by a pregnant woman, it is most likely that she carries a baby of this gender under her heart. Thus, the body warns and prepares the woman for the upcoming event in her life, the dream book explains.

Why else does a newborn baby dream in a dream

If you saw yourself as a newborn child in a dream, you are afraid of responsibility and want to shift it onto the shoulders of another person, dream books warn. In a moral sense, such a dream is a sign of personality degradation.

Also, to explain why a newborn child is dreaming, remember what you did with him in a dream.

Nursing a small baby, according to dream books, is waking up headlong into troubles and worries. In order to fulfill all your plans, you will need to make a lot of effort.

For a woman, such a dream can also mean an inner desire to have children, and for a man, either the same desire or fear of it.

Holding a newborn baby in your arms in a dream is a sign that in order to achieve something, you will need to try very hard. If you bathe a baby in a dream, you will be forgiven for the offense in which you were guilty, the dream books say.

Breastfeeding a baby in a dream or seeing someone feeding him - all the conditions in life are favorable for you to be able to realize your plan. Your dreams will become reality soon.

In general, a baby is hopes and new beginnings, an excellent prediction for all dreamers, regardless of gender and age, dream books assure us.

Dream Interpretation Newborn Girl

What is the dream of a newborn Girl in a dream from a dream book?

I dreamed of a newborn girl - soon positive changes will occur in your life. Most likely, they will concern the family.

Someone at home will pleasantly surprise you. Circumstances will develop in your favor, problems will be resolved in the best possible way.

What did you do with the newborn girl?

Dreamed of a newborn girl in her arms

A newborn girl in her arms in a dream is a good sign. Something joyful will happen in your home. If you are not holding your child in your arms, you should be wary. Such a dream is a warning that someone is unobtrusively using you. It is worth taking a closer look at your surroundings and identifying this person.

Such a plot portends imminent pleasant changes that will somehow be related to your family. True, if a newborn girl is crying, but there is no way to calm her down, it is possible that there are certain difficulties in your life, but they are not as terrible as they seem, and are solved quite simply.

You should be wary if the baby you are holding or cradling is not yours. Perhaps someone is trying to use your kindness and reliability for their own selfish purposes, and you are not aware of this, taking their imaginary disposition towards you at face value.

Most dream books interpret the plot in which the baby appears very favorably. Just as the appearance of a baby in life brings with it troubles, problems, and great joy, so a child seen in a dream is a signal that the path to happiness will not be easy, but you can overcome it.

Moreover, joy can be expected even if the baby cries. This meaning is especially enhanced when the dreaming baby is a girl. Her presence in a dream predicts an early favorable change, a journey, a surprise of fate, or a new acquaintance, which will be quite unexpected.

What is the dream of a newborn

Eastern dream book

What is the dream of a Newborn in a dream from a dream book?

If you are sitting at the crib of a newborn, it means that you will have pleasant chores associated with changes in the family.

I dreamed that the newborn was crying, and you couldn’t calm him down in any way - you were afraid of the problems that had arisen, but everything was not as scary as it seemed at first glance.

If you dreamed that you were holding someone else's child in your arms, it is possible that your friends will try to take advantage of your kindness, try not to succumb to provocation.

You have lost and cannot find your baby in any way - be prepared for the fact that life can again put difficult questions before you (about the meaning of life, about good and evil, etc.).

Ancient Persian dream book Taflisi

When a noble person dreams of himself as a newborn, this is for his good.

If any sinful person sees in a dream that he is born from his mother, he will repent of his sins (that is, he will be morally reborn).

Muslim dream book

But, if any other and sinful person sees in a dream that he is born from his mother, he will repent of his sins (that is, he will be reborn morally).

The latest dream book

In a dream, why is the Newborn dreaming?

Newborn - to a new fruitful idea.

Modern dream book

Find out what it means if a Newborn is dreaming?

Seeing a newborn in a dream is a sign that great joy awaits you, which your children will bring to you. A young woman has such a dream - prophesies an early desired pregnancy.

Caring for a newborn in a dream means that you will have hard work, the results of which will exceed all your expectations.

Seeing a crying newborn - in reality you will be able to fulfill all your plans.

But if you dream that a newborn child is smiling, a major scandal is brewing in your family.

Online dream book

The meaning of sleep: Newborn according to the dream book?

According to the dream book, a newborn - portends you real parental happiness, for a woman - this is a guarantee that she will be in position very soon.

If he is restless and crying, you will be able to achieve everything that you have planned.

To dream of a baby beaming with a smile - you can seriously quarrel with relatives, or witness a grand quarrel.

Taking care of a newborn will take a lot of work, even exhausting, but in the end you will achieve phenomenal results that you didn’t even dare to count on.

If the newborn is inanimate, you will enter the black streak of your life, steadfastly endure all the hardships and soon everything will work out. This dream has nothing to do with the health and well-being of your children.

Seeing in a dream how a newborn dies - in reality, a spiritual rebirth awaits you, you move to a higher self-consciousness, become better.

I dreamed of charmed kittens that you are caring for - be vigilant, one of your friends is hostile to you and can harm you.

According to the dream book, healthy and pretty newborn twins are the personification of your grandiose plans and goals, soon you will do something really significant, make your cherished dream come true.

According to the dream book, a newborn male - promises you success in business and rapid enrichment, now is a good time to conclude major deals and start new business projects.

A newborn girl means that at the moment you should be creative, you can create something unique. It also promises an unexpected acquaintance with someone who will awaken an ocean of passions in you and give you a lot of happy moments.

Dream Interpretation Baby

Baby, Sick baby, Abandoned baby, Baby in a coffin, Baby in a stroller, Baby in the womb, Baby talking, Baby naked, Baby breasts, Baby girl, Baby daughter, Baby on stomach, Baby talking, Baby handicapped, Baby pooping, Baby feeding , Baby breastfeeding, Baby bathing, Baby boy, Baby boy peed, Baby boy in arms, Baby dead, Baby piss, Baby in arms, Baby newborn, Baby pooped, Baby peed, Baby in swaddling clothes, Baby pissing, Baby swim, Baby crying , Baby foundling, Baby talking, Baby giving birth, Baby with teeth, Baby laughing, Baby suckling, Baby sleeping, Baby son, Baby smiling, Baby dead, Baby alien, Baby breastfeeding, Babies, Corpse baby, Three babies, Sleeping baby , Save a Baby, Tossed Baby, Babysit Baby, Babysitter Newborn, Babysitter Boy, Babysitter Your Baby, Babysitter Chu Burning baby, Babysitting someone else's baby, Newborn baby, Dead baby, Dead baby in water, Dead babies, Baby girl, Two babies, Breastfeed baby, Breastfeeding baby, Newborn baby, Newborn brother, Dead newborn baby, Newborn daughter

If in a dream you dreamed of a Newborn, you had to Nurse a Baby or Breastfeed a child in a dream, Dream Interpretations promise that this is a very auspicious dream. But the Dead Baby in a dream is a very disturbing sign. Probably, you are waiting for various kinds of disappointments and problems in reality.

Nursing a newborn in a dream, Nursing your baby, Holding a baby in your arms- new idea.

Babies and Newborns in a dream primarily indicate your real concern with questions regarding offspring. A dream can come on the eve of a real conception (in women), or become a projection of your fears about an unwanted pregnancy. Such dreams do not need close and detailed interpretation. For all other people For whom the issues of conception, pregnancy and childbirth are not relevant, the Dream indicates the following. Symbolically Children in a dream mean thoughts and ideas that will soon appear in your head - wait for the birth of a new brilliant idea.

Nursing someone else's child in a dream, Nursing someone else's foundling baby, Abandoned baby crap one's pants or peed, Baby pisses on you, Save a baby in a dream - use someone else's idea; plagiarism.

Someone else's Baby symbolically represents someone's plan, Idea or project, Which you in reality with pleasure and with great readiness accept as your own (The thrown Baby indicates that the true owner of the idea will refuse it himself). If in a dream the Baby pissed or crap one's pants, It means that in reality this project will bring you a lot of trouble. However, you will continue to carry out your plans. And a different interpretation of this dream for people who do not have children, but passionately want it. Probably, your thoughts about motherhood (fatherhood) have exhausted you so much that you are internally ready to take responsibility for someone else's child.

I dreamed of a happy, healthy and well-fed baby, a baby in a stroller laughs- well-being; the joy of motherhood, readiness to have children.

I dreamed of a sick or dirty baby or a disabled baby- a bad sign, The plan will fail.

Children in a dream can indicate the state of current affairs. Everything will turn out well, If the Babies seen were cheerful and healthy. And vice versa - a Sick or Dirty Baby is a sure signal, That what was conceived in reality will be in jeopardy.

I dreamed that the baby was swimming in the womb (for women)- to conception; preoccupation with thoughts of children.

Very often, a woman receives the news of her own pregnancy in a dream. Either the dream suggests that you are extremely concerned about the issue of conception and pregnancy.

Bathe a baby in a dream- unexpected surprise.

Traditionally, such a dream portends an unexpected gift, the arrival of relatives or a pleasant surprise.

Breastfeeding a baby in a dream, Baby sucking at the breast- a very good sign, Favorable in all respects.

Both a woman and a man can breastfeed a child in a dream. For women, a dream either carries a very favorable prognosis (Breastfeeding is one of the most positive images of a dream), Or indicates her readiness to become a mother in reality (preoccupation with motherhood problems). For men, a dream foreshadows - thanks to your own efforts and willingness to give all your best for the success of your plan, your plans are realized in reality, a complete and unconditional victory awaits you.

