Furuncle on the labia majora treatment. Boil or boil on the labia: photo, treatment. The formation of a boil on the labia


A furuncle on the labia is a process of inflammation on the skin in the form of a large pathogenic pimple with pus in a woman, the treatment of which must be carried out under the supervision of a doctor. Furunculosis, or a disease that is caused by these unpleasant neoplasms, is often chronic, such a problem indicates serious disorders in the body.

What is a furuncle

A furuncle is popularly called a boil. Such an inflammatory process can affect the armpits, groin areas, arms and legs, face. In a word, suppuration appears in places of thick hair. A furuncle in an intimate place affects the follicle from which the hair grows, and the area around or near it, forming a purulent sac. The causative agent of subcutaneous suppuration is the bacterium of white or Staphylococcus aureus, which in no way refers to sexually transmitted diseases and other pathologies from this area.

How does a boil appear on the labia

The development of a boil on the labia (infection and aging) occurs in stages. If a pimple has popped up in an intimate place, in no case should you try to squeeze it out yourself, this sometimes leads to more serious consequences. Often, a boil directly near the vagina causes embarrassment in many women, but do not forget that health is more important. The stages of the development of the disease are:

  • pain syndrome;
  • the formation of red swelling in the groin, in the vulva, similar to a large pimple, accompanied by discomfort and pain when pressed;
  • the formation of a purulent head after two or three days, while the abscess noticeably increases in size (on average, the diameter of the tubercle is 1.5-2 cm), body temperature may rise and itching can be noted at the site of the abscess;
  • there is a breakthrough of the boil with the identification of pus;
  • a purulent necrotic rod remains at the site of the breakthrough, which dies off after a while;
  • the swelling goes away, leaving behind a small scar, which also soon disappears.

Watch the development of the boil. If an abscess on the labia does not go away on its own and does not open within a week and a half, you need to seek help from a surgeon. In this case, treatment with ointments, tablets, compresses will be required. Sometimes surgery is needed. Often, the appearance of one boil entails the spread of the disease in the form of several more suppurations.

The reasons

The cause of the appearance of an abscess in the genital area, which is no different from the causes of the development of furunculosis elsewhere, is staphylococcus bacteria. As soon as suitable conditions appear, they begin to multiply, while copious amounts of pus are secreted. Sometimes women, observing the problem, associate it with sexually transmitted diseases, but this is an erroneous opinion.

Experts identify the following main factors for the occurrence of suppuration:

  • decreased immunity;
  • recent infectious disease;
  • hypothermia;
  • non-compliance with hygiene in the intimate area;
  • increased sweating;
  • depilation;
  • cuts, scratches;
  • lack of vitamins and minerals in the body due to malnutrition.

During pregnancy

Pregnancy and lactation are stressful for the body. The child during this period "draws" from the mother a large amount of the necessary substances for growth and development. The woman's immunity suffers, signaling this with herpes, pink lichen and other dermatological problems, including furunculosis. Purulent abscesses during pregnancy and lactation should be treated very carefully with a minimum amount of drugs that can harm the fetus or baby.

How to treat furunculosis

The process of general treatment, on which the result depends, should be approached with all seriousness. Do not rush to apply a course of ointment and drink medicines without an accurate diagnosis. For example, a red bump, which appears in the initial stage of development of a boil, may mean a fungus. A boil on the labia, which causes chills and does not want to break through, is treated with serious medicines. Inflammation in this case is easily determined by a clinical blood test, which will show an overestimated state of leukocytes.

