You can wash your hair after rhinoplasty. Proper rehabilitation after rhinoplasty: helping ourselves to recover. Removal of sutures and plaster, extraction of tampons

Remember the top 10 "don'ts" and don't do anything that will spoil the result. If you strictly follow the doctor's instructions, rehabilitation will be quick and without complications.

1. Most often, patients ask: is it possible to smoke after nose surgery? Smoking is strictly prohibited for at least 30 days before and after the operation until all tissues are completely healed and swelling subsides. Violation of this rule complicates healing and can even lead to tissue necrosis.

2. You can not get a tampon on your own and remove the bandage. This is done only by a doctor. He knows how to remove a tampon and when a bandage is not needed. Self-intervention will lead to complications, as well as spoil the new shape of the nose. The bandage should not be touched for two weeks, and sometimes longer.

3. Sleeping on your stomach and on your side is also impossible, only on your back. Over time, you will get used to it, although it will be quite uncomfortable right away, but it is necessary to avoid disturbing the new shape of the nose.

4. Reflex actions such as laughing, sneezing, coughing can cause a pressure drop, so try to do it very carefully. Blowing your nose and wiping your nose, you can not press down, this can break the new shape.

5. At the first time of rehabilitation, glasses should be abandoned. If the vision is weak, at least for 1-2 months you need to switch to wearing contact lenses. When you can wear glasses again, you should consult with your doctor.

6. It is allowed to go to work no earlier than after 7 days. It is worth considering that in the 2nd week after the operation, the swelling is still too noticeable and your appearance will be too unusual for colleagues, besides, you will have to walk around with tampons and a bandage. Therefore, if possible, you need to take a vacation for 2-3 weeks and stay at home. You will be more comfortable both physically and mentally.

7. Sports activities should be limited for a while. In the first weeks, when there are tampons in the nose and bandages on top, sports are out of the question, since any physical activity is prohibited. Amateur training can be started no earlier than 2 months later. As for professional sports with heavy loads, it is better to return to such activities in six months. After rhinoplasty, boxing or martial arts is not recommended for the reason that the operated nose heals longer, and the risk of injury in these sports is very high.

8. It is forbidden to visit swimming pools, baths and saunas for a period of at least two months, as well as swimming in reservoirs. Also at this time you can not sunbathe.

9. Alcohol is not allowed for the first time after the operation, while there is swelling, since alcohol is incompatible with the medications that the patient needs to take after the operation. In addition, alcohol slows down the process of tissue repair, promotes the expansion and narrowing of blood vessels, can cause rupture of capillaries, and also provokes the appearance of edema around the eyes.

10. In the first two months, you can not eat hot food, as well as drink hot tea and coffee. Very cold food and drinks, such as ice water and ice cream, are prohibited. At the time of rehabilitation, it is worth limiting yourself to salty foods, as it causes swelling.

It is incorrect to compare the rehabilitation period for yourself and for others, since each operation is individual in its complexity. It happens that someone was able to go to work after a week and did not feel discomfort, and someone even after a month could not appear in public. Much depends on the difference in the perception of their appearance by men and women. If a slight puffiness on the face for a man can be completely invisible, then for a woman it seems like a disaster, and she will never show herself with such a face surrounded by colleagues.

This article describes only the main points of what not to do after rhinoplasty. After reading it, those who are seriously preparing for such a correction will definitely have additional questions. We will discuss each of them at an individual consultation.

If you have a question, ask the doctor right nowFree consultation

is a serious step. Both proper preparation and proper rehabilitation are important here.
After rhinoplasty, it is imperative to follow all the recommendations of your surgeon.
Many patients are lost after the operation, they do not know what is possible and what is not, they forget the recommendations and are embarrassed to ask the operating doctor with questions.
We have collected the most important points. So. What can not be done, and what can be done after rhinoplasty!?


Rhinoplasty is a serious surgical intervention, which is why sports and any heavy physical activity should be excluded for 1-1.5 months after rhinoplasty. Household chores must be done in a sparing mode, avoiding sharp tilts of the head to the floor - this is especially true for the first weeks after plastic and nose surgery.

