Signs of improvement in pneumonia in adults. Topical treatments for pneumonia in adults. Prevention of pneumonia in adults

Infectious inflammation of the lungs - dangerous disease, more often progressive in patients under 2 years of age and over 65 years of age. People with a weakened immune system are at risk. If you find out how pneumonia develops, then a person will become afraid for his health, and he will definitely take care of timely prevention will prevent disease.

The first symptoms of pneumonia in an adult

The main task of the doctor is to timely differentiate the characteristic ailment, since its symptoms are similar to those of the flu and the common cold. At first, the patient does not pay attention to changes in general well-being, referring to a cold. The first signs of pneumonia characterize the stage of the tide, which is represented by migraine attacks and severe chills. Additional symptoms presented below:

  • limb weakness (feeling when cotton feet»);
  • minor violations temperature regime;
  • dry cough;
  • dyspnea;
  • periodic flushes, which are replaced by a state of cold sweat.

Specific symptoms of pneumonia

When the patient long time does not react in any way to changes in the general condition, the course of the pathology only intensifies. If the first signs of pneumonia in adults reduce performance, but allow you to carry the disease on your feet, then the specific symptoms of the disease become a strong argument for the immediate hospitalization of a clinical patient. This:

  • high fever, fever with possible hallucinations;
  • cough with streaks of blood in the separation of sputum;
  • accumulation of carbon dioxide in the blood, impaired gas exchange of lung tissue;
  • prolonged sneezing;
  • growing pain syndrome heads;
  • decline physical activity, constant fatigue.

Extrapulmonary syndromes in pneumonia

It is important to note that this is an infectious disease that is caused by increased activity pathogenic flora. It can be a fungal, bacterial, mixed and mycoplasmal nature of the pathology, but doctors do not exclude increased activity other dangerous pathogens not studied clinically. Noticing, the patient can prevent the development in the near future of such extrapulmonary complications as:

  • heart failure;
  • myocarditis, endocarditis;
  • infectious-toxic shock;
  • symptoms iron deficiency anemia;
  • meningoencephalitis and meningitis.

How pneumonia manifests itself with bilateral inflammation

Not all patients know how to determine pneumonia at home, so you should not experiment with your health and start a pathological process. Otherwise, doctors do not exclude inflammation of the vital organ on both sides. If bilateral pneumonia progresses, the symptoms are atypical, detailed below:

  • blue lips, fingertips;
  • heavy, confused breathing;
  • continuous dry cough with sputum;
  • shortness of breath, weakness in the whole body;
  • lack of appetite.

If bilateral pneumonia progresses, symptoms in adults begin with a high temperature that exceeds 38.5 degrees. The patient begins to have a fever, the disease progresses, and requires immediate resuscitation. The clinical outcome depends entirely on how soon the patient and his immediate environment respond to signs of pneumonia in an adult.

Syndromes with pneumonia of various types

If signs of lung disease are evident, determine the nature pathogenic infection problematic in the outpatient setting. The sluggish pathological process only complicates the clinical picture, and the disease may soon become incurable. chronic form. To avoid complications, it is important to know the manifestation of pneumonia for a particular nature. pathological process.

Symptoms in adults of viral pneumonia are as follows:

  • heat;
  • progressive rhinitis, conjunctivitis;
  • dry cough;
  • nausea, lack of appetite, less often - vomiting.

Symptoms bacterial pneumonia in adults are:

  • fever;
  • cough with mucus yellow color;
  • chest pain;
  • symptoms of arterial hypertension in adults;
  • lack of appetite, weight loss.

Symptoms in adulthood are as follows:

  • dry cough, myalgia;
  • the presence of streaks of blood in the sputum;
  • opening of the abscess, the spread of pus into the pleura;
  • soreness lymph nodes;
  • cardiovascular failure.

Signs of pneumonia in an adult of mycoplasmal nature are similar to the fungal form, require immediate medical attention, diagnosis. A mixed variety of the disease is characterized by symptoms of acute respiratory viral infections, flu and colds, but occurring in a complicated form. The disease must first be identified, and then transgressed to immediate antibiotics.

What are the symptoms of pneumonia of various forms

If a disease is suspected, differential diagnosis is required first. If we classify the main symptoms of pneumonia in adults, we can distinguish atypical, interstitial, croupous and focal (bronchopneumonia) forms of this disease. From exact definition clinical picture depends entirely on the clinical outcome. Below is a detailed description of the symptoms of inflammation of the lungs in adults with one form or another of the disease.

With an atypical form of pneumonia in an adult, the following signs of pathology take place:

  • manifestations of a cold, SARS, flu, familiar to patients;
  • other symptoms depend on the nature and activity of the pathogen.

The focal form of the disease has the following symptoms in the body of an adult patient:

  • separate sections of the alveoli and neighboring bronchi are involved;
  • sluggish pathological process at an early stage, resembling the symptoms of SARS;
  • high temperature from 38 degrees;
  • separation of sputum with impurities of bile, pus, mucus;
  • acrocyanosis, cyanosis;
  • paroxysmal pain chest;
  • pronounced shortness of breath.

In adults, it manifests itself in the body with the following symptoms:

  • body temperature up to 40 degrees;
  • cutting pain behind the sternum;
  • general weakness, aches all over the body;
  • unproductive cough with rusty sputum;
  • fine bubbling rales;
  • persistent fever;
  • hyperemia of the skin of the fingers, lips, cheeks.

The interstitial (hidden) form of a characteristic ailment is manifested by the following changes in general well-being:

  • increasing shortness of breath and cough;
  • joint pain and muscle tissue;
  • absence of bronchial obstruction;
  • pulmonary hypertension;
  • sharp weight loss;
  • lack of temperature and sputum with blood.