There is also a safe treatment system that is suitable for pregnant women and women during lactation. These are traditional medicine methods that still help in the first stages of furunculosis. Please note that not all remedies are suitable for treatment due to the proximity of the mucous membrane, so choose a safe component. Here are suitable traditional medicine recipes that will help get rid of boils on the surface of the skin:

  • Lotions and washing with infusions of medicinal herbs. To do it like this: brew one tablespoon of chamomile, calendula and thyme with a glass of boiling water, leave it under the lid for half an hour, strain from the petals and blades of grass. In the finished broth, moisten a piece of gauze or cotton cloth, attach to the boil for half an hour, fixing it with tight-fitting underwear.
  • Ointment for a compress from calendula against boils. Here you will need dry calendula flowers (1 tablespoon) and the same amount of butter. The flowers should be crushed into powder and mixed with oil at room temperature. In this case, it is recommended to use feminine hygiene pads as gauze, on which the resulting ointment must be applied. The duration of the procedure is two hours.
  • Compress of flax seeds against boils. Grind the flaxseeds and put them into two cotton bags. Dip each bag in turn in hot water and apply to the source of suppuration.

Medical therapy

If the boil does not want to break through on its own, then it is time for medicines. For this, ointments and tablets are used, which are prescribed by a doctor. It is impossible to take medicines on your own, this sometimes leads to serious consequences, especially when it comes to potent drugs. The scheme is simple: the place is smeared with cream and left for a while.


The use of ointments from boils is a local treatment. Before starting such therapy, carefully read the instructions and make sure that you have no contraindications to this drug. The ointment is applied as a cream or used as a base for a compress. An important role is played by the degree of development of the boil. Popular means are:

  • ­ (see photo below) . It is an excellent antiseptic that has an antimicrobial effect. It is often prescribed for the treatment of boils on the genitals as a pus-drawing agent.
  • . It has a mild effect, does not irritate the mucous membrane, therefore it is relevant for the treatment of pustules on the labia. Has no side effects.
  • Ichthyol ointment. This remedy brings the fastest possible result in the maturation of boils. It should be used very carefully for the treatment of ulcers on the labia, the ointment can cause irritation on the mucous membrane.
  • Levomekol. Endowed with antibacterial and restorative action, it is prescribed to combat boils on the genitals.
  • Baneocin. Another effective antibacterial ointment against boils that pop up on the labia.
  • clotrimazole. The ointment has contraindications, copes well with bacteria that cause an abscess on the labia.
  • . This is a remedy from the category of healing drugs, which is prescribed after opening a boil on the genitals. This ointment is approved for pregnant women and young children.
  • . This is the leader among ointments for healing boils in the intimate area. The tool will help relieve pain, inflammation, it heals wounds of any depth without consequences.

Boil pills

There are no pills for boils that appear on the labia. There are medications that relieve the accompanying symptoms and destroy the bacterial infection. Inflammation and chills are removed by analgesics and tablets, which contain ibuprofen. As for the bacteria that cause boils on the genitals, antibiotics are the most effective way to deal with them. All medicines against furunculosis on the genital small and large lips are prescribed by the attending physician, since taking many pills has contraindications and side effects.


There are times when a painful boil on the genitals cannot open on its own. In this case, the help of a surgeon is indispensable. The operation consists in making a small incision with a sterile instrument, through which the doctor will squeeze out the contents of the boil. Next, the surgeon will clean the cavity and treat it with disinfectants, and apply a bandage with ointment on top. A day later, the bandage should be changed to a new one.

A furuncle on the labia is not only unpleasant, but also dangerous. It occurs due to inflammatory processes in the tissues of the hair follicle, which cause pyogenic bacteria - white or Staphylococcus aureus. The common name for a boil is a boil.

Causes of boils in intimate areas

Among the main reasons why purulent inflammation of tissues appear, the following can be distinguished:

  • Failure to comply with hygiene rules;
  • High humidity in places of residence;
  • Hypothermia, and in some cases overheating of the body;
  • Weakened immunity;
  • Avitaminosis;
  • Violation of metabolic processes in the body;
  • Diabetes;
  • Cuts when shaving, followed by infection in the wound.

The appearance of boils in the off-season occurs much more often. This suggests that the body has not yet rebuilt for the winter or summer period and is experiencing serious physiological stress.

