How to restore cerebral circulation. Help of herbs in cleaning blood vessels and improving cerebral circulation

The blood supply to the brain in osteochondrosis is also significantly disrupted when the vessels passing through the neck to the head are pinched. But the symptoms of vasoconstriction of the brain, which have arisen for various reasons, can be very similar.

Symptoms of vasoconstriction in the brain

Symptoms of dyscirculatory encephalopathy (the so-called chronic vascular diseases of the brain) develop slowly and are not always noticeable not only to others, but also to the patient himself.

The onset of the disease is frequent paroxysmal headaches. Dizziness, fainting, or even momentary loss of consciousness.

Another consequence of a chronic vascular disease of the brain is a violation of motor activity, coordination and, above all, walking. The mincing and shuffling gait is not at all the prerogative of old age. It can also appear in a fairly young person if cerebral circulation is impaired. Such a gait gives the diagnosis.

There is noise in the ears. There is a violation or loss of memory. There is an increase in fatigue and a decrease in working capacity, including mental. It starts with absent-mindedness and a decrease in interest, and then can lead to a premature decrease in intelligence, which can progress rapidly, up to a state of helplessness.

When these symptoms appear, you should definitely consult a doctor to find out the cause of this condition. It is with these symptoms that paralysis develops, vision falls, coordination is lost, movement is disturbed, and a stroke occurs.

Causes of narrowing and damage to blood vessels

  • Increased mental and physical stress. stressful situations.
  • Violation of the whole organism due to chronic diseases: gastrointestinal tract, urinary-genital system, nervous and endocrine systems.
  • Sedentary lifestyle. Rare walks, and as a conclusion - the lack of fresh air.
  • Inadequate or malnutrition - a large amount of high-calorie, fatty and fried foods. Lack of vegetables, seafood and fruits in the diet.
  • Bad habits. Smoking, excessive drinking of alcohol, especially beer, which leads to hormonal imbalance and obesity.
  • Living in an area with unfavorable environmental conditions.

The most effective traditional medicine for vasoconstriction


For medical purposes, cranberries are often used to cleanse blood vessels from cholesterol plaques (prevention of atherosclerosis). Cranberry juice and cranberry juice remove slags and salts of heavy metals from the body, dissolve calcifications, including those on the walls of blood vessels.

This berry contributes to the normalization of metabolism, and also has the amazing property of calming frizzy nerves, which also has a beneficial effect on the vessels of the brain.

For medicinal purposes, both fresh and frozen berries are used, even cranberries rubbed with sugar. You can eat it at any time of the day, but as practice shows, it is eaten at night that it has a particularly beneficial effect on the body.

Recipes with cranberries to strengthen blood vessels, restore memory, restore cerebral circulation

√ Grind: 500 g of cranberries (can be frozen), mix with 350 g of good honey, add 1 small (about 150 g) finely grated horseradish root.

Beat everything with a mixer, pour into jars and refrigerate. Take 3 times a day after meals with hot tea, 2-3 teaspoons as a dessert. If you like it sweeter and there are no contraindications, the dose of honey when preparing the mixture can be increased to 500 grams.

√ Scroll a kilogram of cranberries through a meat grinder with 200 g of garlic cloves. To the resulting mixture, you need to add natural honey in the amount of 100 g. The mixture should be mixed well and left for 3 days - let it infuse.

It is necessary to take the drug in a tablespoon twice a day before meals. Such a tool is also used to restore the patient after a heart attack.


The most beneficial effect on cerebral circulation is provided by alkaloids of a common garden plant - periwinkle. The alkaloids of this plant improve metabolism in the brain tissues, arterial blood flow and microcirculation in the vessels of the brain, and also prevent the deposition of atherosclerotic plaques in the walls of blood vessels, while preventing platelets from sticking together.

All these healing properties help restore normal blood flow in the vessels of the brain, which provides nerve cells with sufficient nutrition. Therefore, periwinkle and preparations from it are recommended not only for hypertension and vasoconstriction of the brain, but also for Parkinson's disease, the consequences of encephalitis, headaches and dizziness.

Vinca preparations containing alkaloids (for example, vincamine, reserpine, isovincamine) are used in official medicine in the treatment of these diseases.

Recipes with periwinkle to restore cerebral vessels

√ From periwinkle at home, you can prepare drops for alcohol: pour 100 g of chopped grass into 1 liter of 70% alcohol. Infuse for 20 days in a dark place at room temperature. Drink 10 drops in the morning and afternoon with 1/3 glass of water in courses of 5-6 months.

√ Infusion (in a water bath or in a thermos) is prepared based on the ratio of 10 g of dry raw materials per 200 ml of boiling water, drink 1 table. spoon 3 times a day.

√ The use of a decoction of periwinkle leaves is more common: for hypertension, 1 tablespoon of crushed leaves is boiled in a glass of boiling water for 20-30 minutes, or 40-50 minutes in a water bath, then take 1 teaspoon 4-5 times a day.

Baikal skullcap

This plant has the ability to dilate blood vessels, slow down the rhythm of heart contractions, normalize blood pressure, and eliminate anxiety. It is used for headaches (migraines), pain in the heart area, to improve memory, performance and general well-being.

Both a ready-made alcohol tincture of the Baikal skullcap and a dried plant can be purchased at a pharmacy.

Baikal skullcap infusion.

Pour 1 teaspoon of roots and rhizomes into a thermos or glassware and pour a glass of boiling water. Infuse for 2 hours, it is advisable to strain before use. Take 1 tablespoon 4 times daily before meals.

Alcoholic tincture of skullcap Baikal.

To prepare the tincture, 1 part of the rhizomes and roots of the Baikal skullcap and pour 5 parts of 70% medical alcohol. Take 20-30 drops 2-3 times a day. Store in a place protected from light.

Collection No. 1 with Baikal skullcap

Indications for use: myocarditis and hypertension

  • 3 parts of five-lobed motherwort;
  • 2 parts each of Baikal skullcap, birch leaf, Ivan-tea;
  • 1 part Baikal chistetsa, or calendula officinalis, or lavender.

Infusion on water: 3 tablespoons of the collection, pour 1 liter of boiling water and leave to infuse at room temperature. Take 1/3 cup 5-6 times a day. Course of treatment: 1 month of admission, and then take a 3-day break and drink again for a month in the same dosage.

Alcohol tincture: pour 6 tablespoons of the collection into 800 ml of 70% (medical) alcohol. Infuse for 10 days in a warm place without access to sunlight. Filter before use. Take 25 drops 4 times a day. Course of treatment: 3-4 weeks of admission, breaks 1-2 weeks, repeat the course.

Collection No. 2 with Baikal skullcap

It is used for: arrhythmias, hypertension, atherosclerosis.

  • 3 tablespoons each of five-lobed motherwort and prickly hawthorn;
  • 2 tablespoons of Baikal skullcap, spike lavender and officinalis rosemary.

Infusion on water: pour 3 tablespoons of a mixture of herbs into 1.5 liters of boiling water, leave to cool completely. Take 1/3-1/2 cup up to 6 times a day. Course of treatment: 1 month of admission, and then take a 3-day break and drink again for a month in the same dosage.

Vodka tincture: pour 3 tablespoons of the collection into 500 ml of medical alcohol and insist in a dark, warm place for 10 days. Take 25 drops 4 times a day. Course of treatment: 3-4 weeks of admission, a break of 1-2 weeks, repeat the course.


Most recipes for the treatment of hypertension from viburnum consist of the same ingredients, but differ from each other in the methods of preparation. The main thing is that each of the recipes listed below retains the medicinal properties of viburnum, so you just need to choose the most convenient and suitable cooking method according to your taste characteristics.

Viburnum berries are used for edema of cardiac and renal origin, hypertension.

Infusion of viburnum berries on water with honey.

  • fresh viburnum berries - 3 cups;
  • honey - 0.5 l.

Berries pour 2 liters of boiling water and insist in a warm place for 8 hours. We filter the broth. Grind the berries through a sieve. Add 0.5 l of honey to the resulting infusion. Must be stored in a cool place. It is recommended to take within a month 3 times a day for 1/3 cup 20 minutes before meals.

Kalina steamed in the oven.

Place viburnum berries in the oven for 2 hours. Rub through a sieve, add honey, a little water and place again in a heated oven. Take the mixture half an hour before meals, 3 tbsp.

Morse from viburnum.

Mashed viburnum berries pour boiled water and insist. Drink the drink like tea, adding sugar or honey to it if desired.

Infusion of viburnum berries, berries and dried apricots.

  • viburnum (crushed fruits) - 1 tbsp;
  • wild rose (crushed fruits) - 1 tbsp;
  • mountain ash (crushed fruits) - 1 tbsp;
  • hawthorn (crushed fruits) - 1 tbsp;
  • dried apricots - 1 tbsp.

Pour 1 liter of boiling water over everything and insist in a thermos for 6 hours. Drink a glass like compote or tea.

Viburnum bark

It has a beneficial effect on hypertension, since when it is used, the content of cholesterol in the blood decreases, a diuretic effect is noted, renal blood circulation improves, and fat metabolism is activated.