How to identify pneumonia

At the first signs of the disease, it is important to urgently undergo a complete diagnosis in a hospital setting. It's real operating method how to recognize pneumonia in adults and in a timely manner to break intensive care. Differentiating the diagnosis is very problematic, so doctors resort to a comprehensive clinical examination, which includes a number of laboratory blood tests. Mandatory medical measures necessary for the patient are presented below:

  1. Method of palpation at the doctor's appointment for probing compacted lung tissue. On the side of the lesion, the patient's voice will begin to tremble, somewhat changing its usual tone.
  2. X-ray examination. The method helps to determine the lesions of the lung tissue, their number, specificity, structure and prevalence in the broncho-pulmonary system.
  3. Fibrobronchoscopy. Invasive method diagnostics in complicated clinical pictures, which deals with the study of the composition of the secret taken from the patient's respiratory tract.
  4. ultrasound pleural cavity, echocardiography. The method helps to identify pleural effusion.
  5. General analyzes blood and urine. Additionally, it does not hurt to perform laboratory research for HIV.
  6. Baconal analysis of sputum. This method determines individual antibiotic susceptibility to accurately determine a safe intensive care regimen.


Inflammation of the lungs is a severe disease, treatment takes a long time, and is often accompanied by complications. Therefore, at the first signs of the disease, it is necessary to immediately undergo an examination and establish accurate diagnosis. Since only a qualified doctor can prescribe effective drugs, the treatment of pneumonia at home can only be allowed after an examination by a therapist. There are cases when treating pneumonia at home is acceptable, but they are only a small percentage of total appeals. The disease is usually acute and proceeds rapidly. But at improper treatment ORZ and others colds, pneumonia is asymptomatic and without obvious abnormalities. So it is very problematic to independently determine the severity of the disease. Seeing a doctor in this case will not only simplify the task of curing the patient, but will also help prevent numerous complications after the disease.

Pneumonia cannot be transmitted by airborne droplets like influenza or SARS, it is caused by viruses and bacteria. In some cases, an inflammatory process may occur in the lungs in bedridden patients, in people with weakened immune systems. The main symptoms are:

  • feverish state of the body;
  • chest pain;
  • joint and muscle pain;
  • headache;
  • chills;
  • cough with secretions.


Some factors can become provoking, for example, a chronic form of bronchitis, problems with endocrine system, heart diseases. Pneumonia can be either a spontaneous disease or a consequence of a long-term lung disease and other diseases. There are the following types of bacteria that contribute to the occurrence of a disease such as pneumonia: pneumococci;

  • staphylococci;
  • streptococci.

Penetrating through the bronchi, influenza viruses also affect the development of this disease, hypothermia and overwork, common causes. If congestion in the lungs is observed, the likelihood of an illness in an adult or elderly person increases.


Among all known lung diseases, the localization of pneumonia is one of the most difficult tasks. It is unacceptable to treat pneumonia without a preliminary examination by a doctor, as this leads to irreversible consequences. Folk remedies they only help to relieve the symptoms and alleviate the patient's condition, but it will not be possible to cure pneumonia in this way.

Initially, antibiotics are required. The doctor is often asked what and how to cure this disease so that there are no consequences and complications? The answer unequivocally assumes the presence of antibiotics in ongoing therapy, it is very dangerous to treat pneumonia at home, especially if only folk remedies are used. As additional, they are quite acceptable and may even be recommended by the attending physician. The danger is that temporary relief can be mistaken for recovery, and, stopping further procedures, apply serious harm health.

At the first symptoms, a doctor is urgently called, since it depends on how quickly the form of the disease is determined and thereby speeds up the healing process.

Radiography is the most effective diagnostic method, and when the slightest sign appoint additional examination. This method with the utmost accuracy confirms or refutes the presence of inflammation. For a more accurate picture, sputum is examined for the presence of pathogens, and after determining which pathogen caused it, the most effective antibiotic. This can only be done by a qualified doctor.


Without drugs from the group of antibiotics, it is not recommended to treat pneumonia at home, as it is possible to drive the disease into a chronic form, or aggravate the situation with severe complications.

They should be taken strictly according to the instructions, and as prescribed by the doctor. An important point is the time that passes between doses, since if these rules are not followed, the effect of the treatment will be reduced, and bacteria with viruses will adapt to counteract the drug.

Since antibiotics have a bad effect on the intestinal microflora, they are often prescribed in the form of injections, it is believed that the effect of taking the drug comes faster and is safer. Additionally, drugs are prescribed that normalize the number of beneficial bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract.

At severe forms pneumonia often fix the temperature within 38 degrees. If this condition continues for several days, this is a reason to undergo an additional examination, since there is a risk that such a complication as pulmonary fibrosis will appear.

Mucolic agents

It is imperative to carry out complex treatment, and doctors prescribe funds that allow sputum to freely leave the lungs and bronchi. Getting rid of sputum in the body, ventilation of the lungs begins to work better, and expectorants contribute well to this.

It has long been noticed that those who consumed more fluids during illness had an earlier recovery. This helps to get rid of the symptoms of the disease, increased sweating removes toxins, water washes out pathogens. By strengthening the immune system, we help to cope with the disease, and in most cases, these measures help prevent its occurrence. Study water procedures, harden, if necessary, take immunomodulatory drugs. Organize proper nutrition, exclude fatty foods and enrich it with vitamins.

The room where the patient is located must be periodically ventilated, and wet cleaning should be done, this will help get rid of pathogenic microbes.