You can return to your usual mode of life already starting from 1-1.5 months, but remember, everything must be done slowly, gradually adding load, based on your well-being and feelings. Combat sports are best forgotten for the next six months. The first six months, the nose is very vulnerable.


Swimming in open water is prohibited for a month, as the risk of infection is likely. After a month, you can go swimming, but without diving headlong into the depths and without diving into the water.

Diving into the water is allowed no earlier than 3 months.


There are practically no difficulties and restrictions in nutrition. The only thing - do not allow the first 2-3 weeks after rhinoplasty to eat and drink too hot or too cold foods and drinks.


It is better to exclude alcohol, both two weeks before the operation and after. Alcohol negatively affects the healing process, and can also be a risk of bleeding.


The ideal solution would be to stop smoking at least one month before the operation. In the rehabilitation period, nicotine greatly slows down the regeneration processes.

Nasal lavage

The nasal toilet includes:

  • Washing with pharmaceutical products based on sea water (Aqualor, Aquamaris, Dolphin). In each nostril, you need to make a few puffs.
  • Next, you need to wait a bit and blow your nose, you don’t need to blow your nose hard, you need to blow the air with the contents out of the nose carefully.
  • After you have blown your nose, it will be useful to drop a pipette of peach or apricot oil into each nostril. Then lie down on your back for 10-15 minutes.

Taking a bath or shower

You can take a shower almost immediately, just remember not to wet your face and plaster. It is desirable that the shower on the first day after the operation is not very hot and short (5 minutes will be enough).

Wash your hair should be tilted back, as in hairdressers and beauty salons. The first weeks after the operation, it is absolutely impossible to tilt your head forward.


Baths, saunas and other hot procedures are prohibited for 3 months.

Solarium and sunbathing.

Exposure to UV rays on a postoperative wound or area can cause tissue pigmentation, so if you find yourself outdoors in the scorching sun, be sure to apply sunscreen and wear a hat or cap. These recommendations should be strictly observed up to 3 months. After 3 months, sunburn is acceptable, but it will be to your advantage to use protective equipment.

Eyeglasses and sunglasses

It is better not to wear glasses for 3 months. This is due to unwanted pressure on the bridge of the nose, which can cause deformities of the bridge of the nose.

If you have vision problems, it is better to use lenses.

Decorative cosmetics after rhinoplasty

You can use cosmetics immediately after removing the plaster. In skin care, it is better to use soft products - lotions, foams for washing. Do not use scrubs and peels for 3 months after rhinoplasty.

Air travel.

Flights by plane are allowed already on the 5th day, the main thing is the absence of complaints about well-being. Before the flight, the nose must be instilled with vasoconstrictor drops (naphthyzinum) 15-20 minutes before departure.


It is better to plan the birth of a baby not earlier than 6-12 months after rhinoplasty. During pregnancy, a global hormonal restructuring occurs in a woman's body, which can adversely affect the process of scarring and tissue regeneration.

These are the main activities after rhinoplasty that you need to know and follow. Remember that following all the rules of rehabilitation will help you avoid postoperative complications that may adversely affect the result of the operation.

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Everything that has a bad effect on the body is prohibited after rhinoplasty.

Despite the frequency of such an operation, changing the nose requires skill from the surgeon and patience in compliance with the rules of postoperative recovery from the patient.

There are many restrictions, but they are all important.

Alcoholic beverages can be consumed after the change only after six months. Although, some doctors allow you to drink a little wine after a month.

Nose correction

There are a lot of plastic surgeries. One of the popular areas of correction on the face is. The success of the procedure depends not only on the hands of the plastic surgeon, but also on the observance of the rules during the recovery period by the patient. Rehabilitation also implies adherence to the necessary prohibitions. Alcohol after rhinoplasty is an absolute contraindication.