To prepare a decoction, pour the bark (10-20 g) with 2 cups of boiling water and boil for half an hour. Take a decoction 3 times a day, 1 tbsp.

Infusion of viburnum shoots with medicinal plants.

  • shredded viburnum shoots - 0.7 tbsp;
  • chopped motherwort grass - 0.7 tbsp;
  • ground valerian root - 0.7 tbsp.

Pour the resulting mixture with 1 cup boiling water and cook for 2-3 minutes over very low heat. Take during the day in small portions.



This plant is indispensable in the treatment of hypertension, to improve cerebral circulation and even recovery after a stroke, as it lowers blood cholesterol levels, normalizes metabolism, tones up the nervous and cardiovascular systems.

Cleans blood vessels in atherosclerosis of cerebral vessels, removes cholesterol, toxins and toxins from the body, as it has choleretic properties and the ability to restore the digestive tract.

Infusion of dandelion leaves.

1 st. l. pour 1 glass of boiling water, stand for 2 hours and strain. Drink 1/4 cup 3 times a day shortly before meals.

Powder from crushed dry dandelion roots drink 1 tsp. 3 times a day before meals.

Medicinal balls of dandelion root powder: grind 50 g of dried roots in a coffee grinder to a powder state and mix with flower honey in a 1: 1 ratio. Then use a teaspoon to make balls out of this mixture. Keep refrigerated. Take these balls 3 times a day before meals, slowly dissolving them after taking dandelion infusion.


Thyme is often used in herbal preparations for hypertension, so people suffering from high blood pressure and cerebrovascular accident can benefit from drinking tea with thyme. It dilates and cleanses the blood vessels.

Pour one tablespoon of thyme or herbs into a glass of boiling water, let it brew for several hours and drink three to four times a day before meals. After drinking, you need to lie down and apply a warm heating pad to your legs.

Oil with thyme for external use in hypertension and for recovery after a stroke.

Take 1 liter of olive oil, warm it up a little, add 50 g of thyme, put in a water bath for 2 hours. Leave for 12 hours and then strain. Keep refrigerated.

Every evening, rub the composition into the spine, starting from the coccyx and ending with the cervical vertebrae, and also rub into the numb parts of the body. The pressure gradually returns to normal.

Use the recipes of traditional medicine and be healthy for many years!

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Herbs for the blood circulation of the brain will help to avoid many diseases and improve the functions of this organ. Blood circulation can be affected by many factors that reduce the elasticity of blood vessels, reduce their tone, and lead to deposits of cholesterol and other substances on the walls of blood vessels. All this significantly increases the risk of developing heart attacks and strokes and other diseases of the cardiovascular system. Therefore, in order to prevent the occurrence of such problems, it is necessary to know what means will help improve blood flow and the condition of blood vessels.

When to Improve Circulation

There are many reasons why blood flow to the brain can be interrupted.

But the most common ones are:

  • bad habits;
  • wrong diet;
  • excessive or insufficient exercise.

This leads to a deterioration in the condition of blood vessels and blood flow. There are a large number of drugs to eliminate this problem. But not everyone trusts modern medicine. It will be useful for such people to know that there are herbs that improve cerebral circulation. This is a useful and safe way to avoid many heart pathologies.

The need for such treatment may indicate:

  • poor memory and attention;
  • visual impairment and movement coordination;
  • feeling of numbness in the limbs.

Such symptoms can appear in people of any age, but most often in the elderly, as the condition of the vessels worsens with age. Young people suffer from such phenomena to no lesser extent. Every year the diseases are getting younger. Therefore, it is necessary to help the body fight negative factors.

Medicinal herbs can even be used to improve blood flow in children. But before that, you need to consult with a specialist who will tell you which plants are safer.

Herbs for the brain

Improving blood circulation in the brain must be carried out not only in the presence of problems, but also for prevention. Plants also help with increased excitability of the nervous system and allow pupils and students to concentrate during exams.

The following medicinal plants are useful for the brain:

  1. St. John's wort. It helps to increase the tone of blood vessels, improves the condition of their walls, relieves spasms and improves memory.
  2. Hawthorn stimulates the processes of blood circulation in the brain. It is advisable to take the fruits of this plant or tincture based on them.
  3. Melissa. It has a positive effect on the state of the central nervous system, nourishes the cerebral cortex and stimulates blood flow. You can simply make tea from it and use it in any quantity.
  4. Celandine. It is recommended to use to eliminate the effects of a stroke. It improves the hemodynamics of the brain.

Pharmacies sell ready-made preparations and tinctures that are good for blood circulation.

You can also use this recipe:

  1. Take one hundred grams of tincture of peony, motherwort, hawthorn and valerian, add 50 ml of eucalyptus and 25 grams of mint infusion to them, as well as Corvalol in the amount of thirty grams and a little whole clove.
  2. Everything is mixed in a dark glass dish and placed in a cool place away from sunlight for 14 days.
  3. After this period, three times a day before meals, take about thirty drops of the product diluted in water. The medicine must be taken for several months.

With poor blood circulation in the brain, atherosclerosis can occur.

If such a problem has already begun to develop, then the following recipe is recommended:

  1. Take several parts of hawthorn and birch leaves, add one part of mint, immortelle, flax seeds, oregano.
  2. All ingredients are mixed well, take a tablespoon, pour a glass of water and boil.
  3. When the water boils, the broth is removed from the heat and allowed to stand for two hours.
  4. After that, it must be consumed three times a day in equal parts. Do this every day for a month.

Before using such funds, a doctor's consultation is necessary. Only he can indicate the exact dosage and course of treatment.

Healthy herbal products

To improve blood flow to the brain, it is not necessary to prepare decoctions and infusions. You can simply include in the diet foods that have the properties to strengthen and cleanse blood vessels.

These products include:

  1. Garlic. Even in ancient times, people guessed about its benefits for blood vessels. With the help of garlic, they got rid of migraines, strengthened memory. It can simply be eaten or made into an infusion. It is necessary to pour one and a half heads of garlic with alcohol and leave for 12 days. Use the remedy in a few drops, increasing the dosage throughout the week, and then reducing it. In case of stomach problems, this remedy should not be used.
  2. Onion. All types of onions are good for the body. This vegetable dissolves cholesterol deposits and dilates blood vessels. It must be consumed fresh every day.
  3. With the help of spices such as basil, cinnamon, bay leaf, red pepper, you can get rid of unnecessary deposits on the vascular walls and improve blood circulation.

Medicinal plants are much more effective than medicines to help improve the condition of the whole organism. But before using any prescription, you must consult a specialist and undergo an examination. After all, a person may have intolerance to a certain plant.

When blood circulation is disturbed in the vessels of the brain, this leads to serious consequences. The blood supply of the brain has a system of redistribution of blood flow to different parts of the body that are active at the moment. During exercise, more blood flows to the centers of the brain responsible for this process. If there is mental activity, then a greater flow of blood occurs to other parts of the brain. Violation of cerebral circulation occurs as a result of pathological conditions that a person acquires in the process of life. These include: hypertension, atherosclerosis of the vessels of the brain and heart, vascular aneurysms, thrombosis and embolism. These diseases often lead to stroke, which can be fatal. Treatment of such pathologies is carried out under the supervision of specialists with strict adherence to medical prescriptions. A stroke that has occurred requires hospitalization in a medical clinic. Upon returning home, the patient must constantly comply with the necessary requirements of the doctor. In addition to drugs, the use of traditional medicine is effective. Let us consider in more detail how to improve the blood circulation of the brain with the help of folk remedies.

The use of traditional medicine

It is necessary to monitor the health of blood vessels constantly, without waiting for formidable pathologies. The organs and systems of the body are interconnected, so a failure in the blood supply system inevitably leads to disorders in the brain. The use of folk remedies in the treatment will help keep the vessels in a healthy state. Traditional medicine is a healing method that humanity has accumulated over a long period of development. Traditional medicine is used in modern medical practice. Plants that are used for the manufacture of medicinal preparations have healing properties. For them, the name of medicinal plants is defined. For the manufacture of preparations, not the whole plant is suitable, but some part of it: root, leaf, bark, flowers. The manufacture of medicines using medicinal plants is entrusted to the pharmaceutical industry under the control of the Ministry of Health.

Improve blood circulation in the brain folk remedies

When there are already pathological changes, the use of folk remedies goes well with the main drug treatment. Contribute to the improvement of cerebral circulation decoctions and infusions of medicinal herbs:

Herbal collection №1

The composition includes: veronica - 10 grams, lemon balm - 10 grams, strawberry leaf - 30 grams, hawthorn flowers and fruits - 40 grams. The mixture is poured with boiling water in the amount of 300 grams, infused and consumed every day. It effectively helps to treat atherosclerosis of cerebral vessels.

Herbal collection №2

500 grams of cranberries are taken, 350 grams of honey and 150 grams of grated horseradish are added. The ingredients are mixed with a mixer. Take 1 tablespoon three times a day after meals. The mixture strengthens blood vessels, improves immunity and improves memory, and has a beneficial effect on blood circulation.

Soothing infusion

Valerian root tincture tidies up the nerves, improves sleep, which is important in case of impaired blood circulation. You need to take one tablespoon of raw materials, brew a glass of boiling water, let it brew and take one tablespoon three times a day.