Usually there are three stages in the development of a boil:

  1. Redness and swelling appear on the labia. All this is accompanied by itching.
  2. The cell death process begins. A red nodule appears with a necrotic purulent core inside. In the center of inflammation, the tissues soften, become greenish in color. When you press the boil, there is a fairly strong pain syndrome.
  3. After about a week, the boil breaks through, pus flows out. The swelling and swelling go down, soreness disappears. As the wound heals, tissue scarring occurs. If the opening of the boil has occurred in nearby tissues, this is fraught with a protracted inflammatory process or blood poisoning.

As a rule, boils on the female genital organs are solitary. But it happens that several of them appear either one by one or all at once. Here we are talking about furunculosis (chronic or acute), which requires not only direct treatment of inflammation, but also diseases that provoke it.

By the way, a boil in the area of ​​the labia is often confused with hydradenitis. The cause of this inflammation is a fungal infection. Unlike a boil, there is no internal necrotic rod with a white head. In this case, it is necessary to pass an analysis to identify a fungal infection and treat the disease with appropriate medications.

If the boil is not touched and no treatment is applied to it, it will disappear in just a week. But this does not apply to inflammation near the labia or directly on it. In this case, a doctor's examination and the appointment of therapeutic or drug treatment are required.

Many women are embarrassed to go to the doctor with such an intimate problem, hoping that the subcutaneous boil will disappear over time. This is a fundamentally wrong position. To get rid of an intimate ailment, proper treatment is necessary in order to subsequently avoid complications and relapses. Often the maturation of a boil is accompanied by an increase in body temperature and general weakness. Sometimes the abscess does not ripen for a long time, is large and causes severe pain. That is why medical consultation and drug treatment are necessary as soon as the process of inflammation has begun.

Before starting treatment, the doctor will prescribe the patient to take a blood sugar test and the nature of the infection, since diabetes often provokes the appearance of a boil on the labia.
Surgery is a sure way to get rid of boils on the labia. The removal procedure is performed under local anesthesia. After opening, the contents are removed, and a napkin soaked in an antiseptic preparation is applied to the wound. For these purposes, Vishnevsky's ointment, levomekol or other drugs that can disinfect the focus of inflammation and reduce the risk of recurrence of the pathology are good.

Treatment can be supplemented with physiotherapy procedures, for example:

  • IR irradiation;
  • Electrophoresis with the use of copper and zinc salts;
  • Darsonvalization procedures.

For the fastest maturation of the boil, it is recommended to apply a warming compress based on alcohol or ichthyol to the inflamed area, and in order to avoid various complications, the doctor may prescribe intramuscular injections of immunomodulators, as well as antibiotics.

A furuncle or boil on the labia is a suppuration in the hair follicle caused by the introduction of pyogenic bacteria. More often the culprit of the disease is Staphylococcus aureus, less often streptococci or other pathogenic microorganisms. The follicle itself, subcutaneous tissue and surrounding tissues are affected.

The increased activity of a pathogenic culture can be stimulated by:

  • insufficient self-care;
  • rubbing with clothes;
  • excessive sweating;
  • accidental injury - for example, when shaving.

A furuncle can occur only on the labia majora - in the hair growth zone. If an abscess appeared on the labia minora or at the entrance to the vagina, then the disease is called differently, even if it was provoked by the same reasons. Therapeutic measures that are necessary for the treatment of suppuration also differ.

You can get rid of a boil on the labia majora with mild symptoms on your own, but bartholinitis - inflammation of the Bartholin gland - almost always requires surgical intervention.

It is very difficult to endure the pain that occurs when a boil appears on the genitals. But often women are afraid to see a doctor, because they suspect they have a sexually transmitted disease - most likely, absolutely for no reason - and in every possible way delay the unpleasant moment.

In most cases, the boil has nothing to do with sexually transmitted infections, but it can easily provoke an inflammatory process of the vagina by reducing local immunity in the surrounding tissues and open the “gate” for secondary infection.

