Axillary hydradenitis treatment. Hydradenitis under the arm: causes, symptoms, treatment. Self-treatment for purulent diseases is unacceptable

Hidradenitis under the arm (code L73.2) - inflammation in the channels of apocrine sweat centers, which looks like an abscess. The main signs are acute inflammation and growth with pus in the armpit. The disease can spread to one of the zones - in the groin, inframammary folds. The disease most often affects women aged 15-60 years. Children and elderly people do not get sick because of the inertia of the apocrine centers.

Clinical picture

Hydradenitis under the arm (code L73.2 according to International classification diseases) is symptomatic and the nature of the course is similar to furunculosis manifestations (when clogged sebaceous gland). The provocateur of inflammation is an infection. In the area of ​​its entry into the apocrine center, one or more painful clogged infiltrates are formed. The main difference between hidradenitis and furunculosis is the absence of necrotic rods.

Development purulent inflammation occurs when sweat ducts in the adipose tissue become blocked subcutaneous tissue. This may be due to exacerbations of the underlying disease. A clogged sweat gland can form without the impact of internal pathologies.

There are several degrees of severity of hidradenitis, which occurs with different intensity in terms of symptoms. Superficial forms are characterized by hyperemia and swelling of the skin, a sharp deterioration in the patient's condition with a temperature jump up to 40 ° C. Dangerous are phlegmons of an odontogenic nature, which form on the neck, and foci caused by caries of tooth enamel.

Localization of hidradenitis under the armpits is one-sided, but an abscess can also appear on both sides. Often the disease is localized in the groin, on the neck or under the breast. Average duration disease with adequate treatment - 14 days. But with weak immunity, a relapse is possible.

The reasons

Hidradenitis under the arm (ICD code L73.2) is a subspecies of pyoderma - skin disease with severe purulent inflammation that arose against the background of infection of the epithelium with pyogenic cocci. This category includes inguinal, inframammary, cervical hydradenitis.

Apocrine glands suffer as a result of infection with staphylococcal bacteria. Microbes can clog all sweat centers in problem area and penetrate into the deep layers of the skin through microcracks, hair follicles or through the lymphatic system from other internal organs.

A team of StarLik professionals (single medical portal created by international standards evidence-based medicine on diagnosis and treatment) clarified the main provocateurs of inflammation of the sebaceous glands.

The main reason why hydradenitis occurs is a constantly humid environment caused by profuse sweating. Biological fluids are an ideal breeding ground for any viral, fungal, bacterial infection. As it develops, the sweat centers become clogged. This leads to the fact that the clogged gland is not able to release fluid in full, so inflammation occurs.

Main risk factors:

  • weakened immune system;
  • hormonal changes or failure in the body;
  • diseases endocrine system;
  • itchy dermatoses on the skin;
  • dystrophic disorders in sweat glands Oh;
  • obesity:
  • streptoderma of the skin;
  • diseases that provoke disruption of the central and autonomic nervous system;
  • malnutrition or illiterate diets for weight loss;
  • regular fasting;
  • exposure;
  • long-term use hormonal drugs and immunosuppressants.

The clinical picture is exacerbated by pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract associated with digestive dysfunction and malabsorption of nutrients. Also, the causes of hydradenitis lie in the inaccurate removal of the hairline, which causes microcracks and injuries on the skin. Dust, bacteria penetrate into apocrine centers, seal them. As a result, the clogged centers are irritated, which leads to inflammation. Not the last role in the provocation of purulent inflammation is played by non-compliance elementary rules personal hygiene.


Inflammation of the sweat glands is characterized by the gradual development of symptoms:

  • At the first stage, a small, pea-sized, painful nodule is formed - this is the main sign of the onset of inflammation.
  • On the second day, the formation increases to 20 mm in diameter, acquiring a purple-red hue.
  • Gradually, new nodules form around the main focus of inflammation. They quickly merge, forming a conglomerate.
  • With an increase in infiltration, swelling in the axillary zone increases with the transformation of the nodule into a large blue-purple growth filled with pus. Nearby, growing tubercles increase along with the main focus. At the same time, even a small gesture of the hand causes severe pain.

The main symptoms of hydradenitis:

  • growing bump in armpit, which gradually fills with pus and begins to hurt badly;
  • swelling, swelling and redness of the skin around the focus of inflammation;
  • a jump in temperature reaching 38-40 ° C, when the nodes are very inflamed;
  • itching around the problem area;
  • frequent discomfort and constant pain in the damaged area.