A mixture of periwinkle and hawthorn

The remedy includes periwinkle leaves and hawthorn flowers. A decoction is prepared from the herbal collection in the usual way, which helps the positive dynamics of the blood supply to the brain, but requires long-term use.

clover red

A decoction is also prepared from this plant, infused and applied inside. An infusion of red clover flowers helps cleanse blood vessels, ensures normal blood circulation in the vessels of the brain.

melissa plant

A decoction is prepared from the leaves of lemon balm, infused and used for treatment. A decoction of lemon balm calms the nerves, relieves headaches, and improves night sleep.

Sophora japonica

The crushed raw materials of Japanese Sophora are used to prepare a decoction. It is infused for ten to twelve hours and then it is ready for use inside. The infusion is able to dissolve cholesterol deposits on the walls of blood vessels, thereby cleansing the blood vessels.

Garlic with vegetable oil

Garlic-oil mixture is used to lower blood cholesterol. It is prepared as follows: one garlic bulb is crushed and poured with a glass of vegetable oil. This mixture is infused for a day, then the juice of one lemon is added, mixed and stands for another week. After that, the healing agent can be used to treat blood circulation. The duration of the course of treatment is three months or more.

Leaves of the ginkgo biloba plant

The only relict plant in the world, the leaves of which are used for the prevention and treatment of cerebrovascular accidents. The crushed raw materials are ground into powder and applied dry in a teaspoon with water. Treatment is carried out in courses of one to three months, depending on the age of the patient. The older the person, the longer the course of taking ginkgo biloba.

Medicinal herbal remedies include infusions of herbs: alfalfa seeds, oregano, pine cones.

The use of dietary supplements for treatment

Biologically active additives (BAA) are not medicines, but are used as traditional medicine, including to improve blood circulation in the vessels of the brain. Bioadditives are made from extracts of medicinal plants, supplemented with vitamins and minerals. They affect a person's memory, enhance thought processes, cleanse the vessels of the brain and prevent the formation of blood clots. Bioadditives are preparations based on extracts of the Ginkgo biloba plant: Tanakan, Bilobil, Ginkoum, Ginkor Forte and others. Taking supplements for at least three months. The first results of improving cerebral circulation appear after a month of use. The use of biological additives is based on the prevention of vascular diseases and is an auxiliary method for the treatment of cerebrovascular accidents. Bioadditives to eliminate impaired cerebral circulation are made on the basis of the medicinal plant ginkgo biloba biloba. Course intake of supplements is at least three months. But after a month you can see the first results.

Physical education and sports for health

As you know, a healthy lifestyle determines the well-being of a person, and sports directly improve blood circulation. Physical education and sports should be done regularly. To improve blood circulation in the vessels of the brain, simple exercises on the shoulder girdle and neck are suitable:

  1. Turning the head to the right and left.
  2. Head tilts back and forth.
  3. Head tilts to the right and left.
  4. Circular rotational movements of the head.

These simple movements well relax the muscles of the neck, contribute to the normalization of blood circulation.

Nutrition that improves blood circulation in the brain

You need to eat well and eat right. A balanced diet has a positive effect on improving cerebral circulation. The following foods should be included in the diet: cranberries and beets, apples and pumpkins, blueberries and spinach, fatty fish. It is recommended to give up fried, salty and spicy foods, which will protect blood vessels from sclerosis.

Prevention of vascular disorders

Prevention of circulatory disorders is based on a healthy lifestyle. It is necessary to give up smoking and alcohol abuse. It is important to observe the regime of work and rest: it is necessary to exclude work with harmful working conditions, to fully use the vacation, not replacing it with compensation. It is also required to monitor the emotional state, not to take unpleasant events to heart, to calmly think about the current situation. You need to have a proper schedule and stick to it. Great attention should be paid to night sleep. To make it complete, evening walks in the fresh air are shown. You need to monitor your health, undergo a medical examination once a year. Physical education and sports, hardening of the body, a healthy balanced diet, increased immunity - this is the key to good health and a strong body. By adhering to simple recommendations, you can maintain healthy blood vessels for many years.

Today, every third person thinks about the treatment of cerebrovascular accident. Among the reasons why the blood supply to the brain is disturbed, the two main ones are atherosclerosis and hypertension.

But they are not the only ones either. There are many factors for the development of the disease - these are obesity, and smoking, and off-scale cholesterol, and stress.

Symptoms of cerebrovascular accident

If the blood circulation in the brain begins to be disturbed, then vision decreases, coordination of movements may go astray, and, most dangerously, a stroke or paralysis may develop. Unfortunately, the disease at first does not have pronounced symptoms, and therefore it is not given due attention.

Signs of impending trouble in the form of cerebrovascular accident are expressed:

  • in forgetfulness and loss of memory;
  • difficulty in assimilating information;
  • in a decrease in working capacity and motor activity;
  • in a decrease in intelligence;
  • in numbness of the limbs;
  • in imbalance.

Even in young people, the gait can change and become senile, shuffling. Such phenomena in the body are dangerous for health, quality of life, work activity.

How to put blood vessels in order and take care of them

Traditional medicine will help in the restoration of blood vessels. Gradually, to a certain extent, it is possible to restore their former capabilities. Memory will improve, the brain will receive everything it needs in full. So, we can eliminate the risk of harm to health.

To cleanse blood vessels and improve cerebral circulation

As always, medicinal plants act as healers, from which you need to make a tincture. Let's find three herbs:

  • red clover;
  • Siberian bloater;
  • Dioscorea Caucasian.

We fill, without tamping, a three-liter jar with red clover heads. Add to it 20 grams of crushed roots of the Caucasian Dioscorea and 20 grams of the Siberian bloater.

Fill up to the neck with high-quality vodka and send for 14 days to infuse. The place should be dark and cool. After the deadline is up, we filter through several layers of gauze. Pour the healing tincture into small bottles. We apply: before meals for half an hour - 1 teaspoon. Do this three times daily. We drink for a month, rest for a month, and at this time we take another remedy.

Recipe for regulating cerebral hemodynamics

For infusion you need:

  • minced periwinkle leaves - 1 teaspoon;
  • hawthorn leaves and flowers - 1 tbsp. a spoon.

Leaves periwinkle pour 0.5 liters of boiling water and boil for five minutes. Add hawthorn leaves and flowers and remove from heat. After three hours of infusion, filter. We accept: before meals for an hour for ½ cup. If you drink the infusion constantly, the effect of the treatment will be achieved.

Infusion to improve cerebral circulation against the background of atherosclerosis

With a decrease in memory or its partial loss. For the present, we will collect:

  • 10 grams of lemon balm and veronica;
  • 30 gr strawberry leaves;
  • 40 gr flowers and fruits of hawthorn.

All grind and mix. Brew a tablespoon of the collection with 300 ml of boiling water. Add honey for taste and drink warm daily. 100 ml one hour before meals.

Useful infusion after a stroke due to cerebrovascular accident

The drink is prepared from dried celandine. Take it crushed 1 tablespoon and pour a glass of boiling water. We insist for fifteen minutes. We take strictly according to the dosage for 21 days (3 weeks): 3 times a day before meals for half an hour - 2 tbsp. spoons. We take care of our well-being.


Therapeutic gymnastics significantly helps to improve cerebral circulation. These exercises should become permanent in our lives.

  1. We relax the muscles of the neck and make circular movements with the head: 7 times clockwise and 7 times counterclockwise. We do it slowly.
  2. We turn our head so that your chin is in a horizontal plane - 7 times "left - right".
  3. We tilt our heads 7 times: inhale - lean forward, touching the chest with the chin, exhale - tilt back as far as possible.
  4. We tilt our heads “to the right - to the left” seven times and try to touch the shoulder with our ear.
  5. We massage, tap and rub the neck, ears, face, head. This improves blood flow to the brain.

Healing mixture for cleaning blood vessels and restoring memory

This mixture perfectly improves blood flow to the brain. For a healing drug, we take 0.5 kg cranberries (you can also ice cream), mix it with 350 grams of honey and 150 grams of grated horseradish. Stir or beat with a mixer. Pour into jars and keep them in the refrigerator. After eating, eat 2 teaspoons and drink tea.

Ginkgo Biloba is a unique and very effective remedy in the treatment of blood supply.

An effective remedy for blood vessels is ginkgo biloba. It is sold in a pharmacy in the form of capsules and tablets, but you can get the leaves of the plant in a dry form. Preparations and dry raw materials increase blood flow not only to the brain, but also to any other area that lacks this: to the lower limbs, all arteries, veins, the smallest capillaries. This is especially important for the elderly. After all, if the cell lacks blood supply, it ceases to function normally.

Tincture: 1 part dry leaves of ginkgo biloba pour 10 parts of alcohol 40% (high-quality vodka). We insist for 14 days in a dark place, after which we must filter. We accept a course of 1 month, 1 month break, etc. Daily 3 times - 10-20 drops, mixed with water.

Decoction: a tablespoon of dry ginkgo biloba leaf pour half a glass of boiling water. Boil in a water bath for 15 minutes. After half an hour of infusion, filter. We take a course of 1 month with a break of 2 weeks: daily 1/3 cup before three meals.

