How to remove pus from a dog. The dog has an abscess on the tail: signs. Treatment of an inflamed formation

Most often, an abscess on the paw of a dog indicates a recent injury and subsequent infection of the animal. At home, you can clean and disinfect the wound, but you need to ensure that the area of ​​​​inflammation does not increase, and the general well-being of the animal does not worsen.

The reasons

An abscess is a skin abscess, local suppuration against the background of inflammation of the epidermis (it can penetrate deeper, spreading to bones and muscles). It appears if an infection enters a wound or simply damaged upper layers of the skin. The problem with this phenomenon on the paw is that its contamination is almost inevitable if you do not bandage it or put on a sock. Especially often boils form between the fingers, where the environment can be quite wet, and it is more difficult to clean them than the paw pads.

Abscesses occur in dogs regardless of breed, but it is very important to know the general health of the pet and possible hereditary diseases. In a dog, an abscess on the paw is formed against the background of weakened immunity, allergies. Some decorative breeds are especially prone to allergic reactions and have a low level of body defenses, so the owners of such dogs need to monitor their health more carefully.

Why are abscesses dangerous?

You can not ignore the problem if the dog began to limp. Often the cause of this are fractures, bruises, abscesses. In case of serious injuries, all this can be combined. When a dog's paw aches, the pressure on it does not decrease, it becomes contaminated and the abscess itself can be accidentally torn off. The problem is also that the animal can easily lick this place, and contrary to the misconception, this does not contribute to healing in any way.

Small abscesses resolve easily with minimal treatment, but severe, neglected purulent sores can lead to serious consequences, infection, and the need for surgery. Self-opening of abscesses is not recommended, even small ones, as there is a risk of damaging and infecting healthy tissues with bacteria. These are minimal veterinary manipulations, they are done with little or no local anesthesia, you should not be afraid of this.

An abscess on the paw of a dog photo

How to help a pet?

The first step is to wash the area. Chlorhexidine is ideal for this. The process can rather be called spilling, since the abscess is not wiped, but is filled with a disinfectant liquid. If the lesion is minimal, then after drying it should be sprinkled with streptocide or ready-made powder (sold in veterinary pharmacies). It's best to leave the paw uncovered if possible, but the dog will likely try to lick the sore spot, so you can put on a thin cotton sock or bandage it very loosely. A small sock can also be sewn from gauze or bandage, simply by connecting two panels and making loops for a tie. There is no need to make it tight or pull the paw strongly, everything should be free so that the animal does not experience inconvenience and air circulates freely around the wound.

It is strongly not recommended to use sprays and ointments for itching when the dog has an abscess on its paw. They often contain corticosteroids, hormonal ingredients that are used only in cases of confirmed allergies. In addition to the fact that they can develop a negative dermatological or immune reaction, they also interfere with the diagnosis of the real cause. They are not used in cases of fungal, bacterial, viral diseases. It is better to use proven products, such as Tsamaks, Terramycin, ready-made sprays sold in veterinary pharmacies.


To protect your dog from abscesses between the toes and on the pads of the paws, it is necessary to wash them after walking. For this, a special dog shampoo, a weak solution of ordinary laundry soap, even ordinary water, if the paws are in perfect order and there are no wounds, is suitable. Regular home inspections of the paws are essential to spot problems early. So, everything can start with tiny “pimples” on the pads, weeping areas between the fingers - if they are noticed and disinfected in time, they can pass in time. It is better to have a gauze or thin cotton sock in stock in advance.

The appearance of an abscess on the paw of a domestic dog does not mean that the owner does not take good care of it. The cause may be minor injuries, metabolic problems, allergies, infectious diseases. Be sure to treat the abscess at home on your own, but if there is no improvement in 2-3 days or more symptoms appear that indicate the presence of the disease, you should rush to the veterinarian.

Bumps in a dog after injections can occur for various reasons. Some animals tolerate vaccinations and injections normally, while others develop complications that cause discomfort and become dangerous. The most common consequence is a bump on the withers after an injection in a dog, which does not require the intervention of a veterinarian.