Regular wellness activities such as exercise, massage and breathing exercises will help speed up recovery and reduce the risk of relapse. Carry it "on your feet" serious disease not possible in any case. It is necessary to fully recover, go to work and stay in the cold for a long time is unacceptable. Since it is difficult for a patient with a severe form of inflammation to independently determine whether he is completely healthy, or whether he still needs to be on sick leave, it is recommended to stay in the hospital until complete recovery.


  • hardening, especially important for babies;
  • general strengthening of the body and immunity;
  • dental treatment;
  • avoid prolonged hypothermia;
  • get rid of bad habits;
  • avoid contact with harmful substances;
  • change jobs;
  • eat fully.

Folk remedies

I so want to drink miracle cure and get rid of the disease forever. Only this is not possible, and advice on how to treat pneumonia at home in adults should be taken with caution. Folk remedies cannot cure the patient, they can only relieve symptoms and alleviate the condition.

The following fees are popular:

  1. Aloe juice 20g, melted honey 100g, propolis oil 100g, birch buds 4g. Heat all ingredients in a water bath for 15 minutes. After the infusion has cooled down, take it three times a day with warm milk;
  2. Pour 2 fruits of dried figs with 200 grams of milk. After 15 minutes on low heat as the fruits soften, take hot once;
  3. To remove sputum, an infusion of walnut kernels has proven itself. Half a kilogram is poured with half a liter of red wine, preferably dry. After the mixture boils for 20 minutes, 15 minutes before meals, take 3 times during the day;
  4. Badger fat is hard to come by, but it helps so much with inflammation, even advanced ones, that many consider it a panacea. For 4 weeks, you can correct the situation by taking it 2 tablespoons before meals an hour before eating. There should be at least three such receptions per day;
  5. Collection of herbs anise, knotweed, licorice, pine buds, thyme, dill seeds mixed in equal proportions. 2 tablespoons of this mixture insist in hot water in two hours. After the infusion, boil for 5 minutes and after cooling, use 00 grams 30 minutes before meals;
  6. The collection of herbs of calendula, chamomile, St. John's wort is mixed in equal proportions and 1 tablespoon is brewed with 2 cups of boiling water. After two hours, strain and drink 150 grams three times a day.

There are a lot of such funds, and the effectiveness of their use depends on the regularity of the intake, on the observance of the rules of preparation and the time that passes between their use. Only strict adherence to prescriptions can normalize the patient's condition and relieve severe cough, fever and muscle pain. This is a rather tedious task, so not everyone can cope with this difficult task. The use of these remedies from time to time, or once a day, will not bring any positive changes, therefore, having taken up this method of treatment, do not interrupt it, and then it will be possible to observe relief. And, as mentioned earlier, only in combination with antibiotics, which the attending physician should prescribe, depending on the patient's condition and his testimony after the tests. How to treat pneumonia at home, and whether it is worth doing, only a doctor can decide.

Not really

Pneumonia is an acute infectious and inflammatory process that affects the pulmonary alveoli and tissues. The disease can proceed in a latent form, so it is very important to recognize the early symptoms of pneumonia in adults and children, and contact a medical institution in time.


Pneumonia is considered one of the most common diseases. Despite the fact that modern methods of treatment successfully cope with inflammation, it is very important to take appropriate measures in a timely manner. Advanced stages of pathology most often end in death.

Most often, infection of adult patients occurs by airborne droplets.. The disease develops against the background of a weak immune system: a decrease in the body's defenses leads to the activation and reproduction of pathogenic bacteria and the occurrence of inflammatory processes.

Viruses also contribute to the spread of bacterial flora. In addition, microbes can enter the respiratory tract when a foreign body enters the oral cavity and pharynx. In rare cases, pathogens can pass from other foci of infection through the circulatory system.

Bacteria most often provoke inflammation:

  • pneumococci;
  • streptococci;
  • mycoplasma;
  • chlamydia;
  • legionella;
  • hemophilic bacillus;
  • staphylococci;
  • enterobacteria etc.

The causes of the development of inflammatory phenomena in the lung tissue in adults can be:

  • complications after undergoing viral diseases- SARS, flu, colds, when a person has a weakened immune system;
  • hypothermia. At adverse conditions, for example, prolonged exposure to the cold, immunity fails, which leads to the appearance of an inflammatory process;
  • various lung diseases- bronchial asthma, obstruction;
  • exposure to toxic fumes, radiation, gas.

Less commonly, inflammation can develop as a result of the use of artificial ventilation of the lungs, general anesthesia.

Risk factors in adult women and men are:

  • chronic stress, exhaustion of the body;
  • unbalanced diet, lack of meat, fish, fruits and vegetables;
  • a weak immune system that causes a decrease own forces organism;
  • tendency to frequent colds;
  • abuse of bad habits, smoking, alcoholism;
  • chronic diseases of the heart and kidneys;
  • oncological neoplasms;
  • HIV infection;
  • advanced age. Age changes cause a deterioration in the state of the immune system, which leads to a particularly severe course of pneumonia in the elderly.

What is pneumonia

To date, pneumonia is divided into the following forms:

  • out-of-hospital. A common type of pathology;
  • hospital. Develops while the patient is in stationary conditions from 72 hours;
  • atypical. Occurs as a result of the action of atypical microflora;
  • immunodeficient. It is observed in people with HIV infection.

Depending on the origin of the inflammation, the pathology is:

  • viral;
  • bacterial;
  • fungal;
  • mycoplasma;
  • mixed.

In addition, pneumonia occurs in mild, moderate and severe degrees. It also differs in the development mechanism:

  • primary. Occurs as an independent disease;
  • secondary. Is a complication of other diseases;
  • aspiration. Diagnosed by the penetration of foreign objects into the bronchi;
  • postoperative. Formed at surgical interventions on the pulmonary pathways;
  • post-traumatic. It develops as a result of chest trauma.