Due to the lack of treatment, the infection spreads through the blood.

The consequence is the spread of infection into the blood when the hair follicle or sweat canal is clogged, in the absence of adequate treatment due to the proximity to the focus of inflammation in the armpits of large blood vessels. Purulent hidradenitis (code L73.2) of a recurrent form may develop, which requires long-term treatment and may move to nearby tissues and sweat centers.

Main adverse factors that increase the risk of consequences:

  • inadequate therapy;
  • untimely treatment;
  • neglect of personal hygiene, especially in the armpit area;
  • the presence of background diseases that adversely affect immunity.

If not cured and run axillary inflammatory disease, such complications arise:

  1. Inflammation is gradually localized in other parts of the body, spreading to the groin, under the chest, occurs on the labia and other parts of the body.
  2. Extensive soft tissue abscesses.
  3. The formation of putrefactive phlegmon.
  4. The development of lymphadenitis in a chronic form.
  5. Sepsis when provoking pathological processes in the main vascular bed and the spread of infection into the blood.
The main cause of the disease during pregnancy is hormonal changes in the body.

The main cause of the onset of the disease during pregnancy is hormonal changes in female body. At the same time, the endocrine system is being rebuilt. Such changes are fraught with the development of skin dysbacteriosis, which will provoke the progression of hidradenitis. The mother's body becomes susceptible to different kind infections. As a result, the existing chronic process or provoke the emergence of new pathologies. This state of immunity does not contribute to adequate protection against exposure to pathogens.

If a pregnant woman notices that the armpit has become inflamed, small pathological nodules (even non-painful ones) have appeared, you should immediately consult a doctor. You can’t hesitate, because as the pathology develops, the risk of harming the child will increase.


Which doctor diagnoses the pathology of the sweat centers? Diagnosis of hydradenitis is carried out by visual inspection dermatologist based on specificity appearance pathology. Used to confirm the diagnosis laboratory methods. Additionally assigned:

  • general blood tests, the results of which indicate purulent inflammation by an increase in the level of leukocytes and a decrease in erythrocytes;
  • specific tests with the collection of pus from the focus of inflammation to determine the pathogen and its resistance to antibiotics, which is especially necessary for the treatment of recurrent hidradenitis;
  • differential diagnosis in order to exclude such pathologies as lymphadenitis, lymphoma, lymphogranulomatosis, furunculosis, tuberculosis.


Which doctor should I contact to treat hydradenitis? Problems with the skin and sweat centers are dealt with by a dermatologist and a surgeon. It is possible to cure pathology using the following methods:

  • a conservative approach based on taking medications, treatment with folk remedies, physiotherapy;
  • a radical approach in the elimination of severe or complicated forms of pathology.

Hidradenitis is not able to go away on its own, so medical intervention is necessary. It is forbidden to squeeze pus out of the knots yourself. This will allow the infection to spread and cause severe complications. First aid for detecting inflammation of the armpits, which is provided at home:

  1. Needs to be carefully removed hairline from neighboring places.
  2. Do not allow moisture to enter, so taking a bath is excluded. It is better to take a shower after sealing trouble spot adhesive plaster.
  3. Warm the knots with a warm towel every hour.
  4. Warm up the foci of inflammation with a blue lamp for 5 minutes. 3 rubles / day
  5. In summer, solar heating is allowed for 30 minutes. 2 rubles / day
  6. Wipe the nodules and the skin around camphor alcohol several times a day.

These measures and correct handling painful depressions accelerate the healing and will not allow the infection with pus to pass deep into the body. Hidradenitis is not contagious, but an infection can be transmitted, which comes out with purulent contents when the lump has broken through. That is, the patient's clothes and personal hygiene items (towels, napkins) will be contagious.


Treatment of hidradenitis with drugs is based on taking:

  1. Antibiotics:
    1. "Erythromycin";
    2. macrolides - to block the synthesis of pathogenic protein and inhibition of microbes;
    3. "Tetracycline".
  2. Glucocorticosteroids, such as "Triamcinolone" - to fight against inflammation and possible allergies.
  3. Antipyretic drugs - "Paracetamol".
    Spicy inflammatory process treated with the following:
    1. injection of Triamcinolone mixed with Lidocaine into the painful node;
    2. the introduction of "Triamcinolone" into the abscess, after which the hydradenitis is opened and drained to prevent relapse.

