Horse sorrel in folk medicine. Medicinal properties, use and contraindications to the use of horse sorrel. What parts of sorrel are used in medicine

Folk remedies amaze with their variety and ease of use. In every field, in every garden or forest, you can find something that will help in the fight against diseases and their prevention. Today we will talk about the beneficial properties of horse sorrel, as well as contraindications to the use of this plant.

This is a fairly large plant 60-120 cm high with a fleshy erect herbaceous stem. The lower leaves of horse sorrel are large and spread out, triangular in shape, the upper leaves are smaller. Small flowers collected in a narrow inflorescence appear at the height of summer (June - July), and the fruits ripen in late August - early September.

The fruit in the form of a nutlet 4-5 mm in size develops under the "shelter" of the perianth. Due to its rich chemical composition, horse sorrel is often used not only in traditional medicine, but is also in high demand among professional doctors.

The chemical composition of horse sorrel

Fundamentally horse sorrel, anthraquinone derivatives are present, which contain chrysophanoic acid and chrysophanol in their composition. About 15% of substances of the pyrocatechol group were also found, organic acids(oxalic, caffeic), vitamin K, essential oil, iron.

in the leaves contains a large amount of acids, the most useful for humans is ascorbic acid. The leaves also contain carotene. Calcium oxalate can be found in almost all parts of the plant.

Did you know? In its chemical composition, horse sorrel resembles rhubarb, but the content of anthraglycosides in it is less.

The use of horse sorrel in scientific medicine

AT official medicine horse sorrel like medicine used in powder and tincture form. In professional medicine, preparations of horse sorrel prepared on the basis of roots are usually used, since they contain the greatest amount of useful substances.

For the treatment of colitis suspensions with the addition of horse sorrel essential oils are used. Widely used for the treatment of bleeding stomach ulcers, enterocolitis. Horse sorrel is also used for this delicate issue like hemorrhoids.

Due to its bacterial action, sorrel essential oil is part of ointments for healing wounds and abscesses. Used frequently as a laxative.

The use of horse sorrel in folk medicine

The benefits of using horse sorrel have been known for a long time. Our grandmothers have long used root and leafy shoot powder as a laxative, skillfully calculating the dose: in a smaller amount, the agent rather "knits" substances in the intestines, and if taken large dose- acts as a laxative.

This type of laxative is well tolerated by children, however to prepare a baby remedy, you need to use horse sorrel seeds. Often in folk medicine, horse sorrel infusions are used in the treatment of colds and for rinsing oral cavity.

For a long time, our ancestors noticed that the use of horse sorrel root infusion reduces arterial pressure, and on the basis of this, research began at Tomsk University that confirmed this effect of horse sorrel.

Hemostatic and blood forming properties of horse sorrel have found their application in the treatment of various skin diseases: infusions from the plant are used for various lotions for purulent wounds.

It is good to use horse sorrel at colds because it has a very strong expectorant effect.

For oral disinfection horse sorrel powder is used, which is rubbed into the gums or rinsed with a decoction of the root or infusion of horse sorrel leaves.

Patients with eczema, psoriasis or other skin conditions use this miracle plant for rubbing the skin, lotions.

Children are often bathed in baths containing horse sorrel leaves as they have an antibacterial effect.

Important! When using any of the traditional medicine, including horse sorrel, you need to consult a doctor!

Collection and preparation of raw materials from horse sorrel

Now that we know how horse sorrel is useful, it's time to figure out how to procure raw materials. For medical procedures absolutely all parts of the plant are suitable - from roots to fruits.

Raw materials are harvested after the upper part of the plant is ready to "retire", that is, in early autumn. In order for your mini-production to be "wasteless", before harvesting the roots and leaves, you need to collect seeds and fruits.

It's best to dry them out a bit. outdoors(2-3 days) or 10 minutes in the oven at a low temperature and store in a separate, well-protected place from domestic insects. After the fruits and seeds are collected, you can start harvesting the roots.

This process is the most important and one of the most difficult. It is necessary to carefully dig up the plant, shake off the earth from the rhizome and immediately cut off the damaged or diseased roots.

Thick roots are cut lengthwise and placed to dry with the cut side up, while thin and long roots are cut across and placed in a dryer or dried in a place with good ventilation.

Did you know? Checking the "readiness" of the root can be very simple: if the root bends easily, but does not break, it is ready.

You can store harvested raw materials for no more than 3 years. It is better to use the root of an already adult, well-developed plant. However, from one place the root can be dug out once every 3-5 years.

Recipes based on horse sorrel

Preparing "drugs" from horse sorrel is very simple, and most importantly, everything you need can be found at home. Consider the simplest and most versatile cooking recipes medicinal products from sorrel.

Recipe #1

Very popular is horse sorrel ointment, which is prepared from plant root powder and animal fat. These two components must be mixed in equal proportions and the ointment should be applied to the damaged areas of the skin.

Important!Before applying the ointment, you need to conduct a test: first smear a healthy area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin and wait 1 hour. If no traces of allergy are found, the product can be used.

Recipe #2

Infusions and decoctions can be prepared from both the root and the leaves. For example, 300 g of dried and chopped lemon should be poured with 3 liters of water and simmered over low heat, stirring constantly.

Cook for 20 minutes, then remove from heat, strain. You can use such a decoction with sugar, using it as tea leaves. Such a decoction will be effective for hypertension, gastric disorders.

Recipe #3

"Alcoholic horse sorrel" is very popular. This tincture is often used for arthritis. Two whole roots of the plant must be put in a two-liter jar and poured with a liter of vodka (it is better to use moonshine).

The solution should be infused for three weeks. Sore spots are rubbed with this liquid; after rubbing, the place must be well "insulated". For particularly severe pain, you can apply a compress to the sore spot.

Recipe #4

Infusions and decoctions of the leaves are used for douching in the treatment of " women's issues", as well as for gargling with sore throats and rinsing the mouth.

Such an infusion is prepared according to the principle of tea brewing: the leaves are poured with boiling water and infused for 3-4 hours until the state of strong tea brewing. It is necessary to apply such a solution a little warm, it is advisable to use it immediately and do not store it in the refrigerator.

Recipe number 5

Popular is the use of seeds for the treatment of diseases gastrointestinal tract. A teaspoon of seeds (only collected from the plant, not purchased!) Chew thoroughly with a glass of boiled water.

The benefits of sorrel are known Slavic peoples a long time ago: who doesn't love the famous soup seasoned with sour cream? Everyone knows that sorrel is useful, but not everyone will answer which organs it has beneficial action. When did this plant appear in gourmet dishes and why should you definitely eat it?

plant history

The benefits of sorrel for the body first became apparent to the French. On the tables of noble bourgeois and even kings, this plant began to appear from the 12th century. Eastern Slavs, on the other hand, for a long time considered this grass unsuitable for food and weeded out like a weed.

It is noteworthy that this "weed" really has a high resistance: it grows almost all over the world. Of the 200 species, only two can actually be eaten - horse sorrel and sour sorrel.

Cooks quickly adapted themselves and invented not only sorrel soup, but also all kinds of recipes for salads, pancakes, and also learned how to make stuffing for pies from the plant.

