Complications of viral infection in children. Orvi in ​​children: the beginning of the beginning. Other complications of SARS

Classic influenza and acute respiratory infections usually disappear within 4-10 days. If your baby is sick for longer, this is an occasion to think about the prevention of complications. In this case, careful diagnosis and additional treatment is necessary, which differs from the treatment of acute respiratory infections and influenza.

Complications after influenza in children

Among the main complications after influenza in children, the following should be highlighted:

1. Bronchitis and pneumonia

Immediately, we note that a viral infection often immediately causes bronchitis or pneumonia. This is not a complication or secondary infection. Symptoms of the disease appear immediately and subside as treatment progresses. But if after several days of treatment there is a sharp deterioration in the condition, additional symptoms appear, you can think about joining a secondary infection. The following symptoms deserve special attention (we’ll make a reservation right away, the symptoms and complaints of the child are not the same thing):

  • Cough. Pay attention to its intensity (it has become more frequent or stronger), the time and situations that increase the cough (in the morning, when lying down, when getting out of bed);
  • Sputum. It will be important for your doctor to know if sputum comes up when you cough, what color it is (clear mucous or purulent - yellowish-green), how easily it is coughed up.
  • Pay attention to the complaint of chest pain (sometimes the child can even show the place where it hurts);
  • Difficulty breathing and connection with inhalation and exhalation;
  • Temperature. If the temperature rises, note what time of day it is;
  • Increased sweating.

Any change in the child's condition should be reported to your doctor, who may add antibacterial drugs, expectorants and antitussives to the treatment.

2. Sinusitis

This term is called inflammation of the paranasal sinuses. In total, a person has four groups of paranasal sinuses. Most often, inflammation of the maxillary sinuses (sinusitis) and frontal sinuses (frontal sinusitis) develops. Normally, the sinuses are filled with air. Infectious rhinitis causes swelling of the mucous membrane that lines the nasal passages. This disrupts the communication of the sinus cavity with the nose and makes the sinus an enclosed space ideal for bacteria to thrive. The onset of sinusitis is manifested by the appearance of pain on both sides of the nose. In view of the fact that the maxillary and frontal paranasal sinuses are connected by passages, a few days after the onset of sinusitis, frontal sinusitis may develop, which is manifested by pain in the forehead. The diagnosis is made on the basis of examination (at the ENT doctor) and radiographs. Antibacterial drugs, vasoconstrictors are added to the treatment (it is important to ensure the outflow of secretions from the inflamed sinus), physiotherapy (heating, inhalation).

3. Otitis media

Especially prone to otitis media are small children - under the age of 3 years. According to statistics, 80% of children at this age have had at least one episode of otitis media. This is due to the peculiarity of the structure of the auditory tube - it is shorter than in adults, which makes it more vulnerable to inflammatory processes. Otitis begins with a feeling of congestion and noise in the ear. And then it is difficult not to notice the symptoms of otitis media - there is a sharp shooting pain in the ear, which can be so severe that the child loses sleep and appetite. Pain gives to the teeth, neck, eye and fever. Self-medication with otitis is dangerous, so if you have pain in your ear, you should immediately consult a doctor.

The list of complications after ARVI and influenza in children is quite extensive, and often the diseases caused by ARVI can carry a greater danger to fragile children's health than the flu itself.

How to avoid complications after SARS in children - a blow to the root cause

The main reason for the development of complications is insufficient work of the immune system. The defense system is weakening, throwing all its forces into the destruction of viruses. In addition, viruses have a harmful effect on cells and disrupt capillary permeability. The latter opens additional gates for infection (it is even easier than before to get into the cells).
Therefore, during the treatment of viral and respiratory diseases, agents are often prescribed to strengthen the immune system. They act on the root cause - destroy the virus and enhance the body's immune response.

Symptoms and treatment of SARS in children is an issue that parents should pay special attention to. 75 percent of all childhood diseases are represented by acute respiratory viral infections affecting the respiratory tract. Especially infections threaten the smallest, whose immune system is not yet fully strengthened.

The treatment of these diseases should be taken responsibly and seriously, since even with a mild form of SARS, there can be unpredictable consequences and dangerous complications. Since we are talking about children's health, it is worth taking care of it twice as carefully. And no initiative in the diagnosis and treatment should not be allowed - this will only harm the baby. It is necessary to strictly follow the recommendations of a qualified doctor.