Treatment of hydradenitis in a protracted form is performed:

  • "Erythromycin", "Tetracycline", "Minocycline";
  • "Prednisone" with a particularly severe course.
    Ichthyol cream and Levomekol lubrication are widely used to relieve local symptoms.
    Treatment of hidradenitis in the first stages is performed by Isotretinoin.

  • At the first stage The lymph nodes increase slightly, discomfort in the armpit does not bring pain.
  • Inflammation and redness of the node indicates a transition to a serous form: the flesh becomes hot, swollen, it hurts to touch it, the node increases in size, while general state health does not get worse.
  • If you ignore this stage of lymphadenitis, it turns into purulent form. The lymph nodes begin to fester, the body temperature rises, a breakthrough of pus at the site of inflammation through the fistula is possible.
  • Lymphadenitis mainly occurs against the background of infectious diseases: influenza, measles. Therefore, the patient should pay attention to the swelling of the armpit during the treatment of other diseases.

Symptoms of another cause of armpit inflammation, hidradenitis, include:

  • itching and swelling in the armpit
  • gradual increase in pain
  • formation of a seal ranging in size from a few millimeters to 2 cm
  • simultaneous compaction and intensity of pain
  • if several glands are involved in the process, then the foci of inflammation merge into one dense lump

Against the background of flowing hidradenitis, the patient has an increase in body temperature up to 38.5 °, signs of intoxication, weakness. The skin at the site of inflammation becomes cyanotic or purple-red. After 10-15 days, the abscess with an admixture of blood breaks out.

Signs of hidradenitis are similar to a boil. The difference between a boil: the disease begins with a rash in the armpit, redness of the skin and the formation of one purulent rod. With atheroma, a painful dense ball is felt in the armpit, the skin turns red only if an infection is attached.

Due to the abundance of similar symptoms, it is necessary to diagnose the cause of inflammation in the armpit with a qualified dermatologist or therapist.

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Treatment Methods

If the cause of the inflammation is an allergy to cosmetics, then specific treatment not required. Usually it is enough to change the antiperspirant or gel to a hypoallergenic analogue and the inflammation goes away on its own.

You can get rid of irritation after shaving with baby powder or talcum powder. Prevent inflammation of the bath with decoctions medicinal plants with a natural anti-inflammatory effect: chamomile, string, calendula, coltsfoot, aloe.

In the case of inflammation in the armpit, caused by an infectious disease, the treatment will be much more serious.

Hidradenitis, detected at the initial stage, is usually amenable to conservative therapy:

  • Use (most often these are drugs based on amoxicillin, ampicillin or erythromycin)
  • Taking painkillers (Nimesulide, Ketorol)
  • Treatment of the focus of inflammation with tetracycline ointment, Levomekol, Neomycin, boric alcohol, salicylic acid

Usually, the treatment of axillary hidradenitis takes about 14 days. If it does not bring results, the abscess is opened by surgeons. It is strictly forbidden to open the inflammation on your own: negligence and lack of disinfection can provoke blood poisoning.

After removing the abscess, the armpit wound is cleaned of pus and a bandage with an antiseptic (chlorhexidine) is applied. During the treatment period, the patient is advised to adhere to the restriction of spicy and smoked foods, as well as alcohol.

Treatment of axillary lymphadenitis depends on the stage at which the disease is detected. Inflammation of the lymph nodes without purulent contents can be cured conservative way. First of all, it is necessary to eliminate the primary source of infection, since the lymph nodes become inflamed against the background of infectious diseases.

If lymphadenitis has already passed into purulent stage, then the inflamed node of the armpit will have to be opened: abscesses, abscesses must be cleared of the contents. Be sure to prescribe broad-spectrum antibiotics and ointments for local use(Tibonic or Tubazidovaya), compresses with streptomycin.

Treatment of armpit inflammation should be entrusted to a doctor: self-medication in case of serious forms of diseases will inevitably lead to surgical intervention.

Hydradenitis under the arm develops as a result of inflammation of the apocrine sweat glands. Small seals filled with pus appear. The patient feels a mass unpleasant symptoms. The condition is dangerous to human health.

Against the background of increased sweating, there is a risk of joining a bacterial, viral and fungal infection. Moisture presents favorable environment for their growth and development. As pathogens multiply, the sweat ducts become blocked. Sweat does not fully begin to stand out, and foci of inflammation appear.