Violation of cerebral circulation is dangerous for the whole organism and threatens with complications. Therefore, first of all, you need to take care of your vessels. Warn the attending physician about treatment with single drugs.

Take care of yourself and live 100 years without troubles.

Folk remedies to improve cerebral circulation are often used. Will the recipes give the desired result? What infusions or decoctions are most effective? Costs carefully study the components of such funds to prevent complications.

Treatment of cerebral circulation folk remedies fairly common therapy. In order to bring the supply of oxygen and nutrients back to normal, it is first necessary to achieve vasodilation. Then you should do blood thinning, if there is a predisposition to homeostasis disorders.

Blood pressure, which in one way or another affects blood circulation, is also important to normalize.

It is also possible to slow down or prevent the development of atherosclerosis, which affects the patency of blood vessels. It is important to figure out which herbs cleanse blood vessels and improve cerebral circulation.

There are recipes that actively increase the efficiency of the brain, memory improves, unpleasant symptoms eliminate themselves.

Medicinal herbs, waste products of insects and animals, and other elements of nature are capable of influencing different structures of the body to varying degrees. Many medicines to improve blood flow contain a large amount of useful substances obtained from plants.

Traditional medicine recipes are in demand because natural ingredients, according to many, have fewer side effects and cause fewer complications. However, this is not always the case: with the wrong ratio of plants, the infusion can lead to poisoning.

But in most cases, herbs and other components have, on the contrary, less effect. than needed in a difficult situation. Therefore, neurologists advise using traditional medicine as a preventive measure or in combination with prescribed medications.

Ask your question to the doctor of clinical laboratory diagnostics

Anna Poniaeva. She graduated from the Nizhny Novgorod Medical Academy (2007-2014) and residency in clinical laboratory diagnostics (2014-2016).

At the same time, a doctor's consultation regarding the use of such drugs is mandatory.


In the event that, after an examination in the clinic, a person learns about any abnormalities in the functioning of the brain, as well as the cardiovascular system, it is important to start therapy on time.

It is also advisable to take infusions and decoctions from natural substances with a predisposition to atherosclerosis and other pathologies. The dosage is negotiated with the doctor.

You can resort to the gifts of nature with such symptoms:

  • headache;
  • dizziness;
  • noise in ears;
  • violation of blood pressure;
  • disorders of the musculoskeletal system;
  • memory impairment;
  • speech disorder.
maybe decrease in human intellectual abilities, blurred vision, development of neuritis in the problem area.


Self-treatment by traditional medicine methods for such a pathology as impaired blood circulation to the brain can lead to disastrous consequences. The reason is not only in poor-quality recipes that affect the work of the digestive, cardiovascular and other systems, but also in the fact that a person may not have time to turn to doctors for qualified help and completely lose some abilities.

The human brain is responsible for coordinating most of the functions of our body. Circulatory disorders of the brain of any severity can provoke the development of various health problems - memory impairment, frequent fatigue, insomnia, decreased sexual desire, poor concentration, etc.

Various factors affect the blood circulation of the brain, including blood pressure, blood flow velocity, the presence of diseases of the cardiovascular system, diseases of the spine, constant stress, excess weight, etc.

For minor disturbances or the first signs of problems with blood flow to the brain, simple changes in lifestyle, dietary habits and physical activity can help avoid the development of serious diseases.

Causes of the development of circulatory disorders of the brain

The most common causes of blood flow problems in the brain are:

  • Atherosclerosis - it occurs due to the accumulation of cholesterol in the vessels. With atherosclerosis, cholesterol plaques are deposited on the walls of blood vessels, which causes their blockage and narrowing of the blood flow.
  • Systematic stress. The state of stress negatively affects all human organs and systems, it can cause dangerous disorders in the brain.
  • Hypertension. With pressure drops, the heart rate is disturbed and the volume of blood pushed out by each contraction decreases, the lumen of the vessels narrows and the elasticity of the vascular wall is lost.
  • Injuries to the head, neck and spine of varying severity - in these cases, blood circulation is disturbed due to hemorrhages.
  • Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. It causes disruption of all major systems of the human body.
  • Unbearable physical activity. This is not only about excessive sports or hard physical work, sometimes an uncomfortable posture in which a person is for a long time (for example, incorrect posture when working in the office) is enough to disturb blood circulation.
  • Osteochondrosis (dystrophic processes in the intervertebral discs) and scoliosis (curvature of the spine) - these diseases of the spinal column cause many pathological conditions in the body. In most cases, osteochondrosis and / or scoliosis of the cervical region lead to impaired cerebral circulation.

Symptoms of circulatory disorders of the brain

Most often, circulatory disorders of the brain at the initial stages do not manifest themselves in any way and proceed unnoticed by a person, but as the process progresses, alarming and very unpleasant symptoms occur. The most common among them:

  • Frequent headaches. This symptom should in no case be ignored by constantly taking painkillers. It is very important to contact a specialist in time to avoid the development of dangerous consequences, including hemorrhagic stroke.
  • Dizziness and loss of balance indicate a serious lack of oxygen for the brain, if they occur, it is necessary to seek medical help as soon as possible.
  • Pain in the eyes. Most often, it increases towards the end of the day and is especially pronounced during eye movement and blinking.
  • Nausea and/or vomiting accompanied by all or some of the above symptoms.
  • Convulsions (paroxysmal, involuntary muscle contraction) and numbness (decrease or complete absence of sensitivity), which appear for no apparent reason.
  • Change of consciousness and perception. In this case, you should immediately contact a specialist.
  • Noise and ringing or stuffiness in the ears. The longer these symptoms last, the more serious is the violation of the blood circulation of the brain.
  • Fever or chills, high blood pressure.

Medications to improve circulation

If you observe some or all of the above symptoms, you should immediately seek the advice of a specialist. In case of cerebral blood flow disorders, self-treatment is unproductive and can even be harmful. The specialist will send you for an examination, and after identifying the true cause of the disease, he will prescribe a course of medication to improve blood circulation.

Among them may be:

  • drugs that prevent platelets from sticking together;
  • drugs to lower blood cholesterol levels;
  • vasodilators;
  • drugs that prevent blood clotting;
  • nootropic drugs;
  • psychostimulants, etc.

Nutrition to improve blood circulation in the brain

For those who are thinking about how to improve blood circulation in the brain or avoid aggravating the problem, you need to add certain foods to your diet. These include the following product groups:

  • Vegetable oils- olive, pumpkin, linseed. For the correct and "uninterrupted" work of our brain, the body requires polyunsaturated fatty acids, which can be obtained from vegetable oils. They are the nutritional basis for maintaining the proper level of work of brain neurons. In addition, polyunsaturated fatty acids are an effective prevention of atherosclerosis.
  • Marine and ocean fish species- trout, tuna, salmon, sea bass. The meat of these fish species is saturated with omega-3 fatty acids, which are necessary for the membranes of brain cells and protect blood vessels from the accumulation of cholesterol.
  • Berries- lingonberries, blueberries, currants, cranberries, etc. Almost all types of berries contain a lot of antioxidants (molecules with a negatively charged electron) - natural substances that can slow down the processes of oxidation and aging of human cells.
  • bitter chocolate with a cocoa content of at least 60%. This product contains a lot of tryptophan, an amino acid from which serotonin is formed, a hormone that prevents the development of headaches, migraines and depression.
  • nuts- Greek, hazelnuts, almonds, cashews, pistachios, etc. Rich in easily digestible proteins, healthy fats, vitamins and minerals, in addition, they contain essential amino acids necessary for brain nutrition and the health of the human immune system.
  • seeds- flax, pumpkin, sunflower. These products contain a lot of vitamin E, which has a positive effect on memory and cognitive processes. In addition, they contain a lot of omega-3 fatty acids, the benefits of which were discussed above.
  • Seafood- oysters, shrimp, mussels. These products contain many trace elements, in particular zinc and magnesium, which have a positive effect on attention and memory.
  • Green tea. The use of this drink normalizes blood pressure, and the antioxidants contained in it help prevent aging of cells not only in the brain, but in the whole body.

It must be remembered that fatty and fried foods, convenience foods and fast food provoke the accumulation of cholesterol in the vessels, which leads to their blockage and reduced blood flow, including to the brain.


In addition to correcting eating habits, you can give a few more tips that will help improve blood circulation and prevent various disorders in the brain. First of all, it is necessary to avoid physical inactivity - a weakening of muscle activity as a result of a sedentary lifestyle .. With the help of adequate physical activity for your gender, age, general health and weight, you can activate the blood supply to the body, including the brain.

Thermal procedures are very useful - sauna and bath, as warming up the body improves the blood flow of the whole organism. Various means of alternative medicine are highly effective - periwinkle, propolis, clover tinctures and other mixtures of plants that have a positive effect on the state of the vessels of the brain.

For the prevention of cerebral circulation disorders, it is necessary to avoid factors that increase the risk of atherosclerosis of the vessels. Overweight, smoking and high cholesterol can lead to the appearance of this disease.

For people with diseases that affect blood circulation, regular visits to the doctor are indicated to monitor the state of blood flow and prevent aggravation of its violations.