A lump or lump may appear as a reaction to certain types of vaccines. Usually they do not bring discomfort to the animal, do not bother him and disappear within three weeks. If such a lump does not increase in size and does not have signs of an inflammatory process, then there is no reason to be worried. But what if the formation causes discomfort to the dog, changes color or increases rapidly? In such a situation, you should immediately take your pet to the veterinarian.

After administration to the animal, the injection solution should dissolve on its own, leaving no signs. Why does a lump remain after an injection?

When administering any type of drug injection to an animal, the following should be considered:

  1. A bump at the withers can form as a result of too rapid administration of the drug. The solution does not have time to be distributed throughout the dog's body and accumulates in one place, forming a small seal.
  2. If a bump forms at the withers after the injection, the needle used during the procedure can be too short. Insufficient length of the instrument can cause the drug to enter the subcutaneous fat layer, where the solution is retained.
  3. The appearance of complications is often affected by the structure, quality, shelf life of the drug and the degree of preparation of the animal before the injection.
  4. Often the cause of the appearance of a bump, which resolves over time, is a veterinarian's mistake, as a result of which an abscess can develop and, accordingly, suppuration.
  5. A bump at the withers sometimes occurs as a result of an allergic reaction to the administered drug.
  6. In the case when a capillary was touched during the injection, the bump is a common hematoma, which will disappear on its own in a week.
  7. In the process of puncturing the skin of an animal, there is a possibility that a nerve ending will be affected and a small seal will form at the site of the procedure.
  8. A bump at the site of vaccination may indicate complications, such as inflammation, the appearance of a purulent focus, tumors, etc.

A lump in a pet is an alarming sign

In what cases is swelling at the withers of a pet a cause for concern? An ordinary bump at the vaccination site in a dog is a common occurrence that does not pose a threat to the animal. Such seals, in most cases, do not require the help of a veterinarian and disappear within two to three weeks. But if an infectious microflora joins the seal at the withers, then the dog must be immediately shown to a specialist in order to do everything necessary to eliminate the inflammatory process.

Dog owners should be alert for the following symptoms:

  • a sharp increase in the size of the cone;
  • discharge from the wound (especially purulent);
  • discoloration of the skin at the puncture site;
  • temperature;
  • painful sensations caused by compaction;
  • a noticeable deterioration in the condition of the pet;
  • refusal to eat, play;
  • apathy and restless sleep.

These symptoms should be regarded as an abnormal condition in the dog and should be monitored by a veterinarian.

Types of complications after injections

An abscess in a puppy and an adult after vaccination may appear if purulent bacteria have entered the tissues. A non-sterile preparation, the use of one needle for several injections, etc., lead to the formation of a cavity after the injection, which is filled with pus. On the outside, the purulent abscess is surrounded by the walls of the capsule, they are formed to protect the body from the penetration of bacteria, so it is not recommended to open or pierce the seal that has appeared on your own.

On visual inspection, the abscess looks like a bump or swelling, usually painful and hot to the touch. To cure an abscess, the veterinarian prescribes painkillers, compresses and ointments that tend to draw out pus.

The bump can open on its own, leaving behind an ulcer. In such cases, they resort to surgical cleaning of the affected area, followed by treatment with an antiseptic. It is not recommended to treat an abscess in a pet on its own, as this can provoke blood poisoning, tissue necrosis and other equally dangerous complications.

An infiltrate is a lump that appears after an injection and looks like an abscess. The main reason for the development is inflammatory and edematous tissue changes without the formation of a cavity filled with pyogenic bacteria. An infiltrate in an animal occurs after injections with a blunt or bending needle. Often such a formation appears if the drugs were mixed up, for example, in the case when an intramuscular injection was administered subcutaneously. In most situations, the temperature at the site of infiltration does not differ from the general indicators of the body. If there is an elevated temperature at the site of formation of the seal, then the infiltrate turns into an abscess.