First 7 days

In 2 weeks

The sutures are removed, and the plaster or fixing bandage is removed. Itching and irritation caused by gypsum disappears. The main thing is to endure this period and not remove the bandage on your own, so as not to deform the still unhealed nose and not spoil the result of rhinoplasty. If everything went well, then on the 10th day the gypsum itself may fall. In this case, you should definitely consult a surgeon.

When the tampons are removed, there are still stitches in the nostrils, in the folds of the wings of the nose. You can not pull them with tweezers, otherwise the seams can disperse and remain in the form of ugly scars. During this period, it is not recommended to actively show facial expressions and laugh, lip movements can also affect the course of recovery. In the first two weeks, the voice is nasal, with time it disappears.

The amount of surgical intervention depends on the duration and severity of recovery. The larger the area of ​​damage, the greater the discomfort. If the correction was carried out on the tip of the nose, then the rehabilitation will take place quickly, in a week, with minimal swelling, in contrast to the rhinoplasty.

After 2 weeks break after rhinoplasty

The next stage of recovery lasts 2 weeks after the operation and for 2.5 months. It is not as difficult as the postoperative period. The sutures have already been removed and the splint is missing. Discomfort occurs when breathing, which cannot yet be a full-fledged nasal due to long-term swelling. The bruises are not gone yet, but the outlines of the nose are already visible. Although, it will still be about 2 times more than planned due to swelling, which can remain in the nose area for up to 6 months. The final version of the nose is far away, because in 3 months only 50% of the edema will go away. Therefore, you will have to wait about 1 year.

At the end of the first month after rhinoplasty, you can go out in public and not hide, afraid for the sight of your face. The size of the nose will change over the course of several months, improving in shape.

Final period

Starting from the third postoperative month, the final rehabilitation begins. During this period, the swelling completely disappears, the nose becomes normal in shape and size. With a successful operation, the disadvantages that bring discomfort should go away. If a mistake was made by the surgeon, then the effect will be the opposite. At this stage, you can summarize the operation and determine whether it was successful or not.

The duration of the recovery period

It is difficult to say how long it will take the body to fully recover. Several factors influence this:

  1. The complexity of the operation. If the correction was minimal, the tissues of the nose will heal quickly. When bones and cartilages change, rehabilitation can last up to 1 year.
  2. Feature of the body. Some people have soft cartilage, others hard, as well as soft or thick skin. This affects the rate of recovery of cells and tissues, as well as the regeneration process itself.
  3. Sticking to doctor's advice. It is important to follow the rules of the recovery period.
  4. Features of access to the place of correction. With the open method, additional time will be required to smooth the seams.

Taking into account all the nuances, recovery can take from 4 to 12 months. Compliance with the conditions of the rehabilitation period is important.

What Not to Do

In order for a new nose to heal quickly, it should be protected from various negative factors. Be sure to exclude:

In general, even touching the nose is not advisable, not to mention peeling off the crusts inside, so as not to provoke additional bleeding.

Alcohol after rhinoplasty

Patients often ask the question: Why not drink alcohol and for how long?

Reasons for the ban

The fact is that alcohol-containing drinks carry several negative manifestations:

There are many small vessels in the nose through which blood circulates, enriched with oxygen. A lot depends on blood flow. The worse it is, the longer the recovery will be and the higher the risk of complications.

In everyday situations, it can be noted that a drinking person blushes. This is due to blockage of small blood vessels with poor outflow of blood.

In the event that a person is not a malicious alcoholic, in the first 14 days after plastic surgery, even a small amount of alcohol-containing drinks can disrupt blood circulation.

During the recovery period, alcohol is still prohibited, because it is not combined with painkillers and sleeping pills prescribed by the doctor as needed.

The minimum period of abstinence from alcohol should be 30 days. Then, for those who are especially suffering, it is allowed to drink wine in limited quantities.

This permission does not apply to champagne, low-alcohol and energy drinks, beer. The optimal abstinence time is 6 months.

Consequences after drinking alcohol

  • Increased swelling, especially in the eye area;
  • metabolic disorders and long-term rehabilitation;
  • incompatibility with drugs, which leads to complications;
  • the risk of increased injury when intoxicated.