By the nature of the course of the disease can be:

  • chronic;
  • sharp;
  • atypical;
  • protracted.

According to the localization of the inflammatory process, the disease is:

  • left-sided;
  • right-sided;
  • bilateral.

What are the symptoms of pneumonia

It is quite difficult to recognize pneumonia in adults on your own: early manifestations diseases are usually mild.

Cough and chest pain may be the main symptoms.. In addition, there are the first signs of pneumonia in an adult, according to which one can suspect the onset of inflammation:

  • chronic cough. At first, it can be dry, with the progression of the disease, the cough becomes productive, with purulent yellow discharge;
  • prolonged course of a cold without improvement;
  • lack of effect after taking antipyretics;
  • pain when coughing in the sternum and back;
  • difficulty breathing;
  • pale skin;
  • loss of strength, lethargy, weakness in the legs;
  • increased sweating;
  • loss of appetite;
  • appearance of fever.

With the classical form inflammatory phenomena in adult patients proceed with a temperature of 39-40 ° C. Atypical forms pathologies are characterized by subfebrile temperature - up to 37.5 ° C.

How does pneumonia manifest itself in adults?

In some cases clinical picture may be lubricated, without development characteristic symptoms and temperature. However, this does not make the disease less threatening.

One of the manifestations of the disease can be general malaise that arose for no particular reason. In this case, the patient needs to take a blood and urine test, undergo a fluorography for prevention and consult with a therapist.

It is very important to distinguish pneumonia from the common flu or cold. In the early stages, many patients are unaware of the disease, explaining bad feeling, attacks of pain in the head and chills of a common cold.

If ignored initial signs inflammation of the lungs, the disease will begin to progress;

  • the temperature reaches high levels - 38 ° C and above, may be accompanied by a febrile syndrome and even hallucinations;
  • when coughing, blood streaks are observed in the sputum;
  • the patient's ventilation worsens, constant pain in the head, frequent sneezing;
  • chronic fatigue leads to a severe decline in strength.

Suspicion of a bilateral inflammatory process in the pulmonary tract can cause the following symptoms:

  • blue lips;
  • difficulty breathing, severe shortness of breath;
  • lingering cough;
  • loss of appetite, deterioration in performance.

Most often, bilateral inflammation begins with a high temperature - more than 38.5 ° C and is accompanied by fever.

With a viral type of pathology, a runny nose, conjunctivitis, pain in the lymph nodes, nausea, and in rare cases, vomiting can join the symptoms.

Bacterial pneumonia occurs in conjunction with an increase in blood pressure, loss of appetite, weight loss, as well as a cough with yellow mucus.


At the first suspicion of pneumonia, a blood test is taken from the patient, which will show any changes in the body. One of the indicators is an increase in the level of ESR, as well as leukocytes, the number of which increases in the presence of a pathological process. When the level of lymphocytes is exceeded, the disease is viral in nature, neutrophils - bacterial.

In addition, the following studies will help diagnose pathology:

  • Blood chemistry. Helps detect abnormalities in the functioning of others internal systems(liver, kidney, heart), as well as to exclude possible complications.
  • To assess the functionality of the broncho-pulmonary system, a blood gas test is performed.
  • The state of the pulmonary tract can be assessed using x-rays or computed tomography.
  • Sputum examination will allow to identify the pathogen and determine its sensitivity to antibiotics.

In addition, the doctor may prescribe additional diagnostic methods - a blood test for antibodies, a biopsy, tracheobronchoscopy.

How to treat

Pneumonia is treated by general practitioners and general practitioners. With a mild form, treatment in a hospital is indicated for adults, moderate and severe infections require hospitalization.

The main method of treating the disease is taking antibiotics, which are selected depending on the results of the tests. However, if time is lost and immediate antibiotic therapy is required, agents with a wide spectrum of therapeutic activity are used.

Antimicrobial drugs are selected taking into account:

  • patient's age;
  • concomitant diseases;
  • type of pathology;
  • the severity of symptoms.

With a mild course of the disease, preference is given to penicillin agents, macrolides, cephalosporins (Flemoklav, Azithromycin, Ceftriaxone). In severe cases, a combination of several agents is recommended - macrolides, fluoroquinolones, cephalosporins. The duration of the use of medications is determined by the attending physician, but the duration should not be less than 10 days.

If after 3 days after taking the medication there is no positive dynamics, the treatment regimen is reviewed.

  • To improve efficiency antibacterial treatment, antiviral agents (Arbidol, Tamiflu) can be used.
  • For fungal infections, antifungal drugs such as Diflucan. The medicine is selected after determining the type of dispute.
  • To restore bronchial drainage, Berodual, Atrovent, Eufillin, Bioparox spray are used.
  • Immunoglobulin, Interferon is used to restore immunity.

To relieve symptoms, prescribe:

  • mucolytic agents that help extract sputum: Ambrohexal, Ambrobene, Fluimucil, Fluditec;
  • antipyretics and painkillers - Ibuklin, Paracetamol, Ibuprofen;
  • with severe intoxication, detoxification therapy with sodium chloride, glucose is indicated;
  • for spasms and suffocation, bronchodilators are used in inhalations and aerosols (Ipratropium bromide, Salbutamol);
  • in severe infections, as well as the lack of effectiveness of the main treatment, hormonal agents are prescribed - glucocorticosteroids (Pulmicort), as well as the removal of pus with the help of surgery.

In other cases, hospitalization and resuscitation are required.