It is necessary to know the main symptoms of SARS in a child in order to start treatment in a timely manner

Of course, newborns get sick with acute respiratory viral infections less often than older children, since they are relatively isolated and during the first 10 months they have passive immunity, which they receive along with mother's milk. However, this does not completely eliminate the risk of infection.

Statistics show that children can get ARVI up to 8 times in one year. They develop a certain immunity, but against some specific strains of the virus, while the body is defenseless against other viral agents. But what kind of infections do not threaten children's health - influenza, adenoviruses, parainfluenza, enteroviruses and so on.

It is clear that each of these infections must be fought by choosing the right medications for this. Symptoms and treatment of acute respiratory viral infections in children is, first of all, the concern of a doctor who makes the correct diagnosis of the disease and, based on this, prescribes a therapeutic course.

The older the child becomes, the less often he suffers from respiratory diseases. With each illness experienced, the immune system strengthens and adapts. Although you cannot completely protect yourself from such infections, you can significantly reduce the likelihood of infection and their development.

Development factors

ARVI in children is more than an urgent problem, since such diseases can directly affect child development. In addition, modern children, in most cases, do not have strong immunity and, accordingly, they have to face similar problems more often.

If you start the disease and do not start its treatment on time, there is a serious risk that the child will suffer from all sorts of complications, including bronchial asthma, asthmatic bronchitis, polyarthritis, chronic lesions of the nasopharynx, and so on.

Before talking about the consequences of SARS, it is necessary to indicate what factors contribute to the development of the disease:

  • wearing wet shoes in cold temperatures;
  • hypothermia;
  • strong drafts;
  • abrupt weather changes;
  • deterioration of the body's defenses;
  • lack of vitamins;
  • weakening of physical activity;
  • incorrect hardening methods.

Children most often start to get sick when they are sent to kindergarten and, moreover, to school, because there they find themselves among other children.

Sometimes diseases follow one another in succession, since the body is weakened and there are all suitable conditions for the development of viruses in it - this is where complications after SARS in children begin. Among other things, we must not forget about the high sensitivity of the child's body to various infectious agents.

Symptoms of SARS in children begin after the incubation period ends. But they are able to spread the infection immediately after infection. However, to establish an accurate diagnosis and determine which pathogen caused the disease, it is possible only with the help of laboratory tests. Such diagnostics helps even during the incubation period.

Infection can occur by airborne droplets (someone sneezes and the child inhales) or through contact with an already infected person.

This is how ARVI begins in children, and the disease proceeds in different ways. For example, the same incubation period can sometimes last several hours, but it also happens that their duration takes several weeks.

In children's groups, the likelihood of infection increases

The duration of the disease in children is on average a week, although, of course, there may be longer cases - especially if there are complications. Although the therapeutic process does not stop for a certain time after recovery, because the child's body needs to recover.

Main symptoms

What are the symptoms of SARS in babies? The classic form suggests the presence of such signs:

  • The presence of a “general infectious” syndrome, when a child can shiver, muscle pain, migraine and weakness are disturbed, his lymph nodes increase (especially those under the jaw).
  • The respiratory organs are affected, resulting in a runny nose, a sore throat, the baby begins to cough (although the nature of the cough may be different).
  • Mucous membranes are affected - because of this, it hurts the eyes, lacrimation is observed, the development of ocular conjunctivitis is possible.

At the same time, one should not think that the form of infection will always be classical. The body of each child is individual and, therefore, the disease can proceed in different ways:

  • with erased symptoms;
  • with pronounced symptoms;
  • with an atypical form;
  • in a severe variant (when the symptoms are not just pronounced, but significantly worsen the patient's condition and can develop into serious consequences).

One way or another, only by contacting a doctor and passing the appropriate examinations, it can be confidently stated that the child has a specific viral infection and how it should be treated.

When should you see a doctor?

Signs of SARS in children aged 2.3 and 12 may be approximately similar, but the younger the child, the more difficult it is for him to endure all the inconvenience, pain and discomfort caused by these symptoms.

However, here are the symptoms, in the event of which an appeal to a qualified medical specialist should be immediate:

  • temperature indicators exceed 38 degrees and do not decrease, despite taking antipyretics and carrying out procedures aimed at combating fever;
  • impaired consciousness, confusion, a state close to fainting;
  • severe pain in the head, inability to make a cervical turn and lean forward;
  • the occurrence of a rash and spider veins on the skin;
  • chest pain, difficulty breathing;
  • allocation of multi-colored sputum when coughing;
  • puffiness on the body;
  • convulsions.