That is why, in order to quickly get rid of pain and stop the purulent process, as soon as symptoms of an inflammatory process in the genital area appear, you should immediately contact a gynecologist.

Furuncle on the genitals in women - stages and causes

Immediately, a boil, unlike ordinary acne or syphilitic chancre, cannot develop. First, a woman begins to feel discomfort in the genital area - a pulling pain that can radiate to the groin and even to the leg, heaviness in the lip, a feeling of fullness. At this stage, the temperature can also rise - sometimes up to 38 degrees and above, the inguinal lymph node increases - on the side from which the inflammatory process develops. Symptoms of intoxication may appear: weakness, lethargy, muscle and headache.

Then you can feel the seal on one of the labia. The seal is formed rather slowly - within 3 - 5 days, then under the skin - if you look in the mirror - you can already see a red dense formation under the skin (often convex) with a white or greenish spot on top - this is already visible purulent focus or core.

Suppuration continues, the seal is transformed into a cone with an abscess at the top. At this stage, it is already advisable to consult a doctor.

A boil can break through on its own, but this is undesirable for the intimate area. Pathogenic bacteria from pus, once on the surrounding tissues, can provoke the development of bartholinitis or disrupt the acidity of the vagina and cause vulvovaginitis.

After rejection (or removal) of purulent contents, a crater remains at the site of inflammation - a small hole, which is gradually tightened. In its place, a small bluish scar is formed, which eventually resolves and compares in color with the surrounding tissues.

Predisposing factors for the development of a purulent-inflammatory process on the genitals:

  • violation of the integrity of the skin of any nature;
  • allergy;
  • pregnancy;
  • violation of the rules of personal hygiene or enhanced self-care (too close shaving and the use of cosmetics);
  • poor quality or uncomfortable underwear;
  • neglect of climatic factors, that is, hypothermia or overheating;
  • long-term use of medications - especially antibiotics and hormonal drugs;
  • chronic and infectious diseases of a general nature ...

That is, everything that causes a weakening of local immunity can cause an increase in the activity of pyogenic bacteria, many types of which are opportunistic flora, that is, they are constantly on the surface of the skin. It is to this type of microorganisms that Staphylococcus aureus and epidermal Staphylococcus aureus and Streptococcus belong.

How to treat a boil on the labia?

It is best to treat the boil in the intimate area to the gynecologist. In this case, at the first stage - maturation - the patient will be prescribed general painkillers, or ointments with anti-inflammatory and anesthetic effects. It is not worth buying ointments on your own at this stage.

It is quite difficult to correctly assess the clinical picture, and self-selected drugs can stretch the maturation stage for a long time, which will prolong the pronounced pain sensations. At the stage of maturation, physiotherapy, taking immunomodulators or a vitamin-mineral complex can be recommended.

Some doctors consider it appropriate to prescribe antibacterial drugs to the patient at the stage of furuncle maturation in order to stop the activity of pyogenic bacteria. In this case, the abscess will not ripen.

Self-administration of antibiotics is dangerous to health!

Also, dressings with ichthyol or tar ointment, Vishnevsky's liniment-balm, synthomycin emulsion are applied to the ripening boil to speed up this process. But again, you need to consider whether the purulent focus is deep under the skin, so as not to delay maturation.

Sometimes such remedies stop the development of the inflammatory process, and the boil does not mature, however, a focus of inflammation remains inside the hair follicle - a woman can even feel a "heavy" or tightness in the lip during palpation. In this case, the recurrence of the disease can develop under the influence of any favorable factors.

Most gynecologists treat the boil at the stage when it has matured, but has not yet broken through. The abscess is opened, the purulent secret is carefully removed - so that it does not get on the surrounding tissues, the wound is cleaned and treated. The mini-surgery is performed under local anesthesia, and the rehabilitation process is very short - after 2-3 days the wound is tightened.

