Ear congestion, slight dizziness. Dizziness and congestion in the ears. What you need to know to help yourself when you feel dizzy, put in carcasses, feel sick

Dizziness, accompanied by pain in one or both ears, is common. Symptoms occur for various reasons that only a doctor can establish after diagnostic measures. Ignoring the symptoms in certain cases can lead to dangerous consequences.

Causes of dizziness and ear pain

Experts identify a number of reasons that can provoke discomfort in the ear area, accompanied by dizziness. Most often it is migraines. They are characterized by a complex of various features, including:

Migraines are diagnosed most often in female patients. Experts could not find out the exact reasons for their occurrence. That's why. Treatment is aimed at relieving symptoms.

High blood pressure

Hypertension can also cause dizziness. The symptom manifests itself against the background of circulatory disorders with changes in blood pressure.

Pain that replaces dizziness may radiate to the temple, eye or ear. To normalize the condition, drugs are prescribed to restore blood pressure.

The disease is most often established in elderly patients. Concomitant symptoms are weakness, incoordination, nausea.

Multiple sclerosis

The elderly are also at risk. But for the first time, the pathology manifests itself in patients aged 15 to 40 years. The disease is chronic and untreatable. The cause is brain damage. Multiple sclerosis is characterized by periods of remission and exacerbation. The duration of each of them can be different.

At the initial stage, the disease may be asymptomatic, but over time it becomes acute. In addition to dizziness and pain in the ear, there are:

  • Tremor of the limbs.
  • Weakening or complete loss of reflexes.
  • Paresis.
  • Numbness or tingling in certain parts of the body.
  • Change in taste sensations.
  • Violation of urination.
  • Mental disorders.
  • epileptic seizures.
  • Difficulty in speaking. It is difficult for the patient to pronounce individual words, to correctly express his thoughts.

Multiple sclerosis is an incurable disease, as it occurs against the background of irreversible changes occurring in the membranes of the brain.


Benign and malignant tumors formed in the neck, brain or hearing aid may be accompanied by dizziness and pain in the ear.

When establishing the presence of a tumor, drug therapy, chemotherapy, and radiation are performed. In certain cases, surgery may be prescribed. Cancer cells are detected by biopsy and cytology.

Circulatory disorders

Vessels play an important role in the human body. They deliver oxygen, nutrients and various trace elements to cells along with blood cells. But in certain cases, cholesterol plaques or blood clots can form, blocking the lumen of the vessels. Vegetative-vascular dystonia also develops. Pathology is characterized by a paroxysmal course and is accompanied by panic attacks. The characteristic symptoms are:

Do not worry when your head is spinning, sick, stuffy ears after riding a carousel, on an airplane or when traveling at high speed in a car, even if in childhood the most risky rides were only pleasure. With age, the vessels lose their elasticity, the vestibular apparatus is more sensitive to changes in pressure.

If you often experience dizziness and ringing in the ears, you should think about your own health. Many diseases of the central nervous and cardiovascular systems begin with similar symptoms.

Causes of dizziness

The fact that periodically lays the ears and dizziness is a sign of violations of the vestibular apparatus. Of the reasons that provoke this condition, jumps in blood pressure can be highlighted.

Additional symptoms may include:

  • the patient is sick;
  • flies appear before the eyes or darkness;
  • after the feeling that you are in complete silence, your ears begin to ring.

The condition is characteristic of cervical osteochondrosis II and III degree and for vegetative-vascular dystonia.

Blocking or ringing in the ears with otitis, which may be accompanied by dizziness. Why is this happening? Not only the cerebellum is responsible for balance, but the organ located in the inner ear - the organ of Corti. Acute otitis media pathologically affects the general condition of the body, noise is constantly heard in the stuffy ear with purulent contents, the balance is disturbed.

Any trauma to the skull and inner ear, infectious diseases - all this can lead to imbalance.