The masters of traditional medicine did not stand aside either. After long experiments and observations, they found that this plant helps fight many diseases. Among people, homemade recipes based on sorrel, which are used for various ailments, immediately began to spread. Why is sorrel considered such a useful product?


The benefits of sorrel for the body is beyond doubt. First of all, it is a dietary product. It is great for maintaining a protein diet, because this “weed” really has more proteins than carbohydrates or fats.

The benefits of sorrel are due to its rich vitamin composition, which includes:

  • provitamin A;
  • vitamin C;
  • B vitamins;
  • vitamin E;
  • vitamin RR.

This vitamin cocktail It is also supplemented with such useful minerals as potassium and magnesium. Sorrel leaves contain calcium, iron, phosphorus, sodium. And of course, one cannot fail to mention a number of organic acids: coffee, oxalic, citric and malic. This plant is rich in flavonoids and tannins.

This whole long list of useful components that make up oxal leaves determines many of the beneficial properties that they have.

What diseases does it treat?

horse sorrel, the benefits and harms of which are being discussed not only by traditional healers, but also by physicians, are readily used in everyday life as a means of dealing with many problems:

  1. Cholecystitis, liver dysfunction. Oxal leaves, rich in chrysophanoic acid, stimulate the liver, as well as the process of bile production.
  2. Bowel dysfunction. All the same chrysophanoic acid can effectively get rid of constipation. But the tannins of the plant save in some cases from diarrhea.
  3. Bleeding. Sorrel leaves are excellent at stopping bleeding. They can be applied externally to the wound, and when internal bleeding it is better to take it internally in the form of decoctions.
  4. Furuncles, dermatitis. The plant's unique sap is suitable for processing skin: it accelerates the healing of ulcers and the resorption of boils. Oxalic juice will also help with dermatitis.
  5. Menstrual and climacteric syndromes. The Persian scientist Avicenna suggested using oxalic decoctions a few days before the onset of menstruation in order to reduce their soreness and profusion. Such decoctions are also suitable for treatment climacteric syndrome, reducing nervousness and eliminating many unpleasant symptoms menopause.

Folk recipes

How cholagogue, as well as a remedy for constipation, oxalic juice is good, which must be drunk 3 times a day for a tablespoon. Also, to normalize the stool, you can use a decoction from the rhizome of the plant. The broth is prepared according to a standard recipe: a tablespoon of chopped herbs must be poured hot water(250 ml) and boil for half an hour; then insist, strain and drink a quarter cup 3 times a day.

The benefits of sorrel in menopausal and menstrual syndrome become apparent if you drink sorrel broth in higher doses - 100 ml each half an hour before breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Few people know, but oxalic juice is also effective for rhinitis and sinusitis. A few drops in each nostril can be dripped and a decoction of sorrel root.

Sorrel will save you from rheumatism alcohol tincture. To prepare it, 20 g of oxal rhizome is enough to pour 10-15 ml of vodka. 10 days you need to insist the mixture in a dark and warm place, and then strain and take 20 drops several times a day a few minutes before meals.

Sorrel - a blood-purifying plant

The benefit of horse sorrel lies in its ability to purify the blood. This property of the plant will come in handy for any disease, from allergies to dysentery. Blood purified and enriched with vitamins will speed up the process of recovery from any disease.

A decoction for blood purification is prepared quite simply: it is enough to pour 1 tablespoon of the crushed plant into 2 cups hot water and then simmer for 10 minutes. The broth is infused for an hour, while the vessel in which it will stand should be covered with a towel. Before use, strain the infusion.

You need to drink oxalic decoction 15 minutes before meals, preferably 4 times a day, a quarter cup.

Sorrel: benefit and harm. Contraindications

For the use of everyone, even the most useful product there are always contraindications. So is sorrel: benefits and harms, this plant also has contraindications.

In the spring, when the first leaves appear on the beds, the level of oxalic acid in them is low. Therefore, the plant is not dangerous for the kidneys. But the older the leaves, the more oxalic acid they contain. Getting into large quantities in the human body, it enters into chemical reaction with calcium and is deposited in the kidneys in the form of stones and sand.

Also high content acids in this plant makes sorrel excluded from the diet of all those people who are sick with gastritis, ulcers or suffer from hyperacidity stomach. It is not recommended for pregnant women to eat.

Nutritionists tend to assume that heat-treated oxalic acid is difficult for the body to process. Therefore, sorrel is still more useful fresh.

Horse sorrel, the benefits and harms of which are discussed by nutritionists, has been eaten since ancient times, not only by the French. Greeks, Dutch, Germans, Bulgarians are also addicted to a plant with sourness.

In Russia, the plant began to be added to dishes only in the 16th century. Moreover, people did not call it sorrel: following the example of their ancestors, the Eastern Slavs continued to mention the plant in their speech as “wild beet” or “meadow apple”.

Due to the fact that its leaves resemble a spear in Latin, the plant is called Rumex.

Sorrel, the benefits and contraindications for the use of which have not yet been fully studied, still remains a regular on our dinner table. It should be consumed in any case, but preferably fresh, while observing the norm.

Common and horse sorrel, medicinal properties and the contraindications of which we will consider, botanists refer to the extensive buckwheat family. Representatives of this family grow on all continents. They have a pleasant sour taste and have long been popular in cooking and folk medicine.

Russian linguists believe that the word "sorrel" goes back to the Old Slavonic ščavь, consonant with the concept of "shchi", because juicy sour grass is an indispensable component of this old stew. In everyday life, this plant is often called "sour", "sour", "sour", "sour" and other consonant words indicating its original sour taste.

Sorrel: what is it

One and a half hundred species of such a plant are found on all continents. Most of them are useless weeds. The leaves of sorrel (common) and horse sorrel are suitable for food.

It's not hard to find them herbaceous plant with an elongated stem. At first, only a rosette of leaves collected at the root appears. Later flower shoots are released. The leaves are shaped like a spear blade. And if in an ordinary sorrel they are the size of a palm, then in a horse they are 3-4 times larger

Color: from pale green to deep emerald, and the horse also has reddish streaks.

Recently, a breeding (artificially bred) variety has become popular - spinach.

Juicy greens with sourness in cooking

Common sorrel is cultivated for garden cultivation, while horse sorrel is not so popular - most often it is harvested in a meadow, forest glades, and edges. The first one has a bright sour taste, the second one does not feel so bright, there is a slight bitterness.

Combine ordinary sorrel with horse sorrel in dishes: each of them will bring its own flavor to the culinary work.

Fresh horse sorrel is rarely eaten - it is bitter. But dried to taste is simply incomparable.

In Armenia, for example, aveluk (horse sorrel) is harvested in a special way- weave fresh leaves into braids, leaving them to dry in the fresh air. Fermentation occurs, due to which the bitterness goes away, and original taste remains.

Aveluk is then soaked in several waters and used for salads, first and second courses.

Sorrel leaves give a recognizable flavor green soups, botviniam, vegetable snacks. it delicious stuffing for pies, pies. Baked fish is especially good with this herb. The acid of the plant is similar in its action to citric acid - it makes meat or fish softer, more tender.