Seeing a baby in a coffin in a dream, Dead babies dreamed- failures.

Dead babies in a dream- a sure sign that in reality a very difficult life stage is coming for you. However, this dream is not yet a prediction of the actual death of your Infant.

Seeing the corpse of a baby in a dream, The baby died, I dreamed of a dead newborn- growing up, the death of your younger self.

Such dreams do not always indicate negative aspects. A dream can be evidence of your transition to a new level of internal development, to the death of one (obsolete, unnecessary) part of your own self.

I dreamed of a baby girl, To give birth to a daughter in a dream, To see a newborn daughter- the birth of a new feeling.

I dreamed of a baby boy, A son was born, I saw a baby boy in my arms peed- happiness; the birth of a material idea.

If we take into account that Newborns in a dream symbolize the birth of some new idea, Based on the analysis of what they saw (who exactly was born - the Daughter or the Son), you can make a forecast What kind of idea will visit you in reality in the near future. However, for pregnant women, such dreams can be fatal. It is far from uncommon for a situation when a pregnant woman finds out the gender of the unborn baby precisely because of what she saw in a dream.

Dreamed of a newborn brother- the emergence of a new facet of his personality; a close person, like-minded person will appear.

If your brother (or sister) is currently expected to appear in reality, the Dream should not be taken into account - the dream is provoked by daytime experiences and emotions. For everyone else, a dream gives a message - you will either discover another facet of your own personality, Or you will meet a person who Thinks and thinks exactly the same as you.

I dreamed of two babies- intuition and insight.

A very auspicious dream. The meaning of the image "Newborn" is enhanced by the number Two, which is responsible for intuition and insight.

I dreamed of three babies- a lot of happiness.

A newborn in a dream portends happiness and the realization of what was conceived in reality. This sign is enhanced by the favorable value of the number Three, which is considered one of the most positive in Numerology (this is the number of the Almighty).

Dreamed of a naked baby- misfortune.

In the ancient Dream Interpretations, this dream carries only an unfavorable prognosis. However, if you saw your own Baby Naked, the Dream should not be considered fateful and carrying any important meaning.

I dreamed of a baby with teeth, the baby spoke- message; your inner self, unwillingness to grow up.

Probably, in reality you continue to behave like a little child in your adult life, categorically not wanting to take responsibility for your own thoughts and actions.

Breastfeeding a newborn girl

Dream Interpretation Breastfeed a newborn girl dreamed of why in a dream to breastfeed a newborn girl? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to dream of Breastfeeding a newborn girl by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Breastfeeding (for women)

Happy marriage and healthy children.

Imagine that you are feeding not one, but two babies at the same time - certainly girls (see Baby).

Dream Interpretation - Breastfeed

Happiness; for unmarried - fragile fun

Dream Interpretation - Chest

If you dream of a bare-chested man, this indicates that you need another sexual partner. If the chest is hairy - in reality you will have to prove your innocence in a case to which you are indirectly related; bare chest speaks of your indifferent attitude towards one of your colleagues, you must carefully protect your reputation and not give reason to suspect you of this.

Seeing a chest with a gaping wound in a dream portends that some kind of trouble threatens you. Seeing your chest - in reality you will be disappointed in love because of the many rivals. If the chest is white and full, luck and happiness will soon visit you. Firm female breasts - to disadvantage, shrunken and wrinkled - a sign of marital fidelity.

Seeing in a dream a woman whose one of her breasts is cut off - to treason; without breasts at all - to quarrels with her husband.

Exposing your chest in a dream in front of a man portends a concession to persistent courtship. If in a dream a man caresses your chest - in reality, commit an immoral act.

Dream Interpretation - Feed

Feeding someone in a dream means that you will soon receive good news. If you feed a sick person, it means that in reality one of the relatives or friends will need money and turn to you for help. If in a dream you are so weak that you are being spoon-fed, this is a harbinger of serious adversity that people who love you will help you cope with.

Feeding your milk to a nursing baby is, fortunately for unmarried people, a short-lived fun.

Seeing in a dream a man sucking milk from a woman's breast - you will be condemned for immorality.

Seeing a nursing mother in a dream means that you are in favorable conditions for realizing your potential. If in a dream your milk is gone and you hire a nurse for your child, this can turn into humiliation, disappointment or resentment in reality.

To be a nurse for someone else's child in a dream - you will be repaid with ingratitude for a good deed. Feed the child with nutritious milk mixtures - you will be invited to other people's christenings.

If in a dream you feed some wild animals, in real life you will be disappointed with the results of your work.

Feeding livestock with beetroot means that business transactions will be successful. Feeding pigs with acorns - in reality, plan and fulfill a bad intention.

Feed geese for slaughter in a dream - a solid profit awaits you. Feed the hawk from the hand - wait for an invitation to a lot of fun. To feed the nightingale in freedom - you will have to fulfill all debt obligations without delay; if in a dream you feed a nightingale in a cage, you will become someone's kept woman, or vice versa: you yourself will take someone to dependency.

Feeding a monkey in a dream means that a rude, shameless and uncouth dork will treat you badly.

Feed dogs - beware of evil and envious people.

Feeding cats - you will have a nice time in the company of your loved one.

Feed other domestic animals - to contentment, prosperity and prosperity.

Dream Interpretation - Chest

To see a naked female breast - fortunately and mutual love.

A bra on a woman - to anxiety, a girl's beautiful breasts - to the fulfillment of desires.

The bare chest of a man is fortunate for a woman.

Someone else's female naked breasts - find out your shortcomings.

To have large breasts - to honor, small ones - to hatred.

Elastic or milky breasts - to joy and wealth.

Hard breasts - to poverty.

Saggy breasts - to trouble.

Cut off breasts - to treason.

To have milk in the chest - for a man to wealth.

To have a female breast - to good health and joy.

To see a chest overgrown with thick hair is to honor.

To see someone else's chest - for profit.

Dream Interpretation - Girl

Dream Interpretation - Chest

For a woman to see her breasts strong and full: a sign of health. Such a dream often portends happiness in love.

Sagging breasts: indicate the extinction of some deep feeling.

If a woman in a dream sees a tight, strong chest in another: this usually means rivalry and injections of jealousy.

For a man to see such images in a dream as a mother breastfeeding a baby, it often portends unexpected support.

If during sleep you feel your chest expanding, and if it gives you pleasure: such a dream is a sign of a surge of strength. In the near future, things will turn out easy for you and without any extra effort.

A pleasant feeling in the chest: a harbinger of a joyful meeting or event.

To be wounded in the chest yourself or to see a wounded in the chest from the side means that you internally foresee a test that can hurt your feelings.

Seeing your chest drooping or sunken is a sign of impending depression. After such a dream, try to bring a fresh stream into your life or just arrange a good rest for yourself.

Dream Interpretation - Chest

Female breasts - fortunately, the acquisition of something.

In general, the chest, as a part of the body, symbolizes the future.

How she looks - such is the future (attractive, healthy, etc.).

Hair on the chest - profit.

If a man sees a woman's breasts in a dream, he has not yet found his ideal in sex.

A woman sees a man's chest - she needs a more masculine sexual partner.

For the young, a wound in the chest is a symbol of passionate love, for the elderly - sad news.

If a woman sees in a dream that a man is looking at her breasts, in reality she will give in to his advances.

Pressing someone to your chest is taking care of this person to heart.

Dream Interpretation - Chest

Chest wide, heroic to have - wealth, profit, life in luxury, happiness in marriage.

To have a narrow, sunken, weak chest is a fault in everything.

It is an honor for a man to have a shaggy chest.

To see a woman's naked beautiful breasts for a man is happiness.

To be wounded in the chest - happiness in love / a change in business, most likely for the better / a sudden insight to experience / a discovery to make.

To have a chest open with a wound, to climb there with your hand - constancy, inspiration, an excess of creative forces.

A man has milk in his chest - wealth.

For a man to breastfeed a child - there will be children.

Dream Interpretation - Chest

When you dream that you have a white and very healthy chest, it means joy and health.

A bony, hairy chest promises a man profit and gain, and a tangible loss for a woman.

If a man dreams that he has the same full breasts as women, this shows in him a weak and fearful person and predicts to him the longing and grief caused by the illness of children.

A woman who sees in a dream that her breasts have dried up should expect that her children will be unhealthy for some time.

If she does not have children, then she will become poor and will cry a lot from grief and longing.

When an old man dreams that there is a wound on his chest that his friend inflicted with a saber, this portends bad news.

If young people dream of the same, it means friendship.

Bloody abrasions on the chest mean infertility.

Seeing your chest wide and full in a dream means to the dreamer that his life will be long and rich, depending on the dreamed fullness.

hold a newborn girl

Dream Interpretation Keep a Newborn Girl had a dream, why dream of holding a newborn girl in a dream? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to hold a newborn girl in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Girl

Being in the company of young beautiful girls - you really have to be in a good company at an interesting event.

Girls dressed in white - for the upcoming turn of life for the better, success and prosperity await you.

A little girl to see herself in a dream - to the upcoming surprise or minor damage.

An unfamiliar girl comes to your house - to uninvited guests.

To expel an unfamiliar girl - to minor troubles.

Talking for a very long time in a dream with a girl - to wealth and success.

Dream Interpretation - Girl

If a mother dreams that her girl is very sick, she will be healthy in reality. If a young woman sees a beautiful girl in a dream, this is a sign of pregnancy.

Dream Interpretation - Newborn

A newborn son or daughter - portends great happiness.

