Huge boil. What are the causes and treatments for boils on the body? Complications from boils -

(aka boil), but not everyone knows how the process develops and how dangerous it is to health. A furuncle is an acute inflammatory process localized on the skin of the face or body.

The abscess is accompanied by the abundant formation of purulent masses, with their subsequent discharge to the outside when the upper layers of the epidermis are ruptured. It is important to know how the disease begins in order to take timely measures for get well soon and avoid adverse consequences.

What is a furuncle? it purulent abscess, the signs of which can already be seen on initial stage illness.

Most often, the patient notices:

Knowing how a boil is formed and matures, you can suspect something is wrong in a timely manner and begin treatment using medications.

Many people are concerned about the questions: is the boil transmitted by tactile contact, wearing the patient's clothes, is it contagious and is the patient himself dangerous for others? The answer to the question is transmitted or not, you can answer unequivocally - yes, the boil is contagious.

The causative agent is an infection Staphylococcus aureus, which can be on the skin or clothes, as well as other objects for a long time. Of particular danger is the boil after a breakthrough, when all the purulent contents freely pour out or ooze from the wound. At this stage, the patient can not only infect others, but also harm himself, neglecting the rules of personal hygiene.

When the infection spreads to nearby tissues, a disease such as furunculosis may develop. At the same time, new foci of inflammation constantly appear in the patient, boils constantly pop up.

Knowing if furunculosis is transmitted and how it is transmitted similar diseases, you can prevent their occurrence without exchanging clothes and household items, and also without trying to squeeze out the boil yourself, even if it hurts a lot and causes a lot of inconvenience.

Important: attempts to squeeze out a complicated boil can lead to undesirable and dangerous consequences for health, one of which is blood poisoning.

A boil jumped up: causes

In order to get rid of the problem of the occurrence of boils once and for all, it is important to understand why they appear, how often and when the disease is especially acute. It is possible that boils appear every month before the start of the cycle or after consumption. certain products food, medicines, passing cosmetic procedures and so on.

If it is possible to determine with accuracy what boils come from, the process of getting rid of the problem can be considered half solved.

These painful purulent formations can appear in both men and women. However, ladies are more likely to suffer from solitary boils that appear on different parts of the body, which is associated with hormonal features their body. The causes of boils are different.

Both external and internal factors:

Regardless of what the causes of boil formation are, treatment is necessary already at initial stage, it will help speed up the process of maturation of the abscess and the subsequent healing of the wound.

What causes boils

The reasons for the appearance of boils can be different. Some of them even manage to be combined into individual groups. So, for example, there is certain diseases, provoking the frequent appearance of abscesses on the body.

These are diseases that favorable environment for the reproduction of bacteria, increasing the production of skin secretions, reducing the body's defenses, etc. Frequent boils can act as one of the manifestations of a more serious disease.

Therefore, it is sometimes necessary to look for the reason why boils appear with the involvement of third-party specialists: gastroenterologists, immunologists, endocrinologists, infectious disease specialists, etc.

Common reasons why boils jump up on the skin:

In addition, wondering about what abscesses pop up from, you need to reconsider the arsenal of hygiene products and cosmetics - it may have arisen allergic reaction. Some species cosmetics not only do not suit the type of skin, but also can clog pores, disrupting natural secretion secret out.

The substance heats up around the hair follicle, bacteria actively multiply in it, or external infection occurs. In this case, it is not necessary to explain why an abscess occurs.

If even after a successful cure, boils reappear, you need to consult a doctor for an appointment. topical treatment or detailed examination. Skin as a litmus test reflects the state of the body as a whole.

The doctor may prescribe a visit to an endocrinologist or gastroenterologist, testing for hormones, etc. The specialist will be able to determine why it turns out that the patient cannot get rid of the problem for a long time, and seemingly cured boils often reappear.

Having understood why boils come out, it will be possible to solve the problem once and for all by resorting to medical or physiotherapeutic treatment.

How to get rid of boils?

In order to eliminate the problem of boils once and for all, you need to understand the cause of their occurrence. If these are problems with the intestines, then today they can be relatively easily eliminated by taking a course drug treatment modern drugs, including those based on beneficial bacteria.

Permanently get rid of boils caused by hormonal disorders, will succeed after contacting an endocrinologist or gynecologist. specialist after the comprehensive survey explain how to remove boils using special tools.

You may need corrective therapy using hormonal drugs. An experienced specialist will not only tell you how to remove existing foci of inflammation, but also explain what to do in order to prevent a recurrence of the disease.

Perhaps during the examination, a dermatologist will be diagnosed with furunculosis. How to deal with the disease in this case and what to do, how to speed up the recovery process and what drugs to prescribe - it is up to the attending physician after a detailed examination.

If you decide to take independent measures, in search of an answer to the question of how to quickly remove a boring boil, complications in the form of spread are not excluded. inflammatory process and even blood poisoning.