Feeling dizzy and ringing in the ears is one of the main symptoms of Meniere's disease. This condition causes fluid pressure to increase in the inner ear. So far, the factors that provoke this disease have not been clarified. These include: the introduction of pathogenic flora, vascular disorders, traumatic brain injury.

One of the symptoms of the onset of multiple sclerosis and epilepsy is also a characteristic state of lightheadedness.

It is impossible to diagnose the disease by the clinical picture, it is necessary to carry out special examinations, which include: radiography, general and specific tests, EEG and tomography.

You can’t just go to the doctor and ask to cure dizziness. An unpleasant syndrome can be eliminated only after finding out the causes.

Additional causes of an unpleasant state

It is not always dizzy and tinnitus appears during illness.

All of these symptoms can occur in the following conditions:

  • during pregnancy;
  • after a stressful state or with a strong fright, due to a sharp vasoconstriction;
  • with lack of sleep;
  • as a side effect after taking certain medications;
  • during a diet, especially for those who completely refuse carbohydrates, cutting back on protein rations.

Unpleasant phenomena during pregnancy may indicate toxicosis, temporary vascular disorders. Be sure to tell your doctor about what is happening. There are special drugs for pregnant women that help get rid of pressure drops. You need to be very careful not to cripple yourself and not harm the unborn baby.

Dizziness caused by stress will gradually recede. If the memories return an unpleasant symptom, it is necessary to consult a psychotherapist or neurologist. You may need sedatives, or even tranquilizers.

With chronic sleep deprivation, you just need to normalize the daily routine. Do not excuse yourself with constant employment and bring yourself to exhaustion with work. Unpleasant symptoms that occur first periodically, and then become more frequent, indicate the development of pathology in the body. In the future, in order to improve health, you will have to sacrifice not only time, but also money.

Dizziness, darkening of the eyes and stuffy ears indicate the onset of a hypoglycemic coma. No slender figure is worth such suffering. If you continue to mock yourself, irreversible changes may occur in the body.

Actions for dizziness

What should I do if I suddenly feel dizzy and have ringing in my ears?

You can lose consciousness, get injured. This is especially dangerous if you are pregnant:

  • You need to find a foothold to restore balance. At home or indoors, it can be a table, a chair, a sofa, on the street - a bench, a pole, a tree, a house wall.
  • You can not squat and close your eyes - it will be even worse.
  • Breathing should be normalized. Do not convulsively catch air with your mouth, but breathe through your nose and keep your head straight at the same time. It just seems that when the head is spinning, it is impossible to control oneself.
  • If you feel the approach of an attack of faintness in advance, it is necessary to loosen the tight belt of a skirt or trousers.
  • Noticing that it is bad for someone nearby, you need to try to provide him with an influx of fresh air.
  • If you are doing some work or are in motion, you need to take a break. In 10-15 seconds, the noise in the ears will disappear, breathing will return to normal.
  • It is advisable to drink water when you feel the onset of an attack. Since dizziness can be caused by dehydration.

It often happens that they start to "float away" in a stuffy room, at a meeting, lecture. In order not to lose consciousness, you need to shake yourself - switch your attention. You will have time to “catch up” with the speaker later.

When a person feels dizzy and stuffy in the ears after a long car ride, flight, immersion in water, climbing to a height, then you should not worry. In adults, the vestibular apparatus becomes more susceptible to sudden changes in pressure.

But if such manifestations occur systematically, for no apparent reason, it is necessary to pay attention to this, and visit a doctor as soon as possible. The causes of discomfort may be hidden in serious diseases that a person may not be aware of.

The inner ear and eye muscles are responsible for the work of the vestibular apparatus. They transmit information to the brain, which instantly analyzes it and corrects body movements, making them accurate and correct. But if the functionality of one of these organs is disturbed, then dizziness begins and unpleasantly lays the ears.

Causes of symptoms

The causes of stuffy ears can also be hidden in the usual malaise due to lack of sleep, malnutrition, and stress. In addition, an overdose of certain drugs can cause discomfort.