Dream Interpretation - Girl

If the girl is in the water, then this dream means the emergence of something new in your life, and at the same time offers to try yourself in something - change jobs or find yourself a new hobby. This is a very auspicious period, and to get the most out of it, find some flat stones, arrange them in the bathroom and place candles on them. Light the candles while they are burning, you must be in the water.

If the girl is sad, then in the near future you will disappoint someone around you. To prevent the ego from happening, come to the cemetery as soon as possible and bury a few potatoes near the nameless grave.

Dream Interpretation - Keep

Holding a tree branch in your hands is a change in business. If the branch is verbal - to joy, if it is laurel - success and glory in art await you.

Holding an owl in your hand - in reality you will have to accept and entertain a person who is utterly boring and does not understand humor. Keep a horse by the bridle in a dream - you are in danger. If in a dream you are holding a snake in your hands, then you will be able to find a way to curb the one who is trying to blackmail you. If a young girl in a dream holds a cat or a kitten in her arms, then in reality she will be involved in some unseemly deeds.

Holding a banner in your hands is taking a false position in society. Keeping your horoscope, compiled by a familiar astrologer, portends unexpected changes in business and a long trip, which will be accompanied by meetings with famous people.

Holding some food in your hands and dropping it means that your lover will shift his attention to another, and you will regret your unreasonable behavior. Holding an icicle - to the possibility of getting sick for no apparent reason.

If a young girl sees that she is holding someone on her lap, it means that in reality she will be sharply condemned. If she holds a cross in her hands, this predicts that she will observe modesty and benevolence in behavior, which will win the love of others and cause the favor of fate.

Keeping a thermometer under your arm means that you are experiencing family troubles and are not satisfied with your work.

Keeping a pot on fire in a dream portends a verbal skirmish that develops into a domestic scandal. Holding on to the railing means that you will try to use a desperate opportunity to hold a passionate person. Seeing wooden utensils in a dream - you will be able to make some savings for a rainy day.

Wooden shoes - thanks to frugality, you will achieve wealth. Wooden furniture seen in a dream portends that an atmosphere of mutual discontent and misunderstanding will be established in your house for some time.

Wooden products mean that some bore annoys you and you don’t know how to get rid of him. Wooden details - to the fact that your intentions will be criticized and will be revised. Wooden crutches or prostheses instead of legs - you have to go on the road. Drinking wood oil - to the illness of one of your loved ones.

Dream Interpretation - Keep

To enter the boat, holding a lantern, a torch, a lamp in your hand, is a great happiness.

Holding a sword in your hands, injecting another person is a loss.

Holding an object in your hands, you climb the mountains - the wife will bring a noble son.

Holding a lantern, a torch, a lamp in your hand, you enter the boat - portends great happiness.

Sitting in a boat, you go but to your home - portends ruin, loss of well-being.

To hold the sun and the moon in the arms is a noble position of the ruler.

Hold banners in your hands - favors, praises, awards.

Holding a bow and arrow in your hands portends great happiness.

Holding a sword (knife) in your hands, striking and stabbing another person - portends a loss.

Holding regalia, banners or similar items in your hands - portends favors, praise, rewards.

Keeping a smeared board for recording audiences will be a great favor from a noble person.

Keeping handfuls of grain indicates wealth and career.

Holding the constellation in your hands is a great wealth and nobility.

Another person holds your mirror in his hands - portends misfortune with his wife.

A woman holds a sword in her hands - great happiness, honors.

A boat or wagon breaks, collapses - a harbinger of misfortune.

Carry or hold a seal - a noble offspring will be born.

Dream Interpretation - Girl

Girl - you need to be alone at least for a while.

Dream Interpretation - Girl

If you see in a dream a very beautiful, doll-like girl, this is a miracle.

Dream Interpretation - Girl

TEENAGER - an unfamiliar girl means a year. And if anyone sees that she is beautiful, gives him something, or if he sees that he embraces her or has an intimate relationship with her, without signs of separation, then he will gain the blessings of this year depending on her beauty. If he sees that his daughter was born, he will gain joy. If he sees that a son was born to him, then he will experience experience and care.

Dream Interpretation - Girl

An amazing and joyful event associated with children or people who are much younger than you.

Imagine that you are giving a girl something delicious. Give her a present.

Newborn baby girl with blue

Dream Interpretation - Blue eyes

Seeing blue eyes in a dream is a gift.

Dream Interpretation - Pigeons

To see doves in a dream is to catch an unfaithful spouse or spouse cheating.

Dream Interpretation - Blue eyes

Seeing in a dream the blue innocent eyes of a child - to tenderness.

Dream Interpretation - Blue

The space surrounded by blue or blue walls is joy and happiness.

Dream Interpretation - Dove

Dreaming of white is a very good dream, which means peace, tranquility, love and mutual understanding.

To see a flock of pigeons - well-fed, measured to life.

Dream Interpretation - Dove

If you dream of doves, this is a good sign.

This dream predicts joy, fun and success in business for the home.

Dream Interpretation - Blue color

Blue color - prudent actions.

Dream Interpretation - Dove

The dove is a love affair.

Dove - success, harmony, rapprochement.

Dream Interpretation - Newborn

See baby.

Dream Interpretation - Newborn

But, if any other and sinful person sees in a dream that he is born from his mother, then he will repent of his sins (that is, he will be reborn morally).



Hello, I dreamed of a newborn girl. As if I gave birth to a second daughter, small, calm ... And in a dream I regret it. Why this dream?


she held in her arms a newborn girl who looked like me and her husband, at first she lay and then I took her in my arms.


Seeing in a dream a newborn niece who was born recently


Brought a newborn girl's haircut, she had long blond hair



hello, I dreamed that I gave birth to a daughter, was immensely happy, nursed her, could not wait until she wakes up, carried her in her arms. I actually don't have any children yet.


held in her arms and breastfed. It was so nice. I felt she was mine. most dear. We walked with her


I dreamed about my pregnancy, I looked at my stomach and I was so happy to see how it grows, through the skin I saw the outlines of my baby's face, and then my daughter was in my arms, I looked at her? but she didn’t me and she smiled and laughed at me, I felt so much love for her in myself, and then she disappeared to be born for real.


good evening! I dreamed that I gave birth to a daughter with blue eyes, and the fact that I was nursing her was a pleasure for me, my husband was also nearby and was the happiest


Hello! I dreamed as if I gave birth to a daughter, but the birth itself did not dream, I was very happy, I looked after my daughter. And when I bathed her, she began to suffocate and died, tried to save, but did not save ....


She sat on the street, sort of like near the sea (perhaps on the beach, but she didn’t understand), there was a lot of sun, it was warm, she held a newborn girl in her arms and called her daughter.


Good evening! On the night from Sunday to Monday, she dreamed that she gave birth to a girl .... I was surprised that she had long black hair for newborns .... I was very surprised by this in my dream. The doctor examined her, she shrank into a ball, and when she whimpered, I consoled her with my voice and she listened to my voice and calmed down. And I was also embarrassed that the doctor told me that honey. the sisters washed her very badly and I began to think how can I wash my sweetie .... so small, and then I decided to go to my mother (who in a dream did not know that I had given birth) .... Actually, I am not pregnant and I live with my mother, but I am looking for an apartment…. my young lover left me. What does it mean? Not so long ago, I took pictures of newborn babies too ... .. I can’t understand what exactly God wants to tell me with these dreams ????


i dreamed as if I gave birth to a daughter and she was immediately born beautiful, as if she had been pregnant for several months) and I admire the whole dream holding her in my arms, gave birth to my parents at home, they begin to buy something for her because I had to give birth her 2 months later.


i dreamed that I gave birth to a girl child (although I myself live with a man, but I have no children). the girl was large, with dark hair, there was even hair on her face, I cut it myself and the girl looked like a girl. my mother and my daughter and I went for a walk, it was summer, we were looking for beautiful clothes for the girl ... she was always with me in my arms.


Good time of the day! I dreamed that I was pregnant and giving birth to a girl, I didn’t feel pain in a dream, after I gave birth I felt very good and immediately put the baby to my chest to feed. I am married in a month, we have a painting, at the moment I am not pregnant yet.


Hello. I'm a guy, I have a girlfriend, and I dreamed that she seemed to give birth at first, I thought it was a son, but it turned out that it was a daughter. The girl was mine in only one fragment when I touched her stomach, but it was flat, there was nothing more in the dream. Then my best friend appeared and we are at my dacha, where we spent the night with the girl tonight, and I keep her wrapped up and feeling and fear at the same time. Tell)


i dreamed that I have a newborn daughter, she is a month old, but she can already pronounce words, I bathed her, and she hugged me tightly and said mom.


Sleep from Monday to Tuesday. In reality, I have a daughter of 10 years old, and then in a dream I dream that I have another newborn girl (about a month old) is very beautiful and most importantly, I understand that she is mine and my young man .I hold her in my arms and my young man, too, and we are both happy. We go to the store and buy diapers and all kinds of baby supplies for her (but we don’t go to the store with her, at first I sit with her in the car, and my young man goes one and buys what I tell him, and then vice versa). In reality, we both want a baby. Why would this dream. Thank you in advance!


I dreamed of a daughter, barely born, and very small, like a sparrow. And under it was a small puddle on the diaper. Only this diaper looked like an A4 sheet. And she seems to be smiling. And in a dream, I felt that this was my daughter. I really want a child, my husband and I are trying to get pregnant, but to no avail. And so I was wildly happy in a dream.


hello! I dreamed that my daughter was born, and I didn’t give birth myself, they did a cesarean, and my husband took her home, I was already at home. then I dreamed that I was breastfeeding her, I have a lot of milk. the girl was born very beautiful.