Assistance in recovery

It is possible and necessary to help your body get through the rehabilitation period after rhinoplasty faster and easier. To do this, just follow simple recommendations:

  1. Stick to a salt-free diet, supplementing food with vegetables and fruits, as well as proteins. It is advisable to minimize carbohydrates and fats.
  2. Use special gels - Traumeel C and Lyoton, after consulting a doctor. This will help to quickly get rid of bruises.
  3. When preparing for bed, you should lay pillows on your sides so as not to roll over while sleeping on your side or stomach.

Patience, calmness and confidence in the result are important qualities for obtaining a positive result. The reviews say that if the plastic surgeon is a professional and qualified specialist, then a beautiful and graceful nose will definitely please you. The main thing in this matter is that all actions are correct, not only during the operation, but also after.

The most prominent part of the face is subjected to self-criticism with enviable constancy, which leads to an operation to correct the shape of the nose.

Plastic surgery allows you to create a perfect nose, although after rhinoplasty you need to go through a serious rehabilitation period.
Postoperative recovery must be taken responsibly, because it is up to 50% of success. Failure to comply with the rules of care and ignoring the prohibitions threatens with a second operation, which, by the way, is more difficult to perform and financially more expensive.

The patient spends the night after the operation in the clinic under the supervision of specialists. On the second day, the discharge takes place, the surgeon prescribes medicines that must be taken strictly.

It is desirable to spend the first week - two rehabilitation periods in a calm home environment.

It is better to spend a couple of days after discharge in bed. This, by the way, will be facilitated by an elevated temperature (about 38 degrees) and a slight weakness with soreness, which can be stopped with analgesics.

Prohibitions after rhinoplasty

  • Sleep after rhinoplasty for three months or more should be only on the back. It is important to create a raised headboard with an angle of inclination of 30-45 degrees - for this you can use several large pillows.
  • Hair washing should be postponed for three days. Then, when taking a shower, you should try not to get water on your nose and fixing bandage.
  • Until the splint (or other fixator) is removed from the nose, you will have to wash yourself with cotton pads, while not affecting the area of ​​​​operative intervention.
  • Applying cosmetics is possible only after two weeks. At the same time, mascara, eyebrow products and lipstick are not prohibited.
  • It is strictly forbidden to touch the nose with your hands, try to correct it yourself, and even more so remove the retainer from the nose.
  • For a couple of weeks, avoid bending forward, even towards a child. Sit in a straight position.
  • Sneezing is possible only with an open mouth.
  • Do not blow your nose for 4-6 weeks. Blowing your nose is performed alternately from each nostril without pinching each side (just put your finger to the nasal passage), cleansing is done by blowing without straining the nose.
  • To minimize the movements of the tissues of the nose, avoid any facial expressions, in the early days, it is advisable to reduce even conversations. Brushing your teeth also applies to this rule - you must act as carefully as possible.
  • Sunbathing on the beach and in the solarium, as well as exposure to the sun, should be avoided on average - two months after rhinoplasty. During the recovery period, bruises and tissues of the nose are particularly prone to the formation of pigmentation, and engorgement and scarring can occur at the sutures. When outdoors in warm/hot weather, apply a face cream with an SPF of 50 or more. Wearing wide-brimmed hats is also advisable.
  • If the operation was carried out in the cold season, as soon as the doctor gives permission to use face creams, it is advisable to apply nourishing, frost-protecting creams before going outside.
  • Swimming in open water or pools, taking a bath, visiting a sauna, bath, hammam and other things is prohibited for 8 weeks.
  • Sports training and work in the gym with weights are possible only after 1.5 months.
  • A visit to a facial massage, as well as independent performance, is unacceptable on average 1.5-3 months.
  • In postoperative care (by appointment), the stitches are lubricated with a special anti-inflammatory ointment - until they are removed.
  • After removal of turundas or other inserts, gentle nasal lavages (3-4 times a day) are prescribed to remove mucus and crusts from sores. For rinsing, use a pharmacy saline spray or a self-prepared solution. Rinsing is carried out no longer than 30 seconds.
  • From 3 to 12 months (depending on the type of nose surgery) do not wear glasses (even the lightest ones)- Replaced with lenses. The rule applies to both eyeglasses and sunglasses. If replacement is not possible, it is necessary to notify the surgeon in advance - in some clinics they can make special protection for the nose from glasses. If the prohibition is ignored, a dent is formed on the bridge of the nose.
  • Try not to fly for about a month.
  • Alcohol of any strength is prohibited for 3 months, a slight relaxation in the form of wine (not sparkling) is allowed only after 1-1.5 months.
  • Smoking – Requires the greatest possible reduction in cigarettes smoked, and if possible - a complete rejection.
  • The first weeks the food taken should be warm, hot and cold are unacceptable. It is better to drink through a straw without straining your lips. Grind or puree food. Avoid foods that retain fluid in the body.
  • Intimate life is suspended for an average of three weeks.