It provokes inflammation and irritation of the infection. The disease proceeds with symptoms characteristic of furunculosis. A furuncle differs from hidradenitis by the presence of a necrotic rod (hair). Pathogenic microorganisms penetrate into the apocrine centers, clog them, and a purulent lump is formed. Pathological processes occurring in the internal organs can also provoke the disease.

The disease is also called the bitch udder in another way, since abscesses are similar to the mammary glands of a dog.

There are several forms of manifestation of the disease. The most common surface form, which is characterized by swelling and inflammation of the affected area of ​​the skin. The body temperature rises sharply to 39 - 40 degrees. Hidradenitis can appear both on one side and affect both armpits.

Even with proper treatment the disease lasts up to two weeks. High chance of relapse.

Provoking factors

The causes of hydradenitis under the arm are most often coccal groups of bacteria or Staphylococcus aureus. Microbes penetrate into deep skin through hair follicles, abrasions and cracks on the surface of the skin, and can penetrate into the apocrine glands through the organs lymphatic system from affected neighboring internal organs.

Hidradenitis under the arm occurs due to infection. Sometimes the body is able to overcome the invasion of microorganisms on its own. But there are factors that contribute to the development of the disease:

  1. Decreased immunity. Immune suppression occurs with strong physical activity, frequent colds, poisoning, sleep disturbances, poor nutrition, stress.
  2. Hormonal changes in the body. Most often, these periods are associated with hormonal surges in adolescence, during pregnancy, menopause, with inflammatory processes occurring in the genitals.
  3. Violations in the work of the endocrine system. Diseases associated with thyroid gland, increased blood sugar, pathologies of the adrenal glands or pituitary gland.
  4. Related chronic diseases Key words: tuberculosis, hepatitis, HIV, helminthiases.
  5. Increased sweat production unrelated to physical work, stress, heat and other external factors. Apocrine glands actively produce sweat even in a calm state.
  6. Skin diseases such as dermatitis.
  7. Excess body weight.
  8. Allergic reactions can cause inflammation in the skin. With allergies, the active production of histamine begins. Interacting with skin cells, swelling, itching, burning are caused.
  9. Pathological processes occurring in the central and autonomic nervous system.
  10. Taking certain medications (immunosuppressants, antibiotics, hormonal drugs).
  11. Improper nutrition (vegetarianism, starvation), the presence of bad habits.

Failure to comply with elementary hygiene rules, wearing synthetic underwear, frequent use antiperspirants that clog sweat glands.

Signs that help recognize the disease

Three main forms of the course of the disease can be distinguished.

  1. The acute purulent period is accompanied by blockage of the sebaceous and apocrine glands. A person may feel weakness, pain in the armpits, the temperature may rise to 38 ° C.
  2. With the appearance of abrasions and cracks in the armpit, for example, after shaving, an infection may join. The nodal shape begins to form.
  3. In the absence of proper treatment, chronic stage. The area of ​​purulent inflammation increases, there is a threat to life due to the development of complications.

Axillary hydradenitis develops gradually. Each stage is characterized by a separate symptomatology:

  1. There is a small painful nodule in the armpit, redness. Itchy sensations may be present.
  2. The very next day, the size of the node can reach 2 cm, acquires a red-brown color. The pain bothers not only when moving the arm, but also in a calm state. Pain in the head, weakness, nausea may join.
  3. Next to the main bump, others are formed, which merge with each other, forming a large focus of inflammation.
  4. The edema intensifies, the color becomes cyanotic, pus is added inside. Pain occurs with any movement of the hand.

All stages are accompanied by an increase in body temperature, chills. In the affected area, there is a burning sensation, itching, pain and discomfort.

If you do not start treatment, the infection can enter the bloodstream. The occurrence of complications causes wrong treatment, absence therapeutic actions, Availability concomitant diseases, ignoring the rules of personal hygiene.

When the first signs appear, you need to contact a dermatologist. In addition to an external examination, you will need to donate blood (in the blood, when the diagnosis is confirmed, leukocytes increase and the level of erythrocytes decreases), the contents of the nodes are examined.

Therapeutic measures

Inflammation can be cured by conservative and surgical methods. Conservative means of struggle include taking medications, traditional medicine recipes, and physiotherapy.