I dreamed that my cousin was pregnant, but this is my daughter, she kind of helps me in childbirth, because I'm afraid to give birth, She gave birth to a daughter, I know that this is my daughter, and I'm going to pick her up, I arrived when I saw she began to cry with joy, she is so sweet, when she saw me she began to laugh, I mean, subconsciously, I know that it would be like I gave birth to my daughter.
Please tell me what is it for? In the dream book, I read that I could be pregnant.
The answer is very important to me.
Because I actually live with a young man.


i dreamed of a daughter, although in fact I still don’t even know who we will be, my husband and I admired her kissing her cheeks, I said that they were sweet !!


that night I had a strange dream, everything was as if in reality. My husband and I sleep in bed, he is on my side, and I am on my back and I hear a voice and open my eyes, my newborn daughter is hovering above me in the air (the situation in a dream in the room was exactly the same as on the eve evening in reality) she was dressed in the same clothes I put her to bed in. and through her someone said something in a vile unpleasant voice and I see it all in a dream and think that you need to remember that what he told me. and then I woke up in a cold sweat and I see that my daughter is sleeping in a stroller next to me ...


Hello Tatyana. I am pregnant at 30 weeks, we will have a daughter and that night I had a dream. That my daughter was born and she had very pronounced blue big eyes. Although my husband and I are swarthy


i dreamed of a very beautiful, like a doll, crying newborn girl and I know that this is my daughter (I have no children) and when I picked her up and started to rock, she stopped crying.


In reality, I'm pregnant. Today I have to go for an ultrasound and find out the sex of the baby. And I had a dream about the fact that I have a newborn girl, a very small size (it seems premature). She fell asleep and I put her on a chair, since I have nothing for a newborn (neither a crib, nor a stroller). Then I can't find my daughter, I forgot where I put her. Found in a big pile of things. She fell asleep and was guarded by a black and white cat. The cat licked my child with her kitten next to her. I took my daughter in my arms and began to breastfeed. The girl was swarthy, black-haired and very calm.


I dreamed that my friend gave birth to me ... I didn’t feel any pain, I didn’t feel anything else ... Then a child who wants to eat is in my arms ... Why did I first express milk into a saucepan, and then I thought: “it’s probably uncomfortable for a child to drink like that ”and bared her chest ... The child grabbed the nipple and a pleasant, until that day, unfamiliar sensation spread over the body) Eating, the child fell asleep and I felt that he had a damp diaper ... I began to remove the diaper from the child and saw that I had a girl .... In a dream, for some reason, it was not possible to wash the child, and I wiped it with a damp cloth, then smeared the redness with baby cream and put on a new diaper. She straightened her undershirt, took her daughter in her arms, looked into her face, trying to understand who she looked like (at that moment she said to her friend: “so she’s ugly”, and the thought flashed through my head: “but mine!”), Kissed her on the forehead and the dream ended ( ((


I dreamed that I gave birth to twins, a boy and a girl. I held the boy in my arms, and the girl was said to have died.


I dreamed that I was carrying my daughter in my arms, whom I supposedly had just given birth to. I even dreamed that she still couldn’t hold her head, I held her.


I dreamed of a newborn daughter .. and I forgot her in the dark, I thought that she was in the arms of the person sitting next to me, we were going somewhere, it suddenly dawned, I see no child. I am in complete despair .. some strangers, I run to where I left the baby. I run into the house. where there are many children, I go out by the hand with a little girl and a baby in my arms. and I'm going to go there. where is my daughter. here I woke up.


i dreamed of a newborn girl and I called her sonechka. I had a strong fear that I would now be left without a job and not pull it financially, but then she smiled in a dream and I became calmer.


I have been pregnant for 11 weeks already. Today in a dream I saw a girl, I returned home and went to the bed, and there was a cat sitting there, but there was no child.


I am pregnant for 11 weeks. I dreamed that I gave birth to a daughter. When I came home, a cat was sitting in the crib instead of my daughter.


I dreamed that my daughter was born, I bottle-fed her porridge, she slept mostly, and then woke up and had to change the diaper. It was also like she was born by caesarean section, and I was under anesthesia.


I dreamed that I was walking pregnant, and I saw a dream not from the outside, but with my own eyes. Then some kind of failure, the next scene - I put my daughter to bed, and she quickly falls asleep, I didn’t even have to rock her. She kept thinking about what to call her, but she never figured out - the whole dream the girl was without a name.


Hello!! I dreamed that I had a newborn daughter, although in fact I have no children. I don’t remember all the details, but I remember exactly that I chose a name for her and could not decide. I remember that she crap one's pants and washed it, it was not customary for me to realize that I have a child, a strange feeling of what to do next with her. But it's still nice to have it. I don’t remember if her father was in a dream, but it seemed to be realized that he was somewhere.


I dreamed that I had a son, but he was already 1 or 3 years old and had a newborn daughter. I didn’t see them but read them in the magazine of the maternity hospital. A month ago I dreamed that I had a daughter.


Today I walked with a girl of a woman I know for 1 year - the child walked, and I followed her - the girl smiled, Then I went to another friend - who came from afar with her daughter in an envelope, a newborn, the girl smiled ...
And yesterday, in a dream, I was babysitting a 2-year-old daughter of a friend who was deeply pregnant and we all sailed on a ship.


I dreamed that I was running away from someone around the city, and I was holding a baby (my daughter) in my hands, then we finally find ourselves safe, at home, there are relatives, my godfather takes the girl in her arms and says, well, here you are again daughter, and I answer him, but your family is lucky for boys :) (my brothers) I remember that I looked at my baby with great unearthly love, took care of her and was afraid for her .. What can this dream mean?


I dreamed of a newborn girl in my arms, I called her daughter. She was very small and beautiful. My husband and I went to bathe her in a bathhouse (we were at my parents' dacha)


I dreamed that I gave birth to a daughter, but as such there were no births, and left her for the whole day, alone, it was scary that I did this and walked all that day thinking about it, then I remembered “as if” the birth that had passed easily and quickly, after which another thought came, how could I give birth to a daughter if in a dream I was a virgin. After which I went to my daughter, I remember that we looked with her in the mirror and merged our faces, we were so similar ...


In a dream, I gave birth to a child, a girl. And she was very happy. The child was beautiful, I looked at her and kissed her, realizing what happiness it was. I remember being held in my arms and breastfeeding. Then I chose a name for my daughter, I couldn’t decide whether they were Dasha, Karina, Arina, although in fact I don’t really like them in life.


Good afternoon. I dreamed that I was pregnant and expecting a baby, and then I was already in transport with my older child (in reality, a son) and I was holding my newborn daughter in my arms (in reality, there is no daughter, not pregnant)


I gave birth to a daughter, but left it at some enterprise, because I was afraid that my mother would scold me. I returned for it the next day, but did not find it. I still have her photo, as well as other newborn children (not mine)


I dreamed that I had a newborn daughter, I take care of her and my husband helps me in this. The daughter is calm. I was most surprised in this dream that our newborn daughter already had several teeth. It is a dream that we have a happy family, a spacious comfortable apartment, everything is like in a movie. A very long and pleasant dream. In fact, I'm in a position right now. I would like to know why such a dream occurred.


Hello! My name is Nina. I had a dream as if I had given birth to a girl and was lying with her on a white, cleanly made bed. She was crying, I calmed her down and gave her a pacifier. She crap one's pants on white sheets


Good afternoon, I’m 5 months old) we still don’t know the gender of our baby, today I dreamed of my daughter, she was dressed in pink clothes, lay in a stroller, what could it be


Good afternoon! I dreamed that I gave birth to a daughter. I didn’t see the girl herself, it seemed like she was sleeping in another room. The emphasis of the dream was that everyone congratulated me on the newborn, even relatives from Canada called, with whom I practically do not communicate.


Good afternoon! I dreamed from Saturday to Sunday that my daughter was born, but the birth itself did not dream, I was very happy. The girl was born with dark hair and dark eyebrows, similar to the beloved man with whom we broke up. In this dream, there was also my girlfriend who gave birth to a boy.


Hello. I dreamed that I was "washing away" a month old baby. What I do know is that this is my daughter. I have 2 sons.


I’m in a 4-month-old position, this morning, after seeing my older children to school, I went to sleep and I dreamed of my unborn daughter (and the ultrasound didn’t tell me the sex of the child), the essence of the dream was that I and my son (6 years) they chose a name and the name I chose, my son liked it, but dad didn’t


my young man and I dreamed of a daughter. and for all the time she dreamed for me for the first time at his house. as if we were taking her from the hospital. she smiles. and my mother tells me I'm here with you.


I dreamed that I gave birth to a daughter, I didn’t see the birth myself, but I felt that the birth was easy, the daughter was still spotted in the skin, but she was very beautiful. and I looked at my daughter's eyes and they were the same as those of my young man


I had a dream yesterday for tonight, in this dream I saw a daughter, a newborn daughter, but in reality I have no children at all. and I also looked at her face and saw my face, she looked so much like me, why dream about it?


I dreamed at first, my ex-husband, but we live together bathes with our daughters in a pond with green water, and I disdain to go into this water. Then they tell me that some kind of infection was found in this pond. And I am very worried about the health of the children. Then I dream that I am flying on an airplane somewhere to the north to give birth. A daughter is born and a man around me always feels like the father of the child. Then I fly back to Moscow with my daughter dressed up in white clothes with lace and my husband is next to us, we go into some kind of soman house and there is a bright, clean room and a couch with a white sheet. I put my daughter on the couch and understand that she is cold and I am very worried about her and take her in my arms and warm me.