Stuffed ears and dizzy during uncontrolled antibiotic treatment. In such cases, additional signs are noted:

  • drop in blood pressure;
  • anxiety, lethargy;
  • indigestion.

A similar effect is observed when taking sedatives. Often, women lay their ears and feel dizzy in violation of the hormonal background associated with pregnancy, the onset of menstruation, menopause.

Causes of tinnitus and spinning in the head may not be as harmless as overwork or a rigid diet. Often spinning, pulsating, splitting the head and periodically pawning the ears with the development of such pathologies as:

  • otitis;
  • osteochondrosis of the neck;
  • vegetovascular dystonia (VVD);
  • neoplasm development.

It hurts and unbearably dizzy in the midst of respiratory diseases. At the same time, a person has a sore throat, a stuffy nose, a breakdown, drowsiness is observed. Also often provoke a symptom of hypotension and hypertension.

Otitis is considered an inflammatory process that develops in any part of the ear (external, middle, internal). With otitis externa, the auricle, eardrum, and auditory canal become inflamed. With an average - the Eustachian tube, hammer, stirrup, anvil are affected. Otitis externa or labyrinth involves the cochlea and the patient's vestibular systems. The symptoms of pathology include:

  • intense headache;
  • ear congestion;
  • earache;
  • dizziness;
  • hearing loss;
  • heat.

Dizziness in otitis media is associated with a distortion of sensory information entering the brain from the right and left labyrinth. Incorrect data transfer occurs due to:

  • inflammation;
  • damage to the eardrum;
  • accumulation of pus in the middle ear;
  • changes in pressure on the labyrinth.

Pathogenic microorganisms, viruses and fungi that cause otitis media penetrate the ear with tonsillitis, SARS, bronchitis, and hypothermia. Microbes provoke inflammation, swelling, blood overflow of the tissues of the middle ear and eardrum, which can cause suppuration.

It is otitis media that is characterized by acute pain. The process can easily spread to a healthy ear if treatment is not started in a timely manner.

Otitis is an extremely dangerous disease. It can provoke such consequences:

  • cause deafness;
  • paresis of the facial muscles;
  • flow into a chronic form;
  • damage healthy tissues and adjacent organs.

Osteochondrosis of the neck

The causes of unpleasant symptoms may be dystrophy and destruction of the intervertebral discs. Over time, they deform, bulge, squeeze, pinching the blood vessels. The main organ of the nervous system - the brain - receives less oxygen and nutrients, to which it immediately responds with pain, ear congestion and dizziness.

People suffering from osteochondrosis of the neck regularly feel dizzy, make noise, ring, buzz in the ears, concentration and memory deteriorate. At the same time, severe headaches, up to the gag reflex, do not allow you to fully work and rest. Limbs go numb, eyesight falls, muscles weaken.

If the disease is not treated, then the degenerative processes in the discs will gradually lead to the loss of their main functions. The pressure on the ligaments, vessels and adjacent tissues will increase, which is fraught with the development of new pathologies. A frequent consequence of the disease are:

  • migraine;
  • jumps in blood pressure;
  • vegetovascular dystonia;
  • intervertebral hernias.

Other diseases

With VVD, in addition to feeling dizzy, patients note muscle pain, jumps in blood pressure, nervousness, and mood swings. If the pathology is not detected in time, it progresses, having a negative effect on sleep.

The patient experiences causeless fears, migraines and depression, which aggravates the situation. He is spinning even more strongly, his head hurts, there is a ringing, a hum in his ears. If the disorder is not treated, it provokes hypertension, hypotension, mental illness. It is not fatal, but the patient's quality of life is significantly reduced.

Head spinning can also provoke cancer. Stuffy ears are a characteristic sign of the development of tumor neoplasms in the hearing organs. At the same time, it constantly presses on the ears in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe eardrum.

Unpleasant symptoms are accompanied by excruciating headaches, causing nausea, vomiting, fainting. The advanced stages of cancer cannot be treated, so it is necessary to consult a doctor at the first alarming symptoms. The sooner the cancer is detected, the easier it will be to destroy it.