Hydradenitis under the arm does not go away on its own, so you need to contact a specialist in a timely manner. You can not squeeze the knots yourself, as this contributes to the spread of infection.

  • it is impossible to wet the site of the appearance of the node, it is forbidden to visit baths and saunas, and when taking a shower, you should carefully seal the place with a band-aid;
  • you can not shave the affected area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin;
  • it is not recommended to wear tight clothing;
  • you can apply a towel heated with an iron every hour, you can warm it up in the sun;
  • it is recommended to wipe the affected area with camphor alcohol.

In the event of a breakthrough of the abscess, the liquid is a danger to other people. You can not put on the things of the patient and use the same towel.

How to treat hidradenitis, the surgeon and the dermatologist decide. The doctor may prescribe the following groups of medications:

  • antibacterial drugs of the tetracycline series (Doxycycline, Tetracycline), macrolides (Azithromycin, Erythromycin), cephalosporin series (Ceftriaxone), fluoroquinolones (Tsiprolet), penicillin series(Amoxiclav);
  • glucocorticoids, for example, Triamcinolone - drugs relieve inflammation and prevent the development of allergic reactions;
  • antipyretics, such as paracetamol.

Be sure to follow a diet for the entire period of treatment. Spicy, salty, smoked foods, alcohol, carbonated drinks, coffee, chocolate, pastries are strictly excluded. Preference should be given to fruits, vegetables, natural juices. All dishes are recommended to be steamed, without frying, or baked in the oven.

AT acute period doing injections. Medications injected into the inflamed node. Apply a solution of Triamcinolone with Lidocaine.

To relieve symptoms, ointments can be used: Levomekol or Ichthyol cream, Clindamycin, Levosin. As antiseptics can be used: iodine, bactericidal soap, boric alcohol, salicylic acid, chlorhexidine.

Physiotherapy courses are considered effective: photochemotherapy, quartz, magnetic laser therapy, electrophoresis.

Treatment of hydradenitis under the arm can be accompanied by folk methods, but only as additional therapy. From traditional medicine, recipes based on wheat flour and honey. Can be applied to problem areas cabbage leaves, broken leaves of plantain or lilac. All these herbal ingredients have anti-inflammatory and bactericidal actions. Inside, you can take infusions made on the basis of cornflowers, calendula, chamomile, nettle.

Spontaneous opening of the abscess occurs after 10-14 days. After this moment general well-being the patient is improving, the condition is stabilizing. After opening, a bleeding wound remains, which gradually shrinks and heals.

If spontaneous opening did not occur, surgical intervention. Initially provoke the maturation of the abscess. For this purpose, cakes are made from Ichthyol ointment. The medicine layer is covered with cotton wool. As a result of these actions, the body temperature in the affected area rises, the abscess matures, the doctor makes a deep incision to healthy tissues, the affected area is washed with an antiseptic, an antibiotic. The wound does not require suturing, it shrinks on its own after a few days.

It is easier to prevent a disease than to deal with the consequences. You need to shower daily, eat right, choose clothes made from natural fabrics, get rid of excess weight Use deodorants as little as possible. It is important to maintain immunity, which is facilitated by the intake of vitamins and hardening.

Also referred to among people as "bitch's udder" refers to inflammatory diseases sweat glands, which is suppurative in nature. Multiple factors can contribute to the emergence of the pathological process, including hereditary predisposition. To avoid possible complications recommended to be taken immediately remedial measures when the first signs of illness appear. Hydradenitis under the arm: treatment at home can be carried out with the help of medicines, folk remedies and diet therapy.

Hydradenitis is suppurative

Reasons for the appearance

The main culprits of the occurrence of the pathological process in the sweat glands are Staphylococcus aureus. Infectious microorganisms penetrate inside, as a result of which a slight inflammation first occurs, and then pus begins to form. The following factors influence the development of this process:

  • increased sweating;
  • cuts while shaving;
  • weakened immune system.

Some individuals have genetic predisposition to hydradenitis.

Characteristic symptoms

The suppurative process caused by staphylococci is most often localized in the armpits. On the first day in the affected area appears slight seal. In the following days, you can notice the growth of the lump, which takes the form of a nipple. In the affected area, the patient begins to experience very severe itching and then pain when trying to comb the affected area.

An increase in the affected area indicates the development of hydradenitis

With the further course of hidradenitis, the patient's feeling of pain begins to haunt regularly, and in some cases there is an increase in body temperature.