With an unsuccessful injection site, a large vein is damaged, resulting in a hematoma. The same compaction can occur if the dog is often given injections in one place during treatment. If the bump has a red tint and over time its color changes to blue, then there is no reason for concern. With each passing day, the seal will decrease. If the temperature at the site of the seal is not elevated, you can speed up the process with compresses on the skin and massage.

When, after the injection, the pet begins to limp, and no seals were found at the injection site, it is possible that a nerve ending was affected during the procedure. The probability of nerve damage exists if the solution is concentrated in one place and does not diverge throughout the body of the animal. If the nerve is damaged, other symptoms are likely to appear: acute pain followed by loss of sensation, convulsions, unnatural position of the paw.

But the most dangerous complications appear if air enters the pet's vein. In such cases, coughing, suffocation, severe weakness and even anaphylactic shock may occur. Such conditions pose a danger to the animal and require immediate veterinary attention.

Abscess in a dog, an inflammatory focus is called, which contains pus. Abscesses are usually caused by bacteria or foreign materials under the skin.

A skin wound can be the cause of infection and the formation of an abscess in the subcutaneous tissue.

Signs of an abscess are pain and swelling, as well as redness and fever in the skin overlying the abscess.

Pus forms when white blood cells die and accumulate in the affected area. As a defense mechanism, the immune system also forms a fibrous capsule around the site of inflammation. This fibrous capsule keeps pus within one area. If bacteria or foreign material suppresses the immune system, pus continues to accumulate and the abscess becomes larger.

After some time, the wall of the capsule becomes thinner and breaks, as a result of which pus flows out. Typically, the abscess ruptures into the external environment so that pus can be seen oozing out.

Some abscesses heal without treatment if the white blood cells are able to destroy the infectious agent. However, it often happens that abscesses do not heal without treatment and the presence of acute inflammation poses a threat to the health, and sometimes the life of the animal.

Most often, abscesses in dogs are associated with bite wounds, as well as with puncture injuries (for example, abscesses of the interdigital space due to damage by sharp objects or penetration of sharp small foreign bodies into the soft tissues).

Symptoms and Diagnosis

Abscess symptoms:

The diagnosis is usually made on the basis of a physical examination. If the abscess is not ruptured, the presence of pus inside can be determined by puncture (puncture with a needle). If the abscess is ruptured, the diagnosis is made by the presence of pus from an open wound. Often, external lesions in dogs, even with large abscesses, are minor. Wounds from fangs can be small, almost protracted “holes” in the skin, which are the way the infection penetrates inside, while the subcutaneous tissue is damaged and torn off, which is a favorable environment for the development of an inflammatory purulent focus.


Treatment of an abscess is to ensure drainage and cleaning of the cavity from purulent contents. If the abscess is closed, the cavity is cut from two sides (the highest and lowest point on the body of the animal), drains (rubber tubes or tapes) are introduced into the cavity. Depending on the degree of tissue damage and the nature of the animal, this may require general anesthesia or is performed under local anesthesia. The abscess cavity should be sanitized (washed) along the drains with local antiseptic solutions, until complete healing. Only after the abscess cavity closes around the drainage tube can it be removed. Typically, it may take 3 to 10 days for complete healing, depending on the size of the abscess cavity and the general condition of the dog.

In common parlance, an abscess is called an abscess. Ulcers develop either under the skin or in the internal organs.

Localization of abscesses in dogs

According to the place of localization, they differ in name - superficial "abscess" or deep "abscess".

The size reaches the size of a chicken egg. It differs from other pathological inflammatory processes in the demarcation line - the boundary between the healthy space and the affected area.

An abscess can reach the size of a chicken egg.

Origin factors

Despite the magnitude of the lesion, the disease is characterized by rapid development.

Due to the rapid progression, the tumor develops rapidly, then the affected tissue decays and pathogenic microorganisms enter. These pathogenic microbes spread very quickly through the blood, and the process aggravates, and the abscess increases. The main cause of pathology is mechanical impact: wounds, injuries, bruises.

Wounds can be the cause of tumor development.