It is important to pay attention to the condition of the baby's various organs so that no inflammation is missed.

If the temperature exceeds 38.5 degrees, it's time to lower it

The main thing is not to panic!

How does an acute respiratory viral infection progress in children? It happens that there are no symptoms at all - this form is called asymptomatic. But often - with a high temperature and other signs of intoxication.

If the fever is strong - above 38.5 degrees, it must be fought, because it can lead to convulsions and irreversible changes in the child's body.

But the temperature below 38.5 degrees should not be brought down, otherwise you will prevent children's immunity from coping with its duties, that is, destroying the virus and preventing it from multiplying.

When observing such a symptom as high temperature indicators, in children under 3 years old, it is necessary:

  • refrain from any panic;
  • carefully monitor the condition of the baby - in normal situations, after 4 days, the temperature should return to normal;
  • see a doctor if the fever is high and cannot be controlled.

There is a possibility of such a complication of SARS as a bacterial infection. It happens that the baby recovers (at least it seems so), the parents are already calming down for his health (perhaps even reduce the level of care and attention), and after a while the child becomes even worse than it was, fever and other symptoms develop.

The course of the disease by day

If we talk about the course of SARS by day, fever usually manifests itself on the first (if it is the flu) or second day, lasts for 3-5 days, after which it declines. These few days should be enough for the body to produce antibodies, through which it will be able to fight the disease more successfully and faster.

When a child is sick, he often has to observe a cough. At first, it has a dry character, that is, sputum is not secreted. This is an unproductive type of cough that is difficult for children to tolerate, interferes with sleep, and negatively affects appetite.

After 4 days, the productive stage of the disease begins, that is, sputum begins to be produced and excreted. It should be borne in mind that young children usually cannot clear their throats on their own, and therefore they need help: massage the chest, do light gymnastics, make sure that the baby is in an upright position during an attack.


How does ARVI manifest itself in children? One of the symptoms may be vomiting. Its main cause is irritation of the respiratory organs with outgoing sputum and the triggering of a gag reflex (the excitatory signal passes to the vomiting centers from the cough centers).

Sometimes the cause of this symptom is the accumulation of secretions in the nasopharynx. Moreover, the child does not feel much relief after the process. Of course, the doctor must also determine that this intoxication symptomatology is indeed caused by SARS (understand which pathogen), and is not a consequence of gastrointestinal diseases or poisoning.

Nausea and vomiting may be one of the symptoms of SARS.

Skin rash

Among the signs of respiratory infections in children, there may even be a rash. The immediate cause of this phenomenon may be:

  • fever, due to which the vessels become more permeable: a lot of hemorrhages appear on the skin;
  • the presence of individual intolerance in the baby of any of the medications he takes;
  • allergic reaction;
  • meningococcal infection - a skin rash is accompanied by vomiting and fever.

Since the consequences of such a symptom can be very serious, it is important to accurately determine its cause. You can't do this without a doctor.

Abdominal pain

Children with SARS often suffer from abdominal pain - in other words, their stomach hurts a lot. Localization of pain is usually associated with the area of ​​projection of the large intestine. Their character is colicky.

According to doctors, this is how the intestines react to the disease, as well as the appendix - or rather, their lymphatic systems. This is why a child suffering from an acute viral infection is more likely to have an appendicitis attack.

Diarrhea - that's what else accompanies abdominal pain. Its cause is cramping spasms from which the intestines suffer. Medications can also cause stool incontinence. The same intake of antibiotics, lasting for a long time, will sooner or later lead to a violation of the intestinal microflora.


Speaking about the complications of SARS, one cannot help but recall conjunctivitis. Especially often this unpleasant and dangerous phenomenon accompanies adenovirus infection.

In the beginning, as a rule, one eye is affected. Then it's time for another. Eyes become red, constantly itchy. There is a feeling that the baby "sand got into his eyes" - he does not get tired of rubbing them and crying.

Sometimes crusts form on the eyes. Light highlights appear in their corners.

Of course, the complication can go away on its own, but it is better, of course, to help the baby so that he does not suffer from the itching that bothers him. Pharmacies sell special eye ointments, as well as drops.

Conjunctivitis can become a complication of adenovirus infection and some other acute respiratory viral infections

You should understand the symptoms of SARS in children in order to understand the causes of the disease and start the right treatment.. At the same time, do not forget that only a qualified doctor can provide real help, which it is advisable to contact after observing the initial signs of a cold in a child.

