Cough leaves. Cabbage leaf with honey for the treatment of cough in adults and children. Cabbage decoction recipe for cough and its use

A simple, environmentally friendly, completely safe and very cheap folk remedy for cough is ordinary white cabbage. Its leaves are used for medicinal purposes. They must be firm and fresh. Cabbage has been used for centuries for coughs. And to this day, the result exceeds all the expectations of people who have turned to this folk remedy.

Cabbage compress allows you to get rid of a cough in a matter of days. Such a high therapeutic effect of the vegetable is explained by the fact that the vitamins and microelements contained in it penetrate the skin cells upon contact and have a healing effect on the human body. It is quite diverse and consists in a combination of:

  • Relief of inflammation.
  • Destruction of bacteria, germs and viral infections.
  • Reducing the intensity of pain.
  • Removal of toxins.
  • Relaxation.
  • Stimulation and activation of the protective functions of the body.

Cough treatment with cabbage leaves

The recipe for eliminating reflex spasms of the airways with the help of a healing vegetable is quite simple. For its application it is necessary:

  • Separate a good whole fleshy leaf from the cabbage head.
  • Dip briefly in boiling water to make it softer, but you do not need to boil or keep in hot water for a long time.
  • Remove and pat dry with a paper towel or paper towel.
  • On the one hand, spread with any honey (if sugared, then heat in a water bath) and put on the chest.
  • Top the cabbage with polyethylene.
  • Tie a compress with ribbons or a scarf.
  • Put on something warm.

In the event that the patient is worried about a very strong cough, then linings should be made from two cabbage leaves at once. In this case, the second is placed on the upper back. If an unpleasant symptom is just beginning, then one is enough.

It is recommended to apply a cabbage leaf for coughing all night. In this case, the effect will be for a sufficiently long time, and the first result can be seen in the morning. For a sustainable effect, it is necessary to perform from 3 to 5 procedures, which are done for several days in a row.

Patients suffering from a cough and allergic to bee products can only use a cabbage leaf without honey. Its effectiveness and as an independent means is very high.

When carrying out symptomatic treatment of cough with a cabbage leaf compress, it should be borne in mind that this method will only work if the symptom caused by colds and respiratory diseases is eliminated. Therefore, before starting treatment, it is imperative to visit a doctor and establish the exact origin of reflex spasms of the airways.

Treatment of cough with folk remedies is often no less effective than traditional medicines. The most popular of them is honey, ginger and decoctions of medicinal herbs. But did you know that ordinary cough cabbage helps no worse than mustard plasters or tablets. Of course, if you just eat cabbage salad, then the cough will not disappear. The secret lies in the special ways of using cabbage.

TEST: Why are you coughing?

How long have you been coughing?

Is your cough combined with a runny nose and is most noticeable in the morning (after sleep) and in the evening (already in bed)?

Cough can be described as:

You characterize cough as:

Can you say that the cough is deep (in order to understand this, take a lot of air into your lungs and cough)?

During a coughing fit, do you feel pain in your abdomen and/or chest (pain in the intercostal muscles and abdominals)?

Do you smoke?

Pay attention to the nature of the mucus that is released during the cough (no matter how much it is: a little or a lot). She is:

Do you feel a dull pain in the chest, which does not depend on movements and is of an “internal” nature (as if the focus of pain is in the lung itself)?

Do you suffer from shortness of breath (during physical activity, you quickly “out of breath” and get tired, breathing becomes faster, after which there is a lack of air)?

Beneficial features

The use of cabbage for medicinal purposes began a long time ago. In Russia, it was noticed that if you wrap a sore spot with a cabbage leaf, then the pain quickly subsides, the swelling decreases, and inflammation goes away. Then this effect was discovered by accident, and it was not possible to study the chemical properties of the vegetable. Empirically, new methods of treatment were discovered, folk recipes were created and passed on from generation to generation.