What are the complications after rhinoplasty?

Carrying out any surgical interventions implies the formation of predictable minor complications.

For a quick recovery, many plastic surgery clinics offer recovery courses that should not be neglected.

  • Nose swelling after rhinoplasty

At first, almost the entire face swells - this condition lasts for almost a week. Then there are moderate swelling of the nose, which will last with varying intensity for about a month.

The next period - up to a year, may be accompanied by slight swelling on the face and ongoing swelling of the nasal cavity, at this time the nose still does not breathe after rhinoplasty.

The absolute norm, after nose surgery, in the process of reconstruction, small vessels can be touched, and tissues are traumatized. The problem is solved on its own, the bruises gradually resolve, it will take about four weeks to heal.

  • Loss of smell or hyposmia, decrease/loss of sensation in the nose and upper lip

A common problem, but do not worry, everything will return to normal. It is very difficult to talk about the timing, because there are lucky ones to whom the “habitual nose” returns in a couple of weeks, but the situation can stretch up to six months.

  • Dry mouth and throat after rhinoplasty

Due to the impossibility of breathing through the nose, the patient is forced to breathe through the mouth, while constant dryness is felt.

To alleviate the condition, carry a bottle of water with you everywhere, before going to bed, leave a glass of liquid on the bedside table. As soon as the swelling of the nose begins to subside, it will become easier and nasal breathing will gradually improve.

Rhinoplasty is an operation that carries a large aesthetic component, the appearance during the rehabilitation period is very far from the intended goal, and this is normal.

While preparing for your surgery, your doctor will warn you about what not to do after rhinoplasty.

Important points depend primarily on yourself: take care of your body after the operation, no matter how brilliant the master of surgery who created your new nose may be, violating one of the recommendations can ruin everything for which you decided to do this.

They did rhinoplasty. What then?

To refuse from bad habits

First of all, a month before the operation, it is recommended to give up bad habits - drinking alcohol and smoking, which reduce immunity, disrupt blood circulation that nourishes tissues. Vasoconstriction during smoking increases blood pressure, increases swelling, blood clots can form in small capillaries, which also does not contribute to recovery, impaired oxygen supply to tissues damaged after surgery prolongs the healing period and can even cause necrosis. Smoking electronic cigarettes, hookah, using nicotine patches and chewing gum, all this should be excluded from the category of habits. This is a good reason to quit smoking forever.

After surgery, as a rule, the doctor prescribes antibiotics to prevent inflammation, alcohol is not combined with a number of medications and can cause complications. In mild alcohol intoxication, a person is not so attentive and accurate, at such moments annoying injuries occur, you can’t drink alcohol after rhinoplasty. A month later, a limited amount of wine is allowed; other types of alcohol (beer, cognac, whiskey, energy drinks, etc.) should be forgotten for six months.

Attention! You need to give up these habits for at least a month before the operation and a month after, ideally for six months.

Nose will recover after rhinoplasty

It takes several months for the nose to recover after rhinoplasty, all this time requires careful and careful implementation of all the care requirements prescribed by the doctor. Be prepared for the fact that only after a few days you will be able to breathe through your nose. After the operation, there will be special tampons inside - turundas, which keep the nasal septum from deforming and absorb blood, the sensations are not pleasant, but this is a forced technical necessity.