1. According to the literature, about 15% of all cases of influenza and SARS result in complications from various organs and systems of the body. And therefore, you should always remember that in a child, ARVI is characterized by a maximum temperature for 5 days. If the fever (37.5 or more) persists for more than 5 days, then this indicates the development of complications or the child has some other disease. The addition of a bacterial infection to ARVI is evidenced either by a repeated episode of fever or, as noted above, by a long-term persistence of fever; there are signs of intoxication (poisoning of the body) - anxiety, pallor, general weakness, sweating. Children refuse to eat and drink, become indifferent to the environment or, conversely, excited. After consulting with your doctor, you need to know that in order to reduce the frequency of complications, from the first days of ARVI, recombinant interferon -? + antioxidants (VIFERON®), rectal suppositories, as well as an ointment or gel applied to the nasal mucosa moves or tonsils. At the first signs of the disease, you should consult a doctor.

2. The nasal cavity borders on the paranasal sinuses - maxillary sinuses, ethmoid sinuses, frontal. The most common complications in these areas in children are sinusitis and ethmoiditis. Less commonly, in older children, frontal sinusitis is possible. Sinusitis - inflammation of the maxillary sinus - the most common variant of the development of sinusitis. It is possible to suspect the development of sinusitis if the child's nose is "hopelessly" stuffed up, the baby complains of a feeling of heaviness in the head, of a pulling pain. Perhaps, swelling is visually noted above the upper jaw (on both sides or on one side). Those children who have a deviated nasal septum and have untreated carious teeth are more at risk of getting this complication. If a child has a severe headache in the forehead, superciliary arches, photophobia, pain in the eyes, there may be swelling or swelling in the forehead and upper eyelids - most likely it is frontal sinusitis (inflammation of the frontal sinus). As a complication, ethmoiditis is also possible - inflammation of the ethmoid sinus, located in the region of the inner corner of the eye. This disease is very difficult, and it is especially dangerous for the child. It is important to diagnose ethmoiditis in time, its development begins with redness and swelling of the eyelids, so many doctors, even pediatricians, confuse it with conjunctivitis. For any suspicion of an inflammatory process in the paranasal sinuses, without delay, consult a doctor for help. Timely and properly selected treatment will help your baby avoid serious complications and possible undesirable consequences.

3. If, against the background of symptoms of acute respiratory viral infections, the child has a rough cough, as if barking, and the child’s voice becomes low and hoarse, the child notes that it “scratches” in the throat - this means that an inflammatory process of the upper respiratory tract (laryngitis) is developing , pharyngitis). In severe cases, it is necessary to prescribe antibiotics - and here you can not do without the help of a pediatrician.

4. If, against the background of symptoms of the course of SARS, your child begins to notice acute pain when swallowing, complains of a feeling of sore throat, refuses to eat and drink, explaining this by increased pain in the throat - it is possible that we are talking about tonsillitis (acute tonsillitis) or exacerbation of chronic tonsillitis. These diseases are dangerous because they themselves often give serious complications to the heart and kidneys. In this situation, immediately connect a doctor to help the child. In acute respiratory viral infections complicated by angina, the drug VIFERON® can be recommended, produced in the form of rectal suppositories, as well as in the form of an ointment and gel. It is especially important that this drug is approved for use in newborns, including premature ones.

5. Complications in the ear area are also possible - eustachitis (inflammation of the Eustachian tube), acute otitis media. They can be suspected if the child is worried about shooting pain in the ear, there is (in varying degrees of severity) hearing loss; sometimes there is a feeling of congestion, as when an airplane takes off or during pressure drops. Of course, a doctor's consultation is necessary to resolve the issue of the need to prescribe antibacterial or other additional therapy.

6. With the development of bronchitis, in some cases, but not always, there may be a picture of a gradual progression of the infection down the upper respiratory tract with the development of laryngitis at first (dry hacking cough, hoarseness, and sometimes complete loss of voice), then tracheitis (hacking cough, sometimes up to painful sensations, without changes in the voice), and then - the development of bronchitis. Cough is the main clinical symptom of bronchitis. In the early days, it can be dry and rough, and later, the formation and discharge of sputum begins. With deep bronchitis, the cough is long and the sputum does not come out well. The addition of shortness of breath, repeated fever, prolonged persistence of symptoms of intoxication (weakness, sweating, fatigue) indicates either a change in the nature of the inflammatory process (for example, the addition of a bacterial infection to a viral one) or a complication of the course of bronchitis, for example, pneumonia. When a baby has rapid, labored breathing, sometimes grunting, it is possible to speak of bronchiolitis or pneumonia. It is necessary to consult a doctor for the correct diagnosis, as well as to decide whether it is necessary to prescribe antibacterial or other additional therapy.