The following physiotherapy procedures contribute to recovery:

Physiotherapy will strengthen the general condition of the body and speed up the process of restoring the functioning of the lungs.

Patients are shown compliance with bed rest, staying warm, avoiding drafts. The room should be systematically ventilated and disinfected. The diet of adult patients should include a large amount of liquid: this will help relieve intoxication.

It is forbidden to abuse salty foods: salt can provoke fluid retention in the body and the appearance of swelling. Patients should refrain from drinking alcohol and smoking as bad habits worsen the prognosis.


Complications of pathology can arise not only because of the disease itself, but also because of the medication.

The consequences of the inflammatory process in the pulmonary tract can be:

  • development of respiratory failure;
  • pleurisy;
  • abscess;
  • pulmonary edema;
  • blood poisoning, sepsis.


In order to prevent pathology, adults and children should adhere to the following recommendations:

  • Don't refuse vaccinations. Vaccination of persons with weak immunity, as well as prone to lung pathologies, will help prevent infection with influenza and SARS.
  • Treat in a timely manner chronic infections- sinusitis, caries, pharyngitis, tonsillitis. These diseases provoke the growth of pathogenic microorganisms and weaken the immune status.
  • It is imperative to get rid of a cold: viruses that cause respiratory pathologies are often the cause of pneumonia. To do this, you must follow the doctor's recommendations, take antiviral drugs, drink plenty of water. After the symptoms disappear, blood and urine tests should be performed to exclude the development of complications.
  • Avoid interaction with potential sources of the virus. During an epidemic, it is necessary to use a gauze bandage, not to visit crowded places, and also apply oxolinic ointment.

Given that timely treatment V medical institution pneumonia does not pose a threat to the life of an adult. That is why it is extremely important for anxiety symptoms do not lose precious time and start adequate therapy as soon as possible.

What is occult pneumonia? Symptoms in adults with this disease are unexpressed. Often the disease occurs without coughing or fever. Nevertheless, pathology can be identified by some indirect signs that indicate the occurrence of an infection, as well as the development of inflammatory processes in the body.

What are the symptoms of a latent form of pneumonia in adults? Why is the disease dangerous? What factors lead to the development of the disease? What is the treatment? About all this will be discussed in our publication.

General information

The latent form of pneumonia, which is also called "silent", is the development of inflammatory processes that occur in the lung tissue. Usually the pathology affects a certain segment respiratory organs. For this reason, the symptoms of latent pneumonia in adults are not expressed in the occurrence of any discomfort, for example, pain in the region of the chest, as is the case with ordinary pneumonia.

Since it is rather difficult to identify the disease in the early stages, the development of the disease is fraught with the occurrence of a whole host of complications. Often the lack of quality diagnostics and adequate treatment over a long period of time leads to death. That is why it is so important to know how to detect asymptomatic occult pneumonia.


Symptoms of occult pneumonia in adults can manifest themselves according to the following reasons:

  • With a significant decrease in immunity, which leads to damage to the tissues of the respiratory organs by infectious agents;
  • In case of addiction of the body to active substances in the composition of certain pharmacological preparations antibacterial action, which are used to treat other diseases;
  • If during the development of a cough it is disturbed natural process sputum discharge from the respiratory tract.

Let's look at each reason separately. The main aspect that causes the symptoms of latent pneumonia in adults without coughing is the weakening of the protective functions of the body. Against this background, inflammatory processes develop in the lung tissue. The deterioration of health without severe malaise often makes the patient want to use antibiotics without consulting a doctor. However, such a decision often only exacerbates the situation. After all, the use of inappropriate drugs causes the adaptation of pathogens to the active substances of the drugs. It is in such situations that symptoms of latent pneumonia in adults may appear. Treatment with such amateur performance will be much more difficult.

It is also worth saying a few words about the discharge of sputum. The presented secret of the pulmonary alveoli acts as a natural physiological environment of the body. Removed with mucus pathogenic bacteria, particles of dirt and dust that enter the respiratory organs. If there is a worsened excretion of secretions from the body, an excellent breeding ground for pathogenic microorganisms is created. The latter can cause symptoms of latent asymptomatic pneumonia.

Signs of the development of the disease

So, let's find out what are the symptoms of latent pneumonia in adults. The signs of such a disease are unexpressed. It is possible to identify the disease only by some indirect symptoms. Among these it is worth highlighting:

  • The occurrence of shortness of breath and palpitations with minimal physical exertion;
  • The presence of mild pain in the lungs when performing a sharp breath;
  • Paleness of the skin on the face, the appearance of bright spots of blush;
  • Whistling sounds when inhaling and exhaling;
  • Increased fatigue, deterioration in working capacity, general malaise;
  • Sleep disturbances, increased emotional irritability.

It is worth noting that fever is not a symptom of latent pneumonia in adults, which is often observed with ordinary pneumonia. In some cases, its performance jumps only by one or a few degrees.


An experienced doctor is quite capable of revealing in a latent form in the early stages. To begin with, the specialist conducts a conversation with the patient, paying attention to characteristic complaints. Then he resorts to listening to the patient's chest with a stethoscope. If extraneous wheezing is observed in the lungs, a blood test is performed, during which deviations in biochemical indicators. Additionally, a study of the structure of sputum can be performed, as well as fluorographic diagnostics of the state of the lung tissue.

What is not recommended to do if you suspect the presence of latent pneumonia?

If signs of the development of the disease are noted, in no case should you resort to the following actions:

  1. Unauthorized taking certain antibacterial drugs. Application of certain pharmacological agents justified only after studying the composition of sputum, as well as determining the sensitivity of the body to certain active substances in the composition of drugs.
  2. Warm up the chest and resort to procedures that involve exposing the body to high temperature. This refers to taking hot baths, visiting saunas and baths.
  3. Take drugs that lower body temperature.
  4. Continue to engage in daily activities in the usual mode, as well as subject the body to significant physical exertion.