On average, a week later, a purulent node matures, which subsequently breaks through.

In the absence of timely treatment, "bitch udder" can cause the development of an abscess or even sepsis.

Methods of therapy

Traditional medicine involves the treatment of hidradenitis with antibiotic therapy and physiotherapy. Surgical method treatment is relevant for frequent relapses, but is used in rare cases.

Hidradenitis under the armpit treatment at home, which is possible with the help of folk methods, should not be ignored. Therefore, at the first of its symptoms, it is recommended to contact a dermatologist who will advise how to properly treat the disease at home.

It is important to immediately consult a doctor in order to start treatment on time.

Treatment at home

It is very important that a disease such as hydradenitis be treated comprehensively. At home, the patient must provide the following therapeutic measures:

  • taking antibiotics;
  • use of local funds;
  • dietary modification.

Comprehensive treatment will speed up the healing process, reduce the risk of relapses and the occurrence of complications.

Antibacterial therapy

Antibiotics will help stop the inflammatory process

Antibiotics play important role in the treatment of hydradenitis. They allow you to stop the inflammatory process and destroy pathogenic microorganisms. For this purpose, antibacterial drugs such as Dosycycline, Tetracycline, etc. can be prescribed. The duration of drug treatment can last from three days to a week, depending on the severity of the disease.

Local funds

Folk remedies are used in the form of heating pads and compresses.

In the treatment of disease without fail local antiseptic solutions in the form of iodine, brilliant green, boric, salicylic acid or iodine.

Accelerate the process of opening a purulent nipple, and reduce pain help local dry heat in the form of a heating pad, a salt bag or an ironed diaper.

AT folk medicine local remedies prepared according to the following recipes are popular:

  • In equal proportions, sour cream, cottage cheese and butter. The resulting mixture is applied to a gauze bandage and fixed with plasters in the affected area. The therapeutic bandage is changed daily, and applied until the purulent nipple breaks through.
  • Honey is also used to treat hidradenitis at home. The product of beekeeping has long been known for its miraculous properties. He is natural antibiotic, therefore, it is able to relieve inflammatory processes. To prepare a remedy, you will need a spoonful of melted honey and the same amount of flour. Carefully mixed ingredients are applied to the sore spot, and wrapped armpit cellophane. The next day, the bandage is removed, the armpit is washed, dried, and then the remedy is applied again. The procedures are carried out until complete recovery.
  • Two tablespoons laundry soap, which is pre-grated, combined with the same amount onion and half a glass of melted any interior fat. Lubricate the affected area daily with the resulting product.
  • In treatment " bitch udder» fresh aloe leaves help well. To do this, the leaves of the plant are crushed into gruel, put on gauze, and then fixed in the armpit.
  • You can replace aloe in the summer with plantain leaves. A thoroughly washed plant is crushed to a mushy state, after which it is applied according to the method described above. It is necessary to use such compresses before opening the abscess.
  • It helps well in the treatment of hydradenitis and honey. Two medicinal components that must first be melted to liquid state, are connected to equal parts and applied to sore spot with gauze or bandage. The product should only be applied to clean and dry skin.
  • As antiseptic use a decoction of chamomile and sage. One tablespoon of each herbal product is taken per glass of boiling water. As soon as the broth has cooled down, they can wipe the armpit several times a day.

diet therapy

A special diet must be followed for at least 3 months

Not the last role in the treatment of "bitch's udder" is played by diet therapy. Because frequent relapses are often associated with immunodeficiency, nutritional correction will improve protective functions body, and increase the body's resistance to pathogenic bacteria.

Therapeutic nutrition with frequent episodes of hidradenitis should be observed for at least three months.

All fried and fatty meals, as well as spicy, very spicy and salty food. During this period, you need to use as much as possible. fortified foods, which include vegetable oils, fish, dietary lean meat, dairy products, greens, fruits, vegetables and berries.

During the period of therapy, the patient must also refuse to use alcoholic beverages and confectionery. This category of products contributes to the slagging of the body, and does not allow absorption beneficial substances fully.


To prevent hydradenitis, you must adhere to the following preventive rules:

  • daily personal hygiene;
  • the use of powders for excessive hyperhidrosis;
  • regular shaving of the armpits;
  • proper nutrition and active image life.