The most useful, tasty, juicy leaves of a young plant that has not yet released arrows. In aging leaves, acidity rapidly increases, they themselves are more rigid.

If you are still preparing a dish from old leaves, add 1 g of crushed school chalk (only white!) Per kilogram of leaves when cooking: oxalic acid will react with chalk and precipitate.

Composition secrets

Thanks to its useful components, sorrel occupies a worthy place among medicinal plants. Its leaves contain vitamins A, B, C, K, PP, E. It is rich in sugar, proteins, starch, carotene, resin, fiber and tannins.

The plant can “boast” of a large assortment of microelements necessary for human health:

  • potassium;
  • calcium;
  • iron;
  • copper;
  • manganese;
  • molybdenum;
  • magnesium;
  • sodium;
  • boron;
  • titanium;
  • nickel;
  • phosphorus;
  • fluorine;
  • zinc.

It also abounds in organic acids, including pyrogallic, coffee, gallic, tartaric, malic, citric, and oxalic acids.

The benefits of sorrel for the human body

Due to the impressive amount of vitamins sorrel is effective in the fight against beriberi. Entering it into diet, can improve the functioning of the liver and gallbladder. In experimental studies, it was found that the plant has antibacterial and antitumor activity. The sap of the plant is often used for medicinal purposes.

Sorrel has long been in demand for diseases such as:

  • scurvy;
  • allergy accompanied by skin itching;
  • angina;
  • dysentery;
  • hemoptysis;
  • inflammation of the gums;
  • scabies;
  • lichen.

Who is harmful to use sorrel?

The danger of oxalic acid is that it affects the process salt metabolism in the body, causing a decrease in blood clotting, stimulating the central nervous system and blocking the urinary tract.

This is fraught with the occurrence of dangerous nephritis, urinary retention, uremia. Therefore, sorrel in any form is absolutely unacceptable for people with a tendency to urolithiasis and cholelithiasis. Patients with an imbalance of salt metabolism in the body should also forget about it.

Horse sorrel: benefits and contraindications

All components are suitable as healing raw materials: from the root to the seeds.. They contain organic acids, tannins, essential oils, resins, vitamins, microelements in different proportions.

Sorrel infusions, decoctions, powders, ointments have the following actions:

  • astringent;
  • antihelminthic;
  • hemostatic;
  • wound healing bactericidal;
  • antiscorbutic.

These funds are both effective as laxatives and fixatives (depending on the dosage).

  • anemia;
  • gallbladder;
  • colitis.

Eating a plant despite all its healing properties should not be consumed excessively and daily. It promotes the leaching of calcium from the body, which can lead to osteoporosis, and the formation of kidney stones in people with a tendency to cholelithiasis.


Women in demolition should not get carried away with sorrel.

In cooking only young (spring) leaves of horse sorrel are used: they are pleasant with their sourness and slight bitterness. As the plants mature, these taste qualities become too sharp, even repulsive taste.

  • Among one and a half hundred species of sorrel, only 2 are named according to the country of growth: Russia (Rūmex rōssicus) and Ukraine (Rumex ucranicus).
  • Sorrel soup is mentioned in the holy calendar, where there is a day of Moors-green cabbage soup (May 16). Just by this time, the first leaves were growing, and cabbage soup began to be prepared in the summer way: not from sour cabbage, but from a fresh vitamin product.
  • On the territory of the Russian Federation, this plant is found even in Siberia (Yakutia).
  • There are thickets of a half-meter plant with an area of ​​​​3-5 hectares.

Useful video

The special properties of horse sorrel are interestingly described in this video:

Today, sorrel is cultivated everywhere, in every garden you can find juicy green leaves. Juicy pies with sourness, first and second courses, twists are prepared from the plant. In order not to harm health during use, it is necessary to take into account possible contraindications.

Chemical composition

  1. Of course, the entire value of sorrel lies in its list of valuable elements. Sour grass includes esters, flavonoids, antioxidants, carotene. Together, these enzymes affect the heart muscle, digestive tract, and even the nervous system.
  2. It is difficult not to mention the vitamins of the PP group, thiamine, retinol, riboflavin, beta-carotene, tocopherol and other elements useful for humans. Sorrel is rich in organic acids, in particular tannic, pyrogallic, oxalic, ascorbic.
  3. Minerals in the form of potassium, calcium, iron, phosphorus, sodium, magnesium support the immune system, they are responsible for the beauty of hair, nails and skin.
  4. With such an impressive list, sorrel belongs to low-calorie plants. For 100 gr. grass accounts for only 18 kcal. For this reason, it is useful to eat it for people who are watching their figure.

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The benefits of sorrel for women

  1. During menopause, the female body experiences a sharp surge and, on the contrary, a lack of hormones. With menopause, drinking a small amount of oxalic juice mixed with water in equal amounts fights frequent migraines, uterine bleeding, changes in blood pressure, and “hot flashes”. The psycho-emotional background of a woman is also normalized, irritability and depression are eliminated.
  2. If you experience extreme discomfort during PMS time, accompanied by nervousness, back pain, migraines, sorrel will remove these symptoms. Folic acid, which is part of the plant, helps to cope with the sensations of copious discharge during menstruation, as it increases hemoglobin in the blood.
  3. For the beauty of the skin of the face, it is useful to prepare masks from gruel of sorrel. It is enough to grind the plants with a blender, then apply them in the form of a compress. Thus, you saturate the epidermis with moisture, partially smooth wrinkles, remove dark spots. The mask is famous for its anti-inflammatory and stretching properties.
  4. Most often female doctors prescribe the use of sorrel to girls who are on breastfeeding. The plant increases lactation and improves the quality of milk, it becomes not bitter, moderately thick. At the same time, sorrel strengthens the immunity of not only the mother, but also the newborn baby.
  5. The benefits of oxal leaves have been proven in weight loss. If you wish to discard overweight, it is enough to include a plant with stems in the daily diet. So you get rid of old waste, cleanse the walls of the intestines and stomach from poisons, increase metabolic processes the whole organism.

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The benefits of sorrel for men

  1. The value of sorrel leaves for strong half humanity is due to the chemical composition. Acids, macro- and microelements fight dysfunction genitourinary system: increase blood circulation in the prostate gland, relieve inflammation and pain, protect against infection, eliminate stagnation.
  2. To enhance potency and reproductive function, it is necessary to mix crushed sorrel leaves with honey or melted cane sugar.
  3. If you have infertility, drink sorrel-based juice. In addition, the composition helps to eliminate hangovers, quick withdrawal intoxication, acceleration of the excretion of ethyl alcohol.
  4. Men suffering from alopecia (massive hair loss) are recommended to rub fresh pomace juice based on aloe vera and oxal leaves into the scalp (ratio 1 to 1).

Sorrel for pregnant women: benefits and harms

Despite all the usefulness of sorrel, the plant should be eaten in limited quantities future mothers and ladies on breastfeeding.