Causes of disease progression

The progression of the disease occurs for the following reasons:

  • improper care;
  • fighting with other dogs
  • accident;
  • cruel treatment;
  • injury during mating;
  • complication of medical procedures - injections, droppers, surgery.

The fight is the cause of the progression of the disease.

As a result of ignoring the problem, there is a risk of further infection and damage to internal organs, which ultimately leads to complications and possible death.

Symptoms and signs

Symptoms of the disease appear according to the reasons that provoked its appearance.

  • Abscess of a septic nature occurs due to necrosis, which provoked microbes.
  • Aseptic lesion begins due to necrosis caused by toxic substances or.

Microbes provoke tissue necrosis.


By appearance, the disease is divided into benign and malignant abscess.

  • benign infection occurs after injections, vaccinations due to infection at the puncture site. In this case, there is swelling, hyperemia. Inside the tubercle there is a purulent exudate, live leukocytes, of low virulence.
  • malignant appearance will look like a red swelling, loose to the touch, a slight fluctuation is felt on palpation. In this case, inside there will be pus of a liquid consistency, bacteria of putrefactive or purulent origin, and anaerobic bacteria.

With a malignant form of an abscess, a red swelling forms.

Dog temperature

Among other things, the pathology is also divided according to the local temperature present.

Cold abscess is more common in older dogs.

  • hot abscess looks like a reddened swelling, painful and hot to the touch. Such an "abscess" is characterized by rapid progression and formation, often spontaneous opening occurs.
  • Concerning cold abscess , then most often this type is inherent in old dogs that have reduced immunity. It is characterized by a slow flow, weakly and for a long time it is formed, it is almost not felt to the touch. There is only slight swelling and soreness. Spontaneously never opens, which implies the use of surgical intervention.

initial stage

The initial stage of the disease is expressed in the appearance of a compaction on the pet's skin, which is characterized by soreness.

At the initial stage of the disease, a seal appears on the skin.

Then this seal grows in size, redness gradually appears. If there is a hot type, then an increase in temperature is felt in the diseased area during palpation. After some time, the seal still increases in size and becomes soft to the touch. In some cases fluctuation can be felt. If the abscess is subcutaneous localization, then after a few days it will spontaneously open.

Deep localization

Abscess of deep localization is visually difficult to notice. To suspect this pathology allows the changed behavior of the animal.

During this period, the pet becomes lethargic, gradually weakens, does not show interest in the environment. This condition of the dog lasts for several days, with no other visible symptoms observed.

During the period of deep localization, the dog becomes lethargic and weak.

Hernias and hematomas, unlike an abscess

When making a diagnosis, an abscess should be distinguished from a hernia or from a hematoma.

In order not to take an abscess for such pathologies, you should know that the hematoma does not have clear boundaries and walls, and a hole filled with soft contents is felt in the hernia during palpation. In addition, a hernia at the site of localization, as a rule, is located in the inguinal or abdominal region. For accurate diagnosis, radiography, laboratory blood tests, abscess puncture to determine the nature of the contents are allowed. A puncture with a hematoma will show blood, with a tumor - the absence of exudate, with an abscess - purulent contents.

Hernia in a dog.

dog treatment

As a rule, the treatment of a mature abscess consists in a surgical opening.

  1. An unripe tubercle is given several days to ripen and then opened. The ripened "abscess" is opened, at the same time a puncture is made and the pus is allowed to flow out.
  2. Next, the doctor washes the wound cavity with antibacterial agents, if necessary, puts drainage, applies a fixing bandage.
  3. If the lesion is benign, you can apply a bandage with ichthyol ointment, agave leaf, Vishnevsky ointment .
  4. Treat the cavity with a three percent solution of hydrogen peroxide.
  5. The deep channel is laid with antiseptic ointment. It is advisable to prescribe antibiotics to prevent the spread of infection.
  6. Surgical intervention

    A malignant formation is treated only surgically, spontaneous opening should not be allowed. Treatment and follow-up care is prescribed only by a doctor.

    Malignant formation is removed surgically.

    Video about the abscess of the paraanal glands

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