Medical therapy

Treatment in a latent form involves the complex use of pharmacological agents. First of all, the doctor should prescribe medications that can eliminate the root cause of the disease. If there is damage to the body infectious agents appropriate antifungal, antibacterial or antiviral agents are used.

Of particular importance is the use of drugs that facilitate the separation of mucus from the bronchi. The presented category of medicines includes special essential oils and syrups.

During the use of medications, the patient is prescribed special diet, reception plentiful drink, bed rest. Among other things, the doctor may decide on the need for physiotherapy, physiotherapy exercises.

Drug treatment for a latent form of pneumonia, as a rule, lasts about several weeks. The speed of recovery directly depends on the timely diagnosis, the patient's strict adherence to the recommendations of the attending physician.

Treatment with folk remedies

It is impossible to cure pneumonia, which occurs in a latent form, relying only on methods alone. traditional medicine. Such therapy should be an addition to taking pharmacological agents. The purpose of the application folk methods therapy favors the relief of the general condition.

So, what are the most effective recipes? The following deserve attention:

  1. Compresses based on warm curd mass. About 100 grams of raw materials are used. A tablespoon of honey is added. The composition is mixed until a homogeneous mass is formed. Then the agent is heated on the battery. Such a compress is applied to the chest and held for several hours.
  2. The basis of the medicine is crushed with a meat grinder. Raw materials are poured into a glass boiled water and infused for 10 minutes. In order to improve general condition with latent pneumonia, the drug is taken orally several times a day.
  3. Infusion of thyme. A couple tablespoons of dry herbal collection poured into a glass of boiling water. The product is infused for 3-4 hours in a dark place. Healing infusion is taken 3 times a day.
  4. Breast collection. About 2 tablespoons of dry raw materials are poured with a glass of boiling water. healing herb infused for several hours. Then the composition is carefully filtered. The medicine is taken 2-3 times a day.


To avoid the development of pneumonia in a latent form, you should adhere to the following recommendations:


So we looked at the causes and symptoms of latent pneumonia in adults, as well as treatment methods. Finally, it is worth noting that the disease does not go away on its own. Untimely, inadequate treatment is fraught with damage to the lung tissue. The result is often the atrophy of certain areas of the respiratory organs, which can no longer take part in natural gas exchange.

Making rash decisions, as well as unwillingness to see a doctor, often leads to significant complications, and sometimes even death. However, therapy with the use of suitable medications makes it possible to completely and completely eliminate the problem.

This is an infectious disease in which an infiltrate forms in the lung parenchyma. Pneumonia captures lung tissue and proceeds when it enters the body harmful bacteria and microorganisms. There are a number of other main factors that have a direct impact on the development of the disease in adults: alcohol, smoking, chronic diseases of the nasopharynx and lungs.

Signs and symptoms of pneumonia in adults

This disease is popularly called simply - pneumonia. It is quite common and dangerous disease, which carries severe consequences for the body and sometimes for human life.

Symptoms of pneumonia at the initial stage can mislead any doctor. Often there are cases when the doctor makes a false diagnosis and after a couple of days changes his mind.

The first sign of the disease is a cough, which is wet and dry, at the beginning of the disease only dry. Observe when coughing sharp pains in the chest area, and this one is already alarming, pneumonia is more likely to begin, and it is urgent to deal with the treatment of the disease.

When rusty sputum appears, this indicates that the patient has croupous pneumonia. When bloody sputum appears, you need to act immediately. Self-medication in this case is contraindicated, since blood discharge appears when the disease is caused by Friedlander's wand. To localize the stick, you need to take more serious methods treatment.

Bacteria such as streptococci cause purulent sputum, with a characteristic bad smell sputum, it is very important to know that purulent foci have appeared and the disease begins to progress. When a patient has severe pain in the side, this is pulmonary infarction, a sign of hemoptysis. Another symptom of the disease in adults is often chest pain, with deep breath or an attack of coughing manifests itself in full force. When the patient feels a sharp lack of air, this is a sign of shortness of breath. In some cases, during the disease, the temperature rises to 40 degrees, sometimes it sticks to 37.5 degrees and the patient feels a certain malaise, lethargy, chills. Sometimes there is vomiting and loss of appetite.

The main syndromes of pneumonia:

compaction of lung tissue,

general inflammatory,



bronchial dyscrinia,


respiratory failure.

Types of pneumonia in an adult and its manifestations

The source of infection is most often bacteria, but sometimes there is a viral form of pneumonia. According to the nature of the flow, acute and chronic pneumonia. If the infection enters lung lobes, then such a disease is called lobar pneumonia, while bronchopneumonia is an inflammation of the smaller airways inside the lung.

Pneumonia in an adult is divided into several types, which contributes to different approach to treatment:

A non-hospital form of the disease that occurs in an adult outside the walls of a hospital.

Nosomial or hospital (hospital) - developing over 48 hours in connection with the stay of an adult in a hospital.

Aspiration - which is associated with the inhalation of foreign masses into the lungs (vomiting after surgery, loss of consciousness, trauma to the face, nasopharynx).

Pneumonia associated with an immunodeficiency state of a person (HIV-infected, cancer patient, drug addict, diabetic).

Stages of pneumonia in an adult and their symptoms

Pneumonia is divided into three stages according to the severity of the disease. Symptoms of the disease at each stage are different.

easy stage, in which mild intoxication, fever, tachycardia, shortness of breath;

For middle stage pneumonia in adults is characterized by signs of weakness, dry or wet cough, moderate intoxication;

with severe pneumonia, there is an increase in temperature up to 40 degrees, clouding of consciousness, shortness of breath, tachycardia more than 100 beats per minute.