What can I do to mature faster? What helps to cure an immature boil? If you find a characteristic swelling and redness on the skin - in no case should you press the abscess, especially if it has not yet matured. The boil ripens for a long time.

No one can say with accuracy how much a particular abscess ripens, but many know how to speed up the ripening process. In order to ripen the boil faster, you can use ichthyol ointment or Vishnevsky's ointment.

During the examination, the doctor will certainly ask how many days the boil is brewing, and what measures you tried to take to treat it. If the boil does not mature for a long time, the specialist may prescribe additional funds in the form of baths or compresses with soda or medications.

Important: there is no single answer to the question of how long a boil ripens. Much depends on the depth and extent of the abscess, immune functions organism, timely and rational treatment and other factors.

A ripe boil often has to be opened surgically in order to extract the purulent contents and the hard core of the boil. The consequences of such an intervention can remind of themselves for a long time.

Often there is swelling and redness, soreness in the puncture area and around it, the formation of hematomas, etc. If the symptoms do not go away for a long time, or the boil constantly pops up in the same area of ​​the body. Doctors consider various reasons for what is happening, including such as psychosomatics.

After the operation to puncture the abscess with the extraction of the contents, the doctor can install a drain to drain the remnants of pus. Regular dressings are also required, especially when it comes to large boil, with extensive area of ​​inflammation.

In this case, the specialist discusses in advance with the patient a number of issues related to wound care: how to process, whether it is possible to wet, whether it is possible to heat, whether it is possible to soar, etc. It is undesirable to heat the boil.

This can cause the infection to spread to nearby tissues. The wound can be wetted during hygiene procedures, but if possible, contact with water should be avoided. The risk of re-infection and relapse is high.

Attention! Do not try to self-medicate, remove boils folk methods, pierce or squeeze out a boil, etc. All manipulations to open the abscess are carried out only within medical institution under sterile conditions and using the necessary means.

Very often people are interested in what boils appear from? Before understanding the causes of their occurrence, you first need to find out what a furuncle is, what is the mechanism of its development.

The development of the inflammatory process

Furuncle is called inflammation infectious nature in the hair follicle in the thickness of the skin, which is accompanied by a purulent process. The places of its localization are areas of the skin where there is hair, that is, any parts of the body, except for the feet and palms of the hands. The most common occurrence of boils is observed:

A humid environment contributes to the appearance of a boil, so the reasons for their reproduction often lie in excessive sweating.

Boils or boils occur as a result of the entry of pathogenic microorganisms through the hair canals into the hair follicles. The channels are clogged, and bacteria have the opportunity to actively multiply. An inflammatory process begins in the hair follicles. The immune system begins to react by secreting specific white bodies that are capable of destroying the infection. This is how pus appears. It accumulates under the skin and helps to eliminate microbes.

Main reasons

So why do boils appear? The main reason is the entry of pathogenic bacteria into hair follicle. These pathogens include:

  • golden staphylococcus aureus;
  • epidermal staphylococcus aureus;
  • saprophytic staphylococcus;
  • group A beta-hemolytic streptococcus.

But still, most often for boils on the body, the reason lies precisely in the infection with Staphylococcus aureus. He may be present in human body and never show up. But under certain circumstances, this microorganism is activated, begins to multiply and cause inflammation. There are such main causes of boils:

Provoking factors

There are such internal factors that contribute to the weakening of immunity:

There are also additional factors risk that contribute to the occurrence of boils. For example:

A furuncle may appear due to the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms into the hair follicle against the background of a decrease in immunity. Contribute to their reproduction, as mentioned above, excessive sweating in case of non-compliance with the rules of personal hygiene. It can also be bad weather, which lead to hypothermia or overheating of the body, negative living or working conditions (damp or stuffy rooms).

How to recognize a boil and prevent complications?

Depending on the cause of development, boils may have different localization. Also, their manifestations may differ due to the degree of prevalence and aggressiveness of the pathological process.


It is quite simple to determine the pathology, since the boil has specific signs. Among them:

Regardless of the cause of the boil, in its development it goes through several stages:

  1. Infiltration. At this stage, there is redness at the site of the lesion (around the hair) and the appearance of significant swelling. A person in this area feels itching, tingling and twitching.
  2. Suppuration phase. A few days after infection, pus and a rod in the center form in the boil. At this time, the temperature may rise, there is tissue necrosis around the wound. Then the boil breaks, the pus comes out.
  3. Healing phase. After the discharge of purulent masses and the rod, the wound heals gradually. A scar appears in its place. After that, the patient's condition improves.

Help Needed

Treatment of a boil is prescribed only after establishing the cause of the disease and consists in the use of funds for its speedy healing. It consists of several stages:

Treatment should take place under sterile conditions to prevent contamination of the wound. It should not be scratched, touched, crushed, as this can provoke a reappearing boil.