In no case should you remove the bandage or take out the turundas on your own, this guarantees complications. The first couple of days after the operation, it is natural to feel a general “heaviness” of the face and a headache, this period must be endured and not panicked, doctors warn about such symptoms, but due to the emergence of a number of restrictions in the postoperative period, the patient initially experiences discomfort. The first week - two voice sounds unusual, nasal.

With the standard course of recovery, the turundas are taken out after 3 days, however, breathing freely as before is most likely not possible due to edema. The plaster bandage is removed after seven to ten days, you should know that even after that the aesthetic appearance will be far from desired, the seams will still be visible and puffiness remains, which can be to some extent up to 6 months. In no case do not touch the stitches, let them heal without infection, only a doctor can remove the medical thread.

Don't touch your nose

After the operation, carefully follow the movements, namely the hands: the operated nose does not need to be touched, pressed, and even more so put pressure on it, only on the recommendation of a doctor and in his presence, you can do a massage, as a rule, it is prescribed when leveling the nasal hump. There is a special technique for its implementation, excluding any amateur performance.

Attention! Violation of one of the listed rules can spoil the result of even a perfectly performed operation.


Personal hygiene should be done carefully, keeping the bandage dry, at first use cleansing lotions and tonics for the face. You can return to skin care after 3 months, using mechanical cleaning, meaning superficial and median peels.

Wash with warm water, without contrasting procedures, temperature changes have a bad effect on regeneration processes. It is recommended to wash the head thrown back, it is better to ask for help from loved ones than to wet the splint.

You can not sunbathe or visit a solarium (bath, sauna) because any temperature fluctuations have a bad effect on rehabilitation, sunbathing during this period can cause hyperpigmentation of the skin on the nose, provoke inflammatory processes in unhealed tissues.

How to work after rhinoplasty

After rhinoplasty, you can go out of work in a month, with a normal course of recovery, of course, provided that this is not hard physical labor. By this time, both the plaster and the stitches will be removed, noticeable bruising and swelling will pass. Going to work is accompanied by compliance with the dress code, which often involves the presence of makeup in the beautiful half of humanity.

Apply and remove decorative cosmetics carefully, excluding foundation, powder, highlighter, blush, in a word, everything that gets into the pores and is more difficult to remove from the skin without touching the seams of the nose. During the recovery period, it is correct to limit yourself to light eye makeup, and, in any case, consult your doctor first, no matter how strange it may seem.

People leading an active lifestyle will have to give it up for a certain period. We postpone swimming for a couple of months both in the pool and in open water, there is a high risk of infections and colds, which is very undesirable for a fragile nose.

Attention! Psychological preparation and support in the postoperative period are essential for a positive recovery outcome.


It is important to learn how to move smoothly, you can not bend over after rhinoplasty, this will provoke bleeding and displacement of the seams. For the same reason, you can’t go in for sports for two or three months, an accelerating heartbeat automatically increases blood circulation on the face, professional athletes will have to postpone training for six months, as for boxing and other martial arts, then rhinoplasty can be done if you completely left it otherwise, a natural injury will lead to serious consequences.

Walking at a leisurely pace will do you good, but control your habits: lifting weights, children and even animals is not allowed. You will have to change the usual movements into an inclination, for example, when washing the floor, if it is possible to shift this responsibility to relatives or a cleaning company. A month later, you can kiss and have sex after rhinoplasty, in a fit of emotions it is easy to cause damage, and all the same unwanted physical activity will cause swelling.


After rhinoplasty, you can’t wear glasses, firstly, it hurts, secondly, any frame deforms the bridge of the nose until the tissues have taken the desired shape, before the operation we switch to contact lenses, this will eliminate the curvature of the back.