In our time, everything has changed, and the composition of a crispy cabbage leaf has long ceased to be a secret. As it turned out, it contains a whole warehouse of valuable nutrients, including vitamins and minerals, antioxidants, trace elements important for metabolic processes, the strongest immunomodulator chlorophyll, and organic acids. This is due to the healing effect of cabbage on the body.

When used correctly, it has a whole range of effects:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antispasmodic;
  • painkiller;
  • antiseptic;
  • atoxic;
  • bactericidal.

Cabbage leaf also facilitates expectoration of sputum and stimulates active regeneration of cells and tissues. Applied to a festering wound, a cabbage leaf can quickly cleanse it and significantly speed up healing.

In combination with honey, the properties of the cabbage leaf are revealed with renewed vigor. Honey also has all of the above properties, and in addition has a mild warming effect. But honey should be natural and of high quality, and homemade medicine with honey and cabbage leaves should be properly prepared.

How to choose cabbage

For medicinal purposes, ordinary white cabbage is used. The healing power of the vegetable is concentrated in its leaves. The larger the head, the more nutrients it contains. But cabbage also accumulates harmful chemical compounds, if they are present in the soil. Therefore, it is better to buy it not in a supermarket, but in the market, grown in a private yard without the use of pesticides and other drugs.

The cabbage needs to be cooked properly. For a cabbage compress with honey, you need whole large leaves. But it is better to remove and discard the upper ones - they can be damaged by insects, turn out to be wilted or with other defects.

It is necessary to carefully cut off a large, absolutely clean and fresh leaf (or two, if the compress is made for an adult, and the leaves are small). The rest of the head can be used as food or for other cough treatments.

The sheets prepared for the compress should be carefully but thoroughly rinsed with warm water, and then put in an enamel pan and pour boiling water over it. No more than a minute later, pull out the leaves, put on a flat surface and dry (or blot with paper towels). They will become softer, but will not lose their beneficial properties.

cabbage treatment

The simplest and most popular way to use cabbage with cough honey is a regular compress. It is very effective, but far from the only one. Below we will talk about several options for using cabbage leaf with cough honey:

Cabbage cough remedies are very mild, so you can use them daily. A lasting effect of the treatment occurs after 2-3 applications. If this does not happen and the disease continues to progress, it is worth looking for more effective ways to get rid of the cough.


There are no and cannot be contraindications to the use of cabbage leaves - this is a completely natural remedy that even small children and pregnant women can use. Moreover, in those places where a cabbage compress is applied to the body, the skin condition improves significantly - it becomes smooth, velvety and tender. No wonder cabbage is also used as the main ingredient in face masks.

It is important to take into account the moment that the cabbage leaf acts when coughing only externally. And this means that it has no effect on pathogenic microorganisms that have penetrated the body and affected the internal respiratory tract.

Therefore, cabbage treatment is effective only if the cough is caused by a common cold. Such a cough should pass 2-3 days after the start of treatment. If this did not happen, it means that it has an infectious nature and the body cannot cope with the problem on its own.

To avoid complications, it is better to consult a doctor and start treatment with stronger traditional drugs, possibly antibiotics. A neglected disease easily becomes chronic and can lead to serious complications.

contemporary pharmaceutical A large number of drugs for the treatment of colds are presented on the market. But often folk remedies are the most harmless and affordable. One of these can be noted cabbage leaf cough.

Cabbage leaf benefits for cough

Cough is a disease of the respiratory tract, accompanied convulsive exhalation with wheezing (with or without sputum). Cabbage is a popular vegetable that will save you from this disease in a few days, thanks to its rich chemical composition.

Valuable micro and macro elements, as well as vitamins, when penetrating deep into the cells, have a positive effect on the state of the whole organism as a whole. Cabbage leaf for cough has the following effects:

· anti-inflammatory. The antioxidants contained in cabbage will help relieve even the most severe bronchitis.
· Antibacterial. Along with medication treatment, the cabbage leaf speeds up the healing process at times.
· Pain reliever. Cabbage leaf is an excellent choice not only for coughing, but also for painful sensations caused by joint diseases.
· Immunostimulating. Eating cabbage boosts the immune system and helps the organs recover quickly after an illness.
· Soothing . In the fight against coughing, cabbage helps to expel viral mucus and reduce seizures.