  1. A large accumulation of acid of the same name blocks the absorption of calcium. It is known that the element is responsible for the formation bone tissue and the skeleton of the future baby, as well as the heart muscle of a woman.
  2. To neutralize the effect of oxalic acid, combine fresh leaves of the plant with acidic dairy products. For example, prepare a salad and season it with sour cream. Mix sorrel gruel with whey or tan. Thus, you will exclude the accumulation of acid in the body.
  3. It is useful to eat sorrel if the expectant or newly-made mother has a sore throat. The plant quickly reduces fever and strengthens the immune system. Sorrel leaves eliminate constipation and diarrhea, fight diseases of the liver and intestines.
  4. If you are taking a course of drugs that include a large amount of calcium, it is useful to eat wild sorrel. It is perfectly absorbed by the body and will contribute to the absorption of the element from drugs.
  5. Girls in a position who have been identified urolithiasis disease, gout and gastrointestinal upset, you should not eat sorrel. You will only create a strong load on the liver, provoke neoplasms on the gastric mucosa and endanger the kidneys.

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Sorrel harm

  1. Gastroenterologists unanimously say that you should not eat sorrel with pancreatitis. This rule applies not only to the exacerbation of the disease, but also to remission. If you neglect the recommendation, acids will attack the pancreatic mucosa and provoke a complication of the disease.
  2. Oxalic acid, which is responsible for the sourness in the composition of the plant, provokes the accumulation of salts of the same acid in the body. Oxalates form sand and kidney stones gallbladder. If you have solid neoplasms in the listed internal organs, refuse to use the leaves.
  3. Sorrel promotes the accelerated production of acid in the stomach, thereby provoking the appearance of gastritis or ulcers. If you have already encountered these ailments, you should not eat green grass.

It has been proven that sorrel leaves are not only tasty, but also beneficial for human body. Most often, the use of the plant is recommended for people with digestive disorders and sexual dysfunction, girls during menstruation, men after 45 years.

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Video: how to prepare sorrel for the winter

In the article we discuss horse sorrel. You will learn what the plant looks like and where it is found. We will tell you how horse sorrel is useful for diabetes, hemorrhoids, epicondylitis and diarrhea. Following our advice, you will learn how to brew tea, prepare drops, extract and tincture of horse sorrel.

horse sorrel

Horse sorrel is a weedy herbaceous plant of the Buckwheat family (lat. Polygonaceae). The Latin name is Rumex confertus. Other names are horse sour, hernia moth, frog sour, aveluk, thick sorrel.

What does it look like

Spring view (photo) of horse sorrelHer sorrel grass has a thick, slightly branched rhizome. Its length is from 10 to 25 cm. It has many adventitious roots. See how horse sorrel root looks in the photo.

The stems of the plant are erect, glabrous and furrowed. The height of the shoots reaches 150 cm, the thickness is 2 cm.

The lower leaves are triangular-ovate with a heart-shaped base. The length of the leaf plate reaches 25 cm, width - up to 13 cm. The apical leaves are pointed, ovate-lanceolate with small hard hairs.

Small flowers of horse sorrel are collected in whorled inflorescences - thyrsus. The flowers consist of six petals of a greenish-yellow hue. The plant blooms from May to June.

The fruits are brown oval-shaped nuts enclosed in a tricuspid perianth. Fruit length - from 4 to 7 mm. The plant bears fruit from June to July. Ripe nuts fall in winter.

You have learned what horse sorrel looks like. Now we will tell you where the plant is found and what type of soil it prefers.

Where does it grow

The horse sorrel plant prefers moist soil. It develops on silty soils with short-term flooding. Does not tolerate waterlogging.

Where to find horse sorrel? It is found in river valleys, forest edges, clearings, ravines and waste places. Grows in forest, forest-steppe and steppe zones.

Horse sorrel grows both single specimens and large groups plants. Often you can find extensive dense thickets of weeds.

Distributed throughout the territory of the CIS countries. It does not grow only in the regions of the Far North.

horse sorrel root

As a medicinal raw material, leaves, flowers and fruits of horse sorrel, most often the rhizome, are used. Based on parts of the plant, infusions and decoctions are prepared at home. In pharmacies, you can buy ready-made pharmaceutical preparations with horse sorrel. In medicine, horse sorrel roots are most often used.

Chemical composition

The chemical composition of horse sorrel:

  • tannins;
  • anthraquinone;
  • flavonoids;
  • essential oil;
  • vitamin C;
  • routine;
  • carotene;
  • organic acids;
  • iron;
  • calcium oxalate;
  • vitamin K;
  • resins.

Medicinal properties

The medicinal properties and contraindications of horse sorrel are chemical composition plants. Due to the rich composition, the plant has antibacterial, hemostatic and astringent effects.

Horse sorrel is used to treat diseases of the gastrointestinal tract a. It normalizes digestion, enhances the production gastric juice and eliminates inflammatory processes in the body.

Horse sorrel has an analgesic effect for rheumatism, muscle and tendon strain. Means based on it are used externally for wound healing, treatment of skin diseases and varicose veins.

You have learned what horse sorrel helps with. Now we will tell you how to prepare and store medicinal raw materials.

How to collect

The rhizome of horse sorrel is harvested after the complete flowering of the aerial part of the plant. It is dug up, cleared of the earth and cut into pieces. Before drying horse sorrel, the raw material is washed under running water.

Leaves and flowers are harvested throughout the growing season, fruits - from August to late autumn. Dried medicinal raw materials under a canopy at a temperature not exceeding 50 degrees.

Store dry horse sorrel in cloth bags or paper bags in a ventilated area. Shelf life of raw materials - up to 2 years.

You have learned how and when to harvest horse sorrel. Now we will tell you how to use raw materials for the preparation of medicines.

How to apply

Decoctions, infusions and tinctures are made from horse sorrel. Horse sorrel is used in folk and traditional medicine. On the basis of medicinal raw materials, infusions, decoctions, drops, extracts are prepared at home.

Plant-based products are used as an antidiarrheal drug for the treatment of adults and children. In small doses, horse sorrel stops diarrhea, in large doses it exhibits laxative properties. Therefore, horse sorrel for diarrhea should be taken strictly according to the instructions, without exceeding the dosage.

With the help of horse sorrel in folk medicine, they treat gynecological diseases. A decoction and infusion of the plant is used for douching. It has anti-inflammatory, disinfectant and hemostatic effects.

Horse sorrel extract is used externally to treat skin diseases. The remedy effectively eliminates a headache if applied with massage movements to the temple area.

Horse sorrel infusion is used to treat diseases of the mouth and throat. Rinsing with medicinal solution effectively eliminate inflammation, sore throat, cough and runny nose.

Decoction for diarrhea (in adults and children)

A decoction of horse sorrel has an astringent and antidiarrheal effect. The roots of the plant are used to make the remedy. We will tell you how to brew horse sorrel for diarrhea in adults.


  1. Water - 250 ml.

How to cook: Rinse and clean the sorrel root, cut it into small pieces and pour boiling water over it. Place the pot over medium heat, bring to a boil and simmer for 10 minutes. Remove from heat, cover and leave for at least an hour. Strain the cooled broth through cheesecloth.

How to apply: Take 70 ml of decoction 3 times a day. A decoction of horse sorrel for diarrhea for adults must be taken strictly according to the prescribed dosage. Maximum daily rate- 230 ml.