After plastic surgery of the wings of the nose or the tip, it is recommended to restrain emotions, or at least their facial expression, this process that is familiar to you can damage the seams, and they will disperse, “rewarding” with ugly scars. It is better to laugh and sneeze as carefully as possible, not from the point of view of the aesthetics of the process, but from the point of view of safety for the nose. You should especially take care of yourself from all forms of SARS, when you get sick - it is not advisable to blow your nose, cotton swabs can be the solution, do not hold back sneezing and do it by opening your mouth, this “indecent” technique will reduce pressure. Only after a month and a half can you afford to gently blow your nose.

Rhinoplasty changes many habits for several months


For example, you can’t sleep on your side during the first month, in order to exclude deformation of the cast, you should sleep on your back with your head elevated on a pillow or with an elevated head of an orthopedic bed, this position will limit swelling on the face. It is possible to return to your favorite “face-to-pillow” sleeping position when the healing process is completed, and this is not earlier than six, or even ten months. For the first couple of weeks, choose loose-fitting, comfortable clothing so you don't slip it over your head.


As for nutrition, it is recommended to exclude pickles and smoked foods, foods processed in this way retain water in the body and maintain swelling. Exclude hot and too cold food (hot drinks and ice cream), it is useful to monitor nutrition from the point of view of the absence of constipation, overvoltage even in this form is undesirable.

beauty injections

Attention! It is safe to put any injectable drugs after the approval of the attending physician.

Whether or not to give injections with a filler after rhinoplasty, and also, in addition to the surgical effect, when there are not enough soft tissues, the attending surgeon decides, this question is always individually prescribed by a planned medical intervention. Upon completion of the regeneration of the nasal cartilage, it is allowed to put or its varieties (Dysport, Xeomin, Relatox), but not earlier than a month later. Rehabilitation procedures for the skin after surgery are just as important as the restoration of the injured area, consult with the surgeon and cosmetologist, plan all care procedures and recovery products in advance.

Fly on airplanes

It is possible in 7 days after rhinoplasty, in this case, warn your surgeon in advance so that you can remove the bandage after you have made the flight. If you specifically came for an operation, then calculate the duration of the trip so that you can regularly see your surgeon for the first two weeks, this will allow you to quickly provide you with the necessary assistance, excluding complications.

get pregnant

After rhinoplasty, it is recommended in a year, that is how much time is required for the body to fully recover in order to undergo global hormonal changes during pregnancy and stress during delivery. After childbirth, rhinoplasty can be done at the end of breastfeeding, and it is imperative to take into account all the listed restrictions that must be endured in the postoperative period. In addition, you will need constant help with the baby because many of the new mother's natural activities will be limited.

Can you rinse your nose after rhinoplasty?

An unusual method will clean the intranasal passages, give moisture to the mucous membrane, relieve swelling and inflammation, is useful for the elasticity of blood vessels, improves healing, and it will become easier for you to breathe. Start the procedure only with prior approval from the attending surgeon, who will give you advice on the correct procedure, the regularity and the means by which it is more beneficial for you to do it.

In cases of the usual course of recovery after the removal of tampons and the removal of plaster, the nose is washed with special preparations containing salt. Follow the procedure for a month several times a day until breathing is restored to normal and comfortable. The general washing rules are as follows:

  1. With a slight tilt to one side above the sink, pour the prescribed composition into the nostril with a special pipette.
  2. Open your mouth, blowing out the contents of the nostril slightly. It is impossible to press and press on the nose, cover the nostril with the pad of your finger.
  3. Complete the washing by lubricating the mucous membranes with ointment or oil (peach, apricot, sea buckthorn), depending on the doctor's recommendations.

Important! An ideal result after rhinoplasty can only be given by an experienced surgeon.

The recovery process for each person occurs in its own way, therefore, focusing on some “average” indicators is fundamentally wrong, if something bothers you, do not hesitate to contact your doctor, this technique will allow you to eliminate real violations in a timely manner, if they arise, or at least save you nerve cells.

Compliance with the rules and recommendations of the surgeon is very important and the responsibility for this lies entirely with the patient. When negative consequences arose due to violations of medical prescriptions by the client, this is the basis for the removal of any responsibility from the attending physician who performed the operation .

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