Cabbage leaf for cough: how to use?

The result of this vegetable in the treatment of cough will be positive if you give preference to juicy and elastic leaves. They must be carefully separated from the thickened stem so as not to damage them.

Cabbage compress

A neglected cough is excellently cured with a compress. To do this, grind the stalk in a blender or twist in a meat grinder. Apply the resulting slurry to the throat area, fix it with cling film and wrap it with a warm scarf. If necessary, you can squeeze a little juice. After 1-1.5 hours, the cough will become calmer and the bandage can be removed. By the same principle, it is recommended to use a cabbage leaf for cough and change it every 2 hours until the condition improves.

If the cough is accompanied by a high fever, you can not make a compress with cabbage.

cabbage broth

Cough of varying degrees responds well to treatment with cabbage decoction. It is necessary to place a small head of cabbage in a pot of cold water and boil it until the leaves are fully cooked. Then drain the broth and pour into a clean glass jar. In half a glass of the finished drink, add 2 teaspoons of honey and drink. Take this medicine 3 times a day with meals.

If you are allergic to honey, you can replace it with castor oil.

cabbage juice

A mixture of cabbage and beet juice will help remove pain and sore throat. Vegetables need to grate on a fine grater. In the resulting gruel (about 10 tablespoons), add 15 milliliters of vinegar (6%) and leave for 2 hours in a cool place. Squeeze out the juice and gargle with it at least 3-5 times a day.

Cabbage leaf with honey

Soften the leaves by immersing them in boiling water for 2-3 minutes, dry them, straighten them and generously brush them with warm honey. Cabbage leaf put on the chest, and with a very strong cough - also on the back. Wrap with a warm scarf.

It is impossible to affect the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe heart and mammary glands.

For a greater effect of the procedure, it is advisable to do it before going to bed. Remove the leaves in the morning and wash the body with warm water. After the first procedure, the results will already be visible - sputum will begin to move away intensively, the fever will go away, the general condition will improve.

Cabbage leaf for a cough for a child will come to the rescuewhen pharmacy products contraindicated or don't help. It should be understood that in the second case it is better to show the baby to the doctor in order to prevent the development of a serious illness.

Contraindications and harm

Cabbage leaf with cough honey is not recommended for pancreatitis, enterocolitis, enlarged lymph nodes and open wounds on the body. Since honey is a rather allergic product, it is recommended to conduct a test before applying a compress.

Inside, taking cabbage for coughing is not recommended for any chronic diseases and problems with gastrointestinal tract.


There are many ways to treat cough with cabbage leaf, which require compliance with one rule - subsequence and regularity. Before starting the fight against the disease, it is better consult with a specialist.

If you are tortured by wheezing, sore throat, cough, cabbage will save you. Its leaves serve us as an ambulance valuable help for various ailments, especially when coughing. Even ancient people ate "kaputum" (head) to improve health, even then they knew that cabbage relieves headaches, calms the nervous system. This vegetable is unpretentious, affordable, easy to eat, contains many useful minerals.

Types of cabbage, vitamin content

White cabbage is most often used for inflammation of the respiratory tract, the treatment of peptic ulcers, and the entire stomach. This species has a lot of PP, B1, B2, C vitamins, phosphorus, potassium, calcium. Red fork with a high content of protein, vitamin C. It retains its useful qualities for a long time. The head of this variety contains protein, fiber, iron, B1 and B2, B6 and B9, C, PP vitamins, potassium and calcium, sodium, starch.

Broccoli has vitamins U, K, PP, C, potassium, folic acid, beta-carotene. It contains antioxidants, substances that prevent heart disease, cancer. Brussels sprouts are used against heart ailments, with chronic pain in the heart. Kohlrabi and color are useful for children under 7 years old. These species contain many mineral salts, calcium, which is important for the growing body of the child.