Possible consequences

In some cases, the most common boil can lead to some backfire. Among them there are such dangerous phenomena:

Without proper treatment with medications With such complications, blood poisoning is possible. This is very dangerous and can be fatal. Therefore, it is so important to respond in a timely manner to the appearance of an abscess and not to self-medicate. Only a specialist will be able to establish the cause of the pathology during the formation of the boil and prevent the recurrence of the disease.

Acute purulent inflammation hair follicle, capturing the surrounding soft tissues and adjacent sebaceous gland. The furuncle begins with the formation of a dense infiltrate, in the center of which a necrotic rod is formed, ending in a pustule. Then there is an opening of the pustule, the discharge of the rod along with purulent contents and the healing of the boil, after which a scar remains on the skin. Diagnosis of a boil includes dermatoscopy, culture of discharge, blood test, examination immune system, detection concomitant diseases and complications. Treatment is carried out locally in accordance with the stages of development of the boil. According to the indications, antibiotic therapy, immunocorrection, and treatment of complications are prescribed.

General information

Widespread vernacular name furuncle - "boil". This disease is more common in adults, and in men more often than in women. The increase in the incidence of boils occurs in autumn and spring.

Causes of a boil

The main cause of the appearance of a boil is a staphylococcal infection. In the course of numerous studies that dermatology constantly conducts, it has been proven that staphylococci are normally present on the surface of human skin. However, only 10% of the total number of staphylococci are pathogenic microorganisms. In patients with boils, this ratio is changed and the number of pathogenic staphylococci often reaches 90%. Such a violation of the microflora skin may develop as a result of contamination of the skin, its additional infection or with a decrease in the reactivity of the immune system.

Reduced immunity, in turn, may be due to chronic diseases and infectious processes in the body (tuberculosis, chronic pyelonephritis, bronchitis, hepatitis, sinusitis, tonsillitis, etc.); metabolic disorders(diabetes mellitus, endocrine obesity); long-term therapy with glucocorticosteroids; the use of cytostatics and other medications aimed at suppressing the immune system (in patients with lymphoma, gastric cancer, kidney adenocarcinoma, breast cancer, uterine sarcoma and other oncological diseases).

The penetration of staphylococci into the hair follicle with the formation of a boil can be facilitated by skin maceration during increased sweating and its microtrauma: combing with dermatological diseases with severe itching (eczema, atopic dermatitis, scabies, jock itch, pruritus), scratches, cuts and abrasions. Furuncles in the nose and auricle can develop as a result of constant exposure to the skin of mucopurulent discharge from the nose or ear in chronic rhinitis, adenoids, sinusitis, otitis media.

Furuncle symptoms

The appearance of a boil is possible almost anywhere on the human skin. It most often occurs where rubbing, sweating, or soiling of the skin occurs. These are the face, neck, underarms and groin areas, thighs, buttocks, lower back, chest. In its development, the boil goes through 3 stages: infiltration, suppuration and necrosis, healing. The whole process of its development usually takes no more than 10 days.

Infiltration stage the furuncle begins with the appearance of a bright red infiltration around the mouth of the hair follicle. The infiltrate increases in size (up to 1-3 cm in diameter), thickens, becomes more and more painful, accompanied by swelling of the surrounding tissues and a tingling sensation. The most pronounced puffiness is observed when the boil is located on the face: in the region of the eyelids, lips, cheeks.

Stage of suppuration and necrosis the furuncle occurs 3-4 days later from the moment of its appearance. It is characterized by the formation of a purulent-necrotic rod typical of a boil, which emerges on the surface of the skin in the form of a pustule. During this period, there is a rise in body temperature to 38 ° C and a pronounced pain in the area of ​​​​the boil. General symptoms of intoxication are possible: malaise, weakness, headache, loss of appetite. At the peak clinical picture the furuncle is opening its tires. Through the hole formed, pus is poured out and a necrotic rod comes out. After that, infiltration, swelling, soreness and general symptoms quickly pass, the healing process begins.

Healing stage the boil proceeds with the formation of granulation tissue in the crater left after its opening. Within 3-4 days, a scar forms at the site of the boil. At first, it has a noticeable red-blue coloration, but gradually fades and can become almost invisible.

In some cases, the course of a boil may be erased and not be accompanied by the formation of a necrotic rod. With the formation of a boil in auricle his symptoms are accompanied by intense pain in the ear, radiating to temporal region and jaws. Sometimes diffuse headache. A furuncle can block the ear canal, which is accompanied by hearing loss.

Complications of a boil

Despite the apparent simplicity of the disease, even a single boil can be the cause serious complications. The furuncles located in the region of the nasolabial triangle and on the mucous membrane of the vestibule of the nose are most often complicated. The development of complications is often facilitated by attempts to extrude the boil, its inadequate local treatment, and injury during shaving.

According to the localization of the process, all complications of the boil are divided into local (abscess, carbuncle, erysipelas, phlegmon), remote (lymphadenitis, lymphangitis, phlebitis) and general (furunculosis, brain lesions, abscesses in the internal organs, sepsis).