Result: Effectively stops diarrhea and has a hemostatic effect in bloody diarrhea.

Herbal decoction is used to treat diarrhea in children from 8 years of age. To prepare a children's remedy, use the leaves and fruits of the plant or double the water content in the broth to get a less concentrated drink. Consider a horse sorrel recipe for diarrhea for children based on the fruits of the plant.


  1. Sorrel fruits - 1 tablespoon.
  2. Water - 250 ml.

How to cook: Pour boiling water over the sorrel fruits, place the container over medium heat and bring to a boil. Boil the liquid for 10 minutes, remove from heat, cover and leave for at least an hour. Strain the decoction through cheesecloth.

How to apply: Take ½ tablespoon up to 3 times daily.

Result: Horse sorrel for children from diarrhea effectively stops diarrhea, has anti-inflammatory and astringent effects.

Hemorrhoid tincture

Horse sorrel tincture for hemorrhoids is prepared with vodka, alcohol or purified moonshine. Consider the recipe for a drink on vodka.


  1. Horse sorrel root - 2 tablespoons.
  2. Water - 8 tablespoons.

How to cook: Rinse and grind the horse sorrel root, pour vodka and close the lid tightly. insist on room temperature within 14 days. Strain the finished product through a multilayer gauze.

How to apply: Take 20 drops 3 times a day before meals.

Result: Horse sorrel tincture for hemorrhoids eliminates pain, normalizes blood circulation in the pelvic organs and has a hemostatic effect in rectal bleeding.

Infusion for diabetes

Horse sorrel at diabetes include in the diet fresh or in the form of infusion. Despite the fact that the plant reduces blood glucose levels, it is necessary to consult a specialist before using it so as not to harm the body. Consider the recipe for infusion for diabetes.


  1. Horse sorrel root - 1 tablespoon.
  2. Horse sorrel seeds - 1 tablespoon.
  3. Water - 250 ml.

How to cook: Rinse and grind the root of the plant, add the seeds and pour a glass of boiling water. Cover with a lid, warm with a towel and infuse the product for at least 2 hours.

How to apply: Take 1 tablespoon 15-20 minutes before meals.

Result: Infusion of horse sorrel in diabetes effectively lowers blood sugar levels, normalizes blood pressure and metabolism.

Powder for epicondylitis

For the treatment of epicondylitis, horse sorrel root powder is used. Based on it, an ointment is made for external use, combining it with animal fat. The tool heals wounds and helps with sprains of muscles and ligaments. Consider a recipe for a powder from the roots of a plant.


  1. Horse sorrel root - 50 gr.

How to cook: Rinse the root of the plant under running water, clean it and cut into pieces. Grind them in a coffee grinder to a powder.

How to apply: Take 0.25 gr. powder 3 times a day with 1 glass warm water.

Result: Horse sorrel with epicondylitis eliminates inflammatory process and has an analgesic effect. On the late stage diseases to enhance therapeutic effect additionally, a powder-based ointment is used.

You have learned that horse sorrel heals. Consider the recipes for the main dosage forms based on the plant.

Horse sorrel forms

On the basis of horse sorrel, many products can be prepared both for external use and for oral administration. Consider the main dosage forms based on the plant.


In pharmacies, you can buy ready-made horse sorrel extract or cook it at home. It is used to treat thrombophlebitis, varicose veins and work disorders. of cardio-vascular system and gastrointestinal tract.


  1. Horse sorrel root - 10 gr.
  2. Horse sorrel flowers - 10 gr.
  3. Olive oil - 60 ml.

How to cook: Wash the roots and flowers of the plant, dry them with a towel. Grind medicinal raw materials in a coffee grinder to a powder consistency. Warm up in a water bath olive oil add the powder and stir. Simmer the product for 10 minutes on minimum heat, remove from the stove and let it brew under the lid for at least an hour. Strain the finished extract through a cotton-gauze filter and store in the refrigerator.

How to apply: Take 1 teaspoon 3 times a day. Use an extract for external use when varicose veins veins. Apply the product with massage movements on the affected skin 2-3 times a day for 1 month.

Result: Plant extract lowers blood pressure, normalizes blood circulation, eliminates blood clots and normalizes digestion.


Both water infusions and alcohol-containing tinctures are made from horse sorrel. Above, we considered a recipe for making a vodka-based product. Now we will tell you how to make a drink on alcohol. Consider the recipe for the preparation of horse sorrel tincture and instructions for using the product.


  1. Horse sorrel root - 20 gr.
  2. Alcohol - 50 ml.
  3. Sugar - 1 teaspoon.

How to cook: Rinse and grind the root of the plant, cover it with sugar and pour alcohol. Close the lid tightly, shake the container and store in a dark place for 2 weeks. Filter the finished drink.

How to apply: Take 20 drops up to 3 times a day before meals.

Result: Infusion of horse sorrel on alcohol lowers blood pressure, cleanses the blood and normalizes digestion.


Horse sorrel tea is made from the leaves and flowers of the plant. The drink is taken for the prevention and treatment of helminthiasis and indigestion.


  1. Horse sorrel leaves - 20 gr.
  2. Water - 500 ml.

How to cook: Rinse horse sorrel leaves under running water, pour boiling water over them and cover with a lid. Infuse the drink for 15 minutes.

How to apply: Take 1 glass of drink 3 times a day before meals.


Horse sorrel drops are used to treat rheumatism, disorders of the digestive system and uterine bleeding. The tool is used to rinse the mouth with stomatitis, gingivitis and periodontitis.


  1. Horse sorrel leaves - 40 gr.
  2. Water - 200 ml.

How to cook: Wash the leaves of the plant and grind them in a blender to the consistency of gruel. Squeeze out the juice, add water and put on a minimum fire. Boil the remedy for 5-7 minutes. Remove from stove and cool.

How to apply: Take 15-20 drops up to 3 times a day. To prepare the mouthwash solution, dilute 2 tablespoons of the product in a glass of warm water. Carry out the procedure 3 to 5 times a day.

Result: Drops have anti-inflammatory, disinfectant and healing effects. With regular use, the remedy eliminates pain in muscles and joints.

Horse sorrel during pregnancy

It is strictly contraindicated to consume horse sorrel during pregnancy. This prohibition is associated with the chrysophane and oxalic acids contained in the plant. They increase the burden on the kidneys and, if consumed excessively, lead to the formation of stones.

During the period of bearing a child, a woman is allowed to use products based on horse sorrel for hair. Herbal decoction is used as a rinse. The tool gives curls a healthy and well-groomed appearance, reduces hair fragility and regulates the oiliness of the scalp.


Before starting treatment with horse sorrel, you should consult with a specialist. It is important to strictly follow the dosage prescribed by the doctor so as not to harm health.

Contraindications to the use of horse sorrel:

  • kidney failure;
  • nephrolithiasis;
  • individual intolerance;
  • gout;
  • period of pregnancy.


Horse sorrel belongs to the genus Sorrel (lat. Rumex), the Buckwheat family (lat. Polygonaceae). The plant belongs to the order Caryophyllales (lat. Caryophyllales), class Dicotyledonous (lat. Dicotyledones), Flowering department (lat. Magnoliophyta).