Hello! As if my brother brought bags with my things and a baby. And he tells me to go get everything. I took her (daughter) and began to undress and my two girls, who I actually have, came up and began to look at this child, and she turned away and was embarrassed with such a face with a smile, as if she understood something. And I'm talking about being shy.

Seeing a girl in a dream to hold in her arms

What is the dream of a baby girl in a dream from a dream book?

A baby girl dreams of joyful moments in the life of a sleeping person. Everything that will happen in the next period of time promises to have favorable consequences and give you pleasant emotions. Perhaps you will meet a person with whom you will feel happy.

Who dreamed of a baby girl? What did you do with the baby girl? Where was the baby girl? What was the baby girl doing? What babies did the girls dream about?

Who dreamed of a baby girl?

If a pregnant woman sees a baby girl in a dream

For a pregnant woman, a dream in which she saw a baby girl increases the likelihood of a girl being born in reality. In addition, such a dream promises good health and easy childbirth for the expectant mother. Do not worry about the fate of the baby - you can take good care of him.

What did you do with the baby girl?

What does a dream mean in which a girl had a chance to breastfeed a baby

Felomena's dream book says that if you saw how you breastfeed a baby girl, it means that your worries about the current situation, which is haunting, are absolutely groundless. All fears are far-fetched and have no apparent basis for existence. All your efforts will be a waste of energy and nerves, and the problem will resolve itself after the required time.

Where was the baby girl?

What is the dream of a baby girl in her arms

Holding a baby girl in her arms in a dream means that in real life there will be a long and exhausting struggle for one's happiness. Someone will try their best to upset your plans and prevent you from realizing your plan. You should not despair, victory will be yours, but for this you will have to try.

What was the baby girl doing?

Why see in a dream how a baby girl in her arms smiles

If you dream that a baby girl is smiling in your arms, this portends that fate will be favorable to you and will give you many chances to implement your plans. These opportunities will only need to be recognized and used in time.

What babies did the girls dream about?

If the girls dreamed of crap one's pants

A dream in which the girl's babies were crap one's pants predicts that soon there will be a great opportunity to make big profits. Of course, this money will not go to waste, you will have to work hard to earn it. But the result will exceed all expectations.

If the baby was naked, then you are suffering from loneliness. There is no person in life with whom you can share the warmth of the soul and the unrealized feeling of love. This dream hints that in the near future such a person will appear on your life path, the main thing is to be able to see him in the crowd and not miss him.

The twin girls who appeared in a vision warn of a possible loss of friendship or love feelings. You risk losing the trust of your partner or friend and breaking off the connection that exists between you.

If, according to the plot of the dream, the baby girl was dead, there will be a serious disappointment and a collapse of hopes. It will become clear that the ideas that you intended to implement and made grandiose plans about this are not destined to come true. This can unsettle you for a while and make you experience great mental anguish. Remember that life does not end there, try to start over - someday everything will work out, it simply cannot be otherwise.

Child girl according to the dream book

A person who dreamed of a child a girl has a good chance to soon declare himself and show himself only on the positive side. You can find out more about what the baby is dreaming of with the help of a dream book. To do this, you need to recall in detail the details of the dream, its plot and emotional coloring.

A dream in which children dream of a boy and a girl, according to the dream book, means a warning and a reminder to take care of their health, both physical and moral. If children are healthy and cheerful in a dream, it means that there will be prosperity and well-being in work and family life.

A dream in which a girl is sitting in her arms means that in order to achieve your goals you will have to make great efforts, if at the same time the child is joyful, then you are guaranteed success in this matter. If in a dream the baby is sad in her arms, then your relatives and friends do not have enough of your attention. Dream Interpretation recommends setting aside time and spending the weekend with your loved ones.

Having a baby girl in a dream promises a happy and prosperous future. Also, such a dream is interpreted by the dream book as the imminent beginning of new and unexpected love relationships, which in fact will be happy and may end in a wedding. To give birth to a baby in a dream means the end of all the hardships that have fallen on your head.

What is the dream of a newborn baby girl. For a woman, a newborn baby in a dream promises an exacerbation of the feminine in her - there will be a desire to put on a dress, heels, emotions and feelings will become aggravated. For a man, such a dream promises the emergence of real feelings for a woman, he wants to behave with her like a true gentleman, carry her in her arms, give her hand, escort her home.

Why else dream of a child girl

If a woman dreamed of a baby girl, it means getting a pleasant surprise, if in a dream the baby looks into your eyes, then you are surrounded by devoted and loving friends. Also, such a dream according to the dream book can promise in reality a successful wedding with a person whom you will soon meet on your way.

A small child girl, beautiful and bright as a doll, dreams of an incredible miracle. If such a dream occurs to a woman who is desperate to have a baby, then soon she will become pregnant. Also, the dream book interprets such a dream as a life full of love, happiness and mutual respect.

Seeing a baby girl in a dream is a good sign. For pregnant women, such a dream promises a quick and easy birth. For people who have been working for a long time in one company - a promotion. Women waiting for their prince - an early meeting with a potential husband.

What is the dream of a child girl in Miller's dream book. Such a dream promises joy, prosperity and happiness. A mother who saw her baby a little sick - to the good health of her child. According to the dream book, chatting, talking with the baby promises quick material well-being, soon you will create your own small business, which will bring good profit.

Seeing a crying baby in a dream is an alarming sign that may portend a deterioration in well-being. The dream book advises you to spend a few days in peace and tranquility and the strength will return to you again.

Most dream books interpret the plot in which the baby appears very favorably. Just as the appearance of a baby in life brings with it troubles, problems, and great joy, so a child seen in a dream is a signal that the path to happiness will not be easy, but you can overcome it.

Moreover, joy can be expected even if the baby cries. This meaning is especially enhanced when the dreaming baby is a girl. Her presence in a dream predicts an early favorable change, a journey, a surprise of fate, or a new acquaintance, which will be quite unexpected.

Dream Interpretation Baby Girl

Why does the baby girl dream in a dream from a dream book?

Seeing a baby girl in a dream is one of the most auspicious signs. Soon you will find wonderful changes, pleasant acquaintances and unexpected surprises. Fate will definitely smile at you.

Dream interpretation Baby in arms

What is the dream of a Baby in her arms in a dream from a dream book?

To dream that you are holding a baby in your arms is an image of your hopes and efforts. You have been hatching plans for the implementation of your ideas for a long time and are now ready to start implementing them. Vision reflects your anticipation of the work ahead and the success it will lead to.

Whose baby was in her arms?

If in a dream there was someone else's baby in her arms

Dreaming of holding someone else's baby in your arms is a warning that you are being manipulated. The decisions you make are actually imposed by another person. Someone entered into your confidence and with the help of various tricks and false speeches forced you to do what is beneficial to him.

Dream Interpretation baby in arms in a dream

Why dream of a baby in her arms. Dream interpretation

A dream in which a baby appears in her arms warns that an unexpected event will soon occur in your life. It can be both positive and negative. Much depends on the atmosphere of sleep and the condition of the hands. If your hands are dirty, then you should expect trouble and difficulties. This dream, in the case of a benevolent atmosphere in a dream, promises you gaining self-confidence and hope for the best. However, it suggests that achieving the goals will not be easy, and you will need a colossal ability to work. A dream in which you hold or pick up a sick baby is considered unfavorable. He predicts mental anguish, sadness and unpleasant events.

In our dream book you can learn not only about what dreams about a baby in your arms dream about, but also about the interpretation of the meaning of many other dreams. In addition, you will learn more about what it means to see a baby in your arms in a dream online by Miller's dream book.

Why dream of a child? In a dream, she was constantly with a baby in her arms (there was a girl, she was my daughter)


Chaliapin Katrina

girl dream of some kind of miracle!

Vita Marchenko

A baby is always in trouble and trouble ..

Lidmila Cretsu

If a girl is dreaming, then this is a miracle, you will be surprised at something, and the boy is in trouble.


If a girl dreamed, then to the diva, and if a boy to troubles.

Evgenia Kotova

~ Interpretation of sleep by the word "Child" ~

Foal: To quick, rash decisions. If a foal. kicks, then these decisions will cost you dearly.

Stallion, foal: Seeing a foal in a dream means that good times are coming for you, where you will take a worthy and honorable place. Riding a beautiful stallion in a dream means that your prestige and social position will increase in the most phenomenal way, but this success will damage your morality and conscientiousness. A dream in which you see a furious stallion warns that the surrounding luxury will make you arrogant and arrogant, and this will turn your friends away from you and push you to dubious pleasures. Seeing a stallion is a sign that you will start new successful businesses.

Child: Seeing crying children in a dream - to poor health and disappointment. A cheerful, clean child means rewarded love and many good friends. A child walking alone is a sign of independence and disdain for unworthy opinions. If a woman sees in a dream that she is nursing a child, she will be deceived by the one she trusts the most. A bad sign is to see in a dream that you are picking up your sick child if he has a fever: this dream portends mental suffering and sadness.

Child: As the object of your dreams, the child is something that requires care and attention. Here it is important to determine whether the sense of responsibility comes from yourself or is it imposed from outside. A dream involving a child can be dreamed of by women of childbearing age as a reflection of the instinct of childbearing inherent in them. In men, such dreams signal a certain amount of anxiety, especially for sexually active men, which seems to be associated with fear of the obligations of fatherhood.