On average, all people at least once a year get sick with a cold - SARS. Children are no exception, rather, on the contrary, they are at risk, because their immunity is still weak and cannot fully resist viruses.

Babies up to a year are under increased supervision of a pediatrician, since the development of the disease can occur rapidly, and complications can be serious. Parents should also pay special attention to the treatment of acute respiratory viral infections, not let the disease take its course, be aware of how long the temperature can last and what medicines to give the baby.

Treatment of SARS in a baby should be under the supervision of a doctor

Characteristics of the disease and types of SARS

The diagnosis of ARVI (acute respiratory viral disease) includes many inflammatory diseases of the respiratory tract and mucous membranes caused by viral pathogens. A more general concept is ARI, an acute respiratory disease, since it also includes bacterial diseases.

There are several types of SARS in children:

  • Flu. A well-known viral disease - it quickly mutates, and new strains arise. Now there are 3 types of influenza virus - A, B and C. Type A includes atypical strains, they cause epidemics around the world - "bird" and "swine" flu.
  • Parainfluenza. With it, the throat and trachea become inflamed, and a baby up to a year old may experience stenosis of the larynx.
  • Rhinovirus. It affects the mucous membranes, causes a runny nose, lacrimation.
  • adenovirus. Often occurs with unexpressed symptoms, affects the mucous membranes of the nose, eyes, pharynx, causes conjunctivitis.
  • Enterovirus, the so-called "intestinal" flu. In addition to the usual signs of SARS, the child develops diarrhea and severe dehydration.

The transmission of viruses from a sick person to a healthy person occurs by airborne droplets. Children are more susceptible to SARS when their immunity is weakened due to hypovitaminosis, anemia, frequent colds, hypothermia and stress. The body's defenses are undermined by chronic and autoimmune diseases. Frequent stay in crowded places (at school, kindergarten, in transport) also leads to infection with SARS.

Most often, epidemics of viral respiratory diseases occur in the autumn and winter periods. However, enterovirus appears in spring and summer, while adenovirus infects people year-round, regardless of the season. Most often, children from 2 to 14 years old get sick.

Incubation period

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The incubation period averages from several hours to a week. After that, the first symptoms of SARS appear. At the same time, the child is already contagious, he spreads the infection in the children's team. The time from the moment the virus enters until the first signs of the disease appear depends on which pathogen has struck the body: the incubation period for the influenza virus lasts only a few hours, and for parainfluenza it is about 7 days.

The main symptoms of the disease

Symptoms of the disease vary depending on the pathogen, each of them gives its own set of symptoms.

Symptoms of SARS will be noticeable immediately - the child's condition will noticeably worsen

Common to all SARS are:

  • runny nose, sneezing;
  • cough, sore throat;
  • redness of the throat;
  • fever, chills, sweating;
  • headache;
  • redness of the eyes, lacrimation;
  • lack of appetite;
  • sore throat;
  • aches, muscle pain;
  • lethargy, apathy, drowsiness, general poor health.


An increase in temperature is a characteristic feature for all viral diseases. Usually the thermometer rises to 38 - 38.5 ° C. How long does this high temperature last? Normally, hyperthermia lasts 2-3 days, then the baby is on the mend. When the temperature lasts for more than 5 days, a bacterial infection can be suspected.

The flu is characterized by a rapid increase in body temperature to high levels, it gets off badly and again comes to the same indicators. The child is worried about muscle pain, weakness and lethargy.

A one-year-old baby at a high temperature should be undressed and the diaper removed, it is he who gives an increase by several marks in the thermometer. When the child has cooled down a little, the temperature should be taken again, usually it drops a little. In children of this age, the thermoregulation of the body is still imperfect, it is easy to overheat them by wearing an extra layer of clothing.

If the temperature tends to high marks, and antipyretics do not help, you need to urgently call an ambulance. The doctor will give an injection and suggest hospitalization.

Vomiting and diarrhea

When enterovirus appears nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea. Usually the child vomits and vomits more than 2 times. The temperature also rises greatly, but is easily knocked down by antipyretic drugs.