Shoshina Vera Nikolaevna

Therapist, education: Northern Medical University. Work experience 10 years.

Articles written

Thanks to the vessels and arteries, blood flow occurs throughout the body, and measures to improve blood circulation in the brain are one of the main ones. After all, human life depends on its functioning.

If the blood circulation of the brain is disturbed, then the body does not receive nutrients and oxygen in the right amount, which provokes not only headaches, but can also cause a stroke. Let's figure out when to sound the alarm and how you can normalize cerebral blood flow.

The main causes of poor blood circulation

The features of the pathology are such that a variety of factors can lead to its disorder. The main ones are the following:

  • increased blood viscosity;
  • heredity;
  • heart pathology;
  • thrombosis, osteochondrosis, as well as a number of diseases due to which the spinal or carotid arteries are squeezed;
  • fragile and thin vessels, both due to heredity and due to an acquired factor;
  • high blood pressure;
  • and other reasons.

Important! Starting from the age of 60, circulatory disorders in the brain occur more often, so people of this age are in a special risk group.

It is possible to increase blood flow, but for this you will have to work seriously, this applies to both the elderly and pregnant women, and even a child. To do this, you need to take drugs that improve peripheral and cerebral circulation, which are prescribed by a doctor. Certain folk methods will help. You will need to take vitamins, lead a healthy lifestyle and eat right, as well as strictly monitor the drinking balance.


It is almost impossible to restore blood flow without medication, and even more so if this is an age patient or a newborn. Therefore, after diagnosing and establishing the root cause, the doctor will prescribe a course of therapy consisting of a combination or simply of the following agents.

These drugs have an effect on the entire circulatory system in the body, including the brain. The blood flow becomes better, the cells are saturated with nutrients and oxygen, which has a positive effect on the well-being of a person. Most often, calcium antagonists are used for these purposes, which relieve tension from the walls of the arteries without affecting the venous structure. The course and dosage is selected only by the doctor. The most popular are:

  • diazem;
  • Anipamil;
  • Finoptin;
  • Norvask;
  • Stamlo.

Reduce blood viscosity

The older a person gets, the thicker his blood. A thick consistency cannot fully circulate to the body. This leads to agglutination of red blood cells, when platelets are soldered to the walls of blood vessels, provoking a serious problem -.

They block the lumen of the blood flow and can provoke a vascular rupture. To thin the blood, take anticoagulants and antiplatelet agents, which normalize its course.

The most popular anticoagulants: Clopidogrel, Ecotrin, Aspirin, Aspilat, Tromboass, Curantil.

Important! These drugs have serious side effects, so self-administration of the course, dosage can be hazardous to health.


They can stimulate the activation of metabolic processes in the structure of nervous tissues. This makes the brain resistant to rare oxygen starvation. After them, memory and intelligence improve. Nootropic drugs include Glycine, Phenotropil, Microhydrin, Cortexin, etc.

The choice of funds is quite large, because with their help they treat not only blood flow disorders, but also VVD, to whom, and the like. Otherwise, your health may seriously deteriorate.

Strengthening Vessels

Maintaining the elasticity of the vascular system is the main task of these drugs. Flavit and Askorutin do an excellent job with this, because they contain many useful trace elements and vitamins. Some dietary supplements also help in this matter and are most often prescribed as a prophylactic against failures in cerebral circulation. They can be taken at home without a doctor's prescription, but be sure to follow the instructions.

homeopathic remedies

Folk methods to enhance cerebral circulation most often consist of homeopathic preparations. They improve hemodynamics and general well-being of the patient. Although they are effective, they do not give immediate results, like all herbal preparations. Therefore, they are also prescribed for prevention. Positive feedback was received by the medication "Golden Iodine", before starting treatment, you need to consult a doctor.

herbal remedies

These methods should not be underestimated both in therapeutic terms and in terms of contraindications and side effects. They are over-the-counter, but you should not take them without consulting a doctor. All herbal remedies that improve cerebral circulation are alkaloids. For example, periwinkle or ginkgo biloba. Alkaloids remove vascular spasm and bring blood flow back to normal.

Preparations based on periwinkle: Telektol, Bravinton and Cavinton, based on ginkgo biloba - Bilobil and Ginkoum. The minimum course of therapy is 90 days; simultaneous use with blood thinners is prohibited.

Tea from St. John's wort, strawberry leaves, currants, oregano, clover, viburnum and rowan berries helps to cleanse the blood and blood vessels in the body. An infusion of lemon balm with a monthly course of administration is also effective for improving cerebral circulation.

A lot of rave reviews for this problem received a garlic infusion of equal parts of garlic and vodka, which is drunk with milk. Any method must be agreed with the doctor.


They help not only to make the walls of blood vessels elastic and strong, but also to restore brain cells and tissues throughout the body. To normalize carbohydrate, protein and fat metabolism, B vitamins are needed, and they also stimulate the growth of cells and vascular structures.

Vitamin C has a powerful antioxidant effect. Nicotinic acid helps in the utilization of glucose, dilates blood vessels, and stimulates blood flow. Rutin makes them strong, and phosphorus, calcium, selenium and zinc are indispensable for the normal functioning of the brain.

Balanced diet

In order for the diet to become a salvation for the vessels of the brain, and not a problem, the menu should be formed on the basis of:

  1. Olive, sunflower, pumpkin oil, which provides polyunsaturated acids necessary for the functioning of the brain at the neuronal level.
  2. Fish from the sea and / or ocean, seafood rich in omega-3 fatty acids that protect the brain from atherosclerotic damage.
  3. Berries are excellent antioxidants.
  4. Dark chocolate, which contains at least 62% cocoa, makes it rich in tryptophan, a prophylactic against depression and headaches.
  5. Nuts and seeds with vitamin E and omega-3 fatty acids.
  6. Caffeinated drinks that stimulate brain activity.
  7. Green tea, which understands high blood pressure and has high antioxidant abilities.

Drinking regime

The best remedy for blood clots is the correct drinking regimen. You need to use plain water without gases and it will work no worse than anticoagulants or antiplatelet agents, which can be dangerous without a doctor's recommendation. On average, an ordinary person needs two liters of water per day to protect themselves from thrombosis. But you need to make sure that it is not too much, so as not to provoke puffiness.

Physical activity

Gymnastics or running helps to renew blood in capillaries and vessels. This significantly reduces the risk of cerebrovascular accident. Even light yoga classes contribute to this, but during rest this figure is only 22%. Massage will help in this matter, but it is better to do the following exercises:

  1. Alternating light running and walking. Practice for at least 10 minutes, focusing on the main exercise, and rest while walking. It is better to start gymnastics and finish it with this exercise.
  2. Lower limb exercises. Start with low swings, gradually increasing the amplitude and duration of the workout. It can be combined with the movement of the arms, but only opposite to the leg that is currently working.
  3. The maximum possible tilt of the body. For untrained people, at first it will be difficult, but then the body will be drawn in and you can safely clasp your knees with your hands.
  4. Head rotation or tilt. Do not do it abruptly, everything is done smoothly and measuredly.
  5. Headstand or somersault through it. The first exercise is quite difficult, but it is what you need to learn how to do. It may not work right away, but the effect that it gives cannot be compared with anything. Therefore, through strength, complexity, you need to start doing exactly the headstand, starting with ordinary somersaults.

Provided that you perform these exercises every day, increasing their number, then in a month the vessels will become much cleaner and stronger, and this will positively affect the whole body. Sometimes, for a number of reasons, it is difficult or impossible for patients to do exercises. In this case, a full body massage should be mandatory and daily. Only a specialist should do it, so as not to cause more harm than good with massage movements.

Healthy lifestyle

The first step in the transition to a healthy lifestyle is the complete rejection of addictions such as smoking, alcohol or drugs. Only the first two bad habits are the root causes in 85% of cases of vascular problems. Because of them, there is a lack of oxygen in the body, and hence in the brain. The more active the lifestyle, the better the metabolism and blood flow throughout the body, and the brain is no exception.

An important role in this matter is played by the prevention of diseases that can narrow the vessels of the brain, such as diabetes mellitus or hypertension. It is worth walking more often on the street so that the whole body is saturated with oxygen. You should not walk in polluted areas, let it be a coniferous park or forest.

Often, they begin to worry about improving blood circulation in the brain when the pathology has given clear signs. At this time, the patient already needs serious therapy, sometimes even surgical, which is why it is so important to monitor the vessels in advance, and not wait for a clear diagnosis. Sometimes they significantly reduce the quality of life, as well as the number of days.

Hypertension and atherosclerosis are the two main causes leading to impaired cerebral circulation.

It is because of them that paralysis develops, vision falls, coordination is lost, movement is disturbed, and a stroke occurs.
Chronic vascular diseases of the brain are called dyscirculatory encephalopathy.

Its symptoms develop slowly and are not always noticeable not only to others. Often the patient himself does not attach much importance to them. Think you've become forgetful. And some books come across uninteresting. It is difficult to master a new computer program - so now they are only for "advanced" youth ...

So a person justifies himself, not trying to understand where the absent-mindedness and decrease in interest come from, because the working capacity is still at the level. And this level is often supported by previous experience.