All varieties serve as an antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, anti-toxic substance.

It helps with cough

A simple white head is excellent as an anti-inflammatory agent, with sore throat, plaque, laryngitis (there may be wheezing, complete loss of voice, dry or barking cough, the throat is very sore, so it is difficult to swallow, breathing becomes difficult), pharyngitis (caused by inhalation of dust hot or cold food; sore throat, dry mouth, swollen lymph nodes).

A decoction of a common vegetable

To reduce pain in the larynx, reduce inflammation, it is recommended to drink fresh cabbage juice, as well as rinse with a warm remedy. To remove sputum, relieve sore throat, even sore throat and bronchitis are treated with decoction. A glass of juice from a head of cabbage plus a teaspoon. mix sugar, drink before meals three times a day. We achieve the strongest effect if we do gargling with a solution with the addition of a small amount of warm water.

Honey plus cabbage - a recipe for cough

A garden plant is used along with natural honey, which is an excellent antibiotic, rich in substances that are very useful for the body, it contains up to 80% carbohydrates. This natural product gives us energy, helps with insomnia, removes inflammation of the larynx. Applicable for prolonged coughing, well cleanses the lungs and bronchi of sputum, enhances blood circulation.

From perspiration, expectoration, you can prepare a honey decoction, make compresses, but using it with cabbage leaves will give the best result.

So, with a strong indisposition of the respiratory tract, we apply a decoction with a natural product: finely cut a small head of cabbage, take 3 tablespoons, add one hundred grams of honey, mix, pour boiled water - 3 cups. We keep for about a day in a dark, dry place and you can drink. Healing decoction drink 20-30 minutes before meals 3 times a day.

You can prepare the infusion a little differently. Take a fork, tear off the outer large leaves, cut out the stalk, put the rest in a saucepan, pour cold water, cook until it becomes soft. Then cool the water, strain, add about 100 gr. honey.

Use 4-6 times for half a glass. If you drink such juice at night, a more restful sleep occurs, the pain during inflammation dulls. This treatment is beneficial for people of all ages.

warming up

In addition to the decoction, it is necessary to apply a green head of cabbage and honey externally, in the form of compresses. First, prepare the leaves, make them more flexible, soft. We lower them into hot, but not boiled water. We blanch for several minutes, carefully take it out so that it does not tear, straighten it, gently grease it with honey, preheating it in a water bath so that it is easier to apply. We put warm leaves on the back or chest with the sweet side. When the cough is strong, lotions should be applied not only on the back, but also on the chest. Cover with a polyethylene film on top and fix with a bandage (you can use a woolen scarf). Put on a tight T-shirt or T-shirt so that our product does not fall. It is better to do this at bedtime so that warming up gives a good result. Remove everything in the morning, wipe the body with a wet cloth or towel soaked in warm water, change the linen for fresh.

If the cough is prolonged, with wheezing, apply the procedure during the day. Already after carrying out one such reception, it becomes easier for a person to breathe, wheezing decreases.

It is advisable to lead a calm sedentary lifestyle during treatment, it is better to adhere to bed rest for several days. Even if you feel better, you must continue treatment until the cough disappears. Otherwise, the process will turn into bronchitis.

You can make a honey-mustard mixture for warming. One table. l. mix bee candy, vegetable oil and a teaspoon of mustard powder. Apply to soft warm leaves from the head, apply to the body. We wrap up. Keep no more than 2 hours.

(P.S.: Cannot be used in pregnancy, diabetes, mustard intolerance, stomach disease)

Compress and decoction for a child

We smear honey on softened cabbage leaves, apply it to the chest or back; if the process is running, do it front and back, cover with a bandage. We put on a warm sweater for the child and put him to bed. To enhance the effect of treatment, give the child a decoction of the leaves of an ordinary fork - one or two spoons + half a teaspoon of viscous sweetness, three times / day for 1-2 tables. spoon.

Flatbread for baby

For sensitive skin, you can make a more gentle lotion of white leaves and a natural product for subsequent application to the body.