Local complications arise due to the fact that the discharge of the boil contains pathogenic staphylococci and can cause infection of other areas of the skin. The fusion of several boils leads to more extensive purulent skin lesions, such as carbuncle, abscess, soft tissue phlegmon. The multiple nature of boils is regarded as furunculosis.

The transition of infection from a boil to lymphatic vessels and veins causes the development of lymphangitis, lymphadenitis, phlebitis and thrombophlebitis. The most dangerous is the spread of staphylococcal infection through arterial vessels with the development of metastatic abscesses, pyelonephritis, sepsis. Furuncles localized on the face can be complicated by arachnoiditis, meningitis, brain abscess.

Diagnosis of a boil

If signs of skin inflammation are found, the patient should consult a dermatologist. The doctor will make a diagnosis based on the examination and dermatoscopy of the affected area. To determine the etiology of the pathogen, bacteriological culture of the separated furuncle is performed. Recurrent and multiple boils are an indication for a general examination of the patient with clinical analysis blood and urine, blood test for sugar, urine culture, pharyngo- and rhinoscopy, radiography paranasal sinuses nose, fluorography, ultrasound of the abdominal cavity and kidneys. If necessary, the patient is additionally consulted with UHF therapy. After opening it, bandages are applied with hypertonic saline sodium chloride, turunda with an ointment containing chloramphenicol in combination with methyluracil. With difficult discharge of the necrotic rod, proteolytic enzymes are indicated: trypsin, chymotrypsin. Treatment in the stage of healing of the boil is carried out with antibacterial and healing agents.

With multiple and recurrent boils, treatment should include therapy aimed at increasing immunity. For this purpose, autohemotherapy, laser and ultraviolet irradiation blood (ILBI and UBI), the introduction of gamma globulin, staphylococcal toxoid or vaccine. Medical immunomodulatory therapy is prescribed in accordance with the results of the immunogram. Systemic antibiotic therapy is carried out in the case of a large, recurrent or complicated boil, as well as when it is localized on the face. Simultaneously with the treatment of the boil, the correction of concomitant diseases and the relief of complications are carried out.

Prevention of the appearance of boils

To preventive measures aimed at preventing the appearance of a boil include: skin hygiene, appropriate skin care for hyperhidrosis and increased sebum secretion, treatment of skin lesions with antiseptics, timely and adequate treatment surface forms pyoderma, correction metabolic disorders and therapy chronic diseases, healthy lifestyle life, allowing you to maintain a high immunity.

Prevention of complications is primarily to prevent injury to the boil and the spread of infection. Self-medication is not recommended. It is necessary to timely contact a dermatologist and follow his appointments.

boil)- acute purulent-necrotic inflammation of the hair follicle, sebaceous gland and the environment connective tissue caused by pyogenic bacteria, mainly Staphylococcus aureus. With a boil, nearby tissues are affected, which causes severe pain, itching, burning and discomfort. A boil boil looks like this: a large red swelling, in the center of which one can see purulent formation.

Furuncle - scheme

Furuncles occur only at the root of the hair and differ from ordinary acne in size, appearance and painful sensations. Most often, the cause of such inflammation on the skin is banal hypothermia or weak immunity. A single inflammation passes rather quickly, but a whole scattering of boils indicates serious health problems and requires treatment.

Causes of boils:

Important information! If a multiple focus of boils appears on the skin, you need to consult a doctor. If left untreated, the primary stage of inflammation can turn into furunculosis, a disease in which new ones appear in place of old inflammations.

Types of boils and their frequent localization

Boils that are painful to the touch can appear on any part of the skin, but most often inflammation is localized in certain areas of the body: the back of the head, buttocks, arms, face, hips and lower back.



Solitary inflammation on the skin, quickly disappears without treatment.

This is a whole hotbed of inflammation, affecting several at once. hair follicles located nearby. In the process of "maturing" of boils, inflamed tissues are combined into one focus, which has several necrotic formations at once. With a carbuncle, pus comes out from several places. Most often it is formed on the back of the head, hips and lower back.

This inflammatory process is characterized by the appearance of many cysts located deep in the skin. Most often, cysts are filled with pus, which causes red bumps to form on the face, when touched, a person feels severe pain. This disease requires long-term treatment if the disease is ignored, then due to permanent inflammation deep scars form on the skin.

The localization of this boil is the intergluteal fold. Most often, inflammation is provoked by several reasons: hypothermia, sedentary image life, poor hygiene. The furuncle, which forms in such an intimate place, has a long necrotic rod that penetrates deep into the skin. The disease is accompanied by an increase in body temperature, severe pain and inflammation at the site of the formation of the boil. In particularly difficult cases, there are several foci of inflammation, united in a large carbuncle.

The localization of these inflammations is the groin and armpits. Many boils without necrotic rods form at the site of sweat glands deep in the skin. The disease is accompanied by a strong abscess, pain, fever, chills, weakness.