When it becomes difficult for a person to perform his usual official duties, it is already time to ring all the bells: if the damage to the blood vessels of the brain is not treated, the time will come for irreversible consequences. And everything will end with a premature decrease in intelligence, which can quickly progress, up to a state of helplessness.

Another consequence of chronic vascular disease of the brain is a violation of motor activity and, above all, walking. The mincing and shuffling gait is not at all the prerogative of old age. It can also appear in a fairly young person if cerebral circulation is impaired. He does not complain about pain in his legs, there is no paralysis of the limbs, his balance is reduced, but his gait betrays the diagnosis.

The reason most often is that with high blood pressure, small arteries are sclerosed, while the normal blood supply to various parts of the brain is disrupted.
Smoking, obesity, high blood cholesterol are risk factors. You need to get rid of them in time.


To strengthen blood vessels, restore memory, restore cerebral circulation, increase immunity.

Grind: 500 g of cranberries (can be frozen), mix with 350 g of good honey, add 1 small (about 150 g) finely grated horseradish root.

Beat everything with a mixer, pour into jars and refrigerate. Take 3 times a day after meals with hot tea, 2-3 teaspoons as a dessert. If you like it sweeter and there are no contraindications, the dose of honey when preparing the mixture can be increased to 500 grams. (Sent by Irina Alexandrovna).


Periwinkle improves arterial blood flow and microcirculation in the vessels of the brain, and also prevents the deposition of atherosclerotic plaques in the walls of blood vessels, which is also important, especially with age. In addition, it is actively recommended for Parkinson's disease, the consequences of past encephalitis, headaches and dizziness. But periwinkle is not only an anti-sclerotic and vasodilating plant, as it also has a nootropic effect, that is, it improves brain function. From periwinkle at home, you can prepare drops for alcohol: pour 100 g of chopped grass into 1 liter of 70% alcohol. Infuse for 20 days in a dark place at room temperature. Drink 10 drops in the morning and afternoon with 1/3 glass of water in courses of 5-6 months. You can use ready-made drops "Sclerovish", which include periwinkle and other "brain" medicinal plants.

Before using prescriptions, a specialist consultation is required.

The presence of a violation of the blood flow can manifest itself at any age. There are various drugs to improve cerebral circulation. They can be recommended not only to the elderly, but also to fairly young patients. Many people may experience cerebrovascular accident. Certain types of medicines can go a long way in helping to improve it.

Description of signs of circulatory disorders

The manifestation of memory loss is the most obvious symptom of a violation of the functionality of blood flow in the vessels of the brain. This is important to know. As a result, at the first symptoms of this pathology, it is necessary to take medications to improve cerebral circulation. They will help fix this problem. In this case, the implementation of any medication should be carried out only after a certain examination. Currently, there are no such drugs that would act exclusively on cerebral circulation. How to improve it, we will consider further. Nevertheless, there are such remedies that affect the general blood circulation to a lesser extent.

They take drugs of a certain category to cure cerebrovascular accident. When they are accepted, the following changes occur:

  • The supply of an impulse in the nerves increases.
  • Free radicals that contribute to the destruction of cell walls are removed.
  • Improves attention and memory.
  • Better penetration and absorption of glucose in cells of the nervous type.
  • There is a recovery process after a stroke and injuries.
  • Improves blood supply to the brain.

What drugs to improve cerebral circulation?

Means of this type can be based on medicinal herbs or exclusively on a chemical composition. At the same time, some drugs to improve cerebral circulation can be taken without a medical prescription. The use of other drugs is allowed only on the recommendation of specialists and under their careful supervision.

The main tools of this type are:

- Aspirin.

- Glycine.

- Aminolone.

- "Pantogam" (hopantenic acid).

- Bilobil.

It is possible to take such drugs that improve cerebral circulation without a prescription. The list of drugs in this category is listed above.

The following drugs must be discussed with a qualified specialist:

- Phenotropil.

- Piracetam.

- Picamelon.

- Encephabol.

- "Actovegin".

- Eastenon.

- Phenibut.

Quite good results are given by medicines for improving cerebral circulation, based on the alkaloid of a plant such as periwinkle. For example, Vinpocetine. This agent has an antispasmodic effect and provides an effective expansion of cerebral vessels and improvement of microcirculation in the vessels.

"Cinnarizine" and "Nimodilin" are the best drugs for improving cerebral circulation, which least affect the functionality of the main blood flow and act exclusively on the brain area.

Preventive drugs

Activities with the means of this nature are important. They will help in maintaining mental activity for a longer time and in the distance of problems associated with circulatory disorders in the brain. These active ingredients include:

Acetylsalicylic acid.




Good reviews have such a medicine as "Fezam". Its action is vasodilating, antihypoxic, nootropic.

Aspirin can be attributed to the simplest prophylactic. It contributes to a good blood thinning and a decrease in thrombosis. It is prescribed even with a very severe degree of the disease. However, attention should be paid to the fact that the basis of this drug to improve cerebral circulation is acetylsalicylic acid. It is contraindicated in:

stomach ulcer;

Various bleeding;

Fragility of blood vessels.

As a result, it is very important to consult a physician to determine the necessary prophylactic doses.

Folk remedies to improve cerebral circulation

With this disease, there are manifestations of unpleasant, and sometimes life-threatening symptoms. In this case, you can help the patient by resorting to some recipes of traditional medicine. Let's take a look at each of them next.

hawthorn and periwinkle

For proper reception, certain actions must be taken. It is necessary to grind the leaves of the periwinkle. Then you need to take one spoonful of tea grass and pour boiling water (1/2 l). After that, the composition should be put on a small fire, bring it to a boil. Boil should be 5 minutes. Next, you need to add one tablespoon of hawthorn leaves and flowers and remove from heat. It is necessary to insist the composition for 2-3 hours. Then, half a cup, you need to take this composition before meals for 60 minutes. To achieve a positive effect, regular intake of this remedy is necessary. It well regulates cerebral hemodynamics.


In the preparation of this drink, there are also peculiar criteria. To do this, you need to take the crushed dry grass of celandine (one tablespoon) and pour it with boiled water (1 cup). This composition is insisted for 15 minutes. After that, it should be filtered. You need to take the composition 3 times a day, two tbsp. l. Treatment must be carried out for 21 days. Then there is a break. When taking this remedy, strict adherence to the dosage is extremely important. Use this drink in a certain case, namely when a stroke occurred.


In this case, there are two methods. They are as follows:

Valerian root (1 tablespoon) is poured with boiling water (one glass). This composition is insisted for 8 hours. This drink is taken 3 times a day, 1 tablespoon each. The dosage must also be observed here.

Alcohol tincture of valerian must be inhaled at night. This procedure will put the nervous system in order, and also help you fall asleep.


This recipe is pretty simple. The crushed root of elecampane (1 tablespoon) must be poured with a glass of hot water. This composition should be insisted for one day. Take the infusion before meals thirty minutes a day 4 times 2 or 3 tbsp. l.


There is nothing difficult in preparing this recipe either. One tablespoon of oregano is poured with two glasses of boiled water. Insist composition for half an hour. Take this drink in half a glass with each meal.


The crushed leaves of this herb (1 teaspoon) must be poured with boiled water (1 cup). Insist the composition of 5 hours. It is necessary to take a drink a day 3 times in half a glass.

Pine cones

The preparation of this tool requires certain actions. It is necessary to collect 10-12 pieces in the forest. fallen green cones. Then rinse them thoroughly under running water. After that, they are crushed and poured with vodka or alcohol (0.5 l). The resulting composition is infused in a thermos for 14 days. To take this remedy, you need to dilute it with 1 teaspoon in one glass of tea. The treatment process in this case lasts a week. Then there is a break for a month.


The crushed leaves of this herb (one tablespoon) must be brewed in boiling water (1 cup). This composition should be insisted for 30 minutes. Use this remedy before meals for 60 minutes, one tbsp. spoon.

alfalfa seeds

Here, too, certain proportions must be observed. Alfalfa seeds (1 teaspoon) must be poured with boiling water (100 ml). Drink this drink before eating 30 minutes. This remedy must be taken 3 times a day. Namely, in the morning, afternoon and evening for nine months. After that, you need to take a break for 30 days. Then the treatment course is repeated. This drink provides memory recovery.

Gathering #1

In this case, it is necessary to mix ingredients such as veronica (10 g), lemon balm (10 g), strawberry leaves (30 g), hawthorn fruits and flowers (40 g). Then 1st. a spoonful of this composition should be steamed with boiling water (300 ml). This collection must be used daily. Honey can be added if desired. This recipe must be used when cerebral circulation is disturbed against the background of atherosclerosis.

Mix "Magic"

In this case, it is necessary to grind 500 g of cranberries (you can also take frozen ones). Honey (350 g) and finely grated horseradish root (150 g) should be added to it. This mixture is mixed with a mixer. After that, it must be poured into jars and put in the refrigerator. The use of this mixture is carried out after a meal per day 3 times 3 teaspoons, while drinking hot tea. The dosage of honey can be increased to 500 g. When using this mixture, the vessels are strengthened, memory is restored, cerebral circulation is stabilized, and immunity is increased.