If the abscess has opened itself, then it should immediately be treated with antiseptic agents and a bandage with antibacterial ointments should be applied to completely stop the activity of pyogenic bacteria and prevent the spread of the inflammatory process to the surrounding tissues. A clean wound is then treated with antiseptics and drugs that accelerate healing.

You should not think that a boil is an ordinary pimple that you can squeeze out on your own, and it will dry out. More often, extrusion ends with the appearance of complications, of which the easiest is furunculosis, the spread of the inflammatory process to the surrounding hair follicles and the multiple formation of abscesses. The main danger of the condition is severe intoxication and the introduction of infection into other organs through the bloodstream - more often into the kidneys.

There is a possibility of developing more dangerous complications:

  • phlegmon - a purulent-inflammatory process extends deep into the subcutaneous tissue, can affect the muscles and all layers of the dermis;
  • sepsis is a blood infection in which the purulent-inflammatory process spreads to all organs and systems, and if the patient is not treated from the first signs, everything can end in death. It is dangerous when intoxication increases gradually, the patient gradually weakens, and it is impossible to find the source from which the infection spreads - the site of the boil has healed.

It is especially dangerous when boils appear during pregnancy. In this case, only a doctor should treat the patient.

The furuncle on the labia is a rather painful formation. Subcutaneous bacterial inflammation of the hair follicle affects adjacent tissues, causing swelling and severe itching. The discomfort associated with this bacterial focus interferes with the woman's normal life. In addition, the infection can spread rapidly, affecting living cells. Therefore, you should seek help from a specialist in time, who will explain how to treat a boil on the labia.

Formation and manifestation of boils

Inflammation that originates in the deep layers of the dermis affects the adipose and glandular tissue, as well as the bed of the hair follicle. It is this pathology that is diagnosed as a boil, or an abscess, which is often localized in the inguinal region. With the progression of staphylococcal microorganisms on the mucous membrane of the penis, tissue edema and pain are observed. Symptoms become more pronounced as the boil matures:

In addition to other symptoms, a woman experiences pain of a bursting nature in the vagina, so inflammation of this type is often compared with inflammation of the apocrine glands. However, with such inflammation, most often the bacterial base is fungal, and the subcutaneous formation does not contain purulent contents.

The mechanism of development of a boil on the labia includes several stages:

Next, the process of tissue regeneration of the mucous system takes place, which is especially important for the final recovery. It usually takes up to 10-12 days and is accompanied by careful hygiene and disinfection of damaged tissues of the labia. At this time, a woman may experience slight discomfort, which should fade away with the final healing of the resulting cavity.

Causes and complications of pathology

A furuncle is formed on the mucous membranes in cases where the natural state of the microflora is disturbed. Staphylococcal strains that are in a latent state begin to actively progress in a favorable environment. The reasons for the activation of pathogenic microorganisms can be provoking factors:

Specialists usually call hormonal changes and a decrease in the protective functions of the immune system as the main causes of inflammation in the pelvic area. In addition, the infection can be activated with microdamages of the skin and mucous membranes, so it is important to keep the covers clean, wear underwear made from natural fabrics and use individual hygiene products.

Women who pay little attention to genital hygiene, as well as the treatment of colds, are at risk of the following serious complications:

Especially dangerous is the progressive inflammation in the groin area: the abundance of blood vessels located in the tissues of the small pelvis can quickly carry out the infection and provoke an abscess and death. It is important to prevent such a situation, therefore, home active heating of the focus of inflammation and self-opening of the boil are categorically contraindicated.

Methods of treatment and prevention of the disease

Abscesses on the labia are a rather intimate problem, but it can only be diagnosed at an appointment with a qualified specialist. It is important in this case to distinguish this pathology from sexually transmitted diseases, which is often quite difficult to do, since their symptoms are similar.