Irina Popova

Well, actually, the girl is dreaming of a DIVA! you will marvel at something. And it also happens when children dream so much that if you had an abortion (then they come to you). I had such a dream once and they told me to go to the cemetery and find the grave where the child is buried (look at the tombstones) and put something for him (candy or cookies). I did so!

Liljen Koval

I often dreamed of a girl before the birth of my daughter, although I wanted a boy and did not understand why a girl? Gave birth-understood



I dreamed that I was pregnant from my man and soon gave birth to a girl whom he named Lana for some reason. Then we walk with him across the field (I carry the girl in my arms) and try to get to the settlement as soon as possible, as there is a huge, dark , thundercloud. We go out onto the road and catch a car .. Then the dream ends. What would that mean? Help, please, decipher. Thank you in advance!


I dreamed that I was walking down the street, and a woman with a child met me, she came up to me and gave the child, I took it and sat down on the step in surprise, I carefully looked at the girl, she is small, in a blanket, with a pink bow around the blanket , eyes light, gray or blue, she smiled.


i dreamed of a little girl, completely a baby, that she was my daughter, but there was no wedding or husband in a dream, I have a son and I am divorced. and most importantly, the girl had very beautiful eyes like a doll ...


i dreamed that my parents went to the village, they made repairs and put up a huge blue fence, it was very comfortable with him in the yard, and my sister seemed to have a girl, the baby was calm, smiling and very well-fed, pretty, and the girl's name was Bogdana.


My sister is about to give birth, she will have a girl, in a dream she gave birth to a healthy, large girl, bright, beautiful.


Hello, Tatyana! In reality, I’m already over 30 and I don’t have children, but I dreamed of my own birth, everything was very easy and fast, a girl was born, my emotions in a dream were very strong, joy, happiness and no fear, such that I wanted 2 more give birth)))). I'll wait for your interpretation, thanks!




Being pregnant at 6 months, I always see a girl in a dream, and yesterday I saw my daughter, I gave birth to her in a dream, I thought that she died panicking and she opens her big eyes and smiles


my mother refused the girl and I took her to myself, the doctors did not give her to me. I was told you will soon have your own child, why do you need Lisa. I said anyway, I'll take it for myself, this and my child.


In my dream I see a baby i.e. I thought so in my dream about my daughter and called her by the name Sonya. She was fed with a bottle, and the baby only smiled. Everything was real in the dream. Then it all disappears and immediately after that I have another dream that my husband and I are going somewhere in the distant sea, you can see, and I am in a beautiful purple long dress. I dreamed from Saturday to Sunday that day my husband and I were visiting slept there for the first time and this is what I dreamed about. That's all. Thank you.


I dreamed of a large pile of well-packed human skeletons, but where there were cracks, many black snakes crawled through them, then bones began to fall upstairs and snakes along with them, and an ash-colored cat watched all this periodically, looking at me as if at the mistress, and I saw, as if a desert, and then everything was gone, and a girl of about three years old appeared on the threshold of an unfamiliar apartment, standing, looking and smiling, so pretty with very kind and bright eyes, and then I woke up.


in a dream, a girl with beautiful eyes was born to me. we were in the village. everyone was happy. the dogs were big


Hello. I dreamed about my birth. I saw two children. Boy and girl. At first, I was upset that I had a boy. And the girl began to choke and they told me that she had died. She was still breathing and I started to give her artificial respiration, but nothing happened. Then they told me that I actually gave birth to a girl who died. And the boy was another woman and the child was replaced for me. Those. I was given a living boy, and my daughter was given to another woman……. As if in reality, I remember the face of my daughter, how I wanted to save her. In real life, I am not married and have no children….Thank you!


I am visiting a friend who gave birth to a girl (in fact, she had a son). I ask where is your daughter, show me. a girl on an adult bed on which my friend's brother sleeps. The girl climbed into the duvet cover. I picked her up and held her and gave her to my mother. The girl was calm.


Hello. From Tuesday to Wednesday. I am in the cemetery and I throw dried flowers out of the vases and in one of the vases the flowers turned out to be very heavy, I look, and there are two living babies, a boy and a girl, I got scared, screamed and began to call an ambulance and woke up from this scream. Thank you.


my friend came to me and gave me his daughter for 5 months he himself sat aside with friends and I played with her and changed her tights, she mostly cried and I rocked her in my arms,


I saw two little baby girls lying in a stroller in the park, I took one in my arms. One slept in a stroller. I cried in a dream hugging a child, as I myself recently lost a newborn son.


i dreamed of a newborn girl, as if mine ... only from a dream I don’t remember the birth itself ... my mother also dreamed, she was nearby, helping me with the child ... and I also dreamed of many strangers, medical students ... unfamiliar places, at home


I dreamed of a little girl and as if this was my daughter, I was looking for things for her! I am not married and have no children!

To correctly determine what a baby is dreaming of, consider the details:

  • state - crying, cheerful, capricious;
  • location - in a wheelchair, on hands.

Dream interpretation

Look at the meaning of a dream in different dream books.

Miller's dream book

A crying child - to disappointment in business. Perhaps the long-awaited result will not please you. A dream in which the baby cries and is naughty portends health problems.

If the baby went in a dream, the sign symbolizes the desire for independence from the people around him. However, neglecting other people's advice and opinion, you risk getting into an awkward position.

I dreamed of someone else's newborn whom you are nursing - to the betrayal of a loved one whom you used to trust.

If a girl is dreaming - to great happiness and family well-being. The boy - to minor troubles and worries.

If in a dream you hold a child with signs of fever - to emotional distress, suffering and sadness.

Freud's dream book

According to Freud's dream book, a dream is a dream for well-being, family joys. But if he cries in a dream, problems and worries await.

Baby in your arms - the person you are helping takes advantage of your kindness. Many cheerful and healthy babies in a dream - to great joy, happiness and family well-being. If children cry in a dream, worries, little troubles will overcome you.

Rolling a baby in a stroller - for a long and happy trip. A baby sleeping in a crib or stroller - to calmness, comfort and quiet joys in life.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

Crying children dream of bad events in the country that cause panic. The dream portends concern for the family, defeat in society, rallies and strikes.

If a child laughs in a dream - a favorable sign for humanity, happiness will come to every home. The dream symbolizes the end of the war, the time of a quiet life, the restoration of balance in the country.

Wangi's Dream Interpretation

A dream of a man or woman dreaming of children is a favorable sign, which means the appearance of a miracle in the family. The dream also predicts the gender of the unborn baby. If the baby dreamed in the arms of a man, then a boy will be born; if a woman has a girl.

If a child had a dream in a dream, then you definitely need to remember the boy had a dream, or the girl. In addition, it is also of great importance who exactly dreamed of the child.

Seeing a child in a dream, you should definitely find out why the girl is dreaming of a child and what should be expected from such a dream.

In most cases, such a dream means that in reality one should expect any unexpected events, as well as surprise, and it is completely unknown what kind they will be, positive or negative. This can only be determined by the additional details that are present in the dream.

If a little girl dreamed of an adult woman, and she associates herself with a girl in a dream, then such a dream means that, probably, in the very near future she will have a very strong surprise, which is associated with material costs. Most likely, the problems will be related to the woman herself, because the dream indicates her somewhat naive and childish behavior.

In general, the girl who was seen in a dream by an adult woman, as it were, personifies the state of her soul, which is why she should pay close attention to her image, appearance, and behavior. This is what will help her realize what positive character traits she has, or else pay attention to existing problems and try to solve them in the best way and very quickly.

In addition, a dream in which a woman sees a little girl may indicate pregnancy in the very near future. But if you dream about the birth of a girl in a dream, then this can symbolize the beginning of a new, happy relationship.

If a man dreams of a girl, then such a dream means that in business life he will soon have very strong support.

After such a dream, it is best to immediately begin to conduct business negotiations, because the likelihood of success in such negotiations is very high.

If you dream that a little girl enters the house, then this may mean nothing more than the fact that soon you will definitely need to wait for guests. In a dream, it is not necessary to prevent and allow the child to enter the house, because otherwise, although not significant, but quite tangible troubles may arise in life.

If you dreamed that the girl was talking about something, then such a dream means that additional income will certainly appear soon and indicates material well-being. If the conversation is long and thoughtful, then the chances of making a profit increase greatly.

If you dream that the girl is crying, then this can symbolize a deterioration in the state of health, and that is why it is worthwhile to additionally carry out the prevention of various existing chronic diseases, or to do a complete in-depth examination of the body.

If you dream that a child is bathing a girl, then this may be a symbol of the beginning of a very favorable period for any changes in life.

At the same time, you can additionally master a completely new profession for yourself or start doing a new hobby.

If the child is cheerful and cheerful, then this may be a symbol of the fact that many new friends will soon appear, or a new mutual love that will bring happiness.

If you dream that the girl is walking on the street alone, then this may mean that the person who sees such a dream is completely independent and has nothing to be afraid of, but he should achieve his goals and always adhere to an active life position.

If a woman dreamed that she was lulling and nursing a child, then this may be a sign that soon she may be deceived by those whom she trusts most and even the most devoted and loyal friends will be able to turn away at the most inopportune moment.

It is very bad to see a sick child in a dream, especially if you dream of your own daughter, because this means that the person who dreamed about it will suffer greatly and be tormented by mental anguish.

A dream in which she dreams that a girl is taking her first steps certainly means that in real life, the person who had this dream may well rely on his own strength and at the same time not rely on someone else's opinion at all.

If you dream that a woman is giving birth to a child, this undoubtedly means wealth and additional profit. If the girl in a dream is plump and strong, then this means that soon there will be pleasant chores, but if, on the contrary, the girl is thin and weak, then troubles should be expected.