The genus Sorrel (lat. Rumex) combines more than 150 plant species. The most common of them:

  • common sorrel;
  • curly sorrel;
  • Russian sorrel;
  • horse sorrel;
  • spinach sorrel;
  • small sorrel;
  • curly sorrel;
  • seaside sorrel.

For more information about horse sorrel, see the video:

Horse sorrel infographics

Photo of horse sorrel, its useful properties and application Horse sorrel infographic

What to remember

  1. The beneficial properties of horse sorrel seeds and other parts of the plant lie in their chemical composition. They contain organic acids, vitamins, tannins, flavonoids, essential oil.
  2. On the basis of medicinal raw materials, infusions, decoctions, drops, extracts are prepared at home.
  3. During pregnancy and lactation, the use of products based on horse sorrel is prohibited.

Horse sorrel is a perennial fruit-bearing herbaceous plant. It looks like tall brushes with erect single stems and small flowers. The plant got its name because of its size, and not because horses eat this sorrel. In traditional and folk medicine, all parts of the plant are used. It can be used both internally and externally, and the leaves have been used in cooking. The plant has many useful properties, in particular, it is used for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver and cardiovascular system.

Composition and useful properties

The roots of the plant contain the following elements that benefit the body:

  • flavonoids;
  • chrysophanol and its acid;
  • resins;
  • oxalic, coffee and other organic acids;
  • vitamins (K);
  • tannin components;
  • minerals (potassium, iron, calcium, magnesium);
  • essential oil.

Indications for use

Horse sorrel is known primarily as a plant that copes with hemorrhoids and anal fissures due to laxative, wound healing and hemostatic properties.

In addition, the herb is used for the treatment and prevention various ailments, such as:

  • pathologies of the digestive tract (enterocolitis, colitis, hemocolitis, diarrhea and constipation);
  • anemia;
  • diseases of the gallbladder (cholecystitis, bile stasis) and liver;
  • oncological tumors (uterine cancer);
  • bleeding (uterine, pulmonary, hemorrhoidal);
  • ailments of the cardiovascular system (atherosclerosis, high blood pressure);
  • violations thyroid gland(nodes);
  • pathology of the urinary system (stones in the bladder);
  • skin diseases, wounds, rashes, itching (dermatitis, furunculosis);
  • diseases respiratory tract and oral cavity (tonsillitis, frontal sinusitis, stomatitis).

Traditional medicine recipes

At home, drinks are mainly prepared from roots, leaves and rhizomes (bought at a pharmacy). In recipes for folk remedies, pre-crushed plant roots are used.

The following recipes use herb leaves:

  1. 1. To prepare a decoction to relieve itching, take 1 tbsp. l. leaves and pour boiling water (250 ml), cook for another 10-15 minutes over low heat, after which they let it brew for about 1 hour in a dish wrapped in a towel. Then the drink is filtered and taken 50 ml 3-4 times a day.
  2. 2. Juice is also prepared to eliminate gallbladder diseases, for which raw materials are squeezed through several layers of gauze, after which they drink 1 tbsp. l. The juice is effective for applying to wounds and ulcers.

Horse sorrel medicinal properties and contraindications root photo seeds herb for diarrhea tincture plant use

Latin name Rumex confertus

scientific name horse sorrel

Another name for thick sorrel, horse-breeder.
Kazakh name. Atkunak.

Buckwheat family - Polygonaceae

The generic name Rumex occurs as the name of a plant in Pliny. The Romans called this word one of the types of spears. The name was transferred to the plant because of the spear-like shape of the leaves.

The specific definition of confertus (tightly stuffed, bunched up) is given to the species because of the small flowers collected in a dense inflorescence.

This grass is always in sight. In early spring, a little sun will steam the soil, among the young greenery of meadows and glades it is easy to find red, slightly rumpled leaves, collected in a circle. They will appear like patches on a light mesh of cereals, growing stronger day by day. And when the living gems of bluebells, marianniks, veronicas are full of color, these burly leaves, already green with might and main, will grow to their largest size. It was then that the heroic plant was even more noticeable. Horse sorrel, horse sorrel has long been called by people.

Closer to summer, the stump will rise even higher thanks to a thick, hollow stem. In a short, inconspicuous sorrel blooms, and now the stems are densely covered with seeds. A stud in the thickets of forbs looks like a tight-fitting broom, looms like a pole. By July, the sorrel seeds will turn red. This is how it will wait out the rest of the summer and all autumn, right up to the first snow cover. So it turns out that horse sorrel will never get lost in the herbage, even in the thickest and tallest.


Perennial herbaceous plant of the buckwheat family up to 1.5 m high.

The rhizome is thick, short. The root is underdeveloped, pivotal.

Stem erect, furrowed, branched above.

The leaves are alternate, the lower ones are oblong-triangular-ovate, obtuse, 15-25 cm long, 6-12 cm wide, deeply heart-shaped at the base, slightly wavy along the edges, on petioles grooved above. Upper leaves are smaller. Base of petioles with bells. The lower leaves are large, the stem leaves are small.

The flowers are small, inconspicuous, greenish-yellow, collected in narrowly paniculate, cylindrical, dense racemose inflorescences.

The perianth is simple, and its outer leaves are smaller than the inner ones. Pedicels articulated in the middle or slightly lower; perianth greenish, of 6 leaflets, 6-7 mm long; stamens 6; ovary superior, unilocular, columns 3, filiform, with racemose stigmas. The inner segments of the perianth in fruits are rounded-ovoid; usually one of them with a large nodule

Fruit - trihedral winged, light brown nut.

Blooms in May - June. Ripens in June - July.


(Rumex confertus) is a Euro-Asian species. It is ubiquitous in the European part of Russia, except for the northern regions. The northern border of the range runs from the coast of the Gulf of Finland (somewhat north of Leningrad) through Yaroslavl, Kirov, the upper reaches of the Vyatka and along 60 ° N. sh. crosses the Urals. Isolated localities are noted in the western and southeastern parts of the Kola Peninsula, on the Onega Peninsula and in the lower reaches of the Northern Dvina. In Western Siberia, the boundary falls below 60°N. sh. and only along the Ob valley rises to this latitude.

Sorrel species

There are 49 species of sorrel in the domestic flora, and 23 species in Kazakhstan. Together with horse sorrel, species close to it often grow, which are used only in traditional medicine - water sorrel and curly sorrel. Water sorrel - R. aquaticus L. differs from horse sorrel in the shape of leaves and the absence of nodules on the outer perianth lobes. Widespread than horse sorrel; grows in the European part of Russia, Western and Eastern Siberia and the Far East. Curly sorrel-R. crispus L. is distinguished by leaves wavy along the edge, wedge-shaped narrowed towards the base. It grows in the European part of Russia (except for the northernmost regions), in Central Asia and the Far East, occasionally found in Siberia.
In medicine, rhizomes with horse sorrel roots are used.