Diagnosis and treatment

If you suddenly feel dizzy, or suddenly stuffed up your ears, do not panic. This phenomenon is normal when it does not recur often. You should definitely consult a doctor if the following manifestations are added to the symptoms:

  • sudden deafness;
  • numbness of the limbs and other parts of the body;
  • loss of consciousness;
  • severe headache;
  • fever;
  • repeated vomiting;
  • decreased vision;
  • fainting.

Since dizziness and tinnitus are not considered a separate disease, but are a manifestation of the underlying disease, the doctor sends the patient for an examination to identify the true causes of the disorder:

After receiving the results of the examinations, the therapist directs the victim to a specialist, depending on the identified pathology. The main therapy is to eliminate the cause of discomfort. As soon as the patient's condition returns to normal, there will be no complaints about dizziness and ringing in the ears.

Cervical osteochondrosis is treated with anti-inflammatory drugs (Diclofenac) and chondroprotectors (Chondroitin), physiotherapy that restores cartilage tissue, and diet.

Diseases such as brain tumors, damage to the eardrum require surgical intervention. Otitis is treated with antibiotics. Drugs, dosage and course of therapy are determined by the doctor, depending on the severity of the disease and the individual characteristics of the patient.

When the head is very dizzy, vomiting is observed, use:

If a person is dizzy and stuffy in the ears, while pain in the back of the head is periodically observed, the specialist may suspect many disorders. To avoid malaise, you need to lead a healthy lifestyle, do morning exercises, do not forget about the diet and rest.

The answer to this question: the reasons are very different. Sometimes this happens after some time while riding a carousel or driving a car at high speeds. As we get older, we do not notice that the walls of our blood vessels gradually lose their elasticity, and pressure changes give the vestibular apparatus excessive sensitivity and vulnerability.

If the ear congestion resolves quickly, then it is usually a physical condition and not a matter for investigation. But the situation may turn out to be completely different if the symptom appears with high frequency or for no particular reason. Such symptoms may confirm the appearance of diseases of the central nervous or cardiovascular systems.

The reasons

Often the ears are blocked due to some violation, for example:

  • due to the presence of foreign bodies. There is blockage of the ear canal with sulfuric plugs or foreign bodies. As a result, the effect of stuffy ears appears, accompanied by a loss of a sense of balance (dizziness). The negative signs are aggravated by decreased hearing function and general weakness;
  • chronic middle ear inflammation;
  • because of a runny nose;
  • diseases of the inner ear;
  • vegetative dystonia. With symptoms, in addition to the disease, there are still unpleasant sensations in the vicinity of the temple or the back of the head, an increase in pressure is possible. Loss of balance aggravated by walking, restlessness in sleep or feeling of vomiting;
  • due to poisoning. In the case of intoxication, a sharp increase in weakness and a sense of disorientation is possible;
  • vitamin deficiency. For example, a lack of supporting vitamins causes weakness and a feeling of loss of balance;
  • craniocerebral injuries, with post-operative disturbances of the sense organs of the inner ear;
  • stroke. In addition to loss of orientation, weakness, a decrease in the ability to see, as well as an incorrect reaction of the senses, are possible. With such sensations, it is necessary to immediately call medical services, since the delay of an ambulance sometimes leads to death;
  • cancers, leading to both dizziness and hearing loss in the vicinity of the tumor;
  • increased pressure in the inner part of the ear. If cold water or other liquid enters the ear, it may irritate the sense organs of the inner ear and cause a symptom;
  • diseases of osteochondrosis. In this situation, the flow of blood to the brain is hindered, which leads to dizziness, improperly coordinated movements, the appearance of vitreous opacities in the visibility zone;

  • arterial hypertension or hypotension. There may be conditions with jumping pressure, which leads to headache, stuffy ears, loss of balance, etc.;
  • circulatory disorders in the brain. Perhaps the development of a stroke with constant dizziness, problems with speech, ringing in the ears;
  • due to pregnancy;
  • fear, leading to a sharp narrowing of blood vessels, and subsequent dizziness, as well as tinnitus;
  • lack of sleep;
  • stress;
  • physiological processes. For example, before business events, adrenaline rises, causing a symptom to appear;
  • increased physical activity. If classes are just beginning, the vessels need to get stronger, otherwise there may be noise in the hearing organs and a slight loss of balance;
  • strict diets and much more.