Help from a professional

Therapy usually differs depending on the stage of development of inflammation and the depth of the spread of the process:

You should be aware that in cases where the inflammatory process is accompanied by severe symptoms - severe intoxication and swelling of the tissues, it is urgent to call for emergency care and hospitalize the patient.

home methods

It is quite dangerous to treat a boil on your own, especially in the inguinal zone, where the risk of infection and blood poisoning is increased. However, alternative medicine offers recipes to help relieve the symptoms of inflammation and reduce itching:

In addition, to prevent the development of inflammation, it is important to observe an active drinking regimen. In addition to purified water, you can use herbal decoctions based on smoke, turmeric, chamomile. To do this, a tablespoon of dry raw materials is poured with two glasses of boiling water and infused in a water bath for 10 minutes.

It should be remembered that a boil on the labia cannot be cured with compresses with garlic, onions, honey, because the mucous system is quite sensitive. Any compresses with active substances can injure the integument or create a burn effect.

In cases of home treatment, spontaneous opening of the boil and emptying of the purulent rod is possible. In this case, it is necessary to use an antiseptic solution (Hydrogen peroxide, potassium permanganate) to disinfect the vacated cavity. After this, it is necessary to consult a doctor who will examine the site of the lesion and prescribe physiotherapeutic procedures that promote the regeneration of the mucous system.

Preventive measures

Preventive measures are usually aimed at preventing infection and mucosal lesions with pustules. Any woman faced with such a delicate problem will be able to adjust her lifestyle without much effort:

A furuncle can transform into more serious diseases in case of accidental injury or improperly selected treatment. Therefore, these preventive measures are aimed at maintaining the health and reproductive functions of the female body.

In conclusion, once again it should be noted that the furuncle on the labia is a rather dangerous disease that can provoke serious disturbances in the functioning of the female body. It is best not to self-medicate, but to seek qualified medical help in a timely manner.

Shaving intimate places is now considered daily hygiene. Most women shave their hair not only in the bikini area, but also do a deeper depilation - they remove hair on the pubis, on the labia and in the anus. So they get rid of bacteria that multiply in a sweaty environment, and dirt - we mean dead cells of the epidermis, which accumulates under underwear during the day. And yet, shaving in an intimate place cannot be called safe. Especially when the procedure is performed in the opposite direction of hair growth. Sometimes, for this reason, a boil pops up on the labia. The consequence of improper shaving is also red painful papules in the bikini area.

Reasons for the appearance

A furuncle on the labia in women is a consequence of the penetration of staphylococci and streptococci into the internal environment of the skin. This happens when a woman neglects the rules of personal hygiene, for example, she removes hair with someone else's machine and injures her skin during shaving.

Although the activation of bacteria in the deep layers of the skin often occurs, even if a woman uses her accessories. In this case, the impetus for the appearance of boils on the skin of the labia is increased sweating in combination with weak immunity. Often a painful boil jumps up in an intimate place and due to a metabolic disorder in the skin, which leads to a breakdown in its functions, in particular, to a weakening of the protective barrier.

Since the infection tends to spread throughout the body with the flow of lymph and blood, the cause of boils in the intimate area can be a distant purulent focus, for example, located in the lungs.

A furuncle on the labia can develop against the background of another infectious and inflammatory skin disease. An abscess can be preceded by bartholinitis - a purulent inflammation of the glands located on the eve of the vagina, as well as genital herpes, which is manifested by itching and erosions on the labia. Pathological changes in the internal genital organs, urinary canal or rectum can also contribute to the infection of hair follicles in the intimate area by bacteria.

What does an abscess look like at different stages

Chiryak on the labia or clitoris can be recognized by the following symptoms:

  • At the first stage of development of a boil, a painful bump (infiltrate) is formed under the skin. The skin over it is stretched, inflamed and acquires a red tint.
  • After 1-2 days, a purulent-necrotic core begins to form in the center of the infiltrate, which can be seen from the purulent point. Inflammation around the site of skin lesions is accompanied by hyperemia. The skin takes on a purplish hue and becomes hot to the touch.
  • On the 3-4th day, the stage of maturation of the rod begins, while the body temperature can rise to 38 ° C. Weakness appears.
  • Approximately on the 5-6th day, the abscess opens, the contents of the abscess pour out, but the rod still remains inside the deep ulcer. It will be released as soon as the cells of living tissues begin to reject it.
  • On the 7-8th day, the wound heals and acquires a bluish color.