Agricultural technology

Cultivation practices. In culture, it proved to be an undemanding plant. In the year of sowing, the plants form a powerful rosette with a large root collar. Renewal buds tolerate winter well and begin to grow in early spring. In the second year of life, sorrel goes through all phases of development, blooms in late June, July; reaches a height of 143 cm and gives a relatively high yield of green mass - up to 112 kg / ha,


Propagated by seeds and vegetatively; one plant brings up to 2500-4000 fruits with membranous perianth, which are carried by water over considerable distances. Seed germination is 80 -100% (8). Average weight"root" reaches 0.3-0.5 kg.

Horse sorrel can easily be introduced into the culture. Its seeds germinate better with a shallow (1-2 cm) incorporation; the plant develops well in open, lit areas, blooms in the third year. The average weight of rhizomes by the time of the first flowering reaches about 185.8 g; productivity - up to 3.19 t/ha.

Chemical composition

Active ingredients

Contains organic acids, essential oil, vitamins C, B 1 , B 2 , E, K, PP, carotene, tannins (8-30%), anthraquinones.

Carbohydrates, organic acids, essential oil (0.2%), saponins, alkaloids, vitamin K, phenolcarboxylic acids, catechins, tannins (4.6-16.9%), anthocyanins (5%), leukoanthocyanins, anthraquinones (0.86-3.16%).

Caffeic acid, flavonoids (8.15%), including rutin (1.4%); anthraquinones. The stems contain tannins (1.5%); in the leaves - calcium oxalate (5%), nitrogen-containing substances, including proteins (12.7%), fats (2%), fiber (27%); iron (0.2%), vitamins C, K, PP, carotene, tannins (2-7%), rutin. The flowers contain tannins (8.25%), vitamin C, rutin (2.5%), the fruits contain calcium oxalate (1.2%), essential oil (0.05%), vitamins C, K, carotene , anthracenes, catechins, tannins (6-7.36%), flavonoids (1.6%), anthraquinones (1.08-1.22%).

The roots contain up to 4% anthraquinone derivatives (chrysophanoic acid, emodin), as well as tannins (8-15%), caffeic acid, calcium oxalate, vitamin K, rutin, essential oil, resins, iron compounds.

All parts of the plant contain large amounts of calcium oxalate.


From the extract of roots and rhizomes, black and yellow textile dyes are obtained, which, after iron stain, give a pleasant black color. The rhizome is used for tanning leather. A decoction of the fruit is effective in treating diarrhea in calves and piglets. They are fed to large cattle, sheep, horses, rabbits and poultry. The fruits are good food for poultry

With the exception of sour sorrel, a popular wild and garden vegetable, all other members of the Rumex genus are not only of little edibility for humans, but are often not even suitable for livestock feed. Apparently, the main reason lies in strong tanning agents, which scare animals away from juicy green bushes. Only pigs feast on mighty grass, they eat alpine, and sour, and dull, and curly sorrel - the stomach of sow is much more illegible in food.

Horses almost never eat horse sorrel, and the grass's nickname hints at something completely different. The word "horse" in common parlance defines its height.

In veterinary medicine, the fruits and roots are prescribed for diarrhea in calves, for the treatment of scabies and other skin diseases.

Horse sorrel is used in gardening, used against aphids, mites, cruciferous bugs. 300 g of finely chopped roots, harvested in autumn, are poured with 10 liters of warm water, insisted for 2-3 hours, filtered, then trees and shrubs are sprayed.

Fresh young leaves and shoots are edible. Salads and cabbage soup are prepared from them. A mixture of flowers and young fruits, collected by sniffing the tops of plants, served as a food surrogate in the famine years, flour was made from it, which was added to grain for baking bread and cakes.

medicinal use

Mainly used in the treatment of gastrointestinal intestinal diseases and liver diseases.

Collection and processing of medicinal raw materials

Medicinal raw materials are rhizomes, roots and fruits.

The leaves are harvested in May - June.

The fruits are harvested by hand and air dried.

Roots - Its rhizomes with roots are dug up with shovels in the fall (September - October), after the death of the above-ground mass, they are cleaned of adhering earth, the stems are cut off and immediately washed in cold water. Thick rhizomes are cut lengthwise. When harvesting raw materials, rhizomes of large, more productive specimens should be dug up, leaving young plants to restore thickets. In the same place, you can harvest rhizomes no more than 3-5 years later. It is best to harvest sorrel raw materials where hayfields are cleared of this plant.

Drying. The collected raw materials are dried in attics under an iron roof or under sheds with good ventilation or in dryers at a temperature of 50-60 °, spreading thin layer(3-5 cm) and periodically turning over. Dry the roots until brittle.

raw materials consist of dry whole or cut along longitudinally wrinkled rhizomes with roots not less than 3 cm long and 2-10 cm thick, brown on the outside, yellow-orange inside.
The smell is weak. The taste is bitter, tart. In raw materials, it is allowed: rhizomes with stem residues - no more than 5%, crushed parts - no more than 2%, organic impurities - no more than 1%, mineral - no more than 0.5%.

Keep 3 years.

Application in official and traditional medicine

Horse sorrel medicinal properties

Sorrel preparations have astringent, laxative, choleretic, antipruritic, antihelminthic, hemostatic and anti-inflammatory effects. Astringent or laxative properties depend on the dose of the drug. An effective laxative for intestinal atony. It is used as an astringent for diarrhea, spastic and chronic colitis. Small - render astringent action and eliminate diarrhea, large ones act as a laxative, so they are used for constipation that has arisen on the soil chronic inflammation mucous membrane of the large and small intestines, hemorrhoids and fissures anus. The laxative effect of the root or fruits of sorrel occurs after 10-12 hours. As a laxative, the pounded roots are prescribed at night in a dose of 0.5-1 g per dose. An antidiarrheal effect is observed when taking the powder at a dose of 0.25 g 3 times a day.

It is noted that a decoction of sorrel roots has a detrimental effect on the dysentery bacillus. To prepare it, 2 tablespoons of raw materials are poured into 1 glass of hot water, boiled for 30 minutes, cooled for 10 minutes, filtered and squeezed.

To obtain an antidiarrheal effect, take 1/3 cup 2 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals. The same dose provides antihelminthic and hemostatic effect. A laxative effect is observed after taking at least 1/2 cup of decoction at night. The same decoction is used for rinsing the mouth with inflammatory and ulcerative processes. It is used externally to treat eczema.

Included in the fees used for anacid gastritis, hemorrhoids, cracks anus, with papillomatosis Bladder, kidney diseases, scabies, as an anthelmintic and antiscorbutic agent.

In Germany, sorrel preparations are prescribed for diseases of the upper respiratory tract, cough, runny nose, frontal sinusitis, etc. Infusions and herb extracts are used for anemia with simultaneous dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract, enterocolitis, and dyspepsia in children. They have a hemostatic, hypotensive effect in hypertension I and II degree (50-60 drops 3 times a day before meals), bacteriostatic action against dysentery bacteria. Herbal infusions are used for rinsing with ulcerative stomatitis, gingivitis, they drink with liver disease, uterine, pulmonary, hemorrhoidal bleeding, for the treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis and alcoholism.