A tablespoon of flour and st. We combine a spoonful of honey, add a little vegetable oil. We knead into a soft dough, make cakes. We smear each honey round on a bandage folded several times, put it on the back and chest, fixing it with polyethylene, put on a T-shirt.

Procedures for pregnant women

Excellent help for the respiratory tract cabbage leaf, smeared with honey. As in the case described above, we make a lotion, put it on the chest, wrap it with a scarf or scarf, and keep it all night.

Honey-cabbage juice will be effective, as well as rinsing the respiratory tract.


Infusion and procedures (cabbage + honey) are prohibited in case of:

  • allergies to a bee product;
  • chronic pain in the pancreas;
  • high acidity of the stomach;
  • elevated body temperature;
  • cuts, open wounds, ulcers, any skin diseases;
  • enlargement of the lymph nodes.

On a note

  • you can not make a lotion on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe heart;
  • children under three years old keep the compress for up to 2-3 hours;
  • do not give bee infusion to children under 1 year old;
  • do not add any salt to the juice;
  • do not use leaves that are drooping, damaged, with dark dots;
  • suffering from frequent flatulence, bloating, gas formation, diarrhea, it is better to consult a doctor before using decoctions and other procedures.

White cabbage has been used for a long time and with great success to treat dry cough in both adults and children. This is due to the fact that cabbage has a lot of healing properties. In addition to a wide range of vitamins (C, H, B, U and others) and trace elements (calcium, potassium, sodium, phosphorus, iron, magnesium), it contains antioxidants and organic acids.

Cabbage leaf treatment gives a lot of positive therapeutic effects:

  1. Anti-inflammatory action. It is due to the large amount of antioxidants that help to quickly restore the body in chronic bronchitis.
  2. Antibacterial action. Cabbage contains some essential oils that have bactericidal and bacteriostatic effects. In particular, it contains mustard oil.
  3. Pain-relieving action. Thanks to him, cabbage leaves are used not only in the treatment of coughs, but even to relieve pain and inflammation of the joints.
  4. Cleansing the body of toxins.
  5. Restorative and immunomodulatory action thanks to the rich spectrum of vitamins and minerals contained in cabbage.
  6. General tonic impact on the body.

It should be noted that only a cold cough, uncomplicated by the attached bacterial flora, and therefore not a symptom of pneumonia or severe bronchitis, can be treated with a cabbage leaf. In this case, cabbage can be used as an adjunct home remedy to the main traditional antibacterial treatment.

Treatment with cabbage compresses

Cabbage leaf with honey

To prepare it, you will need clean and fresh (not frozen and not withered) cabbage leaves and honey.

Choose a clean, elastic sheet

It is necessary to carefully separate a large leaf from a cabbage head, dip it in hot water for several minutes so that it becomes soft and elastic. Then one side of the leaf is smeared with liquid honey and placed on the back of the patient between the shoulder blades.

One cabbage leaf will require 1 tablespoon of honey.

With a strong cough, you can use such a compress on both sides (on the chest and on the back).

Then we cover the compress area:

  1. thick large gauze,
  2. then thick cotton cloth,
  3. plastic wrap
  4. wrap with a warm woolen scarf or elastic bandage so that the compress does not fall off.

You can wear a tight-fitting jersey T-shirt. This procedure should be done at night for a week. In the morning, after removing the compress, wipe the skin with a damp and then dry cloth and put on warm clothes.

Cabbage leaf with honey is also used to treat dry cough in children., having previously consulted with a pediatrician, and found out that the child is not allergic to honey.

To do this, you should conduct a test for tolerance to honey.

Honey tolerance test

The child, on the inner surface of the elbow for 10 minutes, apply a thin layer of honey. If after this time there is no burning sensation, redness or other reactions, honey is calmly used as part of a compress.

For a child, such a compress can be done with a wet cough and a slight increase in temperature. Usually 3 compresses are enough to make the sputum come off easier and the cough softened.