In some cases, antiperspirants based on aluminum salts can cause hidradenitis. Such remedies are not only very harmful, but also clog pores, preventing the skin from breathing. Dermatologists recommend using deodorants based on the natural mineral alunite, which effectively protects against sweat and does not clog pores and sweat glands.

The disease requires mandatory treatment often surgical. At untimely appeal for medical help, hidradenitis can result in a number of complications.

Features of the disease

Apocrine glands are localized only in the armpit and perianal (near the anus) region of a person. These small tubular structures produce thick secret with sharp and bad smell, which is excreted directly into the follicles.

Such anatomical feature explains why ICD-10 classifies hidradenitis as a disease hair follicles, although the true inflammatory process occurs in the sweat ducts.


Calling armpit hydradenitis a bitch udder, people probably meant the external similarity of inflamed bumps to dog nipples.

The focus of suppuration can look different. If the structure of the affected tissues is not broken, then it resembles a fluctuating (moving) subcutaneous seal, red and hot to the touch. If hidradenitis has an open duct to the surface of the skin, pain and swelling are much less pronounced. With pressure on the inflamed area, pus is released from the stomata of the sweat glands.

Age dependence

Armpit hydradenitis occurs only during puberty and after, while the apocrine glands are actively working. By old age, their functionality fades away, so the elderly are practically not bothered by the disease.

sex addiction

It is noticed that in the armpit area it pursues mainly the fairer sex. Young girls are more susceptible to the disease puberty and postmenopausal women. Often, pathology develops in pregnant women and young mothers in the first month after childbirth.


Clinical medicine considers several variants of armpit hydradenitis:

  • Acute form with suppuration. It flows brightly and without appropriate medical care can result in many complications. Occurs against the background of insufficient hygiene of the armpits.
  • Chronic inflammation. Developing long time, with constant remissions and repeated exacerbations. The affected area gradually increases. Lack of treatment is dangerous for the development of sepsis.
  • Nodular hydradenitis. It occurs due to inaccurate shaving of the armpits. With untimely medical care, it threatens to develop into a purulent one.

Each of the stages axillary inflammation lasts from 10 to 14 days and ends with recovery or transition to a more complex phase.

Symptoms and stages

Hydradenitis can be both unilateral and bilateral. It begins with the formation of a small subcutaneous seal in the folds of the dermis. If several sweat glands are affected, a corresponding number of painful tubercles appear.

Further symptoms of armpit hydradenitis depend on the stage of the disease:

  1. While the infiltrate is forming, and it takes 7–10 days, the patient experiences general malaise, fatigue, lethargy, temperature may appear in the range of 37.2-37.8 ° C.
  2. On the acute stage the size of the inflamed node can reach 3-5 cm in diameter. The bump fills with pus, becomes purple-blue in color and causes severe pain. The temperature rises to 38-40 ° C, the tissues around the focus itch, stretch and shine glossy.
  3. At the peak of inflammation, the node acquires a conical shape. With absence qualified assistance the abscess can spontaneously open, forming a fistula.
  4. After a few days, the symptoms of hidradenitis subside, the bump becomes soft and pus begins to come out through the hole formed.

Process acute inflammation lasts an average of 2 weeks and ends with scarring. If relapses occur and the disease progresses to chronic form, the recovery period is delayed. At the same time, there are signs general intoxication body, cephalgic syndrome, hyperthermia.

The reasons

The causative agents of axillary hydradenitis are most often Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Streptococcus or Escherichia coli. Bacteria are introduced into the apocrine glands through the ducts or lymphogenous way.

Sometimes armpit hydradenitis occurs as hereditary disease, but more often develops under the influence of provoking factors:

  • increased sweating;
  • insufficient body hygiene;
  • hormonal surges;
  • armpit injury with a narrow sleeve, synthetic clothing, dull razor;
  • state of stress;
  • poor immunity;
  • work in hot climates;
  • endocrine disorders.

In pregnant women, armpit hydradenitis often occurs due to hormonal failure or weakened immunity. Then any cold or hypothermia can provoke inflammation and suppuration of the sweat glands.

Which doctor treats hydradenitis in the armpit

At the very beginning of the disease, when the symptoms of hidradenitis are not sufficiently pronounced, you should consult a dermatologist. If a conservative treatment does not help or the process is in the active stage of suppuration, it is better to consult a surgeon. Women who are expecting a baby should consult their gynecologist.