A boil on the labia majora is not difficult to treat, unless it has formed in the folds at the entrance to the vagina.

If a seal remains at the site of the abscess, it means that the ulcer has not completely cleared of purulent-necrotic masses. The wound is cleaned by light squeezing, but before and after this procedure, it is treated with an antiseptic. An internal boil should not be treated like that. There is a risk of secondary infection, in which the inflammatory process can spread further to the walls of the vagina.

Women's complaints

The peculiarity of abscesses on the labia majora and inside the vagina is that the stages of their development are accompanied by symptoms that cause discomfort in any position of the body, which greatly restricts movement. Usually women complain about:

  • tearing pain in the area of ​​​​the boil;
  • swelling of the mucous membrane of the labia;
  • a feeling of fullness inside the vagina;
  • increase in body temperature.

If the boil on the labia does not break through for a long time, a woman may complain of a breakdown and nausea. This condition is explained by intoxication of the body, which means that toxins from the boil have been released into the blood and lymph. During this period, the level of leukocytes and neutrophils in the blood serum increases, which indicates a high probability of the transition of a purulent process into a septic one.

What is the danger

Inadequate methods of treating a boil on the labia lead to complications in the form of:

  • furunculosis;
  • abscess;
  • phlegmon;
  • carbuncle;
  • sepsis.

Furunculosis of the vulva occurs if the inflammatory process spreads to neighboring areas of the skin, which include the vulva and which have hair follicles (pubic tubercle, labia). In this pathological process, several more appear near a single boil.

Each of the complications of a boil, in the absence of proper treatment, can lead to sepsis. The pathological condition develops due to the ingestion of toxins from the purulent focus into the blood and lymph. There is a general infection of the body, which can lead to death.

A furuncle on the labia can take an abscess form, in which pus spreads to the subcutaneous fatty tissue (connective tissue). This happens if the boil is not properly treated or the core of an unripe abscess is squeezed out. Although it is dangerous to carry out such an action, even if the boil is ripe.

Phlegmon as a complication of a boil is formed for the same reason as an abscess. But this pathological neoplasm, unlike the abscessing focus, does not have a restrictive capsule. As a result, an extensive purulent-necrotic cavity is formed.

A complication in the form of a carbuncle is a cluster of boils. With such a pathological condition, a purulent infectious process develops simultaneously in 2 or more hair follicles.

How does a boil affect pregnancy

Furuncles on the genitals in pregnant women are quite common. During this period, disturbed hormonal levels and a weak immune system can provoke purulent foci in an intimate place. If you start treating boils on the vulva in a timely manner, then this will not affect the general health of the future mother and her baby. But there is one important condition: only a doctor should prescribe treatment for a pregnant woman. The specialist, taking into account the position of the woman, will prescribe her vitamins to strengthen the immunity of the skin and external agents for the speedy maturation and release of the purulent-necrotic rod.

How to treat purulent inflammation

Some women panic and do not know what to do with a boil formed on the labia. The feeling of discomfort in an intimate place, and even in combination with a purulent formation, causes them a feeling of fear and forces them to urgently consult a doctor. Others, most likely those who have already encountered a similar problem, begin to treat the boil on their own according to an already proven scheme.

But the applied methods of treating a boil on the labia turn out to be fast-acting only if the woman during the treatment period takes care of strengthening her general and local immunity. As a rule, it is this factor that is not taken into account in self-treatment, which causes prolonged healing of the purulent focus.

Medication treatment

Treatment of a boil on the labia can be local, in which external solutions, ointments, gels are prescribed, and systemic - antibacterial and anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed in tablets or injections.