Sometimes vomiting appears in children with an intense cough when the infection descends into the bronchi, and does not indicate the presence of an enterovirus infection (more in the article:). Another cause of vomiting is an increase in intracranial pressure as a complication of SARS. The baby can vomit once with a sharp jump in body temperature.

Diarrhea usually appears at the very beginning of ARVI and disappears after 2 days. With diarrhea, the child's diet should be adjusted: vegetables and soups in vegetable broth, dairy products, cereals (rice and oatmeal) must be included in the diet.

Other signs of the disease

There is a runny nose, pain, sore throat, redness of the throat and eyes, conjunctivitis. With adenovirus, catarrhal phenomena last for a long time, the temperature practically does not rise.

If a rash has joined the symptoms of SARS, you should urgently call a doctor, since the appearance of redness and rashes is characteristic of dangerous diseases - measles, rubella, meningococcal infection and others. Also, emergency medical care is required for conditions accompanied by loss of consciousness, convulsions, severe headaches, chest pains when breathing, sputum with brown or green blood.

Features of the course of the disease in children of different ages

How long does SARS last in a child? The duration of the disease depends on the state of the baby's immunity, the type of virus and the care of the child. It usually takes 3 to 14 days. The development of a viral disease in the body goes through several stages and has the corresponding signs:

  • entry of the virus into the body - the incubation period: subfebrile temperature appears, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, weakness, desire to lie down;
  • spread of the virus to the internal organs, most often the upper respiratory tract, sometimes the gastrointestinal tract: headaches, sore throat and redness, runny nose;
  • accession of a bacterial infection: mucus from the nose and when coughing becomes yellow and green;
  • viral and bacterial infection together lead to complications;
  • the child recovers and receives short-term immunity to this virus.

A viral illness usually clears up in less than two weeks.

For babies up to a year

For newborns and children up to a year, nature has come up with the best way to protect against various viral pathogens - mother's milk. With it, the baby receives antibodies that protect him. However, his immunity does not always cope, and a viral disease develops. To determine that the child is sick, you can by his condition:

  • the baby becomes capricious, lethargic, drowsy, worries and cries;
  • he loses his appetite, because nasal congestion does not allow the child to suck, he simply cannot breathe while eating;
  • diarrhea appears;
  • about intoxication they say: discoloration of the skin, which becomes gray or cyanotic, fever, sweating;
  • asthmatic syndrome is typical for children 2 months of age, it is manifested by wheezing with shortness of breath;
  • cough appears;
  • sometimes enlarged lymph nodes;
  • the eyes turn red, tears flow due to inflammation of the mucous membrane;
  • babies up to a year often have croup - swelling and inflammation of the larynx, and if the cough is barking and accompanied by suffocation, emergency medical care is needed (we recommend reading:).

SARS in infants is more difficult than in older children

For children aged 1 year and older

Symptoms for children older than 1 year are generally the same as for infants. In older children, the course of SARS is easier. Children 2 years of age often experience tracheitis and laryngitis, which can be recognized by a hoarse voice and a dry cough that does not go away. Sometimes in children under 3-4 years old, acetone may appear in the urine, which indicates an increase in ketone bodies in the blood. This disorder disappears as the patient recovers. At 3-5 years old, a child goes to kindergarten, and his immune system is exposed to great stress, a collision with many viral pathogens, so children at this age get sick more often.

Diagnosis of SARS

Diagnosis of SARS and determination of the type of virus are available only to a specialist. The doctor will take the child's temperature, examine the throat, and listen to the child's airways.

Additionally, in special cases, when it is required to determine the nature of the virus, the doctor will prescribe to take tests:

  • mucosal smear (PCR);
  • determination of the serological reaction of the virus (RSK);
  • express method for detecting the virus based on a smear of the epithelium of the nasal passages.

X-rays are ordered if pneumonia is suspected. If there is any doubt about the diagnosis, the baby will be referred to specialized specialists - a pulmonologist, an otolaryngologist.

If the presence of pneumonia is in question, the child is given an x-ray of the lungs.

Treatment of the disease

Treatment of SARS is to provide proper care for a sick child, taking the right medications, and sometimes physiotherapy will be required. Usually the child is successfully treated at home. Only babies under one year old and children in serious condition are hospitalized.

The task of parents is to provide proper care and monitor the child's condition so as not to miss dangerous symptoms. It is important to know under what conditions the baby needs emergency medical care.