But basically, seeing a child in a dream is always some kind of sign from above, which can portend troubles.

But do not forget that there are dreams that do not mean anything at all, they only display and symbolize what a person was thinking about before going to bed.

Dream Interpretation, the meaning of sleep: a girl in a dream

Often people see children in their dreams. For example, why is the girl dreaming? To solve this riddle, you need to find out the meanings of all the dreamed images and make up a general picture from them. In the article we present the most popular interpretations of such a dream.

Miller's dream book: a girl in a dream

According to Gustav Miller, a dream in which a girl is present is not very favorable, but you are quite able to overcome the troubles that it promises.

  • Seeing a baby in a dream that looks like an angel means that in reality the dreamer is in danger: ill-wishers are preparing a trap.
  • If a crying girl is dreaming, then in reality the sleeping person can become seriously ill. Preventive measures should be taken immediately, otherwise the consequences will be extremely sad.
  • When a woman sees herself in a dream in childhood, this is a sign that in adulthood she wants to forget about her problems and be under the protection and care of her parents.

What is the dream of a child-girl according to Vanga's dream book

The famous clairvoyant Vanga, in her interpretation of dreams, pays special attention to such an image as the birth of children.

  • If a woman dreams that she gave birth to a girl, then in reality joyful chores and some amazing event await her. In addition, it is quite possible that the dreamer will indeed become pregnant and give birth to a daughter.
  • When childbirth in a dream is painful, but everything ends well, it is a symbol that great trials and difficulties await the sleeping woman, but all problems will be solved if she makes every effort to achieve the desired result.
  • If an adult woman who already has a child dreams that she is giving birth to a girl, in real life she will again experience feelings of love and passion.

Freud's dream book: a dream about a girl

Psychologist Sigmund Freud associates all the images that come in dreams with the sexual side of life. In his opinion, for a woman, a dream with the presence of a little girl means that in reality, in a relationship with her lover, she lacks warmth and affection, at the subconscious level she lacks a sense of security from her partner. The dream has the same meaning, where a woman sees herself at the age of a child. With all this, in fact, everything is fine with her in the intimate sphere, it’s just that sometimes the dreamer wants to completely surrender to the hands of the chosen one and feel in his power. You should talk to your lover about your desires frankly.

When young girls dream of a guy, this is a sign that he longs for intimate relationships. This is also evidenced by the dream of a mature man, in which he sees a little girl. Probably, the sleeping person is thinking about forbidden sex. But this does not mean that the dreamer has a penchant for pedophilia, he just wants to diversify his intimate life. Of course, this can be done in completely legal ways.

Shooting girl according to the French dream book

  • To see a disheveled baby in a dream - to sad events, a mess in business and the collapse of hopes.
  • When a woman dreams that she is still a child, this is an indicator that in reality she loves to take care of children. Also, such a dream promises good news from parents.
  • For a man, a girl seen in a dream promises a long-awaited meeting with friends or relatives.

Dream Interpretation of Tsvetkov: if a girl dreamed

  • The esoteric believes that a crying baby is dreaming of an unexpected material gift, and a laughing baby is dreaming of tears.
  • If a sleeping person talks to a child in a dream, then something unexpected will happen in reality, which will greatly affect his future life.
  • Scolding a girl in a dream is a bad event that will happen through the fault of the dreamer.
  • If you saw a crying girl in a dream, it means that a warning of a serious illness is hanging over you. If you do not take preventive measures, then everything can end unfavorably.
  • To see a little girl with a harmless expression during sleep, then in real life you need to be careful not to fall into the bait abandoned by your enemies.
  • A disheveled girl seen during a dream means your affairs will come into chaos. Your hopes will melt like smoke. Big bad events are possible.
  • If a girl sees herself in a dream as a little girl, it means that she will have unexpected worries about children. Probably, she will receive a pleasant notice from her parents.
  • If a man sees a little girl in a dream, it means that he will have joyful meetings with relatives and friends, from whom he had no news for a long time.

Dream Interpretation Baby girl

What is the dream of a baby girl in a dream from a dream book?

A baby girl dreams of joyful moments in the life of a sleeping person. Everything that will happen in the next period of time promises to have favorable consequences and give you pleasant emotions. Perhaps you will meet a person with whom you will feel happy.

Who dreamed of a baby girl?

If a pregnant woman sees a baby girl in a dream

For a pregnant woman, a dream in which she saw a baby girl increases the likelihood of a girl being born in reality. In addition, such a dream promises good health and easy childbirth for the expectant mother. Do not worry about the fate of the baby - you can take good care of him.

What did you do with the baby girl?

What does a dream mean in which a girl had a chance to breastfeed a baby

Felomena's dream book says that if you saw how you breastfeed a baby girl, it means that your worries about the current situation, which is haunting, are absolutely groundless. All fears are far-fetched and have no apparent basis for existence. All your efforts will be a waste of energy and nerves, and the problem will resolve itself after the required time.

Where was the baby girl?

What is the dream of a baby girl in her arms

Holding a baby girl in her arms in a dream means that in real life there will be a long and exhausting struggle for one's happiness. Someone will try their best to upset your plans and prevent you from realizing your plan. You should not despair, victory will be yours, but for this you will have to try.

What was the baby girl doing?

Why see in a dream how a baby girl in her arms smiles

If you dream that a baby girl is smiling in your arms, this portends that fate will be favorable to you and will give you many chances to implement your plans. These opportunities will only need to be recognized and used in time.

What babies did the girls dream about?

If the girls dreamed of crap one's pants

A dream in which the girl's babies were crap one's pants predicts that soon there will be a great opportunity to make big profits. Of course, this money will not go to waste, you will have to work hard to earn it. But the result will exceed all expectations.

If the baby was naked, then you are suffering from loneliness. There is no person in life with whom you can share the warmth of the soul and the unrealized feeling of love. This dream hints that in the near future such a person will appear on your life path, the main thing is to be able to see him in the crowd and not miss him.

The twin girls who appeared in a vision warn of a possible loss of friendship or love feelings. You risk losing the trust of your partner or friend and breaking off the connection that exists between you.

If, according to the plot of the dream, the baby girl was dead, there will be a serious disappointment and a collapse of hopes. It will become clear that the ideas that you intended to implement and made grandiose plans about this are not destined to come true. This can unsettle you for a while and make you experience great mental anguish. Remember that life does not end there, try to start over - someday everything will work out, it simply cannot be otherwise.

Dream Interpretation Newborn Girl

What is the dream of a newborn Girl in a dream from a dream book?

I dreamed of a newborn girl - soon positive changes will occur in your life. Most likely, they will concern the family.

Someone at home will pleasantly surprise you. Circumstances will develop in your favor, problems will be resolved in the best possible way.

What did you do with the newborn girl?

Dreamed of a newborn girl in her arms

A newborn girl in her arms in a dream is a good sign. Something joyful will happen in your home. If you are not holding your child in your arms, you should be wary. Such a dream is a warning that someone is unobtrusively using you. It is worth taking a closer look at your surroundings and identifying this person.

Dream Interpretation Hold a baby in your arms

You dreamed of a child in your arms, and you are wondering what this means? Then you should read the opinions of the interpreters on this matter. They will tell you why you saw a child in your arms in a dream and what consequences this dream can have for a man or woman. The final result of the interpretation is influenced by the situation in which you hold the child, as well as the condition of the baby. Pay attention to whether he is crying or sleeping, alive or dead, whether you rock him or play with him, whether it is yours or someone else's child, a boy or a girl. All these details will play a big role in getting the right answer to the question of why a small child is dreaming of in her arms.

Dreaming of a child in her arms: interpretation according to Miller's dream book

  1. Seeing a sick baby means problems and stressful days.
  2. If you rock a baby in a dream, try to lull him, it means that in order to achieve the goals and objectives you have set for yourself, you will need a lot of strength and confidence.
  3. A baby feeding in his arms warns of problems and difficult cases. If you solve them, you can count on profit.
  4. To pick up a small child who is on fire from a high temperature and is sick - sad days will come for you that will bring mental anguish and disappointment.

Holding a child in your arms in a dream is a variant of Nostradamus

Variants of Nostradamus revolve around the idea that children are a prototype of what humanity expects in the future. Therefore, almost all interpretations are filled with this idea and carry not an individual message to the immediate dreamer or his relatives, but to all mankind. If you have a newborn baby in your arms, then you will try with all your might to look for ways out of a difficult situation that oppresses you. But if someone dreamed of a dirty baby sitting or lying in the arms of a woman from socially disadvantaged segments of the population, then such a dream portends troubles and dangers. Specifically, we are talking about HIV/AIDS infection. Nostradamus prophesies huge victims of this virus.

Why dream of holding a child in her arms according to Vanga's dream book

If in a dream you hold a child who is crying and try with all your might to calm him down, then such news or events await you that will come as a complete surprise. At the same time, if a little boy or girl themselves reaches out to you so that you can hold them in your arms, then this is a sign of the imminent replenishment of your family.

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov about a child in her arms

If you hold a newborn, shake him to sleep, then this indicates your laziness and passivity. If you want to achieve something in life, achieve the goals that you have set for yourself or realize your dreams and ideas, you should become more assertive. Invest more work in your affairs - then you will implement all your ideas and do it with dignity.