During the treatment of a boil on the labia, the patient is prescribed drugs that strengthen the immune system - Cycloferon, Immunal, Echinacea, aloe injections, vitamins of group B.

The doctor chooses the treatment regimen for a boil in an intimate place, taking into account the severity of the course of the disease:

  • For the treatment of a boil, which is at the stage of infiltration, when the boil is only maturing, a 2% solution of salicylic acid or 70% ethyl alcohol is used to cauterize and resolve the subcutaneous neoplasm. Dry heat, magnetic therapy sessions and oral antibiotics help to interrupt the inflammatory process.
  • The purulent-necrotic stage is treated using novocaine and antibacterial blockade. The pathological focus is chipped with an antibiotic and novocaine, which helps to relieve pain and limit the spread of infection under the skin. Ichthyol ointment is applied to the abscess until it breaks through and its core comes out.
  • An opened boil is treated with an antibiotic ointment Levomekol or Levosin. If the wound is too deep, then it drains.

Surgical intervention

The opening of the abscess on the labia is carried out on an outpatient basis. The doctor resorts to surgical intervention if the boil does not break through for a long time or has taken an abscessed form. The operation consists of the following steps:

  • Antiseptic treatment of infected skin is carried out.
  • The doctor performs an opening of the abscess with a sharp scalpel.
  • The contents of the furuncle cavity are removed, and the wound is treated with an antiseptic and covered with an ointment antiseptic bandage.

The opening of the boil on the labia is done under local anesthesia.

How to treat at home

If chiri is just beginning to develop in an intimate place, then it can be cured at home by cauterizing the pathological focus with a 2% salicylic acid solution or 70% ethyl alcohol solution. With strong immunity, the subcutaneous neoplasm resolves within a day. Otherwise, a purulent point is formed in the center of the infiltrate.

Ichthyol ointment will help speed up the process of maturation of the boil at home. It must be kept on the abscess until it opens. The ointment bandage is fixed to the skin with a patch and changed 2 times a day until all the pus comes out. In order to heal the resulting wound, Levomekol antibiotic ointment and a bactericidal patch are used.

Preventive measures

With a frequent skin disease of the labia with furunculosis, a woman should be engaged in strengthening general and local immunity - for this purpose, it is necessary to undergo an examination by an immunologist. See a nutritionist who can help you adjust your diet. After all, the reason for the weakening of the immune defense of the skin is often sweet, spicy and fatty foods.

To exclude the reappearance of boils in the intimate area, a woman must strictly observe the rules of personal hygiene. Hair removal with a razor in the bikini area and in a deeper area should be carried out only in the direction of hair growth. Thus, it will be possible to exclude the penetration of infection into the follicles.

Infiltrates also tend to appear on injured skin. To avoid the development of a boil at the site of the cut, even small wounds must be carefully treated with an antiseptic.

Treatment of a boil in children

In adolescence, girls may develop a furuncle on the labia majora, which is associated with the formation of the menstrual cycle and weakened immunity. In this case, the doctor prescribes the same treatment regimen as for adults, with Ichthyol and taking vitamins.

If a boil appears on the labia minora, then with this pathology it is urgent to go to the doctor for an examination. The labia minora do not have hair follicles, which means that a wen most likely appeared in the intimate area, which, as a result of injury by underwear, can transform into an abscess. You can get rid of it through surgery or the use of ointments that the doctor will prescribe.

Prohibitions during treatment and recovery

The furuncle is the source of infection. To exclude the uncontrolled development of the inflammatory process during its treatment, the patient should not:

  • Self-prescribe medications, especially antibiotics.
  • Squeeze out the pus from the abscess and pull out the necrotic rod with tweezers.
  • Touch the wound with dirty hands.

As a rule, the skin that heals under an antiseptic dressing begins to itch a lot, and you can’t scratch it. The skin in the intimate area is very delicate, and scratching can cause damage and secondary infection.

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