When pneumonia is in the tide stage, there is a deterioration in well-being in the form of chills, headaches, fever, dry cough, shortness of breath, and acute pain in the chest. By the end of the tide stage, a cough appears with the release of "rusty" sputum and herpes.

When the disease is at the stage of compaction, sputum with purulent content of sputum comes out during coughing, shortness of breath increases, severe pain in the chest during an attack of coughing and inhalation, high body temperature, and nervous excitement and icterus of the sclera are also observed.

When the disease is at the final stage of resolution, then normalization of temperature is observed, chest pain and shortness of breath disappear, sputum is not significant, and health improves.

How to treat pneumonia in an adult with traditional methods?

Treatment of the disease is prescribed when the diagnosis is precisely established. And only after that, qualified treatment is prescribed. The first step (in treatment) is to remove the focal inflammation. In this case, a course of antibiotics is prescribed. The second step is to lower the body temperature, relieve the exacerbation of coughing and organize care for a sick person. Remember that pneumonia serious illness. To reduce elevated body temperature (if above 39 degrees), antipyretic drugs are prescribed. Assign mucolytic agents for better separation of sputum. Particular attention should be paid to general intoxication manifestations, sputum output, disappearance of the infiltrate. It is necessary to conduct an x-ray examination when establishing the inflammatory process. IN medical practice there are pneumonias with altered immunological reactivity, especially in military hospitals. Pneumonia in adults is characterized by an atypical onset and presents certain difficulties in treatment, since the body does not respond to pathogens.

Treatment of the disease of moderate and severe course is carried out in a hospital. Assign an easily digestible, high-calorie diet with a high content of proteins and vitamins. Preferred ward mode.

How to treat pneumonia in a hospital?

A person with pneumonia often needs hospital treatment. In this case, the doctor prescribes strong painkillers to alleviate pain that occurs in the chest area when breathing and coughing, or as a result of pleurisy. Physical therapy is designed to help relieve sputum, which is often rusty in color.

If the patient is hospitalized, then he is prescribed treatment in the form of an intravenous infusion of antibiotics (droppers), so that in this case a strict dosage is maintained. Oxygen may also be given, either through a special mask or through thin hollow tubes inserted into the nostrils. This makes it easier to breathe and ensures that all body tissues are adequately supplied with oxygen. In addition, the patient's temperature and pulse rate are regularly recorded.

When the acute form of the disease is under constant control, antibiotics can be taken in the form of tablets. It is very important to ensure that the course of treatment for pneumonia is carried out to the end in order to prevent the occurrence possible complications.

Also, a regular examination of his breathing is done and all improvements and deteriorations in this process are accurately recorded. With the help of a blood test, the amount of oxygen and carbon dioxide present in it, as well as the presence in the body of the patient of the bacteria that caused pneumonia, is determined.

What drugs to cure pneumonia?

When a symptom of pneumonia is detected, treatment is usually aimed at localizing the inflammatory process of the disease. Eriotropic treatment is used, in which antibiotics are first prescribed a wide range actions. After receiving laboratory tests (sowing on the flora and sensitivity), the treatment of pneumonia is corrected.

Pathogenic treatment is to improve sputum production from bronchial tree by taking mucolytics Bromhexine, Mukaltin, ACC) and bronchodilators (Berodual, Atrovent, Teopec, Eufillin). After passing the course of treatment for pneumonia, breathing improves, the infection is localized.

Symptomatic therapy includes antipyretics. In the absence of contraindications, breathing exercises and physiotherapy are prescribed.

Antibacterial therapy is carried out taking into account the results microscopic studies. If culture and microscopy are not performed or are indicative, then antibiotic therapy is selected based on the age of the patient, epidemiological factors and the severity of the disease. Treatment of pneumonia should be carried out in accordance with the concept " step therapy", which assumes a two-stage use of antibacterial drugs: a transition is made from parenteral to non-parenteral route (usually oral) administration of antibiotics as soon as possible (provided normal temperature, positive clinical, laboratory and radiological dynamics).

In viral pneumonia (influenza viruses A, B), the drugs of choice are zanamivir, oseltamivir (therapy should be started no later than 48 hours from the onset of symptoms). Alternative drugs for influenza A - Remantadine or Amantadine. For community-acquired pneumonia Azithromycin (Clarithromycin) is the drug of choice. Fluoroquinolones (Levofloxacin, Ofloxacin, Ciprofloxacin) are used orally. Alternative drugs are second-generation cephalosporins or "protected" penicillins (Amoxicillin Clavulanate or Doxycycline). Finally, for community-acquired hospitalized pneumonia, fluoroquinolones (Levofloxacin, Ofloxacin, Ciprofloxacin), which are administered parenterally, are the drugs of choice.

Third-generation cephalosporins (ceftriaxone, cefoperazone) are administered intravenously, especially severe cases parenteral use of carbapenems (meronem) or fourth-generation cephalosporins (cefepime) is indicated.

In patients with "atypical" (including those caused by Legionella pneumonia) pneumonia, the use of macrolide antibiotics is indicated. For the treatment of pneumonia caused by Pseudomonas aeroginosa, combination antibiotic therapy is used ("protected" penicillins, Tazozym and Gentamicin, Fluoroquinolone and Carbapenem, or fourth-generation Cephalosporin with an antibiotic from another group to which Pseudomonas aeroginosa is sensitive). Improvement in the elimination of secretions from the lower respiratory tract is achieved with the help of physiotherapeutic procedures and by prescribing mucolytic drugs. Derivatives of carbocysteine ​​normalize rheological properties secretion, its viscosity and elasticity, the secretory function of the glandular cells of the respiratory tract, the ratio of sialomucins and fucomucins, accelerate mucociliary transport.