Hydradenitis cannot be cured without surgical intervention, an advanced form of the disease can provoke sepsis.

Important information! Boils cannot be squeezed out; most often, a necrotic rod that has torn open after aging comes out on its own. Any intervention not under the supervision of a doctor can result in blood poisoning or severe furunculosis.

How to distinguish a boil from a regular pimple

Chiria and boils - hallmarks

To distinguish a boil from a regular pimple, you need to know the symptoms and course of the inflammatory process. The first and surest symptom is the occurrence painful swelling, in the center of which there is a hair. Inflammation is accompanied by itching, painful sensations. After a while, the boil increases in size, affecting nearby tissues, the necrotic purulent formation becomes more pronounced, and a pulsation is felt on the affected area of ​​the skin. Full maturation of the purulent rod occurs in 3-4 days. In particularly difficult cases, the diameter of the rod with pus can exceed several centimeters.

Pathology, which is characterized by the appearance of multiple boils in limited areas and may be disseminated, is called furunculosis.

This is a more serious lesion, which can be complicated by fever, weakness, muscle pain. In some cases, an increase in lymph nodes is diagnosed, especially if the foci of inflammation are nearby.

The back is the place where highly likely boils appear

Important information! If the focus of inflammation is too large or a lot of boils have formed on the skin, you should immediately consult a doctor. In addition to the treatment of purulent rods, antibiotics should be included in the treatment complex.

Antibiotics that are used to treat furunculosis



This semi-synthetic drug acts on gram-positive bacteria, such as staphylococcus aureus, which most often causes boils. The antibiotic destroys the membranes of bacteria, preventing their reproduction. The drug has a number of contraindications, so before taking it, it is recommended to read the instructions or consult a doctor.

it medicine It is used to treat skin ailments associated with pathogens such as Staphylococcus aureus and Streptococcus aureus. The antibiotic has a detrimental effect on the causative agents of inflammation, has a bactericidal effect. Daily dose medicines are prescribed by a doctor, based on the symptoms of the disease and individual data.

This drug has an antibacterial and antiprotozoal effect by inhibiting the synthesis of bacterial nucleic acids. Taking this medication allows you to achieve a bactericidal concentration of metronidazole in the tissues, which allows you to act on the causative agents of inflammation as quickly as possible. Has a number of contraindications and side effects is contraindicated in children under 3 years of age.

This drug is an antibiotic a wide range, adversely affects most known strains of pathogens, has a bactericidal property. Successfully fights against penicillin-resistant strains of bacteria.

This effective antibiotic has a number of contraindications and is prescribed only after reaching 18 years. Released by prescription.

This antibiotic is prescribed for severe courses of furunculosis, the drug destroys the walls of bacteria of staphylococci, streptococci, clostridia. It is quickly absorbed into the blood, effectively affects the focus of inflammation, and promotes the outflow of pus. It is prescribed only after determining the sensitivity to the components of the antibiotic, it has a number of contraindications. Children and pregnant women are prescribed vital signs. Sold by prescription only.

Important information. Taking and prescribing antibiotics on your own is dangerous to health. Modern drugs I have a wide range of contraindications and side effects that can aggravate or provoke existing chronic diseases.

Ointments and preparations for the treatment of boils

In addition to antibiotics, special preparations are prescribed for the treatment of boils, which increase the outflow of pus, reduce inflammation and pain. Ointments prescribed for the treatment of foci of inflammation are divided into three types: those that act on pathogenic bacteria, stretching and healing.


This ointment contains an antibiotic that has a detrimental effect on a strain of bacteria, causing inflammation. The active substances that make up the ointment destroy the walls of bacteria, promote the outflow of pus, and reduce inflammation. It is shown to apply the ointment in the first days of the appearance of boils.

The composition of this ointment includes antibiotics, antihistamine components and painkillers. When using the drug, swelling and pain decrease, the growth of pathogenic bacteria is suppressed.

This ointment belongs to the pus-pulling group of drugs. In addition to suppressing the growth of bacteria and reducing inflammation, the drug has a good wound-healing and drying effect on the skin. Apply the ointment after the aging of the necrotic formation. Castor oil, included in the composition of the drug, helps to reduce itching and swelling.

This drug has a pungent odor due to the sulfur included in the composition. The ointment accelerates the maturation of the rod, promotes the removal of pus from the wound, and has a wound healing effect.

This drug is used after the rod with pus comes out of the wound. Zinc, included in the composition of the ointment, helps to dry the skin, reduce swelling and inflammation.

This drug can only be used when the rod comes out of the wound. If you apply an ointment before the boil matures, you can provoke the development of a subcutaneous abscess, which will later have to be removed surgically.

The ointment has a wound-healing effect, reduces swelling and pain, promotes the removal of pus residues from the wound.

Folk recipes for the treatment of furunculosis in the early stages

If it is not possible to visit a doctor, you can try to reduce pain and swelling with inflammation with the help of folk recipes. Also folk remedies help the speedy maturation of the rod and the removal of pus from the wound.