Dream Interpretations of other interpreters: what is the dream of a child in her arms

  1. Yuri Longo identifies a dreaming baby with a deception that you may be subjected to. Any person from your environment can deceive you. Especially, do not believe promises: no one is going to keep them.
  2. Sigmund Freud's dream book gives the following interpretation: if you dream that you took and carry a little boy or girl, then a family idyll awaits you, harmonious relationships in everything, including the intimate sphere.
  3. Miss Hasse claims that a dream in which you rock a newborn to sleep promises joy and happiness in family life.

Now you know what the child is dreaming of. A boy in your arms or a girl, it often doesn’t matter: the main thing is to correctly understand the message of your subconscious and interpret it correctly as well.

Dream interpretation little girl

What is the dream of a little girl in a dream

The appearance of a girl in a dream is a signal that change is not far off. Whether they will accompany work or personal life is unknown. Plots in which you care for a female baby are considered a good sign - for example, bathing, feeding or dressing a girl.

If a child cries, is naughty, expresses dissatisfaction with something, it means that in order to achieve the goal, certain obstacles will have to be overcome. The same interpretation can be given to a dream in which the girl is dirty, sloppy, ugly. But in the end, everything will end well, since the dreaming girl, as a rule, is a very favorable sign.

What is the dream of a little girl who hugs me very tightly and I do too? The girl is beautiful, nice..


Ella Ax

children are amazing. something happens that you don't expect

Ludmila Sukhorukova

Child - shows that some of your character traits have matured. Pay attention to your inner growth. A child of the same sex with the dreamer is his "inner child". A child of the opposite sex - shows a lack of softness in men and stamina in women. Seeing an unfamiliar child in a dream is a sign that your new ideas will come true, but will require a lot of effort. Seeing your child is a relationship with him. American dream book Child - playfulness, the ability to rejoice, openness. English dream book If in a dream you are nursing a baby, it means that grief and heartfelt disappointments lie in wait for your home. If you dream of a sick child, this is a harbinger that death can take one of your loved ones. For a girl, a dream in which she sees herself as the mother of a baby is a sign that her boyfriend can seduce her and leave her. And for a young man, a dream in which he sees himself as a family man nursing a baby will serve as a harbinger of deceived love expectations. Perhaps because of the death of his beloved. When a married woman dreams of childbirth, it means that soon all illnesses and ailments will leave her, she will become pregnant and give birth to a healthy child. If a single woman dreams that she has a child, it means that her good manners are in jeopardy. A dream about the death of your child should be interpreted in the opposite sense - your child will recover. Vedic dream book from Sri Swami Sivananda If in a dream you are nursing a child, this may indicate the approach of grief and sadness. If you dream of a sick child, this may prophesy the death of a relative. Oriental dream book Strong and beautiful child - symbolizes mutual love and strong friendship. A dream in which a child takes the first independent steps means: you have the right to rely on your own strength and not rely on someone else's opinion. Nursing a child is a deception on the part of a loved one. Picking up a sick child is an unfavorable sign; deep sadness and mental anguish await you. Crying child - portends problems, including health. Imperial dream book Cradle / crib for children with or without a child - refers to the rhythm of life in early childhood: a baby without personification with a specific child is a state of excess internal strength. Seeing an empty cradle in a dream / with an unknown child (he soldered the interpretation) - there is an awakening of the memory of the need to coordinate one's rhythms of microcosmic life with the rhythms of the Universe. There is no conscious vision of the problem yet, but there is a need for changes, memory is trying to find the lost link. The state of an adult in unhappiness is a maximum of external manifestations with a complete exhaustion of the internal, which leads to depression. To see a crying (whining) sick child, and even more so to hold it on your knees, in your arms, is unfavorable, since this is a complete personification of yourself with childish helplessness, but with rhythms already torn off from the Cosmos. Looking at the emotions prevailing in a dream, we are looking for already affected organs. Externally, the dream portends a collapse in business and relationships due to the loss of a sense of adequacy of perception. You need to change your attitude to the world and your place in it. To see one’s own or a familiar child in a dream - information about him should be interpreted according to the content of the dream. Meneghetti's Italian dream book Seeing yourself as a small child means someone's childhood, the last date of the historical evolution of one's own "in sho", or the date of alien intervention. Small Velesov Dream Interpretation Child - labor, dispute, fight, attack, chores, wonder; feed - profit (young) / illness or death (old); breast sucks - the enemy will cling; full child - pleasant worries; thin, whiny - unpleasant worries; dirty - a disease; baby - empty deeds, chores; crying - crying about his stupidity; see big guys - help; many children - chores, anxiety; on the shoulders of the husband - a son to be born; wife has a girl. Muslim dream book If someone sees in a dream a small child, known and familiar to him, this is fun, but


a child in a dream - to the chores

Irina Mir

Girl - to pleasant surprises



Little baby girl

Dream Interpretation Little Baby Girl dreamed of why a little baby girl is dreaming in a dream? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to see a Little baby girl in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Little Girl

Sleep promises losses in the house. Perhaps one of the relatives (relatives or acquaintances) will leave home or city forever. If a girl talks to you in a dream, then one of your friends will die a “not her own” death. A dream in which you see a little girl whose hair is being braided by someone portends the appearance of a child in your house. A child, of course, will require care and attention, but it will also bring with it a lot of joy and pleasure. Perhaps the plans you made will come true. If you have an adult daughter, it's time to take care of her dowry.

Dream Interpretation - Baby

If the baby is sleeping soundly, you are very tight, afraid of everything, be bolder. If the baby is crawling, you will soon have to make a number of important decisions. If the baby is crying, expect minor troubles. baby or small child - you are inherently shy and trusting. Crawling baby - you need to think and make decisions quickly. Crying baby - you will have to solve many small problems. Breastfeeding a baby or seeing how a baby is breastfed - you should be wary of trusting people who are not your close friends.

Dream Interpretation - Baby

In general, a baby in a dream means some new business that you have started, or some kind of work that requires a lot of effort and money. Sometimes a dream about him predicts surprise. To dream that you are protecting a baby so that he does not fall means that you doubt yourself and are afraid that your business will not come true. Seeing a cheerful and healthy baby in a dream is a harbinger of health, success, prosperity. If you dream of a nurse with a baby in her arms, then family well-being awaits you. If you dream that the baby will be wrapped in diapers, then after such a dream he may get sick. For pregnant women, such a dream portends premature birth. For women, such a dream predicts the illness of her or her spouse. Seeing a sick child in a dream is a sign that misfortune threatens your plans for the future. Seeing a naked baby in a dream is a sign of anxiety, unhappiness. The dream in which you saw a mother feeding a baby, then know that the moment has come for the fulfillment of a cherished desire. Lulling a baby in a dream is a sign of family joy and peace, which you value very much. To hear the babbling of babies in a dream means that soon some person will bother you with his empty chatter. Sometimes such a dream means that you are dealing with a person who does not know what he is doing. Seeing yourself as a baby in a dream means that you will have to do a lot to get back on your feet in life after a long period of failure or to earn the respect of others. Seeing your child as a baby in a dream means that he needs your support or may get sick, and he will need your help to get better. If the baby turns out to be sick in a dream and rushes about in agony, then suffering, collapse of hopes, need, deprivation and loneliness await you. See interpretation: nanny.

Dream Interpretation - Girl

Being in the company of young beautiful girls - you really have to be in good company at an interesting event. Dressed in white girls - for the upcoming turn of life for the better, you will find success and prosperity. Seeing yourself as a little girl in a dream - to the upcoming surprise or slight damage An unfamiliar girl comes into your house - to uninvited guests. Kicking out an unfamiliar girl - to minor troubles. Talking for a very long time in a dream with a girl - to wealth and success.

Dream Interpretation - Baby

If you dream of a baby at your mother's breast, well-being awaits you. If you hold the baby by the hand, the dream promises the successful completion of some risky business. A dead baby is a prediction that you will receive good news and, perhaps, improve your money matters.

Dream Interpretation - Baby

To dream of a baby just brought from the hospital - in reality you will receive an unexpected and pleasant gift. If the baby is a boy, then in your desire to achieve well-being you must rely on your own strengths, and if a girl, a successful marriage can make you happy. If you you see twin babies, then this is a sign of stability in business, as well as peace and harmony in the family. Finding a foundling in a dream portends profit, success and prosperity that will come to you soon. Bathing a baby in a dream portends a happy way out of a difficult situation. Kissing a baby means that you will keep your charm until old age. If you dream of a baby with a deep, bone-deep ulcer, this portends that unexpected and annoying incidents will ruin your plans, and infectious diseases threaten your children. Hearing the babble of a baby in a dream means that you will soon meet a person of amazing fate and become a faithful companion of his life. Seeing yourself as a baby in a dream means that in reality you will be accused of perjury and giving false testimony in favor of your loved one.

Dream Interpretation - Girl

If a mother dreams that her girl is very sick, she will be healthy in reality. If a young woman sees a beautiful girl in a dream, this is a sign of pregnancy.

Dream Interpretation - Girl

If the girl is in the water, then this dream means the emergence of something new in your life, and at the same time offers to try yourself in something - change jobs or find yourself a new hobby. This is a very auspicious period, and to get the most out of it, find some flat stones, arrange them in the bathroom and place candles on them. Light the candles while they are burning, you should be in the water. If the girl is sad, then in the near future you will disappoint someone around you. To prevent the ego from happening, come to the cemetery as soon as possible and bury a few potatoes near the nameless grave.

Dream Interpretation - Baby

Baby - Surprise. Yours, in your hands - your plans can be unexpectedly destroyed.

Dream Interpretation - Baby

Baby - healthy - joy, happiness in love - sick - family troubles - see him - believe in your own strength and you will achieve well-being - kiss him - save freshness until old age.

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