Means that improve peripheral circulation

Let's consider this point in more detail. Peripheral circulation is in:

Small veins and arteries;



Venules of postcapillary type;


There are the following drugs to improve peripheral circulation:

1) Products based on low molecular weight dextran. These drugs help to attract additional blood volumes from the intercellular space to the appropriate channel. For example, the drugs "Reopoliglyukin" and "Reomacrodex". Means in this category improve blood flow.

2) Preparations stabilizing microcirculation. These are the so-called angioprotectors. They contribute to the normalization of capillary permeability, as well as to the improvement of metabolic processes in the walls of blood vessels. For example, Persantin, Curantil, Flexital, Trental, Radomin, Vazonite, Doxy-chem, Pentoxifylline.

3) Preparations based on prostaglandin E1. These funds help to improve blood flow, microcirculation, elasticity of red blood cells. They increase anticoagulant blood activity. Also, these drugs dilate blood vessels, resulting in a decrease in their peripheral resistance and blood pressure. For example, "Vazaprostan".

4) Calcium type channel blockers. They help to improve the microcirculation of blood vessels in the brain. They have a cerebroprotective effect. These drugs are used to improve cerebral circulation: Kordafen, Kordaflex, Nimotop, Cinnarizin, Logimax, Stugeron, Arifon, Adalat, Brainal, Kordipin, Grindeke ", "Kortiazem", "Diacordin", "Nafadil", "Tsinnasan", "Lacipil", "Norvax", "Nifekard", "Cinedil", "Foridon", "Nemotan", "Stamlo", "Plendil".

5) Myotropic antispasmodics. Drugs in this category dilate blood vessels, increasing cerebral blood flow. They are highly effective in vascular spasms in the brain. This is an important property. If the vessels are affected by atherosclerosis, then the effectiveness of these drugs is manifested to a lesser extent. The disadvantage of these funds (with the exception of "Cavinton") is the presence of the phenomenon of "robbery". That is, they dilate predominantly intact vessels, while reducing blood flow through the starving areas of the brain. “Galidor”, “No-shpa”, “Drotaverin”, “Mydocalm”, “Cavinton”, “Nikospan”, “Eufillin”, “Spazmol”.

6) Phytopreparations. These are natural raw materials. The effect of drugs in this category, unlike synthetic drugs, develops much more slowly. In this case, the combination of certain compounds contributes to the manifestation of a therapeutic effect. Means of this group are effective in the occurrence of diseases in the cerebral vessels and the manifestation of obliterating ailments in the lower extremities (“Tanakan”, “Bilobil”).

7) Ganglioblockers. These funds contribute to the expansion of arterioles, small veins, venules. Due to this, a decrease in blood pressure is provided (“Pahikarpin”, “Dimekolin”, “Pentamine”, “Camphonium”, “Pyrilene”, “Temekhin”).

8) Bioflavonoids. Preparations of this category help to improve blood fluidity due to the fact that with their help the elasticity of red blood cells increases. They also ensure the normalization of capillary blood flow (“Antoksid”, “Troxevasin”, “Venoruton”).

9) Alpha-blockers. They contribute to the expansion of the vessels of the intestines, kidneys, skin, especially precapillaries and arterioles, reducing their overall resistance. At the same time, there is an improvement in the blood supply to peripheral tissues. These are the drugs "Prazosin", "Sermion", "Pirroxan", "Nilogrin", "Fentolamine".

10) Dopamine receptor stimulants. These drugs have vasodilating effects. This is done by stimulating dopamine receptors. Preparations of this type help to increase blood flow in the vessels located in the lower extremities ("Pronoran").


After reviewing the foregoing, everyone will be able to find out what means exist that improve cerebral circulation. The medication guide referenced in this text will help you with this issue.

Today, every third person thinks about the treatment of cerebrovascular accident. Among the reasons why the blood supply to the brain is disturbed, the two main ones are atherosclerosis and hypertension.

But they are not the only ones either. There are many factors for the development of the disease - these are obesity, and smoking, and off-scale cholesterol, and stress.

Symptoms of cerebrovascular accident

If the blood circulation in the brain begins to be disturbed, then vision decreases, coordination of movements may go astray, and, most dangerously, a stroke or paralysis may develop. Unfortunately, the disease at first does not have pronounced symptoms, and therefore it is not given due attention.

Signs of impending trouble in the form of cerebrovascular accident are expressed:

  • in forgetfulness and loss of memory;
  • difficulty in assimilating information;
  • in a decrease in working capacity and motor activity;
  • in a decrease in intelligence;
  • in numbness of the limbs;
  • in imbalance.

Even in young people, the gait can change and become senile, shuffling. Such phenomena in the body are dangerous for health, quality of life, work activity.

How to put blood vessels in order and take care of them

Traditional medicine will help in the restoration of blood vessels. Gradually, to a certain extent, it is possible to restore their former capabilities. Memory will improve, the brain will receive everything it needs in full. So, we can eliminate the risk of harm to health.

To cleanse blood vessels and improve cerebral circulation

As always, medicinal plants act as healers, from which you need to make a tincture. Let's find three herbs:

  • red clover;
  • Siberian bloater;
  • Dioscorea Caucasian.

We fill, without tamping, a three-liter jar with red clover heads. Add to it 20 grams of crushed roots of the Caucasian Dioscorea and 20 grams of the Siberian bloater.

Fill up to the neck with high-quality vodka and send for 14 days to infuse. The place should be dark and cool. After the deadline is up, we filter through several layers of gauze. Pour the healing tincture into small bottles. We apply: before meals for half an hour - 1 teaspoon. Do this three times daily. We drink for a month, rest for a month, and at this time we take another remedy.

Recipe for regulating cerebral hemodynamics

For infusion you need:

  • minced periwinkle leaves - 1 teaspoon;
  • hawthorn leaves and flowers - 1 tbsp. a spoon.

Leaves periwinkle pour 0.5 liters of boiling water and boil for five minutes. Add hawthorn leaves and flowers and remove from heat. After three hours of infusion, filter. We accept: before meals for an hour for ½ cup. If you drink the infusion constantly, the effect of the treatment will be achieved.

Infusion to improve cerebral circulation against the background of atherosclerosis

With a decrease in memory or its partial loss. For the present, we will collect:

  • 10 grams of lemon balm and veronica;
  • 30 gr strawberry leaves;
  • 40 gr flowers and fruits of hawthorn.

All grind and mix. Brew a tablespoon of the collection with 300 ml of boiling water. Add honey for taste and drink warm daily. 100 ml one hour before meals.

Useful infusion after a stroke due to cerebrovascular accident

The drink is prepared from dried celandine. Take it crushed 1 tablespoon and pour a glass of boiling water. We insist for fifteen minutes. We take strictly according to the dosage for 21 days (3 weeks): 3 times a day before meals for half an hour - 2 tbsp. spoons. We take care of our well-being.


Therapeutic gymnastics significantly helps to improve cerebral circulation. These exercises should become permanent in our lives.

  1. We relax the muscles of the neck and make circular movements with the head: 7 times clockwise and 7 times counterclockwise. We do it slowly.
  2. We turn our head so that your chin is in a horizontal plane - 7 times "left - right".
  3. We tilt our heads 7 times: inhale - lean forward, touching the chest with the chin, exhale - tilt back as far as possible.
  4. We tilt our heads “to the right - to the left” seven times and try to touch the shoulder with our ear.
  5. We massage, tap and rub the neck, ears, face, head. This improves blood flow to the brain.

Healing mixture for cleaning blood vessels and restoring memory

This mixture perfectly improves blood flow to the brain. For a healing drug, we take 0.5 kg cranberries (you can also ice cream), mix it with 350 grams of honey and 150 grams of grated horseradish. Stir or beat with a mixer. Pour into jars and keep them in the refrigerator. After eating, eat 2 teaspoons and drink tea.

Ginkgo Biloba is a unique and very effective remedy in the treatment of blood supply.

An effective remedy for blood vessels is ginkgo biloba. It is sold in a pharmacy in the form of capsules and tablets, but you can get the leaves of the plant in a dry form. Preparations and dry raw materials increase blood flow not only to the brain, but also to any other area that lacks this: to the lower limbs, all arteries, veins, the smallest capillaries. This is especially important for the elderly. After all, if the cell lacks blood supply, it ceases to function normally.

Tincture: 1 part dry leaves of ginkgo biloba pour 10 parts of alcohol 40% (high-quality vodka). We insist for 14 days in a dark place, after which we must filter. We accept a course of 1 month, 1 month break, etc. Daily 3 times - 10-20 drops, mixed with water.

Decoction: a tablespoon of dry ginkgo biloba leaf pour half a glass of boiling water. Boil in a water bath for 15 minutes. After half an hour of infusion, filter. We take a course of 1 month with a break of 2 weeks: daily 1/3 cup before three meals.

Violation of cerebral circulation is dangerous for the whole organism and threatens with complications. Therefore, first of all, you need to take care of your vessels. Warn the attending physician about treatment with single drugs.

Take care of yourself and live 100 years without troubles.

Violation of cerebral circulation belongs to the group of diseases of the cardiovascular system (code according to MBC-10 IX 110-115). Treatment of such diseases should be strictly under the supervision of a physician.