Freshly squeezed juice of onion and garlic helps to localize inflammation, accelerate the maturation of the rod and the removal of pus. To treat a boil, it is recommended to lubricate the affected area of ​​​​the skin with freshly squeezed onion or garlic juice several times a day.

If inflammation has formed on the thighs or buttocks, then the following recipe can be applied: mix honey and flour until a thick mass is formed. Attach the resulting cake to inflamed formation. Honey is natural antiseptic and helps to remove pus from the wound.

Aloe has antiseptic and antimicrobial effects. To reduce inflammation and provoke an outflow of pus, it is recommended to apply a crushed plant to the boil.

Coltsfoot has a wound healing and anti-inflammatory effect, so chopped fresh leaves are effective tool to reduce inflammation and speed up skin healing. It is recommended to use this plant after the rod comes out of the wound.

Important information! It is worth remembering that any self-treatment can be not only useless, but also dangerous to health.

Procedures that can not be done when boils appear

It is worth remembering that squeezing a boil is categorically not recommended. Intervention can provoke the appearance of a subcutaneous abscess, the spread of infection to nearby tissues.

It is also not recommended to heat the skin or use warming preparations for furunculosis, as this can provoke the growth of pathogenic bacteria and an increase in the focus of inflammation.

Summing up

Boils are the first signs of immune problems. If furunculosis appears constantly, you should undergo an examination to identify the cause of the disease. It is also recommended to eat well, avoid hypothermia, give up alcohol and maintain personal hygiene.

Video - What is furunculosis and how to deal with it

A furuncle can form on the skin unchanged before the disease and may be a complication of an already existing superficial or deep staphyloderma. In addition to the virulence and pathogenicity of the pathogen strain, exogenous and endogenous predisposing factors play an important role in the occurrence of furuncle and furunculosis. To exogenous factors include minor mechanical injuries with particles of dust, coal, metal, creating an entrance gate for infection, friction with clothes (on the neck, lower back, buttocks), which contributes to the re-introduction (passaging) of staphylococci and thereby the transition of saprophytes into pathogenic forms; scratching with nails (for eczema, neurodermatosis, scabies), meteorological conditions. Special attention should pay attention to industrial and household factors of this kind, which can contribute to the appearance of boils in a large number persons. Among endogenous factors depletion of the body, metabolic diseases (diabetes, obesity), gastrointestinal tract, anemia, hypovitaminosis, diseases of the nervous and endocrine systems, alcoholism, constant hypothermia or overheating, etc., leading to a decrease in the overall immunobiological reactivity organism. In spring and autumn, boils occur more often. Children get sick less often than adults, men more often than women.

There are single boils (one boil occurs or it reappears, but after a few months or more), recurrent single boils (relapses occur after short intervals time - days, weeks) and furunculosis (some boils appear after others).

Furuncle symptoms:

There are three stages in the development of a boil:
- stage of infiltrate development;
- stage of suppuration and necrosis;
- healing stage.

Initially, a raised, firm, bright red infiltrate with indistinct borders appears around the hair follicle, accompanied by a tingling sensation or slight soreness. Gradually, the infiltrate takes the form of a dense tumor, which expands, becomes more painful; the surrounding tissues swell (in the area of ​​​​the eyelids, cheeks, lips, swelling can be pronounced). On the 3-4th day, the second stage begins: the boil reaches from 1 to 3 cm in diameter, a purulent-necrotic rod with a pustule on the surface is formed in its center. The furuncle takes the form of a cone-shaped tumor with smooth, shiny skin. During this period, the pain becomes sharp, the temperature can rise to 37-38 ° C, symptoms of intoxication may appear ( general malaise, weakness, headaches, etc.). Further, the cover of the pustule spontaneously or artificially opens and purulent contents are released from the boil, sometimes with an admixture of blood, and then a yellow-green necrotic “plug” (necrotic rod). After removal or rejection of the rod, swelling, infiltration and pain disappear, the remaining boil crater is filled with granulations and scarred within 2-3 days. The scar is initially blue-red, gradually becoming white, sometimes barely noticeable. In the normal course of the process, the cycle of development of the boil lasts 8-10 days.

With the erased course of the process, a painful infiltrate is formed without suppuration and necrosis. With a small size, the furuncle is distinguished from folliculitis by the formation of a small central necrotic rod. In debilitated patients, exhausted by other diseases, or with irrational treatment, a boil can transform into an abscess (abscessing or phlegmonous boil).