An aqueous extract from the roots has a vasoconstrictive activity. water infusion and alcohol tincture can be used for pellagra and childhood dyspepsia, in the experiment the drugs had anti-inflammatory and vasoconstrictive properties, caused inhibition of tumor growth, and enhanced the effect of radiation therapy for sarcoma.

Aerial parts (in place with green fruits) are prescribed for dysentery, colitis and enterocolitis (as antihelminthic), hemorrhoids, as a hemostatic agent for pulmonary and throat bleeding. In small doses, they are used as a choleretic reflex in cholecystitis and hepatocholecystitis. fresh leaves applied to ulcers, tumors, boils, they have a high antiscorbutic activity.

Water and alcohol extracts from ripe fruits lower blood pressure and have a calming effect. it effective remedy therapy of intestinal diseases (dysentery, colitis, acute and chronic dyspepsia) - They are also used externally for eczema. Ineffective in ulcerative, gastrogenic colitis, diarrhea of ​​various origins.

Fresh leaves are applied to boils, ulcers and purulent wounds.

Horse sorrel is part of M. N. Zdrenko's mixture, used for bladder papillomatosis and anacid gastritis.

Recipes for various diseases

Collection 1. Pour 2 tablespoons of horse sorrel roots with 0.5 liters of boiling water and cook in a water bath for 30 minutes. In small doses, this remedy has an astringent effect, and in large doses, it has a laxative effect, acting 10-12 hours after ingestion. For constipation, drink 1 glass at night. A lower dose will not work.

Colitis, diarrhea, hemorrhoids

Collection 1. Pour 2 tablespoons of chopped horse sorrel roots with 1 cup of boiling water, heat under the lid for 30 minutes, leave for 15 minutes, strain. Take 0.3 cup 2-3 times a day 30 minutes before meals.


Collection 1. Pour 10 g of horse sorrel roots with 1 cup of boiling water and boil. Pour 40 g of alder seedlings with 1 cup of boiling water, insist. Mix infusion and decoction and use for inhalation or rinsing.

Functional diarrhea (diarrhea)

Collection 1. Horse sorrel root - 1 part, snake mountaineer rhizome - 1 part. 2 teaspoons of the mixture are poured overnight in a thermos with 1 cup of boiling water. Filter. Take 1/3 - 1/4 cup 3-4 times a day before meals.


Sorrel preparations are contraindicated in kidney disease and pregnancy.


The use of a large amount of sorrel causes poisoning, which is associated with the content of a large amount of calcium oxalate in it. The best remedy treatment for horse sorrel poisoning is milk with the addition of chalk. .

Horse sorrel is medicinal plant, which folk doctors it is recommended to keep home first aid kit. This natural remedy will help you cure many diseases, while it can be used not only as an auxiliary, but in some cases as the main drug.

Treatment with horse sorrel has been practiced since the Middle Ages.

Plant characteristic

Horse sorrel is a herbaceous perennial from the buckwheat family. Its height can reach 1.5 m. The plant has a large root growing in depth and a branched multi-headed rhizome. Its stem is erect, in most cases solitary, the main part of the stem is bare and only the apex is branched.

Horse sorrel has large leaves, and the lower ones will be long-petiolate and heart-shaped, and the upper ones will be ovate-lanceolate on short petioles. During the flowering period, the plant is covered with small flowers, painted in a pale green hue. The flowers form thin, rather long inflorescences, the shape of which resembles a dense panicle.

The period of full ripening falls on the first half of summer. Fruits are tied on the plant, which outwardly look like a trihedral nut, they are painted in a light brown color. Reproduction occurs vegetatively or by seeds.
You can find horse sorrel on the territory of any of the countries of the former CIS. It prefers open meadows, vegetable gardens, clearings, as well as areas along lakes, rivers and wet ditches.

Application in traditional medicine

The healing properties of horse sorrel deserve special attention, and they are due to the richest composition of all parts of this plant. Both roots and succulent leaves are simply crammed with the most valuable substances, including flavonoids and tannins, organic and caffeic acids, as well as calcium oxalate, rutin, carotene and ascorbic acid.

Thanks to these components, on the basis of horse sorrel, it is possible to prepare remedies that will help cure inflammatory diseases, bacterial lesions and relieve spasms. This plant will normalize blood pressure and lower the concentration of cholesterol.

If you are tormented by insomnia, irritability is observed, or stress often occurs in your life, then here horse sorrel will come to your aid. It will show a mild sedative effect, calm the nerves, relieve tension and help you fall asleep.

On a note! If you wish to use horse sorrel in medicinal purposes, then remember that its collection must be carried out in April or May. The roots are dug up only after the upper part of the plant has completely died off.

Preparation of medicinal preparations

In folk medicine, horse sorrel is used to prepare various decoctions and infusions, which are used both internally and externally. We suggest you consider the recipes of some of them.

  1. Diseases digestive organs. For the base, a dry rhizome of the plant is used, which must be taken no more than 5 g. Raw materials are poured hot boiled water and sent to languish in a water bath. After about 30 minutes, the decoction is removed, filtered and allowed to cool. Before use, the remedy is diluted with a small amount of water and drunk 1/3 of a glass before meals three times a day.
  2. Diarrhea. With diarrhea, the astringent properties of horse sorrel become relevant.

    Important! To stop diarrhea, plant preparations must be used in small quantities! An overdose will result in back effect!!!

    Here again we will use the root of the plant. Pour a teaspoon of raw materials with 5 glasses of water, bring to a boil, boil over medium heat for 4-5 minutes and cool at room temperature. Filter the broth and drink twice a day for 1/3 of a glass.
  3. Constipation. As mentioned above, constipation can be eliminated with a concentrated remedy. To prepare it, pour 2 tablespoons of roots into 200 ml of hot water, boil for about 30 minutes and remove the heat. After 10 minutes, filter the broth and squeeze. Drink 1/3 of a glass half an hour before meals three times a day. laxative effect can show one more means. Dry roots in the amount of 7 tablespoons pour 5 glasses of water. Bring the mixture to a boil, boil for 15 minutes, insist, filter. Take a tablespoon every 3 hours until relaxed.
  4. Rheumatism. Horse sorrel roots - 20 g, pour 10 ml of vodka or alcohol and transfer to a shaded place. Leave for 10 days. After the specified time, strain the drug and drink 20 drops daily before meals.
  5. Allergy. Pour 2 tablespoons of chopped fresh leaves with a glass of water and put on fire. Boil everything for 5 minutes, strain and leave for 1 hour. Take half a glass 4 times a day for a quarter of an hour before meals.
  6. Skin diseases - boils, acne, sores. To treat these ailments, you can use freshly squeezed juice from horse sorrel leaves, or simply apply mashed young leaves to the affected areas. In some cases, prepare medical paste: gruel from the leaves is combined with sour milk or cream.

On a note! Horse sorrel has found its place even in traditional medicine! There are a number of preparations in which it is included in the form of a powder.


But whatever big list horse sorrel did not possess medicinal properties, its preparations also have contraindications. These include:

  • impaired renal function;
  • period of pregnancy.

In addition, children should be given remedies based on this plant in a low dosage.

All materials on the site are presented for informational purposes only. Before using any means, consultation with a doctor is MANDATORY!

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