How to relieve symptoms

Dizziness that occurs periodically and the presence of noise in the hearing organs sometimes becomes a response to damage to the peripheral part of the vestibular system. As a rule, unpleasant sensations in the head that arose as a result of any psycho-emotional illness pass. In the case of a recurrence of the condition, it is necessary to consult a neurologist or sometimes a psychotherapist.

If there is a lot of constant sleep deprivation that causes uncomfortable symptoms, relying on medication alone is dangerous. Your best bet is to try and get back to normal. Endless business and work is not an argument that explains lack of sleep. It must be realized that regular signs may gradually appear more often and the situation that has arisen will be much more difficult to correct.

Also, disorientation can occur with long-term use of a number of drugs or after their cancellation.

What to do in case of pressure in the head, vomiting and ringing in the hearing organs? In such a position, it is not difficult to lose balance or remain unconscious, so it is better to take into account some tips:

  • in case of loss of coordination, it is necessary to find something to lean on, for example, it can be tables, chairs, trees;
  • do not squat and do not close your eyes;
  • concentrate, try to watch for correct breathing. Do not sigh with convulsions, try to breathe through your nose;
  • increase the air supply. Loosen your belt, tie, open windows;
  • you should rest a little, interrupt classes for 10 minutes;
  • take a sip of water, probably dizzy due to dehydration.

Periodically, the head may become numb or burst in stuffy rooms. For example, at lectures in classrooms, you can find yourself in an unconscious state without any special signs. To prevent this from happening, you need to be able to “switch” to something pleasant. Sometimes people have a feeling of stuffy ears in transport, and sometimes vomiting due to motion sickness. In such cases, it is necessary to get off, or move closer to the driver, concentrating on the road.

Recovery scheme

Tinnitus and dizziness is not a disease, it is a sign that is characteristic of any deviations from the norm. In many ways, it is determined by the provoking factor. In case of violations in the cardiovascular system, it is recommended to consult a therapist and clean the vessels. With the help of nootropics, you can improve oxygen transport and speed up metabolism.

If there is a buzz in the head, it is better to go for an examination and make a diagnosis.

In case of inflammation, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial agents should be used. Such drugs are prescribed by a doctor, since some of them have an ototoxic effect, it is better, in order not to worsen the situation, to give the choice of drugs in safe hands.

In case of violations in the articular cartilage of the cervical region, in addition to special equipment and injections, physical exercises will come to the rescue. It is impossible to stabilize the situation in some forms of pathologies without immediate help.

Head spinning and stuffy ears

Periodically, if your head is spinning and your ears are suddenly stuffed up, it is difficult to recover without taking drugs that reduce or relieve pain. The pains are quite intense. You can resort to recipes of folk remedies or non-traditional drugs, which are distinguished by a high percentage of effectiveness and a good margin of safety. True, it makes sense to remember that in order not to aggravate the situation, it is worth using them correctly, and preferably after consultation with an experienced doctor.

It doesn't make sense to get excited if you feel dizzy after riding amusement rides, flying in airplanes, or in the case of high-speed car trips. In childhood, attractions could be a real pleasure, but with age, changes in pressure may appear that increase the sensitivity of the vestibular apparatus.

If the effect of weakness and dizziness is felt with a high frequency, it is better to start thinking about your own health. Such signs may be prerequisites for diseases of the cardiovascular system and the central nervous system.

Other causes of dizziness

If, for example, the ears are blocked and the head is spinning, this is primarily a sign that the vestibular apparatus is malfunctioning. These situations are particularly aggravated by the surge of pressure in the main blood vessels.