Cabbage cake with honey

A softer and no less effective effect on coughing is provided by cabbage cake with honey.

To do this, one leaf of cabbage is carefully crushed and mixed with two tablespoons of melted honey. The resulting mass is wrapped in several layers of gauze, and put on the child's back, like a mustard plaster.

Such a compress can be kept on the back for about one hour.

Then it is removed, and the skin is wiped clean. Cabbage cake compresses can be done to a child from 3 to 5 days, until the cough decreases.

Cabbage cake is also effective for cough

cabbage broth

Cabbage decoction is also excellent for children and adults from coughing. It is quite easy to prepare it at home.

To do this, wash and cut into pieces 2 medium-sized cabbage leaves, and then boil them in 500 ml of water for 10-15 minutes. After that, the broth is drained, cooled and taken 1 tablespoon 3 times a day.

Children can add half a spoonful of honey each time.

You can cook cabbage broth in a slightly different way.

To do this, you need to take a small fresh head of cabbage and cut a stump out of it. Then put it in a saucepan with water and cook until the cabbage is soft. Then this broth is cooled and a little honey is added to it.

Such a remedy is given to children with a dry cough at night for half a glass during the week. As a result, a hacking cough of a catarrhal-inflammatory nature recedes, pain and burning in the trachea disappears and sleep normalizes.

However, it must be remembered that such a decoction contraindicated with diarrhea, bloating and liver diseases, tk. has a weak choleretic property. If the cough does not go away within a week after this treatment, you should immediately consult a doctor.

cabbage juice

Cabbage juice is an effective throat gargle

An excellent therapeutic effect for dry cough also gives cabbage juice.

It is used to gargle with a strong hacking cough. You can combine cabbage juice with beetroot.

To prepare this remedy, take a clean head of cabbage and beets in the amount of 3-4 pieces.

Vegetables need to be grated on a fine grater or chopped in a blender, and then 1 tablespoon of 6% apple cider vinegar is added to the resulting slurry. The finished mixture is removed in a dark place for 2 hours.

After the expiration of the prescribed period, it is squeezed out, and the resulting juice is used to gargle. You can also take this remedy inside, but first it should be diluted with water in a ratio of one to one.

Cabbage leaf treatment during pregnancy

With special care, you need to treat cough with cabbage leaves and honey during pregnancy, because. during pregnancy, allergic reactions may occur to those foods that were previously tolerated by a woman.

By itself, coughing during pregnancy is highly undesirable, as it leads to tension in the muscles of the abdominal wall and increased intra-abdominal pressure. This can provoke dangerous complications during pregnancy and even miscarriage.

In addition, during pregnancy, taking traditional medicines is always undesirable. It is better, if the condition of a pregnant woman allows it, to be treated with folk remedies, of course, after consulting with a doctor.

Instead of the usual mustard plaster, a cabbage leaf with honey is applied to the back of a woman in exactly the same way, provided that the pregnant woman does not have an allergic reaction to honey and cabbage.

Cabbage is a simple and reliable cough remedy


In conclusion, it should be noted that the cabbage leaf used for coughing has virtually no contraindications, and an allergic reaction to it can occur extremely rarely.

But honey very often causes allergies, especially if a person already has it on other bee products.

Therefore, the treatment of cabbage leaves in combination with honey requires great care and vigilance.

Warm compresses with cabbage leaf and honey should not be done at high body temperature.

Also, these compresses are contraindicated if a person has skin lesions at the intended site of its application.

This tool can cause severe irritation with sores, abrasions, and also aggravate the course of skin diseases. With enlarged lymph nodes, it is also strictly forbidden to use these products.

In addition to its undeniable positive medicinal qualities, cabbage is also quite an affordable product. It can be purchased very inexpensively at the store, and it is best to grow white cabbage in your backyard, combining the useful with the pleasant. Growing cabbage in your own garden, a person will always be sure of its quality, and in the absence of impurities harmful to the body, since he can independently fertilize cabbage only with natural fertilizers.

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