Furuncles can be localized on any part of the skin, except for the skin of the palms and soles, where there are no hair follicles. Single boils especially often occur on the back of the head, skin of the forearms, lower back, abdomen, buttocks, lower extremities. Furuncles external ear canal are characterized by significant pain, and the upper lips are very dangerous due to the possibility of thrombosis of the lymphatic and venous pathways with the formation of septic phlebitis cerebral vessels and general sepsis. With the localization of the boil on the neck, chest, thigh, near lymph nodes acute stem lymphangitis and lymphadenitis may develop. With boils, metastases to the liver, kidneys and other internal organs. All these complications make boils in some cases very serious illness. Complications during the course of a boil can be facilitated by an attempt to squeeze it out, trauma during shaving, irrational local treatment and localization on the skin of the face, in the nasolabial triangle, on the skin and mucous membranes of the nose.

They talk about furunculosis with multiple (although this is not always the case) and recurrent rash of boils! Downstream, furunculosis is acute (lasts from several weeks to 1-2 months and is accompanied by the appearance of a large number of boils) and chronic ( a small amount of boils appear at short intervals or continuously for a number of months).

Forecast. With solitary boils (except facial boils) is always good. In chronic furunculosis, especially in the elderly, in malnourished and diabetic patients, complicated boils and sepsis, the prognosis is serious.

Diagnosis Furuncle:

Diagnosis presents no problem in typical cases. It should be differentiated from anthrax, hydradenitis, deep trichophytosis. anthrax initially manifested by a papulo-vesicle, which is covered with a brownish-black scab, with a pronounced infiltrate of the dermis and hypodermis, accompanied by sharp pains and significant breach general condition. Hidradenitis - purulent inflammation of the apocrine glands ( armpits, inguinal folds, the region of the breast nipples, anus), does not have a central necrotic rod. Trichophytosis granuloma is more often localized in the area of ​​the scalp and beard. For the diagnosis, the anamnesis (contact with animals), the absence of pronounced pain and purulent-necrotic rod, the presence of fungi in the pathological material during its microscopy. Sometimes you have to carry out differential diagnosis With erythema nodosum and scrofuloderma.

Histopathology. Purulent inflammation captures the entire hair follicle, sweat gland and surrounding connective tissue (deep folliculitis with perifollicular infiltrate). Initially, the histopathological picture is similar to that of ostiofoldiculitis, then there is necrosis of the entire sebaceous-hairy apparatus and nearby tissues with abundant leukocyte infiltrate along the periphery. There are many dilated blood vessels in the surrounding connective tissue, significant collagen edema. In the lesion, elastic and collagen fibers are completely destroyed. Collagenized bundles of fibers surround the lesion with a thick ring, making it difficult for the infection to penetrate from the lesion into the body (squeezing out the boil can lead to the infection breaking through the protective “ring”).

Furuncle treatment:

Furuncle treatment depends on the stage of the process. In the period of infiltration, ultraviolet irradiation in erythemal doses is used. At the stage of maturation, they are chipped around the infiltrate with solutions of antibiotics and novocaine (in the conditions of surgical departments).

They create rest for the affected part of the body, put removable plaster splints on the limbs. If the inflammatory process is not stopped, the blockade is repeated daily or every other day until the necrotic rod is discharged. Bandages are applied with 1% silver nitrate solution, which are changed daily.
Usually a one-time chipping in the early stages of furunculosis leads to speedy recovery. Rarely do you have to do a double blockade.
Other stages are characterized by activation, delimitation of the inflammatory process, after which a cure quickly occurs.

The cavities of the opened boils are washed with a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide and dressings are made daily with a hypertonic solution of sodium chloride until the cavity is cleared of necrotic masses. Then, every 2-3 days, dressings with Vishnevsky ointment are applied, and in the presence of granulations, indifferent fatty dressings (with sterile vaseline oil, fish oil, synthomycin emulsion, etc.).

Squeezing out a boil is strictly contraindicated, as this can lead to generalization of infection and development life threatening complications. The rod is removed only after its complete separation from the surrounding tissues. The skin around the boil is treated with alcohol, brilliant green or methylene blue. Ichthyol is also recommended. The drug has a bactericidal, keratoplastic, local analgesic and anti-inflammatory (due to vasoconstriction) action. Ichthyol thickly lubricate the boil and cover with loosened cotton wool. When dried, an “ichthyol cake” is formed, which is easily washed off with warm water. Dressings should be done twice a day. Ichthyol should not be applied to an already opened boil, as this will prevent the outflow of pus and the rejection of the necrotic rod.
To surgical treatment resort to abscessing boils, phlegmon, neglected carbuncles and others severe complications. The operation consists of making an incision under local anesthesia. Postoperative period is no different from the local treatment of opened boils. Apply and complete excision of the boil with the imposition of primary sutures.

Furuncle treatment should be carried out until the infiltrate is completely resorbed, since an untreated boil is the cause of complications. AT complex treatment boils apply UHF, ultraviolet irradiation, solux. It is not recommended to prescribe skin massage on the spot former boils. Warm compresses, poultices and other wet procedures are unacceptable, as they cause maceration of the skin around boils, which facilitates the spread of infection, contributes to the appearance of new boils.