Bromhexine derivatives improve the drainage function of the lungs, increase the secretion of glycoproteins (mucokinetic action), increase motor activity cilia ciliated epithelium, stimulate the synthesis of surfactant and prevent its decay.

Detoxification therapy: plentiful warm drink, if necessary - intravenous administration liquids (polarizing solution, Hemodez). Symptomatic therapy:

antipyretic drugs;

drugs that suppress irritant cough (antitussives), bronchodilators, antihistamines;

drugs that modulate general and local immunity,

B vitamins, ascorbic acid,

analgesics for pain.

In the treatment of severe or complicated cases of pneumonia, microcirculatory disorders and dysproteinemia are corrected, oxygen therapy, glucocorticoid, antioxidant therapy, etc. are performed. depending on the clinical course diseases.

Until now, Ampicillin in combination with clavuanic acid has been used to treat pneumonia. However, in practice, a high resistance to this type of antibiotics has been proven. A severe course of the disease requires hospitalization and the appointment of cephalosporins or Ampiox with Synthomycin. Check treatment after 3 days.

How to treat home remedies for pneumonia?

Most people with pneumonia (up to eighty percent) can be treated at home. The patient needs to organize appropriate care, appropriate assistance. This is done in order to improve the effectiveness of the treatment of pneumonia in adults and speed up his recovery. As, with most diseases, it is necessary to include in the patient's diet, as much as possible, more vegetables and fruits. Eat fatty foods and indigestible foods as little as possible. The patient is recommended to drink plenty of warm water.

Firstly, the fluid in pneumonia helps to expel sputum.

Secondly, it prevents dehydration of the body during elevated temperature body.

You can drink: milk, alkaline mineral water, juices. A person with pneumonia needs complete rest and bed rest.

A positive result will physiotherapy. It can speed up a person's recovery. It must be done from the first day. From the second day of illness, it is necessary to carry out breathing exercises (lying in bed). Also, during illness, it is necessary to perform inclinations (forward, to the sides), rotate the body. These exercises are good for the chest.

Treatment with antibiotics is strictly individual. To prescribe antibiotics, it is necessary to establish the degree of development of the disease, determine at what stage the disease is, and what form of pneumonia. The prescription of antibiotics also depends on the correct diagnosis. The duration of treatment for pneumonia is also strictly individual.

Give up smoking, go in for sports, change your diet so that this disease will pass you.

Causes and prevention of pneumonia in an adult

Typical causative agents of primary community-acquired pneumonia are Streptococcus pneumoniae, Mycoplasma pneumoniae, Haemophilus influenzae, Chlamydia pneumoniae. In 20-30% of patients, it is not possible to establish the etiology of the disease. Some microorganisms are normally rare in the microflora of the upper respiratory tract and can cause the development of pneumonia in people of older age groups with concomitant severe chronic diseases other organs and systems.

Acute respiratory viral infections, primarily influenza, are certainly the main risk factor for the development of the disease, however, according to most scientists, they rarely cause pneumonia in adults. At the same time, viruses can cause pneumonia in young children.

In secondary (hospital) pneumonia in adults, the role of gram-negative microorganisms and opportunistic flora is great: Staphylococcus aureus, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Escherichia coli, Proteus vulgaris, Pseudomonas aeroginosa, Legionella pneumoniae. For etiology aspiration pneumonia the participation of non-clostridial anaerobes (Bacteroides spp., Micoplasma spp., Candida spp.), often in combination with aerobic gram-negative microflora (Hae-mophilus influenzae, Enterobacterio-ceae), is characteristic. In the development of the disease in persons with severe immunological disorders, cytomegalovirus infection, Pneumocystis cari-nii, pathogenic fungi, Mycobacterium tuberculosis, along with other microorganisms that occur in other pneumonias, are involved.

The causative agent of the disease is epithelial dysfunction and impaired mucociliary clearance. Thus, pathogens search for the receptor field, adhere to it, and colonize. The use of antibiotics gives results only at the stage of colonization of microorganisms.

Mucociliary transport is a major lung defense factor that is impaired in acute pneumonia. Violation of pulmonary ventilation is an obligatory factor in acute pneumonia.

The age of the patient also influences the development of the disease. The disease also depends on the time of year, most often high percent diseases occur in cold weather, a severe course of the disease is observed in people who have come from the regions of the far north. Chlamydia pneumonia, which affects young people, plays an important role in the disease. The main causative agents of pneumonia: streptococci in winter, mycoplasma in autumn, legionella in summer. The advantage is headed by streptococcus, the etiology of the disease has not yet been established.

According to the European Society of Lung Medicine, pneumonia does not include diseases of the lung tissue. non-infectious nature; caused by physical, chemical factors; having an allergic or vascular origin; caused by highly contagious infectious agents (plague, measles, rubella, typhoid fever, flu; such diseases are considered under the relevant communicable disease); diseases caused by viral infection(especially with the flu).

Prevention of pneumonia in adults

In the future, it is necessary to harden and observe general sanitary and hygienic factors (do not smoke, avoid dust, ventilate rooms or offices, good nutrition and much more). Be careful about your health! Take care of yourself!

In medicine, the term pneumonia is understood as an acute infectious disease, mainly bacterial etiology, With focal lesion respiratory sections of the lungs and the obligatory presence of intra-alveolar exudation, detected during physical and / or instrumental examination, general inflammatory and toxic changes.

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