The use of alternative methods, especially in the acute phase of the course of the disease, is not recommended..

However, in the chronic stage, as well as during the rehabilitation period, treatment with folk remedies for cerebrovascular accident is simply necessary. It is part of the complex for the restoration of the body.

Folk remedies are the best way to prevent the problem.

Causes of the disease, symptoms, stages

Cerebral circulation is an ideal system that works on the principle of communicating vessels. If more blood is needed in a part of the brain, the vessels transfer blood there from other parts. When the demand decreases, blood volumes return to standard parameters.

This allows you to optimally supply all parts of the brain and spinal cord with blood in the quantities needed by the body and solve the problem of blood supply, for example, during physical exertion or sports.

However, this ideal system fails if blood flow is impeded in any of the vessels.

Imagine what happens if a stream is blocked with a stone. The water will begin to erode the channel and eventually spill over the floodplain. The same thing happens with vessels.

If in any of the vessels obstructions are formed in the form of blood clots, embolisms, cholesterol plaques, then the blood begins to circulate poorly, the pressure on the walls of the vessels increases, and this can end with a stroke, cerebral hemorrhage or cerebral infarction (acute lack of blood supply to certain parts of the brain) .

Why are these obstructions in the vessels formed? There are many reasons, here are the main ones:

  1. Metabolic and lipid imbalance.
  2. Smoking and alcohol.
  3. A sedentary lifestyle, work in one position, especially if the head is in the same position.
  4. Osteochondrosis (salt deposition) of the cervical spine.
  5. Hypertension.
  6. Age-related changes in blood vessels - atherosclerosis.
  7. Chronic fatigue.
  8. Diabetes.

These reasons can work in a complex or individually, and this is a signal that it is urgent to deal with the prevention of cerebrovascular accidents.

Initial disorders of cerebral circulation


You should be concerned if:

  1. You have been dizzy for three consecutive days or more.
  2. If you suddenly began to lose sight.
  3. If you begin to tire quickly, it is difficult to remember information, to forget the recent past.
  4. If you suffer from frequent headaches.
  5. If you see that you are losing coordination of movements.
  6. If your gait has changed, it's hard to get your feet off the ground.
  7. If from time to time you have numbness in different parts of the body.

These symptoms may appear all at once or partially, but even one of them should be a signal in order to urgently consult a doctor and prevent the acute stage of the disease.


Doctors distinguish three stages:

  1. Chronic. Develops slowly. Symptoms of the disease do not manifest themselves for a long time. The appearance of the first symptoms is also often ignored. However, if the disease is not treated, it can lead to a stroke and complete degradation of the personality.
  2. transient. It develops against the background of chronic disorders. Suddenly, an epileptic seizure, a sharp numbness of body parts, severe sharp headaches can begin. However, such conditions usually last no more than a day.
  3. Acute phase of the disease. Occurs suddenly and develops in two types. According to the ischemic type - there is a cerebral infarction, according to the hemorrhagic type - a stroke.

How to treat cerebrovascular accident folk remedies

Folk remedies can be very effective in the treatment of cerebrovascular accidents (CVD). You just need to decide what exactly you want to fight - with the causes or with the consequences of the disease.

If you have not yet experienced the acute stage of the course of the disease, then you need to actively join the fight for your health.

Preventive methods

Prevention of NMK includes herbal preparations of three directions of action:

  1. Vessel cleaning.
  2. Lowering blood pressure.
  3. Normalization of metabolism.

Folk remedies and herbs for cleaning vessels

Lemons, oranges and honey. Take just two - 2 lemons, 2 oranges and 2 tablespoons of honey.

Twist citrus fruits in a meat grinder, removing the bones from them first (no need to peel the skin), mix with honey and leave to knock in a warm place, then transfer to a glass dish and store in the refrigerator. Take 2 tbsp. l. three times per day.

Hop. It is good for them to clean the vessels with a diagnosis of thrombophlebitis. Pour one tablespoon of hop cones (crushed) with a glass of boiling water, leave for 15-20 minutes and drink immediately. Do this procedure three times a day for a month.

Garlic with horseradish and lemon. This remedy perfectly cleanses blood vessels in elderly people suffering from atherosclerosis, relieves spasms, shortness of breath. Mix crushed garlic and horseradish in any equal proportions.

Store the mixture in the refrigerator. Before use, mix 1 teaspoon of the composition with freshly squeezed lemon juice, also in the amount of 1 tsp. Take 3 times a day half an hour before meals. You drink for 2 months - then a month break, and you can repeat the course.

Normalize high blood pressure, improve blood circulation

Mulberry. Pour 10 fresh mulberry leaves with boiling water in a volume of 0.5 liters and boil for several minutes. After that put it on the sludge. Drink throughout the day instead of tea. Every day you need to make a fresh decoction.

Orchis. Cut the fresh root of the plant (8-10 tubers) in half and fill it with medical alcohol (200 ml) for two weeks. Insist in a dark place. Drink the finished tincture in the morning on an empty stomach, 1 tsp.

Apply within one and a half months. After a month break, the course can be repeated. Tincture strengthens the thinned walls of blood vessels, normalizes blood pressure, improves memory.

Periwinkle and Hawthorn. Take one part of fresh periwinkle leaves, grind them and boil them in 0.5 liters of water for 4-5 minutes. Then add two parts of leaves and fruits of hawthorn and boil for another 5 minutes.

Then you need to let the broth stand for three hours. Strain, and take half a glass of liquid before meals three times a day. You need to regularly drink such a decoction for at least a month. The tool effectively restores the blood supply to the brain.

Normalization of metabolism

Metabolic disorders lead to fatty deposits that interfere with normal blood flow, to the deposition of salts.

Salts not only interfere with the work of the musculoskeletal system, but also lead to squeezing of blood vessels. And this is a direct path to hypertension and stroke.

Therefore, the normalization of metabolic processes is an important step in the prevention of cerebrovascular accident.

Diet for cerebrovascular accident: refuse fatty meat, fatty foods, fried. Reduce the intake of sweets, give up chocolate. Reduce salt intake. Better, of course, to abandon it altogether, if possible.

What you can not drink is alcohol. And if spirits are still acceptable in minimal quantities, then beer is strictly prohibited.

Massage. Massage the cervical spine, shoulders, scalp with light circular movements, stroking. Comb your hair with a massage comb more often. All this contributes to the flow of blood to the head.

Exercise therapy in violation of cerebral circulation. Therapeutic exercise includes a whole range of exercises:

  1. Exercise 1. Smooth tilts of the head back, forward, left, right and circular movements.
  2. Exercise 2. Stand straight, bend your arms at the elbows with clenched fists, while lowering your head down, then stand straight again.
  3. Exercise 3. Hold your breath as much as possible, note the time, divide the result by 2. This number is the time from which you should start breathing exercises, gradually increasing to the maximum possible result for you.

This complex must be done daily. Each of the exercises - at least 10 times.

Well, a few general preventive tips:

  1. It is important to choose the right position, how to sleep with cervical osteochondrosis with impaired cerebral circulation. Avoid sleeping on your stomach. Choose a small rectangular pillow that will only touch your head and neck.
  2. Lead a healthy lifestyle and go swimming, jogging.
  3. Quit smoking.
  4. Get more rest.

If there is a crisis

If you missed the period when preventive measures could significantly improve your condition, and started the disease to an acute stage, then it is better for you to postpone folk remedies for the period after the crisis.

Immediately call an ambulance, and while it rushes, you need to take some steps to provide first aid.

Emergency care for acute cerebrovascular accident:

  1. Observe bed rest. Don't move.
  2. Take your usual blood pressure medications.
  3. Drink a rosehip tincture. It is a diuretic that will help relieve pressure.
  4. Use an alcohol tincture of valerian to inhale its vapors. It is a powerful sedative. It will help relieve stress during the acute phase of the disease and alleviate suffering.

Recovery methods

After a stroke or cerebral infarction, it is important to take measures to restore the blood supply to the brain.

Celandine. A decoction of this healing herb will help restore impaired functions. 1 st. l dry grass pour a glass of boiling water. Let's insist. Drink 2 tablespoons 3 times a day for three weeks. You can repeat the course only after 3 weeks.

herbal balm with paralysis after a stroke. Buy a heart collection at the pharmacy. In this herb, add dry plantain, chaga mushroom, succession, immortelle, yellow celandine - only 2 tbsp. l., 100 g of green buckwheat, 100 g of millet, 100 g of soy and 100 g of millet.

Scroll everything through a meat grinder and pour vegetable oil (2/3 - mixture, 1/3 - oil). Insist 2 months in a dark place. After that, strain the tincture and heat it up to 60 degrees. Again put to infuse for another 30 days.

Balm is ready. Rub it at night on paralyzed places for a month and a half. After a break of 10 days, repeat the course.

These folk remedies, together with a set of physical therapy exercises, will help you restore your health. Remember, the maximum of lost functions after a stroke or heart attack is restored within the first three months.

But, of course, it’s better if you don’t bring it to a stroke. Be attentive to yourself and at the first symptoms of cerebrovascular accident, consult a doctor. Folk remedies will help you return to prevent relapses and significantly improve the quality of life.

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