Taking medication

  • Antipyretics (Panadol, Paracetamol). They are used to reduce the temperature when it reaches critical levels, usually 38.5 ° C. At temperatures above 38 ° C, the body begins to fight viruses. If the remedy does not help bring down the temperature, you can try to give another. Some children do not respond to Paracetamol, but Nurofen perfectly reduces their temperature, and vice versa.
  • Solutions for washing the nose (Salin, Aquamaris). Wash out microbes from the mucosa. Usually it is sea water or saline.
  • Vasoconstrictor drops (Nazivin, Snoop) (we recommend reading:). They help relieve swelling of the nasal mucosa and restore normal breathing. Very young children are prescribed Protargol (more in the article:).

  • Gargling is carried out with local antiseptic solutions (chamomile decoction, Furacilin solution). They relieve redness and swelling of the mucous membrane of the throat, reduce pain. Sprays for irrigation of the throat (Ingalipt, Miramistin, Tantum Verde) have the same effect.
  • Cough preparations (for example, Mukaltin) - thin the sputum and remove it (we recommend reading:).
  • Anti-inflammatory drugs (Nurofen, Ibuprofen). They have a complex effect - lower the temperature, relieve inflammation and swelling, reduce muscle pain.
  • Antiviral drugs (Acyclovir, Arbidol). Stimulate the production of interferons and reduce the activity of viruses in the child's body.
  • Immunostimulating agents (Viferon, Grippferon, Immunal, Riboxin). Increase the body's natural defenses and help fight the virus.
  • Antibiotics (Flemoxin Solutab, Biseptol, Ampicillin) (we recommend reading:). They are prescribed by the attending physician when a secondary infection (tonsillitis, bronchitis, pneumonia) joins. At the first manifestations of a viral disease, it is forbidden to give antibiotics.
  • Rubbing the sternum with warming ointments (Doctor Mom, Badger). These funds should be used only in the absence of fever, they will help get rid of residual cough after SARS.
  • With diarrhea and vomiting, it is important to prevent dehydration. Smecta is used to stop diarrhea, and Regidron is used to restore the water-salt balance.
  • Antihistamines (Fenistil, Diazolin, Claritin). They are prescribed in a complex to relieve swelling, nasal congestion.

Folk remedies

Any folk remedies used in children, especially under 1 year old, can cause an unpredictable effect. Herbs themselves are strong allergens, so the child may have an uncontrolled allergic reaction. Before giving the baby any remedy from the arsenal of traditional healers, you need to consult a pediatrician.

It must be remembered that some herbs and fees are prohibited for use in childhood. There are some time-tested recipes:

  • a collection of equal parts of chamomile, lemongrass and linden well removes toxins from the body, take it every 2 hours for 0.5 cups;
  • lemon-honey infusion with the addition of ginger will help restore immunity, all ingredients are poured with water and infused;
  • traditional teas with dried raspberries and strawberries well increase the body's defenses and reduce the temperature;
  • for sore throats, hot milk with a teaspoon of butter will help;
  • inhalation over potatoes helps with coughing, but it can be done only in the absence of temperature;
  • honey increases the immune forces of the body, but it should be remembered that this is a very allergenic product, and it is not worth giving it to a child for the first time during an acute respiratory viral infection;
  • A high temperature can be brought down by simply undressing the baby and blowing it with a towel.

With SARS, steam inhalations help very well (in the absence of temperature)

Features of child care

The child must strictly observe bed rest in case of SARS. You can’t walk, run or play, this quickly leads to weakness, the temperature rises again.

The baby needs to get enough liquid. Against the background of an increase in body temperature, intoxication of the body occurs, to remove toxins, you need to drink a lot. Portions should be small (1-3 tablespoons of water at a time), but they should be taken frequently. Usually they give warm teas, compotes, fruit drinks, older kids can drink rosehip infusion - it will help maintain immunity and enrich the body with vitamin C.

The room where the sick child lies should be ventilated frequently. It is necessary to maintain high humidity, this can be achieved by using a humidifier or placing a container of water in the room. The room temperature should be kept at 20°C. Dry and hot air dries the mucous membrane - viruses will spread faster.

You should follow a diet. Food should be nutritious, but not burden the stomach of a sick baby. Do not force-feed him, as this may cause him to vomit.