In addition, unpleasant symptoms can be the appearance of flies before the eyes or darkness, nausea, as well as ringing in the hearing organs after a feeling of complete silence. The head is spinning in case of osteochondrosis of the cervical sections of the 2nd and 3rd degree, and in the case of vegetative-vascular dystonia.

Ringing or stuffy ears are possible when otitis occurs, sometimes accompanied by a loss of orientation in space. What is the reason for these phenomena? Balance is controlled by both the cerebellum and the organ of Corti. The acute form of otitis media can be a pathology of the whole organism. When laying the ears with particles of pus, a continuous noise can be heard, disturbing the balance.
Any cranial injury, injury to the inner ear, as well as infections contribute to the loss of balance.

Dizziness and ringing in the ears are the basic symptom of Meniere's disease. In this case, there is usually an increase in fluid pressure in the inner ear. It is not possible to identify the prerequisites that excite this disease even today. It is believed that these may be vascular disorders, pathogenic flora, or trauma of a craniocerebral nature.

Ringing in the ears can be one of the signs of the first phase of problems with lesions of the myelin sheath of nerve fibers or epileptic situations in the nervous system. Using only the clinical picture, it is almost impossible to make a diagnosis; a series of examinations from radiography, general and specific tests, electroencephalogram and tomography will be required.

It is impossible to cure dizziness simply by going to the doctor without identifying the sources.

Associated prerequisites for uncomfortable states

In the case of the disease, dizziness and the occurrence of tinnitus are not always felt.

This symptomatology can manifest itself in the following conditions:

  • pregnancy;
  • stress or severe fright with vasoconstriction;
  • lack of sleep;
  • the manifestation of a side effect when taking a number of medications;
  • diet, with the rejection of carbohydrates and cutting protein rations.

Uncomfortable conditions during pregnancy indicate poisoning with toxins, as well as vascular disorders. In this case, it is certainly better to inform the doctor about the situation. Pregnant women can help avoid pressure surges with the help of aids. You should be careful not to harm yourself and the unborn newborn.

Stresses that contribute to dizziness do not have a long-term effect. But memories that bring back unpleasant symptoms will require the consultation of a neurologist or psychotherapist. You may have to resort to the help of sedatives or, moreover, tranquilizers.

With chronic sleep deprivation, you should return to the normal mode of the day. In no case should you constantly bring yourself to the feeling of processing. Signs of discomfort, which appear periodically, and then become more frequent, confirm the activity of the pathologies of the body. To improve the condition, you have to sacrifice both time and finances.

Darkness in the eyes, a feeling of dizziness and stuffiness in the ears make it clear about the initial phase of hypoglycemia (a sharp drop in the concentration of carbohydrates in the blood plasma). No organism deserves such suffering. If you do not stop torturing yourself, catastrophic changes can occur.

Stuffed ears and dizzy after eating

Some people have ears when they eat or after. The prerequisites for such phenomena are hidden in a number of deviations of the body from the norm.

As a rule, the source of problems can be:

  • dumping syndrome of the stomach;
  • allergies;
  • wrong diet;
  • frequent intake of foods containing tyramine.

Earache and headache

A similar symptom may mean inflammation in the middle ear. If at the same time there is an excess of temperature in the body, it is better to immediately contact Laura. There is a risk of getting meningitis. If the eardrum is blown out, a small incision will be made to relieve excessive pressure inside the ear.

In the case of a timely visit to the doctor, such a situation can really be avoided. The dizziness will subside. The ENT will deal with the sick, neither therapists nor folk methods will help you. Such inflammation affects the surroundings behind the eardrum and is quite painful.

Because of what can lay your ears when blowing your nose?

To begin with, it is worth identifying the prerequisites for why, when blowing your nose, it lays your ears. Here, the basic factor can be considered a close connection between the middle ear and the nasopharynx. Each change in the state of any part of the system gives a response in the form of a reaction in the related parts.