If any of these specialists is not in the local clinic, it is necessary to postpone the coupon to the local therapist.


Any form of armpit hydradenitis needs laboratory research, since external examination and palpation do not always allow to differentiate the bough udder and make a correct diagnosis.

Checking for inflammation of the sweat glands will help bacteriological examination. The analysis identifies the pathogen and determines which antibiotics it is most susceptible to.

Material for bacteriology is taken at the time of opening the abscess or from an already formed wound. Most often found in crops coli, proteus, streptococci or staphylococci.

In chronic hydradenitis of the armpits, the patient is prescribed an immunogram. The study shows at what level the immunity is and whether supportive therapy is required or not.


In any course of the disease, you should not open the abscess yourself. This will only worsen the development of hidradenitis and provoke the spread of infection to neighboring tissues and organs. Therefore, if there are inflamed bumps in the armpit, you should immediately consult a doctor for a treatment appointment.

Therapeutic methods

resort to therapeutic activities it is possible immediately after the diagnosis, which implies the isolation of hydradenitis from carbunculosis, lymphadenitis or furunculosis.

Such treatment is especially effective at the initial stage of the disease. It includes complete removal armpit hair and daily wiping the affected area with an alcohol solution.

There are others, no less effective ways fight against hydradenitis:

  • exposure to dry heat - applying a towel heated with an iron to sore spots. The procedure can be performed 3-4 times a day;
  • warming the armpit area with sunlight or an ultraviolet lamp.

Such procedures slow down the development of hydradenitis and accelerate the resorption of cones.


With multiple and large foci of inflammation, antibiotic treatment is prescribed. In case of detection Staphylococcus aureus as the causative agent of the disease, Monomycin or Amoxicillin is used. Lincomycin, Penicillin, Erythromycin, Azithromycin or Rifampicin are also prescribed.

To reduce suppuration, pure ichthyol is applied topically, the skin around the site of inflammation is wiped with tincture of calendula or salicylic alcohol.

As symptomatic treatment with armpit hydradenitis is prescribed vitamin complexes, with active progression of hidradenitis, anti-staphylococcal plasma, bacteriophage, immunoglobulin or toxoid are used. It is possible to introduce a protein blood substitute.

With the development of purulent hydradenitis of the armpits in a pregnant woman, the course antibacterial treatment applies despite probable harm for the fetus. Otherwise, the disease can cause severe side effects in a woman and lead to sepsis with subsequent death.


If hidradenitis under the arm goes into the phase of suppuration or there are signs of melting of the abscess, an operation is necessary. During the procedure, the surgeon removes the inflamed apocrine gland, cleans out the pus, and eliminates the fistula. Then he rinses the cavity with antiseptics, injects an antibiotic, puts a drain and partially sutures the wound.

With a large area of ​​the lesion, the doctor excises the inflamed tissue and transplants the removed skin area.

Folk methods

With hydradenitis of the armpits, it can help and Alternative medicine, but only on initial stages inflammation.

To eliminate the disease most often used:

  • cakes with flour and honey;
  • fresh leaves white cabbage or plantain;
  • dressings made of oatmeal with kefir or sour cream;
  • boiled onion;
  • a mixture of honey, egg yolks and white flour.

All of these funds should be used after consulting a doctor. With active suppuration and inflammation of the infiltrate from alternative treatment better to refuse.


Severe axillary hidradenitis causes quite serious consequences, for example:

  • deterioration of lymphatic drainage;
  • , scars and various tissue changes, leading to limited mobility of the hand;
  • repeated infections;
  • depression, social isolation.

In rare cases, armpit hydradenitis develops in squamous cell carcinoma skin. This prognosis is more typical for patients over 60 years of age.


The main way to avoid the appearance of a bough udder under the arm is to maintain hygiene and keep dry. skin folds. It is also necessary to maintain a balanced diet, avoid stress and hypothermia, increase immunity and temper the body.

Someone may need to reconsider the process of shaving underarms - replace the machine, use a special foam or gel, treat the skin with antiseptics after the procedure.

The prognosis of hidradenitis is most often favorable - with timely and competent therapy, recovery occurs in 7-15 days. With a late visit to a doctor or a weakened body, the disease can become chronic. But in this case, it is not difficult to achieve complete recovery. The main thing is not to give up and strictly follow the recommendations of the doctor.

Useful video about the treatment of hidradenitis under the arm

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