Possible complications after SARS

Any respiratory viral disease can cause complications. Usually they occur with improper care, the transfer of the disease on the legs, exceeding the dosages of drugs. Complications appear in 15% of sick children. Most often occur:

  • bacterial infections of the respiratory tract - bronchitis, purulent tonsillitis, pneumonia;
  • laryngitis and tracheitis are dangerous for newborns because they can cause stenosis of the larynx, so babies are treated in a hospital;
  • adenoviruses lead to chronic runny nose, otitis, inflammation of the adenoids;
  • from other organs and systems - kidneys (nephritis), nervous system (encephalopathy, neuritis) and gastrointestinal tract (pancreatitis).


Children who attend kindergartens and schools are recommended by pediatricians to be regularly vaccinated against the flu.

It is very difficult for a person who is not isolated from society to avoid ARVI. Various types of viruses are always present around us. There are simple ways of prevention that will help increase the body's defenses, and therefore resist the disease.

No matter how hard the parents try, it is impossible to completely protect the child from SARS. Infections that affect the respiratory tract are quickly transmitted by airborne droplets. The degree of their distribution in children's groups is especially high. As a rule, ARVI is tolerated quite easily and after 5-10 days ends with recovery. It is very important to receive adequate treatment in time, which will prevent such a serious problem as the occurrence of complications in children with acute respiratory infections.

Respiratory diseases transferred by a child contribute to the formation of immune protection. Having coped with the next pathogen, the body will be able to more easily transfer a similar infection in the future or acquire resistance to the pathogen. But in order to develop strong immunity, it is necessary to treat the infection correctly and in a timely manner. It will not always be effective to treat a cold with folk methods at home. Turning to a pediatric specialist will reduce the risk of developing complications of acute respiratory viral infections in children and prevent their transition to the chronic stage.

The main causes of complications in ARVI in children are the spread of an intense pathological process from the nasopharynx to nearby organs and tissues, which leads to increased intoxication and increased foci of inflammation. The following factors contribute to this:

  • reduced immunity;
  • advanced infection;
  • untreated disease.

Reasons for the development of complications

Many modern children have a weak immune system. For this reason, viral and bacterial respiratory infections are more difficult, longer and the risk of complications is much higher. For this category, hardening, preventive measures are important, and in case of illness, timely comprehensive treatment by a specialist.

Often, complications in ARVI in children occur when the very first symptoms were missed, and the necessary treatment was not started on time. If a child these days visited a children's institution, walked on the street, then the course of the infection can be significantly aggravated. The inflammatory process from the upper respiratory tract spreads to the deep sections, the ENT organs are affected.

Various complications after SARS in children occur if the recovery process is not yet fully completed, and the child has already returned to a normal lifestyle. Slight hypothermia, stress, contact with a sick child or adult can lead to re-activation of pathogenic microflora and deterioration of the condition.

Signs of complications in children

The fact that the recovery process is not completed, and the disease has worsened, is evidenced by the characteristic signs of complications in colds in children:

  • prolonged runny nose, nasal breathing, snoring, headaches;
  • a cough that lasts longer than a week, disturbing in the morning, at night;
  • chest pain, wheezing or rapid breathing;
  • congestion, ear pain;
  • fever, lethargy;
  • high temperature lasts more than a day.

Inflammation from the nasopharynx can spread to the hearing organs and cause otitis media with quite severe pain and fever. The defeat of the bacterial or viral microflora of the sinuses causes sinusitis, sinusitis. Descending to the lower sections, the infection captures the tissues of the throat, provoking pharyngitis or laryngitis in children.

Of particular concern is tonsillitis in children or tonsillitis, which easily turns into a chronic form. Toxins, which are intensively produced in the tonsils, are carried by the blood and damage the heart muscle, joints, and kidneys. Possible complications of a cold in children are bronchitis and pneumonia, when the inflammatory process covers the bronchi or lungs.

How to protect your child from complications after SARS

Parents should learn that the most effective way to avoid complications in ARVI in a child is to contact a pediatrician in a timely manner when the earliest signs of the disease appear. The specialist will select a comprehensive treatment that is safe and effective for the child's body.

It is necessary to have an idea of ​​how to recognize complications in ARVI in children by characteristic signs, so as not to miss the development of dangerous conditions. When a child does not recover for a long time, if after the improvement of his condition he became worse again, then professional help is needed. Possible complications after SARS in a child must be prevented, and at the slightest suspicion of their development, consult a doctor.

Today, there is an effective antiviral drug for children, Tsitovir-3 flu powder, it has a pronounced immunostimulating effect, the drug contains several active substances (sodium thymogen, vitamin C, bendazol), which ensure the rapid elimination of symptoms, the prevention of possible complications in children with ARVI diseases .

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