Feeling runny and stuffy in the nose can lead to severe discomfort. To avoid germs and secretions, it is necessary to periodically clean the nasal cavity. If this is not adhered to, the accumulated mucus and pus create formations in the sinuses and contribute to the development of an infection in the ears.

When you blow your nose, there is pressure that is taken up by the eardrum. Between the nasopharynx and the middle ear there is a connection in the form of the Eustachian tube, which regulates changes in the ear environment. Excessive efforts lead to a state of congestion. In addition, sinus cleansing sometimes leads to side effects. To avoid discomfort, it is necessary to properly clean the nasal passage.

Perception by the body

In the case of ear pain after each blow, it can be assumed that these are symptoms of a number of diseases:

  • tubootitis;
  • otitis media;
  • myringitis;
  • tympanitis.

You can confirm the actual presence of any pathologies by observing symptoms:

  • sensations of tissue ruptures;
  • clicks;
  • gurgling;
  • pain radiating to the jaw or head;
  • laying the ears for a long period without relief;
  • discomfort when touching the ear.

Painful sensations that can be felt while blowing your nose signal the harm to the auditory organ caused by the applied efforts. Inflamed tissues under pressure from blowing your nose and stuffy ears that feel pain are the effect of overexposure.

A similar symptom also manifests itself with a sharp effort that has exceeded the load limit. This can damage your hearing. In addition, pressure promotes the flow of nasal mucus into the Eustachian tube, where it often triggers inflammation and infection in the middle ear cavity.

Possible actions

When laying your ears while blowing your nose, you need to figure out what to do next. It is best to start with pressure equalization, due to the fact that pressure drops indicate discomfort. Try yawning or swallowing saliva.

If you feel whistling or ear pain following blowing your nose, you will have to find time and go to the doctor. The ENT will be able to identify the root problem of unpleasant well-being and advise how to be so that pain is not observed after cleaning the sinuses. You can remove secretions and cure a runny nose with the help of vasoconstrictor drugs, nasal lavages, or mechanical cleaning of purulent deposits with a catheter or needle. In addition, it is reasonable to fight the infection with the use of antibiotics, burying them in the ear canals.

The appearance of ear congestion and dizziness is a dangerous sign. To determine the causes of this condition, you need to consult a doctor in time. Based on the results of a detailed diagnosis, the specialist will make a diagnosis and select a therapy.

What happens in the body

The balance and position of the body depends on the structures localized in the inner ear. From this zone, data enters the temporal lobe of the brain. It happens through nerve impulses. Then the information is analyzed.

If the work of the inner ear is disrupted for certain reasons, and the transmission of impulses is interrupted, a person develops and other signs.

Causes of the condition

In combination with dizziness, it is often caused by pathologies of the organ of hearing. These include the following:

  1. or in . As a result, it lays the right or left ear, there is a feeling of weakness and circling of objects before the eyes.
  2. . In this case, there is a threat, appearances. Pathology has a different course, provoking caries of the auditory ossicles or the inner ear.
  3. . It is characterized by dizziness, hearing loss from a certain side, in the head.
  4. Getting cold. In such a situation, the vestibular apparatus suffers, congestion and dizziness are observed.
  5. Other anomalies. These include the eighth pair of nerves of the skull,.

The causes of these manifestations are often due to the influence of vascular factors. These include:

  1. . With its development, there is general weakness, pulsating noise or stuffiness in the ears, circling objects before the eyes.
  2. Compression of the arteries of the spine. This pathology may be due to the occurrence, development or other pathologies. With insufficient blood flow to the brain, people experience flies before their eyes, general weakness, and unsteady gait.
  3. . At the same time, systemic dizziness and a sensation of tinnitus are observed. Depending on the severity of the process, there is a risk of other signs - speech disorders, hemiparesis.
  4. Sharp. Noise and congestion in the ears may appear, objects flash before the eyes, general weakness and instability occur.