With facial boils, which are best treated in a hospital, antibiotic therapy is mandatory in accordance with the sensitivity of the microflora to antibiotics. Targeted antibiotic therapy is often carried out in combination with sulfonamides. For desensitization of the body, diphenhydramine or pipolfen, suprastin, calcium chloride are indicated.

In order to prevent the development of hypovitaminosis due to purulent infection, antibiotic therapy, waiting for the improvement of metabolic processes and increase defensive forces The body is prescribed vitamins C, B1, B2, PP.

Treatment of complicated boils is carried out only in a hospital.

Prevention Furuncle:

For to prevent the development of boils it is important to observe personal, household and industrial hygiene. Proper and timely assistance with microtraumas, protection from colds, good nutrition, treatment of diabetes are constituent parts boil prevention.

Which doctors should you contact if you have a Furuncle:

Are you worried about something? Do you want to know more detailed information about Furuncle, its causes, symptoms, methods of treatment and prevention, the course of the disease and diet after it? Or do you need an inspection? You can book an appointment with a doctor– clinic Eurolaboratory always at your service! The best doctors examine you, study external signs and help to identify the disease by symptoms, advise you and provide the necessary assistance and make a diagnosis. you also can call a doctor at home. Clinic Eurolaboratory open for you around the clock.

How to contact the clinic:
Phone of our clinic in Kyiv: (+38 044) 206-20-00 (multichannel). The secretary of the clinic will select a convenient day and hour for you to visit the doctor. Our coordinates and directions are indicated. Look in more detail about all the services of the clinic on her.

(+38 044) 206-20-00

If you have previously performed any research, be sure to take their results to a consultation with a doctor. If the studies have not been completed, we will do everything necessary in our clinic or with our colleagues in other clinics.

You? You need to be very careful about your overall health. People don't pay enough attention disease symptoms and do not realize that these diseases can be life-threatening. There are many diseases that at first do not manifest themselves in our body, but in the end it turns out that, unfortunately, it is too late to treat them. Each disease has its own specific symptoms, characteristic external manifestations- so called disease symptoms. Identifying symptoms is the first step in diagnosing diseases in general. To do this, you just need to several times a year be examined by a doctor not only to prevent terrible disease but also support healthy mind in the body and the body as a whole.

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Other diseases from the group Diseases of the skin and subcutaneous tissue:

Abrasive pre-cancer cheilitis of Manganotti
actinic cheilitis
Allergic arteriolitis or Reiter's vasculitis
Allergic dermatitis
skin amyloidosis
Asteatosis, or sebostasis
Basalioma of the skin of the face
Basal cell skin cancer (basalioma)
White piedra (knotty trichosporia)
Warty skin tuberculosis
Bullous impetigo of newborns
Vulgar or strepto-staphylococcal impetigo
Generalized rubromycosis
Hypovitaminosis of vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin)
Vitamin A hypovitaminosis (retinol)
Hypovitaminosis of vitamin B1 (thiamine)
Hypovitaminosis of vitamin B2 (riboflavin)
Hypovitaminosis of vitamin B3 (vitamin PP)
Vitamin B6 hypovitaminosis (pyridoxine)
Vitamin E hypovitaminosis (tocopherol)
Glandular cheilitis
Deep blastomycosis
Fungal mycosis
Epidermolysis bullosa group of diseases
Dermatomyositis (polymyositis)
Malignant granuloma of the face
Itching of the genitals
Excess hair, or hirsutism
Indurative (compacted) Bazin's erythema
True pemphigus
Ichthyosis and ichthyosis-like diseases
Skin calcification
Pilonidal cyst
Skin itching
granuloma annulare
contact dermatitis
Red grainy nose
Lichen planus
Palmar and plantar hereditary erythema, or erythrosis (Lahn's disease)
Skin leishmaniasis (Borovsky's disease)
Fusk line, or Andersen-True-Hackstausen syndrome
Lipoid necrobiosis of the skin
Lichenoid tuberculosis - lichen scrofulous
Riehl melanosis
skin melanoma
Melanoma dangerous nevi
Meteorological cheilitis
Mycosis of nails (onychomycosis)
Mycoses of the feet
Multimorphic exudative erythema
Mucinous alopecia of Pinkus, or follicular mucinosis
Hair growth disorders
Neacantholytic pemphigus, or scarring pemphigoid
Pigmentation incontinence, or flea-sulzberger syndrome
Neurofibromatosis (Recklinghausen's disease)
Baldness or alopecia
Papulonecrotic tuberculosis of the skin
Inguinal epidermophytosis
Periarteritis nodular
Squamous cell skin cancer
Superficial mycosis
tardive cutaneous porphyria
Polymorphic dermal angiitis
graying hair
Occupational skin diseases
Manifestation of vitamin A hypervitaminosis on the skin
The manifestation of hypovitaminosis of vitamin C on the skin
Skin manifestations of herpes simplex
Broca's pseudopelade
Finger pseudofurunculosis in children
Chronic pigmentary purpura
Spotted atrophy of the Pellizzari type
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