Also, the head may feel dizzy when using or canceling a number of medications. These include, in particular, tranquilizers and sleeping pills. Often this condition is accompanied by congestion and the appearance of tinnitus.

In addition to these anomalies, these symptoms can occur in completely healthy people. Provoking factors include stressful situations, overwork, pressure drops, and eating disorders.

Why do we feel dizzy:

Associated symptoms

In addition to dizziness and congestion, you may experience:

  1. General weakness - this symptom accompanies many diseases of the organ of hearing. It can also occur with atherosclerosis, pressure drops or stroke.
  2. Nausea - this symptom may be the result of compression of the arteries of the spine, which often accompanies cervical osteochondrosis.
  3. Violation of motor activity - may indicate arterial hypertension, stroke, squeezing of the arteries.
  4. The appearance of fog before the eyes is associated with a lack of nutrition of the vessels of the organ of vision or with a sudden outflow of blood from the brain.
  5. Headaches are usually caused by malnutrition of the brain.

What to do if you lay your ears and dizzy

With the sudden onset of symptoms, a person may fall and be injured. To avoid this, you should take the following actions:

  1. Find a foothold to restore balance. Do not close your eyes or crouch, as the situation may worsen.
  2. It is important to normalize breathing. In this case, you do not need to convulsively grab the air with your mouth. It is much better to breathe through your nose while holding your head straight.
  3. If someone close to you becomes ill, you need to provide the person with access to fresh air.
  4. If you need to do any work or move, it is recommended to stop. After 10 seconds, the dizziness will pass, and breathing will be restored.
  5. If you feel the approach of an attack, you need to drink water. Dizziness is often caused by dehydration.

If such symptoms occur in transport, this indicates motion sickness. In such a situation, you need to go to the window and make a swallowing movement, trying to relax as much as possible.


It is quite difficult to establish the causes of the appearance of signs. To make an accurate diagnosis, you need to conduct a number of studies.

The doctor must perform, with the help of which he can assess the condition of the vessels. It is also necessary to perform x-rays. Thanks to these procedures, it will be possible to identify pathologies of the brain and blood vessels.

In addition, it is imperative to assess the general condition of the body, exclude dangerous infections and other diseases that may be accompanied by such manifestations.


The treatment regimen is selected depending on the causes that provoke dizziness and congestion. If these signs are associated with a change in atmospheric pressure, no special treatment is required. The same applies to situations associated with and prolonged rotation in a circle.

In other cases, the symptoms indicate damage to various structures and require special treatment - medication or surgery:

  1. With the development of vascular diseases, it is required to systematically use drugs that help strengthen blood vessels and normalize the rheological characteristics of the blood.
  2. With a stroke or transient ischemic attack, complex treatment is required in a hospital setting.
  3. If a person is diagnosed with Meniere's disease or other otoneurological pathologies, he needs complex therapy. In particular, Betaserc and other drugs are used.
  4. With problems with pressure, it is very important to systematically take antihypertensive drugs and monitor indicators.
  5. With tumor lesions of the body, it may be necessary to perform an operation.

There is no universal treatment regimen for this condition. It directly depends on the causes of such symptoms. In any case, you need to conduct a detailed diagnosis and strictly follow the doctor's prescriptions. Self-medication in such a situation is prohibited.

What to do if you lay your ears and feel dizzy at high pressure, see our video:

Possible Complications

Dizziness combined with stuffy ears is considered a fairly serious condition. If this violation is not associated with the influence of external factors, it cannot be ignored. These symptoms can be signs of serious pathologies.

With the development of atherosclerosis or hypertension, the likelihood of a stroke is high. If ear diseases are the cause, there is a risk of aggravation, which will be much more difficult to cope with.


The prognosis depends on the severity and cause of these signs. In any case, the sooner treatment is started, the more favorable the outcome of the situation will be. Therefore, at the first symptoms, you should consult a doctor.

Dizziness and ear congestion often occur with dangerous pathologies. To cope with this condition, it is important to consult a doctor and strictly follow all his recommendations.

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